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Recap from the last thread:
Ch. 6, part 1 of Nagatoro Kaidan was posted, go give it a read
pic related, senpai bags best girl
Sad dead general...
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>+70kg of boobs
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>+70kg of butt
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>+70kg of Shikki!
I wonder what happened to Storytime Anon?
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in the end, what was her body count?
We can reduce 2 from her total body count as the senpals are still alive (for now).
Who was storytime anon?
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Mathematicians have yet to create a counting system capable of reaching numbers that high.
The Anon who dumps the volumes. Last I heard was he was just waiting for the last volume or something.
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Oh nice, a thread! Was about to go to sleep. I'll post part 2 of Chapter 6 of Nagatoro Kaidan.
>A few weeks passed and Kazehaya is holding their annual culture festival
>Naoto invites Machida to school to see the art club's exhibition and to walk around the grounds
>By this time Naoto and Machida are dating now
>Hana meets Machida for the first time
>Machida: "Nice to meet you, Hana-san! I heard a lot of good things about you from your senpai."
>Hana feels suspicious of Machida because of her goth lolita outfit and her blonde hair. Also noticed a faint smell of cigarettes on her clothes. Has the impression that she might be a delinquent.
>Hana: "Who's this yankee, Hachiouji-senpai?"
>Naoto: "Hana-san! That's not very nice! Don't be like that!"
>Hana: "You have a weird taste for girls, Hachiouji-senpai."
>Machida just laughs, finding Hana's frankness towards her senpai amusing
>The art club later that day get a high rating for their exhibition with viewers expressing interest in joining
>Naoto and Machida walk around the school grounds trying out food like the Swimming Club's famous yakisoba
>Machida: "This is some seriously good stuff, Hacchi!"
>Naoto: "Apparently they've been making the same recipe for decades now, Machida-san."
>Machida: "Oh really?"
>Walking around more, notices that Machida's hand is so close to his and is touching it
>Looks to Machida, even though she's looking away, he can tell that she wants to hold hands
>Naoto holds her hand, which makes her happy
>Machida: *still looking away* "Took your sweet time there, Hacchi (heart)."
>Naoto: "Sorry.."
>Naoto and Machida walk around the school grounds holding hands for the rest of the festival
>Meanwhile elsewhere, Hayase watches over them
>Later that night after the festival
>Hayase is walking aimlessly in a dark hallway
>Sana: *flashback* "You will never meet with him again and pass on peacefully from there."
>Hayase: *flashback* "Because I like you!"
>Flashback of them hanging out on the rooftop watching the sunset
>Flashback of them holding hands before
>Hayase starts tearing up
>Hayase: "Naoto-kun, my darling, how could you?"
>Hayase remembers Sana's words after the nude modelling session that when she passes on, Naoto will go on living and that he'll never forget her as he loved her
>Hayase finds it comforting but sad that she'll never be with him again
>Naoto: *flashback* "I love you, Hayase-san."
>Flashback of their final kiss
>Flashback from earlier of Naoto and Machida holding hands and being sweet to each other on the school grounds
>Hayase still feel hurt seeing her beloved Naoto being happy with another woman, as if he has completely forgotten her.
>Starts crying tears of blood, sobbing and wailing in agony
>Hayase: "I'll make sure you'll never forget me, my darling!"
>Hayase lets out a blood curdling scream, causing the lights of the third floor suddenly to turn on then explode, and the windows near her to burst out
>All of this was heard and seen by the night duty guard patrolling the grounds, scaring him half to death.
>Naoto returns to Kazehaya the next day as Hana tells him to go to the club room for that day
>Naoto arrives at the school to find a shinto priest doing a religious ceremony on the school grounds, shards of glass were being swept up by the janitors.
>Naoto finds it weird but decides to ignore it
>Naoto goes up to the third floor and finds that technicians fixing the lights
>Naoto makes his way into the club room
>Hana surprises him with a party celebrating their award for the recent culture festival and his presidentship of the art club as he is graduating in a few months
>Hana also wishes her senpai good luck in the upcoming entrance exam for TUA
>Naoto was happy for that day
>Hana, hiding her fear, also noticed the lights in their floor's hallway destroyed, the shattered windows, and the eerie rumour about the guard having to resign out of fear after witnessing a paranormal activity last night
>In the coming days, Hana will hear more horrifying stories from her classmates about a disembodied voice crying being heard and some students who stayed too late seeing blood dripping seemingly from nowhere
>All of these will terrify Hana more and make her think that it was a bad idea for Naoto to take his new girlfriend Machida to the Culture Festival in the first place and she should've told him not to
>Hana continues to do the precautions, but starts to offer prayers for Hayase in the shrine and burn incense for her to try to appease her restless soul
>Later that day, Naoto and Hana leave school together earlier than usual
>Hana doesn't want to stay any longer in the school grounds after seeing the things Hayase might have done, but tells Naoto that she just has some things to help her cousin Sana with
>Naoto because he still has cram school, specially now with the entrance exam day just a few weeks away
>Hana and Naoto are both greeted by an angry Machida arguing with Sana at the school gate
>Machida has come there by surprise to pick up Naoto
>Sana: "Don't be preposterous, Machida-san! I'm just here to pick up my cousin!"
>Machida: "Prep-?! WHY YOU!"
>Naoto: *restraining Machida* "That's enough, Machida!"
>Sana: "So she's your girlfriend, Hachiouji-kun?"
>Machida: "YOU KNOW HER?!"
>Naoto: "Sunomiya-san's my senpai...and kind of my mentor, Macchi. She's the former club president before me...."
>Sana: "Anyways, we're off now, "Hacchi". Goodluck to you and Machida-san on your exam, and I'll see you both at TUA."
>Hana: "Bye, senpai!"
>The bunny cousins ride away, leaving Machida in disbelief
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Gamo's Gamos
>Machida: "SHE'S YOUR MENTOR?!"
>Naoto: "Macchi, please calm down.."
>Machida: "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?!"
>Naoto: "You didn't ask..."
>Machida: "UGH! I can't believe my lover is the apprentice of that pervert! My rival! That degenerate exhibitionist Shogun!"
>Machida starts hitting Naoto
>Naoto: *catches both her hands* "Ow! Stop that Machida!"
>Machida: *still seething* "Get your filthy perverted fucking hands off of me!" *turns away from Naoto*
>Naoto hugs her from behind
>Machida: "What?!"
>Naoto: "You're so mean, Macchi...I thought I was your rival?"
>Machida can't help but blush at what he just said
>Machida turns towards him and and grabs his collar towards her
>Machida: "Yeah you're right, Hacchi. You're mine."
>Machida kisses Naoto, then shoves him off before walking away.
>Naoto: "Hey, where are you going?!"
>Machida: *walking away* "We still have class, dumbass!"
>Naoto: "Wait up!"
>Machida: *starts running* "Race me to the bus stop, dummy!"
>Naoto runs after her
>Naoto: "Slow down, Otohime-chan!"
>All of this was seen by Hayase who was watching from a window in the hallway
>Hayase starts crying tears of blood and her anger making the light under her go haywire
>Some students who happen to be passing by her floor see blood dripping seemingly from thin air onto the floor, the solitary light that's on dimming and going bright for no reason, and hearing a disembodied voice crying which terrifies them.
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Great work anon! Its late here so I will read tomorrow. Keep the thread alive until morning anons
>Day of TUA entrance exam
>Art pals, Machida, and Naoto all go to take the exam
>Machida is shaking in fear in the train, nervous at what might happen to her in the exam
>Naoto comforts Machida by holding her hand and telling her that it will be alright and that they'll definitely pass
>This calms Machida down
>They all take the exam
>A few days later they go and check if they passed the exam
>Aihara and Hashimoto already told Machida that they didn't make it
>Machida nervously looks for her number at the board of passers
>Machida finds out that she finally passed the exam
>Feeling elated, but suddenly she gets nervous as her beloved is nowhere to be seen.
>Naoto arrives looking not particularly happy
>Aihara: "Hey Hacchi, did you make it?"
>Hashimoto: "Instructor Macchi here did, we didn't though..."
>Machida: "Hacchi, babe, did you pass?"
>Naoto looks into her eyes then slowly smiles, then shows her a bag behind his back indicating that he did pass the exam
>Machida is so happy that he lunged at Naoto to hugged him and they both end up falling onto the pavement
>Art Pals congratulate Naoto for passing the exam on his first try, then comparing him to Sana whom they call "Shogun"
>Machida punches Naoto in the arm before happily clinging to him.
>More weeks passed and finally it's the day of Naoto's graduation
>Naoto's parents, friends from Kainan, Sunomiya cousins, and his girlfriend Machida all come to his graduation ceremony
>Naoto's parents throw a celebratory feast for his graduation with all his friends invited
>Naoto's father congratulates him for passing the entrance exam and graduating high school
>Sana congratulates both Naoto and Machida for passing the entrance exam, saying that she looks forward to seeing them in TUA as her classmates
>Machida still hates her
>One by one Naoto's friends had to leave until Machida is the only one left
>Machida accompanies the Hachiouji family back to their house to ask something from Naoto
>Machida: *whispering* "Hacchi, please tell your parents that you'll be staying with me for the weekend. My brother's out of town and he told me we can stay at his cabin by the beach. But don't tell your parents that! Then go pack some clothes."
>Naoto tells his parents about staying at Machida's and they agree
>Mompai: "Don't cause any trouble to them and treat your lady friend nicely, Nao-kun."
>Naoto: "I will, mom."
>Naoto's dad just touches his shoulder and smiles at him indicating that he knows what they're going to do.
>Naoto and Machida leave for the beach to her brother's cabin
>At the cabin
>Naoto: "Nice place your brother has here..."
>Machida: "Yeah.."
>Naoto looks to Machida to see her looking back at him seductively
>Naoto: "Uhhhmm...Macchi?"
>Machida: *walking towards him slowly* "What (heart)?"
>Naoto: "Nothing...sorry.."
>Machida: *taking off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt* "You must be tired, Hacchi..Babe (heart). Would you like something to eat (heart)?"
>Naoto: "We just ate, Macchi.."
>Machida: "How about a bath (heart)?"
>Naoto: "Maybe later..."
>Machida: "How about me (heart)?"
>Naoto: "Macchi..."
>Machida takes his hand and places it on her breast inside her blouse
>Machida: *looking into his eyes longingly* "Hacchi..."
>Naoto with his other hand caresses her hair then puts his hand behind her head and kisses her passionately
>They franticly remove their clothes while making out as they make their way into the bedroom
>Arriving at the bedroom almost naked, Machida pushes her beloved into the bed and straddles him
>Kissing him again, sweetly looks at him holding his face with tears in her eyes
>Machida: "Thank you, Hacchi. Thank you!"
>Naoto: "I told you, we'll pass together."
>Machida kisses him again
>On that night, Naoto and Machida made love for the first time
>Naoto looks at his girlfriend asleep beside him and thinks to himself how much he loves her
>Naoto falls asleep but is met with a dream of a crying Hayase
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Anyone have the Hayacchi with a hand print on her tan and cocaine?
>Hayase: "How could you, my darling!"
>Naoto: "Hayase-san!"
>Hayase: "No, go away!"
>Naoto catches up to Hayase and hugs her
>Hayase: "How could you do this to me!?"
>Naoto has nothing to say as she cries into his chest
>Hayase looks up, and much to his horror she's crying streams of blood out of her eyes
>Naoto finds his clothes soaked in her blood
>So frightened was he that he runs away
>Hayase: *bleeding from her eyes, head, mouth, and nose* "DON'T LEAVE ME!!!"
>Hayase lets out a blood curdling scream
>Naoto: "NO!!!"
>Naoto wakes up screaming and finds himself in the cabin's bedroom alone
>Machida arrives wearing her home clothes and an apron
>Machida: "What happened?!"
>Naoto: "N-nothing...just a nightmare."
>Naoto smells breakfast cooking
>Machida: "Just lie down some more, Hacchi. I'm making breakfast for the both of us (heart)."
>Naoto: "I'm sorry about that."
>Machida: "Don't worry about it." *kisses his cheek*
>Keeps to herself that when she woke up, she watched him mumbling Hayase's name in tears in his sleep
>Thinks to herself that he really did love his ex-gf, is a bit saddened by it
>Naoto cleans up, gets dressed, goes to the dining table, kisses his beloved Machida and they have their breakfast
>This comforts her
>Some time later Machida and Naoto move out of Hayama to Tokyo and share an apartment near their university
>Amusingly, Sana is their next door neighbor which makes Machida seethe
>Scenes of domestic and university life
>Naoto and Machida living together in a tiny apartment
>Being classmates with Sana, occasionally having to work with her and her visiting them in their apartment unit, making Machida seethe
>Both having to work together odd jobs from working in a convenience store to working on art commissions to have money for rent and everyday expenses
>Frustrations with college life, but at least they have each other
>Naoto still mumbles Hayase's name in his sleep as he has nightmares whenever he and Machida make love
>Machida starts feeling insecure knowing that her boyfriend has never gotten over his ex-gf
>A few months in college
>One Friday
>Naoto has to get some documents from his high school to submit to the University
>Machida has no problems with these as she had her papers prepared years ago after she graduated high school
>Naoto tells her that after today's class that they'll take the train to Hayama and they'll stay the weekend in their hometown and they get to meet their parents
>Machida loves the idea and accompanies him back to Hayama
>After spending the weekend visiting their parents and going to the beach reminiscing the good old days, Naoto has to go get his papers on Monday at Kazehaya
>Thankfully they didn't have any classes on Monday
>Naoto: "I'll go to the registrar and get my papers. Maybe I'll drop by the art club to check on Hana-chan. I'll text you when we'll leave."
>Machida: "Okay, Hacchi!"
>Machida wanders around the halls of her beloved's high school reminiscing of her time as a high school student
>Machida then encounters a trio of gyarus. Curious about who Hayase is, she decides to ask them.
>Machida: "Hey!"
>Gamo: "Oh hi, miss! What can I do you for?"
>Sakura: "Are you an alumnus?"
>Yoshi: "Welcome hoame!"
>Machida: "Uhhmm...no. Actually my boyfriend is, I'm with him right now. He's getting some papers. Anyways do you guys know a student named "Hayase" from your year on the batch of seniors who just graduated?"
>Gamo: "I don't know a Hayase from our year. Do you, Sakura?"
>Sakura: "No, sorry."
>Gamo: "Yoshi?"
>Yoshi: "Nein."
>Gamo: "Who's your boyfriend anyway?"
>Machida: "Hachiouji Naoto"
>Sakura: "Oh that guy from the art club. Can't believe he's lucky to have you as his girlfriend, miss."
>Machida blushes from Sakura's compliment to her lover
>Sakura: "Sorry, but we really don't know a Hayase in our year, and we know everybody!"
>Gamo: "Sorry we can't help, miss. But take care."
>Yoshi: "до свидания!"
>Machida: "No, it's okay. Thank you, guys!"
>Machida finds this odd that nobody knows who Hayase is.
>Machida wanders the halls and finds the trophy case
>Looking through the numerous awards and trophies she finds something surprising
>She finds a Nagatoro Hayase, a judo ace who won awards
>What shocks her was that Hayase is from the 1950s
>Machida: "What the hell?"
>Machida remembers that Naoto has been a bit of an loner otaku in the first place before meeting her
>Remembers all the time he has cried about Hayase and his nightmares mumbling her name
>Machida: "I don't understand, Hacchi..."
>Machida starts thinks that Naoto is a schizo or that he took his lonely fantasies too far
>Doesn't even know if she's mad at herself for falling for someone like him or feel bad for her boyfriend who's so lonely that he resorts to fantasies with possibly dead people
>Receives a text from Naoto has the papers he needed, tells her that he's in the art room in the 3rd floor
>Machida makes her way to the art room
>Wracked with disbelief, Machida doesn't know if she should be upset at herself for falling in love with Naoto or pity him
>Nearing the art room her restless thoughts were interrupted by Naoto's voice in the clubroom talking to someone
>Much to her surprise she hears another voice responding to him, a female voice she never heard of
>She hears laughter from both Naoto and the female inside the room
>Thinks to herself that it's definitely not Hana and no one other than members has any reason to go inside the art room
>Machida opens the door to find Naoto alone in the room
>Naoto: "Macchi!"
>Machida: "Babe, who were you talking to?"
>As soon as Machida steps in the room she smells an intense and overpowering smell of flowers
>She's soon overwhelmed by a sense of dread and fear, as if her body is screaming for her to get out of the room
>Her head starts feeling heavy
>Machida quickly grabs Naoto with his things and run out of the room and school
>Machida looks back at the school gate to see a girl in an old sailor uniform looking at them as they leave
>Blinking the girl is gone
>Machida: "What were you doing in the art room, Hacchi? Who were you talking to?
>Naoto: "I was just reminiscing...then I was talking to someone...important to me. I was bidding her farewell and apologizing about...us...It's okay now."
>Machida is frightened by his words and what she felt in his old school
>They both rush back to the train station and take the next train for Tokyo.
>Unknown to Machida, Naoto has taken the last remaining sketch he made of Hayase into his pocket from the art club.
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That's it for Chapter 6 of Nagatoro Kaidan. Didn't expect chapter 6 to be this long. Well, I was thinking of revising the last chapter. Originally thought of ripping off The Lovely Bones, but thought to myself that the movie's ending (even worse with the book) is vile NTR shit. Basically rape. That ain't closure. I don't know when I'll post the last chapter. Probably as soon as I finish revising the outline then write the damn thing. Anyways, thanks OP, glad that you liked it. I'm gonna go get some sleep for now.
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imagine the snusnu
This is going to be a tough read, can't stand Machida.
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774 didn't post anything in a week
>774 isn't terminally online
I want news on his next work, baka
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I miss the weekly hotel update
Maybe someone managed to track him down and he got spooked
What's chapter 1?
kek I forgot he lurks here
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>literally 10 minutes after your post
There's an author among us
We got several proofs in the past, it's almost certain
I suspect there is a hint hidden in those coins...
774, pls, you are a woman or a man? post tits
Nagatoro loves Lomo Saltado
Imagine kissing her nose
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>Checked numbers for a checked shikki
Nagatoro with nothing but a funny hat!
Hayase uses that sketch to travel with them doesnt she?
Peak literature, if there's an ending coming soon you should post it in October 31th
Its over, isn't it bros...
Is getting smothered out of consciousness using their massive tatas an illegal judo move?
2 pesos!?

I wonder what happened to the anon who made isekai Senpai, did he finish?
Burgerbros, is this what your money look like now? I've never seen a US coin like that before.
It's a perfectly legal move in her weight category
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This series needed one thing, and that's MORE YOSHI
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>tfw Shikki can overpower Naga by pinning her with massive tits
>tfw Naga can never do the same to Shikki or even senpai
Naga can't stopped being mogged.
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>It needs me more
Now we need the 7 lively yoshis
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>Last I heard was he was just waiting for the last volume or something.
Yup in English. Not him, I just remember him saying that.
>0. Virgin
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>>tfw Naga can never do the same to Shikki or even senpai
She knows how to work with what she's got
Man tits?
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This THING is nowhere near as good as Yoshi
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Shes 100% a virgin. Shes pure
Ahahah if only cancer anon was still here kek
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I miss smegma-kun
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>Let Yoshi speak for herself
>Let Yoshi speak for herself
>Sets up her bestfriend with rapists from the tennis club
What a horrible girl
She's 100% many a virgin iykwim
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I didn't finish anon, Irl things have been getting in the way along with personal shit in my life. I almost RDR 1 Dutch'ed myself when I went hiking two weeks ago because in short depression is a fucking bitch along with the breakdowns. I'll be fine anons , I'll try to get back to Isekai senpai when I can, sorry for the blog
Collector anon here, nice to see you around here.
Hope to see your new pages.
>Paisen meets Hayase in the library
>Paisen ignores the fact that she's wearing an outdated uniform and weird vibes around her
>Gets bullied by her for 2 days
>Paisen gets sick whenever he gets too close to her (he gets sexually harassed by her)
>Sana finds out what's up
Your slander against Yoshi will not go unpunished
Hey collector anon, it's a pleasure to see you here as well, I'll try to work on it, emphasis on the try
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>Irl things have been getting in the way along with personal shit in my life.
I get that feeling, anon. It's why it took months before I got back to writing again for fun. I probably burned myself out during that last week before the last Nagamonday.
>I almost RDR 1 Dutch'ed myself when I went hiking two weeks ago because in short depression is a fucking bitch along with the breakdowns.
Oh fuck, anon. I pray that you get better.
is there like a post i mean
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Who's the girl in that pic, Anon? That ain't very mild of her.
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8 at least
>Gaming Club guys (4)
>Senpai friends (2)
>That guy from the nurse room
>Her father
That's from way back in July. Good thing I saved some of the links in a sticky note.
Try to search "Nagatoro Kaidan" in desurachive.
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Signs of life are also good. don't worry we are good at waiting for long periods of time.
Why didn't she try to rape the Art Homies? Are they really that gay and immune to her charms?
Thanks anon, that means alot. In my case it's just life, right now I'm just functioning
You think Cucktou and Baseball Girl will do it?
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Does Japan really make onigiris almost the size of a teen girl's head?
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It's actually her head that's the size of an onigiri
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No worries anon, hope all is well. No rush, we will be waiting. I'll be here forever
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She so smol
This is, I will remind you, entirely headcanon.
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I want to fuck Aihara's brains out
P.Diddy, stop posting here on 4chan
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You'd think Paisen would enjoy carrying and throwing her around for being so smol, but no. It's the fuckin opposite!
In the next oneshot:
>Senpai comes back to their apartament
an Naga ippon him on the bed and gets what she wants!
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>Gets a noise complaint from their neighbor Sana
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>schemes to get boy to carry her bag for her
>loses and has to carry his bag
>"You like torturing cute girls by making them carry your things don't you, senpai?"
Why are women like this?
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>Her father
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What a chad! Paisen dating a wild beast.
>t. No woman on earth
He was a chad since page one
Name one chad thing he did in the first chapter
OOOOOHHH Anon, you better answer him!
>He entered the library
>saw the gyarus
>performed a mental 360 and entered anyway
>also he slightly touched Naga hairs
That's a lot of stuff for a pathologic introvert
They're on their way to the dojo to do no gi jiujitsu (whilst covered in baby oil).
Normies do that all the time.
You don't say
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>Naga visits Naoto's home again
>Finds one of his sketch books
>In a bag full of BDSM gear
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Daily exercise and dieting for your future naga gf!
Been awhile, better not have been slacking on us anons
idid a half marathon over the weekend. Back to lifting today
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Hey long time no see, Exercise Anon. How's being a new dad?
None for today. Decided to take a break for today. Did the usual calisthenics, hojo undo, shotokan karate drills yesterday. Found out my injury to the ribs (from a sparring match with a senpai) still hurt like fuck, so I had to endure it throughout. My performance is diminished specially in my strikes. Good thing I'm not going to the dojo this weekend since it's gonna be sparring day. Wouldn't want to be injured more when I can't even fight back properly.
Chopped up grilled squid served in 2 ways: in vinegar, raw onions, and ginger, and one with raw onions, bell peppers but a mayonnaise and onions sauce-based savory sauce.
>Naga GF
A few months after the manga ended I went with a friend to a party. Ended up getting so drunk that I hit on a girl there who owns a liquor company providing the drinks.....in front of her husband (or brother, I can't tell). Found out about it the next day. Then a week ago, I got drunk again with the same friend in a bar and I hit on the waitress. I really shouldn't be drinking.
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I try to exagerate with carbs
My job
>Naga GF
I gave up on waiting the return of the social-life in my life and tried with the fuckin love meeting apps like tinder. Spent 70 bucks and... Holy shit! Nothing happened again, most of the girls I spoke with were there essentially for just chatting and receiving life to feel realized. You can kek at me now for wasting 70 bucks like this
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Neontoro Genesis Kimogelion
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Can senpai protect his girlfriend from the tennis club now that they're in college?
The spinoff Shikkinoko Nokonoko Koshitane
Imposter Yoshi
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Looks like 774's twitter update was super popular, so he's being extra chatty
Her ass.
There's a lot that could have been done with some sketches and leaving them where they would be found.
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Kino couple
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Lucky Naoto
Living the dreams of all straight men
That's a mexican coin.
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Best ending
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Peace was never an option
I like the small detail that evil yoshi is missing her ahoge
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Y-yes...I'm glad you spotted that ,anon.
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>gave it to the front desk
oh come on
And that's okay because he wants to remain anonymous, besides those coins are useless to him because if he tries to change them he would spend more money.
>because he wants to remain anonymous
a coin would get him doxxed?
>if he tries to change them he would spend more money
he could just keep it, if I got a 100 yen coin from a vending machine I'd keep it
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>a coin would get him doxxed?
Maybe from the authorities over there, I mean they would think that he is going to do the same with that coin.
>he could just keep it, if I got a 100 yen coin from a vending machine I'd keep it
Maybe he felt scammed by someone, not all people would feel the same if they received in exchange a coin that you can't spend, it would be very different if they gave that coin as a gift.
hey thread i know absolutely nothing about nagatoro but im interested in collecting/reading the manga as my first real exposure to the series-- though theres something i worry about, does anyone here have a general idea of how much more life the series has left? id like to start buying but not if the manga ends up going over like 30 volumes
The manga is completed (20 volumes), look out for box sets on amazon or wherever
wait it is then whats this thread about, a spinoff or something
nvm im retarded ignore me
We get together on Mondays to reminisce and speculate Nanashi's next work
understood. thats odd though i couldve sworn ive seen threads for scans of new chapters not long ago-- is the series really already over
i might be thinking of uzaki actually
All men want to be Gotou
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No. All men want to be Senpai.
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I seriously love how self awareness Shikki is
She's like "Yeah, my ass do be fat"
Though tbf, when she's lugging around those jugs, she kinda has to be aware of them
I love this confidence, not cocky but she knows what she has but isn't flaunting it. I feel her character changes tho later on with the exhibitionism and I dont like it
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TBF the shower and all the other circumstances were very different
This was a more private affair involving a single guy (who Shikki seems to like and is prime Toro mogging material) potentially seeing her and is in the confines of a single shower (where one is expected to be nude)
The other times were either very public (or in the case of the art room, a place she really wasn't prepared to be naked the first time), with a bunch of witnesses and potentially risks her reputation
Different circumstances, different reactions
Naked Shikki regardless, so both are a-okay
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I do not get this image
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I love Shikki in all of her forms
I love her when she's rude
I love her when she's kind
I love her when she's mogging
I love her when she's supportive
I love her when she's flustered
I love her when she's free
I love her when she's strong
I love her when she's meek
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I fucking loved the sick arc so much. It's up there with the Chapter 108, the Shower arc, the Onsen arc, the Art NTR arc, and the Confession arc.
>the Confession arc
that's like half the manga bro
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Actually I've been thinking about chapter 7. I need to revise the whole chapter and ending. It might be like chapter 6 where it's split to two parts or there will be a chapter 8 for the epilogue.
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Specifically the two chapters after the tournament arc. I loved the part where we get a Naga POV of how she actually sees Naoto.
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Based. Maybe I'm biased because this was when I started reading but the whole buildup and payoff is 10/10
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Yeah, this and Naoto pov panels were pure love
It's like since chapter 2 kek
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Oh fuck, this sequence was pure kino
>even now?
>determined expression
>this page
Can't wait to see it animated.
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What's going on with Naoto's body? And why are his knuckles bloodied?
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Because he's the best boyfriend in the world, Anon.
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>gamo using a mind control ray on paisen to troll nagatoro
>it gives him a brain tumor instead
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Based treasure poster
>People thought this would be the last panel
Lmao, whats gonna be next? Senpai and Hayase having 7 children? My fuking sides
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yeah who would want that
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I reckon she'd look better with blue/green eyes
Just fuckin wait for the oneshot
We can't all wait forever
The spin-off :The Gamo and Yoshi Show
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So noodle
Checked and cute
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It's a musical variety program
A true venus
Meanwhile in another timeline, heavyweight judo club ace Shikki convinced her not-bf and senpai Naoto that she'll model nude for him for art's sake (or else it would be weird).
Would watch
Based Shikki lover
I saw this screenshot elsewhere and I was thinking "hey that name looks familar". I can't believe it is Nanashi.
Delicious chocolate
Sorry, different anon. I'm the fill in who would do it from time to time. I'm blog post anon back in 105 if thats a thing.
>I shouldn't be drinking
Or that you should with a good wingman to direct said energy the right direction
Never waste money on those apps anon. Hinge is decent but I wouldnt waste time wait for girls to come to you. If they don't, get better pics
My favorite fan art of theirs probably
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Mogged from above
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Mogged from below
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>Fields of rice
I fuckin miss the countryside...
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In another one all the other girls would start being convinced to model nude for him too.
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>"This statue of Julius Caesar has such big butts, senpai."
>"You didn't ask permission to look at it, Naga."
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Poor Yoshi, so easily spooked
Based precious treasure poster
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Someone needs to comfort and reassure that poor girl.
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What she needs is some good exposure therapy (heh)
If she's scared of busty naked girls, then that's what she needs to be exposed to in order to help her
This is how you traumatize a very dumb girl
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She'll be fine
I remember when a faggot said they were going to model nude for Aihara, without knowing he already has an owner https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9217249
I think I could benefit from that therapeutic practise

Captcha RAPAY
It's all about context: a clown at a circus is funny, the same clown knocking on your door at 3 in the morning is less funny
That depends strongly on the clown
If it's a hot girl clown, showing up at your door late at night would actually be an improvement over at the circus
Yoshi dropping red pills
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Don't post shit
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Troll's Remorse
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I haven't really been in Naga threads since the series ended so I'm out of the loop. What's Nagatoro Kaidan? Is this fanfiction or something else?
Then what are you doing here?
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What are YOU doing here?
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More like what are YOU doing Shikki?
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why is she so mad all the time
femcel mentality
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Even the ads mog her...
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install adblock though
>not blocking ads
Come on now.
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Mogging in process
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Not quite
A mild yoshi in these trying times is always appreciated.
>Nagafags so mind broken by the shit ending they make up weird fanfinction
Sad dead general...
Sadder obsessed anon
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Going to test posting the first one, the images might have made the file size too large however
First day?
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Make sure to crop out irrelevant posts, and try reducing bit depth if the file size is too large. (Here's an example of 8-bit, which is fine for greentexts though any images included will take a slight hit in quality)
Thanks for the tips. Usually I'd go, copy a web page and slowly add on until I got enough of the posts, but I'm using paint net and adjusting the canvas size is a bit annoying versus how I used to do MS paint, maybe I just need to switch to that for saving long greentext posts like this.
I also mostly use paintDOTnet, usually I'll just make the canvas way bigger than I plan on using and then crop/merge everything when it's done.
There's also instances where mspaint is simply more convenient, so I'll switch between the two.
Hey anon, I understand how you feel about stuff. It's never easy, but I hope the things that are fucking with you get easier and I hope things start looking up. Here's hoping the best for you.
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What were you doing with a boy in the showers, Shikki?
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>You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals
>So let's do it like they do on the discovery channel
>Just uhhh... actually Fujimin, didn't you say there was a new coffeehouse nearby you wanted to check out? Let's go after we get dressed, my treat
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I think you are the only one mindbroken here, shonetard-kun
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>Have you thought about the ending?
>I have a general idea about it, but not enough to actually try drawing it out.
I don't know if that makes what we got better or worse desu
I can actually Orihara say this instead of Shikki before ravishing senpai
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Orihara would probably not bother even saying anything and just get to work
Shame we never saw her with a bf
Why we are not talking enough about Orihara here, i need to know more when she inva- i mean, visit the Hachioji residence
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Next year she find a judo boy to senpai for, trust the plan
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I've done it! I have revised the ending for Nagatoro Kaidan! Thing is, another chapter is added for the finale. So 8 chapters in total. I think I finally got the ending I wanted with Hayase and Naoto. I'm still kinda sad I didn't get to make all of this before the manga ended. I'll try to work on Act 7 this month.
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I wonder what the original ending he had in mind was.
what was the most recent chapter when this dropped
Naoto and Yoshi becoming a couple, isnt it obvious?
This general feels sad and dead for some reason.
Probably involving a lot of kinky college sex with Naga in their shared apartment. Editor said no to it and we got a pretty tame and wholesome epilogue.
You got the original ending, it's just more fleshed out than he knew back then other than the general outline. Read.
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>Orihara would probably not bother even saying anything and just get to work
Volume 9 or 10 I think
Pics or didn't happen
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Its based on a meme anon
Knaga Knees
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The mild aura radiating off of this image... it's so soothing...
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He's so damn lucky
Awesome anon, can't wait to see how it all finishes. It's been a wild ride
In one panel Machida has her choker on, then the very next one she isn't wearing it.
The child will be a certain son of a bitch
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Not only we have a counting system that can keep up with her, we still have ways to describe sizes that are significantly larger
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Are the streets of Hayama really this empty? You think they bang in the streets or at least in the bushes and nobody noticed them?
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Only one way to truly find out anon
Good Naga, holding up Yoshi by her skull and not by her ahoge
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Where's Gamo's house?

I want to knock her door
I've heard she lives under a bridge near her gym
So she's a troll?
The Deer might be a member of the Deer Club but Yoshi is a member of the Go Home Club
>birthday next month
Shit, I still need to prepare a present for her
feeding yoshi borgar
Do not feed Yoshi junk food
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>I shall be there for my oponent
Nanashi doesn’t want his girl eating junk
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He want's them to get naked
Yoshi butt?
She's a growing girl, she needs calories
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She needs to diet
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>Pics or didn't happen
t. Speedreader
I mean the title gives it away, and the orange hair is clearly on the other girl, and guts has done plenty of Gamo butts before and after this one
Yoshi's butt is 9/10
Gamo canonically has one of those weird muscly asses that looks like nothing is there from most angles, 3/10
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Fake news
Is that the same artist that drew senpai and shikki's daughter?
has there been any news post ending?
any extended epilogue?
Have you read the birthday epilogue?
I saw their dreams of sleeping in a single bed.
Then you're up to date
it's so over...
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Hvae faith my friend.
Looks very similar to the style, at least
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Hmm... who to have mog Nagatoro today?
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At this point it would be a question of how does Hana not mog her.
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What a cute sun!
Don't count the little rabbit out just yet.
I can hear the steam whistle
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Do not trifle with a Kouhai on her love quest for her senpai. Nothing good will come of it
He should put his arm away from Orihara's tits
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Maybe she respects him boldly entering the lion's den. Maybe she's curious what her rival sees in this senpai
Whatever the reason, she'll allow it....for now.
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The ahoge takes a lot of calories to maintain
Hair down Yoshi is so beautiful...
700kg of Yoshi...
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Best girl
I don't think she minds, bro. She'll probably get mad if he moved it away.
Sad dead general...
What about sucking then?
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grr i cannot believe you posted this again
i am very angry please never say this again
Sucking what?
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Oh hell yah! It does my heart good to see these threds/posts still going even after things wrapped 4 months ago.

Been pretty patchy lately because of work/life driving my sleep schedule into the toilet but I'm keeping at it.
Light legs day today (squats, dead lifts, standard/reverse toe raises). Hoping to hit it again this afternoon.
Solid bis/tris/forarms session yesterday.
Still doing the 100/120 pushups/crunches each morning.

Breakfast this week has been maple pumpkin pie baked protein oats, fruit/veggie/G-Biscut smoothie for lunch, sriracha-lime chicken w/ broccoli, sweet potatoes, and rice for dinner. Wasabi almonds and plums for snacks.

>Naga GF
On the back burner until I'm netting more then 4.5h of sleep a night.
Her tits anon, passing his tounge over her judo niples and make milk come out
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Good to see you anon, glad you're still keeping after it too and that your toe injury seems to have healed.

Any chancy you could share that squid recipe? Sounds amazing.

I agree with >>272160158 that it sounds like you need a better wing man. Thought knowing your limits and maybe not getting Baja-Blasted each time you drink would help too. You're call either way tho. Going sober is a net health/finance positive no matter how tou slice it.
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I may never recover from this
>>Naga GF
>On the back burner until I'm netting more then 4.5h of sleep a night.
Not sure about everyone else but I found myself sleeping way less with a GF vs being single
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Been a hot minute. Glad to see you’re still going anon.
Leg day tonight after having to skip the past two due to exhaustion from work. Shoulder and arm day yesterday. Managed to OHP 175lbs for 2 yesterday which felt great when I have a hard time doing just 105 for reps.
Doing a mix of a bulk/maintaining thing to stay around 195. Try not to eat more calories than I need, but try to make sure I eat 2x my weight in protein grams so that I still encourage muscle growth.
>naga gf
Went to my cousin’s wedding a couple weeks ago and hit it off with this cute redhead at the reception and have been seeing her every now and then. Still on the fence about either splitting or committing though. Ex left me paranoid as shit and with major trust issues so I’m a little scared of getting fucked over again.
Great seeing other training anons still going at it. Keep it up my friends!
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>Since when were you under the assumption I WASN'T using Kyoka Ahogetsu?
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>Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?
>I can't run circles around you without getting closer
Quick! Touch the ahoge to shatter the illusion!
Where is this from
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Instead of saying yare yare da ze, she'd say guudo gurifu
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Nante chikara... kono reiatsu...
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Naga nails
Not sure. I found it in my Naga Memes folder.
Based Naga nails poster
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Good to see you too. Yeah my toe injury completely healed up like since last month. Was replaced recently with pain in the ribs after taking a beautifully executed oi-zuki (think straight punch from boxing) from a senpai during sparring. Surprisingly it's healing up pretty fast. I'll be back in fighting shape by next week.
>Squid Recipe
Take a big-ass squid. Not those tiny things you use for bait. You grill that until it's cooked, but not too much unless you like the consistency of rubber. I actually don't know how long you have to grill it. Then you chop it into tiny cubes. Both were served in 2 Filipino dishes so best I put the names of the dishes so you can look them up (variations in preparations differ by family). First one in good vinegar, onions, and ginger is called "Kilawin". The other is "Sisig" style. Sisig style you can serve that on a hot plate, but I don't know how to do that. Both to be eaten with rice. There's a simpler recipe where you just gut the squid and take out all its organs, clean it, stuff it with diced tomatoes and onions, slice some holes on its head, then grill it while wiping sauce on it as it cooks.
>Drinking and Wing Man
Actually those two drinking episodes happened out of random when my Nordic bro suddenly invited me places. Apparently out-drinking them is a retarded idea. Also I noticed my alcohol tolerance has gotten so low after cutting 90% of consumption since 3-4 years ago. I basically just drink Chinese herbal wine on a daily basis, but as a sort of medicine rather than for recreation.
Looks like it's from the anthologies.
I still love the fact that Gamo beat a black belt judoka as white belt using her Muay Thai skills. That chapter was kino.
I don't remember anything like this from the anthologies
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Does anyone know when the next volume is dropping in English?

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