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Hey! It's me Balsamilco! Please let me in prince Benjamin :)
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BenJOBmin is done for
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>Tserrichan daisuki!... Please praise me onichan!!!! >-<
Is this your """"""""prince"""""""""""
He really was raised by a black man
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He is the father that STEPPED up!!!
30 chapters from now the war will be coming to an end and Zhang will still be stuck wondering what the fuck his coins do.
Hunter x hunter is over.
So there was a crib in queen Unma rooms. Could Benjamin's secret be that he has a child?
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>O MY KALLUTO = KORTOPI (post mortem Nen)
We still haven't seem her offensive hatsu so this will happen btw
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there you go
30 chapters from now Kurapika will still be giving Nen classes and Tserriednich will still be running on that treadmill.
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can you guys help him figure out his coins? It's been almost two weeks and he still hasn't figured out shit :(
Have you tried putting a coin in you guardian's mouth sir?
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If this mystery doesn't get solved I'm gonna scream.
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Halk-taso is sooooooooo cute
you can use to buy things
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I'm convinced Togashi is just taking the piss with this guy the same way he was with the computer nigga in the hunter exam. Just some gigabrain with no ability who will fail as soon as he actually needs to do something.
Does nothing.
Then what?
Have you tried putting a coin inside your ass sir?
This guy needs to get a fucking clue
>the computer nigga in the hunter
I thought he was gona be a main character, but just died in the first test lol
Not a main character but yeah I fully believed he would've been a side kick
behave or this thread will be placed under martial law
Get a juice or something
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Halkenburg = Reddit
BenCHADmin = 4chan
the coin is hisoka
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The chapter confirmed Halk's original body is about to die, therefore Benjamin will not proclaim martial law. However, if Ben finds out Halk is alive in another body then the martial law gets imposed a few days later. Enough time for the situation to change completely. I'd like a situation of martial law, soldiers running everywhere and Ben having supreme power. Would be cool.
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>Ask Onior, his father, about nen
>"Idk what that is but some of the young mafia members might now"
>proceeds to do nothing with this information for 10 straight days
>"shit if only I had someone who could tell me about nen... It has to be Kurapika I guess, there's literally nobody else capable of helping me in any way"
Is he retarded? He could have had Hinrigh on tier 1 after speaking with Onior but noooo he had to autistically try to solve it on his own for almost two weeks.
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Good taste
All Benjamin had to do was ask Balsamico how he eats cereal in the morning.
>Be black
It's a Togashi staple
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As the first prince, Benjamin has a one of his guard assigned to each other prince right ? he should have given them all the good ol' virus shoe
Remember this jobber? I don't.
Why bother? Under MARTIAL LAW everybody must eat cereal the same way
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but do you remember these group of IMPORTANT characters?
I think Chrollo stole Abegane's ability. Seeing Chrollo with that parasite on his shoulder would also be cool. If he stole the ability then he could be the one who saves Fuugetsu.
So Halk is going to be body swapping the rest of this arc?
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I agree with what another said before, it would be hilarious if he somehow managed to win or even just survive whitout knowing what the fuck his coins do.
Ok, here are some points I thought about while reading this chapter.
>Halkenburg will obviously let his main body die to gain the trust of Benjamin.
>We don't know how this will work with his ability and GSB, will the GSB die with his main body? If it doesn't then won't it reveal the charade?
>If his GSB does die or stay with his main body will Halkenburg even be able to keep using his ability, if he cant then he will be stuck within Balsamicos body.
>Will Halkenburg be able to use Balsamicos nen ability? And does he gain his memories?
>Halkenburg doesn't want to become king, but he does want to influence the outcome, so him dropping out by dying while also still being a player in another body seems like a good compromise for his ideals.
>Did Tserriednich not look at the letter because he thought it might be the condition for an ability or did he already read the letter using his ability?
i want them
>Only the real Balsamico would be able to perfectly poke my prostate in the way I like.
>Show me that you're not an imposter!
>He dies
>The coins stay
>Years later, they're the strongest currency in the world
>nen beast is literally just the black sun
Was meant for.
Is this the best return batch start in a while? 3 chapters full of meat, revelations, Togashi being retarded, memes, character moments, no filler, good art, good progression. We're eating good
Yes. Togashi loves the Thing and the like after all. We are gonna lose track of Halkenburg soon
>Halkenburg could be anywhere
>Kurapika, Fugetsu is cursed, Kacho is dead, there is no escape for the princes, we're being used by the justice bureau, get us out of here.
>uuumm hey kurapika uhh nigga how my coins work LOL?
Not enough Morena
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>Be black
>(get a) Job
>make generational wealth and retire before middle age
BlackCHADS I kneel...
Let it be known that I'm monopolizing Zhang Lei coin right now. Don't you dare try and jump on the bandwagon when he wins the succession war and you'll all be acting like you were on board since the start.
Maybe but I think that would have been a dumb move by Chrollo to have done that. What if he got sealed again?
Low tiers are b tier content
The downside of the ability is too problematic for someone like Chrollo, it's an ability way better have someone else use
No thanks
>don't know shit about nen
>don't know their good friend tserri is a evil asshole
The fuck are they going to do?
Currency can be exchanged for goods and services
In the previous batch we got the Hisoka reveal by the 2nd chapter and Nobunaga killing Luini by the 3rd.
>Since when were you under the impression that my ability transferred the soul from one body to another?
>You can't mean?!?
>Yes, my ability creates a duplicate of the soul within the target while retaining the original.
i'm dropping this series if halkenburg is permanently locked out of his real body. i don't wanna watch him walk around as a fucking black man.
>Nobunaga killing Luini by the 3rd
That was nothingburger
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Who is the crib baby? post your theories.
They clearly know that Tserri is evil, that's why they had the whole internal monologue about how do you change someone if that someone doesn't want to change himself.
I will continue reading because I love my husband so very much but I would be very sad :(
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The best king will be weak and lacking ambition. Strong kings raise taxes, start wars, and do all kind of stupid shit that makes life hard. To that end, I support Fugetsu, the deep state candidate. The deep state at least ensures things stay the same.
It's where Benjamin sleeps (He's a huge diaperfag)
a pillow
i fucking love these moments in succession war. idk what it is except halkenburg is based
Luini was so gassed some people even said he'd join the troupe or he'll end up killing one of the weaker members. Others speculated he'd be the key to escaping the black whale.

And the CHADbunaga ends him like it's nothing.
>The secret 15th prince Dobbleburg.
>It's Beyonds child.
no, it's one of the worst batches by far, the previous one was much better, ch. 391-393 mog this shit we're having right now
391-393 was dogshit except for hisoka's entrance.
>You think I can't pray without my bodyguards?
>Prayer is a gesture of the heart.
It's like poetry it rhymes.
but they probably don't know the extent of his evilness.
man a talented director could do a lot with succession war. imagine the noise/thundering as balsamilco senses halkenburg around the corner.
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>Doesn't focus on the spiders
>It's good
That simple.
>he's called balsamico because he has a calming effect on benjaming
It's not a dumb move and it's in his nature to steal people's abilities and rely only on himself. That's his m.o. He'd come up with a plan to never allow himself to fall for Kurapika's powers again, it's that simple. He'd have a fail-safe against him same as he came up with a perfect strategy for defeating Hisoka.
Hisoka's entrance mods the entire 3 volumes of boringpolitics that came before it.
But he'd still steal it. I bet he didn't even use 80% of all of the abilities in his book.
Get Rihan on it you dumb idiots
381+ was good too, six years ago
all halkenburg, benjamin, and tse scenes in the 370s/380s are better than hisoka's entrance.
HalkenCHAD... I can't stop kneeling and praying...
one of them is 100% a beyond baby
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He was very clearly jobbercoded
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He's so fucking cool.
not how togashi writes his story, thankfully
The only scene that comes close to Hisoka's entrance is Tserri's awakening of his 2nd beast. Halk and Benjamin were a snooze fest up until now.
you are a retard and your "logic" is stupid
All Zhang did for almost 2 weeks was try to figure out how his stand work and become BFF with Kurapika...
when will vict be freed?
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I was just checking this out. I agree it's a crib with a baby and I think it might be a child of the other princes, maybe even Halkenburg's child mothered by some woman whom the royal court would not approve of. We learned that none of the princes have children, or at least not legal children with legal wives whom they also do not possess. Sale-Sale had whores but not a legal wife, Benjamin has that mistress who actually works for Camilla and plants to commit lover's suicide with him eventually, so they all fuck but none of it is in a legal marriage and with no official children admitted by the royal court. Unma as the most powerful queen would definitely want her biological grandchildren taken care of and not end up like Morena.
surprised this hasn't been a bigger meme focus
So Halkenburg didn't actually get poisoned right?
>That drawing quality
Are we back to the Chimera Ant dark ages, bros?
It would be as stupid as keeping your duplicate keys for yourself
to be fair balsaburg and zhang coins are way funnier
>We learned that none of the princes have children
No we didn't.
Then give a counter argument to his logic, Nigger.
The chapters up to 405 iirc were drawn before the last hiatus, so it should get even worse and then get better again with 406.
With Benny about to die and Camilla having a case of terminal retarditis he's soon to be the highest ranking prince with anything close to a shot at winning.
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Quake in your boots Halkensissies, for Benjamin's ability has bestowed the mighty AIR BLOW upon him.
yeah cause you're a thirstyfag and not a SCHOLAR, anon
As opposed to having to look for some exorcist who's on the other side of the world while you're on a ship to a new continent, right? A bigger retard than you has never entered these threads.
What if it gets worse with 406? :O
Don't listen to the redditors lies
Halken(berg) missed and Balsamico killed him with his poison, all according to keikaku
Benjamin has Rihan, he's unbeatable.
i fucked up boss, i meant to reply to the guy that say that Chrollo would steal it since its in his "nature" >>272271584 despite it being an idiotic choice from a strategic standpoint since he couldn't exorcize himself if it came down to it
Shut up, nerd.
Benjamin's ability so shit considering all his bodyguards abilities are fucking horrible.
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But we noticed that none of them have official wives, husbands or children because we've seen their private lives, them at banquets and at their quarters. They really do not have official spouses and most of the princes are very mature. Camilla, Tse and Ben are likely in their 30ties and Zhang is close by, only the youngest ones don't count. Why were no legal spouses seen? I think it's because they aren't allowed to have them.
If they brought Greed Island on the ship with them they could easily stay in contact with someone back on the mainland.
SHITuku will be the next spider to die
Air blow is the secret to killing Tserriednech. Benjamin will use it then spin in a circle rapidly so he won't escape no matter where he goes in the 10 seconds.
he had a lot of potential, unfortunately his spirit got crushed. I hope he learned his lesson, being overconfident in your abilities can be the end of you and learns he still has much more room to grow. I think he could be a great hunter, if he just didn't give up.
You're just a brainlet. Chrollo has many abilities and he lives by the code of thievery. Just because you're too low IQ to figure out how Chrollo stealing the ability helps him is not my problem.
>he can't use it on himself if Kurapika gets him
Says who? You have no idea what Chrollo has in his arsenal, he might even be able to transfer his abilities to another person.
>you would be wise to join my gang
What a dumb post. I'm sure Abegane is sitting on Greed Island for the rest of his life waiting for Chrollo to contact him again when he's in need. You just seem butt-blasted at the idea of Chrollo being the one to save Fuugetsu. I wonder why that is?
Galaxy Gas*
Halkenburg literally becomes an ideal
But I'm pretty sure Togashi is too cynical to let the ideal win
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She's with Chrollo and Bonolenov. She could smack Hisoka to death with her left arm.
Earn your coin work Till you finally drop down dead
They'd make cute children >:(
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why does this bitch hate benjamin? I understand not wanting Tser to win, but Benjamin???? Does she know that she ain't getting any grandkids coming from him or what?
>He'd steal it because he's so cool and evil OK? And then he would come up with the perfect plan to defeat Hisoka and Kurapika and he would let me suck hos cock and he would - ACK
Yeah, likely some kind of endangered fujo-cuck agenda. That's the only thing that could explain this level of schizo shittery.
Imagine how STRONG her NEN is holy FUARK
She know Beyond's spawn is the only one worth supporting
It's not easy being a Luinichad in 2024...
Mafia antics were more fun
>And then he would come up with the perfect plan to defeat Hisoka and Kurapika
>Togashi being retarded
You lost btw, Melody and Kacho's plot revealed by thursday
Does Halkeburg's ability also posses the aspects of a hivemind that weren't elaborated on? Like seeing through other's eyes?
it's Beyond's kid
She was probably pro-Benjamin at the start because he had every advantage going in but he's losing ground fast and Halkenburg stock is rising.
Will Camilla kill Duzual if she finds out the truth about Halkenburg?
Just like Kacho's mother, she seems like a cunt who wants to keep power to herself by having the meeker child inherit the throne. Halk and Fuu are more easy to manipulate by their mothers than Kacho and Ben. She might share the same mentality as the other queen.
This, hinrigh is such a cool character.
Screencap this
Halkenburg will take out prince one by one
Eventually will take over Tser
Kurapika kills him, tragedy
I just shit my pants
Her mom's rejection of her plan to assassinate Halk makes even more sense knowing he's the first queen's son because she doesn't want to risk starting shit with Unma. Though she may be too pissy to consider that.
I'm guessing that Halkenburg's restriction is that he and his marked followers have to win the succession war without killing anyone (though they're allowed to sacrifice their own lives). This is actually possible; as Balsamico he could probably get hard evidence of Benjamin planning to murder a prince and have him disqualified, and the body switching power would do a lot to sow paranoia and mistrust between the princes and their armies.
>Beyond and Halk are making their moves
It was bound to be kino
Can't attack the other princes directly with his GSB ability. Read slower
btw I just learned from reliable source that next week the leaks will be early but they will be wrong
>have to walk around with a giant ass worm on you because of the very rare niche scenario that you'll need an exorcist, when you can just have the exorcist take the burden on himself and get the same result and none of the drawbacks
You have literal shit for brains
How would that be a tragedy, Kurapika doesn't care about Halkenburg
Halk is pushing big Illumi vibes just using all these randos
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Tserri will kill benjamin and halken
They killed one of Benjamin's guards already
Shitty scan quality, plus it's dirty messy art by choice, as it conveys better the devastating power of the ability compared to a tidy polished stroke
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This page was top tier imo. Funny and unsettling at the same time.
All the new chapters have been great.
>Benjamin will help Fuu cause he's a nice big bro
>Does she know that she ain't getting any grandkids coming from him or what?
She's already raising Ben's kid.
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I meant this one
Halk's not meek anymore. She's joining his side because he's making big audacious moves that could potentially secure the win even without her help and she just wants to be on the winning team.
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If Killua was a bodyguard for a female prince would he be able to overcome his misogyny in order to protect her? If he was Tse's bodyguard would they bond over how much they hate women?
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Chi chapter soon?
I'm pretty sure Kuroro stole his en removal ability afterwards
Abengane isn't that stupid, he would have a way prepared get the fuck out of dodge before agreeing to the deal
Why is there so many femboys in this manga? This cant be normal behavior for a mangaka
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Seeing Halkenburg pull up with his gang of normal people is menacing
One of them was in Tse's personal guard, they know
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Post more cute pitous
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>it's Halkenburg awakens inside this room episode
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the succession war would make a great live action tv show or movie
the previous arcs were just typical comic book fighting adventure. This arc is much more interesting
lil sis
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Machi chapter soon trust the plan
I'm a little retarded, how did he calculate this shot? Was he being fed info by the controlled Vict or the guys at the end of the hallway?
What does it for me is the lady in the wheelchair.
Shows that it really is just a ragtag group of random supporters.
So everyone who doesn't have an pocket nen exorcists available at all times isn't retarded. You're dumb as fuck, you have outside perspective bias and assume that characters should obsess over a niche unlikely scenario and do all in their power to account for it 24/7 regardless of how impractical and limiting. Especially for someone like Chrollo who would find it way easier to just not fuck up and not get cursed again, or find a way to meet the conditions to lift it, or simply use a teleportation ability since they seem so common
Just Kurapika and Kalluto. Illumi doesn't count he just has long hair.
Reminder that this is a boy
IIRC the only queen who doesn't openly play favorites is Duazul (and she could just back one of her kids secretly). It's a surprise that Ben's mom seems to support Halk but least he had his own power base and wasn't shafted like Momoze was.
I don't actually think they did; I think Shikaku's soul is still inside the Halk guard's body.
Controlled Vict was there to keep him still, other guys were giving the exact location I believe.
It's a good way to exploit Benjamin's faction weakness since their military background means they is only concerned soliders and discounted the power of civilians, which is why Basimilico got surprised by Halk's ability
vict> guys> him
Alluka and pitou
Any Machi chapter is also a Hisoka chapter so it's more than welcome.
It's not. It's been confirmed multiple times that her being called a "he" was a mistranslation.
Ah, makes sense.
They guy on the computer is giving the coordinates
You are a retard. Do not reply again and leave these threads. You don't read this manga.
Pitou is female
Kurapika was stripped of his femboy status since he's just a shitter in a suit now.
its tasteful
Chrollo would steal the ability. It's his nature. Your reasoning as to why he wouldn't is completely and utterly retarded.
I don't understand why someone as cool as killua would be friend with a lame nerd like Gon
What flowers are those on the coins? They might tell us something.
>An ability that gives you hemorrhoids? Chrollo would steal it, he's a gamer, it's in his nature
This is you
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why is he like this?
I'd legitimately believe Halkenberg missed that shot if it didn't seem like he was the one who called Unma while using Balsacs body
By the guys at the end of the hallway, Vict was just there to 1: distract Balsamico and try to prevent him from moving and 2: cut off his escape from behind in case he figured out that he was being targeted.
I assume that the two guys in the hallway were used to display Balsamicos X Coordinate while the tipping guy conveyed the Z Coordinate via some sort of code.
Interestingly this implies that the attack isn't auto aimed and can indeed be dodged if you're quick enough or Halkenburg simply aims badly. This also suggests that a missed attack would mean the permanent death of the soul that was fired. (Which would be in line with nen abilities that usually have as drawback if the attack misses then there is a punishment).
I thought Killua was the dorky one and Gon was the cool/based one
They were doubting doge coin as well, look at them now. Zhang coin holders will have the last laugh
Cammies should read >I wish I could read

I think that if you hold a coin it grants you rewards for acting loyally to Zhang Lei and punishes you for acting against him. It would fit with the light/dark thing and the coins probably take a few days to reach full maturity in accordance with how he's a long term thinker.
In what universe exactly
People seem to always like Gon himself more than Killua in HxH, but Killua is there with Gon so they end up liking him too by extension of liking Gon
>Chrollo wouldn't steal one of the rarest and most useful abilities because... because he just wouldn't ok? It's more easy for him to teleport Abegane from the other end of the world by reaching into his asshole and dragging Abengane out b-because then he can get exorcised himself if he fucks up again
Have you ever considered suicide? I hear it help against being a faggot.
Chrollo is not that retarded to try this. Worst case scenario, Abengane loses his ability, now judgement chain is back, chrollo can't use nen and is unable to exorcize himself, and if he somehow releases the ability back to Abengane, he sure as hell isn't going to agree to help him out again.
Yea, that's what I think too, the coin of Benjamins guard went up in value after he honestly responded to Zhangs question about the nen coin.
So it's kind of like a quest reward, if you do stuff for Zhang and gain favor the value of the coin goes up.
I'd imagine that it grants a buff if it's inserted into the GSBs mouth, maybe a fire aura or just a straight up aura boost depending on the coins value.
In the most extreme case I could even see it granting an extra life if you gather 100 coin value and exchange it.
His offhand DQ reference could also be a big hint in that you exchange coins for nen abilities.
If it ever gets finished it will be one of the best manga arcs of all time imo.
It's already been amazing.
Nta but since judgement chain is an actual conjured chain I wonder if they had to do surgery to get it out after Abengane disabled it
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That would actually be fucking awesome. And it means that you would want to actively give coins to nen users...
Chrollo probably already had an exorcism ability in his repertoire and just couldn't use it on himself at the time for obvious reasons.
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>The Ability Thief, champion of heaven's arena, feared terrorist wouldn't steal one of the rarest and most sought after abilities in the world because WORST CASE SCENARIO
You are a retard. Worse even, you're likely some mentally broken fujo who thinks Chrollo exorcising Fuu will create a new ship.
Zhang Lei is a mafia prince and I don't think Togashi would kill off any of the mafia princes until the mafia plotline is almost resolved.
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Oh yeah for character in the story ..well killua is reserved and distrustful also a zodyc but gon is the protagonist so of course he'll be wanked by everyone around as in every shonen part of why is he's a lame character
> Get a 100 coins and you get an extra life
Think you've figured it out anon.
Works with how Togoshi thinks.
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Enter the BIG 3 pure-blood siblings.
My 5 favorite Neteros:
1. Isaac
2. Beyond
3. Theta
4. Babimyna
5. Rihan
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Personally I think Killua is a little BITCH and Gon is cool/based
Now that Halk's a confirmed Unma spawn Tserri's looking like the odd one out with that normally proportioned schnoz.
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It's probable abengane can conjure multiple types of spirits and like Predator it spawns one capable of taking care of the job
Does bait like this even have a point? You don't believe a single sentence of anything you typed
Killua is Gon's bitch I agree.
Wasted trips. Abengane just got done escaping the bomber he wouldn't trust the leader of the Phantom Troupe without a way to guarantee his safety. Kill yourself no argument faggot
>correct opinion
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okay here's the lore accurate version
There's no denying the appeal of an edgy kid assassin who has to deal with his jerkass family. It's easy to relate to, cool to see him fight, and if I was twelve years old again I'd all over Killua like flies on shit.
You basing this on the earlier reveal?
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I personally think cool is a self-centered retard that would be long dead without killua's protection and help
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I accidentally called Chrollo "Chollo" one time and someone posted something like that
Does anyone have raws for chapter 402?
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How strong was this guard?
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Is this aura or just weird lighting/shading? that looks like 2m diameter ten/ren if so, very strong
It's Vict's legs
stronger than hisoka
That Beyond's kids are among the guards? Yeah.
Can chrollo use the stolen abilities multiple times I don't remember if he does
I think not knowing how the ability works is part of the ability too.
Basically to avoid people only helping out zhang in order to receive the ability and then betraying him. So they don't know all the conditions
but the coin probably also represents a debt with zhang, so if they don't do something helpful to him they have to repay him somehow and the longer they hold the coin the more they have to repay
Tserriednich isn't Unma's son
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Gon deserved better in the polls
>Private bodyguard of a small country.
Probably comparable to the weaker shadowbeasts.
He's too high actually
What if Benjamin is inspired by dbz (balsamico is Mr popo) Tserri is Inspired by jojo, and zhang lei inspired by gambling games
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>everyone on that list BUT Pitou is playable
what were they thinking
Yes. The stolen ability only stops working when the original user dies (unless post mortem nen is involved I think).
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These polls are early and I wonder Killua would do as well in the post-election era of HxH
I think Kurapika would overtake
adult killua will control the weather
lol, lmao even
Killua's always gonna be less popular because he's an emotional softy when it really comes down to it.
Gon on the other hand is a chimp who gets angry as fuck and confrontational when something is bothering him.
I always wondered how this fat kid managed to run about 80km in one go
How about yourself retard? The issue is simple: Chrollo lives by the code of thievery of abilities, exactly so he can have all these abilities at the flick of a finger at his immediate disposal. If he left an ability with it's original owner, some dude who's not part of his Troupe and whom he'll never see again, a dude whom the Troupe had to pay large sums of cash just for a single exorcism and whom fucked off into the world afterwards, that is according to you a more intelligent maneuver? You should unironically kill yourself. Anyone who wastes people's time on the internet with disingenuous discussions just for the sake of being a contrarian should be gassed to death.
If a poll is made today what would the top 5 looks like ?
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Killua just coasted off of Hiei's success, at least Gon was new/inspired
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The Neteros have pretty big noses though. Tserriednich's is actually quite small compared to some of the other male characters in the series.
If the mafia princes are the children of the previous generation of Kakin bastard children then Tserriednich might be the son of whoever was in charge of the Heil-Ly before Morena took over.
Kurapika is easily the best character of bunch now imo.
Gon is still an excellent protagonist though.
Abegane is a retard nobody who wanted to make a lot of cash by his own admission and Chrollo is a mastermind. Why are you here? You don't even read HxH. Abegane accepted and exorcised Chrollo, that happened. Chrollo would have wasted no time in stealing his ability afterwards.
i like that she was punched to death by a strong man
If there is someone lamer than Gon that's kurapika, killua would continue winning by landslide
I can see him doing something like dragon dive but with lightings
I lol
>killua would continue winning by landslide
IDK about that after the Alluka stuff
What if Gon is secretly a Prince of Kakin? Meaning that Ging would have impregnated one of the queens?
The Alluka stuff would probably keep Killua at #1, people love a family sob story.
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Hiei looks so much like Killua in this one
You can't secretly be a prince in Kakin. Royal kids are either a legally recognized prince or a non-person.
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Reminder that a meme GI character beat characters such as Genthru and Silva in the popularity poll
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>saved Zushi from the heavens arena rookie hunters
>saved Kurapika from getting caught by the Troupe due to being a ragetard
>saved thousands of people from Pitou's puppets in East Gorteau
>saved Knuckle from getting turned into ground meat by Youpi
>spared and befriended Ikalgo
>saved Palm from her brainwashing
>saved Komugi from Pouf
>because of the previous 3 points he is indirectly responsible for Meruem being able to spend his final moments with Komugi
>saved Alluka from their abusive family
>saved Gon from himself with Nanika
>objectively beautiful
>still the most popular character despite not appearing for over a decade
>singlehandedly turned millions of women worldwide into shotacons
ENTER CHADllua the HERO of Hunter x Hunter.
Why does Kite get so much love with so little screen time?
Why would that harm his popularity? He's still the most popular and recognizable character even after years of not appearing. Id day that arc make him even more popular and loved, on top of being a loyal friend he's also a lovely big brother and now basically he is the most powerful character since he control nanika. Girls and power and edgy tards love him even more
meant for >>272273620
kurapika killua hisoka chrollo gon (unordered)
>Idolizes his dad that fucked off to be a Hunter instead of raising him
>Tosses out the only chance of info about his real mom who died
Is Gon sexist?
You are just a Chrollo dick rider, the fact that Abengane agreed meant he had some way to ensure his safety. We saw he had a plan to escape Genthru so why would he fall for the leader of the Phantom Thieves' trick? If he was that retarded he would've just been bombed by Genthru by the same false assurance of safety.
We would've seen Chrollo steal the ability if it happened. It will not be revealed in this arc because it requires the spirit of the forest which does not exist in the boat, so it's a moot point anyway.
so exactly the same as it was 10 years ago?
Rihan would be top 10 in a poll after that chapter
It was hard recency bias, the poll was made during early CA arc, same goes for Pitou
A good sacrifice to free the manga from that stupid anchor called Gone
Kurapika ain't never going to be more popular than killua not even close get over it.
At the very least stronget than Peggy and that turtle squadron leader since Meruem enjoyed eating him.
No? The one you responded to had Kite and Lerio Top 5
I know Killua fans can't read, but come on
Ging would kick Pitou's ass
He's also in the game
Guys what will happen when Morena reaches lvl 100? She can already form her own community so she should get something else major. I'm curious about Morena 2nd ability she got after reaching lvl 21 too. Honestly Morena potential is insane hope she forms an a alliance with the Spiders.
He had a lot of character development since he appeared. A lot more than Gon to be sure. This is the same kid that slaughtered 2 random guys in the Hunter Exam blimp because he got frustrated after failing to get the ball from Netero. He really grew a lot through the arcs, his actions during the election felt natural.
Razor is pretty cool though
He's 6 don't worry
...in his mind.
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A grown up killua would surpass gojo's level of popularity (gojo is based on him
Reminder that Godspeed Killua can oneshot any human Nen user in the series. Except Netero and Adult Gon.
Illumi should be careful about picking fights with him
I would fuck Pitou's ass
Ging would make Pitou give birth to Gon's half-brother
>bad dad
>backs down from a fight cause he's not getting paid
>only confirmed kills in the whole series are nameless troupe member and cheetu, a joke character who sucks
Silva is kinda lame despite his appearance.
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people will forget that guy in a year but Killua will be remembered
Other way around, that's Ging's true hatsu
>reeee you're a chrollo cuck
No. Bitch.
>Abegane would HEADCANON
Nice fanfic. Chrollo stole the ability and he has no reason not to do it. Abegane is helpless against him. Cope.
This story ain't about him
Does top 5 nen users in the world = most powerful? Or just like nen control since we know he's really good at it
>Honestly Morena potential is insane hope she forms an a alliance with the Spiders.
Not happening. Morena is a psycho that wants to burn everything to the ground. The troupe has questionable morals but they aren't kill everyone pilled the way the heil-ly are.
I wonder if Illumi can do some shalnark type shit and self manipulate to respond to godspeed?
We are not told. Make your own semi-informed assumption and then call people who chose the opposite thing retarded
>nice Fanfic. Chrollo [headcanon]. [headcanon]
The irony. I'm just going by what was actually shown (Abengane exorcising Chrollo then nothing else happened) while you need your headcanon to pretend something happened after.
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I honestly think Killua would still be number 1. You guys are underestimating how much people adore Killua, we're several years into the succession war and he's still the one that gets the most fanart and attention.
Can wait for the inevitable gon vs killua when Gon and gin try to go for that calamity called alluka
It'd mean his application and appitude for nen which naturally correlates to strength so yes. Though that list wouldn't account for the Royal Guard and chimera ants in general.
Gon would simply not help
Pretty sure it's the same aura Shikaku sensed right before Halk shot an arrow at him
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Gon wins the cuteness contest by a landslide
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Machi > Fart&Shartllua
who wins killua godspeed or nobunaga en?
Gon care about his dad more than he cares about killua he worship his father he'd do anything he commands
I would think it refers to how much they can do with nen rather than combative strength. Kortopi was an immensely skilled conjurer but not primarily a combatant. But many of the things said or shown about Ging make it seem like he's a really good combatant.
Not just that but the manga has noted twice that it's highly probably that Tse is going to finish her off himself.

So Morena is going to be Tse's guinea pig for his ability.
Gon wouldn't try to kill the person who saved his life, not surprising that a JJKtard is an illiterate ESL though
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Hisoka Machi chapter when?
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In Rurouni Kenshin there was a sworddraw technique that was "beyond godlike speed" so I think Nobunaga would just do that
exCUSE you he is named for his mom's favorite salad dressing
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404s the one I can feel it
Where is the dump thread?
HxH threads would have better argumentative quality if there were no Killuafags.
Not because they want to suck Killua's dick (that's also debatable) but because their reasoning processes are so fucking retarded and this stupidity can cover all discussion topics.
We'd rather shitpost and argue over popularity around here, apparently
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troupeshitters still haven't recovered since that batch
This but with Machifags
troupeGODS still feelin the high from this batch
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When Machi rips his head off and then throws it against the wall and clown will die choking on his own severed dick. It will be so nice to see your shitty cuckship for degenerates die already definitively
She's Meruem of this arc while Tserriednich is Pitou. Morena the one who got a solo cover and color page not Tserriednich.
No one?
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it was posted here but it's scattered >>272256947
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HxH threads are shit because this site is shit. There is no super popular Shonen manga that has consistently good threads.
To get good threads on this site you have to be moderate level popularity series. If you’re too popular, your thread is shitpsoting, memes, garbage. If it’s very low popularity, there thread will die too early
The latter because only retards like hosoka care about the former
When the Ant Queen dies, the soldier ants scatter everywhere. The crocodile ant hasn't appeared or been mentioned ever seen, the last thing he did was saying he just wanted to eat and fuck before diving into the sea.
This but shotafags
HxH threads would have better argumentative quality if there were no Kurapikafags.
Not because they want to suck kurapika's dick (that's also debatable) but because their reasoning processes are so fucking retarded and this stupidity can cover all discussion topics.
Oh yeah, and just rewatched CA and completely forgot about him.
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what the fuck is this guys deal?
if he's being manipulated, who benefits from him going ride or die for Fugetsu?
Why do you hate Hisoka X Machi, she literally wanted to tongue kiss his dead body
Name a series that has good threads then.
Choujin X
He is one of beyonds kids
I kneel, anon-sama
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Tyson has shit taste. Everyone knows this is a better couple
Oh, that's Kaiser.
My favorite is Gon
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Simple answer? It's been told here. He's a scapegoat. Whoever is manipulating Kaiser (could be someone from the Bureau, could be someone else) wants a weak Prince to succeed so they could easily manipulate him. But Kaiser "technically" acting solo out of love means if the plan fails, his superiors can deny responsability.
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This anon is right, I just looked over this thread from earlier today (I wasnt online) >>272262616 and there was almost no characterfagging but it was still just "whatever" in terms of post quality
People to love to single out 1 type of poster and blame them for all the problems of a thread, but there's like dozen other things you could point to for shitting up a thread.
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The answer for why he wants fugyesu is pretty simple. She is one of the easiest princes to control and is a pushover, while not being a potential future tyrant, so her winning means a lot of potential control of Kakin behind the scenes for whoever is manipulating Kaiser.
Theres a reason kaisers priority is to murder all the high ranking, older princes
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I was rereading the succession war and I just noticed something.
During the opening ceremony while all the elder princes were busy thinking about the upcoming war Cammy was just staring into the void with a vacant expression.
Probably looking at herself in a nearby mirror
Deep state >>272271332
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this guy also isn't thinking. Retard confirmed
it's the opposite
thinking about that crap is beneath him
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I’m 100% sure that child is Benjamin’s child; and is Benjamin’s secret. The mother? Camilla. This royal battle is missing some incest!
Siscon fans unite!
i feel like this subplot is being set up as a joke about capitalists and money being useless or something. either that or the ability will end up deciding the entire war somehow
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Besides being Cammylicious Cammy is also very Palm-esque in her appearances
on a higher conceptual plane
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He tried but he was high as fuck so he just gave up.
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Luzurus is a racist caricature and Togahsi was too much of a racist fagget to keep his original skin color
This nigga is clearly to high to think so he gets a pass.
He always had light skin
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>now even the chapter notes are about jpoop trash
its over
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lot of autohidden posts the past few minutes, is shotafag at it again?
the arc ends with halk vs tse. the reason they're set up as friends is to give an excuse not to fight until later. all the other high ranking princes are fodder
tse is netero's grandkid
Pokklebros, we're being mogged...
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Would be pretty ebin if Morena were the one to kill Tserried
Yep. He's here
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He looked white (albeit with a huge schnoz) in his original appearance.
don't google Nogizaka46 (TCB fucked up and wrote 26)
He's being sincere; Melody is too retarded to realize he just has a pacemaker
Alluka is female
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Hinrigh shenanigans were fun and I liked seeing Hisoka again but Halkenburg is just too good. Every chapter with him is an automatic 10/10.
I unironically love the Zhang coin subplot too. Zhang having a relatively precarious position in the war compared to the other upper princes makes him interesting to follow in general
At least we're faring better than CSM. Their threads are just mental illness with almost no talk about the manga.
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Are kykio and silva siblings?

Luzurs isn’t a racist joke. He’s just someone very influenced by American culture. He has Afro centric hairstyles , loves drugs, has criminal associations, etc
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>Togashi is a theater gigachad
Letting natural 80IQs get into anything was a mistake
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when is he going to do something
he's here to cause chaos. for who is another question though
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Luzurus is my favorite character because weed.
He's unintentionally playing the waiting game better than Zhang Lei, thanks to his GSB and that fake room it makes. Definitely a semi-finalist at least.
Dumb headcanon
Stop posting shota
He also has Bisky , Hanzo, and momozes guards on his side. He’s a lucky fucking bastard
thats about a good a choice and reason as any other, dont let others sway your opinions on things, but for me its this guy (literally me)
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>anything I don’t like is headcanon
If i understood his ability it would be so over powered
>anything I don’t like is headcanon
Hisoka losing to chrollo? NOT CANON
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No one can get past Bisky anyways
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Bisky is netero level btw.
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Having Hanzo as you guard is practically a death flag
I remember reading they're some sort of parasitic flower.
Komugi at the end cracks me up
>knows he's the only thing holding benjamins camp together
>goes out on a solo assassination mission against someone with an instant kill ability
is he stupid?
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For me it's GYRO and D2
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>Bonjour, Prince Zhang Lei.
>It is time.
Why does Togashi hate the Examiner Hunters? Why can’t they join the expedition
kinda, he underestimated how Halkenburg's ability worked but its really broken
Nobody knows the details of Halk's ability besides that he can manipulate people.
Basalmico thought that since Halk was isolated from his bodyguards, it was the only window of opportunity for them to kill since he would be harmless. Their mistake was assuming Halk nen beast couldn't create a team for Halk from other random civilians around.
gyro is already on board sir, but he has yet to reveal himself
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Quite the scene
>Interestingly this implies that the attack isn't auto aimed and can indeed be dodged
People thought otherwise? Why would one of the strongest insta win abilities we probably have seen in this manga have an auto aim to boot?
He's jealous of Hisoka, obviously. Machi mourned his dead body and wanted to clean it herself, take care of his corpse. In the past tat's something only the closest family members would do for the dead. It's also considered very intimate. Even Shal shushed Kortopi because he didn't get the hint that Machi is just making up excuses to mourn a lost friend alone in peace. Doing something like that is some of the most romantic material you can put in a story, and I wouldn't be surprised if Hisoka did the same for her body when she dies. Since he has bungee CPR I also wouldn't be surprised if he brought her back.
Gyro takes over the world while V5 are focused on Beyond in DC.
He's not "just" an assassin though, he's the one who represents Benjamin in the trial. That's why he's going there.
Did you read the chapter
Halkenburg was separated from his men, and therefore couldn’t activate his power. That’s the logical assumption everyone operated under
It was also in a neutral zone, the court, which would be led by the justice department who’d make sure no bullshit occurred. Not to mention about the other people they’d sent to scout before
imagine if tserriednich actually did something
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Wanna snort 1 of those so bad bros
Gyro is Beyonds son
no, watch this
gyro killed himself and through force of will (nen) hes now the baby in unma's room
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personally I don’t really “read” the chapters. I skim through and then use the discussions here to fill in the rest of the context.
Do you think Morena mother will be important?
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I want to suck Mummy's mammaries
>hiding away and letting everyone else kill each other while he trains his overpowered ability
unintentionally the smartest prince right now
Wish I was Killua and had passionate kisses with Gon every day
He is focusing on nen just give him a minute
Her boobs aren’t that big
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>Since he has bungee CPR I also wouldn't be surprised if he brought her back.
sounds like some Corpse Bride stuff, but she won't be easy to kill
i've given him a decade
Can't wait for the payoff for this ability.
they will be after i give her a baby
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he just did something cool 6 years ago, he needs just a little more time
They will be when she becomes queen
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>You know, Theta, I've been on this a lot, but don't you think Edelgard was totally right?
This ability makes no sense from a nen after death perspective.
Are you stupid? Cammy would never touch a monkey
Has anyone made a deadpool or rouges gallery to keep track of who's alive and dead? I think that'd be a neat visual to keep track of as this goes on.
this is the most stupid and forced ability I have ever seen. There is no way someone develops this ability by chance and is even more stupid for them to understand it while it's dead. Beyond convenient and unnecessary
He did something cool last chapter, playing the switch one handed
He probably join in after benjamin dies
It'd be hilarious if he somehow managed to win and the coin's effects are just explained in some epilogue narration talking about the effect they'll have during his rule.
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Cammylicious (so delicious)
her nen beasts are so broken, if she wasn't a retard she would probably be the favourite
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I feel like the ability only makes sense if someone else is doing the manipulating and it's just a reserve of her own nen/aura that keeps her alive
Yes it seems strange/unnecessary, idk maybe a scholar could enlighten us on why it's actually really good
so her nen beast is the one controlling kaiser, right
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did we see feitan get his trick umbrella?
So besides just trapping her, what if an ability made her kill herself? Would the ability still count as the "attacker" or would she count as the attacker, making her stay dead?
Half of the princes have abilities that would let them take over countries without resorting to straight “might makes right”.
It’s scary until you realize only one of them will be walking off the boat.
It’s pretty strong condition when you think about it, for everyone except the winner these powers are like an extremely strong loan
how come that little retard speaks a broken dialect if he grew up in the same environment as the others
It obviously makes sense for a gang, not everyone has a shizuku, also it is weird for them to have it since most of them don't know nen iirc
that would be kino
He was probably dumped there by some passing Chinese woman
momoze never died while hanzo was assigned to her
learning disability, happens irl
>most likely character in the entire series to be able to kill meruem
i kneel, my beautiful queen
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the thought did cross my mind but afaik we don't know the activation requirements and we also haven't seen cammy/kaiser interact
Cammys reaction to this letter would be interesting if she was manipulating Kaiser in some way
every time she die the milker get bigger
Nope. That’s haleknburg. Camilla’s cat can be fought and dodged
You're thinking of offensive portals/non-piercing manipulation and Meleoron
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Cammy secretly has a 200+ iq since everyone she absorbs someones essence she gets a power-up / iq boost like Meruem >>272276284
It's basically just a worst version of Meruems though since Meruem could just eat people without having to die first
Her IQ is so high that she just plays the part of the baka
>everybody is arrogantly thinking how they'll be the next king
>cami is just living in the moment, wisely observing
Gay incel
American psycho

Understandable choice
Cammyfags need to leave, now. They’ve become worse than Machifags in record time
is Camilla the most attractive female character Togashi has drawn?
Shes' the only one that makes me go I wish I looked like her, except full power biscuit of course
Luzurus seems like the only one who suspects Kacho's letter and thinks she isn't down and out for the count. Maybe he becomes Fuu's enemy and it won't be so simple for Melody to kill him
>Shes' the only one that makes me go I wish I looked like her
It's a post-mortem ability, that means it has more power after death. We can assume that she had a corpse disposal function and was a nen user before dying. Maybe her nen developed that way by itself after she died, or she could have made a nen condition like Hisoka to do that after death.
>stupid for them to understand it while it's dead
There's nothing to understand when it's done unconsciously
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newfag loser
gyro will take over Kakin while the king and princes are away on vacation
Kaiser is sincere, he's just an oddball. One of Melody's greatest flaws is that her hearing ability is so great that she relies too much on it, an aberration like Kaiser is incomprehensible to her.
Not enough STRONG NEN
Definitely better than the previous one, but not better than volume 37, which had sale-sales death, halkenburg awakening and the first banquet, all in the first 3 chapters
imagine if tserriendnich has finally perfected his power is ready to go out and destroy and suddenly dies to a curse from beyond's children
last one was better, we had like 4 drawfags and everyone was funposting
The most likely possibilities in my eyes are:
1. Anybody who amasses 100 in coins (so as few as 10 coins worth 10) gets an extra life (or something gay like that)
2. We never find out :)
>Meruem kills Cammy in half a panel
>Cat appears
>5-6 chapter long fight between the two that rivals Meruem vs Netero and is widely regarded as the best fight in the manga
I fear 2. so fucking much.

Watch him randomly die in the next chapter by I dunno the fucking mosquito guy or the Benjamin guard already there with him who's ability is to kill rich people or something and the coins added the extra power he needed to activate his ability
Well he's definitely Netero's grandson
Cammy vs Morena is a classic shitpost
I can see the new ''X guy cheated''
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Is this fucking Tonpa??
Could work like Morena's power, increasing the coin owner's amount of aura or awakening him after meeting certain conditions. But idk why the number increases. Would need Ging or Rihan to figure eveything out.
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It's over. The rookie crusher will kill Tserriednich the novice
>evolved into griefing Succession Contests rather than HxH exams
I kneel
no, it's a coercive ability and we've seen kaiser's thoughts
Agree. No one so far had even the faintest idea to use nen like Cammy. Death is really strong condition which makes even the weakest ability strong.
Kurapika is heading into Zhang Lei's room next chapter. We'll get out answer then. Though he used to look much less like Tonpa. Maybe he's related to him.
The silly one is secretly probably at least PT-tier.
Tonpa was a fat manlet.
the last 3 chapters were kino tbqh
402 and 403 are good anticipation builders but 401 was on another level. but it's all hxh so its all great I guess
Togashi is known for glowing up ugly characters
He had to move on after Cheadle neutered the Hunter Exam
How can Fugetsu see her nen beast ? According to the urn ritual she shouldnt. She even has been able to make it appear at will. She's basically a nen user at this point
her nen beast is the worm. the doors it creates are conjured
I have a strong feeling 405 will make us shoot ropes before it goes on break
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He finally grew up
>before it goes on break
Aren't we getting 10 chapters?
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We have no clue
that's how he released the past 60 chapters, 10 at a time, but it's no guarantee with this manga
People seem to forget this was posted at the end of chapter 400, so it's possible HxH starts doing break weeks instead of straight up hiatus
Tserriednich will anticlimactically die by being pushed off the ship, leading to an automatic death because he went out of bounds of the succession ceremony.
That was the assumption yeah but the last final chapter update he posted on twitter was for 405 and normally you would need to have the chapter completed 3-4 weeks in advance for jump printing
Greed Island cards could also help someone take over a country
So Fugetsu is a nen user that don't need nen training, and her ability to conjure the door developed itself ? That doesn't make any sense
Why is HxH popular in the Middle East?
Bc the Arabs recognize Kino
It's the best written literature after the Quran
no retard-kun, her beast conjures the doors which are real objects
Plot twist! Fuu is Beyond's kid, the doors are her creation and her guardian beast has not manifested yet
Cause Beyond is the future Caliph of the Islamic Dark Continentt State
Fugetsu can make the door appear at will. Explain how
Killua is less bloodthirsty than the rest of his family members, which is why I believe Killua should seriously consider becoming a Hacker Hunter and deal with cyber crime. Have Killua become the apprentice of Ickshonpe Katocha and then take advantage of his electrical powers to become a digital god that rules over cyberspace.
Once Kurapika’s arc completes and gets animated I think it’ll tighten up a bit more. But I do think Killua will still remain on top.
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How was this allowed on TV over there?
That's debunked as of the latest chapter.
You lost.
GSB works according to certain condition. In Fugetsu's case, the condition is 'Fugetsu wishes to open the door' because it reflects Fugetsu and Kacho's play when they were young.
Then among the princes she's the only one than can see her nen beast. Wich is weird
*that can
Literally solely because Ging is drawn wearing a turban lmao
It was popular in the arab world before that.
Halkenberg can walk off the boat with another prince with his body swap ability. Maybe he can even do it for the lower ranked princes
My theory is that he can cancel the SW by swapping all the prince's bodies so no valid heirs remain, though this relies on a loophole in the rules where he still counts as an "alive" prince for the SW rules while not being a valid heir due to not being a child of a legal wife anymore. Nasubi did say it was up to interpretation
You realize he's shown in the first episode of both adaptations, right? And the first chapter of the manga?

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