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Dandadan has no NTR or cucking, Momo and Okarun's relationship is just standard shonen will-they-won't-they drama, like in countless other series. It's clear they'll end up together, as their dynamic is built on mutual support and growth, not cheap love triangles. The tension and misunderstandings are part of their journey, not a sign of some twisted plot. So can we drop the NTR accusations? It's simply a classic shonen romance, and that's all there is to it. Seriously, enough with this NTR obsession; everything nowadays gets labeled as NTR, and I genuinely believe most of you don't even know what it means anymore.
I just want angst fueled sex between the two leads. Nothing but pure passion and lust.
>Dandadan shill thread
I don't care I just hate the male mc because he looks like a bitch
It's obvious that the mangaka is just an art and fighting fag, it's clear from how the story so far is just threat appears, fight for 15 chapters, relax for 3 new threat appears, rense and repeat.
I bet he doesn't even care about the romance plot and he only added it because the editor wanted him to stretch things out.
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Is this supposed to be this show's MC? Holy fuck, what an ugly little shit.
A lot of people keep saying how good it is to me so on principle I can never watch or read it
Even if I'm possibly depriving myself of a thing I will enjoy.
someone post that panel where little cuck here runs into her sleeping with his BVLL Jiji

a damn shame Momo's slutty friends dont appear again after the first arc
he loses the glasses and gets a broccoli haircut like most youngsters these days frfr no cap
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That's the entire deal, he's supposed to look like a pathetic whiny little bitch faggot who grows to protect who he cares for.
The first thing we see of him was that nerd charicature in the op image, the mangaka puts actual effort in drawing him when he mans up like that time he jumped to save Momo's life(who's the actual MC) even though he still haven't figured out his curse yet.
>wimpy manlet needs to get paranormal powers to avoid being a genetic dead end
I dont like how this mangaka thinks...
If you want to feel better about it, the story is presented from Momo's(a woman) point of view, so you can say that he was always a man and she needed him to have powers and save her life to see him in a different light.
the ntr porn is going to be out of this world if the show blows up. Momo taking BBC with good art. give it to meee.
>if the show blows up.
Rape scene in the first episode/chapter so I doubt that.
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>will-they-won't-they drama
Read bitch, read
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Here's the thing. I'm not even engaging with any of that NTR mess. Just that from even a casual glance and listen, this motherfucker has an ugly ass design, annoying personality and nasally grating bitch voice. No offense to his actor, I know he's supposed to sound that way. That's the problem. A bad fucking idea in every way, as a main character you're supposed to root for. Annoying ugly loser nerd. Not a good look. No NTR shit needed to be off-putting.
i want the childhood friend to win for once
I can see where you are coming from and you gave valid outsider points however
>as a main character you're supposed to root for.
That's the thing anon, the girl is the actual protagonist she's the one we follow all the time and she's the one we saw first it's her story not his.
he read 100 romcoms for this manga, bro
honestly the manga is general is a romcom in a shonen setting
She’s also ugly you gynocentric pussies
uhh, yeah, totally!
*taking serpo/subterranean cock
ohnonono will they wont they sisters dont look!
name a single flaw
Retarded drama to waste time and stretch the story is still drama anon-kun.
He literally just ripped off the most popular rom com tropes
>The childhood friend comes back
>A space alien girl comes to earth and has a crush on the male lead
>High school alpha bitch is actually a sweetheart
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>That's the thing anon, the girl is the actual protagonist she's the one we follow all the time and she's the one we saw first it's her story not his.
That's fine but again, approaching it from that perspective means you have to put up with her falling for this annoying nerd. That has its own unappealing dynamic. There's a reason the concepts of Chad and GAR are a thing, good male characters appeal to men too in an inspirational sense (no homo) and to women for obvious reasons. Bad male characters drive away both, for equally obvious reasons. The author might have been going for a nerd that grows to be a better man over time, blah blah blah but he went the equivalent of "full retard" with this guy. Never do that.
Momo creampie gangbang.
>name a single flaw
She's not a hag with big tits.
This thread has reminded me of just how retarded this website really is.
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YOWZA!! S-So... let me get this straight...
You're telling me that SOMEONE ELSE is going to be the one to take Momo's virginity!? And not just ANYONE, but my COMPANION Jiji? And wait, Jiji, my dear FRIEND AND ALLY, will use PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED SPIRAL-STYLE MOTIONS to completely STIR UP Momo's pussy with his CANONICALLY LARGE, NICE penis!?!?!? Momo will be completely into it, due to Jiji being her CHILDHOOD FRIEND and FIRST LOVE INTEREST?! Even NARRATIVELY, it's in his favor!? His PEAK ATHLETIC body has the stamina and dexterity to go for HOURS!? He's been TRAINING 3 days for this? Huh? There's more!? The WARM, GLISTENING PUSSY JUICES from this act will cause Jiji to TRANSFORM into THE EVILEYE?! The GOD-LEVEL spirit, THAT Evileye!? In-line with the transformation, his BODY will grow to be PHYSICALLY OLDER, meaning that his DIETY-DICK will be even BIGGER? Woah, hold on, EVILEYE is even STRONGER than before? HIS INNATE DESIRE to DESTROY ALL HUMANS will be focused into MOMO'S MINGE?!?! And wait, her clam will NEVER BE THE SAME!? She'll have a CUNT CURSE afterwards?! All while i'm SEVERELY INCAPACITATED after forcefully having my LAST REMAINING TESTICLE, PULLED FROM MY SACK? YET, through a MIRACLE, I can astral project my being into seeing this act in REAL TIME, all while neither of them can notice or PERCIEVE me?!?! Wait, really? This is all happening while INVADERS: FROM OUTER SPACE are coming to EVISICERATE everything I know and love?!? THE LAST LINE OF DEFENSE: MOMO AND JIJI, are doing THIS instead of TRAINING?! ALIENS, UNKNOWN TO ALIENS WE'VE MET, can come, see Momo's potential, and ALSO KEK ME? Possibly, if i'm IN LUCK, I can even get cucked on an ASTRAL level?! NEW DESIRES BORN from seeing her VISAGE, and those NEW DESIRES CASHED IN!? There's one last thing!? One final nail in the UNDOING of my very being!?
Just admit you like cuckshit and stop coping.
The op, the posts or both?
>>High school alpha bitch is actually a sweetheart
Aira is a bully high maintenance bitch, not a sweetheart. She's just acts like one to keep her image.
The posts
I got bored because the art is the only good thing it has going for it, love triangle here and there with fabricated drama it's just drags oooooooooooon so much, the characters are not interesting at all and the bad guys are just lame as fuck and you never feel like there's an actual threat going on.
>It's clear they'll end up together
You're still living in the past old man, MHA thought us that such ending is no longer possible, I'm betting that they'll become platonic asexual friends in the inescapable coming time skip.
best sex of her life btw
the sure know how to stimulate each other
most already know about it. I doubt it would be that much.
>he read 100 romcoms
>when you only need to read one
>hot girl lands a provider
>immediately turns fat and ugly
is she latina
>he loses the glasses
Why are you lying?
yeah she's ntr bait and rape bait. Blame the author for liking jk's. Hope he does the same with the momo chick.
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>shitty romance with 0 plot progression disguised as a shounenslop
I pass.
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As an animeonly I just want to fuck her grandma
>I pass.
Nope. You will never pass. You will never be a real woman.
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>no NTR or cucking
>no love triangles
yikes, that's a pass from me then

One of the things throughout the series is the protagonist slowly becoming more of a Chad.

Along with slightly improved fashion, he just realized that, even newly-powerless, all his adventures have made him super athletic and fit.
He's entering the powerless but still Chad arc now
She looks like an adult.
Dr. Stone is Dandadan Man?
That's pretty cool but how is he going to fight monsters, though?
Not everyone has demon powers, there is alien technology and magical items also I think the grandma just uses a bat with few basic repelling spells because her soul power isn't as strong as momo, so he has options.
>Dr. Stone is Dandadan Man?
Always was.
he only got a nice body because of his supernatural powers, same message manlets are hopeless. fuck this author
did you even go to HS?
>he only got a nice body because of his supernatural powers
it's because he trained on the side
Pretty sure he had a training arc with the cat and it's stated that his previous power was like an extra skelton so I think it's more believable, it's like getting a supernatural roller skates and using them to fight demons and if you lost them the changes that happened to your body won't magically disappear.
The opening song for this seems like it'll be better for an outro song, specifically considering it's mainly a battle story.
that's what I mean, with her powers gone so will be his gains (eventually).
it's like using steroids
>it's because he trained on the side
lol. lmao even
Did people complain about senku being wimpy looking? He has a whole gimmick about being actually weak af
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shut the fuck up you gaslighting fucking cuck. clear black on white NTR and this isn't the only one. fuck you
>doesn't go anywhere other than cliffhanger bait
>nerd still gets the girl
a damn shame the anime wont cover this or introduce Kinta "the joy of pegasus" Sakata
we'll get Aria ryona atleast
>doesn't go anywhere
two more volumes...
Hey I can do that too!

He just needs a new fit and less dorky glasses.
yeah, keep coping for that
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It's over for comfy DDD threads.
>dadadan shill thread
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It was doomed from the very begining. At least this newfound popularity will atract some artist and more art of seiko will be created, which is something
Classic, people post momo with another dude, but not okarun with another girl
So you guys only decide to not care when the guy is doing the ntr huh?
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This was hotter than it had any right to be considering the characters.
>shilling is anime this hard
This is gonna be the next CSM
Most of the NTR art will be drawn by women. Jiji has the haircut and slightly feminine appearance that draws women to K-pop boy bands. His possessed form is also insane and mostly naked, and women love crazy men because they fantasize about being the special one that will be spared and protected.
When the ship inevitably sinks, they will seethe on xitter (with some help from the cucks).
Except he was lifting and working out and that's how he got swole. He made it bruh
I'm already seeing jjk fans migrating to dandadan and people starting anime wars...
dandadan was the only media I liked so much that wanted to talk with strangers about it. and I had a great time in the mondadadays talking about the new chapters(it had some ntr fags but whatever) but from what I can see, now the new chapters threads will be full of retards it has been a good run guys, now i'll be back to only watching the show and not interacting with the fandom
So any idea who that crazy chick from the last chapter was?
CSG stalker or goon.
It's a tale as old as time.
literally me fr fr
saw some people saying she was the acrosilky kid but I don't think so. when acrosilk finally gone to heaven thanks to aira hug and calling her mama, we see a shot of her and her daughter holding hands.
from what I can see, her and her kid went to heaven together like zuma family shot of them saying goodbye to zuma.

now who that girls is we don't know. I think she is part of some cult shit in the school and her name is also momo and she likes to talk in third person, she isn't going after momo but the little gnome
sounds liek gay trash. an ugly duck will remain an ugly duck
And a hairstyle that doesn't look like Nobita from Doraemon.
I fucked your mom
x files ripoff but set in high school and MC is ugly unlike david duchovny so nips can self insert
you know what I would like to see in dandadan? different families of mediuns. like rivals of seiko, and that them dislike the ideia of okarun and aira havin yokai powers and wnat to exorcise them and the whole is a battle between mediuns and diferent types of mediuns with diferent god powers
This plus the group has to fight like some area 51 group that's investigating the aliens too
Wait a second I think I've seen this before, but I can't put my finger on it, ohhhhhhhh welllll here's a picture of a based cat.
my wife
that would be fucking awsome. I'm reading tsuyoshi *SPOILERS* and the USA is getting into the china japan torunament with military force all badass and they can't do shit against it. I can imagine the fucking army stealling okarun or evil eye because they can be used as a weapon and the gang has to rescue them from area 51.
I've never seen Dandadan, but even I can see that this is the usual "new girl has the hots for the MC to make the FeMC jealous" while these>>271657133
>>271653392 are actually putting her relashionship with the MC in doubt.
I don't know if it's actual NTR, but its obviously different.
>One of the things throughout the series is the protagonist slowly becoming more of a Chad.
Lolno. He's still a weak and meek faggot and my biggest issue with the story.
A lot of you would be a lot happier if you stopped projecting your cuck fantasies and just submitted to being humiliated by a woman. Seriously.
>/a/ hates self inserter main character and want him to be gone for the heroine to be the only one on the spotlight
I'm proud of you guys, you grow up so fast.
I really hope dandadan attracts the sperg population every big Shonen seems to get
>sperg population
asperger population?
why would you want that
>dandadantrannies will defend this to the death
>not care when the guy is doing the ntr
correct. foids are not sentient so their perspective doesn't matter. moreover, I don't care for the foid's perspective at all.
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>tfw my favourite ongoing will also become a schizo magnet once anime gets announced
What a hypocrite. Momo is the actual MC, while Okarun is the love interest.
Seriously, what is it with manga and their reluctance to make their male protagonists attractive? They also tend to push white knighting and tradcuck male gender roles onto them.
Exactly that. I kinda like sometimes reading their autism post of how absurd it is. but in the end just ignore and read the real posts talkinb about the new chapter
I predict that at least a tenth of them will be put off by the serpo rape scene
it'll never be the same, but at least the last one was megacomfy
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At least you had comfy threads
More like cuckcucuck
His Deku mask will make him look coller
zero chemistry
Thee only place where you'll consistently find attractive male characters is either manga designed for fujotrannies or josei/shojo.
And even then, the definition of "attractive" they use is what's considered attractive for their female demographics.
So you'll almost never see a handsome MC who actually has facial hair, rugged features and proper muscles and strength.
What you'll get 99.9999999% of the time is boy band twinks wtih faggoty long hairstyles, faggoty accessories (like earrings and shit) and fingers longer than nocturnal lemurs.
Go read seinen; these protags are teenagers
Quick Okarun, he hasn't tainted the alien girl or Aira yet, remember anons she isn't a virgin if she ever liked another guy before you
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>the seethe from anime-onlys when jiji appears after seeing what it's done to threads
the meme is stale already, give it a rest
Tatsu was given a 100 shoujo magazines to read before dandadan, this is a shoujo manga
Okarun being a cool nerd is the fantasy for the girls not you autistic self inserting retards who are sperging out about okarun
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/dbs/ are such humor-tryhards and the result isn't even half decent.
You fucking bitchmade lameassses are tortuously unfunny. Shut the fuck up.
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>Okarun being a cool nerd is the fantasy for the girls
You can't be this delusional. THIS >>271652787 is not any girl's fantasy.
Just call him "corny" next time and spare yourself and everyone the effort.
It's kind of strange that people don't seem to realize that Momo is the main character, not Okarun. He's the male lead and the second most important character but he's still mainly a support character for Momo that bail her out of tough spots with his power or knowledge ever so often so he can look badass to please the shonen self inserter audience.
>Okarun [...] is the fantasy for the girls
Honestly what the FUCK was this bitch's problem with Junpei
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You have no idea how an actual action story with shoujo elements feels
Moeshitter gets BTFO by scholars' IMPECCABLE and SOPHISTICATED humor.
>b... but
Don't even try replying, pup.
She has such an ugly laugh in the anime and I love it.
My fucking HERO Jiren always wins
Why is Japan forcing the lamest characters as their protags? And the loser getting the girl is so fucking cliche and overdone at this point, this isn't even funny or exciting anymore. I just don't get why they CHOOSE to have such garbage looking MCs.
This is the fat guy that ERPs in /dbs/ btw
Momo has had multiple boyfriends before Okarun, she is a slut
>The WARM, GLISTENING PUSSY JUICES from this act will cause Jiji to TRANSFORM into THE EVILEYE?! The GOD-LEVEL spirit, THAT Evileye!? In-line with the transformation, his BODY will grow to be PHYSICALLY OLDER, meaning that his DIETY-DICK will be even BIGGER? Woah, hold on, EVILEYE is even STRONGER than before? HIS INNATE DESIRE to DESTROY ALL HUMANS will be focused into MOMO'S MINGE?!?! And wait, her clam will NEVER BE THE SAME!?

Is it bad that I got aroused from this?
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He'll be my most favorite current mc if he actually said that.
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Correct on all accounts, but I'm afraid it's useless, OP. You can't argue with hentai brainrot, that's why they call it rot.
If Jiji was a real ntrchad he wouldn't be wearing these lame whitey tightys, but boxers briefs, Momos immaculate folds are safe from big childhood friend cock for now Okarun
Bitch there was no comfy threads, we always had NTR fucking posting even before the anime
Momo is so fucking cute and funny and sexy. Does she have any competition for waifubait of the season?
Some, and it got worse with time but it was still fine if people weren't stupid enough to take the bait. Now the real shonentard invasion will begin tomorrow. RIP in peace comfy mondadans.
I'm scared to catch up to Dandadan. Will it fall off like every modern shonen?
Zoomers need to relate
>Some, and it got worse with time but it was still fine if people weren't stupid enough to take the bait.
Blame the author, always adding new guys for the FMC to obsess over every fucking time to spice drama instead of adding new interesting plot.
I stopped reading when the 2nd bull came and the bitch start obsessing over him immediately, it's all so tiresome.
I get that Okarun is a nice guy, but it's just hard to accept a hot girl like Ayase would prefer him over a tall good looking athletic chad like Jiji. That was a bit much. Especially since Jiji is also a nice guy and has more personality.
/a/nons who hate DDD are just mad because it made fun of them with that fat pervy mecha nerd.
don't want to jinx it, but it has not even come close to falling off, every chapter is a treat because Tatsu just wants to tell a fun story and not wedge some 2deep4u shit like every other modern shounen
The latest couple issues were fun not amazing or anything but they got few good laughs out of me.
>2deep4u shit like every other modern shonen
Which modern shonen is doing that? They're all goofy as fuck
Are you talking about Zuma? You're an idiot then, there was really nothing going on with those two. And almost everything that gets convoluted for NTR is just your standard romcom misunderstanding tropes where they see or hear things out of context and then get mad and refuse to talk about it for a while. Eventually it gets cleared up and things go back to normal. People who obsess with NTR will call any interaction that Momo has with any male character other than okarun NTR because they're retarded faggots.
Remember that he's literally only being carried by the fact that he shares a name with some random actor she likes
I just auto assume anyone who mentions ntr in dandadan is autistic
>Does she have any competition for waifubait of the season?
Her grandma
he also has the same name as the actor she likes
and to be honest, I also was kinda turned off by that. I was like:
>of fucking course he has the same name
but this is why it's called fantasy or fiction
Momo is still hotter to me I don't know why
she got over that a while ago
Hell, she took down her ken takakura posters and replaced them with aliens
it's the choker, bro
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>fat pervy mecha nerd
The mecha nerd is the author, there were mecha references even before Kinta's appearance.
I'm still waiting for that GM Cannon to show up.
But that just makes the pandering wish-fulfilment even more blatant.
Nice guy

Nice guy
Amazing Body
Naturally charismatic
Has more personality than Okarun

But somehow she likes Okarun more, it's just really forced. I get that we're meant to self-insert as Okarun but it's just cringe to me
I know there is nothing going on but I hate the NTR bait, like what was the fucking point adding those intimates of Zumo looking at her, those walking scenes, etc.
I'm tired man, I'm not reading this shit.
I just want spirits vs aliens but I got NTRbait and new bull characters for the fmc
This should have been a shoujo than a shounen manga, Goddamn.
Momo's said she finds Jiji annoying, doesn't take anything seriously, womanized, and there's the whole thing with how he was the one who bullied her when he was younger.
But yes, the series as a front is a bit wish fulfillment-ish.
>new bull characters for the fmc
How much porn do you watch to be this obsessed with bulls and NTR bro?
As someone who was just in Japan, literally every Japanese girl I talked to said they want guys that are dominant and would choke them/spank them. Momo would fucking love Jiji, especially seeing as how his "bullying" wasn't even malicious or severe, it was just light teasing. And can be excused since they were little kids. I just cannot get over the fact someone like Jiji would be less desirable than Okarun, hell even his demon form is hotter than Okarun's.
>we're meant to self-insert
I still think it's amazing that like half the population of normalfags and autists self insert, I've never understood why it's so common among people
nice fanfic, bro
Jiji has this insecurity of always deflecting to acting goofy even if he wants to act serious about his feelings yowards Momo. He is a pussyfoot and a generational fumbler, and will suffer the consequence when the MCs become official.
>Self inserter

/a/ and projection go together like peanut butter and jelly
>What you'll get 99.9999999% of the time is boy band twinks wtih faggoty long hairstyles, faggoty accessories (like earrings and shit) and fingers longer than nocturnal lemurs.

Read 80's shonen like Fist of the Northstar or Riki Oh if you want manly men MCs. We're in a different era now
Okarun has insecurities too so this is a null point. Jiji has everything Okarun has going for (being a nice guy and protecting Momo) but the difference is he has more to offer (superior looks, height, charisma, hotter demon form, confidence) Okarun also has a lot of goofy moments. And when Jiji is serious and determined, he can be just as inspiring as Okarun. Okarun literally has nothing going for him except being the MC and everything has to go his way because of MC privileges. Any girl would choose Jiji and the suspension of disbelief for her choosing the short nerd guy is too much.
he doesn't look like that for long. dude's a bigger chad than you will ever be
because shit like that happens all the time in real life. at least okarun stood up for himself and claimed momo
>literally every Japanese girl I talked to said they want guys that are dominant and would choke them/spank them
multiple guys have already approached Momo like that(the boyfriend in the first chapter and the one delinquent)and she hated it
C'mon man you don't need to pretend to be retarded how the author adds new guys for the fmc to create intimate scenes over, it was the ex-boyfriend, then Jiji, then Zumo, I stopped reading after that but I bet more guys are already introduced for the fmc.
He didn't need to add those scenes man, it's like the author wanted to create a reverse harem shoujo but is forced to make a shounen.
Like fuck the author just forgot the relationship of what happened between the alien girl and the MC with the whole kiss misunderstand thing just to create more scenes between the hot guys and fmc.
This manga isn't for me, it's shoujo pretending to be a shounen with tons of ntr bait, I give up.
bro... This is so fucking embarrassing. This is the most incel shit ever.
the designs are so fucking trash
The author is clearly an incel.
Yeah I can totally see how he makes her pussy wet yup
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And that's a good thing.
Zuma isn't even part of the group, after the board game is over they go separate ways. But keep obsessing about imaginary bull anon, that's healthy.
Ntr bait and rape bait because even the author has a hard on for momo.
So you aren't going to address the shoujo ass intimate scenes that happened between Zumo and Momo? No?
Good. Okanrun needs his cherry popped by a pro, not some amateur.

Also holy shit at all the ntr manga when this thing airs
Autist would you even understand how human interactions works if it is explained to you?
They felt more like siblings imo
Maybe it's just that YOU want to fuck Jiji and are projecting that onto Momo because she's hot and the main girl. Careful , anon that's how we got "Zutara".
New spooky girl is created specifically to sexual harass the girls in the group.
The fat pervy mecha nerd is based as fuck though and fun to watch so no that can't be it.
They were stuck together in a strange game world and had to rely on each other to survive. If it was NTR bait zuma wouldn't have been sitting outside of the bedroom to let Momo sleep alone in there. There really wasn't any romantic tension but some mutual admiration for each others skill and determination at most.
>the author just forgot the relationship of what happened between the alien girl and the MC with the whole kiss misunderstand thing
? Okarun rejected Vamola.
it shouldn't have been hot, considering the morbid implications of why she remembered that they had kissed in the past.
Or maybe YOU just want Jiji's cock and want to self insert into Momo.
Oh yes because those scenes and how it was shown was surely about being them normally interacting and being friendly.
Imagine this, the MC and FMC has less intimate vibe scenes with only them Stuttering and blushing with each other than what happened between FMC and jiji, FMC and Zumo.
Don't be surprised when the normal anime faggots complain that this series is full of NTR bait.

I'm done venting this fucking ntrbait shouja ass of a manga, I'm leaving this thread.
And yet it was. Go figure.
Bros how many more hours am I gonna wait before the premiere?
>alien girl
Vamola is a good girl. Once Okarun told her that she loves Momo, she backed off like a decent person
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, cuckfag.
like 17 hours
NTR killed zom 100
It will kill dandadan too
Thanks for keeping the thread alive shoujohating anon, even if the thread is a little too early for the episode
>comparing Momo with Emilia
Momo is cute. But let's be real, Emilia is in another dimension level of hotness especially with her recent boob upgrade.
Is the new cool anime?
I just finished jjk and I need a cool new subversive edgy anime to kino out to.
Can I be one of you guys?
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Hold up, this show has NTR? Fuck that shit, dropped before I watch episode 1.
zom 100 being a tourist manga killed zom 100
Why doesnt Goku kiss his wife?
It's not very edgy unfortunately
Kgb is the best for you probably
We've seen multiple groups for the spirits and aliens, like the musician exorcists and the ones who contained Evil Eye in the past. There's definitely a network.
Not sure how. Seeing as how there is no ntr in Dandadan
Read the thread , faggot
it's already over, the ntrfags are spamming in the CSM thread
Aw man alright I’m gonna go try in that thread
Thanks anon
But what about dragon ball super
I love Momo. When is the anime releasing?
Momo would for sure give the deepest, sloppiest rimjobs that would make any man's toes curl.
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Ironically enough, the fatass mecha pilot is possibly the most charismatic character in the main cast. He's genuinely funny and i cannot understand why some people sperg out about him, they don't have 1/10 of his charisma IRL.
Okarun is just... Nothing. He's only entertaining when he enters Kaneki Ken mode, but it's not even him at that point, that's just borrowed power.
I kek'd, I laughed, and dare I say it... zozzled.
off yourself sudaca
There is no NTR. Only bait because the author is a horny.
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>mental gymnastics
>simple picture silences your thread
zoomer trannies are mindcucked by porn and so obsessed to the point where they'll call literally any form of jealousy in media "NTR". It's another word that's lost all meaning.
That being Love Hina, of course.
There has been enormous progress, unironically.
Most of Jiji's personality is posing and the faces he pulls.
At least she has consistent banter with Okarun.
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>this thread
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>Dandadan has no NTR or cucking
LMAO. why does this mangaka keep drawing scenes like this
Is this the new zoomer 100/kek 100?
OUR FUARKING HERO Strikes again?!
Don't read the thread, you based scholar
>dandadan doujins incoming
>blue box doujins incoming
Goonerbros we are so FUCKING back
>getting doujins at all
lmao even
>Ep. 1 isn't even out yet
That said I'm 99% sure this is 1 UU fan shitting up the thread with the NTR stuff.
Goddamnit Jiji pay attention to class and stop posting on 4chan, the author is clearly setting you up with Aira anyway so stop bitching
yea he replies to himself in the chapter thread each time too. its always funny when the bait posts stops because he goes to sleep and then at the same time each week, the ntr posts start back up when he wakes up.
>UU specifically out of nowhere
Go back, /wsj/ is on another block. You can even bait kgbfags, ichifags and saleschizos there easily
This is a horrible shop, anon you should be a shamed. At least put more effort into it
>He's genuinely funny and i cannot understand why some people sperg out about him, they don't have 1/10 of his charisma IRL.

>they don't have 1/10 of his charisma IRL.
There's your answer , anon
>>simple picture silences your thread

Why is the thread still going on then, anon?

Also >>271657586
Uhm, so there's ntr bait in this anime??
She has incredibly kissable lips.
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>Front row seat to watch this flop
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Watch BB losers
>shilling this hard for a romcom
Don't worry, I'm watching both
not NTR but the romance has obnoxious love triangle drama shit for no reason
>But I only dropped my smarthphone...
wtf is that
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Right on, sir! YAAAAAAY
>can i have that cola and a burger
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>seeing Tafuku poster in the flash
Its like meeting your hero
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> me when i spot the first NTR scene
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>me when i spot the first NTR scene
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>me being weary after everyone brings up NTR out of nowhere
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>paying attention to shitposters
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Momo rape scene
Tatsu LOVES Nue Exorcist.
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Yep yep, you're going to be sodomized by Tafuku tonight.
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Bachichads will make sure nuerats will never have a bright broad daylight.
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I need everyone to know that Nue FUARKING LOST
Holy shit schizo thread. Won't contribute.
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No comment. Just want to post this reaction pic.
>male MC looks like that
>fem MC looks like that
it's called NTR bait. plain and simple. It is disgusting and made solely to bait subhumans or create new subhumans out of children who watch this show.
Where is the thread?
Comfy Dandadanbros? Is this what our threads are going to be like?

And I also like kagurabachi but shitposters keep latching onto it to try and meme up another shonen general. I'm fucked
Yeah I'll stick to CSM where there is no NTR, ya'll can have fun with your cuckold anime
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>Spotted the nuerat
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>generic black haired MC
>lighter haired female
End this meme.
Look at the cesspool of shitflinging shonentards in the kagurabachi threads. This is our future now, or at the very least for the first few weeks.
Hopefully the mondadan threads and anime threads will be different since they come out on different days but i doubt it.
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THE NEXT BIG THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>male lead is emasculated
>NTR baits
Shit manga and soon shit anime
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Know the difference.
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I wonder how the bb-ddd-kgb race will go this month. It will be pretty fucking embarrassing to lose with an anime
ill never understand why white people are so obsessed with cuckshit
Asa will unironically be more popular when she gets animated
>anime is about to release
>thread instantly turns into /v/ tier fanboy wars
Third world shonen fans ruined this board
she already is more popular
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>begita out of nowhere
the problem with :DDD isn't the NTR, as of yet that's still just baiting, it's that it's fucking boring
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Waiting to see if NTR destroys Dandadan first or will Creepy Nuts save it
Kek never ever 1735man.
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Takeru taught Tatsu to draw in college
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>All because tatsu drew a nue fanart
cute momos
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For nuerats
>t. cuck
I'd never go for a girl I saw sleeping in another man's arms like
You shouldn't care this much about it dude.
Look at the O Shit no Ko threads. Ain't happening.
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Okarun deserves to be fucking cucked.

For using Aira as a punching bag too, but you know what? That's probably to pander to the jealous nerd cunt women by having the pink popular stacy character get shat on so they can feel better about themselves.

These love triangle fucking faggots absolutely deserve to be cucked
autists go back to your containment thread
They need to go back to twitter.
Aira gets cucked. Jiji gets cucked. Do they not matter?
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>no new kgb thread after the last one reached limit
Bachibros, just create a new thread. Let this thread die since its still 12 more hours before ep 1
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wtf is kgb? that soviet union's secret agents shit?
Don't waste your time talking with retards, it's not worth it
In fact we should try to gatekeep DDD to the best of our capabilities so with a bit of luck these threads don't turn into /CSM/
The most shocking thing iin this thread is learning someone reads kagurabachi, also that they like it enough to make memes of it
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The opening to kagurabachi... i kneel...
Everything after Acrobatic Silky failed to make me feel anything or hold my attention. This fizzled out even earlier than Midsawman. For some reason new age shonen are just horrendous trash.
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Seems like a lot more people read it from these shoseki results from literally a day before an anime drops

Kagurabachi 1 - 77
Kagurabachi 3 - 86
Kagurabachi 2 - 87

Blue Box 16 - 158
Blue Box 1 - 251
Blue Box 15 - 303
Blue Box 2 - 352
Blue Box 3 - 398
Blue Box 5 - 423
Blue Box 6 - 424
Blue Box 13 - 450
Blue Box 14 - 470

Dandadan 15 - 338
Dandadan 1 - 487
>black hair asian male
>brown hair asian female
Have you never seen an east asian?
>saleschizo is a bachifag
Of course
I don't care about sales anymore after mamafuyu got axed, fuck this industry.
QRD why do people hate Nue's Exorcist? I haven't read it.
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>who cares about kaguraba-
>sorelosing tenmakucinemafags larps as kgbfag after losing to Nue
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Nuerats doompost kagurabachi for the first month. Backfires, It ended up doing well.
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Bejita won btw
Shut the fuck up, Nuerats!
Did you guys actually decide to congregate here because none of you could make a thread lmao
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Generals are dumb and not needed.
We wont succumb to the temptation.
The 3 way storm is about to begin, who do you think will win october (for ongoing series)
Kagurabachi, the rising star, can it's explosive growth keep up with the other series' anime airing
Blue Box, the safe pick, built up to be a big anime of the season by the studio and shueisha, will it be the first series to get an actually significant anime boost in a while
Dandadan, also has an anime
Watch/read the ones you like. Don't bother with the ones you don't like. It's not a competition you mongoloid
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> romcomshit
> popularity solely depends on creepynuts
We will win
ddd isn't even on wsj, what are you on about
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He will make sure we reach the promise land
I haven't looked at a single number of sales and still like kgb and dandadan
are ye of so little faith in kgb being cool you think you need to win popularity contests?
Axe soon for nuerats
No it's just fun to stir up some competition, last couple releases were washes
Dude ugly beta x hot girl omg haven’t seen this before whoaaaaaa
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kagurabachi doesnt even have an anime lmao
why are we laughing at the dandatards again?
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Use a better picture of our hero. Dont ruin his image.
because they have slurped low grade cuckshit for years, to the point of liking it.
Thanks for lookin out for me anon, now i don't have to get invested in ntr garbage.
Don't care, just look at that faggot
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>Watching all my fellow bachibros misbehave.
Is this a /dbs/ raid?
the worst thing that happened to anime after pedo shit was modeling their mc's after the average japanese loser just so they could sell more
>Tries to make damage control before the anime airs
>Everyone laughing at us now

Good job OP, now everyone knows that we like cucking manga
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>gets to have the coolest double spreads in the series
they just can't handle someone who is based-incarnate
>baiting autist
I fucked your mom
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>reviewing the dandadan anime so he can remove the weakest link for his future sciencesaru adaptation

No thanks LMAO
when you're at the top, there's nowhere to go but down (on your knees)
>no context
it's not ntr. they're just friends and they passed out together but the other guy, similarly to you, walks in and gets jealous
they wish. it's
just look at that thread complaining about small dicks
it's just this generations phase, and it will only get worse
Hahaha good one
Why do they say yabadabbadoo
passed out from hot steamy sex with that bull's cannonically large cock UUUUUWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH CUM MOMO CUMMMMM
>this character is bad because i dont like her
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Me when i watch ep 1
It honestly would've been better if DDD never existed and Tatsu was still an assistant of Fujimoto
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Nuerat thread finally reaches bump limit after a millenium
isnt this shit only praised for the art while the story is just dragged ass + sobbing backstory?
pic not rel?
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since you guys are camping here how about a double spread competition?
unless kgb really is that boring?
Didn't Fujimoto want to switch to J+ after part 1? He gets to have more creative freedom and Shihei Lin is allowing him to move his story as slow as he wants. He probably the reason why both DDD, CSM and SxF have weird pacing all around.
the cryptid alien aspect, romance between the main duo, and excellent enters/fights are the big reasons why people like it
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does this count?
don't see why not
in which part comes the cucking?
he just said it
>romance between the main duo
this guy enjoys cuckshit, his brain is already distorted, he accepts NTRbait as romance
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right here
kekaroooooooo never gets old
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you sound a little mad
why is he in undies? was he raping her? the NTR wasnt a joke?
Tbh it juggles a lot of things in such a way that a lot of people can get curious on different aspects of the manga they find interesting. Personally, Tatsu needs to write chapters involving other members of the main cast even if the story doesn't progress that much.
Thread is normal once again after they start their thread. Maybe start a general to begin with instead of raiding another thread, bozo.
he was frustrated that he couldn't fight the male love interest so he tried to kill the girl
Same, I'm still hoping this arc focuses on the other members of the gang, especially since the main plot seems to have started now. I want more focus on Aira/Rin specifically, especially considering the latter is pretty nothing right now. I like the new creepy girl way more than Rin
You concede
Both kgbfags and falseflaggers are spamming their shit everywhere since its the next shitposting magnet after JJK and MHA ended. This guys might be unavoidable on the dump threads of other manga too
>excellent fights
lol. they make more sense than jjk's fights, i'll give you that, but let's not throw around the word "excellent" so willy nilly
Go kill yourself
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kek kgb bros and baiting trolls really couldn't even get one double spread and all are hiding now
pathetic, actual cuck pussies, no wonder you hate ntr so much if this is your daily behavior
Pacing is really my current issue of the manga atm. If Tatsu can dedicate a single chapter of a cat and mouse chase between Momo and a new character, he might as well dedicate some panels on the other characters interacting/bantering or something
idk, I never read JJK but all I hear about it is how fights take like 20 fucking chapters. I like how DDD gets to the point within 1-2 chapters, along with its choreography, unique fighting styles, great art, etc
Also all the memed faces in that manga annoy me greatly, moreso than the god awful same faces in this one
>Dandadan has no NTR or cucking,
Stay seething faggot
>every male surrounding MC is a retarded loser somehow more lame than the MC
>every female exists simply to fawn over MC
>MC still somehow gets constantly NTRed in his own series
shit manga. if you like this you were diddled by your uncle.
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literally 2 pages after >>271677082
>retarded loser somehow more lame than the MC
Don't shit on Mr. Shrimp and Kingta.
>you were diddled by your uncle
God, I wish.
>excellent fights
I read and caught up to Dandadan only 3 days ago and I don't remember a single clever or exciting piece of action choreography. You bandwagon zoomies hyping every new thing and then realizing it's shit after is a predictable cycle at this point.
what are the odds of him winning Vamola's ripe alien pussy though?
Do you know you have autism?
I'm not gonna try to convince you on why I think fights are good, considering you've already made up your mind.
It looked like retarded ntr bait so I didn’t watch it. And even if it isn’t…I don’t give a shit. I’m still gonna act like it is.
>the girl is the actual protagonist
So I'm supposed to root for her to get with this retard? It's somehow even worse, NTR rhetoric aside, I find it worse when a girl I care for is paired with a subhuman like him than if she chose the Ugly Bastard ending.
the eng dub
>she chose the Ugly Bastard ending
actually deranged
Well /dbs/ is not a general of people talking to each other. That isn't talking. That is screeching into the void.
If the clique of schizophrenic mexicans that came up with posting like didn't exist: It wouldn't exist.
I'm not saying I want that, I'm saying seeing a chick with a guy like him is even more disgusting.
Is there a dedicated ntr autist in every romance or romcom thread? Or did dandadan attract the usual autist Shonen curse
>weak ass emasculated mc
>slutty used/damaged goods female
Can someone tell me who this is supposed to appeal to, so we can kill them all.
I know, That's what I was responding to.You might as well be self inserting into the bastard at that point.
>Zuma isn't even part of the group
There's no one that actually thinks Zuma isn't joining the group eventually, right? They aren't just going to get rid of a character with a fleshed out backstory and was a major part of a whole arc. He'll have his ENTER moment in the future and officially join the cast.
Nah, I wish I could because it seems fun.
I think it's more like, if the chick is going to get sullied anyway, going with a weak guy like him makes me automatically assume they'll have a lifeless marriage, and that grits me since it turns an otherwise hot chick into soething not sexual.
With ugly bastards at least she's supposed to be some sex fiend.
He'll probably be like shrimp that shows up sometimes for fights but isn't really part of the main group because he has his delinquents and cop daddy to focus on.
>I prefer cuckshit because it makes my dick hard
Sure, but that's just your fetish, have you wondered that maybe not everyone else is like that?
pretty much, or even lovey dovey shit, I just don't want them to beat around the bush only to not end up anywhere, and when you point out your disappointment you get
>they never were together so you weren't blueballed/cucked!!!
like, piss off with this shit
>while Okarun is the love interest
Or maybe not Okarun.
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>while Okarun is the love interest.
This is legit terrifying, imagine being forced to love this thing because the plot demands it
No women would love this guy willingly. Which is why this is fiction.
Japanese humor is so fucking unfunny. That's why these romcoms always suck ass. Japs are good at drawing over the top action scenes, that's it. When they try literally anything else, it's garbage.
A very bad piece of fiction
I think the guy is too fucking ugly
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I mean, the least you can do is to make the protagonist cute or something. Okarun is clearly inspired by Kaneki (super form similar to ghoul mask Kaneki, same name, same VA even) but even in the beginning, as a nerdy normie boy, Kaneki was good-looking.
Na. Even kaneki was very unlovable to me, he wasn’t that good looking. He’s better looking than okarun by miles, but ether or I can’t see women being attracted to guys like them. There’s like a threshold that nether of them pass.
Seethe all you like about fiction, women, or society, but your inability to pick up girls has always been just a skill issue Lil bro
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Pretty much, you lose the shipper girls since they don't want to ship the femc with such an ugly nerd, and even incels dont want to selfinsert as such an ugly faggot. Even your Isekai mcs who are average still look good. Naruto is not the handsome type but he is relatable enough for both boys and girls to like
>protagonist cute
But Momo is super cute
>inspired by Kaneki, super form similar to ghoul mask
This ghoul mask = turbo form comparison is just a reach at this point. Not only are the powers different, but designs on the teeth and the eyes aren't really similar
Even jjk as shit as it was it had the mc transforming into a cool demon with a cool as fuck design, this one has the guy losing his fucking cock and having an ugly grandma as transformation kek, it's a little repulsive
>reddit gate
>literal retard talking out of his ass
Kek, someone hasn't been on Twitter to see the fanarts already
A boy named KEN Takaura who turns into a white haired ghoul like creature with prominent teeth mask will always draw comparisons with Kaneki KEN, especially when the same VA voices them. It's inevitable.
>he wasn’t that good looking
Not in the beginning, but he became pretty hot further on.
How the fuck am I supposed to ship the heroine with a kid that's more disgusting than Nobita lmao
But DDD is reddit selfinsert: the manga
Yeah because Twitter is not mentally ill lmao
Wdym transform into cool demon? Yuji to Sukuna barely had any changes except some extra lines on his face. You're just inventing shit at this point lmao
Reminds me of Reika vs tae from gantz where we were supposed to root for Tae for being uglier yes but good but Reika not only was hot she was also brave, cool, strong, and really loved the mc
Seeth all you want pookie bear but dandadan is still trash, okarun is an ugly unlikable unlovable twit, this series IS ntr cuck fag shit, and I will continue to preach the true.
You understood me. The mc aspect and expressions change enough to look different whole occult Kun is just a castrated grandma
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>retard trying to bait with its useless thoughts
I fucked your mom
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This. Reminds me of Komatsu, where his ugly face and fucking detailed nostrils managed to kill Toriko which was basically One Piece x JoJo x Food
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I find it interesting that the author apparently read a lot of shoujo before this manga, yet compare him with actual authors who grew up consuming shoujo, and you can see the difference between MC designs immediately.
Don't tell me you are some occult-kun selfinsert lmao. LMAO
That’s kinda genius to avoid getting ruined by shippers. Granted dandadan so shit that shippers probably won’t make it much worse.
Yeah this manga relies way too much on trying to make the readers try to self-insert as Okarun and have wish fulfilment. It's so blatant and shameless I actually cringe. This is shitty manga 101. I don't know why /a/ hypes up this trash so much, it's the most cliche shit ever. Nerd loser gets the hot girl somehow, just like every bad series, gets an obligatory transformation which doesn't even look original, it's just going through the checklist of every shonen ever. What is even original about this? Everything is generic. Everything follows the mainstream formula to a T. It's supposed to be wacky and different but this is as boring and cliche as shonen manga has ever been. Zoomers are a fucking mistake.
Ahahahahaha, how mad fat autistic fuck?
There's plenty of okaruns in the world who got their girl, it's just a skill issue on your end lil bro and it always will be
Yeah it's like some kind of manwha wishfulfilment shit. Even Isekai crap knows to make the main character appealing enough
Here I can't fucking take it seriously. It's not only the ugly design, it's the whole fake nice guy pack
>You see I'm very humble, and very nice
He is like the Armin kid from snk only that in that trash manga the writer was smarter and baited people with the better looking characters people wanted to see
>You understood me
No I don't
Anon, you've been seething about the design of a character from a manga you haven't even reading. It's not that deep lol
I'm reading JJK so I can have a more cultured fap to this bitch.
It has been meh so far.
Don't forget KGB threads disappeared when Twitter banned Brazil
You may say the mc is a girl but the manga is still written for boys
No fucking manga aimed at women would have the lamest looking nerd as the main love interest, even if he gets better
>Anon, you've been seething about the design of a character from a manga you haven't even reading. It's not that deep lol
But it’s fun. I will concede tho I haven’t read it. But it looks like retarded ntr bait so I’m gonna at like it is.
It’s a shonen they’re all shit. Why are you even giving it a chance? Do you value your time?
>it's fun to seethe
Yeah I'm sure you tell yourself that
You think it'll be possible for you to ever leave 4chan autist?
You do know you have autism right?
I'm reading it during work so it's okay.
No one wins, guy is too ugly
it's just stupid, there's decades and decades of readers living vicariously through protagonists that look nothing like them and have idealized personalities. the aggressively generic relatable herbivore is and always was a meme.
What are you my therapist? No, I will not take my toothpaste flavored activated charcoal multivitamins. The government cannot make me watch dandadan its state mandated mulatto propaganda like CSM.
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8 more hours bros we're finally there
Kek this fucking design made some anons really mad.
Because it sucks
>csm out of completely nowhere
My you're a little mind broken aren't you
Don't you people have a tard handler that'll take care of your little sperg meltdowns?
>Y-you are mad they means it's good
Wow I bet you support trannies too
Hold on I need to go fap to yaoi real quick
>That's why these romcoms always suck ass. Japs are good at drawing over the top action scenes

There are a million mangas with almost no action scene
Ya, and? How many of those are popular, let alone good?
K I’m back
>anons complaining that the mc isn't sexy and handsome enough
nigga you gay
Yes, we are, now make him handsome
You can make him normal looking and not disgusting looking you know
You're gay dude. Just admit it like the other guy, you don't have to hide it anymore.
DIDDY? Is that you?
I'll tell you from a "woman's" (gay) perspective: sometimes the excided dork is just too cute.
Like that Jason guy from those tiktoks.
Huge nerd/dork/loser like Ken is... But I would marry him in a heartbeat.
And my type is usually bodybuilders.
Read actual shoujo first before babbling nonsense, shounentard.
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>expecting Chadrun to get NTR'd
does the MC stay a pushover little bitch the entire anime or not? Mangafags just spoil it for me
When he is not in the battle mode — yes.
so he stays a little bitch out of battle mode.
>Tatsu was given a 100 shoujo magazines to read before dandadan
And he's learnt nothing.
Now post the sequence of Momo handholding-raping Okarun
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>dandadan will be ruined by anime secondaries just like JJK

bros...it's fucking over...
JJK was never good though.
The threads used to be good, a long time ago.
there are shoujo with timid glasses boy-kun love interest, but certainly not similar to whatever mc in this series.
Author made him kinda too off-putting and repulsive.
t. Ugly
Maybe if you count stuff like Polar Opposites as shoujo which technically isn't.
But otherwise nerdy MLs are still tall, hot, fit and despite timidness able to act decisively when it really matter.
Don't beat yourself up like that newfag
FoTM herbivore manga for herbivore cucks
aka Midsawman 2.0
>Flavor of the month
>We've been talking about it for the last year and so
You live on another solar system or what?
>newfag doesn't know what flavor of the month means
Read old threads. There is an archive. Learn board culture. See which series are historically called FoTM. And see that Dandadan is exactly that. Tourists like you are retarded.
I'm here to remind you fags okarun is not the mc, momo is, despite not being marketed explicitly to females like Magi or KNY.
Their attractiveness is half the reason for Eren and Paul's popularity. Otherwise they'd have been dismissed as "incel school shooters".
Why are you so insecuredadan?
>any precure girl
>any sailor senshi
>yu-gi-oh cast

Nice cope
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This is just turbo granny power
/dbs/ is not enough to contain the cancer, it'll suck if they go to my thread next
Can't wait for more Momo porn.
>the girl is the mc and reader self-insert
Which even worse kek.
The average female readers now want something like gojo-san as their imaginary husbando. No one will try to self insert as the girl and then imagine that timid insecure glasses boy is their imaginary husbando.
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i.....actually don't hate ddd or anything, but what's with this panel? he's literally holding the briefs with his bare hands wtf
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censorship, it's not like they'll show it
Yeah, actually disgusting.
Okarun's just simping for everyone at this point lolol
The grandma is beyond based.
ITT - Nerds recoiling in horror when a mirror is held up to them.
>nasally grating bitch voice. No offense to his actor, I know he's supposed to sound that way.
No, hanae natsuki just sounds the same way in everything he voices. They typecast him to voice the betamale cuck
You will never be accepted,cuck
Momo is the MC
It's not a romcom
Why is this picture the first reply (or one of the first replies) in every single DDN general (you have three going simultaneously)
Momo is the MC
To me, this picture says more than a hundred words. It says "thank you, Alpha-kun, I have picked up your underwear for you, you threw it at my head by accident when you started violently mating with my girlfriend".

t. never read a single chapter of Dandadan and never will, because I am not part of the zoomer generation, so it's not for me
Because spammers don't read the manga, just repost same pictures over and over
KEK shit
> Because spammers don't read the manga, just repost same pictures over and over
What are you laughing at, Anonymous?
Anon's prolly laughing at >>271688516
>thank you, Alpha-kun, I have picked up your underwear for you, you threw it at my head by accident when you started violently mating with my girlfriend
You missed the
>*Starts vigorously sucking his cock sloppily*
part. And also the
>*Spreads his asscheeks wide open for alpha's thundercock*
part. And also the
>*Alpha finds his ass much tighter than the femoid's cunt*

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