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Astro Royale, Kill Blue and Nue's Exorcist are getting English prints summer 2025. Will anyone actually buy them?
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rape yourself
Akane doujins when
japs would rather fuck ruri
Boogeyman thread. Akane won.
I want an Elusive Samurai spin-off set in present Japan.
bachibros...we're done for
No wonder japan is doomed
I dont agree that its boring than nue. But i do agree that its boring. Its becoming another 'fight' the manga with barebones plot.
but only if she gets fucked by old men
>Good: 5
>Bad: 14
Yeah, sure..
2nd chapter is going to spark a lot of fanart when it gets an anime...
Because the author can't properly write an interesting story except for pull the new characters out of his ass to kill off and create a cheap shock valve every 5 chapters.
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>Nue jobs in 3 chapters showing potential then Kagurabachi gets like 8 power ups out of nowhere
And nue still didnt die eventhough it look like he did.
One piece bros.... we are done for
Even if that were JJK or Ruri people would still pick the other instead of OP.
>seething brazilians: 14
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What's her fucking problem?
beach chapter when?
should be OP vs Nue for a fair fight
Nobody finds OP interesting anymore, japs just buy volumes habitually.
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volume 4 will do 100k first week easily
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<Latest Jump Comics Issue Released>
『 #呪術廻戦 』28 Only a few bonuses left! Purchase restrictions apply 『 #夜桜さんちの大作戦 』26
『 #アンテッドアンラック 』23
『 #アオのハコ 』17
『 #ダンダダン 』16
『 #鴨乃橋ロンの禁断推理 』15
『 #株式会社マジルミエ 』14
『 #カグラバチ 』4
『 #怪獣8号 side B』2
i win
you lost
KGB is shit.
Ichi today?
Leak later maybe
>An Andela is like a cigarette thrown into a urinal. No matter how many times you try to flush it, it just won't flush.
>they hate kgb
it's over
Such a shame the war is over already.
Who is Marcello?
Think of the japanese kagurabachibrasil
Former UU megashill.
They're so mad about it, kek. The author has confidence in his own work? Absolutely disgusting.
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true when it comes to action
i've stopped enjoying it for quite awhile
its mostly just the still shots of chihiro/uruha/samura with couple enemies cut heads and hands in midair
uninspiring and repetitive
>still hasn't recovered from the uruha/samura comparison collage he made BEFORE leaks were dumped
>its all the same person!
fights will continue to happen offscreen, please buy volume 5 in the future!
Amazon pre order ranking (digital):

99 - akane 14
109 - SD vol 19
118 - WW vol 19
978 - chojo vol 3
1,091 - kill blue vol 7
7,237 - necro vol 2
8,808 - himaten vol 1
16,155 - psych house vol 2
21,559 - kiyoshi vol 1
>16,155 - psych house vol 2
>21,559 - kiyoshi vol 1
>he wants the guy with the nuke to struggle against the people with sticks
Kiyoshichads… we are FUCKED
As expected Himaten is also axebait
Twitter will save Kiyoshi btw
>Nue's Exorcist #4 (28,553)
>Nue's Exorcist #5 (27,233)
Nue's Exorcist #6 (27,582)

What are you talking about?
We sold 349 more copies
This is a big progress
nue 6 had an extra day btw
>preorder rankings a month in advance
yeah this is fucking worthless
chojo and below should die
8 axes when saito
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I think Kiyoshi's fate is in hands of japanese Kagurabachi and Mashle fans. They are the ones who tweet about it and create fanart. If Kiyoshi's twitter account is indeed real they will probably promote the fuck out of it before the release day and first 2 weeks will decide its fate.
nue is gonna FLOP like never, it's reception in the west is already giga bad
I want to see Hikaru's
How nue got an physical even the views on mangaplus isn't that high ?
People think it's because it probably got some kind of anime deal.
>bad 14
nueRATS getting humbled everywhere lmfao
>the girl that mindbroke nueRATS
how did she do it
Higurums surviving wasnt even explained
Gege is such a hack and the manga he is judging with the other hacks will pull even worse shit
kaguflopchi's 15 seconds of mid fame came to an end
It's too early for this ranks to mean anything yet, i seriously doubt Kiyoshi would sell worse Bucket

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