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Anyone still watching or reading this in 2024?
yeah, everybody on tiktok
unfunny shit no one cares about
azumanga is now "safe comedy" therefore i dont like it
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How and why is azumanga more popular now than it ever was before
It ended like 15 or 20 years ago, what do you means "still"? Everything's been discussed to death already. Except we still don't know why Tomo did it.
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My little sisters absolutely LOVE this
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Because someone uploaded the whole series to YT so it's easy to watch
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I was at a street festival a while back, and in the arts/crafts vendor area, there was a stall selling anime stuff and they had father hats for like $30
Thought about buying one, but that was a bit much...
I love azumanga
I breathe azumanga
I am the daioh
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We love her around these parts!
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do this topic again in 2100 to see if there will still be an azumanga community
Marry Sakaki
Fuck Kagura
Kill Tomo
Sex with yukari
Threw the keys?
Because it was funny
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Fuck Tomo
Marry Osaka
Kill Chiyo-chan
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>Kill Tomo
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ITT: fucking newfags
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I promise to live to be 97 so I can make sure there still is.
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Tomo and Osaka have ADHD. Osaka's is more of the inattentive kind. But slow, but even she can be cajoled into bouts of excitement.

While Tomo's is more of the hyperactive kind. But even she lacks focus, which is why her grades are bad.
Basically, Tomo sperged out.
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Azumanga will be the only community left
...in the world
you should have sex with them
I tried to once but then i felt bad and i cringe every time i remember it
Why is Osaka looking at me like that?
no clue, zoomers fucking love this show yet aren't even aware of Lucky Star or K-On.

probably the same reason they love berserk and evangelion. Some zoomie made a tiktok phonk edit of it and it snowballed into being deadas goated fr fr no cap
contrarian troons above deserve TND
You need ti be shot
Chiyo baited Tomo into throwing the keys, Tomo is not responsible for her own actions
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Why is Tomo so shit? She ruined the whole episode!
zoomers romanticizing le 2000s old internets!!!1!
Because someone uploaded Funny Osaka moments on TikTok then it went viral like hell

Therefore, I blame Osaka
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picrel suggests otherwise
>le tiktok anime
Hitler: Tried to save the world from a communist takeover.
Tomo: Threw the keys in the bushes.
Tomo is worse than Hitler.
Zoomers don't even know what this is.
>TikTok robbed Duvet (lain) from us
>Tiktok robbed Azumanga Daioh from us
What's next?
Kill yourself zoomer.
>yet aren't even aware of Lucky Star or K-On
Yeah don't be nasty.
Give them to me instead
Nothing. Tiktok liking something won't impede me from enjoying it in my own time.
It does fuck up the online community though
Is this the designated whining about zoomers thread?
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I do like Azumanga Daioh although the community has become garbage so I have essentially nowhere to go to talk about it with other people :^)
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it's only worth discussing about with friends or on here where it isn't "brainrot"
She did it because she thought it was funny
She even says when theyre looking for the key
"If i found it and threw it again it would be hillarious"

She is adhd tho
I bet Himmler would have threw Hitlers keys
I want to marry Osaka and go on a romantic honeymoon with her.
I feel like they are atleast less insufferable than lucky star fans. I've noticed that younger people who watch lucky star turn out to be fags while azumanga watchers are like slightly more... normal? I think I'm just lucky enough not to look into it yet.
>No ad brainrot taking up 70% of the web page
God, take me back.
bruuuuh she doing the whip nae nae fr UoU
the gay konata copypasta is decently well known among the younger generations
Osaka is my spirit animal
go back
Ashita no Joe
>4chan made so ADfags could shitpost about it after getting banned from SA
>two decades later AD becomes popular due to Tiktok brain rot
It's a cosmic joke.
How and why do you even know what's popular on tiktok?
What community? Where the fuck is there an Azumanga community outside of your own circle of friends?
Anon, she might legit have brain problems.
>'02 zoomer
> I was born the same week the first episode aired
It is legitimately entertaining though. I didn't find it as funny as Lucky Star though, I was surprised that it was somehow mellower than I expected. I don't go on tiktok or anywhere other than here since IDGAF about real issues. K-On is nicely enjoyable enough but I don't really get what was so great about it.
Eva seems quite popular, mostly with fujos though. Don't know about beserk. The big one seems to be the 'perfect girl' edit with Johann Libert of Monster.
I'm gonna make you redraw the whole series with these proportions with AI
It has a slightly more down to earth feel with characters that you easily could've met in school like the author actually interacted with other people in life while Lucky Star feels ADHD with inhumane skinwalkers spouting memes trying super hard to be funny.
This is what everyone in this thread looks like
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absolutely BASED fanbase

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Do Azumanga Daioh fans like corm
Fuck Yukari
Kill Chiyo
Marry Minamo
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Also, how "little" are they?
10 and 13
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please be a bot
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I watched it recently a few months ago
The first few episodes were okay, but it wasn't grabbing me
Idk what happened cause about 10 eps in or so it just kinda clicked and I started really enjoying it
It's a very good anime
Same thing is happening right now with Nichijou for me btw
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slice of life soothes the soul
I look like this
ZoomZoom here
Do you know what azumanga is?
>Azumanga Dai-OH...
The only experience I had with zoomer azumanga fans was when I made a joke that about how kagura is latinx because of her skin and I got replied by multiple retards whining about how that's le hecking offensive.
The author's name is Azuma so I guess it means something like Azuma's manga
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Not this year, no. Gave it my 3rd re-read last year, along with catching up with Yotsubato. Will probably do another read of both in 2027.

I love Chiyo so much it's unreal.
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Kagura is crying.
Wtf y did he do that
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Melts me every time. Of the late teenagers she was always both the most positive and the most emotional. Perfect tomboy blend.
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Chiyo-chan should have hit puberty in the last season. Change my mind.

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