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It's over, Oda is a confirmed marvelfag.
We're getting an AOT-tier ending.
Sausage Oda-sama. I kneel before your brilliant cringe.
go back, twittercunt
>oda is mastermind because he's le giving us mcuslop easteregg
piss drinkers are so pathetic
>legendary devil fruit passed through the generations of giant royalty
this devil fruit gotta be an ancient weapon right, for giants to consider it legendary it must have the potential to destroy everything, like the gura gura (which should be an ancient weapon too)
The Ancient Weapons were the three specific entities used during the Void Century, which were the battleship Pluton, a mermaid with the ability to control Sea Kings, and whatever the hell Uranus is. They don't give that title to everything capable of mass destruction.
>like the gura gura (which should be an ancient weapon too)
Why is your first instinct to think 'this should also be called an ancient weapon' instead of wondering why it isn't?
I don’t get it. Someone explain this in verbiage that heterosexuals can understand ?
>oda is a mastermind
>it's just the chapter number synching up with the loki variant number

it doesnt take a mastermind to do that.
Doesn't take much to impress pisstards nowadays
Used to be good
so maybe its Uranus? god of the sky, elbaf is so gigantic it reaches the sky, maybe the devil fruit can control the sky somehow idk, i know the storm girl from x men was super strong
>instead of wondering why it isn't?
i wonder why it isnt too, it has the potential to match the other ancient weapons
Just to be sure, Uranus is that thing Imu used to blow up Lolosia right?
the bigger reveal will be giants using the same method as Blackbeard to "get" devil fruit powers from someone that's dying.
I guess the idea is that some people think Marvel invented the idea of Loki. Not really sure, I fell off Marvel's stuff a while ago.
Togashit will die in 2 years
ye he used ur anus lol
It's highly likely, but hasn't been confirmed yet. Both Iva and Vegapunk theorized that whatever destroyed Lulusia was an Ancient Weapon. But it being some kind of aerial weapon/airship would match with its namesake.
>Pluton, ruler of the Underworld. Was initially thought to be buried underground but was later confirmed to be in Wano. Is supposed to be a battleship which would make it more connected to the sea than the earth, but maybe it can also change into a land-based tank or burrow underground or something
>Poseidon, ruler of the sea. Mermaid that can control giant sea monsters so this one is obvious
>Uranus, personification of the sky. Again not outright confirmed, but whatever was used to destroy Lulusia would fit the bill
He likely had to come up with stupid filler and the Lego-Land was the end product.
In the Loki series the concept of multiverse is expanded upon and you meet a ton of Lokis from different universes. Among them is the main Loki, the main character, who's a Loki variant who starts the series getting apprehended by the Time Variance Authority for the crime of stealing the glowy blue cube mcguffin from Ironman after he was apprehended at the end of the first avenger. Since they catch Lokis for crimes against the sacred timeline pretty much every day, they give them numbers and call them variants. Hence the main Loki being the variant 1130.
No. What Imu used wasn't Uranus. Not the real one at least.
Should we propose to the mods to ban Twitter threads from /a/? Most of them provide nothing in value.
>We're getting an AOT-tier ending.

So Luffy was the real villain all along?
Wow, you're probably the first guy who ever thought of that, there's no way anyone suggested it before.
Big brain there anon, congrats.
Ulti is shit
So it’s just gay twitter shit? Cool
Is that why we got 2 random chapters of the strawhats taken to lego land? This is what you simps call brilliant writing? 2 filler chapters followed by a capeshit easter egg and now a 2 week break just because?
you're taking penny dreadful nonesense far too seriously
Take your twitter faggotry back to /v/ or kill yourself.
Sad, but true.
more like Oda is a redditor
>So Luffy was the real villain all along?
Luffy wants freedom. So the best way to do it is to Sink the World.
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Luffy when he destroys the world with all of the ancient weapons
>twitter tranny marvel thread
One Piece to manga is what marvelslop is to movies, sad
Aren’t we already getting a marvel tier manga?
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this but sincerely
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>the latest useless boring chapters existed exclusively as padding to reach the chapter number for this retarded marvelslop easter egg

Imagine still defending this disgusting hack, he has 0 respect for his readers
Nah, fuck off. MCU is dead
My rebuttal.
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Is it ever explained why the Red Line, a gigantic continent, isn't full of massive countries that are far more relevant and powerful than a bunch of backwater islands with barely any space or natural resources?
It is the real Uranus, they just don't have a power source for it which is why they needed the Mother Flame
It's just rock. You can't farm on solid rock. Nothing grows on it.
Well, One Piss and Marvel share the same retarded normalfag audience, so it's to be expected.
Is this a humiliation ritual?
God damn what a fucking idiot.
Instead of focusing on writing good story he's just puts those dumb references no one cares about.
I'm pretty sure Twitter threads are against the rules, It's just that in the past year, the mods have gotten too lazy to remove them.
People really have a hard time understanding coincidences.
It's just a coincidence
no one is buying this btw
stop bumping this op hate thread
It's also so high up nothing SHOULD grow. Way the fuck beyond the tree line. But then again sky island do grow shit themselves. I'f just imagined that RL is 99% jaggy edged, and only the area around Maryjoise is leveled enough to be viable.
SO he put those 2 stupid filler lego chapters just to make this stupid capeshit reference
Even Marie Geoise doesn't grow its own food, that's the whole point of the revolutoinaries blockading them
keep bumping this op hate thread
At all? I assumed they couldn't just couldn't self sustain, without a little internal purging.
Maybe it's a kind of All Might power that snowballs with each successive user
Time for the reality warping shit to come centre stage. Nika needs it's competitor once Luffy starts molding the world in his image. It's not the minor breaks in reality you need to fear, it's when Nika substitutes his reality with the 'real' one, and DOESN'T DO IT AS A JOKE.
>It's over, Oda is a confirmed marvelfag.
>We're getting an AOT-tier ending.
Kino! The end game style!
Remember when Oda stalling chapter 1000 with runpiece?
Luffy will abolish the nations, merge the islands and create a multiracial and multicultural nation where all races live and that nation will be called Onepiece, Luffy will not destroy the WG and will transform it into its image
that would mean luffy is a jew
oda is a communist liberal,
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Not lazy as /vr/&/u/anny cunt
There are good monarchs and evil ones, good pirates and bad ones, good okama and bad ones, sexy traps and joke trannies.
I think seeing him in one light just reflects your views and triggers. Ie. if you get triggered by a good monarchist, you are a communist retard, if you get triggered by a sexy tranny like Kiku, you are a /pol/tard.
A ship that can transform into a tank AND an underground drill thing would be OP
A funny coincidence, but only that.
>We're getting an AOT-tier ending.
Not disappointed cause OPs Peak never reached AOT's peak
I can destroy Ur anus in 5 minutes
>hating marvel on principle because cinecucks tell you to
Well Lunarians used to be there
But WG shoah'd them all
last 5 posts were all necrobumps
>Loki didn't exist before Marvel
you are a fucking idiot
usopp will eat this devil fruit
> Be Oda
> Create rubber man character that knocks people out by punching them
> Come up with interesting power ups for rubber man but most fights end with rubber man using a big rubbery punch to knock people out
> Wrote myself into a corner because most opponents that are YC3 and above are too powerful for rubber punch man because their powers are broken while rubber punch man just makes bigger fists and harder punches
>Can't keep recycling the same shit so I come up with a retcon that makes rubber punch man into goofy cartoony legendary rubber man!
>Fans hate it because it doesn't match the tone of the brand and it turns every fight into a childish and goofy spectacle.
>Won't ever admit that I just ran out of creativity on account of the manga going on for 24 years and this goofy bullshit was the only idea that I could think up about how to get rubber punch man past super powerful Dragon man

One Piece is trash. The plot is shit and hidden behind mystery boxes, the fights are garbage and the character is a generic child of prophecy character.
necrobumping is a meme
You're not actually so stupid that you think that's what OP was saying
Nah, I'll stay.
I'm afraid it does take a mastermind to stall for like 60 chapters and have people lick it off the ground gratefully. Who else but GODa could do it?

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