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Chapter 2 of our favorite black edgelord hedgehog dropped. Dumping
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End of chapter!
I'm aware the Japanese text probably isn't exactly the same either, but it makes my autism flare up that the scanlators didn't copy her lines from SA2.
lol this round one eyed flying ball is full of shit
Shadow the respectful.
So, this Shadow is before Sonic 2, or after Sonic 2?
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If it's supposed to be canon, it's probably set after Shadow Dark Beginnings (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZK8bse3Quo) as he continues to get mindfucked once he arrives on the ARK. You can see the Time Eater from Sonic Generations >>272106306 is scrambling time and he ends up in the hub area from Shadow Generations afterwards. The game will be out before the release of the next chapter so we'll know how close the manga is supposed to be to it.
Only disgusting freaks like sonic.
Sonicbros, is this an established part of the Sonic lore?
Because based chads like Shadow.
It's the hub from the upcoming game.
Owari da...
>Shadow got fucked over in white space before the events of Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Generations happened
Jesus Christ, can this dude catch a break? Black Doom was always screwing with him.
Sonic is garbage for children lol...
>the eye broke the panel line
God, I love Hedgehog suffering. That angst gives me joy in life
Can confirm, lol
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Imagine if Kotomi from Clannad held the 1991 UFO catcher sonic plushie. Wouldn't you cum as well?
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let your hatred win, shadow
Shadow must teach this smug bastard a lesson
Thanks for the dump
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Both true. I don't caare.
Canon Sonichu when?
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>i see nor hear no evil, black writings on the wall, unleashed a million faces and one by one they fall
>black-hearted evil, brave-hearted hero. I'm all, i'm all, i'am
>i, i, i, i am
>here we go buddy, here we go buddy, here we go, here we go buddy, here we go
>go ahead and try to see through me, do it if you dare (dare). One step forward, two steps back i'm here (one step forward, two steps back)
>do it, do it, do it, do it, do it
>I am (I am, I'm all of me)
>I am (I am, I'm all of me)
>i am (I am, I'm all of me)
>(here we go)
I think it's a completely different Shadow taken from the timeline during the Ark raid, but is being manipulated by the mainline Black Doom through that creature.
If that's the case then it's probably its own thing disconnected from Generations.
Black Doom is that overbearing father.
>Black Doom can fuck with MULTIPLE timelines
I hope that's actually the case. It would explain why Shadow the Hedgehog had multiple timelines and how Mephiles was able to return despite his timeline being deleted with the death of Solaris.
That's what I'm thinking or it's a stealth prequel (The events in the manga are why Black Doom came back and is a powerful force in the main game).

Those wish orbs could be the reason. Black Doom powered himself up and/or was resurrected through them.
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Shadow wants that back
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Shadow the molester
It was this song for me https://youtu.be/Z9G1Mf6TZRs?si=Fv75lX18lnn9NXIy
I miss being a kid
I realized that I never completed expert mode in Shadow's game
Y'know, I wonder if any of the new songs in Shadow Generations will top this classic? I know old crush 40 can't perform anymore due to getting old but rumor has it that Sega contacted The Qemists to do some music. The Qemists have quite a few bangers, so either it will be remix or hopefully we might get some new edge kino to listen too.
Its so fucking refreshing to see dynamic art of Sonic characters again. Even uekawa has gone downhill recently
I remember growing up with this one and Sonic Drive
A new vocal song would be nice.
Me sad Generations didn't have Egg Fleet as the Heroes representative. Also me want Sky Troops and digital stages for Shadow.
Shadow... become Meguka
I would read a Shadow magical girl manga
Twitter is gonna meltdown over this shit
She TANKED that bullet
I'm not a fan of the implication that the black arms influenced the gun soldiers. the GUN being morally gray or just being put in a bad situation is what made it interesting.
The question is if this manga can be considered canon to the main story or not, if this is not canon and only a manga alternate version of the story then i don't mind it.
It's implied Black Doom has illusion powers. He might be influencing them or only influencing Shadow to think GUN is worse.
Thank you for posting.
It's Shadow the Hedgehog, baby.
This is the dumbest fucking twist, good GOD.
Thanks OP
Same energy

Again, those hips.
Holy cinema
We have to get even edgier.
Based elevens
It's actually pretty funny how much Twitter hates Shadow fucking Maria
isn't that their fetish
Why does Maria look like a teenager, young adult in every upcoming media like the shorts and this manga yet they made her a loli in the remake game?? Especially after this love confession it makes no sense to deage her.
a lil bit for everybody
Maybe her disease forcefully ages her
Mostly because she's "12" and they want it so they have a sibling relationship even though we have offical confirmation that thier relationship is based off a romance manga. It's so bad that the tranny whos the community manager added a description to new art that was posted to on Twitter to add that " thier siblings" even though nothing that is shown about thier relationship even comes off like that
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>Lust after hebe
>Turns out she's actually 6
Mind broken
So is the artist going to get mad again on Twitter about this getting translated?
Pariah is not gonna like this
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KWABdow jobbs to Rokuhira cock btw.
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>I love you
I'll be honest, I can't decide if I want him to succeed or not.
sadly he won't succeed canonwise.
Pretty funny in the grand scheme of things since the first chapter is up for free officially
I’m not either so I will choose to simply ignore that aspect of the story. Hopefully it is never brought up again to make this choice easier
It's pretty clear Black Doom is fucking with Shadow
Thanks for the dump.
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incest is fine too
They only make it worse for themselves.
Holy fucking kek
Being siblings only makes it hotter
Yu-Gi-Oh siblings maybe.
Thank you for dumping.
was Sonic that big in USA or what? here in Europe it was just the blue spin animal from that videogame
Yeah it's their biggest demographic
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Doom bros, we did it. We killed a little girl
>I may of lost against a hedgehog but at least that bitch is dead
Man has suffered a lot
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Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Everybody tries to be straight
But things are still unchanged
It's useless to resist this
Their effort will be wasted
Head straight for your goal by any means
There is a door that you never have opened
There is a window with the view you have never seen
Get there, no matter how long it takes
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
No-one can break you, nobody can tear you
You live an endless life forever
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
You see the light wherever you go
You have to face it again and again (and again and again)
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Now wake up, up, up, up...
Now, wake up, up, up, up...
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
No-one can break you, nobody can tear you
You live an endless life forever
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
You see the light wherever you go
You have to face it again and again
You live an endless life forever
Now wake up, up, up, up...
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
No one can break you, nobody can tear you
You live an endless life forever
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
You see the light wherever you go
You have to face it again and again
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
No one can break you, nobody can tear you
You live an endless life forever
Oh dark the darkness that dozes in the dusk
Throw it all away!
You see the light wherever you go
You have to face it again and again
>This is ok but Elise kissing Sonic isn't
Twitter already seething about it and coping with the "they're siblings" shit
Kissing and saying "I love you" are two different things
Sonic didn't consent to that ginger mouth raping his corpse
>thier siblings
ah, the good old Sailor Moon censoring
I think the one who added this knew exactly what needed to be done
She meant to say she loves shadows giant cock, but died before she could get it out, it happens
Somebody fire whoever wrote this.
>Are you crazy
I wish they would canonize Hope instead of try to bring Maria back into mainstream memory after two decades.
So if Maria is twelve isn't she the predator here since Shadow is like a newborn toddler?
>according to the comic.
-Shadow just saw Maria die and right after she sent him out, he is swallowed by the white space.
-Right now he is all out of patience and empathy and has to deal with an obvious Black creature who enjoys tormenting him. and teasing him with a promise to revive maria and the doc. a promise that obviously is not gonna be fulfilled.

>According to DB/the actual game.
-Black doom has been tormenting shadow with nightmares, as well as signaling his return
-now, more traumatized than ever and decided to obliterate whatevers left of Black Doom, he had to storm one of GUN's bases and hijack a rocket to go to the ARK, if it werent because of Rouge and Commander Olive Garden (he is definitely gonna be him in the movie), he would be facing several criminal charges as soon as he got back.

to say that either case is the absolute worst day in shadows life, it would be an understatement...
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total H*MAN death
total black creature death
total S*nic death
who's hope?

in any case, in the actual game according to some leaks, Maria and Doc. G are actually hanging around in the white space instead of just being projections like in this manga, and shadow's team will be able to interact with them.

which means Shadow will at least have a chance to bond with Maria and the Doc again finally giving him closure for the tragedy.
At least with Maria we all kind of knew from the beginning it was a love thing and not in a sibling way.
>who's hope?
She's the niece of the original Dr.Robotnik in the Archie comics. Eggman is Dr.Robotnik from an alternate Universe who came to the main universe
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>God, I love Hedgehog suffering. That angst gives me joy in life
Same, can't get enough of this stuff.
That image is well done, really thought that was Shadow's eye for a moment.
It's funny because the tranny who added the "siblings" part didn't even fully commit to it because the description is something like "this is a scene of two long lost siblings reaching out to each other". Nips think it's romantic it's only the west with the siblings cope
>Fem Shadow
Would be interesting to see this.
Amy would have a sworn enemy.
Darn. Good depiction of Shadow's mental state.
I mean, we're already in a confusing place timeline-wise since this is Shadow from right after Maria sent him to Earth, when in the game its Shadow from 2011. I choose to believe that the first chapter and half of this one were more dreams Shadow's having where black doom is influencing them.
And this new chapter’s going up there for free in a few days too. It really was all pointless lol.
I remember amongst all the bitching over Westerners sharing pages, one person I saw thought it was ridiculous to expect them to just release it online for free, as if all these publishers and official translators don’t already do that
Shadow the Hedgehog 2 is all but confirmed now
on one hand, good to know shadow doesnt fully trust the obvious black creature.

on the other, theres so obviously no reason to even listen to anything the obvious black creature says, because of course those orbs of power arent gonna help him revive maria.
A human man will fuck this and continue Shadow's legacy of human/hedgehog hybrids.
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not a human man...
Our hero...
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>Only disgusting freaks like sonic.
which is why im buying sonic x shadow generations day one
Can I get a DL for the first chapter?
>on the other, theres so obviously no reason to even listen to anything the obvious black creature says, because of course those orbs of power arent gonna help him revive maria.

Shadow is currently not in the best state of mind to say it lightly>>272106349
The chances that this balloon asshole is not full of shit are near zero but Shadow is going to take them anyway. Being desperate and at the lowest point of your life sucks.
>That's the second one!
>Red and black!
So this thing already saw sonic enter white space? You'd think it'd be hard to stay hidden when you're practically the only thing with color in an infinite white void
So this is what shadow wants in life
Shadow is the coolest
I used to think the skating kind of sucks but it's alright now, neat way to distinguish between him and Sonic among other things.
He never forgot what they took from him.
I don't blame him
The Shadow the Hedgehog video game was not that bad. It was mid, it felt like it could have been better but it's not the terrible turd as some people who never played it pretend it his.
it's a shame it never got the sequel it deserved, especially when it seems like it sold well enough to get one.
I remember I was hyped about Sonic 2006 being the cool sequel coming on next gens.
>the Shadow the Hedgehog video game was not that bad
I bought that shit on release day. My naive teenage self thought that Heroes was a fluke, surrely the follow up couldn't be that bad. It really was that bad. Extremely tedious missions, slippery controls from heroes return, repetitive gameplay that you have to beat over 10 times, nonsensical story that you can't really engage because of the disjointed hero/neutral/dark paths that don't have a good thread because your decisions dictate which level you get. Shadow the hedgehog is not a good game.
I hated it because of all those missions I had to do that were kind of like the Chaotix missions from Heroes. But when you're just heading towards the goal ring, it's not that bad.
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>this is aimed at little kids
Key to making life long fans
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>life long fans
>I'll kill you all
Out for blood
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There’s nothing kids hate more than being patronized as little kids. They love dark shit like this and hate baby shit like Barney.
Don't shit where you eat, faggot.
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Do not compare Shadow to Dragon Ball Man
Elise was an obnoxious character that brought down 06 more than even Silver did (at least he has cool psychokinetic powers) whereas Maria is much more brief while being a crucial part of Shadow's character arc.
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>Archie comics.
I fucking love that everything important in any part of the Sonic franchise or its adaptions always comes back to aliens
I should have been the one to fill your dark soul WITH LIIIIIIIGHT
You ok anon?
>He doesn't have the preorder
You're too slow.
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Nobody will ever say this about you.
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My favourite trope
This wasnt a thing in Shadow The Hedgehog 2, am I right? In fact you can ally with the alien there
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Which means /a/ is the perfect place for it.
Based! Thank you!
For Maria!
>that thier relationship is based off a romance manga.
Which one?
Please Save My Earth.
Maria's the opposite of that though, she's like 13 but is more genuinely mature and motherly than most women twice her age. In other words Shadow has the best possible taste and at one point the best possible woman any man could.
Well, she is a girl from the 50s of the last century.
Look debate aside on what you think, can people not say I love you to friends anymore without people thinking they want to bang? Like imagine if their was a Sonic comic with say Amy dying and Sonic wasn't around but Tails was and she said I love you people just assume she wants cuck Sonic lmao or imagine a story where Tails is dying and he says he loves him, they think he gay. You really can't use the word love for anything but banging anymore...it's sad.
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Yes and?
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I wonder who could be behind this post
oh no
it's the No Fun Allowed police
There it is
he is the enemy! He will succeed! His mission yeah he must complete!
Man with nothing left but rage
How do people find Shadow's new DemiDevimon sidekick?
Maria was my first crush. I feel very bad whenever I see a picture of her.
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Their Sonic Universe side series was grade A Sonickino.Except for 30YL, we don't talk about that one
Better than all of the other Sonic comics and manga.
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Here's a lore accurate version
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>anon playing SA2 as a kid be like "yup, i want to have my way this"
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what the fuck is this art
>getting filtered
>How to ruin an amazing story of tragedy with one page
Gg Sega. Ken Penders would be proud.
Too powerful
Olive Garden (as in, the actual restaurant) was a mistake. for starters, what do they even sell there!?

seriously, tho... if this is really the idea (which we shouldnt jump to conclusions, that fast), then its clear they are doing this to reduce GUN's involvement and to clear Commander Abe (aka: Commander olive garden from the movies) from any accountability he might have on the incident. having said this, i think it was obvious they were gonna do that given what we knew about Black Doom since the shadow game, they probably would have inserted that retcon there, facilitating Shadow joining GUN as an agent. Sega's only mistake was just introducing the retcon now and not earlier.
>Sega's only mistake was just introducing the retcon now and not

I'd be really funny if Shadow gen introduces this retcon to the game's canon
I can't believe i share a society with people like this...
This made me remember the manga where doctor octopus gets reincarnated as a girl
>me when I visit the Holocaust Museum
So many voices now went full "squeeeee".
l-like a brother right???
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Sure anon.
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this is so funny
this manga went to shit really quickly
this post went to shit really quicky
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>humans in the sonic universe mastered intergalactic space travel and are capable of deploying a massive fleet of GUN soldiers undetected until they were right at the ARKs window
>made contact with aliens and created a host of bioweapons along with a fuckoff planet destroying space laser cannon
>but can't cure AIDS
Their relationship has always came off as platonic/familial to me rather then romantic, have you all honestly thought otherwise this whole time?
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Shadow is getting trolled too hard.
Somebody should give him a hug.
do you stroke your friend/brother's face like that?
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Are we going to reach alternate role reversal route?
Fun panels every chapter
>tfw no Maria edgelord gf
>Some cool and some funny
The true experience of shadow
All the more tragic he lost her
I tire of Shadow, I want to know more about Knuckles, do that stuff from Chronicles again that seemed interesting, how about what threats Blaze and Silver face in their world and times? They can't always be adjacent to whatever is going on in Sonic's time and dimension, hell how about exploring about that new sheep girl they made up recently, Ariam, I think was her name, who made her and why? Are they still around or did the reaper of time catch them? Is she truly meant to guard that machine for millions of years all alone in a pocket dimension? They call it the land of sleep but where does that leave Lumiary the sleep goddess from Shuffle? Battle even called Chaos the god of destruction so are those just self appointed titles or are they actually of the divine? Or better yet, how about giving us an actual origin for Sonic himself, the only things we know about him is that he was born on Christmas Island, his adventures began when he threw himself into conflict with Dr. Eggman for turning the naimals into robots and snowballed from there and yet he's able to out fight gods, machines and adversaries that have far more ridiculous abilities than he does and his strength of will in incredible, everybody on the planet was affected by the misama of Dark Gaia and Sonic even physically underwent a transformation yet he kept his mind How? Why? Just WHO is Sonic the hedgehog? Even the Mario Brothers have an official backstory now
Damn. This is actually a good idea.
>Shadow still suffers either way
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I want to point out that this is officially his wish, from a 1up interview from 2005, answers given by Sonic Team.
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It happens
>I am forever haunted of losing someone that really cared for me, and I did nothing to stop her from sacrificing her life for mine
Are they even allowed to make a Sonic backstory? They tried to do that in the first live action movie with the owls but they dropped it right after because they probably thought that it wouldn't work.
Only makes sense if you go for the irl rockefeller explanation where they make and keep people sick on purpose to secure a profit and a dependency relationship with the population.
Could have been a great storyline if the people managing the franchise weren't retarded
Imagine Gerald figuring out Space AIDS weren't natural and GUN not wanting word to get out was what made them waco the ARK?
But no... fucking Black Doom was randomly organizing everything, including mindcontrolling each of the zogbots directly, because god forbid we have a worthwhile story or character in this series anymore.
He saw some shit and didn't like it one bit
And then she will wish for same. And we reach closed time-loop.
Nobody with a brain will. Doesn't need to be just Pariah
Couldn't believe what he was seeing
I don't blame him
Sonic doesn't need an origin. He's a fairy who just appears whenever someone needs help, saves the day and then runs off when it's all over. He's basically a living deus ex machina.
Sorry chud, Sonic is now an angel descendant of the White Arms race.
Seems more to me like the Chaos Emeralds just happen to like the cut of his jib. Even the Ancients weren't as adept at using the Emeralds as he is. They only knew how to use the Chaos Emeralds as batteries for their tech.
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>Maria edgelord gf
You know what else was aimed at little kids?
The GUN bullet.
The Ancients were so fucking rarted that some peabrained 3 foot mammal with fast legs just went "if I believe REALLY hard and ask REALLY nicely these little bad boys will turn me into a god" and they didn't think of it first LMAO
The "disgusting black creatures" line would hit different
Damn Maria
You know love isn't exclusively in a romantic way right anon?
No fuck off. It's loli or nothing.
What the sigma!?
And then Maria goes on a quest to bring him back!
Is the body still warm?
too be fair Maria and Shadow didn't kiss
Look at those rifles. The guy on the right must've gotten the new model lmao.
Really telling how many "people" on here don't know how love works.
Gagbros we are back
Thanks OP
It mindbroke Shadow for decades afterwards so it was a win.
Kids DESPISE being treated like literal babies so this is unsurprising.
The Paramount movies can do basically whatever and have given Sonic more of a backstory than he's ever had since the original Shogakukan manga and Archie.
There was a Sonic manga before?
Top panel did get a chuckle out of me so I guess it's working
Thank you anon
kill em all, shadow
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Surely nothing will go wrong
Ah yes, my favorite character, Nazo BLACK
Necrophila is bad, anon.
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This is a very trustworthy face don't you know
I just don't like elise
Most don't
Playing the reloaded hack raised my opinion of the game a decent bit but it's still pretty flawed especially vanilla
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She canonically farts
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Shadow exists to contrast him in that he is the dark side of Sonic's traits.

Sonic tends to be a lot more optimistic, often seeing the good in people, while Shadows tends to be more pessimistic and skeptical as he's been through hell before and loss is a core part of his psyche.

You can think of Shadow as "Sonic, but view his traits in a more uncharitable way" shadow is a more cynical view of his character. A peering into the shadow's behind the concept of Sonic. I dont think his name was made Shadow by accident in this regard.
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A lot of Shadow's lyrics had to do with how conflicted he feels. Even in his theme, "Throw It All Away", it comments on how, even if he is immortal, it doesn't matter and he would rather throw it all away because the life itself is meaningless.

In Rhythm and Balance, the White Jungle stage where you have to save Rouge before the island explodes, the song asks over and over if Shadow is scared, once again that if he fails, he will lose yet another person close to him.

In the Supernatural, Final Chase's stage, the song starts asking if Shadow is even the Ultimate Lifeform to begin with as he gets closer to Maria's "dream."

The Biolizard of course, is unironically what I'd call Shadow's swan song. "Supporting Me" sounds just like the title, Shadow has finally given up revenge and learned that he wants to protect the world but he doesn't really know how to do this. He will do everything in his power, knowing that Maria is supporting him in order to fulfill her last wish, even if it means his untimely end, which the song references at the end of the song as well.

And of course, Live and Learn. Pretty explanatory, but it's learning to live with your mistakes and to keep moving in life even if all seems lost.

Shadow's story was unironically a great lead up from a broken individual lead on by hatred to one of redemption, giving his life to the ones he tried to destroy in the first place. We really won't have kino like this again, but at least its here
>he needs a mod for it to be good
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Was SA2 kino?

>I believe in my future, farewell to the shadow
>It was my place to live, but now I need your hand
>Lead me out with your light; I have breathed in
>The disgusting air of darkness, but I never lose out
Shadow won
You must be new to sonic games.
It would be if sega hadn't chickened out and confirmed Sonic was the original ultimate lifeform. Now every time I replay it feels weird because it feels like the story is setting up something that ultimately doesn't matter
I appreciate the post anon
Wasn't commander olive garden like 10 when he saw shadow in the ark or whenever he saw him in the game.
>commander olive garden like 10 when he saw shadow in the ark
I just now realized you nerds are calling the gun commander olive garden. Saw olive garden getting spammed occasionally but wasn't sure why.
Let me guess: Some dumb meme youtube video (probably by the piss lazer guys) for zoomers called him olive garden in a really loud and obnoxious way, the other actors in the video laughed at it and your group think brain made you think it was funny so you could fit in with your fake internet friends. Was that it?
The sonic movie has old military man give out coupons for olive garden. Now shut the fuck up sissy
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>The sonic movie
Fucking jewllywood!?
That's even worse than what I imagined
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go back to your containment board
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You're going straight back to your reddit!!
Shadow can't die.
Yes he can
It's Shadover.
>he never scored
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Will the movie beat Mario's box office, or will it live under it shadow(heh) ?
No way. Optimistically, maybe it'll beat Warcraft, but I think a more realistic estimate is somewhere between Uncharted and Angry Birds. Remember, there are still classictards out there who hate Shadow and post-Adventure Sonic stuff as a principle, and he's too edgy for the literal toddlers that parents would sit in front of the first two movies.
Get the fuck outta here with this shit. I'm going to guess that black doom is going to manipulate his memory to make him hate humans?
Different fields of research and obstecles.

We can launch shit into deep space, splice snake dna into rats, and make deadly chimecal weapons now. But we still can't cure AIDS, STDs, or even common cold..
Thanks for the dumps.
Excuse me?
>it's not the terrible turd as some people who never played it pretend it his.
I played it and got it as a Chrismas present in 06 or 07. The moment that I knew that game is trash was when I had to heal every soldier from the ark. The reason why I completed that mission was because I wanted Maria to be happy (plus I like the soundtrack).
Most honest sonic fan
So who's gonna be the final boss of the manga? Black Doom? Bug Eye transformed? New villain?
>I wanted Maria to be happy
I'm very guilty of this almost every sonic game I play it's with at least one mod these days kek
How did the chicken out? Shadow straight up says it during the final fight.
Reminding me of when I used to really heavy into generation's modding scene
Hope you're ready for a second wind then
Bug eye transformed would be pretty funny to see

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