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Lelouch will forever be a retard for this scene. He could’ve given any example of how his geass works but chooses “kill all nips” out of all of them
why couldnt he use it again and say stop
You're retarded. He gave that one specific example because that's what he secretly wanted. It was already on his mind. Code Geass is all about wearing masks and deceiving others to get what they want. This scene is the one time Lelouch dropped his mask, and he was punished for it.
That was the funniest scene in the show. How could you be so upset about it?
Holy cope, it was just bad writing.
Yeah, should have given "strip naked and prostrate" as an example.
Geass limit. Only 1 order per person.
Holy cope.
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holy filtered
Nigger, did you even watch the show?
Why was S2 so much worse?
>necrobump from page 10 after 2 hours
for what purpose
Damn I haven't heard that in a while. It's mostly in forums where stupid assholes complain about me starting a new thread when there was already one a few pages back, and then complain again about me digging up an old thread.
My only gripe with Code Geass I can't reconcile
Euphemia was the last character I wanted this outcome and no amount of shock value was justification for it.
production woes
because the time the show aired changed to be earlier in the day, they had to make the tone of the story less dark, so they had to rewrite huge parts of it, also they wanted to get the gundam audience, and forced the creators to change the way knightmare frames worked, from an urban, ground based mecha, to battles in the sky and all that.
He made the joke exactly because it's something Euphemia would never do, hence why "I can command you anything". You're retarded for thinking that's bad writing. Genuinely kill yourself please.
Those who say cope are:
- Ignoring Lelouch's tendency to consider and theory craft multiple scenarios (for direct evidence see Mao's chess game).
- Don't realize Lelouch gets frequently blindsided by things beyond his estimations (Other Geass abilities, Cornelia using his arrogance against him, Suzaku).
- Don't remember Lelouch wasn't thinking about doing it, even when he threatened Euphy with a plan similar to it like a minute before this.
>Yeah stripping girls naked is something I'd do because Idc about that politics bullshit Im just a sex maniac
Fucking cow.
Honestly that shouldn't be the issue with Lelouch being an idiot.
What made him an idiot was just seeing Mao who had lost control of his Geass, had his Geass fail once while having eye pain, and then having it appear to screw up once again when he tried to Geass Euphemia into shooting him. He should have realized what was likely in the middle of occurring.

Speaking of which....
HOW THE FUCK was his plan to get Euphemia to shoot him supposed to work out for him, because I'm pretty sure Lelouch did not want to die / be in Britannian custody.
CG had a shit ton of flaws but that one scene was in character and was just a mix of extreme misfortune and Lelouch's personality. These mutts are too low iq to criticise the show with something valid, literally irreversible mistakes like that happen even irl, their parents giving birth to biological diseases like them for example
- Don't remember Lelouch WAS thinking about doing it, even when he threatened Euphy with a plan similar to it like a minute before this.

Please excuse my poor writing skills.
>Why did he not take Eye pain into account?
Eye pain was not advertised as a sign of a runaway geass by anyone prior to this, and even if it was, Lelouch most likely had his mind on getting his ass out of the fire pinky put him in.

>What was his plan AFTER getting shot?
He still has a Geass, and if he had control of the situation, he'd probably feed a list of instructions to contrive his way to living martyrdom. He managed to escape anyway even with one of Cornelia's men training a gun at him anyway.
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>retards are STILL filtered by this
jesus christ
The Rounds and retarded mecha powercreep
Did any post like these ever actually succeed in convincing anyone of anything
Lelouch being reset back to school was just stupid, and the Britannians watching Lelouch all had to go full retard on their surveillance of him for anything to work out.
I suppose it would depend on whether your mind was made up beforehand.

Many people watched CG for the Bombastic action, the charismatic and unique (for anime anyway) MC, or to go to /e/. If they aren't turned off by the insulting language, they might find something they didn't consider.
Kinda ended up being a victim of its own success. S1 was way more popular than Sunrise expected so the execs forced Okuchi to dumpster the originally planned story so S2 could start with a status quo reboot so anybody starting with it wouldn't get too confused. Also there was apparently a mandate to make nightmare frames more gundam-like in terms of looks and combat.
*hands her the gun*
>for example, if I said “shoot me in the head right now”, you would actually be forced to do it!
I really like in S1 there's like dismounted rocket teams and infantry in the engagements still. Feels like an actual battle and not just Kallen or Suzaku killing 1000 dudes with one shot in the sky
I'm still mad about them writing out Kallen for the middle half of the second season.
Amen to that, brother.
Holy retardation. Something being foreshadowed or excused doesn't automatically make it well written. The fact of the matter is the conflict is resolved at this point but Lelouch's Geass conveniently activates at this exact point so they can stretch the story for another 30 episodes. That's why this scene is retarded. Not because Lelouch chose to give that order as an example.
>Hey C.C. is there any caveat to our deal I should know about that could put this whole operation at risk and thus our contract? Like for example will I lose the ability to control my geass at some point and accidently order the genocide of an entire nation and almost get myself killed thus fucking both of us over? You know it'd be to our mutual benefit to let me know right?

What the fuck was her problem?
What if it wasn't contrived? Geass is supposed to be the mark of a contract, right? Could it be that the runaway mechanism is a punishment for going against the contract? You know, like what the thing is named after? Wasn't Lelouch, by effectively giving up control and stopping his crusade effectively giving up on the contract?
Mao was her last contract. Plus, Lelouch was smart enough to figure out how to use his Geass without her.

The only thing she didn't tell him was about her Code, but ultimately there was no reason to tell him that. Also: if she was an ass, it'd be easier to kill her anyway.
Now, not telling him about her connections to his papa, that's a bit sus as fuck.
C.C.'s entire baggage comes from the fact her Geass rampaged out of control before she got her code. She absolutely knew a what a fully matured Geass did, especially since she was the head of the Order. She just kept it to herself for literally no reason.
Considering this screencap exists then yes.
Never will I understand why people get so mad at this. Code Geass is primarily a comedic show that never fails to amuse me and it's great for it, but I could never take it seriously. Yes the scene is absolutely ridiculous but the entire show is full of idiotic scenes like these, just have a laugh at it.
To me, CG is the equivalent of a Roland Emmerich movie.
How do people constantly miss the fact that the massacre was literally the best possible outcome for him
The episode where the fucking cat steals his mask is literally the best one.
I am really fond of the early episodes in general, the show felt more like a weird romcom with occasional terrorist antics here and there, to this day I am wondering what the hell they were smoking.
There's also the cultural festival one that's pretty nice.
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>conveniently activates at this exact point
This assumes it was random rather than a predictable tragedy of the curse of Geass and his own goals and deep desires. It activated because it had to thematically, not out of convenience, and THAT is why it is absolutely well written. If you were expecting a happy ending with half of the threads unresolved for the murderer on the path of blood thanks to Euphie tossing out an ill-conceived consolation prize, you're retarded.

The actual writing issues come in R2 with dumb choices like the school reset, the contact lens solution and the over focus on fighting and power creep. This scene, by contrast, was masterful.
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They're probably watching casually and not really thinking about anything beyond the surface.
You're not meant to constantly laugh and think the entire thing is an idiotic farce just because some aspects are over the top. Code Geass is funny but it is definitely not primarily comedic or a totally unserious show.
The mecha bullshit got so fucking bad in S2. Everyone had to have a special robot with a giant laser cannon and some stupid fucking gimmick. Makes Cornelia retroactively look like a fucking chump for rolling around in a gussied up standard mech, while apparently everyone else was rocking cutting edge experimental super robots.
If this was a conventional story, then we'd have seen Lelouch and Euphie come to a compromise only for the latter to die to sniper fire. Brits would have blamed the 11s and started a massacre live, which would have in turn caused Lulu to go fubar only for Nunnally to get whisked away and then everything would have happened as it was in the anime. Then in s2 we'd have learned the sniper was Rollo, and hated Suzaku even more for being a stupid cunt. So while Lelouch geassing Euphemia is wild it's certainly memorable. Its very much like Amuro killing Lalah making him a personal enemy of Char Char Briggs.
you think so huh? well... orange...
couldn't he have just like wrestled her into submission until it wears off? he's a boy. she's a princess. just like grab her arm or something.
>power creep
Tghis isn't a battle shonen retard. It's called technology advancement.
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Both season 1 & 2 are 10/10 in my book, but nothing that has come out since has come close to them.
I really enjoyed them both as well, 1 was more consistently good while 2 had higher peaks and lower valleys.

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