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"Animation studio Zero-G announced on their X (formerly Twitter) account that animator and character designer Toshinari Yamashita (山下 敏成) passed away on October 1, 2024. No further details were given."

"He was a skilled animator who had a strong and uniquely identifiable style characterized by sharp drawings and the oftentimes voluptuous breasts found in his character designs. He debuted as a character designer in 1995 with the original Shadow Skill OVA and gained notice doing the character designs for Burn-Up W (1996), Amazing Nurse Nanako (1999), and Divergence Eve (2003). Yamashita also animated openings and endings to various works on his own. Examples include the Tenchi Universe (1995) opening, the Kämpfer (2009) ending, and the opening for B Gata H Kei: Yamada’s First Time (2010). Most recently, he key animated the ending for Bartender: Glass of God (2024)."
Fucking F
I loved Burn Up
Damn I love burn up, it's one of my favorite obscure anime. Thanks Toshinari
guess time to rewatch Burn-UP and Nurse Nanako
Burn Up was one of my favorites growing up.
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rest in pussy, king
I love tits on a stick bimbos.
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What the heck is wrong with this year? Are U.S. election years just cursed?
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Glad to see some appreciation for him. I love that this random 00s webpage just about Burn Up W and Dirty Pair Flash still exists. It's where I got the first image.

Rest in Glory
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I'll miss you. Hope he trained some people in his style, let the bounce continue on forever.
Earlier this year I thought this guy died but seems like that’s now the case
He certainly had
animated campers, kamuy, etc
Lotta the key people from that era are all starting to hit their late 50s/early 60s and if you took shitty care of yourself that's around the time surprise bullshit starts having a real chance of popping up and taking you out. I follow an old pervert that I know has gotta be in this range and I only hope he's more physically active than his feed suggests
divergence eve was the first anime I downloaded with fansubs. it was complete garbage but the ed was nice.
Toriyama's death released a curse on Japan.
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I love Divergence Eve
I accidentally read this as Abe's death.
Remake when?
Rest in peace, Yamashita.
RIP. Shadow Skill was my jam.
>mistaking an 8 letter name for a 3 letter name
Wow, I saved this as a wallpaper nearly 20 years ago...
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Rest In Peace.
Rest in peace.
Man first Kimura now this.
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remember watchin this back in highschool
RIP :(
Quit acting like one.
I'm not the one saying "good" to people mourning over losing a great animator from the 90's you fucking underage imbecile
>great animator
>known for turning Burn Up into complete shit
>cookie-cutter boomer style
Thank you for confirming that you're an underage retard
>expect: cute fanservice sci fi
>Get: Absolutely horrifying cosmic space horror
Good times
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This blows.

I'm actually a big fan of the guy, he was a real workhorse and would often do scenes/OPs entirely by himself (pic related).

Around the mid 90s there was a transitional period from popular female looks in Japan being about slimless and long legs into more curvy aesthetics and artists like Obari, Kimura, etc focused more on this but Yamashita had a strange way of making girls very busty but also very thin and slim and unique faces based on eyes very fall apart and pointed minimal mouths. Sometimes it would look off (If you ever watch Grandoll's transformation scene you'll see how the torso makes no sense) but he made the contrasts work.

His last work was march of this year, so either he worked while sick or this was a very sudden thing.

Oh well. RIP.
That was always one of my favorite intros
>deleted based mods
Why would we know? Trump and Elon are fully vaccinated, this is publicly known and confirmed by themselves.
Silent Mobius deserve a remake or a sequel.

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There actually was a sequel manga. Untranslated naturally. For some reason you can't even find the original manga scanned online either. I wouldn't say no to a remake. I liked the series but the anime went off the material and didn't really resolve. I heard there was supposed to be a movie but that didn't pan out.
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Back in the day, Radix (old animation company, became the current Zero-G) hosted drawings by their own staff on their website. One of them was by Yamashita for a cancelled anime called "MIT Woodland School" (MIT 樹海学園), it was about an alien who crashlanded on earth and doesn't really know how to co-exist with them, so he opens up a school in the middle of a forest for other aliens to join and learn how.

You can read all about it here: https://twitter.com/juntmjun/status/819950648162586625

It's a little fast but it really shows off his artistic variety with machines, monsters, etc as well as how he exaggerates proportions (look at how weird Kiddy looks shooting her gun in a still vs in motion). He was more talented than just "big titty nurse catgirl guy"
I recently bought the digital version of the Silent Mobius book that Kia Asamiya put out, might have some info about the movie. I have to get it translated though (he made it a PDF with a hundred individual image assets which makes it hard to just rip). I've noticed a lot of flak going against Kia Asamiya recently though. Newer audiences don't like how he draws faces; there was a recent issue with Lexington from kancolle and how everyone thinks she looks ugly.
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I always found the character designs to be the best part of the show. I find that they stand out from other designs of the period in a good way, his shading feels very in line with Hirano's stuff, kind of as an evolution from that.

I'm hoping that his friends will be crediting more of his work on twitter in the next little while, maybe even sharing some original genga. Sadly western archives are usually incomplete and he doesn't seem to have an atwiki page that covers everything like with many respected animators. Obviously his skill level was extremely high, he did lots of impressive stuff on his ops like the Silent Mobius and Tenchi Muyo ones.
fukken RIP.
>he worked on mobius
>first watched mobius 2 fucking decade ago on cable tv
RIP. Also i feel too goddamn old now.
When I went on twitte rafter his death was announced, I found a tweet paying respects and mentioned how he worked with Yamashita. It turns out the guy was one of the game planners for the Hyperspeed Grandoll video game. Weird how you only learn these deep lores until after someone dies.

When you say Hirano do you mean Toshihiro Hirano? The old Macross animator?
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The speed Is coming from it being at 30 FPS I'm pretty sure, The digital Saber Marionette anime from 97/98 have a similar issue, same with the Bubblegum Crisis 2040 op. For whatever reason when they started doing digital anime they either didn't think to, or just weren't able to, keep the frame rate at 24 per second, as was standard, Yamashita's animation was probably timed out for 24 and then interpolated into 30 in this case.

That Radix project sounds amazing.

Asamiya's late 90s style is pretty controversial, I'm of the opinion that his modern style looks good though, maybe not as good as what he was doing around Borgman and when Silent Mobius started, but still good.
What the fuck is your problem? Have some respect.
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It's a shame. I was always a fan.
Yeah if you look at a lot of late 90s or early 2000s anime that was experimenting with digital there was a certain weird way it would pan and move sometimes. Growing pains of a new medium I suppose. I don't recall thinking much of it back in the day but now you can't help but notice it with modern sets.
I watched it because someone posted this image and linked the ed on an anime bbs in 2005.
Boy a bet you were surprised
I'm going to watch it as well now, anon.
Weird, but I do know what you mean, a lot of late 90s OP did that. I remember watching the Angel Links OP and noticing the part where she beats up the mooks being way sleeker than the rest of the OP. I got that from the sakugabooru and I don't think they would interpolate it themselves, they're very anal about keeping everything as pure as possible.

For Asamiya I think he focused more on lines and proportions as he got older. i can understand why some people would have whiplash compared to Borgman (Anice Farm my beloved), especially late 90's Asamiya faces. He drew some big noses.

Meanwhile someone like Tsukasa Kotobuki toned himself down a little with the faces.
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Hirano was on Macross, but I'm thinking more specifically of his general shading style and stuff like Iczer 1 and Dangaioh that he designed for and directed a few years later. Of course there are plenty of steps in between, But Yamashita also exaggerated the legs a bit like Hirano, and their shading style seems similar to me. And then of course Hirano was a major player for AIC, which is where we see Yamashita pop up with OVAs like Rance and Burn Up.
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I love Burn Up W and Excess.
It's possible they learned from each other, a lot of artists do that. If you notice, Yamashita's character design for Shadow Skill looks very different from his typical artstyle (curved chins, sharper, more compressed eyes). I can see where you say they exaggerate length, though I think Hirano was still a bit curvier, in the 80s gravure kinda way.

I vaguely remember hearing that Masami Obari was really impressed by how Tsukasa Kotobuki drew so much he wanted to adapt it and Tsukasa said, maybe jokingly "Oh no what have I done"
I had only seen tv anime at that point so the idea that anime titties could look like that was mindblowing. then I actually watched the anime and it was some shitty sci fi show with terrible cgi and barely any actual titties.
The anime industry was relatively small back then, and of course a young animator who got into the industry in the late 80s like Yamashita was probably eating up mid 80s ovas like Iczer as they came out and was inspired by them. Old guard people are usually enthusiastic about new people who are coming in they feel "get it". The biggest change I've seen from Janica surveys and the like is that these days the industry is so big and productions are so strained and fragmented that young animators don't really have the opportunity for on hands training or even general interaction with old veterans, which makes it a lot harder to get them up to speed. Hopefully Yamashita had some proteges over at Zero G.
General consensus is that it tried to be both a ecchi show and a psycho horror. If it focused entirely on one or the other it would have been very good at it.
>character designs get "modernized", tits get censored
remakes are a curse
I only ever saw the first season, does the second season improve on anything? Even if it wasn't totally successful I'm glad it exists as a time capsule into early 00s anime, the extreme contrast is bold at the very least.
Misaki Chronicles explains things a bit more and wraps up Misaki's character arc (what happened to her father, why watcher's nest is in a time still) but is way slower and atmospheric, not as much action, focuses on Lyar a lot more.

Nice bouncy OP though
That sounds appealing to me. I'll have to rewatch season 1 and then move on to Misaki Chronicles, I'm inspired now.

Also, >>22883301 made a good point that Yamashita clearly had a close connection with Hiroshi Negishi, Even the earliest in between credits I can find for Yamashita are on Negishi's La Deus OVA From 1987, and he directed Burn Up W, Tenchi Universe, Nanako, , Divergence Eve and others with Yamashita on the staff.
I remember reading a reason that a lot of mecha anime isn't done as much and why it's mostly CGI is because a lot of the old mecha animators barely got to pass down their knowledge to the new generation so they're kinda SOL
>If it focused entirely on one or the other it would have been very good at it.

I'm not sure I agree. I think if it did one or the other it probably wouldn't have stood out much at all. This isn't me being dismissive of it but it being a split makes it more unique.
No I like it the way it is, it gave it a bit of a pulpy b-movie horror feel. Technically it did go more into the psych horror with the sequel but it just meant more slow burn narrative, it didn't change any of the designs or anything
It's sad we're going to see all these great artists pass away during our lifetime.
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I'm still wondering if this was a kiss or not.
There were some yuri undertomes with Ertiana and Misaki. Ertiana waited for her until she was an old hag.
Misaki and Muv Luv would be a terrifying combination in SRW
The only work of his that I watched is Divergence Eve I think but the artstyle is very noticeable here.
The way the girls look, their proportions, the color in their hair, weird looking monsters and even the CGI there all remind me of Divergence Eve.
Watching Divergence Eve was kind of weird. The designs scream 00s hentai to me especially Prim. The ghouls also behaved like some hentai rape monsters and their attacks resembled penetration. There were nipples but otherwise there were no hentai elements and none of the girls were implied to be in a relationship with a man except for Misaki and the blue-haired journalist working together, Ertiana helping the samurai and Prim working together with Leblanc. In the end it seem to have yuri with how Ertiana tries to rescue Misaki even in her old age.

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