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So was the Evangelion plot just filler and the real point of the show was "escapism le bad" or this is just a redditor thesis?
that monster of the week structure that 80% of the show had got tiring really fast
evangelion was revolutionary for the time
It was just Anno projecting his insecurities
Makes sense
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The real Evangelion was the friends we made along the way
the thesis is "preventing yourself from getting close to anybody so that nobody can hurt you is a more painful way to live than the alternative"
Pls understand Anno is going to live off Eva money because he turned it into the Japanese version of Star Wars
Unironically you need a high IQ to understand and enjoy Eva.
>*tips fedora*
Ban evafags on spot
who is the kyle katarn of eva?
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Mana Kirishima
its gimmick of going from a typical fight shounen to a pretentious muh depwession story WAS unique and interesting back then. What >>271905357 said. Star Wars was revolutionary for the time but now it only exists to pump out shitty games and shows that nobody likes.
it was pretentious and moody from the start
actually the message was "bitches be crazy"
now go buy the blu rays and merch, consumer
That's just a redditor thesis. I don't even like the show very much since the characters are one dimensional, but the original show is arthouse and makes good points on the coldness of universe, meaning and where human suffering comes from, and shows an alternative solution. EoE must be always included in the list of greatest movies for the sake of cultural preservation. Rebuilds are pathetic in what they depict and show that Anno lost the juice, but they're still enjoyable if you look at them as fanfiction and just enjoy the visuals or something.
Never talk to people about this show. Read into what sort of things its drawing from, understand that it's very personal for the author, and seriously just follow your heart on what you think it means and you're likely to get a better understanding than the average fan.
People just project whatever message they want onto Evangelion because the vagueness allows it. Half the people who watched it don't even understand the significance of the finale to the ending and think you can skip the last two episodes for EoE.

The truth is that there is very little filler, most of the content actually matters, but it all dovetails together to support the simple idea that you matter as an individual and that it would be good for you to act like it.
"escapism le bad" isn't even in like the top 5 points of the show.
>since the characters are one dimensional
This is either the biggest bait or you're the biggest retard.
it's not even about escapism, just a species trying to survive
but the retarded part is that when the character was given the fate of humanity, he chose to wipe them because dealing with humans is troublesome
It's not bait and this response could only come from an Asuka fan who thinks she is complex lmfao
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The point is to love yourself so you can love others! They say it out loud! Multiple times! It's not subtle! There's no coy symbolism! Make a connection to another human being! Risk being hurt!
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>So was the Evangelion plot just filler and the real point of the show was "escapism le bad"
Anno told you that 3 times.

>The point is to love yourself so you can love others!
The point is to love yourself so you can grow into a proper adult and find your own happiness.
I never got that message
the only message is "don't be scared of responsibility", "we're not forcing you, you just need to make that decision on your own"
half the people who watched it don't even listen to what the characters are saying
Both Asuka and Shinji have more depth and personality than you.
"escapism le bad" is the conclusion people come to when they don't want to admit that they liked something made to empathize with struggling men.
They would rather cope with "IT WAS ACTUALLY MAKING FUN OF MEN! THIS SHOW IS WITH ME!" before considering the possibility that men have feelings too.
main point is that JKs are hot and always will be
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No, they don’t, not really. Both Asuka and Shinji are shallow, but they do an effective job of embodying their thematic roles, which, in a show like this, is really about as much as you can ask for. The author's effectiveness in portraying these characters is demonstrated by how many people love them.

Kaworu’s probably the only character in the show that we can call depthful. He’s the one person who’s ever kind to Shinji, and the punchline is that he's not even from Earth —he’s an Angel, an antagonist that Shinji has to kill. The message is really clear, human beings were never meant to love one another. Love is something that is inherently alien to us.

Misato is probably the one with the highest number of layers: a commanding officer with serious authority, a quasi-maternal figure, and a hypersexual slut with serious daddy issues.
I'm not an incel so I always figured the confusion around Eva was just typical retardation, but you may actually be right.
This take is everywhere and as long as there's people around who irrationally hate the existence of males its not going away.
>If a show made for men turns out to be bad, that's because it was made for men.
>If a show made for men turns out to be good, then uhh umm it was actually a hit piece on men.

Men bad.
I hate men.
You hate men?
Me hate men too.
Fuck men.
Burn men.
Kill all men.
Unga bunga.
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>I never got that message

Then you're a fucking moron.
>we're not forcing you
How about you think for yourself, you stupid fucking insect?
Isnt this all escapism is le bad stuff only in the Rebuilds?

Also: Mari is the best girl.
Definitely, the original was never about escapism, it was about learning to deal with the fact life can suck sometimes, that relying on others is not a substitute for your own growth and that, in general, human relationships are complicated and running away won't allow you to grow.
The rebuilds aren't about escapism either, they change what they want to be about with each new installment. 1.0 is about just TV eva, 2.0 is "what if eva, but stuff went well?", 3.0 is "no no wait, what if Eva, but everything was utterly miserable?".
And then 3+1 comes out, and the entire thing is less about the usual Eva stuff but more about the weird relationship Anno has with Eva as a franchise, how much it damaged him and how the best way for him to cope is for Eva to disappear forever. It's basically the story of how him (Shinji) and you both need to grow out of the franchise, while at the same time wanting you to buy more stuff about the franchise itself in a weird cope where he pretends that otakuism is le bad while living his childhood dreams of being Ultraman. Honestly, it's baffling. I know some people interpret the original TV show as a generic "hey dumb otakus, get out of your rooms and stop liking these things" but I think it's too narrow a view of the themes the show talks about. And besides, if we wanted to go that direction, NHK is a 300% better show.

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