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I am enjoying Yuru Camp Delta so far
>people coming to /a/ just to lie about enjoying anime
Why do they do it?
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I am not a liar... what would I gain from this lie?
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Blue yuru
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Pink yuru
penis snug in foreskin
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Do you often see penises when you look at drawings of cute girls?
no, it's only happened a few times in my life
Purple yuru for me.
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Big Shim
lol I love her bun
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thank you for keeping me toasty
pls don't hurt me Big Shim
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She only attacks uncultured campers.
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Yuru chungus
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Dear god
Yellow yuru
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No mercy for Italians.
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So do Japanese campsites have clean and well-maintained restrooms? What about campsites around the rest of the world? Man the nips have everything figured out when it comes to amenities
So fat that they can't even fit into the tent
Who's bigger?
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Very cute!
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>1 hour on page 10
I didn't know that was possible.
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way too big
I miss this sovl artstyle...
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It was on page 10 for an hour and you did NOTHING to change that??
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Yuru Camp Alpha was much better.
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It was part of anon's plan.
That depends
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how is that snake in every thread
how are YOU in every thread
I'm... NOT
Liar, I see (You) everywhere!
you don't know me...
But you've told me so much about (You)
Kuma Rin!
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You tricked me into googling "Yuru Camp Delta" hoping it was a new spinoff I hate you.
I'm sorry...
I am simply a new camper
It's the remake that's coming out soon
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Is Snake for or against pinecones?
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episode 3 watched
good thing I am very high IQ or the flashforward scenes would have confused me
I want the bun
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Who is your favorite yuru so far, smartanon?
I love them all!
If I had to pick one, I suppose it would be Rin, she is the main feature so far.
But what makes the characters fun is their relationships. I like the cute texts they send to each other.
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Stay comfy.
I'll do that just to unspite you
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All yurus are the best yurus
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she's airborne
how is she doing that?
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this girls has a silly mouth
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this entire family has silly mouths
I love meeting their families!
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episode 4 watched
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Wait until best girl makes her appearance
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You're about to see some big things soon
OVA eta?
October 23rd, wasn't it?
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Maybe I'll watch the movie tonight with dinner.
It's very kino.
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What movie? There is no movie.
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I get a 404 error from your link.
She also has silly funbags
Silly milk trucks
Silly chest pillows
Silly bazonkas
Silly hillies
Silly boobas
if you catch my drift
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Holy fuck
That soon??
Yep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hetgj_AyvR4
And silly eyebrows.
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Well anyway just search the movie up. You'll find it.
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>What movie?
The one with super sexual Chiaki
Uhmm nope can't find it.
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lol ok bud
Try harder
Rin best autistic camper
Nadeshiko best girl and daughteru
Going camping inside my pants
I'll have a free day in early December where I'll be traveling from Kyoto to Fujinomiya, the main reason being to visit Yuru Camp spots along the Minobu line. Should I use that day to take the Oigawa railway? Or visit Nadeshiko's hometown at Lake Hamana? Or even visit Nagoya?
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Lake Hamana sounds nice.
I need a Nadeshiko daughter so badly.
the only people that like that show spend all day on /a/ spamming it
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So when the yuru girls play fps games do they like to camp
It's great for you that you can experience it for the first time.
Nadeshiko camps in spawn. Rin camps a risky spot close to the enemy spawn.
Do the yurus like to get laid on their back?
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Its on the BR.
kek, cute
Yuno camp
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Is there anything that Nadeshiko can't do?
Get a girlfriend without losing her to either her sister or bestfriend.
Satiate her hunger.
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drinking with Aki seems fun
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Camping with Ena
that looks weird
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episode 5 watched
the views were so pretty this episode
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comfy camper
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depends, been to some out of the way ones where a stall, urinal or sink was out of service. Usually it's fine though.
>nips have everything figured out when it comes to amenities
that one's very iffy. Loads of times you have to pay for hot showers, something that's for example largely been done away with in european campsites. The whole trash thing is also typically japanese with either convoluted rules about what trash they'll accept or not. Lots of them they flat out tell you you have to take your trash home with you. There's also sometimes these odd rules about tarps costing extra and other such oddities.
show us pictures from your camping
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Hmm.. the most relevant one would be from the Motosuko campsite from S1 Ep1 I guess. Had quite a storm during the night, but got lucky and it cleared up for a few hours in the morning, so I just chilled for an hour watching clouds pass by Fuji.
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Reception also had tons of stuff like this, was quite cute
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i havent really taken these in the past few years but im still enjoying it
t. eri
First CGDCT anime I couldn't get into at all. K-on, Azumanga, Lucky Star, Bocchi, watched em all and loved it, Yuru Camp did nothing for me. Maybe I just don't like the outdoors idk, also the first 2 episodes had such a weird pacing and the blue haired girl is not very likeable
this is really cool, thanks for sharing
I love than anime creates mascot characters for everything
it's definitely paced differently to others, it's slower and focuses more on travelling
I can't explain why, but for me it feels much more realistic than other cutesy anime, and it's very cozy.
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thank you anon and have a good one
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>the blue haired girl is not very likeable
>the blue haired girl is not very likeable
Let me guess, you're Italian
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S1 leans more Iyashikei
Seen people complain that s2 and 3 sort of lose that vibe
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I'm Italian and I love Rin.
Very gay knee, bro
very cute
look guys I'm Italian, mario luigi spaghetti pizza ferrari fettucini
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I must make her obese
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It's out!
What went so wrong with season 3?
Character designs are worse. Otherwise, nothing.
Mt. Fuji erupted while they were camping on it
I liked it.
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Looks like this thread needs some engine power.
Nothing really, it was just inferior to the previous ones. Probably also had lower budget.
That's like 500cc if you're a japanese schoolgirl.
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Can take you anywhere to meet the nicest people
Shitty artstyle.
Would raw plab in the tent.
From a badass to a soft doting mother.
Fascinating what motherhood can do.
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That artist is so weird.
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She needs to get her bike license back. So she and Rin can do a mother daughter road tour before Rin graduates.
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Behold the conception of Rin.
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Rin can never know about the outfit.
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I drive...
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Sakura "Rider" Kagamihara
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episode 6 watched
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murder in the library
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Shibireko camp is comfy and has a nice BGM.
Rin looks more like Sakura's sister than Nadeshiko does
My daughter is so cute
Best girl incoming soon
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It was merely coincidence that the Snek also appeared near Shimarin

yes but if you watched it you would see why it's liked.
the strongest Mystic.
based and checked
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Everything was good except for the character designs.
This image is a feast for my eyes
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I'm autistic so I need someone to explain what this expression means
Dazed by heat and humidity.
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now it's a square ahaha
a custom DNA. shape streamlined for optimal traction. no useless decoration. of course he's pro modded pinecones.
>3 new 5 minutes episodes
For what purpose
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Many have noticed this.
the third one is 11 minutes so it's basically the length of 1 full episode but in 3 smaller stories
Cute Yeti and Tsuchinoko.
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Fuck the law.
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I haven't read the manga
Can someone give me a QRD on the drawing kouhai and her that they introduced at the end of s3? Are they good additions to the Yurus? I like them so far
Cant wait for s4
They say people who have sex end up looking like eachother
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Based Yuru enjoyer
Please let us know when you've watched ep 7
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I want to drive you through the night
Down the hills
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Minor spoiler warning for OPkun, who is not there yet. This is everything I think was wrong with s3. I think it was the weakest season, but it was still very enjoyable and above the average of most anime. Yuru is a wonderful show and I hope the new studio found a stride and make s4 better than s3

>weaker character designs, especially Aoi, who got boobnerfed because she was TOO powerful
>landscapes and overall animation felt a little weaker
>over reliance of 3d models when it came to the cars and motercycles. They were always like that, but the first 2 seasons tried to stray away from lingering shots on the models, whereas s3 feels like they think it looks good, so they focus on it. It doesn't look good
>sudden breaking of the fourth wall out of nowhere for the retelling of the second groups camp trip. >b-but they did it in the specials. Shut the fuck up. Also that retelling was too "loud" if you get what I mean. The tone didn't match the other camping trips because of how they told the story. I much would have prefered to see a chill set of episodes of Ena, Aoi, and Chiaki while they were actually camping than to hear the embelished version with silly jokes and stuff that didn't land.
>bridgetrip was fun, but it felt like an end of season trip in the middle, with the actual end of season trip feeling smaller and less grand. This is obviously because the other 3 and mini-aoi couldn't join them on bridgetour, but still, felt off in terms of pacing
>nadeshiko isnt sitting on my face RIGHT NOW
>lastly, this is the third season in a row where Sakura has not joined the Yuru Camping
>ID-Tagged campers carry ID-tagged pinecones, use ID-tagged tents
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i'm not a group camper. never will be.
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Yamanashi girls are built different
I want a yamanashi girl to sit on my face desu
Do NOT lewd Nadeshiko.
>>sudden breaking of the fourth wall out of nowhere for the retelling of the second groups camp trip. >b-but they did it in the specials. Shut the fuck up. Also that retelling was too "loud" if you get what I mean. The tone didn't match the other camping trips because of how they told the story. I much would have prefered to see a chill set of episodes of Ena, Aoi, and Chiaki while they were actually camping than to hear the embelished version with silly jokes and stuff that didn't land
That's how it is in the manga though
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>I think it was the weakest season, but it was still very enjoyable
I agree. It wasn't shit by any stretch of the imagination but I enjoyed the first two seasons a lot more.
They look like friendly camping buddies
She nom'in
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The raining camp special was EXCELLENT
probably some of my favorite Yuru scenes OF ALL TIME
i had a warm smile on my face the entire time
Some of s3 was hit or miss with me, but 8bit 100% redeemed themsars and I think they finally get it
They get Yuru now and going forward, we are going to get more Yurukino
Pic rel is the view from a place I luxury camped for a night in Norway
That night it was raining lightly on the tent and the sound was so wonderful. The following morning when we left the view was completely obscured by fog
It was peak Yuru
I need to /out/ more, bros. I need to yuru more...
>That night it was raining lightly on the tent and the sound was so wonderful.
Such a relaxing sound. I also love hearing the wind blow through the trees in an otherwise quiet forest. I need to go camping soon.
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There was an owl hooting, too
It was the kind of night you throw on as background noise on the tv while you nap or read when you cant actually reach the /out/
Just finished the specails
What an excellent set of little episodes bros
never change yuru thread. respite from the usual post content that i won't even describe.
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biggest problem with season 3 was that Ayano wasn't in every episode
She kept cucking Nadeshiko
Post the Ayano worm
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It's like being inside a comfy tent in a storm.
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episode 7 watched
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the cowboy from last episode is Shima Grandpa!
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>the cowboy from last episode is
Solid Snake
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I guess this is who anons wanted me to meet
She's kind of scary!
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"Got Spice?"
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>She's kind of scary!
She's a perfect rum infused cake
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On a magical adventure to go camping around the world
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Camping suuuuuucks
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Will the Nadeshiko pupper ever learn how to be still and quiet for long enough to cuddle like this?
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Not hard to do.
shiny dicks
atsrashii dicks
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Time for my 9th rewatch I guess.
those are NOT the lyrics
>Still no Wakako x Toba food doujin
I love drunk hags
the OP sounds a little like ABC by Jackson 5
Don't ever meet one irl, your fantasy will be ruined.
Are they ugly or something?
they have disgusting bodies and they are too unresponsive for even rape
>t. drunk hag rapist
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They're not Toba sensei.
3DPD, anon.
Drunk hags are the worst. At least the bassist is cute, but you should still steer clear of them.
Does it apply to anime logic hags (25-35yo)
You will love her dearly
i don't ask questions, i just rape
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You have to take her for long walks to tire her out
When I started watching this, I didn't realise it would be perfect for the season
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Will our cubs ever receive some love too?
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Rainy comf
Based rapist
nigga brings a yuru camp poster with him
holy based
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I love Yuru Camp with a religious fervor.
cute wanko
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Look at these dorks.
Is this from the new specials?
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I wonder how Afro felt when he heard the lake Motosu theme for the first time. It wasn't just a great track, it was a fucking magical track that made everyone fall in love with the show. I'm gonna guess mangaka usually have a pretty good idea of how some scenes are supposed to play out in animation but the music must always be a surprise and joy to listen to.
fucking epic
yuru camp has a great soundtrack, and they do a very good job at not overusing them (like SOME fucking animes...)
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I fucking love yuru campu so much bros
>trrraa taa taa taa- taa taa taa taa- taa taa ta! Ta trraaa taa taa taa
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weird mouths (cute)
I've been rewatching Yuru Camp lately to try to sleep better and to prepare for my Yuru Camp pilgrimage. I think I might've rewatched S1 too many times or too recently because S1 didn't feel as amazing as the previous rewatches though I did enjoy it. Currently just finished S2E3 where Shimarin visited Nadeshiko and her hometown. Goddamnit homely Nadeshiko is so damn cute and endearing. I really wish I could feel her cheeks.

Can't wait to watch the OVA.

The track is really amazing, but episode 1 was a masterpiece because everything about it had to be just right and perfectly aligned. The buildup was amazing, pacing was just right, the characters were endearing, the soundtrack was magical, and the view was just beautiful.
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Sakura created the perfect girl by forcing her to get /fit/ without taking away her /ck/
The perfect girl created by the perfect family.
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Hope to do a Yuru pilgrimage soon too, got Aria and Gochiusa done last year and this year
I want to go camping too...
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I wish I had anyone to camp with.
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Go solo camping like Rin
Ackshually, she bored it to out to some thing like 52 whole cc!
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no use case
having fun is possible by yourself
you're a big girl
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you should be so happy
you should be so G L A D
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You must pamper the campers
At a spa camp
A spamp
In this shot, she transforms
Pure sex
I want to marry Shima Rin and make love to her every day
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I want to give Rin a new sibling
I want to tease her every day, especially about her bun.
at least Rinmomma is probably straight or bi unlike her daughter.
Every girl is bi, some are just more open about it.
In a tent, right?
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Marrying Aki would be fucking in tents.
this would be VERY uncomfortable
futa yuru tents
futa yuru climbing into your sleeping bag but the zipper got stuck
I noticed recently that occasionally Rin looks like Nadeshiko and Nadeshiko looks lile Rin
foreshadowing the baby they will have together through the magic of the forest spirits
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But which one of them would carry it?
That will be up to a fan vote
classic meme
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For me it's Nokuru no jikan wachawacha.
"Here are your dates for this evening girls!"
I'll take the tall blonde on the left
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episode 8 watched
I have never "seasoned" a pan or even heard of this thing...
me neither
you've really never heard of cast iron pans?
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You didn't tell us what you thought of episode 7. The resolution to the Shibireko camp is pure perfection.

>Shimarin getting to know more about Nadeshiko and them bonding further
>RIIIIIIIN-CHAAAAAAN at the end from the boat
But what was that thing making noise in the woods!
in camp we trust
Just watched the specials.

Nadeshiko's Yamanashi map a cute.
Bike camper Nadeshiko hillclimbs like a pro.
Bun Nadeshiko a cute.

these are my posts here

I liked learning more about the girls and Sakura is a nice and helpful sister
I actually couldn't tell if the drunk girl's brother was a boy or a girl at first, because he has a soft voice, and there's already one girl with boy hair in the anime...

I also thought that Chiaki was in the same camp as the two girls, and she was there to stalk them.
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Aki is best girl
fuck I completely forgot the ova was out already
was it good bros?
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That's an east German NVA soldier, what in the goddamn
she cute
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It actually might be the best set of specials out of all of them it touches on all the aspects of the show by having one room camp ep, one solo rin ep, and one rinXnade ep, which are all individually great
I didn't like s3 as much as the others, but these specials have made me accept 8bit as the studio going forward
Feels like theyve found their footing
pink yuru got bunned?
He loves soviet imagery, it's not surprising.
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All Nadeshikos a cute, desu wa
Went camping innawoods the other night but it wasn't with a cute girl so it kinda sucked,. Still 6810 to get away from it all but feel like there was some wasted potential there.
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holy fuck I just realized it's 3 episodes. I didn't know that
based, tonight will be comfy
Wasn't Blu Yuru a failed mecha anime project from the 90's or 00's?
8bit Nadeshikos aren't as cute as C-Station Nadeshikos but still cute.
With her cuteness, Nadeshiko could brighten up even a black hole.
Space camp movie confirmed
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All that foreshadowing
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Aki had the biggest glowup since S1
That's so cute.
Do they ever have to pee outdoors? That would make for a funny scene lol
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I wouldn't be surprised if Japland has a law that makes it illegal to pee outdoors even in the fucking woods or moutains.
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It's the bangs
There is absolutely nothing wrong with showing off the cute forehead, but if youre going to have bangs they need to go down to the eyebrows or else it looks bad
what is the source for this cute erotic image?
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My Yuru Camp folder, no source but it's old so it's not slop.
It's certainly not slop, dear anon
I really like it, which is why I wanted to know the artist
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that's a fact
Aki has become such sex
Always was
these are all the same character? I can't tell the difference between her and the car driving sister without her silly forehead
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Odds are I saved it from kemono, but I don't think that would help much in finding it.
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good borgar
Everything Nadeshiko does is cute
She's the personification of cuteness
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Tell me about pink yuru
Why does she eat all the food?
she uses a lot of energy by running around and shouting, so she needs to eat a lot
Childhood trauma she wasn't allowed to eat for one hour during class
Shame on those awful teachers
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Needs hearts eyes
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Those are only for me
she was invited to a Christmas camp last episode
I hope she says yes
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I'm unironically really enjoying hearing you talk about your first time watching, anon
This is an excellent thread
I just finished my own rewatch last week, but if I hadn't, I absolutely would have rewatched at your pace
Perhaps someday a very based anon could set up a marathon stream for all us cosy campers to enjoy together
thank you friend, I really just wanted to post a cute image on /a/, I didn't think it would become a thread like this
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And a cute image you did post, opie
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Remember the dark alternate timeline?
Where bun??
I think Nadeshiko might be the cutest anime character ever.
She was engineered for it
I hope she being payed those extra hours
fuck off every time i think of the movie i get pisse
I can save her
I can put a baby in her
I will
Do you ever think about how fucking wholesome the ending of S2E4 is?
kuma hea
Remind me but use spoiler tags so OPkun doesn't get spoiled
All the episodes kinda blur together for me because I watch several at a time
When nadeshiko gets a part time job, buys the lantern she wants, and while the credits role you see the lights in the house change and go out while everybody goes to bed and you see nadeshiko's room lit up from her playing with the lantern. And then she runs outside to put the handwarmer she bought for Sakura in her car so it would be there when she left for work in the morning, and nadeshiko falls asleep with the lantern on all night.
Ahh yes
That one one of, if not my most, favorite scenes
Incredibly heartwarming and wholesome
Nadeshiko truly is a best girl
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>Nadeshiko truly is a best girl
I'd do anything for a Nadeshiko wife.
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Having a Nadeshiko wife and making a little Nadeshiko daughter.
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oh no....
>Japanese cold
>take off at the speed of light
>barge through the wall
>give her a hot soup
>fix the wall
>put on her favourite show
>browse outdoors magazines with her
>fever fuck
>fall asleep while hugging her
>wake up with a cold the next day
Worth it
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episode 9 watched

nice solo Rin adventure and family shenanigans
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She got the whole family slurpin' her noods
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>sakura wondering if she can seduce this friend, too
get her wetter than houtou noodles
Based pissbro
Yeah, that's peak cute right there
Can't wait for OP to get to Campmas
that's not what I meant...
Based bubble bath bro
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Hello, please don't lewd the Yurus or you'll answer to Aoi chan.
That's kind of nice... friends washing friends
But what if I'm lewding Aoi chan?
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Saitou will be coming
Anyone got Nadeshiko on street view in guruguru maps?
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Thanks anon!
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And in HD (now just need the edit of Aki, Ena, and Aoi as those three girls doing those weird poses at that crossing)
Nadeshiko has some pretty big legs, most be all muscle from all the running, cycling, and walking she does
I hope she didn't get ran over
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Nadeshiko is super strong. No car would survive the impact.
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I really appreciate how much Aki we got in S3
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cuute mama
I am once again pointing out the obvious fact that Nadeshiko is cute.
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Dumb Inushiko.
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I wonder if I'll ever see these mountain climbers again
i hate reading her dialogue in the manga cause she speaks in kansaiben
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They're just ghosts of 2 young girls, haunted this mountain...
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Episode 10 opens up so intensely... my heart was pounding...
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Nabeshiko shall be wife to us all
Self-aware anime.
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Just finished my 9th rewatch of season 1. Man I fucking love this show. They could've easily had a comfy ending at campmas but the show went above and beyond with the ending scene. It was a labour of love and it shows. What a phenomenal show.
FYI: Houji cha is actually really fucking good as is putting a pork bun in one of those sandwich toasters
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episode 10 watched
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Toba, my spirit animal
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secret identity revealed
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>i love her, mom
>I love her mom
I love drunk 25-30+ yo female teachers
it's a cliché that there's never any males in these anime clubs
I guess a mixed sex tent would be too risqué
:D yay!
It's like you're saying what we're all thinking
Cute drunkard :3
Would you survive?
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Ramen mo aru yo! Aru yo~!
this thread has gone camping on page 10 several times since it began
Fucking amazing lmao
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I have added three new Nadeshiko statues to my collection, three of the game prize figures. I think I have most of them now, I doubt I will ever be able to get the Nadeshiko noodle topper and I don't particularly want the Nadeshiko and Rin scooter statue.
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living on the edge
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It's a long trek. Bring your moped.
>three of the game prize figures
Do you mean the gacha?
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No these, prizes for crane games
How many tries did it take?
None, I bought them in the after market.
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they can say google but not line
I don't understand. What do you mean?
They cant day google
They say gurgle or glueglue
rin looks better without the bun, you can't prove me wrong
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line is a phone messaging app
Thank you Fuko.
Oops meant for >>272511492
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Do they make her dialogue yeehaw cowboy accent writing?
idk, i'm reading it in japanese
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SubsPlease just ripped the specials.
Digits and we all camp together
Give up, Anon. It's never going to happen.
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Saving this thread from page 10
i'll watch em...tomorrow
How would each of the girls react to being attacked by a bear while camping

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