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Is subs really that much better than dubs, or is it kind of a meme that was relevant years ago but no longer applies due to anime getting bigger and bigger in English speaking nations which in turns allows them to hire better voice actors than they would’ve gotten decades ago?

Also, are there anime where the English voice acting is actually better than the Japanese?
>Is subs really that much better than dubs
>are there anime where the English voice acting is actually better than the Japanese?
EN voice acting is the same 20 or so people and most of them suck.

Subs will always be better as the original show runners pick the VA for the character.
ESL retard thread, which makes sense considering that's who dubs are for.
You'd think dubs would have gotten better over the years, but they haven't.
If anything they've got worse
ye olde dubs varied in quality, sometimes you'd get a suprisingly good performance and script or you'd get absolute dogshit. But today they're all the same mediocre quality, just mostly eh, no absolutely horrendous performances, but no one who really hits it out of the park either

I still think OP should kill himself though
I prefer subs over dubs for most shows.
However, some older shows had great dubs that I prefer (GITS SAC for example). I tried listening to dubs for more modern shows and it was weird. It was like they keep hiring the same people and none of them are good or convey appropriate responses. It makes me think there is now some sort of monopoly on dub voice acting, because I can't figure out how most of them are acceptable performances
It's the same in France but we have like 10 voice actors. It's just tiring and makes it impossible to watch anything without saying "hey he's the main character from..

I swear Tanjiro's VA probably voiced 10 main character of currenly airing series at this point

I'm a bit surprised for English VA though, from what I've seen there are way more variety in voice actors than here in France
The effort put into Japanese voice acting is on a whole other level than the English one.
Most english VAs willing to work on anime AND VIDEO Game dubs suck. They rely on a few tired staples for big roles and everyone else is just mid. One bad VA can ruin an anime. It's pretty rare to get bad VAs in Japan, usually have to be fucking dying like King Kai and Franky to be noticable.
>I still think OP should kill himself though
Why? I’m new to anime so I’m not as well versed in the subject as the people on this board, hence me asking. Should I not ask questions?
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>Is subs really that much better than dubs
Yeah, I'm not sure why an ESL would be watching an American dub either.
lurk for 2 years before posting, retard
Nips had great VAs since ages ago. In burgerland the VAs are just people who failed at hollywood. They sound awful and half the time don't match the character. The vydia industry has better VAs.
What's worse is that despite being failures the English VA industry is completely egotistical high on their own "fame" and generally try to take a sense of ownership of the characters that weren't written or directed for them.
>I'm new

>allows them to hire better voice actors

False. If anything, the talent pool has gotten smaller and worse.


Can you imagine the kind of people who go to an anime con to see an American VA?
>Also, are there anime where the English voice acting is actually better than the Japanese?

I can think of one. It's so western-influenced that it's halfway to just being a western cartoon made in Japan, though.
>Is subs really that much better than dubs
Dubs are only ever good in video game & even then they could still get fucked by bad localization.
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>look up who are the guests at the cons near me
>most are all the English voice actors for the popular shonen shows
>zero people from the industry itself, not even brand managers or localization teams, just voice actors
I'm not against dubs I think people should always try to watch things in their original language if possible, not just anime. Also anime dubs suffer the most because a lot more information is conveyed in fewer words in Japanese than English which leads to English performances, even otherwise good ones, feeling very rushed to match the mouth movements.
English & Japanese are 2 languages that are so fundamentally different that it's nearly impossible for English dubs to be good. This is why Spanish dubs tend to be better on average.
Even if they weren't better though most english dubs are really bad, I don't know why they hate their audience so much and hire old women to squeak my point that will never change is that they're pointless.
If Raw watchers are 10/10 and dub watchers are 0/10, sub watchers are basically a 5/10 at best currently, with every single point going in to superior voice actors. The translations are just as dogshit as dubs are though, so anyone that argues with you on the basis that the translations are better should be thoroughly looked down on.
I usually watch things on their original language, but at the same time I don't mind dubs as long as it's not as awful as American dubs.

I cant watch subs bc Japanese voices are ear piercing and annoying asf. Even if I understood japanese I couldnt/wouldnt watch it.

Im more of a visual person so bad VAing doesnt bother me that much unless it REALLY bad

SO Yes DUBs are KinG SUBs are meme
>Can you imagine the kind of people who go to an anime con to see an American VA?

I've known western anime fans who can name the entire dub cast of their shows but not even the person who made it.
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Picrel is why I'm simply not going to switch, even if dubs ever get good.
The range and commitment of the Japanese Voice actors to their designed role is simply a joy to hear.
Spanish isn't any more similar to Japanese than English is.
Since the weebs don't actually know Japanese, they like to pretend that they listen for "tone"/etc. But really, they don't realize how bad most of the VAs are. So much of Japanese culture is hyping up the trash that they have, and pretending that it's amazing. Weebs don't know any better, and just believe the hype.
Watch it in whatever language you want.
Name 5
>If Raw watchers are 10/10 and dub watchers are 0/10, sub watchers are basically a 5/10 at best currently
Those are big ifs.
It's more like
>raw = 1/10
>sub = 0/10
>dub = 0/10
You're spending your time watching cartoons made for kids and teenagers.
Dubs aren't good in videos. But It's easier to listen to background chatter and pay attention to the action than it is to read while trying to stay alive. So perhaps it's a necessary evil.
Play EDF 6 with subs and dubs and be the judge.
5 what?
5 good Japanese VAs? They don't exist.
It's comparing getting shit from a Japanese ass in your mouth vs shit from an American ass in your mouth.
It's still shit. So just watch it however you want.
I haven't watched a dub in 20 years.
>More of a visual person so don't care about bad English voice acting
>but can't stand Japanese voice acting
>shitting the goalpost
>low budget camp
There's no debate on the English being the correct choice, even if you prefer subs.
Where was the shift? I said that Japanese VAs aren't as good as the Japanese culture and weebs pretend that they are. I even said that weebs don't realize how bad they are.
I watch subs simply because I won't be able to catch everything without it. I.e. if dubs I'm still gonna turn captions on because fuck you.
>trying to read
Not my problem, takes me .5 seconds to read a line which helps me process what they're going to say since I don't have to wait for them to take forever to finish talking.
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Only amerimutts and kids listen to dubs
>subs are shit
>dubs are shit
Ok then all of anime is shit to you. Why are you here?
he watches it muted
>are there anime where the English voice acting is actually better than the Japanese?
If there are, they're as rare as rocking horse apples.
Also doesn't help that most English VA's are cunts.
>from what I've seen there are way more variety in voice actors than here in France
Anime dubbing is super low budget, which means it pays like shit and all the voice directors and shit are the cheapest and shittiest on the market. The only people willing to degrade themselves to dubbing anime are actors that suck so much they can't get any other kind of jobs.

The easiest way to tell an anime nufag from an oldfag is their opinion on dubs.
Almost nobody bought the subbed tapes of stuff back in the day because they werent that bad.
I can understand the preference to subs for modern shows because the dubs suck and are low effort compared to 30 years ago.
People didn't buy chinese bootlegs for a lot of reasons and that's not one of them.
The further removed from the original text the worst any translation is
Subs are bad
Dubs are worse because they have to be further altered as to not sound too unusual when spoken
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>The further removed from the original text the worst any translation is
>The worst

The further removed from the original the WORSE the translation is. Your sentence is the WORST.
>Is subs really that much better than dubs
Are they worse? It's common sense to pick the native version of a show, that would be subs, unless there isn't an option, your TV CAN'T display subs. Your sentence implies you desperately need dubs. It's backwards.
Kek, Someone's ass blasted they got called out for being inferior to raw watchers
Anything less than raw is cope honestly since it's always going to be altered from the original, so I just use dubs so I can put 100% focus on the animations instead of trying to virtue signal and pretend like I'm any better than anyone
What you have to understand is that JP voice actors are actual professionals, often even celebrities. You can turn on Japanese TV to any channel pretty much and watch for long enough you'll recognize a voice or two. I heard Satomi Arai narrate a news broadcast recently, for example.
Meanwhile, dub voice actors are like random nobodies who get paid like $20 an hour. Best case scenario maybe you get a somewhat well-known twitch streamer or some shit. Nowhere near the level of professionalism and celebrity status of JP voice actors.
US voices just sound unbearably annoying. Some spanish and other language dubs I have heard clips posted from actually sound somewhat bearable (probably because I don't understand the language), but the accents and the way the voice actors in most American dubs sound are just absolutely unbearable.
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yes, i feel subtitles more accurately reflect what the characters are saying in japanese. mostly because i use japanese subs
This depends on the show but I often wonder if having a language barrier makes some of this stuff easier to hear without laughing.
I think media from other countries is best experienced as intact as possible. Subs are really just a compromise since any translation comes with inherent information loss. But it's in no way comparable to the information loss of a dub where not only is there inherent loss from translation, you're also discarding the original voice acting and voice direction. You might as well watch something made by a westerner since it's already been so twisted.
English is not my native language, but for American dubs it's mostly that the voices with thick American accents that often sound like they are coming from some stereotypical American "e-personalities"/fans in relation to cute characters that are supposed to be Japanese is just extremely off putting. I can stand the somewhat decent (mostly older) and professional dubbing work in my native language just fine, there just aren't many dubs made except for kids shows here, and they seem to have adapted the way that American voice actors act. The best I can describe it is that they sound annoyingly "smug" but in no relation to the possible smugness of the character they are supposed to be depicting.
You know, that's also looks like a good idea to improve Japanese. It seems faster than reading VN (voiced).
>Hire better voice actors
English voice acting has never been worse. In fact it's the worse it's ever been. Dub directors don't even give a fuck anymore, you'll be watching an anime dub where half the cast is dogshit and the other half actually gives a fuck and is trying.
Not to mention the fact a lot of newer dub actors sound like they walked straight out of L.A. with the least attractive vocal accent and intonation of all time
You are fucking retarded, and underage. Kill yourself and your retarded family.
Good Morning Saar
>hire better voice actors
honestly, the voice acting is worse now.
>I'm new
exactly why you should, lurk more. >>272206288
fuck off, we do not.
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Whatever happened to subs with TL:Notes on them?
It was a cringe a lot of the time in a based kind of way, but now everything is just so corporate and boring.
I'm fluent in Japanese and you're fucking retarded.
>EN voice acting is the same 20 or so people and most of them suck.
Wait until you find out that Japanese voice acting has the exact same problem except their voice actors are unskilled retards that can only do the same 1 voice.
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Shouldn't you be running kiwifarms josh?
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the signature dubfag cope.
Would you prefer to watch Shakespeare performed by Mexican immigrants? Honest question. That’s like what dubs are for anime
>not showing the checkmate one
The only thing English "voice actors" can do is sound smug without any reason or merits.
I mean, Yu Yu Hakusho and Cowboy Bebop were pretty good. Tanjiro in Demon Slayer was good at the end of the Mugen Train arc. Those outliers aside, I agree with you.
I watched Perfect Blue for the first time yesterday, and I wanted to watch it dubbed, but it was so bad I almost immediately switched to subs.
You just have to try out dubs for each and every anime to see which you like, but usually, subs are the safe answer.
english voice actors, at least the good ones, are expected to be able to do ~50 completely different voices.
japanese seiyuus are fucking awful because they do the same shitty voice in every anime, so you hear fucking megumin, aqua and darkness in every fucking show for 10 years until they commit sudoku or get jailed for cocaine and replaced with another 20 year old who'll work for $8/hr.
>Voice acting directed by actually staff from the show
>Voice acting just trying to match rewritten lines to the lip flaps in the least amount of takes
fpbp thread should've ended here. /a/ is dead.
>Is subs really that much better than dubs
>Also, are there anime where the English voice acting is actually better than the Japanese?
end thread.
And yet they cannot do a single voice without sounding extremely annoying and absolutely unfit for any anime character.
The actual take is that I'm fairly sure most people that shit on dubs don't actually know what's supposed to be good English acting because they hardly know their own language well enough to be able to tell what sort of emotions and tone is supposed to be right, let alone what sort of emotions and tone the characters are supposed to be having.

My brother watches sub just because he thinks they sound cuter/hotter so just do whatever really
You're talking about people like Mel Blanc, Dan Castellenata or Hank Azaria. Not one single anime dub voice actor can do 5 voices let alone 50. Hell even in western cartoons the trend has overwhelmingly shifted to "guy who naturally sounds funny doing his own voice" (see: Bob's Burgers, Family Guy, American Dad, basically every single animated movie). The Simpsons was the last time English-speaking voice actors were actually responsible for multiple completely unique voices (i.e. where you cannot even tell it's the same guy-- in Family Guy for example, just a few years later, you could always tell when one guy voiced two characters).
But ironically you touched on the exact reason why English dub voice actors are so fucking bad. Because the actually talented VAs like the ones I listed above were already on primetime television making hundreds of thousands of dollars per episode at the time Funimation, 4kids, etc. started dubbing anime. Hence all they could afford was the absolute bottom of the barrel willing to work for a tiny fraction of the pay because they only have a tiny fraction of the talent.
Based take.
Subsisters... not like this....
>which in turns allows them to hire better voice actors than they would’ve gotten decades ago?
lmao. The VAs of decades ago beat the shit out of the modern ones. You fundamentally misunderstand where all the money has gone. The US VA "industry" is a clique-y bunch of pretentious retards.
Let’s be perfectly honest. If you actually prefer English dubs over JP Audio+Subs then you are a tourist who doesn’t belong on this board. Search your heart. You know it’s true.
>english voice actors, at least the good ones, are expected to be able to do ~50 completely different voices.
Good joke. Not a single person working in English dubbing for anime can do more than, I'll be generous, 3 reasonably distinct voices. Seiyuu can typically do quite a few, with variation, and even sing in-character. Whether studios tap them to do that or not is a different matter. Oh, and they have the "little" bonus of being able to act and convey emotions, which English VAs can't.
Those of you that have this fetishization over Japanese VA's are weebs. It sounds goof to you because you don't understand it. In reality, most Japanese VAs have the same inflection for the vast majority of their lines. It doesn't sound bad, but it sounds monotone. Meanwhile the English dubs, while having some bad ones for sure, have .ore inflection and dynamics in the delivery of lines. If you disagree you're a weeb and a problem. I'm not going to stick around for your sad reply.
Is this supposed to be a joke of some sort? It's not funny. You're just wrong.
Yes and this is why the Japanese, who understand what they are saying better, have fucking cults worshipping the voice actors. Because their performances are trash. That makes sense.
>having an autistic meltdown and wishing death on someone because they asked a question about children cartoons
Thanks for your input, Señor Touristo. Feel free to return to /v/
god i wish japanese subtitles were more common
Recent english dubs has voices that sound like they just came from the west coast. The actors cannot act. I feel like people are chosen just for the pitch of their voice, and not for their ability to act.
In the past, you had a bunch of theater kids pick up anime dubbing as a side gig and as a result you had people who actually had a background in acting and for the most part you could see that through the voice work. However, modern anime dubs feel very low effort. There is a certain feeling of soullessness to it even from the voice actors that sound like they are actually trying and not just doing it for the paycheck.
Soon we'll be able to use AI to have the Japanese VA speak in English with the same emotion at least.
Dubs are for tourists
It's obvious
This thread would not have worked in old /a/
I dont think i watched an entire anime with dub
The most i don't is watch a "ghost stories funny compilation" or something
Yeah the cults are all about the specific talents of the va and the emotional range and definitely not about what characters they played that they form para social attachments over and attribute it to the va and definitely jerk off thinking that the vas are so incredibly talented and nothing about the characters they want to fuck alongside her
>dubshit thread
stopped reading, kill yourself tourist nigger
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All media should be experienced as close to its original form as possible. Subs, footnotes, etc. are merely a compromise because it is unreasonable to expect people to learn 5-10+ languages to access everything they want properly. It is not ideal, but it is the lesser evil.
It's not an American accent, it's more like a nerd accent. No matter where in the US (or Canada) you go, all nerds have the same bizarre, self-satisfied cadence. It seems to come from modern theatre, something in the way they're taught to talk; "theatre kids" have it the thickest. They and DnDfags and weebs and so on all run in the same circles.
t. burger
Most anons watch dubs but pretend they don't out of reputation.
French voice actors can't act and baby talk their way through the script, but English VAs are way worse because they think they can act.
That's just not possible.
The sentence layout is completely different, you can't put emphasis on the same parts.
No, that's just you.
>Also, are there anime where the English voice acting is actually better than the Japanese?
I've always wanted an edit of Robot Carnival that uses the original JP audio except for the dub version of the mad scientist guy. It seems the JPs literally pulled some random gaijin off of the street to do his lines, and I remember that it was awful, more awful than the usual eleven trying to speak English.
But generally, no.
Not in grammar, it's actually slightly more opposite in word order than English, but it's got the same vowel sounds
Learning Japanese on my own completely blew away my two semesters of college Spanish, and I live in Texas where there are plenty of opportunities to hear it. The few Spanish words that I still remember, I want to say them with Japanese grammar. Anyhow, fuck all those irregular verbs, I don't need them anymore.
I feel like in a lot of older dubs you'd see the cast more willing to "go ham"

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