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How was it?
Sex-having fags say otherwise.
I can't stop listening to the ED.
It's a shame this is the show that the troll spammers have caught their eye on this season.
You guys said this would be the best looking show of the year but it mostly looks like shit with some weird "camera work" here and there, and the visuals are the only thing to talk about since the content is just nothing worth to mention.
>but it mostly looks like shit with some weird "camera work" here and there
I disagree, big steppy and most other scenes look great. In almost all respects, an upgrade from the manga.
Pretty good. OP was on point, ED is lovely. Going for a close 1:1 with the manga at least so far but they took a few positive creative liberties with visuals like during Ken's pathos moment and Momo's reaction to his name. The series takes a bit to gain momentum but we'll see where we are by the battle with the crab.
I really liked the OP. The visual of Momo dancing with her hands is quite mesmerizing.
You people are so goddamn predictable
>Hot girl talks to geekboy
>"oh, you must be in love, why else would you talk to me"
>Gyaru feels a little bad and tries to relate by talking about ghosts
>"haha ghosts aren't real you retard"

MC looks like a faggot but he's got some backbone, he isn't stuttering over himself the whole episode or going along with anything the hot chick is saying like all the other shows that follow this gyaru/otaku combo
since people seems to overwhelmingly like it i am contractually obliged to be the dissenting voice and say that it's mid
> weird "camera work" here and there,
Science Saru in a nutshell, but it's a perfect fit for this manga
It's going to be the most popular opening of the season and faggots are going to seethe.
kgbfags are larping as csmfags to ruin the thread btw
They both only get better without losing much character too. And he only looks like a faggot for the first little bit. His hair gets fried soon and it gives him a much better look.
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Great first episode.

Watching it and seeing their flashback bits made me realize though, we really haven't seen anything about either of their parents, have we?
Momo says her parents are dead, and Okarun never really did much with his parents in the series yet, right?

There's still a lot of their backstories the manga hasn't even touched on. I really wouldn't be surprised if they ended up going hard on the "opposite worlds" thing and eventually show that Okarun had some Spiritual encounter when he was young/a baby that made him so good at using Turbo Granny and Momo has some kind of alien origin explaining why she's got such strong psychic powers.
said this in the other thread but its science saru's best anime. visuals are great.
She just be really lubed from all that Jiji cum, imagine
fuck off with your forced console wars
why are they even feuding with ddd in the first place?
dues to sales faggotry and some fanart yukinobu drew.
there's no war, there's no us vs them
this is a laotian basket weaving forum
no petty arguments here amount to anything
The last 40 seconds of the opening are pure KINO.
The drop at 0:35 makes me melt. It's so good.
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The absolute falshy garbage that I've expected, nothing more and nothing less
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That OP was no Kick Back, let me tell ya
Newfriends from twitter/reddit/etc take note: This practice is called funposting and has been the staple of 4chan since time immemorial. No need to get your panties in a knot over it
Could've been a seven / above average battle shonen, but the assistant chose to rip off Deku instead of Denji.

>I MUST have a wimpy emasculated kid
>but unlike Tanjideku, mine isn't even muscular
>and he loses his penis!
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I think most of the manga fans just want it to reach the part with the big TTGL homage.
>dude we're just having fun, chill out
File deleted.
pretty cool desu
havent read manga, so im blind here. Ill stick around see where this goes
This a jp Google translate summary of what some jp dude knows about the source of the lyrics to the Op song https://youtu.be/Nw_XzGZ35As?si=uGitke1bodcbPXQp

0:15 “Kuwabara” Folktale Origin of Kuwabara
0:23 “Sada-chan” “Kaya-chan” movies
(Ring Sadako) (Juon Kayako)
0:26 "4:44" Urban legend 4:44
(The chorus starts in 44 seconds)
0:28 ``4 shaku 4 sun 4 minutes'' Urban legend Hachishaku-sama homage (4 shaku 4 sun 4 minutes is R-rated height)
0:34 “Hireta” Urban Legend Yamanoke
Okaruns better because he's still up to fight shit without a suit/powers. And he actually has a backbone.
Okarun is neither a faggot like Deku nor a mouthbreather like Denji. He's a cuck like both of them, though.
most of bachifags are completely newfags
they came from social media
kids with energy to burn
This is precisely why they work. He is a meek guy, but he stands on principal and has his own initiative.
I'd rather have a faggot protagonist or a mouthbreater protagonist as long as they're masculine. Sadly, Okayrun will never have a shred of manliness in him.
you take up sides with jeremy and you will never be my bro
kill yourselves
Swear down, boss woman is a bloke y'know?
I forgot how much fanservice were in the early chapters, I dropped it around chapter 50, is there plenty of fanservice in the most recent chapters too?
Shut the fuck up about Jeremy. If he hadn't paid my bail, I would still be in New Orleans jail for domestic battery.
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I'll say it, Momo's VA doesn't suit her
almost none, other than like, one instance
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Not at all
What is synonymous with masculinity for you? Offering men rimjobs?
Actually shit posting is a form of cancer that has been a blight for over a decade. Calling it funposting just obfuscates it's nature as a way to lower the level of discussion so retards feel less stupid. Then more retards show up and eventually you get /dbs/. Call out shitposting for shitposting, it is not a positive quality of any board.
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this is s3 material right?
what is the name of this series again? i couldn't tell from the op song
I kind of expected that sadly, what a painful tone shift, the first episode is fun but I think dropping it was probably the correct choice. I don't remember the addition of more characters being a good thing and the lack of fanservice the further you go is a massive disappointment
That far? Does Kinta even appear in this first season?
>child trying the "gays are icky" route now
Achilles literally did this to boys and he was more of a man than Dandadeku ever will be.
he would be in s2
If you think licking men's asses is masculine, feel free, friend.
Do I like the OP?
I wouldn't be surprised if SARU slips him into a background shot or something, but like that other anon said, he wouldn't actually enter the story until season 2.
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Just write how much you want to get railed instead of trying to talk about masculinity
A visually creative and well animated episode but also a bit tiring. Too many things happening at the same time. There is no time to breathe and feel the scenes. If it keeps up like this I can see it winning several awards but not being hugely popular. Too weird for normies.
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webm chad didnt finish webming the rest
>desperate goalpost moving from the kid who's seething because he cannot 'debunk' the fact that his favoritestest anime (after DM probably) of the year is just a generic shonen power fantasy for the wimpy emasculated males of his generation, except the MC doesn't even have the physique this time
>Too weird for normies.
You fucking wish.
I request a webm of the first instance of momo walking down the hall.
Pretty bad. But like CSM since it’s kinda different it’s getting boosted as if it’s something special. Like oooh wow, he vomited slop instead of shiting it, that means it must be good. Ntr cuck bait series.
The song is pretty bad but the visuals are awesome
You don't need to project yourself that much, really. I just found it funny how gay you are. Thanks for the laugh.
I wish the aliens actually succeeded in raping her
>If it keeps up like this
It doesn't, Tatsu is really good at balancing lots of frantic action with time to breath and let the characters develop.
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use the filter T H I S then change for the annoying word
>not using an extension with 4cuck
hide the stubs
8LEGEND by the way
He's an okarun's class but doesn't show up in background shots before he is formally introduced. He might be in classroom shots but he won't have speaking lines until after the evil eye arc
you can see them doomposting about ddd over at their thread and the jump thread. These faggots are sales schizo incarnate.
>weak ass emasculated mc
>slutty whore bitch femc
Can someone tell who this is supposed to appeal to, so I can kill them all?

Yes it is, raging white supremacist incel.


It's funny because all of this hatred against DDD goes exactly as it was predicted by Vaush, who called the manga the best shonen of our times because of the healthy portrayal of the main characters' relationship.
thank goodness.
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>Blocks a kick with an open hand
This is how you break you wrist, kids.
Damn, I didn't remember taking that much time. He's my favorite.
The other 2 episodes I saw in theaters was just as much a visual treat to watch, the pacing is the same as the manga and only slows down in certain spots, the action is pretty break neck speed
They are supposed to appeal to you, so kys already
Why would I?
>slutty whore bitch femc
but the opening scene shows she's the opposite of that
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My wife momo is too cute
So, what will be the romance of this season that will steal all the audiences away from this shonen?
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HD version of this?
She had a relationship in the past, so that makes her a whore.
Didn’t watch, didn’t read, I hate it
ED song >>>>>> OP song
just pray s2 has 2 cours
Do people not like the OP? I think it good
lol using Vaush an endorsement? No wonder this series sucks. How much naked children were there, that’s probably the only reason he liked it.
Is FLCL popular with normies? Because this was basically FLCL 2.0.
webmGODS do you have the final scene with the UFO- I mean UAP exploding behind Momo
>t. no one ever
Haireta, Haireta, Haireta, Haireta, Haireta...
Same bro
that's the only crowd that shit is popular with
This isn't a misery porn show like CSM, is it?
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it takes a few listens, I watched the leaks when those came out a few months ago so I've had that shit stuck in my head for a while now
I forgot how schizophrenic this show feels, okaruns zoomer haircut and smartphones exist but he uses a fucking fliphone and reads niche 'zines, then there's that later chapter where momo talks about watching golgo13 on DVD
no, other than backstorys
Basically CSM part 3. And 3 times as bad.
Only for the Youkai.
Yeah my normie zoomer friend is watching flcl and likes it so far
No. It has some depressing backstories for some characters but mostly it's pretty light hearted and silly
No, it's a comfy hanging out with buds and experiencing young love romcom show.
I love the op, not a huge fan of the ed though. I expected more from zutomayo
Then I already don’t like it
Tatsu is an old gen X nerd and freely references the shit he likes
For all the hype it had I honestly expected more. Not bad but for now more style over substance than anything else. The characters seemed secondary.
Truuuuuuuuu! Vaush said that too and he's the biggest anime expert on FLCL.

Nice try, but Vaush has debunked all of these pedophilia claims.
The MC literally gets cucked in the first episode and tells the bad guys to cut of his penis so his girl can keep her virginity
I cheated because I heard the chorus for the first time during the third trailer (which shows several amazing scenes, including Aira's youkai's last dance), so I was automatically hooked, but I think I would have enjoyed it even without that. It's a pretty catchy sound and the visuals are creative.
Ed is extremely cozy way to wind down after episodes, I'm a fan
Superior Dandadan opening coming throughhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDjkXkMTg-c
t. thinks his seasonal isekai is peak animation because it has a 30 second long sakuga sequence every 3 episodes
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I have now heard Luffy say lemme gobble that weenie.
Nah, the song is FIRE it's blowing up on TikTok fr no cap. Can't wait for drumrolltony to tell us how it's actually amazing artistically.
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>said this in the other thread but its science saru's best anime. visuals are great.
Close but it's actually Heike Monogatari.
That's not trump retard, the president is on another spread and it looks like biden
MC looks too ugly
Its what csm was supposed to be
Really? I only see people who like anime talking about it.
I haven’t read it, and I’m not going to. I’ve already come to the conclusion that I will hate it, because it’s a modern shonen that is enjoyed by creatures called zoomers. The mc looks retarded, the femc looks like a bitch, the whole package looks like it’s trying really hard to like CSM, just stupid for the sake of being different. The that is popular kinda shows that it’s probably not good.
I know I'm the only one who's got wife and kids and has to work for a living but anyone else angry that a masterpiece like this comes out on fucking Thursdays? Meanwhile some stupid anime about soccer gets the best slot on Saturdays.

I will have to try to change my time schedule so I can at least enjoy it with dinner a I spend at least an hour on each episode. I started watching episode 1 at 18:50 and finished it at 20:17, Germany time. Greetings from Germany!
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I like that the opening is a big Ultraman reference with how it showcased the characters and monsters in silhouettes with colored backgrounds.
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It's finally time we got some bruthas up in these animes, my nigga Okarun holdin it down
Hip hop was always mainly about lyrics and wordplay, it's a fun song and has a nice beat switch, but I'm not surprised non jp people and boomers are getting filtered
Let's not get down into a flamewar, CSM and DDD are very different. But yeah this adaptation made some good creative decision to keep the silly tone and expressions from the manga instead of trying to be too serious and cinematic like csm.
>Is FLCL popular with normies?
Yeah specially with chavs in Britain.
>Nice try, but Vaush has debunked all of these pedophilia claims.
No he hasn’t. The pedo and zoo shit have never been debunked.
>Dandadan virgin MC: having fun and beating some ass

>Chainsawman virgin MC: crying in an alley

Fujimoto is dead.
post webms
So edgy anon. Btw you gotta be 18+ to post here
Also, I am saving DanDaDan threads into my Hunter x Hunter folder! I first started saving Chainsaw Man there as a joke because I jokingly said it's the next Hunter x Hunter. But now I have all the best battle shonen in there, Hunter x Hunter, Chainsaw Man and DanDaDan! How should I rename my folder to respect all three?
Im just talking about the adaptation. Csm is also bold and silly. The anime took that all away
his response to being told the only way to remove his curse is to beat up turbo grandma being "ok, guess I gotta do that" and walking off at night while naked is a pretty cool move
Hacksawman blows though?
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my hecking ultraman reference
how do you make these again?
>fr no cap
Kill all zoomers
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It looks retarded, and from what I’m seeing in this tread most of the audience is trannies and newfags so I hate it by default.
Based Zootopia anon honored our third thread
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Hello German anon, hope you get to have a fun time with dandadan
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>*Dog barfing sounds*
What the fuck was that supposed to be?
Damn, guess it's time to finally pick up the manga then. Felt like I was stuck in a zutomayo music video and then the ed started playing.
trannies hate it because it triggers them
I won't let you kill her >>271698937
>All this forced tribalism between CSM and DDD
This place is no different from /v/.
Another win for us Bachibros!
Actually, hateful guy, transwomen were defending the anime on social media when the cissy girls got mad because of the r-word scene. Which wasn't an r-word scene anyway, anime experts already debunked this.
Uuuh yea? I’m saying it’s worse than bad? …. Are you Down syndromed?
It's pretty amazing how badly the poor choice of director ruined the anime
It was absolutely kino, but I heard that there is some EnTeAr bait which I am not looking forward to.
Also, how bad are these threads going to get if my filters are giving me only 50 replies out of the 160 currently?
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when I realise that the climax of the 1st court will probably be the chapter 23-24-25... I'm not like that pantyschizo but science Saru you better not miss even one panel
Yeah we know basically nothing about Okarun's family at all, if they're even around they don't seem to mind him vanishing for weeks at a time
No but maybe you should go back to your containment threads. DDD is decent. Midsawoman is shit.
Nue fucking lost
My favorite part of the OP
It was fun and the comedy was good. I hope the characters grow on me so I feel compelled to keep up.
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It's mostly baiting autists, people need to stop giving their retarded console wars bait
That dance in the OP was very sexy. I expect it to go viral.
It's the same faggot who has been trying to stir shit between JJK and CSM fans years ago. It's a terminally online brownoid who spams every thread like that.
>slutty whore bitch femc
>refuses to put out twice in one episode
The NTR aspect is grossly exaggerated and mostly it's kagurabachi and csm fanboys raiding the threads because they're mad something other than them getting attention. There's some pretty typical romcom tropes where they misunderstand situations out of context that cause a bit of drama but no actual NTR. Don't listen to the schizos
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What if Okarun never ran away from turbo granny? How good is a blowjob from a ghost in a dark tunnel?
Everyone was too mesmerized by Momo sexo that they didn't notice the boys hitting the carlton in the background
>but no actual NTR
science saru is great with their color usage
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>probably has shit net, streams
>yet uploads png
There's nothing to see in your image shiteater.
>no teeth
>centuries of experience
>already dead, so she's not going to suffocate
Watching the whole episode in 3 seconds
i dreamt of dandadan getting one of these one day and finally that day has come and so have i
Not fair. I want to rape Momo too.
He did get a gumjob from granny after she caught up to him
>I'll say it, Momo's VA doesn't suit her

shes great and cute
I haven’t watch it but I already hate it. It just looks retarded. Mc looks like another emasculated cuck, quirky wacky shit appeals to zoomer autists, endorsed largely online by trannies. At this point put a big red neon sign next to it saying, “this is a waste of fucking time, consume goyslop, partake in the seasonal state mandated mulatto propaganda that is this show.”
is there a webm of this part?
it wasnt in the manga. thought it was cool of science saru to get creative.
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>no bratty but kind extroverted gyaru to pull me out of my dark hole of loneliness
I liked but its a bit strange. I doubt this will ever reach mainstream level success unless it's exception like Chainsaw man. Animation is amazing, though.
I just noticed they're doing the Carlton dance.
>an unrealistic baseless male power fantasy won't happen to me
So is the guy on the left the guy who sleeps with her in that famous picture that you guys post so much?
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Kill la Kill but for zoomers
>they believe in ghosts
We're all going to make it bros, ignore the doom trannies that have given up
Needs a bit of a higher bitrate. That background kills the quality.
If raising the bitrate makes it too large of a filesize, just shrink the 1920 down to like 1280 or something.

I'd do it myself, but I don't have the raw downloaded.
and it's actually animated
God damn dandafags are even worse than meshifags at forcing their anime
At least meshifags have a good manga to work with
ghosts arent real
Neither do.
>I'd do it myself, but I don't have the raw downloaded.

the op and ed are on youtube now
Yes that's her childhood friend. Based that the manga let the childhood friend win and have sex with her. The male MC is the Disney Quasimodo to their Esmeralda and... the blonde guy
If I jerk off enough to the big tiddy ghost hentais, they will exist
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Already miss it
>Needs a bit of a higher bitrate
whats a good bitrate? had it at 2
If only it was as good as KLK
So when do they announce the 2nd cour for Summer 2025?
jump festa in december
i've already seen what threads for the manga look like randomly clicking by accident
just kind of funny all the various series/comments being posted for some attempt of a reaction
They're putting shion wakayama on everything ever since yume in dynazenon
I did notice that! I was like O__O
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Yuurei Decobros… are we forgotten?
I stopped watching it midway
Will watch it on my TV instead
>Want to recommend this to friends now that the anime is out
>Completely forgot about the rape aliens
How do you convince your friends it gets better
>had it at 2
I hope you mean 2k
It unironically isn’t for normalfags
Based, dandadan was made for the big screens
Literally every coworker of mine believes in ghosts.
I mean if they exist I'd like to know (in a non spooky way)
If they're put off by that they're probably annoying cunts so don't bother
2m b/s
There is no manic pixie dream girl, bro. Women get saved, men have to save themselves.
Kill la Kill is insanely well animated. All the supposed ''bad animation'' is done on purpose. Just watch the opening scene for Kill la Kill again and you will be reminded how good this shit was.
I watched it with my mom and she was wheezing
>no ghost turbobaba to suck your willy at the speed of sound
not him but i saw it at the movie theater. place was packed too. worth the 20 bucks.
You had plenty of room left before hitting 4chan's filesize limit so you can go higher if you want it to look better, that moving background is probably why it came out blurry
Could lower the output resolution too
I think you might be cherrypicking here. The amount of drag-the-png animation even in major fight scenes was really too much.
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Because it's tourists from /v/, duh.
Winning? Bing chillin?
she was already doing roles for gundam before that, setting mecha aside that's plenty of a range to get roles
mushoku before that as well
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Okarun may be a bit meek and uncofident at times but he's pretty ballsy too. Like he had the confidence to argue his intreasts, get a girls number, and save the girl in the end
>MPDG talks to geekboy
>he starts making fun of her instead of cumming his shorts
anime teaching the shounen jump kids not to put pussy on a pedestal
oh thank god it's trending on twitter, otherwise I would
Threads ruined forever.
Csm mc had a living woman touch his penor at least.
Yeah I'm pretty glad my first experience with dandadan was on a massive screen with big speakers, it's actually kino
How long will I wait until my wife makes an appearance?
> crying in an alley
Never happened.
Get better friends, stop hanging out with retards that are afraid of everything..
Don't worry, the plot is jrpg nonsense anyway, there's nothing to think about.
like episode 5, so a month
I liked it. not aoty status yet but not shitting on the manga is a good start
>FLCL but for zoomers

Corrected that for you
CSM ripoff
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>"I believe in ghosts now because I got the best blowjob ever after encountering turbobaba"
>*Gyaru never returns after getting gangraped and have her organs harvested by Chinese aliens*
I guess that's the curse huh? No woman can ever compare to Turbo Granny's back alley blowjobs. You will live your entire life, never to cum from just some normal bitch ever.
I'd like this image more if it wasn't a repost of something weirdly scaled down.
Gantz for zoomers
thats a lot
You knew it was gonna happen. Such is the fate of anything published in JUMP.
Backstory of one of the characters is a literal Muv Luv tier extinction event and some other characters get tragic backgrounds but otherwise it's chill and fun
stop recommending anime with random rape scenes
It's been proven NTR posters are victims themselves. I'm sorry your oneitis chose chad over you.
cool thanks. ill play around with it.
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Ah yeah, that works for just getting it quickly.
Okay, I think this should be a good quality. Upped the bitrate to 12000 kb/s. Could maybe go higher but I think this is already about as good as it'll get.
I just saved the first pic of this when I saw it in a thread
Have better friends who are okay with rape
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>meme dance
holy cringe
btw we're in the honeymoon phase
He was more rude early on, called Momo a skank and everything.
Oh, the size limit on /a/ is 4MB? I thought it was 3MB.
For a while it was 3MB for webms and 4MB for everything else, didn't know they made it all the same
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Why can't every anime be this fucking stylish and oozing with just SOUL
I find anime girls with this kind of face oddly attractive for some reason.
you literally need to watch more anime
The YouTube opening songs are at 350k views already in 4 hrs, the normal fag's like it
It's not really "a kind of face", Tatsu is making a reference to Kanamori with that mouth because she's a Science Saru character
vp9 support was added about the same time as the filesize change as well
probably 10/12bit too
upside down bean mouth
Watch more anime.
The director is specifically an animation Otaku who spam watches movies and other media for cool ideas he wants to do
>People joke about probing pretty much every time aliens come up for decades
>Multiple examples in media throughout the years, guys and girls
>Suddenly a problem now
Tell your friends to stop being complete morons.
There's a difference between proving being played straight and a high school girl getting raped as a joke
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Ken's friendo that's interested in aliens.
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yea i love the brushstrokes on some of the action parts
How goddamn short is that skirt?!
No the high school girl was going to get raped for fan service, the aliens were not joking
My theater was full of normal fag's and none of them cared about rape anyways, like 80% of the smut people read has rape in it, they're not going to care
It wasn't played as a joke retard
It was shown to be scary and uncomfortable
this was pretty funny from tatsu right before the anime premiered
It was surprisingly good, but the beginning is the best part of Dandadan
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just the right amount of size for pantsu shots
I’m wondering how much of your perception of the show is gonna change when you realize and look at it from the perspective that Momo is the MC and not Okarun
>boy gets raped and his genitals stolen by ugly grandma
>nobody gives a fuck
>girl gets only to her underwear and almost gets raped
Hilarious, you can tell the author went for rape beings on both scenarios so they wouldnt accuse him of being a mysoginist or whatever (so much so that she ends up saving herself AND the boy at the end) and people STILL cant get over the woman POSSIBLY suffering a bit.

Men really get zero fucking sympathy huh?
This is gonna blow your mind, but there can be multiple main characters in a show
Time to put her in a jar, Anon
Why did Baa-chan turn into such a trashy person?
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mommy seiko
>This practice is called cancer
the duality of man
Name them then you cowards.
No idea what this show is about but i can already tell that this is another case of
>male sexual assault scene is played for laughs
>female sexual assault scene is played completely straight
why have them in the first place if you aren't going to treat them to the same degree?
You wouldn’t know from the way people talk about these two
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About to pick this funny looking anime
>anon: " it has love triangle, bro"
>anon: "it has ntr, bro"
Man, I don't know if I still want to pick this series or not
Momo's voice is better of what I expected.
>thinks getting your balls stolen is a joke
Just transition already tranny
>he isn't stuttering over himself the whole episode
That comes later. He only just recently confessed and even then it's still a weirdo nervous nelly
What does it say about you that you analyze things in this way?
I thought she was taller
>source of power is her womb
The voice actor for okarun is 9S from nier automata btw, I knew he sounded a little familiar
effective kick if i say so myself
she's a woman
they're small by default
this wasnt in the manga but it was such a great addition
We’re in good hands with him then.
>green skin
seiko confirmed an ayy
thank you based science saru
Yeah no fucking shit
That's literally where chi comes from
>jump(variant) series
>results in this post
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Is Ken's weenie really literally gone?
i watch it dub since im used to the english version from playing the game but dud is great as tanjiro and kaneki. for okarun hes full of energy and then when he transforms hes all doom and gloom. pretty good.
Okarun is a nerd with the superpower of special interest autism. He can't talk to women but he also won't let some femoid talk shit about his interests.
>NTR posting stopped completely
guess the schizo went to bed
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shes so hot
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>she gets an alien gf
>our boy gets alien rapists who are only interested in girls
Life is not fair.
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and does he pee?
i think authors shouldn't be pussies and play favorites when it comes this stuff
either treat them both for laughs, or treat them both as super serious and uncomfortable
Nah it's more like a comedy series with Junji Ito monsters, but characters always make it out okay - well, they might lose their cock and testicles to an old lady demon, but they'll be alive, and it's played for laughs (and they get them back eventually).
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I mean, the Momo rape scene was pretty goofy
No, we never see it.
Momo a cute
Oh yeah its 9S, i knew i recognize his voice from somewhere, he is good at voicing meek looking boys with attitude.
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>Literally one of the most common occurrences in alien abduction stories
>But muh anime can't have it cuz OH MY SA OOOOOOH NOOO NIGGERMAN SAVE ME
find friends that aren't huge faggots, problem solved
before Okarun entered/during the grandma flashback, it absolutely wasnt
welcome to the society
i watch it in museasia and they censored the stripping but still show momo in her underwear later
It was tho, you're just grasping at straws to find /pol/tard stuff to seethe about
i did not remember jiji appearance in ep 1
I don't give a fuck about polshit but it still wasn't a goofy scene
Will she be corrected
does it really have NTR?
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No, now go read all of it.
it all comes down to budget and directors most of the time
It's just will they won't they drama
it kinda was
A character almost gets raped by cartoony aliens, not really NTR

whats this >>271701489 then?
Muteking the Dancing Hero
nothing but drama bait
she literally left a note for him saying "I love you" after this
See >>271702328
Let's be honest: NTR is hot and more anime needs it
That is a pair of friends sleeping during a crisis.
Let me get this to you straight, Momo literally never displays interest in a guy other than Okarun, not fucking once.
>b-but Jiji was her first love
Yeah, was. When she was a child.
This chick thirsts over Okarun so hard it's not even funny
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No, don't listen to the shit posters and baiters
The MCs obviously like each other and at worse it's misunderstandings and the mc thinking hes not good enough
'fraid so
When did /a/ get so insecure about even the possibility of a love triangle?
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>this is what shitposters are afraid of
Cliffhanger bait to make people like you seeth
You should go touch some grass
i fucked you're waifu
Okarun is what Deku should have been.
Because this manga doesn't have a love triangle
The MC's have already confessed to each other
An actual cuckold?
Wait, the guy people are poorly baiting with is the guy that mocked her and her grandma during kindergarten? And people think he has a shot? lol

Honest question why do the japs love rape so much?
They're old friends but she finds him super annoying
Fun. I really enjoyed it.
Yeah Jiji kinda squandered his chances by making fun of her back then, she's forgotten all of her feelings for him
Why dont you?
bro, censor that shit!
think of the fuckings ads!!
He doesn't even have feelings for her.
He knows Okarun has feelings for her and just wants to help keep everyone safe
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will sit out the first few weeks lads already saw it in theater
you guys are in for the treat when he fights the giant sumo dude
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Check this princess carry bro
I'm gonna be completely honest I can't stand romance anymore because I'll never have this
Don't look at the smut that sells in the west for your own sanity, retard friend
Leak watcher here, you're in for a treat when CRAB happens
>Anime drops
>/DDD/ is STILL shitposting with the "NTR" page
>Even after they already confessed
I hate you people
>there's nothing to think about.
It's more about not having time to feel than to think.
it's already over...general city from now on...
>he hates the fish
As someone who hasn't read the manga, I loved it. Super fast paced yet never felt lacking, incredible visuals with fantastic animation, good voice acting and dialog. Easy contender for AOTS. The premise is also really interesting, and gal X otaku is instant "opposite's attract" fun, and neither of them feel cliche in either respect.

Also, if you were walking up the stairs here, you'd get a full shot of her panties. They'd be fully visible, along with her ass. What a slut.
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We're all going to make it bros, don't give up
I have to take breaks while reading LNs because I start seething too much
tf takeshi gonna do
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Anon, NTR shitposters will take anything they can get. Tengoku Daimakyou had NTR AND rape shitposters for years only subsiding because more popular series took off for better shitposting.
It's not NTR but boy author sure likes putting momo in situations with chads who like her while okarun fucks off somewhere
>Dan Da Dan - 01
>Dan Da Dan - 01 (NF)
The fuck is the difference?
Yo how did they get them to do that?
Bro we'll never escape.
t. heike apologist
I'm 25 it's too late
They're like the ugly girls being bitches to the hot ones, they can't stand the idea of our boy okarun getting to do cute things and try to shit post and bring him down
>NTR fags devolving further into babbling lunacy due to crippling dependency on copium
Sad, but expected.
If you even flirt with NTRbait, it's there forever.
Authors beware
The author also likes putting Okarun in situations with babes while Momo seethes
NF means netflix and they will have shittier subs (100%) and censorship
multiple net hosts are available
cr, nf, scamazon, etc, for series there can be a lot more from japan that doesn't get ripped
I was wondering if Science Saru would take some liberties and show some fanservice that wasnt in the manga but from what Ive seen so far, no.
I'm 27 next month and closer to my wizard powers than you
Believe bro she's out there
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Turbo granny being heavily featured in the ED when she's left the group in the manga
its rated TV-MA on Netflix tho
oh cool now they can be NTR for real
so why do japs love rape so much
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I met my gf of almost 2 years now at almost 25
You can do it anon!
You'll find your one, I believe!!
Don't worry bro, she's fine bro
It's all gonna be okay
I still don't trust that shit company
Okarun is a current year japanese otaku MC with no genitals, Momo never has anything to worry about
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>tfw 32yo
>didn't get my powers
>I'm still a virgin
it's not for everyone...
should've have had cuckshit in the first episode
It's over... bachi won...
rape isn't cuckshit, rotanon
>seething about NTR when no one will ever have sex in this ever
Forgot to mention both the OP and ED are fun with fantastic visuals.

I'm happy with the level the show has so far. Momo's tits looked great during the alien abduction scene.
>never has anything to worry about
>still feels the need to tell him not to cheat on her even when they're not officially together
She's terrified dude.
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Are they trying to cosplay trigger or something?
It's not just japs, it's women (and some guys) that like rape
Reasons for that is like some social/gender roles bullshit and forbidden fetish sort of thing, look it up if you want a legit answer
Is the glasses MC a wuss or is he actually a chad bros
tombstone teeth
He's silly :D
>He was my first boyfriend
YIKES, dropped
>Believe bro she's out there
I tried but but I just get ghosted, I wasn't built for this world
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Okarun is going through his Chad transformation rn, he's going to make it
So is this the designated shitposting show of the season?
Damn, you're telling me a japanese song is made for japanese people?

You had months to work on this and that's the best you can do? I know you've had this pasted in a .txt file sitting on your desktop waiting but that's the BEST you came up with? Jesus wept, you really need to do better.
He's a funny lil guy who turns into a chad over the course of the story.
He's my MC
No that's rezero
Is this the Reddit anime of the season?
I don't like the character designs
they look really bad
The type of fags to be deterred by a premise like alien probing are mental midgets not worth worrying about.
>his friends can't separate fiction from reality
jesus christ how horrifying

i recommended my friends made in abyss and almost all of them loved it
No matter what the haters say, this is already OBJECTIVELY the greatest anime of 2024! We filled four generals in the last 4 hours, counting this as basically filled already.
may be recency bias, but as someone who didn't read the manga, It's one of the best ep.1's of a show i've ever seen
We're in the honeymoon period, so you're going to be seeing one side constantly shitposting vs retards mindlessly defending the series
Wait for the whole season to come out so that any sense of a real discussion can be had
"they" aren't, it's you and maybe one other doomposter retard samefagging and trying to start drama between fanbases, which is extra fucking stupid because it assumes people can only enjoy one story at a time and are actively hostile to other stories and the people who enjoy them. I guarantee most people who read Dandadan also read Kagurabachi, as well as many other manga. You're wasting your time, much like you've wasted the rest of your worthless life.
I don't like Momo having her lips drawn honestly
in what way exactly? if you are referring to the colors, then thats one of science saru's specialties. just look at some of their other works.
it's something I have to get used to, too.
So like is the first episodes not filtering normies?
Yeesh, no cap? This a goat banger fr
There is NTR bait but Momo is head over heels for Okarun.
Just his voice turns her into niagra falls.
its really fast paced from beginning to end. i saw the first 3 episodes in theaters. itll slow down in ep 3 but then pick back up with action.
Also Jiji's and Aria's hair colour, not a fan.
I don't see anything bad with it
Bro the normies are eating it up
>NTRbait framed situation
>what the fuck why end chapter on that
>nevermind about that, here's BIG HUGE FIGHT!
>but what about the NT-
>okarun/momo: WE ARE HYSTERICAL
>shonenslopcattle: OMGGGGGGGGGGG :DDD
it was ok
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its actually not. majority of the comments ive seen from looking for fanart are positive. even had some friends post about in our group chat lol
why would it?
it's just a bunch of fucking aliens doing alien things, everyone has seen those shit before
Can you type that without having a complete sperg meltdown, autist?
The opening is also great. This and wakagimi have such great openings and endings.
Because my female rape bad
>subs translate san to miss but leave kun
I'm not even enough a weeb to care, but I'm bothered by the inconsistency.
This is me
The op song on the crunchyroll has hit 500k in 6 hrs, people wildly overate what normalfags get filtered by
>The opening is also great.
Tiktok generation member spotted
Well, i guess we won't be seeing you in the threads anymore, bye
>the imaginary outrage schizos expect doesn't come once again
they're following the stupid manga trannylation
You guys hyped the OP so much but it kinda suck balls. What's so special about it? I's monotone as fuck.
Is there anything to censor, even?
Both versions show her in her underwear
It's the same for the manga translation. It's because he's supposed to be speaking extremely politely to her.
leftists already poisoned the well because it isn't incel bait
So it's perfect for this show then.
an anon here said that the version he watched censored momo in her underwear
And I don't have tolerance for people who want edgy murderous main characters like you either. Go kill your country's president or go to prison and kill all the inmates or something.
How reduced are you from constant seething? Are you cracking and burning yet?
Goddamn, i hate this shit. I managed to not notice until you pointed out. is there a way to edit the subtitle?
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>multiple posts mentioning "normies"
We shouldn't repeat the previous generations by looking down on the younger generation
>he likes limp dicked MCs who don't fight back against bullies
what is Denzel conveying with this expression
kill la kill is pretty straightforward
ddd is way too random for that
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Probably to keep in line with the official manga translations. "Occult-kun" will become Okarun (from Japanese "*Okar*uto"/occult and -k*un*) in the next episode so it's hardly a lasting issue.
It's like one of those early 2000s anime that tried very very hard to be over the top anime as possible.

It was fine I guess, is soon to say
wut the music is great faggot
is this series actually good, or are you retards just saying it's good because of recency bias?
>EOP hating on the subs
How reduced are you from constant seething? Are you cracking and burning yet?
Nothing recent about it.
With the manga's popularity sure to increase, I hope my country's publisher will reprint volumes 1 and 2...
>wise piece of advice (from the perspective of the tween who posted it)
>is this series actually good
I've been keeping up with it since the third arc a few years back, it's pretty good
Kek, big surprise I know
I will never understand why this is a staple of shonen or literally any other genre nowadays
eizouken type beat
Bro I've been reading this shit for years
I started reading the manga very recently without knowing it will get an anime soon and I still enjoyed reading it
I remember scouring the internet for scans of the manga made by CSM's assistant. Now Dandadan is almost as big as CSM and has some of the most insane art for week to week manga and the anime adaptation is amazing. It's been quite the wild ride and after all these years i have no idea how the story is going to go.
Great first episode. Really strong.
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By the powers of autism i downloaded subtitleedit and have made a subtitle without this crap. I will be doing the same before watchin the next episode.
I'm just autistic and trying to enjoy the show, you're the one nagging other people and coming here to cry
I went back to collage as a wizard and the zoomers do non ironically have this hair
to be honest I'm surprised we're into the double digit tank count in the series and still haven't gotten significant looks into Okarun's past. He's obviously been in a good enough place socially/physically/mentally but I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop and Tatsu to show us something messed up about his living situation.
He'll be good later when he does the chad voice.
I've been reading it for three and half years. I guess that could be recency bias from a certain point of view. I usually drop stuff that is just OK by now. That said it's mostly for the high impact two page spreads which won't be quite what the anime gets gas from
And skinwalkers. This manga is literally one of the most based manga to ever be created.
best anime
Does Okarun believe in Qanon
Unfortunately it doesn't get too deep into these, it mostly draws from japanese folklore and kinda generic alien designs. I hope future arcs focus more on conspiracies and x-files type mysteries.
I'm surprised a Zoomer would be into FLCL. Considering the MC's relationship with the two older girls and their obsession with "le grooming"
the change in demographic
back then it was cool MCs that took shit from nobody, but were good natured
now it's awkward pushovers who are secretly dangerous if pushed hard enough
it's very childish, but in a very cringe way
not saying these characters didn't exist before, the anime is made by the same people who did the devilman reboot
just funny how this is now the big trend with shounen MCs
He's a weirdo, not an idiot
Where was Okarun on Jan 6...
Q isn't an anon, there is no such thing. It's just Q, the 17th letter.
what I wanna know is when's the OST's gonna be available
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CSM btfo
Misunderstanding trope.
Can't you act less like a pussy?
>waaaaaaaah the world is unfair
Yes. You must be around 13 if that's your first time realising it, which means you should leave the website.
>i think authors shouldn't be pussies
says the guy acting like a pussy
end of December
Keep on doing you fren
Shame that autists get a bad rep because of all the tweakers, you're cool tho
>another generic shounen normies will latch onto since MHA and JJK ended
what's the gimmick for this one?
Mecha Ude > Dandan
The OP's artstyle is an Ultraman homage its boomercore besides the song
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We traded double spreads for kino animations, I'm cool with it
The best animated of the popular generic Shonens probably
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i didn't expect to see a project pegasus reference in an anime
Yeah this is a fucking wild ride
or serpo
The first part is the quest to get okarun's balls back while fighting various aliens, youkai and cryptids
Man watching the first episode made me miss this dorky, excitable side of okarun. He genuinely had passion for the supernatural, but ever since the plot kicks proper he kind of just does nothing but react to things
the shit he's passionate about are always trying to kill him so why would be the same after all that?
Enjoy the fan-service, it's not gonna last.
Hopefully now that they've created the occult club they'll start focusing more on doing actual research and discovering new things. I guess with the fantasy lore of gnomes and fairies it'll go down that path.
>Dandadan gets all the soul
>CSM gets pretentious and boring adaptation
I hate it.
shit with get crazy anyway with that saint germain guy around
Pretty and good. I am endeared to the 2 protagonist which is more than what UU could do
Saint Germain? THE Saint Germain? This show sounds based already.
I’m about to kill this nigga
she always was a trashy person, she's just one of those people who can turn on the professionalism for work
Does that make him the strongest in the verse?
CSM has the better source material. I don't give a shit if you adapt something perfectly if the base of it is slop. CSM is a solid seven for part 1, Dandadan could've been a seven if it didn't have an emasculated Decucklike, minus the muscular build.
Yesyesyes. Fucking love Zutomayo
based, let's both hope that tony analyzes the ED soon!
Momo’s panties are extremely sexy.
Wtf is this real?
Meh, I tried masturbating to this, but I just couldn't finish. There is just one naked pic of Momo on 'booru, and one picture where she gets fucked in her underwear (and cummed inside), a 30 MB .png format image file. I believe the person ejaculating inside her is not the protagonist, because he seems to be in the background, getting taken by a UFO beam.
Thanks fren, the secret is to abandon bitterness.

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