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Starting today and in same time as Dandadan. Anyone saw the 2018 OVA?
>Anyone saw the 2018 OVA?
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>12 episodes today
jesus christ
I liked the main heroine's short skirt
>Mecha-spooder legs under the skirt
We want the Busou Renkin audience
What, it's dumping all at once?
no, I meant all the shows airing today
>Anyone saw the 2018 OVA
Fuck whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? It's not a origin series?
it is original, that was just the pilot
was this done by the Hitman Reborn guy?
So I can't dive into this without watching pilot?
That's not how it works. Full length series don't normally assume viewers have seen the pilot.
>shounenshit looking boys instead of hot girls
Learned something new today. Thanks anon.
Hot girl with a miniskirt is on the right
Is her navel as good as Tokiko's though?
thats hao from shaman king
15 minutes
erai is out
An Ubisoft tower.
>Hyper-futuristic city
>Smartphones still haven't changed at all or even removed the notch
Sounds about right.
>no-one moved to let the pregnant lady sit down
Heartless society
you don't deserve special rights for letting a man cum in you
Do we get to see the fabric underneath?
Cute designated loser
>boob window
>short skirt
>zettai ryouiki
Yeah alright, I'm in
That sure was the shoniest shonen to ever shonen
why can't you say battle shounen, shounen is just a target demographic
Does the Eve character show up again as a muggle friend
it's shit
You'd think the anime being original would allow for some creativity, but no.
so it's shit?
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That's a bitch harsh, you can cleary see they've put effort into the animation.
Problem is they choose to make what looks like a standard shounenshit.
If i hadn't look it up i'd assume it was based on a weekly shounen manga.
Imagine gangbanging her and you get stuck with the robo-handjob
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enjoyed this for what it was, could be fun following weekly.
I gotta rewatch that
Why is the arm obsessed with the poor kid’s pants? Even in the PV released a couple of days ago it’s ripping his pajamas pants off him.
I will now watch your anime.
>shark teeth girl in the OP
I will now watch your anime
is this the kill la kill of our generation?
Exactly what I thought the moment I saw the episode.
KlK had less CG than this dogshit
How did that angle and movement not turn into a pantyshot?
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>mecha arms
>grow from her legs
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This is her mom isn't it? Osananajimi is going to be a government spook
Pretty good episode, kinda oldschool.
I've assumed the same without even seeing the mom, she glows really fucking hard
because preserving the nopan illusion is too important
>a screenshot from an anime that peaked in the first episode
yeah it peaked under the earth
Looks like something made by Mizukami.
pilot is cute
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But Aki's new mission is to be a schoolgirl, following rules she will wear pan. From his vantage point panservice is inevitable as she crosses her legs right in front of him.
Emotionless sex or hatefuck?
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>beta mc
>spunky femc

Picked up
The whole episode gave me a Busou Renkin vibes to be honest. And just like BR I'm liking it so far despite being pretty generic.
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How can she wear short skirts with not an instance of panservice the whole episode?
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Based society, it's the resposibility of the man to take care of her, not random strangers in public.
Only one question comes to mind during long fighting scenes. Often the perspective is perfect for added bits, many times our eyes were directly under her. Just where is Murasame's panservice scenes during catastrophic fights? We've all seen the same episode I'm sure many of us are wondering the same.
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>no panties
>no panties
>no panties
>no panties
>no panties
thanks for all the images, panschizo
What about the manga?
>no panties
It was a smart idea to open with this, watching for her and Sugita
This is just spiteful at this point.
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She's very pretty
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Fat fuck
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>Pushes Hikaru down resulting in him having prime panservice position
Until we have several creative pantyshots it's not shounen enough.
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I actually like this. Technically a typical shounen plot but it felt different which is all I need. Maybe due to being handled by a new studio and what seems like a hobbyist director who only created some few-minute youtube animation videos so far. Interesting.
It was fun IMO, the action is decent and I like that feMC works for the villains for now. I assumed she was the heroine right from the start. Also, fucking Sawano and I recognize Ovan's VA.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, Japan.
You want the miniskirt action girl flipping around with your camera zooming in at low angles then you need to drop the magic skirts or it takes you out of the scene. Just give her spats or something if you really have to.
This is just the newgen Bubuki Buranki and I'm all for it
It reminds me of KlK and Sawano's music isn't helping. It's of course not on the same level as Trigger but it feels halfway there. Wouldn't wonder if the director is a fan of them.
Oh fuck you're right
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It's like you faggots have never heard of haitenai.
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Good first episode. My only slight fear is that there are too many opponents since I hope that it won't be all just fighting. But I will see.
Wait it has a manga? Or did it start together with the anime?
the latter
It was visually engaging. We've seen the 'girl shoves a desk next to the MC when asked to pick a seat' in JP media but i still chuckled at the delivery.
Where can I watch the pilot?
Are you for real?

>it takes you out of the scene
Sadly this, I wonder what the logic was.
On YouTube.
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This seems to be the next newb director/indie series like Magical Girl Destroyers and Odd Taxi, I like it.
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>Magical Girl Destroyers
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There are filenames in this thread retard.
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Isn't this the same as Bubuki Buranki?
Surprised there are still people that remember KIRABOSHI
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We can only hope.
are there coom worthy shots
I liked the woman punching part.
The main girl would make a good model kit.
they can't show them if she doesn't wear any
Holy FUCK, amazing OP.
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Is this the F.A.G of our generation?
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These all look like shonen cliches, yet I enjoyed the first episode, I really liked the OP and I think I'll be sticking around at least for a few more episodes.
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MUH dick
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This is Hazuki's origin story from Plastic Memories.
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I hope he tames this sexo girl.
Why is this fatso always eating?
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>the blue and orange mecha arms with eyeballs are voiced by nakamura and sugita
Holy kek, picked up times two
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Different anon here. I can only find the first half of the pilot on YT, and searching for the relevant portion of the filename on the usual sites produces nothing, so I'd like to know where to obtain the rest of the pilot as well.
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Damn, MC will always have three observing hands whenever he has sexy time with Aki. H-Hot...
Disregard, I am a retard. I was thrown off by the fact that they didn't put the group name in the torrent description.
Original anime? Nice.
Plot seems basic, but that didn't stop me from loving Demon Slayer.
This and Dandadan will make thursdays great.
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Same! Just watched both the pilot and episode 1 and it looks fun so far. I'm glad I'll have four shows to watch this season, which is much more than usual for me.
Are you talking about some Episode 0 that I don't know of, or do you mean Ep1?
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It's the oldest result for "Mecha-ude" on the usual site. it's a pilot episode that oddly enough takes place after the first episode, so I wonder if we'll see it again as one of the episodes of the series itself. One character is introduced who seems particularly important, so I'd wager things will unfold similarly, if not exactly the same.
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This is way better than DanDanDan.
Is the studio some unknowns? Any big name staff working on this? This is really good so far.
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It's by TriF Studio, who are very new and as far as I can tell were formed specifically to make this series (originally funded by Kickstarter), though they've done a bit of work on other stuff since formation:

I wanted to say it didn't air THAT long ago until I looked it up. Would have definitely filed this under 2014-2015 anime not 2010. I can't believe I watched this before F/Z, KlK and Jojo 2012.
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I don't think we need to start a fanbase war over it, anon-dono. I'm watching and enjoying both this season.
Yeah I am glad it doesn't start with them being on the same side and feMC welcoming MC in the club after he got his secret super weapon.
What are the chances she gets brutally killed?
>originally funded by Kickstarter
Low but not impossible, I'd say. People earlier in the thread were speculating that she's gonna narc on him to her parents, or is already an agent of the bad guys already, given the resemblance to the lady who's probably the executive's secretary.
>The anime began as a Kickstarter-backed project launched by Okamoto in October 2016. It ran until November 2016, when it reached its stretch goal of $60,000.[6] A 25-minute pilot was produced and was released on YouTube with English subtitles on May 10, 2019.[7] An English dub version was released on Reina Scully's YouTube channel the following day.[2]

>A full-fledged anime project was launched by Pony Canyon on September 15, 2022.[8] The anime project features the staff and cast returning to reprise their roles.[9] The first episode played at the 28th Fantasia International Film Festival on July 20, 2024.[10] It is set to premiere on October 3, 2024.[
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>aoi yuuki
>hikasa youko
I was interested in the mech hands but the characters are so dry.
The show would benefit from the MC having a little more distinctive personality.
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If there's one thing that really grinds my gears it's the "reluctant MC" trope. We all know you're going to do it, stop wasting our time, especially when you don't have a particularly good reason not to.
people like you are why so many anime has the MC start off overpowered and utterly unflappable and unimpressed by everything in the world
>reading comprehension
Tell me where I said anything about the MC being overpowered
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Dear internet,

Please deliver porn of Aki quickly.

Oh, sorry, anon. Didn't mean to reply to you.
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Way better than expected, picked up.
shit just like that lycoreco-wannabe cyberpunk anime I forgot metal something
I got through all, and only about half are even worth watching, let alone good.
you already posted it 40 times in this thread
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That just means she's not wearing any, you dumbo.
Did you not know what a pilot is?
It's a test episode, first the bigwigs watch it and OK it, then it gets show to people and if they like it a show gets made, usually the first episode of the shown is the same as the pilot except higher quality and more flashed out.
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Look, you've made your point.
those aren't panties you brainrotted spaz
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a lot of people are unaware that anime pilots exist and not just western show pilots
this btw. i think you guys are faggots for making a big deal for the """"censorship""""
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>us perverted anime-loving nerds
least obvious falseflag
You got a problem with Xenogears?
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Got KLK vibes from it, shame about the censorship, I could tolerate the faggy mc as he seemed to get better, but what's the point of this scene without fanservice? She has no butt, her legs just go into her hips. This is so bad.
kill yourself simp
another show dragged down by a cool chick being forced to play second fiddle for Watanabe Everyman
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It's nowhere near close and you are a faggot for pretending it is.
Why do you think only a single guy has problems with censorship? You made a thread about it and got shit on by most of the board.
Is he annoying sometimes? Yes. But he is not the only one complaining about censorship, nor will the problem go away if you ban him. On the other hand complaining about users and moderation is definitely off topic.
>backseat mod
you wish lol
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If you had watched the pilot when it came out literal years ago you would already have known not to expect pantsu, you utter retards. There was no "fanservice bait", and even then, it's like you apes can't appreciate delicious thighs. You're a disgrace.
you're the one hallucinating an "uncensored" version of the anime that doesn't exist in any form except your imagination, and expecting Japan to kowtow to that
Is this the bubuki buranki of our generation?
Get ready for 11 more weeks of this faggotry folks
Needs a lot of energy to be performing all those sick tricks and flips.
It this a new season of Color Wars?
this shit looks retarded
Her profile on the official site (which has built-in English translation in the corner) says having two Mecha-ude means she burns a lot more calories and as such has to eat a lot more. Presumably this also means that Mecha-ude users in general have greater calorie needs than the normal human bean.
I enjoy all the cute notes from each of the seiyuu, by the way! It's very nice!
why would they even draw this angle if they werent gonna show her panties. modern anime is so fucked
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There is complaining about censorship, which is is completely fine, but that fucker spams the same images in every single thread every single week while crying about his panservice. It's not complaining at this point. It's just fucking spam.
Why even through the effort to make all these screenshot and webms if you hate it so much?
>mechanical arms
ok but what about... mechanical legs
Aki is so hot.
why even have skirts at this point if they aren't going to show anything
the arms are attached to inside her mini skirt. logically, we'd have pantyshots everytime they move.
Agreed! I'm interested to see her develop as well. You can pretty easily predict what her backstory and so on is going to be based on the previews, official art, OP/ED, and character profiles, but it's all about execution with a series like this, and so far they're nailing that aspect.
Except you're blind, because they're clearly actually attached to the thigh portions of her ZR. See >>271729975
its very distracting even for someone that doesn't care about panshoots
just give her pants or something
The arms have very small additional arms that hold her skirt in place
yeah they're giving her super mini skirt + all those angles + mecha arms positioning without giving us even a single pantyshot. it's so retarded
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Uuuuuoooooooh, Aki's legs!
i can sex her
Even when she looks at you like this?
I want this to be halfway between Cencoroll and an Imaishi anime.
nyes, i want her to look at me like i'm trash
An easy enough expression to find on a tsundere
Do we have a Mizuki Nana arm?
I don't believe so, but there are some cast members who are listed as "????" on the official site, so who knows what the future may hold!
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Sorry, here's a better version with cleaner lines.
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Keep fighting the good fight pantyschizo
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good job
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Thank you! It's nice to be appreciated! That's all for now, unless anybody has any other Aki shots they think could use commentary on garbage.
This is gonna be a fun show to look forward to on Thursdays.
Hopefully the threads will be nice enough, excluding a certain someone. I feel like this show is basically flying under the radar at the moment.
There's a couple high profile shows airing right now and not everybody watches a ton of anime every season, they tend to gravitate to like 2 or 3 hyped up shows.
That true. There's probably hope for comfy-ish Mecha-ude threads, then. It's been a while since I've watched an anime that had comfy threads. The one that always comes to mind for me in that regard is Concrete Revolutio, which filtered a lot of people, leaving only quality posters for those threads.
Thursdays are just too stacked, a lot of people are probably going to overlook it because of it
Nice edit
Of course you configured your ip hops
Accuse anons that of which you're guilty of
To be desu, I'm not even sure if you're accusing the schizo of samefagging (he is, and it's extremely obvious), or the shizo accusing the various people calling him out of being the same.
>I feel like this show is basically flying under the radar at the moment.
Yeah, Thursdays are pretty packed this season, and this show airs in the same time slot as Dandadan. Pretty bad luck for the creators, but at least most of the usual shitposters will be occupied.
>we hate fanservice on /a/
Yup, extremely obvious
overall it was pretty good, but for a 8 year project it feels a bit too generic. Also they should have got at least another in-between studio, some times it jumps from frame to frame. The most generic sawano ever does more harm than good
Nobody hates fanservice, we hate (you).
>all these deleted posts
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I liked the main heroine's miniskirt but I hated the precensorship. Whose decision was it to be like this instead of taking advantage to make possibly one of the best originals this season with her mini skirt?
>you'll never get your own sugita or nakamura arm
it's over...
Just going to repost it since you got deleted last time, huh? You're amazingly transparent, but I guess I can't expect brains from a shitposter.
when in doubt, blame china
That reminds me, I wonder what the ratio of male to female arms is. Greenie's arm in the pilot sounded female, but that's the only female one we've seen so far, I think.
He was fishing for exactly this reaction. Stop. Do anything but this.
>you can't use images from the archive because you just can't okay?
Very well. I'll ignore him for at least the rest of the thread, but I do hope he's banned, even if for only a little while.
Aki's FAT thighs.
I need to feel them on my face
>hyper futuristic setting
>gen 1 glock 17
come on nigga
>Internet Streaming: Crunchyroll
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So I skimmed through the pilot again and grabbed some more Aki-seeing-trash faces
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i expect shounen kino of the highest caliber
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I've been looping and jamming to the OP for the past several hours, by the way, even though I can't understand most of its engrish.
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Full OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPir0U7s_f4
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Why does Sawano need Yamamoto to offload his work when he'll just make generic shit anyway?
>I do hope
Why, he's a normal poster like the rest of us saying what all of us thought but instead of keeping silent says it aloud. He's the hero /a/ needs. Why would he even be banned if he's a rule abiding poster like all of us without fraudulent reports sent against his post. You wouldn't report him despite not being a rule breaker, would you?
If anything this anon >>271734861 >>271734916 was banned for being the usual ban evading apologistschizo.
>remember hearing about the OVA and planning on watching it at some point
>that was back in 2018
holy shit what the fuck
He is a nu-/a/ poster so he deserves to die.
Time flies, anon! In four years, you'll be a decade older than you were in 2018!
Daily reminder that schrödinger's underwear > panty shots
>We have Bubuki Buranki at home
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he's an old originalfag though
if only there were older archives available
second oldest usecase of panservice in the relatively new archive is 2008, ywgm had loli upskirts and lots of panchira all around, no instances of eating bread
>he's an old originalfag though
Nope he isn't. I've talked with some actually originalfags that joined 4chan in 2003/2004 and they had a very distinct attitude. He is obviously a newfag that uses the slang and posting style of nu-/a/. He is also a boring one with no understanding on how to make his posts less repetitive which is something a person that has been using this site for a long time should know by heart.
Anon, before the start of this year, the term was used 33 times since the beginning of the archive. 33 times, in 15(?) years that the archives go back.
Now, we're up to nearly 1400, because that motherfucker just can't stop spamming every single thread every week once he gets fixated on a show. Sometimes even with identical posts every week if he decides that some show really deserves his autism. There is nothing good about this. It's fucking mindless spam. It doesn't help anyone. It just shits up threads.
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Based fact checker.
Proves that fanservice died the last 15 years. Lolis aren't lewded, no panservice worthy of posting since then. It became so bad he rose up from the grave to bring us salvation after Abe died.
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>on team villains
I have a feeling she will job horribly
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Male's jeans undressing is good, female's panservice bad deploy excuses to hide it.
Why are you replying to yourself and referrring to yourself in the third person? Why do you keep doing this?
This is just symphogear with a male MC
You really are so fond of referring to yourself in the third person don't you? You like to pretend that you have your fans, but it's clear it's just you. You love to use the exact same words like "panservice" and "apologist". You get VERY defensive when people call out on your bullshit. Any time you ruin a thread and people call you out, there is always a guy defending you and using very similar language to you. It's so blatant that it's also, getting triggered at how people find you irritating. Why are you like this, always referring to yourself in the third person?
>the guy's posts got deleted
>he came back anyway making the same posts
And he denies he's a ban evader?

He's also a huge hypocrite with double standards. Even when shows do have pantyshots he avoids them like the plague, or he will acknowledge them but refuse to be satisfied with them, usually because the characters involved are "hags". Very rarely he will give credit where credit is due, like Alya or Atri's pantyshots, but those are extremely rare. Seriously he seems to be getting worse and worse every season, and why he isn't being dealt with more like bikinischizo I have no idea.
did Sawano do the music? Sounds exactly like his style
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Enjoyed the first episode. The best part of it for me is Sugita as a little robot buddy, I wish I had a robo bro. Reminds me a lot of the boomer movie Short Circuit. The fight scenes were kind of weird, they have a lot of motion but the direction isn't weighty or shot well enough to be sakuga IMO. It's disorienting too, more motion doesn't automatically mean good. Maybe it improves later.
Did having mecha in the title doom it? Like with Giji Harem.
Kohta Yamamoto aka Sawano lite
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Very good first episode
I really enjoyed how they made Alma expressive
And subverting the desk in the corner trope got a real laugh out of me
First episode while simple was well made and I enjoyed it. Originals always excite me
Yeah. the actual show tries to mimic KLK and Gainax/Trigger style, but lacking many of the charm (casual sexual shots). Dead on Arrival, unfortunately.
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Jesus Christ, girl...
All the food goes to her tits.
For me it's Aki's angry eyes and Sugita as a friendly mechanical companion.
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>Sugita voicing a robot companion in an anime original
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Bros, this kino trailer with fantastic animation, cute boys and girls as well as Godwano's hype soundtrack is making me want to watch it.
Starting... I'll be back after watching the first episode.
>nakamura arm vs the sugita arm
who will win
>Only 5k views despite being composed by Godwano and posted on pony canyon's official channel
I hate weebs and otaku.
This anime isn't made for weebs and otaku, but for "mass audience"
>no fanservice
ironically, this kind of sanitized shit always end up with no audience.
Just realized this is the actual opening, not the trailer. Still kino.
We're here to watch cute boys doing cool shit and GODwano's music. Go watch ecchi anime if you want your retarded "fanservice" (though technically mecha is "fanservice," too).
ok enjoy your flavorless battle shonen
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"Give that boy a big hand!"

How come he gets one but the girl gets to have two
for both holes
What holes?
Damn, what a Giga Stacy
I liked it, I think people are shitting on it just because it's kickstarted. The post-ED scene was funny.
It wouldn't be creative in 2005.
After watching I find this has the soul of an 00s series and OH GOD SHANA IS SO HOT
Kek, it's been forever, but this will never fail to make me laugh! Thanks, anon!
did Shana have pantyshots?
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So I suppose the two twins in the full opening are meant to represent the Mecha-udes Alma (orange) and his brother Fist (blue), right?
So why're they making out? It's blurred out, but they're clearly making out.
Can we expect some hot brother on brother faggot shota incest action from this show?
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They're so cute, bros...
Unlikely, but not impossible!
no we're getting some het between aki and hikaru

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