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how important is it to be wary of the rumor mill in isekai? since common sense varies so widely between worlds, it's really easy to end up accidentally standing out
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Sometimes a MC has no control over that.
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Yeah well, better make sure to spread your own rumors then.
>lord streamer
how do they come up with these names
I don't know bitch, since you are also a namefag you tell me. Bitch
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God I hate stories with that as the aspiration, none of them are ever good.
for this one, one mistake and his legion of fans will either kill him, leave him dry or both. And not necessarily in that order.
i prefer live dungeon or protagonist's onaholes version of streaming
I'd read something where the cheat was a streamer system. Chat! I'm not going to kill the princes! I'm not.
there was a korean manwha about some guy reincarnating in murim and getting a streaming cheat where he gets stronger the more people watch him
cute autist
t. Lord gb enjoyer
if i were isekai'd with this name stuck in my status window, i think i might actually die of embarrassment
the very first thing i would have to do would be to find something to let me hide it from others
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Is it right to crush both the nobles AND the commoners if they get in the way?
If you're trying to speedrun getting assassinated.
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very spooky skelly
>MC is told he's going to be isekai'd to a war torn post apocalypse setting
>MC is actually excited he doesn't have to care about conventional morality, even moreso since he has cheats, he's going to go in and take over the place
>What the goddess didn't mention is that this is a reverse gender role world and the reason it's in eternal war is due to lack of men
>The problem is that the women there are 10/10 (at minimum) and are so great he doesn't want to kill any of them (he's neither into ryona, guro, nor necrophilia), his greed and horniness literally makes him want to love not war
>comes off as a complete pacifist because of it as he tries to make a harem without them getting killed
>"of course he doesn't want anyone to die, men don't have stomach for war!"
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Holy mascot the artist is forgetting what her body looks like.
I hate when artists do that to a character so frequently or in the wrong places.
This isn't GB.
it was just a reply to her post, silly
i also read stuff outside of GB, you know. especially if it's good
permanent chibi mode huh
You know what I hate. I hate the fact that MC's get isekai'd but none of them fucking introduce games and sports we have to the people in the past.

Mancala, Monopoly, Uno, Kickball, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Dodgeball, Volleyball, etc.
>death god uses her abilities to make chicken de-bone itself
honestly i respect it
There's chess and reversi and.... fight the landlord?
there is a baseball isekai
too many of that happening outside the plot and you get "MC introduces miso soup" cases
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looks fine to me
puss puss
Loli spreading rumours to attract younger shotas
>hit a paywall again
sigh. and it was just getting good
not by much
>commoner girl straight up kisses the prince in front of his fiance and everyone around them
>suffer no consequences
How dare you imply the saintess-chan be guilty of sin, Blasphemer!
>Reborn into otome game
>But you're a follower of the villainess
>fuck yes you get to see shit first hand
>Pretend you're evil and following her orders
>But actually solve things in the background
>Still act like some brat to keep up appearances
>Heroine notices something is strange and follows you
>Finds out you're not as bad as she thought you were
>Finds you omoshiroi
>Now she's locked into your route
getting molested by the heroine doesn't sound so bad...
Nothing special. There are tons of bad guy who sneaks off to feed orphans and protect kittens from the rain.
Otomege MCs being portrayed as charismatic vixens is becoming my favorite trope...
Wait, isn't that just having the commoner girl act like a villainess? Has the Ouroboros come full circle?
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Was it kino?
nahmore like a heroine got seduced by a someone pretending to be a brat and deciding they need correction
it becomes a bit worse every time you repost
Streamer is not his name. He is the only streamer in that world.
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somehow that's even worse
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Would you like to be reincarnated with a childhood friend?
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Is Danmachi the best series to be isekaid to?

>Adventurers have high-status if they make it to Level 3 (Intermediate)
>Most beautiful women in the world are all in the same city as you
>Live rent-free in a communal house with your familia
>Falna halts aging so you can fight for decades
>Don't have to travel long distances, just a dungeon that's in the same city
>Reincarnation is a thing

Compare it to every other series:

>Adventurers are the dregs of society, cucks to weak-ass nobles
>Female adventurers are uncommon, and spread out over continents
>Have to pay rent for inns or live in stables
>You have to retire by your 30's
>Travel dozens of miles on foot just to kill goblins and other mooks for meagre pay
>Afterlife isn't even confirmed for most of them
only if he doesn't betray
Yes, is one of those shitty isekai that are meant to be read as if you are eating junk food.
The plot is about mc isekaied with infinite mana and he uses it to stream all over the world (only he can do it because of his unlimited mana). All the fans who finds his real identity are crazy cultist.
I miss her and sheep
I wonder why the artist hasn't posted anything since.
What if the saintess became a succubus by bargaining with a stronger succubus in order to power up her fox familiar so she can defeat the dragon king, whom she believes was responsible for the death of one of her party members, when in actuality her other party member left the former for dead, but the system genderspeciesbent him in its dying moments so that the dragon king(female) found it omoshiroi that a hero suddenly became a dragongirl and impregnated her because she wondered if they could bear a dragon king heir that could harness the power of heroes but ultimately creates a spark of genuine love between them so that when the former hero regains his memories thanks to a new system she refuses to kill the dragon king, so that when the saintess finds out she's devastated so that said fox familiar (actually the princess of the kitsune race) comforts her?
Blasphemer, die!
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Fake Saint.
Gender bender.
No romance.
No fan service.
Most charitable thing you can say is it leaves the door open for yuri, but it also kinda implies he could become gay later.
Don't read it.
Ah, but you see, she willingly and publicly renounced her title, therefore she's no longer a saintess.
death to all who blaspheme against heroine-chan!
why did dong bai have to get axed
It peak too soon, head the novel goes downhill after the first arc.
isekai good
That's xaio heroine to you.
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Humans need three things: Food, sleep, and sex. A protagonist that doesn't love is like a protagonist that doesn't sleep or eat.
All the implications are that Elise will continue to be basically asexual until she dies.
this thread is proof that your statement is false
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The best kind of saintess is the one you summon. Your very own personal saintess.
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Alfredo or Layla could push her down eventually.
Isekaibutas aren't human.
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I'll only aknowledge the heroines that can make silly faces.
Rather isekai to Overlord and fuck Albedo.
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So do the opposite of what this retard says right?
>wow gb is so cool because of muh humiliation losing to cock fetish
>nooo don't expose my fetish if I get isekaid
loli hags
>Pretend you're evil and following her orders
>But actually enslave both the vilainess and the heroine
>people who hate incest still find it "disgusting" and an "excuse"
>people who like it give way less of a shit
Why? If you don't care about the blood taboo, the main goal could only be to bait people, somehow. This is essentially a niche version of CFs.
So much sex.
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>two villainesses named claire
It couldn't be that noble girls named claire are likely to become villainesses, right?
There's no incest in isekai. It's not allowed. We are more persecuted than anyone ever in history.
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I have nothing but burning hatred for my bloodline but my heart goes to the incestchads the PUREST form of love I've ever seen.
Chatgpt is literally retarded
The most sex part here is the art. Only isekai I think comes close art-wise is about drinking breast milk. Mato is technically isekai, I guess, though it's quite a stretch... And it regularly gets its own threads anyways so no point bringing it here.
it's no fun if the MC just immediately accepts it and goes along with everything. it's so much better when she tries (and fails) to resist/hide it. you need to play along!
Any incest feels weird if you actually have siblings or stepsiblings even if there is technically no genetic issues with NBR.
Your brain is just made that way if you grow up together and it's very uncomfortable.
t. have an NBR imouto that enjoys hugging me and pressing her tits against me for no reason
now want TG with a cute smol curvy MC wearing a cute smol hat
Love me genderbending.
Love me incest.
'ate childhood friends
Simple as.
might be weird for this one, but i find incest involving people who aren't me 1000% hot, would, need, etc.
my brain works ``correctly'' when it comes to my own siblings, though, and i don't feel any attraction there
god, but whenever i see twins (especially m/f twins), i really just want (NEED) them to fuck
almost every GB story turns them into a loli i feel like. they are rarely ever curvy. occasionally well-built, but curvy? almost never
You can confirm this because the first recommendation is WataOshi, which is among the worst yurisekai.
what are the best?
But what if you get GBsekai'd with your childhood friend as blood related siblings?
>two people who grew up together become a couple
AIEEEEEE! police, kill those sick bastards! That's I-ILLEGAL you know?
>two people who grew up together become a couple, but there is 15 second walk between the houses
Ahhh, a beautiful CF romance, thruly it's the most wholesome and healing of all romances.
>although not a classic isekai, Adachi and Shimamura...
It's fine only if we're both girls.

Sisters yuri is peak.
>still shilling this
still not reading this
what are you reading?
I do have IRL relatives I grew up around, but I don't really feel like it when I'm reading something containing incest of any kind, it's not like an image of my sisters pops up in my head. Even if she was in the same room I'd feel nothing, it's not remotely related. I've heard both your view and mine from multiple people, in the end it's probably more about being able to separate 3D from 2D.
It's not even illegal or immoral for NBR in most cases, it just feels weird because your brain isn't designed this way.
You either don't have siblings or are trolling.
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If you don't like incest you should die. If it weren't for the threat of legal repercussions I'd slay you.
you are inbred
I don't particularly care about incest or other random shit in fiction, it just ends up being something that doesn't make much sense be it NBR or not.
whatever you recommend
Hetfags, outcestfags, childhood friends. I say kill em all.
isekai ganbou
didn't ask you, faggot

Chatgpt is a good tool, you just have to talk to it right.
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double picked up
The actual good shit are manga originals, like Onee-sama and Genkai OL-san. There are some newer ones that are too early into serialization to tell. I've not read the source material for Shokei Shoujo, but the manga is good and the anime isn't. For chinkshit, there are 3 villainess manhua that are at least decent, the bully one, the demon king one, and the yandere heroine one.
shut in necromancer is paywalled?
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i finally cracked and made a NU account so i can better keep track of all my shit
it's going to take forever to load everything into it
hope you enjoy them. it's a bit unfortunate that they don't have a lot of chapters out, but i have really enjoyed them so far. usually i *hate* VRMMO stories, but so far, solo play has actually surprised me with how much i like it
up to 26 are out free, but 27-51 are locked behind a patreon atm, from what i can see
but i think it's the typical rolling release situation, so not the end of the world. just a bit unfortunate
i am okay with manga these days, but i feel like they update sooo much more slowly than WNs, so it's a bit disappointing for someone like me
>27-51 are locked behind a patreon atm
shame but at least the other one isn't
>you can't imagine Hobbits having sex
I don't really care about it in fiction either way, I just find it funny how 15 seconds walk between houses unweirds it somehow in people's minds.
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Helping a catgirl.
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Remember to read Minya’s Toybox.

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She wants to help.
thought she was holding a katana with that thumbnail
>Isekai'd into a society where everyone else was raised from birth to fight in their little groups of mercenaries loyal to little gods
No, if it was actual isekai you'd just lose to everyone. It would maybe kind of be comfortable if you were some kind of fighting prodigy, but good luck with that.

The advantage with all those other settings is they're WAY less combat-oriented as a society, what else do you do in Danmachi? Every adventurer is part of a familia and fights all the time (except for the partiers, maybe you could join that group, but you'd always job)
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what isekai has the best mortal enemy to lovers romance?
childhood friend
>training MMA and kenjutsu as a NEET with 21st century diet and supplements
I AM a fighting prodigy.
"Nah you'd job" applies to every fantasy setting that involves fighting pretty much. Or it doesn't apply to any reallly, if you just asspull muh argonaut skill after some random mino smacks you around like a bitch for a little bit.
>whole class gets isekaid together
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Found the irl /Isekai/ poster

>Wang Mang was hated and slandered at the time, but modern Chinese historians often joke that he is a confirmed time-traveller, because all his policies mirror that of a modern Chinese society point for point—they just didn't work in Han Dynasty, 2000 years ago.
>For example, he tried to institute a progressive income tax, which proved impossible to implement without industrialized bureaucracy and modern day communication tools. In an attempt to end landlords, he attempted to make all land nationalized, and all peasants would receive a portion of land when they came of age. He tried to institute price floors and ceilings on important daily necessities. He created currency with anti-counterfeit patterns. He tried to ban slavery (and indentured servitude) completely. He demanded that his engineers create an airplane. He attempted to enforce a mandatory 9-year public education on every household in his Empire.
>And perhaps most damningly, he attempted to start a new calendar starting with 1AD, in the year 1AD, despite having no contact with Europe. He also went about hunting down men named Liu Xiu and having them executed for no particular reason, except his claim that he heard a “prophecy”. Even though the Liu Xiu who would eventually kill him was only five years old at the time.
>But alas, he lived in the deterministic world of Chinese prophecies, where no amount of effort could change one's fate. His imperial force of 430,000 soldiers was eventually wiped out by Liu Xiu with only 10,000 soldiers.

all of his reform failed miserably, bankrupted the country and created massive instability and he ended up getting mutilated by palace eunuchs. his radical reforms fucked up china so bad that it indirectly caused one of the worst period to life in Chinese history (the three kingdom period)
i really enjoyed it in instant death
that's one of my favorite overall, though, so i might be biased
99% of isekai are horrible to reincarnate in without powers. The other 1% were made to jerk off to. Assuming basic, adventurer powers, I guess it's more interesting than regular old wageslaving in theory, with the travelling and all, but depending on the world you'll be missing modern conveniences and jobs without real chance of death and injury real soon.
With cheetos, isekai wins.
some things are worth the inconvenience, even without powers
I don't know, maybe not. Seeing as so many isekai worlds seem to be stuck in the early-middle ages in terms of weaponry there are some pretty huge improvements even your average NEET could make. Certainly they're all less brutal than Danmachi in terms of how skilled your opponents are.
>Asspull muh argonaut skill
Sorry sweetie his mom fucked a god, he was already an asspul.
>whole class get isekai'd
>immediately try to murder each other
Like yeah I get high school kids are pretty volatile but is cooperation really too much to ask.
Need less isekai like Oblivion
Need more isekai like Morrowind
Brains aren't that advanced at the base level and basic instincts are hard to fight against.
It's not fair bros...
I tried so hard to make everything better...
>bethesdoid isekai
No thanks
>MC is betraying his childhood fiend
>by staying friendly with her
>to get Academy™ recommendation letter from her
>I don't need to mess with her any further
>she has no affinity score and not a heroine
>later at the Academy™
>AAIIEEE I can't get close to heroine
>she is too smart and going to see through me
His plan was he has no plan. Do keuks really?
Giant mushroom tower isekai > 12th century Poland isekai
>Seeing as so many isekai worlds seem to be stuck in the early-middle ages in terms of weaponry there are some pretty huge improvements even your average NEET could make.
Wang Mang moment
>Sorry sweetie his mom fucked a god, he was already an asspul.
That's every mc ever as well.
honestly i could probably be tempted to waste some money on buying premium access to chapters or whatever if they weren't split across a million different sites/groups
no way i'm wasting even a single cent on a single series, though
A lot of his issues were caused by the Yellow River diverting and flooding a shitload of important regions, totally outside of anyone's control.
Otherwise, yeah. He was basically a CIV or EU4 player in ancient China. Trying to implement modern top-down reforms in a society where you literally had no information about the world except through interpersonal channels so everyone just lied to him or refused to comply. He didn't have enough loyalists to get away with his plans.
Isekai like dagger fall
>negative traits multiplying
>low initial stat rolls
>low hp rolls on leveling up
>low speed, low luck
>wrong initial equipment rolls
>low disposition in social strats
>guilds have only one quest at a time
>dungeon diving without mark and recall
>quest items fuck knows where
>guards teleporting behind you instantly
>money weight
>negative conditions killing you in fast travel mode
Oh yeah it's the one where anons help a catgirl build a village right?
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Why are witches the hottest caster subclass?
And some more fun fact our guy Cao Cao was a massive fan of this schizo and he made sure that his dynasty royal coronation was based on his Wang Mang's nine bestowment ceremonis (which according to Wang Mang was ancient Zhou dynasty ceremony but was later found out to be some bullshit he made up by later historian)
What isekai actually do battleshounen powerfantasy well?
Kumo was good but became SOLshit after the dungeon.
Basically yeah. Village with a population of 9. 1 7 yr old catgirl (mayor), 2 elf girls 12 and 8, 1 dwarf girl 12, 2 dog girls 5 and 4, 1 human girl 10, and two human boys(twins)6. Then about 900 Anons inhabiting 30cm tall dolls.
>isekai ojisan
Oh yeah that used to be a thing
>jokes on you: I already can’t get excited by naked women other than you
The only reason you'd care is because women would avoid you because you're a creep and men because you're a faggot.
I'm just saying that if i ever get isekai'd to an otome world where there's a noble girl called claire i have to check if she's not going to be a villainess, or a villainess's follower. Doubly so if she's a catgirl.
Would they even understand what gb stands for tho.
>MC has PTSD

Picked Up
>Another person from "earth".

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>named lloyd
I'll read the next one
is he from orcnor
I assume he wasn't going to use his dick either way.
>Bowstring positioned at the back of her hand
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Cute maid.
Maid SEX.
>whole class gets isekaid together
>loser MC kicked from the party
>jimiko FMC kicked from the party
>MC turns into a slime
>FMC gets a harem and her skill is futanarisation
Oh no.
If an alien arrives at the average isekai fantasy world (which is actually just one planet in some forgotten corner of the galaxy), would it still be isekai?
>No romance.
Isn't the male MC romancing her?
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Anorexic Rape Elf
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Maids are useless. Useless!
Is that what happens to an elf when starved of human semen?
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That's not really emaciated enough.
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>MC parents die
>later his oneesan vanishes after saying wait for me
>then MC wakes up in isekai and gets attacked by his oneesan who now has demon horns
you have my attention
Is that the doujin artist which does anorexic people having sex and also pegging the shotas?
He wishes.
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Some are decent, from what little we have for these two I'm kinda looking forward to see some interactions
Especially since there's about 2 dozen version of his "little sister" at this point. 3 dozen if you count look a likes
>and gets attacked by his oneesan
Was it high impact sexual violence?
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When did elves become so sexual? They are supposed to be the least sexual race among all isekai races
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Absolute chad already soul-marriage bonded his sister on first day of isekai
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Because you can get creative with them
Also I just realized one of my favorite songs I grew up listening was about a knight sleeping with a witch, and getting magical powers
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guess where her bond marker is
>can't fap with family in the room
My blue ball and patience levels will go up atleast.
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This looks like bokuyaba in isekai except demon incest
>this isn't hentai
>it's not even a monogamous relationship
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Mentlegen... Brother-sister incest bad!
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>freaks out but not to an excessive degree
This shota mc has more spine than your regular isekaijin
Could someone help me find this Isekai manga I was reading a few years ago?
>MC is the Prince
>when he met his fiance at 7 years old she claims that is world is an otomege and that she's the villainess and will do her best to set him up with the heroine
>MC thinks she's a bit crazy but likes how off the wall she is
Much of what I read is about the MC hearing off hand that is "villainess" fiance rambling about how character x is going to die, so he devises a plan how to keep that character from dying and stuff.
Any isekai where slavery is bad?
Who was in the wrong here?
Villainess observation diary.
>wolfgirl: sleeping with him is wrong!
>wolfgirl later: ...
it's funny how author doesn't even try to pretend like these characters have a personality
Villainess Observation Log, a certified iseclassic. It also got a sequel manga few years back.
Seirei Gensouki, mc puts attempted rapists into slavery instead killing them on the spot.
Obviously it's fair game as long as it's not incest.
Thank you. Now I can finish the manga
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Isekai where MC is still an F rank adventurer despite his age who only does newbie quests like herb gathering because unknown to anyone else he is dating the guild receptionist and doesn’t want to have to travel to faraway dungeons, but because he has turned in so many quest completions as an excuse to see her he has max rank stats?
that sounds like Bertia to me
why the fuck wouldn't he just ask her out by that point
Why would he have max stats from low rank quest completions? why is he even getting xp from those? if he has it than others also should be maxxed out too since everyone loves to spam quests.
Think harder and try again.
Is there an isekai with a happy loving mongamous relationship between MC adventurer and guild receptionist
>“I… I…” she stammered, her voice barely audible. “I’m not worthy of you, Hero.”

>“I don’t mind.”

>“I’m a sinner.”

>“I don’t care.”

>“I’m just a lowly maid.”

>“Excellent!” Qin Chu exclaimed, his eyes shining with genuine excitement. “I have a maid fetish.”

>The room gasped.
Holy based.
The max stats don't really seem necessary. Just make him a hunter-gatherer specializing in traps and guerilla tactics and chemical weapons.
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>Justice fag "perfect" popular classmate gets absolutely BTFOed and rejected
Love to see it.
is this BL or just an MTL moment?
MTL moment.
Holy based maid enjoyer
Girl gives the same vibes as that kid who was all "Damn is that a dragon, i hope it came over here and fucking killed me" and then fucked it's daughter after growing up.
If all Japanese society is based around pretending to be morally perfect why would she reject the justice fag?
Is that really japanese? The names sound quite suspiciously korean.
extremely based, but also the title of that is
>Dear, It’s Time for Your Medicine!
schizo MC?
No Updates
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half elves are so based...
not as based as catgirl rogues, mind you. but pretty damn based
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What IS the appropriate job for a catgirl?
as there are many types of catgirls based on big and small cats(regular house cats, lions, ocelots, lynxes, tigets, jaguars, etc)
There MUST be an appropriate job for each and one of them.
housecat: rogue
all the others: a shit
maybe ocelots, lynxes, and the cute ones can be grouped in with housecats if they behave. especially those adorable tiny little desert cats
>as there are many types of catgirls based on big and small cats(regular house cats, lions, ocelots, lynxes, tigets, jaguars, etc)
Lion girls are an under-appreciated subtype given that they're naturally inclined to form harems.
I'll tell you what not, being spammed OC in isekai threads by an obsessed namefag.
Cats are for espionage and ninjas of various specialities.
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I don't think I've ever actually seen huntershit that's also a shoelacer story like this before. Hunter-nims are always usually alone from the start or were never actually useful until their sudden power up.
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>Lion girls
Horribly rare and under-utilized.
>Lion girls: Royal Knights/Harem managers
>Tiger girls: Huntresses
>Jaguar girls: Priestesses or Warriors
>Most (small)Cat girls: Thieves or rogues
What else can we give them?
I was going to say no, but he spends most of his time talking to hallucinations, not trusting anyone around him and he's on a revenge quest against SOCIETY. So, yes, unfortunately.
Leopard girls should be gyarus
cheetahs would be couriers or some other such nonsense
[kemono friend noises]
No that's lion girls because they hunt in packs.
Fox girls usually have some kind of connection to magic, sorcery, or spirituality like shamanism
bad translation of -sama, dekinai-kun
>my precious granddaughter, I will forgive and forget everything if you divorce your husband right now
the art looks so fucking bad
Fuck you, i dont want normalfag culture shit ruining isekai
I hate even more when isekailand natives are portrayed to be so retarded that introduction of some basic game like reversi immediately sets the world on fire. Surely people will find a way to entertain themselves regardless of the setting.
Same goes for fermented food which for some weird reasons author sometimes treat as some sacred knowledge meanwhile in reality pretty much every culture had some kind fermented food since the the dawn of history.
Rarely ever happens
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Yeah fermenting is basically a specific kind of spoiling of the food. Isekai food doesn't spoil?
>mom is supposed to have a falling out with her grandpa
>guild master is actually superhappy to see his granddaughter
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Daily reminder that haughty demons are one broken horn away from becoming obedient.
>t. have an NBR imouto that enjoys hugging me and pressing her tits against me for no reason
she wants to fuck.
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Why is there no isekai set primarily in an underwater kingdom
>Marissa Spark
She sounds like someone who shoots lasers.
NTA but I have siblings and still find incest hot.
Go away FY.
I wish Fatalis was a lot easier with 1 broken horn instead of needing 2
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>Then suddenly I saw it. With only a slight churning to mark its rise to the surface, the thing slid into view above the dark waters. Vast, Polyphemus-like and increddibly beautiful.
>I think I yelled out "HOLY SEXOOOOO!" and charged towards the creature.
Imagine the smell.
Why don't we ever see that line of thinking outside of incest. It's like saying "you only like porn because you've never had sex".
Cetaceans saving isekai when? or the opposite I assume since glorious nippon whale business.
Can someone post that manga page about the man shouting NTR all over the place while the orcs reacting on the background "Jesus is that what you think all day?" or something?
I can't find it on Google with all the description I can throw at the search bar.
That was an edit, the original was him shouting about sex. Well what the orcs were saying was different too.
either way works. I like the idea behind the meme
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Why are humans bad?
Thanks anon. Managed to find one thru reverse searching.
Still can't find the NTR one but I can quickly photoshop the two.
Female MCs are always better. No exceptions.
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This is the version that gets memed here
Never seen an NTR one, maybe the one about the childhood friend is what you're talking about
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>fuck Albedo
Nigga, you'd be sent to the sheep farm. Overlord is the worst choice possible.
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The academy(TM) is just japanese school setting in a fantasy world.
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If they don't get dragged around by omoshiroi princes then yeah sure.
There should be more academyslop where the MC goes to the academy to fuck things up in one way or another like killing someone such as the principal or seitokaichou for revenge instead of being a goody two shoes bootlicking student at the mercy of everyone
You don't have to be a fighter if you join a farming or blacksmith familia. And just having a place to stay rent-free makes Danmachi superior to 99% of isekai.
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Hiroshima Nagasaki already said it's okay as long it's not from a literal hentai doujin.

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