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It's not too late, A-chan!
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i love konan
>lick these armpits
Sakura's property.
which one of you chads made this video?
Hinata know A and in relations now in cloud village or huh ??????? Kishimoto...he did really not or ???
All his channel is based on anime girls armpits...
holy shit the entire channel is about wakinoshita
who is this based man? i...i must kneel
i kneel
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Do you agree with this? I do, but Hanabi should be higher up in tier.
not watching any shitty youtuber tier list faggotry, who honestly watches these?
Nope. NOPE.
>Nope. NOPE.
When I hold in my climax inside of Hanabussy
Even if its Naruto girls armpits tier list? You're weird.
i can form my own opinions, i dont need someone else to make an opinion for me.
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It's too late for you
Obito was the coolest guy, Tobirama was wrong about Uchihas.
Unconditional, but platonically
Sai looks like a corpse.
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for me it's konan feeties but I cant deny that's a nice pic
i hate HATE him so much he should've suffered a painful death and then go to ninja hell, why does he get to go to what looks like heaven when he was such a bastard? i mean he went and killed konan for no reason.
he killed a bunch of people and then mocked naruto about not being able to save them. fuck him i hate him so much
i never noticed until you freaks pointed it out, but kishimoto really draws a lot of feet, very detailed too in some cases
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Male shinobi should have gotten close toed shoes and female kunoichi open toed ones
He's an Paint man. Literally the meaning of his name
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i was always focusing on the women's arms and armpits
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Yup. The shitposter is here.
>another day
>another ctrl+f
nar toe is one of the greatest
seethe haterz
for me it's 'ruto'
>Yugito and Fu that low
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He looks much better with his jacket open and one sleeve shorter
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ino is such a pit slut, she is to blame for making me a pit chad
Both are vile but
Armpit > feet
sorry but nothing is lower than footfags, quite litrally actually
Did they forget about Sasuke?
armpits are only gross if they are hairy
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I always thought Ino was about the hair.
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for me it about her armpits and her tummy in shuppuden
Armpits are only gross/unsexy if you're a healthy mentally stable heterosexual male.
it depends. some women can really pull it off.
but I’m more focused on guys.
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I can definitely see the tummy aswell.

Worst day of my life! Especially because the trick she used it for was then beaten by looney tunes logic and they proceeded to have the worst fight in Naruto. Also I don't think you can actually grow your hair out that much in just 2 years...
if anything asses are way more disgusting, shit and farts come from there
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yeah thats what i said, she is a pit slut
>if anything asses are way more disgusting
If you're a faggot yeah.
it looked goofy but it was supposed to be sakura having a strong will or some shit, still the execution was terrible
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the nothing going on for them trio
you realize you dont have to like shit to be straight right? its enough to like women to be straight
at the very least tentne of all characters should've been swinging a huge sword or hammer in part 2 and she should've replaced sasuke as a member of team 7
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Even if it was executed better it would still suck when a jutsu with tons of drawbacks, such as being extremely risky, aswell as easy to avoid gets countered by "oh my strong will" after she had to physically alter her body to make a setup that actually allows her to pull it off.
I guess that's an issue with mind control techniques in general though.

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