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3rd Episode a few hours from now.
Which channel is it on?
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1 hour
>She always strives for efficiency and dislikes anything wasteful. She tends to critically analyze things and can seem indifferent towards things that seem hard to achieve, like dreams and hopes.
Sounds extremely German to me.

Though then again, an Austrian painter served under a Jew.
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thanks, i have a question do you know why it cycles out when I click on NHK E? it's not suppose to be airing anything right now?
Fuck Riko
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Literally NuLiella
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holy shit, it's yuigao
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Looks like a massively gay episode based
worst episode
Yeesh talk about a dead IP...
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>dead thread
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I want to sniff this ass of "W" seriously
Animators going ham on onimouto's ass
silly cat
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I want to watch this inside of "E" from the left side a bit
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ONIBE when? About an hour or so?
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Happy Birthday Eli
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An Epic Channel.
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>spamming retard will keep the thread alive until subs
>Expand image
>Anti-Idolfag was here.
>Aidor/u/fag sucks donkey balls
The fuck did OP mean by this?

Why are you obsessed with this Anti-Idolfag, Aidor/u/fag?
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>This faggot supports one retarded shitposter while shits on the other
This is the kind of mental illness that I expect from this goddamn thread
How much longer is the wait for Hasu anime?
Isn't Onibe based in Indonesia? I say tomorrow.
I like that you're renaming yourself with those shitastic nicknames we give to you as if you're trying to be a cheeky cunt. You really love making yourself look like a total retard while also showing how obsessed you are with us. Yeah you may put "total retard" and "cheeky cunt" in your name, faggot
Quite a position
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He just loves being our funny ass clown bitch. He tries to shitpost us in many ways but it only shows that he's seething hard behind his crappy monitor.
Kek. Based
Bandorifags deserve to suffer as well
>Deleted right before the 30 minute mark
This is Aidor/u/fag sucking his own cock
Suffer what? They are about to get a new anime set in the MyGo subseries, which is considered to be one of the best anime if 23.
Looks like edgy shit. Bandori really has been utter shit for many years. No thanks, poser
Edgy but /a/ loved it and so did Japan
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>one of the best anime if 23
You're seething hard right now that your ESL is showing.
Does not change the fact that MyGo was and is popular
>Sakiko when she's about to suck her drunk dad's morning wood
The doujins are writing themselves
>Singer, Keyboardist, Producer
>Voiced by Kanon Takao
Neat. I always thought Nonnon would be a good fit for Bandori. Didn't know she was also one of the MCs too.

When's the next collab with Agupon?
We are airing in the same season as Shinym@s. Just missing Aikatsu.
Some information would be useful desu, instead of just dropping on the cat and disappearing
No way, Shit Eater
They are on twitter aren't they? Try asking them there
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Fucking based. MyGo and Ave Mujica sad dykes are made to be the cumdumps of Bandori. They're dykes made to be fixed by dicks. Fuck, one of them is definitely a canon cocksucker. There are already fanarts of Ave Mujica being dicked, like Sakiko being impregnated by her deadbeat father
>using shitter
What did you expect from a seething anti-LLfag with a trip? Being a JAVfag?
Have you ever considered that maybe taking the bait every fucking time, multiple times, is not a good way to get back at the guy baiting you? It may even be just what he wants!
Have you ever considered that maybe taking the bait every fucking time, multiple times, is not a good way to get back at the guy baiting you? It may even be just what he wants!
I hate all of you
Love Live used to be so much fun
Now it's just pure shit
Shame. What happened?
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>Idolfag from /u/ seething this hard that he tries to bait only to get fucked by the ch/a/ds every single time
It's pretty much clear that the anti-idol guy living inside that idolfag's head is doing the baiting and he doesn't even have to do it because his existence is the bait
>New name
Good. Keep making names, retard. I want more of your delicious tears
Honoka betrayed muse. It was all downhill from there. That's what happened.
Not happening yet but there is a Collab between Bandori and GBC
That was my first post in the thread, so how would know I do that? Are you saying your post I quoted was bait?
Anyone with an interest in Love Live has moved to the /vg/ thread, those two schizos have made it unusable for everyone. I just checked in after years to see if there was a threads and it's just the same back.
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>Using the "stop taking the bait" excuse
>in 2024
What if I tell you that the baited is actually the one doing the bait and he's actually baiting the baiter? Have you ever considered that? Shocking, I know
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Forgive me for the obvious samefagging but no thanks. I want Bandori to collab with these people instead
But I don't want to talk about Seiyuus and fucking vidya! I want to talk about ANIME
The GBC and Bandori Collab is actually happening.
Fucking based. Bandori sluts are nothing more than semen receptacles
Have you ever considered, you know, reporting the tripfagging schizo and his EpicCrossover spams? It's not that hard, honey. Just use off-topic or spam/flood as the reason for reporting
Haunted thread
KWAB thread
Normal thread
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>Filters the fuck out of antiyurifags AND Aidor/u/fag in your path
Fat NTR bastard, I kneel!
Yet more narratives. We can use more narratives.
>those two schizos have made it unusable for everyone.
But you told us that you don't care about them and you ignore them. If they bother you so much, then why not report them?
>guy posts a pic
>retard replies every time
>"Actually, by doing this I'm the one baiting him, I swear"
Nice Love Lolive image, retard.
>"Everyone responding to me is my boogeyman"
Cute comeback
>promoting torrents
Better delete this
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>4chan is just me and someone else
I don't care about and can ignore the crossover pics, other than the fact that they make the other retard have a meltdown every time. I can't ignore the other retard, please get a regular catch phrase or use a trip or something so I can filter you, I bet over half this thread are just your posts.
>Being a dick gargling faggot
Better kill yourself
Are you fucking dumb? Torrents are illegal
>"Actually, by doing this he's the one baiting him, I swear"
There you go. "You used the wrong pronoun " is my favorite pointless stalling tactic.
You have got to be joking
6/10 didn't watch
I'm sure there's totally multiple retards in the LL threads with an interest in these two schizos' gay feud and regularly avatarfagging with non LL pivtures.
>let me download someone else's property for free, what's the harm?
You have to be retarded
You seem to be lost, buddy
Delete the link and fuck off, basedboy. You're unwelcome here
It was good, unironically LOVE LIVE IS BACK.
"No really! It's my boogeyman! I swear!"
Take your meds
Fuck off you retarded newfag
You can't foresee all the consequences of your actions - But that's no excuse to do nothing.

I am watching you. Choose your next words carefully.

The only traitors were those who dared turn against her.

I will deal with them I will deal with them.

And now. Just as with Nijigadaki all those years ago. I am here.

And I have been waiting for it. Waiting for it fur such a long time.

We are about to witness the Return of the King.
>n-no u
What did I just tell you? Kill yourself
Why are you even here if this isn't on your normalfag streaming site until tomorrow, you shiteating faggot?
>Video unavailable
that was quick
Good song.
>streaming is the only other way aside from torrenting
Words cannot convey how embarrassing you are, you absolute mouthbreather. Why did you post that link anyway? Did you hope for lots of (You)s for some dopamine fix you cannot get elsewhere anymore? Better just off yourself at this point, you'd be doing yourself a favour
>liella's song was worse than the 3girl one
>cringe outfits aswell
Song wasn't worse and the outfits were fine.
I hope Mei gets a center MV too.
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>to escape schizos let's go to /vg/
>the containment board for schizos with permanent 24/7 threads
What's next of your master plan, anon?
Are those “two” (if it isn’t just the same nigger replying to himself, which I’m starting to suspect) actually moderated properly over there?
For some reason they rarely post there, once in a blue moon. We even had a similar pair, although much easier to filter (some retard who seethes at Rin pics and another who baits him) but moderation somehow got the uke to stop replying recently and with no attention the seme had no reason to keep going.
>streaming is the only other way aside from torrenting
do you live in Japan?
Oh no! Hasu replaced us!
With this the season dodged the biggest risk of being shit.
This 3 episode run has been about as good as the 1st season was at this point.
At least, they are not against R3BIRTH that will be total destruction
Should have been Nutella
>can't just come out and say Mei and Shiki are dating
I hate it. Hell d4dj has a canon couple we deserve one too.
Yay! Let choose the shy girl as the center, nothing can go wrong, right?
wtf is this
They hated him because he told them the truth
lol what a pussy
Oh hi Rina
>It's fine if the center suck ass, we like diversity and inclusion here
So Mei is Kuroko and Shiki is Kagami
>This 3 episode run has been about as good as the 1st season was at this point.
you are fucking crazy if thats what you really think, this episode was good but the other 2 werent,
wtf I hate those episodes now
But Shiki's really pretty tho
Mei is so lucky...
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How did Shiki make a poster have a moving picture anyway?
If they do come out and say it, it will only be near the end of the generation. Like what happened with Rin/Hanayo in the first gen. The novel where they got married was even delayed for several years for an unexplained reason.
This season is great so far and seething haters only make it better.
meh, alright/10
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It's science, I ain't gonna explain shit
I felt like the preview was a little bit bait but I still liked it
You're talking to a literal AI bot.
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>Natsumi & Tomari keep disappearing to do stuff
Actual plot or they're just off making money?
She printed a .gif
I rove rove rive!
nico nico n-
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It's definitely both
Are you even watching this?
Of course he isn't
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Which novel was it?
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This one.
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Compensated dating.
I can't believe their relationship is so bad that Natsumi has to pay to go on dates. Tomari is stone cold
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LL would be good if it focused on the sweaty delicious pits but alas it doesn't.
meh, episode was ok. I feel that this "nooo being the center" plot point is hanada's failsafe.
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I think these two are pretty gay.
sweet episode
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Cute random sumikeke
>Ren standing there awkwardly since she still has no gf
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We already had it at the start with sumire and oninatsu as well.
This time it was to show that even the shy and not showy members can be the center and they can make it work.
Pretty good I say.
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it's not terrible, just didn't feel like anything new. I like wien and tomari bits from ep1 and 2 because it actually feels distinct for LL.
yeah that was pretty unexpected
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I just want more sumire.
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Stop taking the bait and he’ll fuck off.
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>Autistic idolfag violates at least two global rules (spam/flood and signature use)
>Lazy fucks here won't report him
>He continues to shit up the thread
>They wonder and bitch about him
I don't fucking understand the mentality of you dipshits. You're just like /llsifg/. A place of retarded autistic fucks
Her maid performs that service
Misaki paizuri....
When you see it......
Good for you. I made the Bocchi thread from /u/ but I can't prove it so
Are there ones for the new girls?
Just check pixiv. Or there is some AI creation already.
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The fact that you took the time to make yet another dumb shit shows that not only you're obsessed with the guy you're trying to bait but you're the one who's sucking donkeyballs. Nice job proving that you're a donkey again
More narratives
More seething
More rent-free
When Senpai finally notices.
Kek what an obsessed little bitch
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Anon Vienna
Your thread is seriously fucked beyond belief. As long as this goddamn idolfag is around, you won't have peace here
Where's ep.3???
Shit comparison
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Setsuna jobseeking
I don't see Mia in that pic.
Once again being a coward OrcTaku and once again you prove you have nothing in your meaningless life but shitposting.

99% Similarity? I don't care.
I stand with EMTN.
Her or not doesn't matter. I will always support her. My love transcends dimensions.

Once again you prove you have nothing but spam. Nothing to offer but spam
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Is every LL thread going to be like this? Jannies what are you doing?

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