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Reminder that AI technology helps forgotten FOTM anime girls get new artwork.
I'll never forget Shinka
would rather they stay forgotten than be degraded with this spiritual poison conceived by evil computer demons
Computers aren't evil, they're neutral.
After taking a dive into AI, I don't dislike it anymore. But it has made me wonder why people like OP keep posting the generic AI artstyle for everything. It's actually pretty powerful and can do a shit ton of varying styles, yet most retarded fags on the internet just seem to LOVE the standard slop style.
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Or get us stuff that artists rarely draw, like Ranma gettibg oji-san-ed
Art that is by its very nature, low value because it was generated and can be spammed without limit.
This is why I don’t mind AI ‘art’ (it’s 90% porn) that much.
you think they're neutral because you're evil too
Based. AIshit is peak soulless. Forgotten means they can't be shat up by any cancer western "artists" either, let alone in porn.
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It's not new when it all looks the same
So in other words it's perfect for asian media
AI can't create artworks
Or even obscure anime like Princess Nine.

Shocked the hell out of me that Bing/Dall-E can do the MC of that show
Chuunibyou is not FOTM tho.
Anyways if one tries with love one can make a funny cute drawing with more soul than AI slop and people will appreciate it.
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Or those that aren't very popular even in nipland.

Anyone wanna fight.
There must be some way to make art look less ai
An artist can also be commissioned for this purpose.
I don't seethe and froth at the mouth whenever I see AI, but does anyone else genuinely feel nothing when looking at AI generated works?
It just looks too uncanny for me to appreciate it as I do with actual artwork.
There is and it's easy but OP is retarded and enjoys the AIslop style
I think you're the only one with that opinion, anon. Truly a unique one among the masses.
>An "artist" can generate an image for you through their patreon
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
I'm sure there are. Not me though
I was talking about commissioning a legitimate artist to actual draw the images OP wants, Anon.
Not worth the time or money
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Anon, you know people are going to jump all over that one, in a bad way. Just generate 10+ of them and pick one with minimal errors if you want to post something.
thanks Rajesh
I know. I don't care.
As someone who does not believe in demons, I am very happy whenever I see this sentiment online. Thank you for saying this, and don't stop fighting the good fight, anon. Fuck AI and those who propagate it.
Good for you, anon. Have a loli.
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Looks good.
Notice the whiners haven't posted a single counter-example, and never will.
All they can do is bitch and complain that their sub-par work will never make them a dollar as AI continues to improve at a rapid pace (and will surpass all but the top 1% of 'real' art).

It's like the writers strike, but even less effective.
Get that wholesomeness out of here, anon. AI is for dirty little sluts only
I think you use "anime screencap" or somesuch. You can also make it try to imitate certain artists.
I don't understand the hatred towards AI art, other then fear of the unknown, ludditism etc. Please tell me how OP's image here looks "soulless" or something. I'll call you a fucking liar. Look at the lighting on that pic!

From the perspective of artists, my attitude ranges from sympathetic to "get fucked". Ya, real loss that porn drawings will be done by computers instead of people. A crime.

For the ghost in the machine/demons etc. people, this is the same old argument about photos taking your soul, or that a computer somehow represents a "spirit". If computers were always that way, they were that way before we had AI art.

The only real legitimate concern I see is the long term one. AI art will make art outside animation, other specialized areas irrelevant. AI needs real material to produce a model, if it looks at nothing but AI it will revert back to producing gibberish. How do we keep artists working so AI art has something to pull from? Idk.
Doing the needful in this today saar. Very good saar
That one anon's album of on-model Monogatari lewds is pretty damn good, although that's far from obscure or FOTM.
AIshit has no soul. Humans know what little details make things even hotter, a machine will never be able to understand. Call me when they can actually cry if leftards don't end humanity decades before that.
AI imagery is objectively not real art. Stop posting this disgusting shit here.
>the eyes are terrible
>the lighting is samey on every AI image
>the fingers, patterns, etc., are all fucked
Yeah, AI is not art and will never be real art.
I doubt they understand it either. Hating AI is just trendy right now so they go along with it. It's "boring", it's "soulless" as if these words mean objectively anything.
All you have to do is post a single counter example.
Just one.
If you're a third world ESL that can't save pictures on his phone, just say so.
And those are all easily fixable, problem is people don't want to put in the effort to do that or even change an artstyle apparently. There's really a bunch of neat shit with AI that you won't really understand if all you see is shit like what OP posts.
Kek, stay mad Rajesh
Don't know what scamming Indians has to do with stuff you can generate for free... On your computer. Locally. No need for online generators. They're just more convenient. Or you can use civitai and lose inpainting.
Ah ha playing the bloody dumby saar very sneaky saar naughty naughty India Superpower 2024 redeeming the art
Go scrolling through pixiv, the stuff looks nuts. The lighting, anatomy, and emphasization can all be done effortlessly.
The only leg you have to stand on is "a human didn't directly create this".
It's besides the point, but if it's so easy and you're taking OP's image as an example, fix OP's image.
Once you realize this stuff is overwhelmingly being generated by third worlders a lot of things start to make sense. They gravitate to whatever is fast, free, and easy since most are prompting from their phone with a slow as shit data connection. Most are also not actually interested in style beyond whatever gets them attention, fame, and money. This is why they all tend to blur together. They're just swiping prompts from each other based on what they see or hear is getting popular and spamming to maximize their chances. Also since a dollar goes a longer way in places like India and AI prompting is less strenuous than physical labor people are incentivized to keep spamming in the hopes of hitting it big.
One artist.
One commission.
One piece of art, drawn by a human.
That's all I ask.
The eyes are more detailed then most official artwork, the lighting is technically superior to all but the most dedicated pieces of anime art, there is nothing wrong with the fingers in this image. You are regurgitating lines fed to you like an AI.
Keep seething, streetshitter
What do you dislike about OP's image? My gripe with it is solely the artstyle, which I can pass it through i2i and get a different style out.
Tis true, but the saddest thing is when there are characters so obscure and forgotten not even the AI toys can save them.
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Because most of these threads feel like falseflags from the AI-haters. There's so much great stuff out there these days yet most of these OP use the shittiest low-res image they can find.
>You are regurgitating lines fed to you like an AI.
>like an AI
Poojeet can’t even be consistent with his posts, jej
Although it feels like you're seething over this thread, I have to admit that I'm a little worried about how technology is evolving, because whether you want to admit it or not, ai it's here to stay and it's getting better.
But I'm worried about how ai is increasing to the point where one doesn't know what's real and what's not. How do I know you're not a bot of some kind? How do I know that your post or the one that will reply to me was made from chatgpt? Does it matter if it was made by a robot or not?
truly it is a god send for this
Maybe you shouldn't worry about stupid things just because some guy in a youtube video told you to be.
love seeing these fags have a melty over AI
It clogs up my image searches, let me blacklist all AI images across the internet then I'll accept it as a neutral thing other people can have fun with without it bothering me
I didn't watch any video on youtube tho
this one looks pretty good
Well I don't know you personally, but I refuse to believe that large swaths of the population coming to the exact same concern nearly at the exact same time is a mere coincidence.
Look anon, I don't want to have explain to an artist the character and my fetish and have them provide me 15 different angles of it, paying for each commission. I also like the original show artstyoe and not the artists flavor.

Also good luck commissioning any Chinese cartoon girl that's canonically under 18, even if the character looks like a milf, without risk of being cancel cultured.
>shit like what OP posts
That's the sole reason I said anything about it.
Maybe the human mind is headed in the same directions or there are subliminal signals on the internet, television and movies, who knows lmao
You know what else does that? Commissioning an artist.
AI image generation wasn't useful until the NovelAI model leak. They're based in Delaware. Why do you guys keep insisting it's all Indians?
Yeah, my gripe is the standard slop artstyle and nothing more, something very easy to "fix". I was asking what you dislike about it since you suggested I fix it, and so I wanna see what you think should be changed if I take a go at it. Like I'm looking through a bunch of stuff I gen'd and there's so many varying styles I've done that it REALLY irks me when I see the obvious AIslop artstyle.
You can tell it’s real because of its uncensored hatred of turd worlders such as yourself. But you keep telling yourself about how India will rule the art world, pajeet. Whatever helps you sleep at night
Or maybe it's explicitly talked about in news articles, blogs, youtube/etc videos and forum posts, about dead internet theory. The concern you have that's supposedly your own thoughts even has a name.
I went from not hating it to disliking it again when I understood it enough. AI doesn't understand what I want. Only I can draw what I want to see. I never attained the skill for it so I suffer.
Bot replies
>AI doesn't understand what I want
Highly doubt, but what exactly did you want it to create? Any examples or anything?
What's wrong with bots? if you like AI image gens you should be completely fine talking to bots too
im not indian but ok
interesting theory
Art of your mom getting fucked in front of you while she laughs at your fat smelly ass and tells you how much of a loser you are for following the tech trends of gay openly satanist entrepreneurs just because they're marketed to you. Dumb, gullible, useless teenager. Have some willpower and stand up for something true and right you stupid demoralized faggot.
>Why do you guys keep insisting it's all Indians?
Because some people don't know how to talk anymore outside of memes. The tech was created in US, and at least on the anime side, expanded on in Japan and China. As far as I know, these are the countries that use the tech the most.

Also, look at this loli. Isn't she cute?
Woah, didn't know Piccolo posted on 4chins
AI actually raped this man and his family apparently
>having a melty
Anyone who types with such effeminate and forced petulance is either a gay pedophile, a nu-male, a tranny, or a black woman. There's no in-between or variation. I know exactly what kind of person you are. Live with your mistakes and either change or kill yourself already.
>twitter reply
Poojeet tourist confirmed
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>so new and mindbroken by pajeets he thinks this is twitter shit and not just not giving you a (you)
oh the ironing...
Kali eaten poodoo in meesa coomba jar
There are a surprising amount of basic concepts that people haven't drawn and AI plain doesn't understand when you proompt it. Like friggin drones. It's all quadcopters.
And then that one will have a meltdown over some netouyo saying gooks shouldn't draw Japanese characters and decide to quit drawing altogether
Based fellow Seiba no Masta enjoyer.

This guy gets it. There was a VERY noticeable jump in quality after NovelAI v3's release last December. More and better artstyles, output consistent enough to make coherent CG sets, and most importantly, facial expressions with SOUL. The good stuff can actually pass for human fanart now.
You sound butthurt
as fuck
>Spend money for a worst result delivered in 5-10 business days.
Ah you got me there, I know some vehicles and robotic things are pretty shit. My AI talk is only about anime girls and making them do lewd stuff. That said, what is stopping you from shopping in a drone or crudely drawing one and doing a few i2i passes and some inpainting?
>not just not
Never accept mediocrity.
It's because people like you keep trying to push this shit like Indians trying to make a quick buck.

The pajeets at least have an excuse in they're trying to make American money, you fuckers don't have taste, talent, or anything worthwhile to provide.
Respond like a man, you useless fat fuck. You're not an anime girl, you're a degenerate pedophile. Own up to what you are instead of hiding behind the thinly veiled fetishes you flaunt as "le cute self expression". The only sexual interaction you get is from male children on discord, and all of them are confused about their sexual identity. You people are so predictable I have it down to a science. Next you're going to either do the same thing you did posting that pedophilic picrel, ignore me, attempt to flip it by saying stupid gay cutesy shit that really says nothing at all thus proving my point eneitely, or you're going to freak out and call me a Nazi and tell me you'll kill me out of blind rage. I know the reason you're like this is because you're suffering in some way, and I'm glad that's the case. Keep running and hiding in delusion and escapism while your life remains torture, you dumb fuck.
It feels cheap to me. Rarely do I find an AI image that is worth saving.
Do you enjoy being angry all the time about trivial things, anon?
That's correct you actual moron.
>The good stuff can actually pass for human fanart now.
Why wouldn't I look at human fanart instead then? AI is just going to get abused by corporations taking advantage of communities that relied heavily on fan creations
Show me who was trying to sell you anything.
>spiritual poison conceived by evil computer demons
Meds. Now.
What's stopping me is that that it doesn't work. It plain does not work. Do you know what actually works? Drawing it properly..
>only about anime girls and making them do lewd stuff
Not even then, dumbass. There's multiple hairstyles AI flounders on when you try making it do something and it's an utter crapshoot. Your English is stiff enough to give you away.
Grammar isn’t just about spelling, Rajesh. Self teaching can only take you so far
Trained properly, and with a bit of post-production work by an artist, you can get some pretty quality (or at least on-model) stuff. Zankuro did interesting things with AI on his Fanbox when he injured his hand so badly that he couldn't draw for a while. There was also a run of on-model CCS art that was AI-assisted.
Devaluing something innate to moral common sense does not actually take away its value, and never will. By the way, posting all of these images will guarantee you to be added to a watchlist. Enjoy prison, tourist.
AI art is actually far superior and cheaper than asking someone else to do it for you, please be more civilized. thank you
I save AI as a glorified image search compilation when I present references for an artist to draw something real.
Commit partial self hanging
Do you understand what a simile is, anon?
You're so mindbroken about Pajeets that proper English makes you think about them. Actually take a look at yourself, that's fucking pathetic. And yes it does fucking work, now I know you retards haven't actually even tried anything yourselves because there's no fucking way that an i2i at mid to low denoise won't give you the result you want.

Mind showing me what's wrong about that sentence?

Real answers please, from both of you, or no more (you)'s for you little greedy piggies.
No one cares, AI fag. YAAAAAAAAWWWWWWN
I'm not a sexual degenerate like you, please refrain from such comments
We're talking about how ai art is the future
all it does is give amerimutts the ability to spam BBC pornography of their anime girl self insert
I don't even know what to say to this, anon. Just, please consider taking some meds.
>actually shitting your pants and malding over AI
ill post more AI on /a/ then ;)
>spams the internet with AI generated sexually suggestive children all day because he has no job
>"I-I'm not the degenerate!... Y-YOU ARE!!!"
Good morning, sir.
I know what it is, anon. But you don't have anyone pushing it on you. You're actively looking for it to get mad.
Who are you quoting?
Good morning gentlemen, I hope you have a good day
keep posting your art, it's pretty good
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Same word not separated by a comma + double negative not used for emphasis, poojeet
Announcing reports on a federal honeypot will get you banned
There's a good chance that you think that actually does something
I think they have a pill for that
You still have a long way to go, but your art is improving anon
Damn, you're actually retarded and calling others pajeets. Holy shit lmaooooooooooooooo
Improving from what? These were all generated roughly the same time.
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Because you have to be pretty good to outdo the AI these days, and old characters get less art, as OP pointed out. Pic unrelated.

Fingers still need work, but hitting the right vibe over and over is pretty impressive.
I don't care if what I fap to is art or not
>r-r-retard, saar!
Concession accepted, Rajesh. Now jump in front of a train
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>Because you have to be pretty good to outdo the AI these days
Or you know, be the artist the AI model is ripping off, because when I see AI like that I just rather go and find and look at works from the actual artist the style is based on
You missed a period, Sanjeet.
>loli = cp
Ah so these are the type of people that dislike AI and are shitting themselves. Checks out.
Did I just walk into a /v/ thread?
kekaroo pajeet doesn't know how humans talk
I found an older pic. It's not bad.
i thought it was just shitposting but i think he actually believes he's owning some non-existent pooloos ITT
Very hateful pictures.
This is why the AI will never being welcomed in India.
Zankuro is actually the shining example for why AI sucks. There is a night and day difference between what he used AI with and what he didn't use.
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its kinda funny desu
Weesa knowings yous usins the Ay Eye on da poodoo bucket, Sajeetsi!
>want to post my gens
>everything is either too lewd or too /d/
Yeah I have that problem too. Gotta dig through some old stuff if I want to post any images
yeah, but it's badly done like 90% of the time and/or "here is a """"collection"""" of 100 images of the girl fucking just standing there doing nothing, or getting fucked but it's 100 variations of the exact same thing and you just cherrypick the like 1-2 okayish ones out of the lot because the dumbass """"artist""""" didn't have the eye for doing that himself."
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Or maybe the artist doesn't draw those characters. There's a guy ripping off Melon22 every-which-way, except with sane boob sizes.

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Is it just me or did this thread become a lot more sanity in the last 5 minutes.
lmao, it's not just shitposting. this dude is actually upset at AI and obsessed with poopoo "people". honest to god mental illness, very nice.
yes, anon, the mental illness is the realist and not the plethora of unabashed pedophiles ITT
Still haven't posted an example of a good commission artist
I'd be more sane if you learned high res fix instead of posting base resolution gens.
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>muh pedos
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looks good
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Howdy fellow anons, I hear there's a fella posting loli in these here thread. Might one of you chumps kindly point me in the direction of them
there aren't any. AI is slop and will never truly recreate the human form, or anything but a mockery of genuine art or any natural parts of life. it isn't anything special. it's just a dataset that makes really uncanny collage images.
A stick figure is a recreation of human form, anon. You string these words together in your head but you never stopped to check to see if it made sense or not.
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Yet the stick figure is made through intuition, intent, and physical expression. Meanwhile, an AI lacks human interaction beyond concept alone. Basing real art on AI concepts is another story, but AI will never be a sufficient enough modem of expression to be considered a legitimate artform. It is a fad tool and only ever got popular because it further enabled anonymous degeneracy and laziness.
AI anon, can you make lolibabas?
Seek religion
lolibaba is more of an attitude than a look
If your picture wasn't drawn by hand using pen and brush then it's AI-assisted art.
Keep going anon, tell me what stick figures really mean to you.
I only have images of lolis becoming mamas
Most images these days go through photoshops/etc for alterations, anon. Alterations conducted by an algorithm, and guess what, AI is just another fancy algorithm.
No. Even a digital art program requires intent, intuition, and human involvement. There is a psychological factor in art, as it revolves completely around expression of the self. Without the self: there is no art. You are not making an image by asking a database to create an amalgam of others' artistic works for you. The only way to truly express yourself artistically, even at the most basic of levels, is to physically involve yourself in it. Dance, song, film, music, drawing, painting, exercise, editing, competition, and even thought alone. These are art, as they are expression of the self. When you take away self-expression, then by definition it cannot be art.
AI art requires a prompt, anon. Meets all of the criteria you stated, though I'm sure you'll be able to think of some new ones now that I mention it.
You can literally, LITERALLY, draw a doodle and put it through AI for details and more. There's someone on /h/ that takes models, creates scenes in blender, then puts them through AI to make it 2d and whatnot. You can inpaint, which requires you actually knowing what you're doing and actually doing edits yourself before feeding it back to the AI. There's even more stuff you can do that requires human interaction, but it looks like you actually don't know anything about AI and think it's purely just putting "make anime girl good" as a prompt and that's it.
Typing a prompt to generate an AI image is no different than using a tag to filter from a collection of multiple images. It is not creating art. It is resorting what others have done and mashing things together to vaguely fit a criteria. There is no human involvement in the process of creating an AI image. The coding of the models doesn't create the art, either, based on what I have just said. There is no defense for AI which philosophy justifies it as an artform, without applying exceptions which involve further action by a human being. For example, if you engineer a robot to be powered by a genuine form of attempted artificial intelligence. That would be art, as it is a completely different scenario and set of circumstances and would be justified and judged by different standards. A learning model is just as much art as it is true human interaction. There are no learning models which can replicate to a genuine extent what can be done better by a human being.
Arguing an exception does not dismiss the base circumstance.
How much does Hiro get paid to allow this fucking spam everywhere on 4chan? Literally not one board where AItroons aren't spamming their slop everywhere.
They do it for free
>it's soulless
Define what is a soul.

>it's not real art
Define what is real art.

>it can't draw hands
Can you?
Report more.
It's creating art, anon. And, just give it up anon. I know that you don't know how AI art works, and you know that you don't know how AI art works. You just make post after post of nothing but nonsensical word salads. The reason you do so is because you're engaging in obvious backwards thinking. You start with the conclusion that you want and try to work backwards from there, trying to figure out reasons why it's bad. But, you don't actually know how the system works, so you just make things up and throw out these vague statements until I get so tired of your nonsense that I stop responding to you. Gotta say though, it's working.

And of course, you're wrong again. Models are trained off of human drawn art, the way in which they're trained at set by humans, the algorithms are all written by human, the prompt is written by humans, all the dozens of settings and choice of loras are chosen by humans, and if the human feels like it, any fixes or touch ups are done by human intervention. You're just wrong on every level.
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Yeah just look at all that spam
How will /a/ recover from this ONE(1) thread
All this seething ITT made me want to install SD again and go back to prompting.
I've been wanting an ai board for forever. They have ruined /g/ and quite a few other boards they are on.
What do you mean by exception? These are tools provided with the generator, and I use them to make what I have in my head through AI. You can't just go "nooo that doesn't count" just because you think so. There's a shit ton that involves human interaction if you want a half way decent result, just the same with stuff like music, 3d modeling, animation. If I boot up FL Studio right now to make music, I can select samples and just move them around so I make music, or I can just make the beats and stuff myself. AI is quite literally the same thing here.
>Define what is a soul.
Active participation in a perspective residing within the greater conscious existence. (See: Taoism, Hinduism, Kabbalism, Hermeticism, Pythagoreanism, Process Philosophy)
>Define what is real art.
Symbolic expression of an original or otherwise philosophical idea, based on circumstances which require human or otherwise biological interaction further than doing your least lazy Andy Warhol impression.
>Can you?
Yes, however irrelevant that is to determining the legitimacy of artistry as a greater concept.
dat hand
Not reading beyond the first sentence. I will not go in circles with you. Either reply to my argument in good faith or stop replying altogether. Otherwise you will be ignored.
Oh no
We can leave it there then, I'm quite happy with where it ended. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and is just trying to fake your way through.
I have already made posts ITT pre-emptively refuting arguments such as this.
Which ones? Because all I see is you saying "it doesn't count cause I say so". So tell me why human interaction doesn't count when it comes to AI without just saying "it's uhh.... an exception.... because i say so".
Dismissing an argument and repeating yourself ad nauseum is not intelligence, nor is it understanding. You are just an egotist begging for validation and attention. You do not seek genuine discussion. I gave you a chance, yet you chose to be childlike and stubborn. You cannot debate without responding to an argument. When another has refuted you: repeating yourself only delegitimizes your position and shows your true intent in the discussion.
Debasing the argument by trivializing common sense and backsliding into semantics. Not worth my time.
lmao you fucking faggot, that's what I thought
I'm not doing any of that. You gave a list of criteria that is required for something to be art and I reminded you that prompting fulfills all of the items on your life. You pivoted to just saying human interactions and I reminded you that human interaction is involved in multiple steps along the way. You just don't know what you're talking about. I'm sure it sounds good in your head, and it sounds good to other people who have no knowledge about it either, but don't try to pass it off as a meaningful argument against anyone who knows even the tiniest bit about this technology.
I've already directly addressed this argument, and have explained the exact reason why I won't entertain a circular discussion. Once again, you repeat yourself. Narcissism is poison.
Alright, lets end it here then. You've said your piece and I've said mine. Cool?
Because AI is infested with bitter techbros and poojeets who despise people who can draw so the public discourse is about protecting or pwning artists and not actually about the potential of generative AI. Unfortunately most people will just see it as an instant gratification tool for art they want to consume and use it to trudge out tons of slop that looks kinda sorta like pop art.
inb4 nuh uh
A shame really, nowadays I tend to spend at least an hour doing inpaint fixes on a gen. Feels good to get a real nice end result with little to no issues. Even started doing anatomy fixes and stuff with it.
I'm an artist, and the saddest thing for me is that AI accounts always get 99k likes and subs, meanwhile real artists (mainly new ones) don't, and ignored, unless they draw something hype

I don't mind using AI as a tool to improve artwork: for example, I ask AI to make my sketches better and use as inspiration for ideas, so it doesn't just gen shit for me, it helps to enhance it. It doesn't exclude all human made tutorials I watch, just a little tool

Being real digital artists now is quite hard
This is an AI generated reply.
Most of those ai like ratios are bots
NTA, but I never got good results from using highres fix. Got the thighs replaced with breasts twice and gave up on it.
Your denoise is too high if hires fix is doing stuff like that. Always play around with the denoise value, especially if you tend to change around artstyles/loras a bit. One artist style might work good on 0.4 denoise, but another might get fucked with it.
New accounts keep spawning, they greet each other and congrats with "Omg you got 50k subs, thanks for your artwork!!!!!"

Some AI artists don't even mention that they're using AI. I saw one some days ago, and they did only on their Linktree page and nowhere else. It just sucks
I used to go months without fapping at all. Until I got a local SD setup going.
Same, bro. I prefer my hentai to look like screencaps or official art of their respective shows and AI has been a godsend for that
It's as if having material specifically catering to your interest works better or something. Some of you people talk about commissions, but come on, 99.9% of people don't do that. What we would do is sit around, looking up towards the sky and hoping the next batch of material to descend from on high was relevant to our interest. If you want to stick to that system, then be my guest, but it's really a terrible system in my opinion, and it's better than we can just make it ourselves, even if it's not top-tier, professional work.
I mean look at that pic. If you don't think she's cute as hell, you're just not being honest and you're letting your vendetta speak for you.
AI niggers try not to post CP or unfunny gross hentai challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Turning down denoise to .4 definitely prevented the aforementioned issue and some details, like hands, appear to get cleaned up, but at the cost of a general loss of color.
You're seriously trying to attack me for being a lolicon? You honestly don't have any idea how lost you are right now.
What I generally do is, once the lines are fixed, I'd inpaint the entire area and turn it to .1 or even .05 sometimes. That usually smooths out the coloring.
Thanks to everyone for the helpful advice. Guess it's time to ditch the convenience of online generators and just go back to local.
I'm sitting on 6k+ images of just PDXL stuff I've done for myself and I've posted maybe 100-200 of them online. Mostly just a catbox album to share on 4chan or on civitai to encourage creators to make more. I'm kind of reluctant to share them because better AI is always around the corner. Luckily, I've only found two of my images being reposted outside 4chan so far
Well, I mean these images are old images, I still think they're cute. Also, yeah it feels pretty awesome to see other people reposting your images. I've had it happen a couple of times.
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Also, this is just my loli folder, and it only contains images I've personal reviewed and kept. Granted, it's my largest folder by far.
Uhm, based?
yeah it's real annoying having put actual effort into something and then checking that technically a lot of the most popular recent stuff of that series or tag now on pixiv is AI slop. you can disable seeing them but that is absolutely just masking the real issue that, for all the people bitching about this shit here and elsewhere, the average viewers/consumers often don't seem to mind it much as long as it's catering to whatever niche fetish or character. they'll rate it highly even if it looks like fucking shit with fucking obvious melting eye errors and such. it's actually made me disgruntled with how fucking tasteless and blind so many people fucking are.
AI slop looks like trash. It’s not “new art” because all this crap looks the same that I can easily identity it in a glance.

Why jannies never made AI shart a bannable offence is beyond me.
I hate AI just for making google image search fucking useless. It poisons the well. I don't care about ANY argument in favor of AI so long as it is allowed to make google image search useless. Fix the GIS issue and then we can talk.
yeah you can tell there are a few common templates being passed around and the average person dabbling with it doesn't really have it tuned specifically and they have this odd washed out impressionist look to them. it's really richly ironic that they often have literally soulless-looking empty eyes or even misshapen eyes like fucking rotting corpses or something.

granted I have seen that some people seem to put a lot of care into customizing their models and manage to attain reasonably-accurate looking renditions and also must do a lot of quality control (or likely touch up things manually) so as to not upload fucking crap. but that's a minority, probably like 1 in 50 or something, maybe even 1 in 100. people who have a little bit of art skill who are able to correct or touch-up things helps a lot but most prompters have literally fucking 0 skills at all, probably can't even fucking draw a stick figure and are tickled pink to larp as artists now and upload ugly boring crap.
I'm all for AI, but this does annoy the fuck outta me. I search for a character on google and half the results are AI. Fix your shit, google
Hmm maybe the newer stuff does look better even if it looks slightly less anime.
I may regret asking, but why are you looking for pictures of characters on google instead of one of the MANY dedicated anime image archive sites?
I do manual touch-ups when I really like how an image came out. I have a little bit of skill from frankensteining rpgmaker portraits way back in the day. It only takes like 30 minutes to an hour to fix most issues on an image, which is peanuts compared to, you know, having to manually draw the whole fucking image yourself.
For me, making art is a feeling in the first place, and just generating stuff doesn't bring satisfaction at all. Being photo editor is another thing, and AI is good for that, but not for something that requires a soul
It's faster. I'm usually just looking for references like eye color, which isn't always correct in AI images
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AIslop garbage is not real art and all of it is just an inferior soulless regurgitation of better -pre-existing works.
Keep AItrash in the low IQ places like facebook
So you acknowledge that dedicated anime image archives exists, but you still turn to google where you have a high chance of encountering an AI image? And then you get mad over it?
Yes. It's extra steps I don't want to take. Why go to something like gelbooru when I can just type the characters name into my address bar and hit enter? It wouldn't be so bad it they weren't often the top results
Alright then, glad we cleared that up. Can't say I sympathize though.
there are plenty of reasons you would use google image search that arent for anime and seeing the results flooded with AI is blood boiling
Yeah but anon was specifically talking about using google to look up images of anime characters. I'm only talking about that.
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I do this with hentai specifically
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drawfag, i don't see the problem. i use ai for backgrounds here and there (organic/chaotic stuff because, as we can see in the op image, ai can't into correct details or even line continuity). reasonble timesaver for some shit but pretty awful in rest.
Play around with the minus operator like this -ai . Test that. It excludes terms.
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Reminder your image looks like garbage
Learn how to post while not bumping shit.
t-t-today junior
Guessing it's 5am everywhere and I'm not the only one that's overdue to go to bed.
AI art indirectly proved the existence of the human soul.
Also, there's always something "off" about them. I'll admit it's been ages since I've learned art, but in that picture you've just posted, the lighting makes no sense. It's small things like that which makes them feel uncanny.
real artists are as soulless and creatively bankrupt as prompt engineers
yeah buddy go draw a blue archive girl doing missionary i'm sure you fucking love that game and that character
might as well try to tell me mobile/isekai/tuber/gacha/(shounen)general/esl sea or spic posters and stuff like streaming are good for series old or new
you're all just shitters that only produce nonsense in your lives wanting attention that no one should give you
i don't need a downgrade of anything, have ai make a bizarre version of 4chinchin and stay there
Why does all AI pic have this weird shading that just look super uncanny? Like I can't point out what wrong but it just doesn't look like normal fanart at all.
How does /a/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
It doesn't always. It's just 90% of people are using bad settings
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