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Sakura is a pure girl who is a virgin. She lets boys play but never score.
Sad dead general...
Explain what happened to the senpals and that guy she raped in the school clinic! Also the DP threesome with her ex and his best friend!
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>She's a virgin
I don't buy it. Why does she dress and act the way she does?
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>Sunomiyas!! NOW!!
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They were just cuddling and kissing as friends! Nothing lewd
>Shouldn't we spend some time together first before doing this?
I feel bad for that guy. He just wanted to date this nice gyaru then ended up losing his virginity. Then probably dumped by her the next morning.
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I miss Nagamondays
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Its sunday anon
A conversation between her and Nagatoro could have explained more if the manga continued longer.
Not here it isn't
>That pic rel and name
Great, now I miss Smegma-bro....
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Finished Chapter 6 of Nagatoro Kaidan. Actually finished it last Friday but the thread died by the time I was done writing. Looks like it's longer than Chapter 3, had to split it in 2. So Chapter 6 will have 2 parts. I'll post part 1 in a bit. Just need to check up on stuff. Part 2 I'll post later. I need some sleep.
>Naoto sits alone in the corner of his room, drunk and sobbing in the dark
>Tormented by Hayase's farewell
>*Flashback* "I love you, Hayase-san"
>"Please use our love, keep it in your heart and do your best in the exam! Promise me, my darling!"
>Naoto takes a swig from a bottle of Suntory Whisky that he stole from his dad's liquor cabinet
>Flashback of her tearful eyes looking into his after kissing him so passionately
>Naoto: "Hayase-san..." *sobbing*
>Dadpai: "Nao-kun, what the fuck are you doing there?! Who told you to get my whisky?! I swear to the Kamis, I'll-"
>Mompai: "Anata, our son is going through something."
>Mompai explains that Naoto might be going through a breakup with his girlfriend
>Dadpai understands but is still mad and gets the spare key
>Dadpai: *opening Naoto's room's door* "Give me that!" *takes the bottle of Suntory*
>Dadpai tries to smack him in the face but decides not to
>Dadpai: "If I ever see you stealing my booze again, I'll fucking beat you, Nao-kun!"
>Naoto cries himself to sleep that night
>The next day
>Naoto wakes up late, with a hangover
>Doesn't even eat a bite of his breakfast and leaves for school still feeling miserable
>Naoto spends the day spacing out, even being scolded by his teacher for not paying attention to the lecture
>Later that day in the art club
>Hana notices that Naoto is miserable
>He's just staring out of the window
>Hana saw the farewell letter Hayase wrote for him when she came to art club earlier that day
>Figured that Hayase was able to write that after Hana forgot to put back the ofuda and the salt piles on the door thus enabling her to enter the clubroom
>Naoto didn't bother erasing the letter
>Hana also noticed the chairs and Naoto's easel on the floor that were likely thrown about out of frustration
>She feels sad for her senpai who's hurting
>Hana: "Hachiouji-senpai, let's have lunch together!" *holding up the bentos for the both of them*
>Naoto doesn't respond and just sits in front of her while she has her lunch. Not even bothering to touch the bento made for him by Sana
>Hana: "Eerrhhmm..Sana-nee congratulates you for topping the mock exams, senpai..."
>Naoto: "Sure....give my thanks to Sunomiya-san."
>Hana: *holding on to his arm* "You have to eat something, Senpai. You have class later at Kainan."
>Naoto looks up to her and realizes she's right
>Naoto reluctantly eats half of the bento while not speaking a word throughout the meal
>Aihara: "What's wrong with that guy?"
>Hashimoto: "Know anything, Macchi? You two were pretty chummy just last week."
>Machida: "Shut up! Something feels off with him."
>Art Sensei: "He's going through something. It's reflecting on his work. You can actually feel his mood. That's why I commented that the piece he submitted feels a lot like Goya's Black Paintings."
>Hashimoto: "What does that even mean?"
>Machida: "You dumbass. Goya made those paintings while he was going through some rough shit in his life."
>Hashimoto: "Daaammmnn.."
>Art Sensei: "Sorry to trouble you, Machida-san. But would you go check up on him. He's going to the roof. Make sure nothing bad happens."
>Machida hurries to the roof
>Naoto is leaning on the railing on the roof looking at the night sky
>Can't help but remember the times he and Hayase spent time on the rooftop of Kazehaya
>His hands begin to shake and his eyes well with tears
>He can still see her smile, smell her, feel her lips, and even hear her voice
>The memories of her still haunts him and it's killing him inside
>Machida: "Sup!"
>Naoto is surprised that he didn't notice Machida walking up to him
>Naoto wipes the tears from his eyes and looks away from Machida
>Naoto: "Oh hey.."
>Machida hands him her pack of Marlboros Red
>Machida: *with a cig on her lips* "Want one?"
>Naoto, already in a shit mood, just agrees and has one from her pack
>Machida lights up Naoto's cigarette before lighting hers
>Naoto, who doesn't smoke, takes a puff for the first time
>Naoto inhales the smoke deep into his lungs and instantly regrets it
>Naoto is coughing up his lungs after that puff
>Machida can't help but laugh
>Machida: "Hacchi! You're such a pussy! Don't tell me this is the first time you tried this?"
>Naoto: *coughing* "It is! How can you even enjoy this shit?!"
>Machida giggles at Naoto, satisfied that she broke the ice
>Machida: *taking a puff of her cig* "So, what's up, Hacchi?"
>Naoto: "It's nothing."
>Machida puts her hand on his shoulder and Naoto looks up to her to see her face
>Even though Machida asked him in a nonchalantly, her face conveys deep concern for him
>Tightening his fist, breaking his cigarette in two between his fingers, Naoto can't help but lose it
>Silently cries onto Machida's shoulder
>Machida is surprised, but comforts her classmate
>Machida: "What happened, Hacchi?"
>Naoto: *silently sobbing* "My girlfriend....she left me..."
>Machida notices that Naoto is so grief stricken that he didn't pay attention to his still-lit cigarette that's crushed between his fingers is starting to burn his skin
>Machida wrenches it out and throws it away, and puts her hand on Naoto's head, caressing his hair as he cries
>They stay like this for a little while until Naoto calms down
>Naoto apologizes and leaves for home after gathering his things downstairs
>Machida stays on the rooftop and lights up another cigarette
>Machida, is reminded of a bitter memory of the time her ex-boyfriend left her before she graduated high school.
>*Flashback to some years ago* Machida: (with black hair, in her high school uniform looking more innocent) "WHO IS SHE, SENPAI?! HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME!"
>Ex-BF: "I'm sorry, Macchi. It's not your fault...Well, I just got tired of this thing with us and quite frankly, I'm bored. I'm bored of you and with art."
>Ex-BF: "I don't have to take this. I'm leaving, Macchi. Good luck with art school."
>*High Schooler Machida cries on the floor as her senpai leaves her*
>Machida can't help but sympathize with Naoto.
>A couple of weeks later
>One evening Naoto is sneaking into his dad's liquor cabinet again to steal a bottle of whisky
>Naoto steals the same bottle of Old Suntory Whisky and tries to sneak back into his room, but turns arounds to see his dad was behind him the whole time
>Dadpai: "What did I tell you, Nao-kun?"
>Dadpai reaches his hand towards Naoto
>Naoto fully expects to be smacked in the face, but his father just takes the bottle off his hands
>His dad leaves the pantry
>Naoto feels relieved, but his father calls out to him from the dining room
>Naoto hurries to the dining room to find his father with two glasses with generous servings of whisky already poured for the both of them, neat
>Dadpai: "Sit down, have a drink."
>Naoto is confused
>Naoto: "Y-Yes, dad! Sorry..."
>His dad lights up a cigarette and takes a sip of his dram then looks at Naoto for hesitating to drink his
>Naoto hurriedly takes a gulp of whisky, finding it bitter makes him wince
>Dadpai: "Hmph! Now you know you shouldn't be drinking this stuff. But yeah sure, you insist to be a man. Drink up."
>Naoto: "I'm sorry, dad."
>Dadpai: *puffing on his cigarette* "I'm disappointed in you, Nao-kun. You never told me that you had a girlfriend."
>Naoto: "How did you know?"
>Dadpai: "You think I wouldn't notice with you acting like bitch for the past 3 weeks?"
>Naoto starts to tear up
>Dadpai: "Don't you dare cry, Nao-kun. Drink up."
>Naoto takes another gulp of his whisky to calm himself, he still finds it too bitter and that it burns.
>Dadpai: "Look, I know what you're going through."
>Naoto: "You don-"
>Dadpai: "I do! I'm older than you and believe me, I've been through that before. Way before meeting your mother."
>Naoto stays silent, taking small sips of his drink
>Dadpai: *Finishing his cigarette and crushing it on the ash tray* "Did you love her?"
>Naoto: *straining his tears* "Yes..."
>Dadpai: "You'll most likely will never forget her."
>Naoto grits his teeth and grips the glass tightly after his dad said this
>Naoto: "She left me.."
>Dadpai: "You can't really do anything about this, Nao-kun. Women are...just like that."
>Naoto just stares at his glass in despair
>Dadpai: "But look, I know it hurts, but you'll eventually move on from her. You're still young, Nao-kun. You have to accept that she isn't the last girl you'll ever meet and that, even if she remains in your memories forever, your love for her will eventually fade as time goes by. You'll still meet other girls and fall in love."
>Naoto just sits silently
>Dadpai: "It's not the end of the world, Nao-kun. You just need to do better everyday, and just keep moving forward. Heh, next thing you'll know you're married and have a family of your own. I know that you know that you're better than what you were before meeting her. Some girl will notice that some day."
>Naoto smiles a bit, but is still saddened at the thought that not only her memory will remain with him forever, but his love for her will fade over time.
>Dadpai: "Worst thing you can do is dwell in the past and never move on. You'll only be just destroying yourself then."
>Naoto thinks about what was said to him as his father finishes his drink
>His dad then fills up his glass again
>Dadpai: "You're graduating next year. You're a man now, Nao-kun. You better start acting like one. You should stop moping around and acting like a bitch all day just because of a girl. Try to get back up on your feet, son. Finish your drink, and go to bed. If I ever see you pilfering my booze again, I'll smack you. You got that?"
>Naoto: "Yes, dad. Sorry."
>Dadpai: "Good."
Naga nails
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>His dad pats his head as he gets up leaves for his bedroom, leaving Naoto to finish his drink
>Finishing his second glass of whisky, already drunk, Naoto goes back to bed.
>Staring at his ceiling, he thinks about what his dad said about life moves on anyways before passing out for the night.
>The next day
>Naoto wakes up with a hangover again
>His dad makes sure he has breakfast before he leaves for school
>Lunch time
>Hana gives him his bento for the day
>Hana: "Hachiouji-senpai. This is the last bento Sana-nee is making for you, by the way."
>Naoto: *surprised* "Oh, why is that?"
>Hana: "Grand Uncle urged her to go attend college now saying that being a priestess at the shrine can wait, and that she can still attend her duties there in the weekends anyway."
>Naoto: "Oh, good for her. I guess he didn't want Sunomiya-san to miss out on college."
>Hana: "Pretty much. Anyways Sana-nee made this last bento extra special for you."
>Opening the wrapping he sees a note from Sana for him
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>Sana: *from the note* "Dear, Hachiouji-kun. Hana probably told you that this is the last bento I'm making for you. I'm going to attend TUA in the semester probably after you graduate. Just because I stopped making these doesn't mean you should start eating unhealthy slop again. I worry for you. Please don't get yourself sick again. I'm sorry to hear about what happened between you and Hayase-san. Anyways, please do your best. Graduate and pass the entrance exam. I've seen you grow as a fine artist, I should know since I taught you. You no longer need me as a mentor. I trust that you will pass the exam. I assure you that we'll meet again in university, no longer as senpai and kouhai or as student and mentor, but as equals, as classmates. - Your Friend and Caring Club Prez, Sana (heart)."
>Naoto's hands can't help but shake at her words of encouragement
>Thinking back to his father's words that life will go on and he just has to do better everyday, almost makes him tear up again
>Seeing his reaction, Hana tries to calm Naoto
>Hana: "Senpai..."
>Naoto: "No, Hana! Thank you. Please send my sincerest thanks to Sun....Sana-san."
>Hana: "Sure, senpai!"
>Naoto: "What are we waiting for? Let's dig in!"
>Naoto and Hana both enjoy their lunch together. Naoto savours every bite of Sana's last bento for him before they both proceed to do their club activities and leave for cram school.
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>Slut manga makes the list
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>Weeks and months pass, Naoto with some renewed confidence, continues with his studies, club activities, and his classes at cram school
>Naoto starts hanging out with the Kainan Big 3 more and more after class
>Though reserved and a bit gloomy at first, Naoto opens up to them and starts joining their banter
>Naoto and Machida keep at it with their rivalry by one upping each other with scores in the rankings of every work they submit. Both having their share of wins and losses against each other and the other two art pals.
>Naoto actually starts enjoying his life at Kainan competing against then hanging out with his new friends, and helping out with Hana whenever he's at school.
>Unbeknownst only to Naoto, Machida is slowly falling for him
>Machida starts sticking to Naoto more, even chatting with him online almost everyday, even sharing her music taste of Nightwish, Children of Bodom, and other metal bands from Finland.
>Naoto is all the more happy to have someone to be buddies with and talk with even late into the night despite their friendly rivalry
>All the while this happens, since Naoto no longer goes to the art club regularly, Hana is getting rid of Naoto's paintings and drawings of Hayase as per Sana's instructions
>She's taking them one by one as to not be noticed by Naoto
>Sana instructs her to take the drawings and paintings to the shrine to be disposed of in the future
>Their grand uncle explains that this is supposed to sever any connections he has with Hayase so she can pass on
>One evening as Hana is going home, she gets a faint smell of the familiar scent of flowers, and knows that Hayase never left, but is avoiding them.
>Hana informs Sana and their grand uncle about this but is told to ignore Hayase
>Grand Uncle explains that as Naoto moves on from her she'll eventually pass on as she did what she wanted.
>She'll probably be gone by the time Naoto graduates
>Meanwhile at cram school
>Art pals and Naoto are planning to spend their Friday evening somewhere to hangout
>Hashimoto suggest they go out drinking which Naoto refuses
>Hashimoto: "Come on, Hacchi! We need to unwind. The passed 2 weeks have a been a bit stressful and the entrance exam's just a few months away!"
>Aihara: "Don't be a party pooper, Hacchi!"
>Naoto: "I know, but I don't have any money right now..."
>Art pals realized that they're also broke
>Naoto notices Machida just standing silently, seemingly not paying attention to them, thinking about something
>Naoto: "You okay there, Machida-san?"
>Machida: "Yeah, just thinking of something. Don't worry about me."
>Aihara: "Got any ideas where to go hangout, Instructor Macchi?"
>Machida remembers about her uncle's tuna boat and thinks that might be a good place to hangout
>Thinks to herself that it might be the perfect place to be alone with Naoto
>Machida: "Hey guys! What about my uncle’s tuna boat at the pier? He can probably spare us some sea food and a grill to make skewers from. I still have some money and maybe if you can spare some we can buy some drinks."
>Aihara: "I’m broke, instructor Macchi."
>Hashimoto: "Me too."
>Machida: "Stop being stingy, you fags! I know you can spare some and we already have free food anyway!"
>Aihara and Hashimoto: *sighing* "Fine!"
>Machida: "You too, Hacchi. You should tag along."
>Naoto: "Sure, Machida. I’ll go with you guys."
>Aihara and Hashimoto: "Hell yeah! Hacchi’s gonna get drunk as fuck!"
>Naoto: "No!"
>Machida giggles
>Machida: "Come on, Hacchi. Let's have fun tonight." *latches into his arm*
>Later after going on a beer run in the nearby supermarket and calling her uncle about hanging out at his boat, the four go to the pier
>They manage to scrounge up enough money to buy a case of Asahi beer and a bag of ice for their cooler
>The Elite Four arrive at Machida’s uncle’s boat at the pier, and true enough her uncle does have some fresh fish to spare, a grill, and even some freshly caught tuna he cut up into sashimi for his beloved niece
>This impresses them, then Uncle Machida calls his niece by her nickname "Otohime-chan" (most of her family are fishermen and her first name is Otsu as she is the second daughter) which embarrasses her in front of her friends
>Much to the amusement of Naoto and the art pals
>Pouting and annoyed, Machida sees Naoto laughing at her
>Punches him the shoulder
>Machida: "Shut up, Hacchi! That’s enough, you queers!"
>Hashimoto: "If you're Otohime-chan, then I'm Momotaro!"
>Aihara: "It's Urashima Taro, dumbfuck."
>Hashimoto: "Whatever! We're all guests Otohime-chan-sama's dragon palace/pier!"
>Naoto and the art pals laugh loudly again much to Machida's annoyance
>They start grilling skewers of fish and crack open some beers
>Aihara: "Stop being such a wuss, Hacchi, and drink up!"
>Naoto: "I don’t want to! It’s bitter!"
>Naoto is refusing to drink after getting horribly drunk for the past few months while grieving about Hayase
>Hashimoto: "Hey house rules! You can’t eat unless you drink!"
>Machida: *Gulping her beer* "Man, I can’t believe you’re such a little girl, Hacchi!"
>Naoto: *annoyed at Machida* "OKAY! I’ll drink it! Sheesh!"
>Naoto starts drinking the whole can
>Machida and the Art pals try to contain their laughter seeing Hacchi struggling to chug the whole can when he was just asked to drink some
>Naoto finishes the whole can looking horrible as fuck
>Machida and the Art Pals laugh at him
>Aihara: "You didn’t have to drink the whole thing!"
>Naoto: "What the hell, guys?!"
>Machida: *giggling and turning red from laughing too much* "Man, you’re kinda stupid, Hacchi!”
>Naoto is annoyed at what she said
>Machida: *Opens a new can of beer and hands it to him* "Just take it easy, Hacchi. We’re here to relax (heart).”"
>Naoto: *Takes the beer, takes a sip, winces a bit from the bitterness a bit* "Thanks, Macchi"
>Machida blushes a bit since it’s the first time he called her by her school nickname
>Hashimoto: "Man, I didn’t know you can be such a badass, Hacchi."
>Machida: "A stupid one though, but a badass still (heart)."
>Naoto: *annoyed but smirks* "Oh shut up, Otohime-cha-"
>Gets punched on the arm again by Machida
>Art pals laugh
>Going through the skewers and the beer, they talk about what they’re going to do if they pass the exam and possible careers
>More teasing and Naoto being a bit more cheeky this time much to everyone’s amusement
>Hours pass, the art pals have to go home since Aihara has somewhere to go the next day and Hashimoto has chores for the weekend
>Naoto and Machida are left alone on the pier
>They eat the rest of the skewers and drink a bit more
>By this time they're both a bit drunk
>Naoto: "Thanks Macchi.."
>Machida: "What for?"
>Naoto: "Everything...Things have been rough for me these passed few months but-"
>Machdia: *shoves a piece of tuna into his mouth with her own chopsticks* "Oh shut up, Hacchi. It's what friends are for. Now stop being such a sad sack fag when we have good sashimi here."
>Naoto: *finishes eating the tuna* "Yeah, it's good stuff. Your uncle's a cool guy to let us hangout here at the pier and even give us food."
>Machida: "Yeah uncle's cool...."
>Sudden silence
>Machida: "I'm sorry I was a bit of a bitch to you when we first met."
>Naoto: "Please don't mention that, Macchi. That's all in the past now. I mean, I am still your rival, right?"
>Machida: "Yeah right.." *playfully shoves him*
>Machida lights up a cigarette and offers one to Naoto which he refuses now, much to Machida's amusement
>Machida: *puffing on her cigarette* "I'm actually deathly scared of failing the entrance exam for TUA again, Hacchi.."
>Naoto: "Why?"
>Machida explains that it's actually her last chance to pass the exam after failing a few times by now. Sharing her frustration about her unsure future
>Naoto who's already drunk and just finished another can of Asahi beer, tries to cheer her up by telling her to not worry about that since they can always just go and try to strike it rich as mangakas if they fail the exam
>Machida: *starting to laugh* "Seriously, Hacchi?! As mangakas?!"
>Naoto: "What's wrong with that?! We're both artists, why not have fun in actually making things that's actually enjoyable? Who wants to be some no-name graphic artist for some shitty corporation?"
>Naoto tells Machida all about his isekai manga he works on his free time for fun, and the trends/popular genres now in manga much to her amusement. Cheering her up
>Naoto: "I’m telling you we can try being freakin’ mangakas even if we fail the exam! Everything’s soooo fuckin serious with art school! Art’s supposed to be somewhat enjoyable and fulfilling since it’s a way of expressing ourselves! If we fail in this oppressive institution of Art School, we should totally strike it big at being mangakas. Like a couple of renegade artists!"
>Machida laughs at Naoto’s drunken rant
>Machida: *Looking at him with mischievous eyes* "Hey, "Hacchi-sensei". I bet you’ll start making lewd doujins. I can be your model (heart)."
>Naoto: *Squirming and panicking* "NO I WON’T!"
>Machida: "You don't want me to model for you?!"
>Naoto: "I didn't say that-"
>Machida: "HAH! I knew it! You do want to see me naked! Hacchi the ero manga-sensei!”
>Naoto: "Knock it off, Macchi!" *playfully shoves Machida*
>Machida: "Oh you wanna go?! You started this, Ero Manga-Sensei!"
>Naoto and Machida laugh at their silliness
>Machida: *exhaling smoke and finishing her cigarette* "Hey Hacchi. Thanks for being here with me tonight…I really needed that."
>Naoto: "No-" *burps a little* "No worries, Macchi. Hey, I know this year's gonna be different for you. We'll both pass TUA. We've been competing and improving on each other's art almost on a daily basis, for fuck's sake. That exam's nothing."
>Machida is happy to hear that and blushes
>Machida: "Thanks, Hacchi (heart)." *giggling* "Being mangakas, what a silly idea, not a bad one though.....hey Hacchi.."
>Naoto looks to Machida to see her face bathed in the light of the moon, looking back at him with loving eyes
>Removing the ribbons on her twin tails, she lets her hair down and embraces Naoto
>Naoto is surprised by this
>Machida: *starts caressing his hair and staring looking into his eyes* "Hacchi...You're such a sweet guy...That's...what I like about you so much (heart)."
>Naoto: "Machida-san..."
>Though drunk, Naoto catches on and feels that it is as if Machida is trying to tell him that she's in love with him, but he still has some doubts.
>Those doubts disappear when Machida kisses him tenderly under this moonlit night at the pier
>Naoto feels her warmth and embraces her as she kisses him, making her happy and deepening their kiss
>Naoto has no recollection of what happened next
>While asleep, Naoto has a dream of Hayase crying
>Hayase: *sobbing* "Naoto-kun, my darling, how could you?"
>Naoto tries to reach for her but he wakes up and finds out that it's already morning
>Naoto wakes up again with a hangover and feeling dizzy
>Finds himself in an unfamiliar bed, feeling even more dizzy when he notices that the floor is seemingly moving up and down, thinking to himself that he's still drunk
>Sees that Macchi is sleeping beside him on the same bed.
>He remembers their kiss from the night before, and starts panicking thinking that HE did something to her while they're both drunk
>Naoto takes off blanket and to check if they did anything only to find them wearing the same clothes from last night
>Machida: *pulling back the sheets* "It's cold, Hacchi...Go back to sleep...."
>The door opens
>Uncle Machida: "So you're awake now? How dare you seduce my niece, you disgusting man whore!"
>Naoto is so surprised and still feeling sick that he starts stuttering and can't even reply properly
>Machida: "Uncle, stop bullying him! Nothing happened! He didn't do anything bad to me! uurrgghh! My head hurts! Please stop being so loud, Uncle."
>Uncle Machida: *playfully* "Nothing happened, eh? Maybe it's your fault. You're the one who got a boy drunk and brought him here in the middle of the night to my boat."
>Machida: "I-i-it's not like that! We just-"
>Uncle Machida: "I know, I know. I'm just yanking your leg. You had a bit too much fun with your boyfriend there, got too sauced and needed a place to crash for the night."
>Machida: *frustrated after Uncle Machida calls him her boyfriend* "Hes no-! Grrrr!"
>Uncle Machida: "Stop growling like a dog, Hime-chan, and go eat your breakfast. And leave for fuck's sake! Some people have to go to work, you know!"
>Naoto realizes that they spent the night in cabin of Uncle Machida's tuna boat
>Machida: "Come on, Hacchi!"
>They both get up and go to the table have their breakfast of eggs, some pan fried fish fillet, and toast that Uncle Machida already made for all of them
>As Naoto is preparing his coffee, Macchi touches one of his hands
>Naoto looks up to see her not looking at him while she touches his hand
>Nervously he looks to Uncle Machida to see him eating his plate of breakfast outside the cabin looking out into the sea
>Naoto looks back to see Macchi staring at him longingly
>Naoto holds her hand, which makes her smile sweetly at him
>Naoto smiles back, feeling happy
>They both have their breakfast before leaving the boat
>Naoto tells Macchi that he'll be walking her back to her house which makes her happy
>Uncle Machida pulls Naoto for a word
>Uncle Machida: "Hey I can see that you're a good guy, but take care of my niece. If I ever hear you that you hurt her. I'm gonna cut you up into sashimi and feed you to the fish."
>Naoto: "I promise I won't hurt her, sir."
>Uncle Machida: "Good, you better not."
>Uncle Machida seems actually glad that his beloved niece is with a boy and is being rather happy again
>Machida and Naoto walk back to her house which was not far from the pier
>They're both complaining about having a hangover
>Machida latches on to Naoto's arm for stability
>Machida looks up to Naoto to see if he's okay with it
>Naoto looks back and smiles at her and with his other hand touching her arm
>Machida smiles happily and sticks to Naoto closer
>They reach her home
>Machida: "Thanks for last night, Hacchi. And hey...sorry if I went too far or anything..."
>Naoto: *holds both Machida's hands* "It's okay, Machida-san. Don't worry about it."
>Machida blushes and smiles sweetly, then hugs Naoto
>Machida: "Bus stop's just up ahead this street."
>Naoto: "Thanks, Machida-san. Hey, please say my thanks to your uncle again."
>Machida: "No worries, Hacchi! I'll see you at Kainan on Monday (heart)!"
>Naoto walks back to the bus stop, feeling like shit but happy at last night's event
>He feels as if his heart that was torn to shreds is being healed by Machida
>Remembers how she kissed him
>He feels that he's starting to fall for her as well
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That's it for part 1 of Chapter 6 of Nagatoro Kaidan. I'll post part 2 later if the thread is still up. I'm gonna go have some dinner, a bath, then go sleep in a bit.
>inb4 dude this is just another Machida greentext
Yes and there's more on part 2
>Where's Hayase? Where's the paranormal shenanigans?
Sana's plan worked. Let's see in part 2 if Naoto doesn't fuck it all up and put himself, the school, and his relationship with his goth gf in serious danger.
NTR soon.
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>+70kg of boobs
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>+70kg of butt
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>+70kg of Shikki!
It's the whole graduation speech, anon.
What the fuck? Post 3 got deleted for some reason.
>Later at Kainan
>The class is doing oil paintings for today
>Naoto is still bothered by the bittersweet memories of what has happened recently to him
>It starts to affect his art as it now reflects his sorrows
>Naoto paints a man in agony, a unique yet eerie painting among that day's line up which the sensei comments as reminding him of Francisco de Goya's "Pinturas Negras"
>This different and interesting concept tops all of the students' works for the day
>Hashimoto: "Way to go, Hacchi!"
>Aihara: "I'm honestly impressed."
>Naoto doesn't react and just gives a polite half-smile
>Machida: "My my, Hacchi. You actually beat us again. Don't think I won't get back at you (heart)!"
>Hashimoto: "Instructor Macchi's jealous of Hacchi!"
>Aihara: "Poor thing!"
>Machida: "SHUT UP!"
>The three laugh at each other except Naoto, which Machida notices
>Machida: "Honestly, Hacchi. I think your piece today is a bit....creepy. It's so intense, sad, and....quite frankly a bit scary."
>Naoto looks at Machida
>Machida: *trying to lighten up the mood* "It's pretty fucking metal. Don't you think, Hacchi?"
>Naoto: *gets up from his chair* "I'm sorry, Machida-san. I need to go get some air."
>Machida's attempts to relate to him by comparing it to her favorite music genre failed. Naoto leaves the room and heads for the rooftop of the prep school
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I wonder what happened to Story Time Anon?

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