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You were my perfect friend, right there until the end, I'm forever missing you until we meet again.
RIP my robot cat friend, I pray that you'll be sleeping well among the stars
The 20s have been awfully cursed. RIP.
My childhood. My first anime. RESPECT.
Sad, may she rest in pieace. A lot of seiyuus dying lately.
Everyone give Nozawa Masako your spirit energy
All decades are cursed, it's just the fact that you, and I, are becoming old enough that many of our childhood actors and artists are dying. When you were 18, you probably didn't give two fucks about some actor only popular between 1925 and 1932 biting it. It's only gonna keep picking up.
Rest in peace… I loved Doraemon as a kid
RIP. Huge legacy.
Thanks for everything
Noooooooooo not doraemon...
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rip monokuma
this was a genius choice
She already retired after DR2 (or UDG, I can't remember) because senility, but still is sad. RIP.
That's not true, no way
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I guess Doraemon and Nobita were finally reunited with each other in heaven since their voice actresses were best friends in real life.

>Japanese voice actor Noriko Ohara, best known for providing the voice of Nobita Nobi in the popular anime series "Doraemon," died on July 12, 2024. She was 88.
Goodbye the true Doraemon...
aw damn. RIP
90's not a bad age to go
>No sticky
All because Americans didn't grow up with Doraemon.
Put me in the screencap
Sad and happy in a way. Bittersweet ending.
Is there art on jptwt of both Doraemon and Nobita in the afterlife yet?
Rest in Peace, my childhood heroes.
They had Reaganmon.
Goddamn. At least she lived a long life.
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Left is when Nobuyo Oyama was a 17 year old girl. Right is when Nobuyo Oyama was a 76 year old woman.
Rest in Peace... Only one is still left from them. Sad.
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Didn't she have alzheimer's which is why she quit voice acting? She probably died many years ago in spirit and this was just her body following suit.
Anyway, RIP.
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>iconic seiyuu death

wtf these threads so frequent now..;_;
Some many seiyuu are dying this year. Rest in Peace.
>Seiyuus are dying before the most famous rockstars
Does Japan have a shitty healthcare system or something?

Reminder that both of Monokuma's JPN VA died in the same year.
Holy shit.
Michiko Nomura, the original voice actress of Shizuka Minamoto, is now the sole survivor of the original Doraemon voice actors. The 2 videos below are her most recent public appearances this year with the most recent video being 6 days ago on October 4, 2024 where she is seen chugging down beer in a mug.

Ken Production Co., Ltd. (賢プロダクション) is a Japanese seiyuu representation agency. The agency was established on June 1, 1984 by seiyuu and actor Utsumi Kenji (who sadly died in 2013 at age 75). Later, he handed over his management to his son Utsumi Kentaro and retired as chairman. Kenji's widow and seiyuu Nomura Michiko serves as a prominent advisor.

KenPro Women's Gathering Part 1 (Michiko Nomura / Mika Kanai / Keiko Fukushima / Yuko Kaida / Kentaro Utsumi): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeMrZ9_l_n4

KenPro Women's Gathering Part 2 (Michiko Nomura / Mika Kanai / Keiko Fukushima / Yuko Kaida / Kentaro Utsumi): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tyUiWW4IsY
USA probably have the best health care in the world if you are rich and worse than Brazil is you aren’t. Anyway no surprise that someone past 70 died.
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Nobuyo Oyama was a big fan of the block breaking game Arkanoid (Taito), so much so that he has an Arkanoid cabinet at her vacation home. Her personal best of about 1.2 million points is equal to the official record of second place. She started playing in 1988 as a way to kill time while waiting at airports and train stations.

Doraemon plays Arkanoid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PsDdaWgZUc
I will never forget her voice.
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It wasn't confirmed it was alzheimer but she started to have symptoms of senility which is what led to her retiring from VA, then dissapeared from public life.
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Oyama's roles.
Hasn't Kappei suffered enough?
It's sad but making it to 90 shows you lived a good life
No sticky? I guess Mod are all zoomer.
You just know she was the toughest sukeban in the hood.
She was always a beauty.
My cuntry used dubs when it was aired. I've never really heard Doraemon OG voice actually. I have lots of fun watching and reading the show. RIP
None of the threads this year have gotten stickies because there would be three of them up at all times
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Farewell, legend.
How newfag are you? US voice actor died and it got a sticky, if japs die nobody pats an eye even though they would be most famous there was
Nobita's VA had a sticky.
>Doraemon passes away
>Monokuma passes away
>Replacement Monokuma passes away
>Nobita passes away
What a sad year.
She didn't. We kept bumping it for about a week.
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Older you get sadder it gets
Rest in peace.
90 is a good life.
Damn, RIP
FUCK man. Rip.
>still not stickied
Mods are fags
tasukete doraemon

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