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buy witches
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>buyfag is dead
It's my fault for picking boat so I don't have anything to post...
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>/buyfag/ is finally /diefag/...
It's time to learn GKs so I can post progress photos
how many dakis is too many
>learn GKs
The only thing you need to learn is painting faces, you can pick up and do everything else like cleaning, drilling, pinning, seam welding, shading, painting everything but the face, etc. extremely easily. Faces make or break the figure and are pretty difficult to do well.
I need to get the tools too, I have some stuff but I never even considered drilling and pinning
>cancel something from amico
>buy something else afterwards
The balance must be maintained
why the fuck do all figures are measured in cm an not inches?
Guess that's because Japan uses the metric system.
Most places use metric, US is an outlier in using Imperial
more accurate
time to learn sculpting to make GK's for anons
>looks up Iwata airbrushes and compressors
>looks up spray booths and ventilation solutions
This isn't like a Tamiya kit that you can just take it out the backyard with a rattle can.

I believe some kits come with eye decals, others in color resin.

Also, how to store and transport figure when done? This is going to be bigger, heavier, and lewder than a typical 1/48 plastic model.
If the decals that come with your kit sucks, you can just print your own eye decals with an inkjet printer if you don't want the hassle.
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Eye decals are shit compared to actually doing eyes with paint, it's a cop out. Also very few gks come with parts-separated color resin eyes.
Storage/transport depends on the GK and seams, ideally you break it down into as many parts as possible without allowing for visible seams on parts when assembled, but 9/10 times you're going to fix as much as you can in place together. Then you'd wrap as much as you can in bubble wrap and put it in a foam shell like is done with resin figs.
>imagine how much fun it'll be to paint plastic butts
>reality sets in when you realise 90% for gk hobby is all this >>272205806 boring shit
It's not as glamorous as it seems boys
There are numerous japs that entire collections of GKs that they have, cleaned, sanded, pinned, seam welded, and then primed entirely in grey and never ever painted any other color because they feel the same lmao
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Canada tried to convert from imperial to metric and it failed hard.
I-I'm going to read it!

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>buy led strips
>buy power strip
>plug it in
>they're irredeemable dogshit
>buy new leds strips
>specifically ones that don't have rgb/remote/dim faggotry because that's just more shit where it can go wrong/clash with the older setups
>they're great
>except their cables are black instead of white
>buy white electrical sealing tape to hide most of it
>finally I can enjoy looking at my fi-...
>eyes start to hurt
>shit's literally too fucking bright
>new led strips aren't dimmable
>start looking into dimmable led drivers
I could have bought a shitty overpriced freeing bunnyshit figure with all the current money spent.
Have fun buying all the gear, learning how to use all of it, then realizing that you want to use nip paints that are practically unobtanium or need to be smuggled out of japan.
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how did this get so popular
I already have the Mr Hobby paints from the Sukima guide
I feel like this is an insult to life itself
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can't unsee the giga dick on this figure
hate joints\hate 1/12
there's really only one paint that's unobtanium. The model kasten c-12, which has many substitutes. The main problem is getting common paints like gx100 clear, thinners and primers which are constantly out of stock.
love joints\hate 1/12
Is a gunpla HG good practice for GKs?
I don't think acrylic paints in bottles are prohibited unlike flammable lacquers. Heck even painting acrylics in tubes can be diluted and used.

But I'm lazy so will probably just get the single flesh color Tamiya flat paint and use paintbrush. If I achieve even bootleg or prize figure quality, I'll be happy.
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Mr Hobby won't be enough, just you wait.

Picrel, my secret

It's good practice for learning how to use your tools/paints, but painting and shading skin, filling pits, pinning, and dealing with resin not so much. No harm in using it to learn how to use your stuff though.

>painting acrylic
Acrylic is much much harder to paint with compared to lacquer/enamel.
Either you're god tier in terms of brush painting or it's going to end extremely poorly (worse than bootleg). Airbrushing is far easier to paint with because you can send even coats much faster. Brush painting takes significant amounts of skill and technique to not fuck up.
Don't listen to the "thin your paints" faggots, use an airbrush. Also tamiya flesh is one of the worst skin paints I ever used. It's more tan than normal white skin color.
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>Wanna get into GKs
>Remember all the different types of paints and tools I need to learn about
>Don't listen to the "thin your paints" faggots
Aren't you supposed to thin your paints for air brushes too?
I meant the "just thin your paints bro" for the brush
You are, but he means that a lot of people just say if you thin your paints enough you can easily hand brush. It's still extremely difficult to get a good end result with it.
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It's a box
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>Do not stock up on putty. All puttys have an expiry date. buy only as needed.
I should have read this a while a go...
Is it full of cocks?
bed posting is back in fashion!
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It's the next best thing it's a cat.

Superior Japanese dirt on my bed (except not really because it's from a fellow Amerifat)
>instantly know who you are based on old collages
I've become excel anon...
I would if the author wasn't a dick sucking commie
Airbrush enthusiasts: Acrylics clog the shit out of my brush. Laquers and enamels are going to be a lot better about that, right?
That's what I heard, I only used laquers
I remember some anon tried acrylics once and said it was terrible
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I had no idea I had fans
>Now I am become Excel Anon, the lurker of /buyfag/ threads
Yes, acrylics clog the fuck out of airbrushes. Stick with lacquers for ease of use (but in exchange you have to wear a mask and use a vented booth because it's pretty bad for your health to breathe in) and enamels for reverse washes.
Anyone wanna see my anime figures
No only your dolls
Added to the list.
A little uncanny but cute!
Ok, thanks for the answers. Do you know if you can layer enamels or will the second layer redissolve the first like laquer?
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