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In the end the Thunderbolt Fantasy was the friends we made along the way.

Hello /a/ future Duck here from the end of the series. I have time traveled back in time to episode 3.

Phew, I'm glad Ken forgave me for setting him up with Kguy in season 3. But at least he sees now it was all part of the larger plan to have him and Kguy conceive Shou. Dan Fei is still upset mind but it's not she had to raise her step-son after he was sent back in time.

Everyone back at camp was shocked when Locust thought I was Mantis in the last episode and it turned out it was the real Mantis. Glad our little chunni got a good end, anyone still holding MANTIS COIN called it right.

Kguy still seething.
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is there anything more cucked than raising a demon half breed stepson? the tan hi bullying continues
ken was so lucky
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Stupid sexy Kguy with her stupid sexy demon toes
Duck you died fulfilling your promise to SPK...
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Sex with Bard
People hyped this guy up, but having watched season one and two he sure seems to get cucked a lot
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Its the villains' fault
>he skipped movie 1
Just watched the latest episode.
It was good.
We really are back TBFbros.
He's an overpowered character done right, if he wanted to, he could basically solo most of the antagonists but instead he decides to live a life of trying to ruse villains.
Fox out-, uhm, out-not-giving-a-fuck-ing him was the best.
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I shouldn't feel so aroused by a fucking puppet
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You wouldn't fuck a fragile girl puppet would you?
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you know the answer
i knew this episode's circle and point moment with Azibelpher would lead to something good
why was duck such a fucking dick to setsu mushou
We've finally become Thunderbolt Fantasy: Sword Seekers (Touriken Yuuki (Sword Travels in the East (West))).
I recently realized "Thunderbolt Fantasy" is just a rather simplified translation of 「霹靂英雄戰紀」, i.e., Pili's original title.
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Watch Kamen Rider Ryuki
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Why do I feel like some time travel shenanigans is going to happen?
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duet never ever
That's the best part. He's so unbelievably OP, but his goals are so down to earth that it's funny when he doesn't get what he wants.
I just read that one post in the other thread.
It's fucking over.
God I hate license shitters.
Because it's already been set up. Shou already time travelled to meet Byakuren and mentioned he's familiar with Scrying Mirrors the first time he saw them in S3.
>pay people to sing a song for your show
>somehow fail to clarify that you own the sole rights to the song so it can go on the OST
How do you even fuckup paperwork like that in Current Year -3?
There's a difference between "you don't own the rights to this" and "you own this but you're obligated to pay residuals to the people who made this." With music it's usually the latter, and it can be enough that it's not financially viable to officially release a song.
Mantis... he didn't deserve it
Are you dumb? Paying them to put a song in your anime costs $x. Paying them to put a song in your anime and also sign over exclusive rights so you can redistribute the song for profit costs $y. y >>>>>> x. Do you see the problem now?
Why does she look evil here? She is a pure and kindhearted girl.
It's pretty funny that most of his targets so far (at least the ones we've seen) end up getting the last laugh. Makes me wonder if the same thing will happen with locust.
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That only makes sense if it was licensed, this was a piece made exclusively for the show. If your example is in fact how it works over there, they should have never bothered making the song in the first place; all it has done is create a small pool of people seething that a clean OST version will never exist.
The pool of people who enjoyed the song in the movie is larger than the people seething there's no OST release. I do wish there was an OST release, but it's a fantastic performance in the movie.
It's based on all the theories before S3 aired but after the trailer showed off Shou Kun Rin, some people thought SKR was a demon possessing 10mei's body since she was unseen during the trailer and S3 poster plus the only bio we had for SKR only said she was one of the most demon powerful sorcerers that caused chaos in the Seiyuu Imperial Court 200 years ago without confirming her as the same person as 7BD.
Interesting. Now that I think about it though, Denka wearing the duck hood to look like 10Mei and tricking Rou into sexo with it on would be a cool porno plot.
Forgot the webm.
Tenmei is Denka's twin sister, separated at birth
>familiar with song only sung for nobles inside the palace
>phoenix motif on her koto, same as the palace
Why did Locust blind his daughter though?
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So she could see no evil
Why did her imouto deafen her?
So she no longer needs to hear KugiRie's voice
Denka is so damn flat compared to her twin if this is true
Ryou looks like a kid now
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Sometimes, 1 sister might take all the good stuff from the other
That scene where Shouf-kun suddenly changes his mind because of Sanun raised so many suspicions that my brain automatically assumed it was Duck in disguise again.
Which plate do you place the Locust symbol on? Rin's or Sakura's?
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Sakura obviously since she's full of bugs lmao
If I want to start this what should I know
dont watch the subs that have the characters' chinese names, eg. "shang bu huan" instead of "shou fu kan"
Old man yaoi
well that was fast
Like a speeding bullet
I think he's just worried about Juan getting murked and he's not going to let a friend commit suicide when he could have prevented it
so what the FUCK happened with simulcast? Why are we back to the dark ages of anon fansubs
Rude, we're back to the golden /a/ges right here. Small close knit community translating for other fans, it's very comfy.
>dark ages
Imagine thinking CR subs is the golden age. You are going to get raped
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Is it wrong for me to want to fuck a demon milf?
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She isn't a mom yet
More likely Tenmei is Rou's aunt.
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She may not be a milf but i love how she gives huge ARA~ vibes.
It's the voice
And her voice sounds SEX.
She's a demon hag, get on with the times.
That spectacle guy btfoing him by not giving a fuck was one of the best moments of the series.
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>same VA as Alicia
Holy shit. That is KINSHI
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>Onoreee Battler
she's a christmas cake
>Yellow subs
>Grand sponsor messages

Dark ages? No, we are home.

Also did SPK have kids or did she only curse the royal blood line. It would be interesting if she had some demon blood in her and was actually quite strong. She's probably going to lose her shit once she finds out bard has been corrupted by Azibelpher.
Even without that fact the japanese music industry is famously fucked up. There are theories the only reason K-pop became as huge as it is is because the spread of J-pop worldwide was hindered by local laws. We're talking about a country where streaming music is unviable and CDs are still the main mean of consuming music. And that's not just a local quirk it's something that was orchestrated by the music industries there and by "CD focused laws" they had the gouvernment pass.
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I should have never doubted TBF by the first 2 episodes
This season is going to be fucking amazing
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Cute or cutest couple?
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Holy shit.
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Does anyone feel bad for Scorpion being bullied?
No, since she's evil and killed lots of innocents.
>Ken x Tan Hi
>Kguy x Duck
Hot hate sex
>Shou x Tenmei
>Bard x Denka
Hot hate sex
>Bard x Tenmei
>Bard x Tenmei x Shou
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Chris Yukine (wuxia) was built for bullying
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At least I got to participate in some TF threads before the new post-timing policy was introduced. Thanks for all the good times and subbing effort. Hopefully see you wherever else puppets are being discussed (no, not Plebbit).
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What about Monk x 7BD?

It's only the first time you post.
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>Barb lies down helplessly, crying, and covers his eyes in horror while Denka violenty rapes him
Being Barb is suffering.
It's every time I post, because I browse 4chin in private windows, like any human should.
Does she make him sing while doing it?
Why do you think there's so many WHOA WHOA WHOA in the theme songs?
Wait for your turn, we have to repopulate the underworld first.
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The bulli was a necessary part of her path to redemption.
She my be smart but she is still a young girl at heart. She would be too excited and give it away that she isn't 10may
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Could someone upload the v2 subs from from the mega to nyaa? I forgot my login.
k thx bye
>it was the real Mantis. Glad our little chunni got a good end,
Mantis is not chuuni, he sees the truth, it is reality which is wrong.
>Spider attacks 'Mantis'
>He doesn't know that Locust knows that Duck knows that Locust knows
What would his Bug sign be?
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Bombardier beetle
A gun. Just a gun. And his pylon will have tubes and gears on it
Yi Piao Miao is such a cutesy name. What a dork
Post-what policy?

Is that related to theever-harder captchas?
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Are they the only confirmed couple?
read the sticky
Romance is surprisingly rare in TBF when it seems like a big thing in wuxia. Fat Shou even referenced that. I'm not an expert though, I just watch a few kung fu movies.
Depends on the writer. Romance is a main stay in sau, Jin Yong's works, but not quite in Gu Long's and Urobuchi is a Gu Long fan.
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Too many people were shilling Duckemperorcoin, Spearcoin, Mantiscoin, etc. so they implemented the /biz/ policy.
Don't know what you mean, S1 and the first movie focus on SPKxDuck, movie 2 is almost entirely about a love triangle (maybe even quadrangle if you include Shou), S2 had Scorpion and her crush on Monk (nothing came out of it alright but if their scenes weren't romance then love doesn't exist), and MonkxSBS was a focus for 2 whole seasons.
I understand you might not articulate those as romance because they're not what you're used to and I'm a pro fujoshi with 10/10 goggles that can detect bait and hints of bonds between characters from hundreds of miles but you must still be wearing some rather potent blinders.
No, Scorpion getting bullied is the best part of her character. I like that she's so low on the totem poll that even Fox bullies her.
I stanned her because I resented it, she didn't deserve it. Who cares if she killed a few hundreds of people, which character in this show hasn't?
The only thing that might make any sense in there is red and blue with shou as a triangle. The rest isn't romance, anon.
>Jin Yong
Is that the guy responsible for the childhood friend losing every love triangle in anime?
It is if you are delusional enough anon...
>the rest isn't romance
For you.
I am at episode 7 of season 6. What is the deal with demons? Why do they hate humans so much? The sisters clearly seem to care for each other and delight in working together, so they clearly aren't completely sociopathic
Season 3* I mean.
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How is HimeBard not romance, are you serious
Is there any full on puppet porn like this? Closest I've seen is Team America but it has that intentionally ugly American style.
How is it romance?
We don't really know, your guess is as good as ours.
We don't even know if it's a matter of nature or culture. Although considering Kei Gai fell in love with Duck, it's probably culture. It's clear the demons want to colonize the human realm, so maybe it's like an Israel/Palestine situation of sorts where you start hating the people whose land you covet.
Theirs is a love that trancends morality, race and class.
It’s abuse that he’s desperate to escape.
Hime loved Bard and tried to seduce him, Bard relented and accepted his situation as a caged bird for a bit, you even get a fade to black after Hime was petting him in the palace and I don't think that meant they went to bed separately.
So, dark romance. Thanks for agreeing.
They just hold a foreign mentality to humans. Their hatred could be explained as an extension of the way their society works. They consider themselves the strong ones so they'll hate those weaker than them, such as humans.
Nothing romantic about it. It’s sick and disgusting.
call me bland, but I think Tenmei is best girl
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He does see his plans to fruition, it's just that he doesn't get the results he wanted.
See how he literally screwed over Fox perfectly, it's just that Fox didn't give a shit.
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>call me bland
HOW ABOUT I CALL YOU BLIND *slits your eyes*
I can never catch TF until today due to work, is there a v2 with the good raws yet or should I just download the one with the hard-baked chink subs
>In the demon realm for years.
>Resurfaces to cause chaos once he gets old.
>Refuses to elaborate.
>Leaves or dies.
Technowizard is a 17 year cicada. Anyone excited for brood 14?
That's why it'a hot.
Based Azipapa, always has the correct answer to everything.
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MY EYES!!!!!!!!!1!ONE!
Is what I would've said... If I hadn't switched my body with this doll that seals away Rou Fuyou's demon powers when it's cut!
It's HimeMonk (and DenkaBard).
Does Bard truly deserve a yumejo who's a duck tier schemer...?
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OOOONOOOOREEEEEEEEEEn't, guess I'll go fuck another bard, lmao, enjoy the rest of your short mortal life, loser
Gu Long wrote a novel about people getting cucked to death.
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>short mortal life
We'll see who gets the last laugh when your $duck investment bombs
The whole scene between Kguy and Aji gave me the impression that this dynamic is becoming twisted demonic version of Gunha-dono and Kasay Maykow, except she doesn't have any actual allies. Things are looking grim for our girl.
I'm not a fan of previous character themes being used as generic background music. 10guy's theme especially is too strongly associated with him to be relegated to just menacing music.
She seems on the back foot at the moment, but little do you realize that this season is merely setting up the final boss of the last movie, Demon Queen Kei Gai.
Why are Tan Hi and Kou the only characters that share surnames?
Because they're literally siblings.
Bard's surname isn't Fuu and Denka's isn't Yuu.
What are you on about?
Denka's surname isn't Fuu and Bard's surname isn't Yuu
What are you on about?
That names don't seem to be passed between parent and child. Is that just a wuxia thing?
Are you ignoring that Fuyou’s mother had abandoned her old life and was hiding in the mountains as a hermit? Why wouldn’t she use an assumed name in that case?
Names are chosen for meaning and change when a person significantly changes their social standing. This was common in China (and Japan for that matter) before western colonization.
What are you on about?
For a series with relatively simple names (excluding the weird tl choices at the beginning) you seem pretty lost so trust me you don't want to get into the subject of chinese names.
How much Chinese lore and nonsense do I need to know to enjoy this series?
TBF? Not much.
MDZS? Maybe look up what cultivation is if you watch the drama or the anime but if you pick up the books they are very kind to people who are new to cultivation novels. The editors go out of their way to include definitions of every concept mentioned and they help you keep track of everybody's three set of names + personal nicknames.
I went in blind, you don't need any foreknowledge.
Slowpoke here. Is there any rip better than the others? I can't see subs.
>he doesn't know
Another victim of Duck's trickery.
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So….why is Kei Gai so damn militant all the time? Why can’t she just chill out and do her own thing instead of constantly trying to start another war or getting involved agitating against the protagonists? What IS a demon anyway?
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Anon falls once again for one of his longplay jests
Sexual frustration is the answer to all of your questions.
because she's a demon

>what is a demon?
a miserable pile of secrets
She's too based and redpilled for that.
She wants to curry favour with higher ranked demons so she advances in rank, and the protags are associated with powerful anti-demon swords.
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Love demons. Protect demons. Marry demons. Procreate with demons. Make a family with demons. Tuck a demon into bed. Compliment pretty demons. Praise a demon's cooking. Take demons to the beach. Teach demons about human emotions. Cook demons a hot pot. Bail demons out of jail. Gift grimoires to a demon. Cook a demon breakfast. Put a demon's hair up in pigtails. Pay a demon's taxes. Give demons a weekly allowance. Dry hump demons. Save demons from knife-ears. Kiss demons. Cuddle demons. Clean and lubricate demon's horns regularly. Bridal carry demons. Spoonfeed demons grilled humans. Take demons out to dinner. Give demons a hot shower. Demons will sometimes get their horns stuck on doors (this is inevitable). Remind demons to be careful when going outside. Show demons how cool you are. Total demon life.
Duck tricked me into gay sex.
massive inferiority complex maybe. probably spirited away to the human realm to compensate for being completely outclassed in the demon realm only to get outclassed again and again by humans. afterall she is the only demon we've seen aside from azi who just treated it as some side-quest the whole time. kguy acts completely craven when interacting with any other demon
>she is the only demon we've seen aside from azi
You're forgetting that one demon that dared to pose as Hime-sama
>kguy acts completely craven when interacting with any other demon
to be fair, azerbaijan is demon nobility and her sister has enough of a reputation to be able to get him on the phone, it makes sense she'd want to stay in their good graces
I don't think she has much of a choice if she's fond of her neck.
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Did he also trick you into feeling heart-broken?
Does Duck make the big reveal before, during or after climax?
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She confessed to being weaker than a Kankou, she's not advancing in rank lmao.
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This is my favorite ship. Imagine the long, homoerotic rivalry they could have had, with so much deception and counter schemes. Then he rejected Duck: winning the game before it even started. Outright diabolical.
Acceptance of one's limits is the first step to surpassing them.
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>surpassing them
>someone is actually going for kguycoin
i can imagine duck making one last deal with kguy in exchange for fucking off forever to deal with whatever common enemy they have at the end of the series. kind of like what he did with monk.
>Kei Gai will pai
I won't forgive this series for basically killing off all their limited amount of hot girls
Thunderbolt Fantasy or Mo Dao Zu Shi...?
Tan Hi, Kguy, 10mei, and Denka are still around in TBF
For now.
is the subs guy here? I just watched the v2 subs with my friends and took notes of a lot of errors like I did for the last ep. otherwise I'll wait and post them in the next episode's thread
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I still wish she would have survived and becomes a healer for her redemption. Also wish she would end up meeting with Shou in the final movie
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Shouldn't have killed all those innocent people if you wanted to live bitch namu amiddha butsu
She actually got off likely. I fully expected a poisoner to die due to her poison backfiring on her or something.
You can just clean up the .ass in your text editor of choice. That's what I've been doing as I've gone through the episodes. Even went and added the poem treatment to the first episode.
Yeah, usually their poison bug control bug malfunctions and poisons them instead or something.
They're racist.
I remember Kguy saying Duck is less than a hundred years old. Though I'm not sure if her words are credible since she's a demon and I doubt Duck told her.
You can figure out a duck's age by counting the rings on the pipe
But she did! She was doing her own thing, making a puppet from humans' body parts. Until Duck happened. Then she settled down in that haunted forest, being a NEET for who knows how long. Then Duck poked her nest again in S1. Blame Duck for her becoming very active lately.
I mean yeah sure, but I meant for a v3 for the mega or for his final season batch.
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If it weren't for Shou, the 2nd War of the Fading Dusk would have kicked started all the way in season 1's finale.

You can try dumping them here and then bring it up again in the thread when a new ep airs.
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You know what's funny? The current demon king's law is Kguy's best chance of attaining higher rank since she's relatively weak for a demon. Yet she doesn't like the situation with the demon gods and is helping Alzheimer trying to destroy the current rule. She's too kind for her own good, at least towards demons.
Hasn't the current demon king's law basically put everyone in stasis where they stay stuck up in their decadent courts while the lesser peons get headsploded by the demon gods? Staying in the human realm has probably saved her from an early death since she actually had free reign to scheme.
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There's more romance in Monk x 7BD
someone should shoop screamign wojak's face onto Hime
>the subs guy
There are multiple and by contributing you are one of us. I'm the one with the Mega though, please do post what you've got here and I'll add it.
There is more romance in this than the literal married couple.
I was under the impression that you'll need to do schemes to advance in rank now. Because Antler said he's not actually all that good in combat.
Please no, wojak is a shit meme that overstayed its welcome
>Because Antler said he's not actually all that good in combat.
Assuming he's not lying to ruse the humans.
>believing demons' words
Antlers says that Kyarei is No. 7 while Azmongold is No. 8, and he refers to Azrael as an upstart. So he is most likely more powerful than either of them.
It's more like there's no advancement at all. Both antlers and aljazeera complained about stasis/ demon realm being in stagnation.

The site's profile says his ability is more about manipulating dreams. He'll likely be physically stronger than regular humans, even trained ones, but might not be as strong as a fighter against other noble rank demons.
Well, if he could make people fall asleep while thinking they're still awake and manipulate them then, he would be immensely powerful in a real fight.
>2:43 "you remind ME of yourself" missing me
>3:15 capital F Fate? I'm not sure fate has been treated like a Proper Noun previously so it stood out a little.
>5:52 "He just unleashed (the) demonic powers he's still unfamiliar with" drop the, add with at the end
>6:35 "he unleashed X amount of demonic power during HIS first battle" missing adjective (a huge, an enormous, etc.), change this to his at the end
>7:29 "Would thatS not be" extra s
>7:50 "in necessary" should be is, not in
>12:12 just missing an entire line?
>13:47 opportunity misspelled
>15:10 bracket in word
>18:51 theren
>19:56 syre
>20:35 evern. should either be "every lowly infantry" or "let even the lowliest"
>22:34 have ve
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This is Lolita. he got close to the woman who was responsible for 7BD, then inherited the sword when that woman died. He became obsessively infatuated, tried to fulfill her wishes and literally killed others for not respecting her. But his overbearing made turned her initial respect and adoration into uncertainty.
kek, that's a new one.
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>Time travel demon schemes
>Dream manipulation demon schemes
>Stealth and subterfuge spider schemes
>Illusion and trickery human* schemes (*or immortal xian?)
This is going to be the biggest ruse yet.
Arigatou, had missed quite a few of those. Will do those fixes and give the whole thing another look before next episode.
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Scorprion deserved to get lewded and fucked until she sweats like crazy and gets mind broken.
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I'm watching these with a group of friends, so we just all keep an eye out and call out typos and whatnot as they pop up. It's easy for the four of us to spot things one guy might miss. I'll keep tracking them and posting them as I see these threads so that way we can have a high quality batch at the end of the season
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How old is everyone in this show anyway?
Shou is an ossan
Duck is a well preserved silver fox
Ken is mid 20s or so.
Tan Hi is early 20s I guess.
Rou is pretty young, maybe early 20s?
Kasei Meiko is probably old af but uses heretical sorcery to preserve his youth.
All demons are probably old af.
This but Denka with a bunch of Seiyuu soldiers
Sweaty Scorpion is SEX.
That's about right.
>Rou is pretty young
Huh, maybe that's why he looks younger in demon form. 20 years old is very young for them.
>Kasei Meiko is probably old af but uses heretical sorcery to preserve his youth
He couldn't even do it through cultivation alone. Sad!
>see webm
>vaguely remember the episode, nothing weird
>read the name
>dick got hard when replaying the webm
What's wrong with me?
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Nothing wrong with that. If anything, it's good because you have active imagination.
Kguy is juunanasai.
>is juunanasai.
No, that's bard's mom
Who's duck?
a quack of a thief!
>organizes the demon court and prevents them from mindlessly murdering each other
The demon king is probably a good dude and will ally with the good guys against locust in the final few episodes and movie
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which subs
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True. The ultimately karmic thing about that all, though, was that Fox didn't practice what he preached and it cost him his life. He could have just left and walked away, but he tried to convince 7BD-wielding Monk to go after Shang and Gale, and got strung up for his trouble.
Just finished watching the second movie, why the fuck didn't all three of them kill the fugitive hunter already? He was weakened, all his goons were slaughtered, all he could do was seethe. I'm surprised the princess didn't execute him already for such an outrageous failure.
That's the problem with cameos in prequels
They don't know if more reinforcements would be coming and they also have to focus on protecting the geezer.
He seemed to be friends with the Prime Minister plus Fox could have just talked his way out of it maybe
What exactly is the issue here? It kicks phoneposters and spicposting dipshits in the balls. It has not affected me at all.
I love her!
>threads made in fucking 2012 are still on the catalog.
It's dead jim.
If you don't purge all your history when you exit the browser, you're too retarded to use the Internet.
I use Librewolf chief.
I do that but I use a pass
What do you think Ban Gunha would get you if you rezzed him? Or Mantis?
>SPK didn't try his sword against me, who managed to revive him somehow
Fake and gay. Might as well go on a journey with Scorpion.
The perfect fit for Denka, then.
The best
That shit doesn't matter unless you're sharing your computer with someone or your browse 4chan at work. In which case you're the one that's too dumb.
>but muh privacy
Google/ NSA already knows everything anyway
Not all of us live with our parents.
In the opening, Mantis/Duck and Wasp are BOTH surrounded by spiderwebs. I think Duck may get Outducked by Spider.
fox, who constantly used others as tools for his own gain, ended up being used as a tool for someone else.
That's the funniest part. Duck failed miserably to duck Fox, while Shou managed to do it effortlessly just by existing and being himself.
My apologies for this post. I think Shou Fukan is the coolest protagonist.
I think kasai meiko knows duck is duck and not mantis. Or well, he knows that it's not mantis at least I guess he wouldn't really know much about duck
I actually don’t. If Kasei Meiko were aware, I would expect him to try to lean on Duck/Mantis in such a way as to get Shou to distrust his allies. Instead, he’s both revealing a new acquisition of the Swarm and giving Duck the opportunity to meddle with his plans. Given how much emphasis is being placed on the usual difficulty of journeying to the Demon Realm, he could otherwise assume that Shou and his allies would have no way to interact with this particular scheme at all.
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Best one
What's the point my cat already knows everything anyways he always looks at the screen while I browse stuff.
>t. definitely not monk
I hope he got duck because he's too smug
I was very glad lotus root soup girl died personally. If I have to go through ONE MORE LOTUS ROOT SOUP SCENE I SWEAR TO GOD
I don't know, you could also interpret this move as Locust putting Duckmantis under the surveillance of two loyal subordinates. When you watch someone you're always being watched back.
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>and becomes a healer for her redemption
Please, this isn't Naruto.
he's also separating duck and shou, who he assumes is his ally, and keeping him next to his own minions.
sorry anon but clearing your local browser history is not some super l33t privacy move when there's much deeper tracking being done by ISPs and corpos, actual privacy might be achievable if you used a VPN while using tor on an ephemeral virtual machine. also note that any VPN that shows up in a youtube sponsor section is a billion percent gonna be a honeypot scam that's completely fucking lying about not logging your activity
Who tf is Chris Yukine?
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Best advertisement for pink october I have ever seen.
Worst Symphogeah
can't believe tenmei got beat by pic related
our sex slave (for Columbians only)
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So….is Kei Gai supposed to be an actual femcel? Or just really unlucky?
Would you consider Mushou a mancel after getting ducked?
The Enigmatic Gale. People here call him Duck because his name got mistranslated in the early subs.
at first I thought it was because of his pouty lips
Idk I've only seen the first episode, someone told me to trust him and he does not seem very trustworthy.
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You don't believe in the good-hearted Kichou-dono? Why don't you just place this bag on your head real quick
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>coming to a thread of a 4 season show with 2 movies after watching a single episode
Spoilers do not ruin my enjoyment of something and you all seem fun to talk to.
Well, regardless, remember the watch order:
S1 > M1 > S2 > M2 > S3 > S4
That is also the release order which is always the right order.
I'm just going to do production/release order, because that's always the right way to go about it.
Used goods
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S4 power tier list?
>not enough meme spanish names
I sleep.
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What if Ken was in Darker than Black?
He'll be Ken San UNTZ
>A Fucking Gun

>Bardo Demono
>El Bumblebino
>La Espidera

>Rin Setsu A (Forma del Mantis)

>Tenkou Kishou
>Kidatsu Tenkou (unarmed)
>Gay Emperor

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Hopefully a promotion for blind Ten Mei. Gong directly above her.
>wasp and spider both in S
Not gonna happen. At least one of them will job.
>Both jii-san in D
Not likely, one will prove themselves superior next episode.
>gojira above dragon
Demon realm powers count for nothing against a literal fucking dragon.
Based on only the first 3 episodes. Most of the scaling hinges on the K A N K O U.
>pre-demon bard got ragdolled by kankou when he was doing fine against the dragon
>kguy was afraid to help bard against kankou (i.e. even 2v1 she thought they'd lose)
>adenophil said humans needed shinkai makai to fight kankou
>said this is the first requirement to being a count (i.e. not everyone can do it)
>said hunting them is the favorite sport of a demon ranked even higher than he is (i.e. they're worth kyarei's time)
>only demon bard, spider, and wasp have defeated a kankou so far
>antler, who is ranked higher than azerbaijan, believes this to mean they could potentially help defeat a count in the demonic court
Switch Aniue and Katsu Eiraku. Aniue was shown to at least be stronger than 10guy's minions. Meanwhile Scorpion is noted to be by far the weakest member of the Divine Swarm in combat and needs to rely on her poisons. She spent most of season 2 getting humiliated over and over again and even Fox was bullying her.
>rely on her poisons
Why is this a negative? It's like saying a character is weak because they have to use a sword instead of their fists. Poison is what she trains in. She put Shou Fukan out of commission with her weapon of choice. That's not D-tier.
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los anons de los subtitulos (basados)
There are probably some humans who can take out a Kanko without divine weapons; Duck, Shou, Tengai and SPK. I expect that now they've been introduced we won't see one for a few episodes until someone falls into a whole nest of them or something. They've jobbed so far but may yet return in greater numbers to become a threat.
I think the original poster mentioned putting him down there because it was funny to have all the goinshi together in bottom tier, and said a re-organization would happen post S4. As for Scorpion, she successfully raids a Goinshi fort and steals part of the Index from Shou. Almost kills him too, no problem with relying on poisons if it works. Unless you have some kind of delusion about the purity and valor of martial arts.... Mantis is that you?
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Still need a webm of TanHi's feet
Well not every single human would need Shinkai Makai, but given that three (presumably) S-ranked court demons consider Kankou to be relevant, they're either low S or high A. Very OP for mooks. Yes, the stronger S-tiers would defeat one, but S is a very broad tier in general. Locust can 1v3 Shou/Red/Blue yet is in the same tier as Shou.

>only a fool would take powerlevel-fags seriously
This is the key here. I just think it's funny to put a literal dime-a-dozen (in the Demon Realm) wild animal in S-tier. The fact that there's actually a compelling argument to made for S-tier Kankou is icing on the cake.
I'm convinced S tier is a circle.
>Duck beats Tengai
>Tengai beats Monk and Locust
>Locust Beats Shou
Only the high ranking demons are above this, but Shou is fine with using the Index against them so they lose to him. It all depends on the match up.
Why does this show place so much emphasis on femme fatales and have few regular female characters in comparison? Also they’re not real femme fatales — their role is for doll sex appeal primarily and any antagonism they do is minor compared to the big bads. Literal demons falling in love, like, what?
It's wuxia, bro. And there's now literal demons starting shit. What are regular characters even supposed to do?
>demons are unfeeling monsters whose greatest joy is human torment and they would never, ever fall in love with a human

this is called chekov's gun
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Demons will never fall in love with humans. Humankind will never find peace as long as demons exist. Kill all demons.
Too situational. She had one shot at taking Shou out for good after getting him with her poison and when that failed, she had no chance. Other than that, she kept getting humiliated in combat. She's no higher than C. Aniue is at least C, probably B.
Scorpion is good at espionage and assassination, not direct combat.
>no problem with relying on poisons if it works
It worked one time with a trick that most of the cast wouldn't fall for. Once she lost her opportunity to finish Shou off, she couldn't do anything.
>their role is for doll sex appeal primarily and any antagonism they do is minor compared to the big bads.
Kguy has basically driven the end game plot for 2 out of 3 seasons by unleashing the demon god and resurrecting SKR, she will probably play a major part this season too as Azibelpher's agent
>pre-demon bard got ragdolled by kankou when he was doing fine against the dragon
Was he? I recall both Bard and Duck being forced to hide due to the dragon's fire breath and Duck suggesting that Bard try to repel his breath with his singing. Otherwise they probably wouldn't have gotten close to the dragon.
>kguy was afraid to help bard against kankou (i.e. even 2v1 she thought they'd lose)
Kguy's a coward in general if we take Duck's word for it, also she might doubt her improvement over the two centuries, the last time she saw a kankou was probably during the War two centuries ago.
>There are probably some humans who can take out a Kanko without divine weapons; Duck, Shou, Tengai and SPK.
Wasn't he getting injured fighting normal human mooks in his movie? I could see 10guy pulling it off, but overall I think the series has moved on from SPK being a nearly peerless warrior, Urobuchi mentioned back before S3 was airing that basically all the S3 and beyond villains are stronger than the previous two seasons.
they implemented anti-spam which needs you to lurk before you post
>As for Scorpion, she successfully raids a Goinshi fort and steals part of the Index from Shou. Almost kills him too, no problem with relying on poisons if it works.

And she resisted 7BD
>Wasn't he getting injured fighting normal human mooks in his movie?
Dude was also going berserk at the time and hyperfocused on duck. He only fought those that were getting in his way.
Not to mention the groundwork for cultivating the Void Junction was 90% her own doing before her sister co-opted the operation.
Does anyone have a link to the thread for the latest episode's premiere? I want to see the reaction to tech-wizard's gatling gun.
Thanks, anon.
What if they fall in love with elves?
>Why does this show place so much emphasis on femme fatales and have few regular female characters in comparison?
there's only 2 femmes fatales
I'm really looking forward to the Bard vs Ascorbic Acid fight
nevermind I forgot Scorpion lmao
She doesn't really rgeister as a femme fatale to me, though I guess she technically counts.
remember when people just lurked instead of shitting up a thread with their only-watched-one-episode ass opinions.
If Locust knows, he has potentially trapped Vapeduck in the Demon Realm.
where do yall watch the latest episode? I couldn't find any streaming online and it's been too long since my torrenting days, is that the only way to get it in english sub now?
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She's a moeblob, just like Zenbu.
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>random TBF character: "Hime!"
>my dick instantly gets super hard and have to masturbate to calm myself down
anybody else with the same problem?
Do the other characters that Yuuki Aoi brainwashes refer to her as hime?
Also is it ever explained why 7BD’s charm magic sometimes doesn’t work?

Also, setting aside the fact that demons can apparently feel love, why was she so insistent on denying her feelings to Kei Gai even though Kei Gai seemed to have figured that out pretty quickly? If it’s a thing that can happen why try to hide it? Is it the sort of thing where it’s more of a cultural thing where showing affection = weakness / being a loser etc?
Episode 3 subbed isn't still uploaded in any site of the internet for watching?

I'm confused
Remember to sing.
Sometimes people make their Will saves.
I hope her boobs are just as big
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I'm waiting for my voice to recuperate after a bad cold.
>Literal demons falling in love, like, what?
That's like, the most minor aspect of both their characters, why do you focus on that? All you've got is SBS stuttering once and Kguy maybe having a crush on Duck in secondary material. It's sad that you dismiss their personal ambitions because you can't remember what they are as soon as you see puppet boobs.
>in the secondary material
anon she literally had a scene to herself where she used shou kun rin's hypnosis to make him massage her
The literal demons falling in love is almost certainly setting up for Fuyou being able to understand and act in accordance with human emotions even after fully embracing his heritage.
As for the demons falling in luv - I wonder if that’s the reason why the demon king outright banned messing with the human world? Demons starting going native, like a “you are what you eat” sort of thing. So demons who spent a long time in the human world would become more and more like humans themselves.
I sent my take in this week
Been rewatching s3 and noticed that both kguy and SKR know Azerbaijan, although they have not visited the Demon realm for 200 years, if I understand correctly. Yet Antlers calls him an upstart. Are things so slow in the Demon realm that you can be an upstart for 200 years?
>Are things so slow in the Demon realm that you can be an upstart for 200 years?
Maybe. Like, Alkaseltzer's plans for bard must be at least as old as bard himself.
Dumb newfag nobility, lurk for 300 years before ascending
another thing that was on my mind is why Shou did not break any evil swords in his Index. We've seen Monk and 10guy break Shinkai Makai with their qi channelling, and Shou was on roughly their level, if not above them (although in ep4 of s3 Monk was bodying Shou and Gunha simultaneously, without 7BD at that). Night of Mourning, at least, is not Shinkai Makai, or so it seems. Shou could have destroyed it, but it is still hanging there in the Index. It would be strange if some swords were far more durable than others.
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How would Shinku handle Duck if he decided to follow her around like he does to Shou?
>although in ep4 of s3 Monk was bodying Shou and Gunha simultaneously, without 7BD at that)
It was a three way fight so they couldn't just focus on Monk, plus Shou and Gunha were already at it for a bit before Monk went in and that magic arm is probably no joke considering what Techwiz can pull off.
>Night of Mourning, at least, is not Shinkai Makai, or so it seems. Shou could have destroyed it, but it is still hanging there in the Index.
Because the non-Shinkai Makai swords are still useful against demons to some extent. Case in point with S2's final battle when Shou and Duck used the Night of Mourning against SKR's charm magic.
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>2 days left
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>All these fuckers with their katanas and bows and shit
>Meanwhile this guy walks in with a fucking MINIGUN
top-tier ENTER holy shit
>why Shou did not break any evil swords in his Index
Same reason that Shou doesn’t break evil men WITH the swords in his Index: he doesn’t consider it his place to make that call. Mortals should solve mortal problems in mortal ways. Once you start fucking around with making those decisions as if you’re above it all, you’re placing your emblem on the scales themselves
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>the violence has escalated.jpg
>tfw S1 > M2 > S2 > S3 > M1
>just wanted tenkou kishou
>mows down a dozen other guys just to make sure they don't steal the kill
he's just really into shooting cops.
If only we’d known how prophetic this shitpost truly was.
Swords aren't evil, they're just tools. Even Nansatsu Tenryou was the product of a demon soul inhabiting it; it was a Shinkai Makai.
This guy is going to die from lung cancer.
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>future Duck from the end of the series
Not the type of person I'd trust.
Shinku is too pure for duck to give a shit.
He'd bully Suigintou.
That's why I said "as he does to Shou".
Gin, Bara and Kira would come right to him if he were to follow Shinku around.
It's been I don't know how many years and I still want to fuck Shinku.
I don't know anon I don't think every hypnotizer is in love with the people they hypnotize. That sounds like a messy asumption.
For instance, was Alastor Moody/Crouch Jr in love with that spider he imperiumed in class
If this were the Kado writer I'd buy it but I don't see the butcher going into these themes so earnestly, not one bit. There will be a catch or Fuyou will have this exact expectation and then get ruined by a particular event. He'll have his own Sayaka in the train listening to the average man moment
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>even got the subs right
I kneel.
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We know, Jun.

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Why didn't they just dodge it?
>Mortals should solve mortal problems in mortal ways
Interestingly, Shou has since learned that the swords were made by mortals.
This kills the fox.
The price is going to be that he has to stay in the demon realm, obviously.
Sounds like you are tired of living.
Got some tidying done on E1 white subs, including styling the poem.
Very good.
So do you guys think any of the old guys will actually die next episode in their duel or will they both escape due to some unforeseen circumstances like when Gunha fueled Shou?
Is the lotus guy really a mortal? Isn't he some kind of half-god half-saint according to his poem in the main Pili series?
I'm feeling blueballed that he never fights. I like seeing handsome guys fighting.
I don't know, I like that he lets other people fight for him and his ideals. It gives him the graceful, guilty dignity of a princess. It's charming.
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I woke up just to look at episode 4 previews and thought somebody died and they're already paying a visit to a massive tombstone.
I haven't seen Pili but I thought when Shou met him, he was supposed to be a relatively ordinary guy compared to the legends that people came to believe about him 200 years after the war.
>It gives him the graceful, guilty dignity of a princess. It's charming.
He is cute! Cute!!
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powerful image
Is it even confirmed they are the same guy?
Butcher said in an interview that he wouldn't get Koyasu back unless it was to voice Suhu (since Koyasu voiced him in a previous Japanese dub of a Pili thing)
Isn't that just the hidden wall trap they were hiding behind?
I'm sorry, is his ROTATING minigun covered in drapes?

I mean, at least he hasteh decency of having a hairstyle that's not as dangerous around it as, say, Duck's, but still.

No sense of safe and not.
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Arigatou. Started doing some Ep1 fixes myself but putting it into diffchecker reveals a lot of stuff I didn't catch. Also, Dunno if this issue is on your end or mine, but your file would not open in aegisub. Opening it up with notepad and deleting the style info fixed this. I'll add it back in manually and have the updated subs in the Mega before Ep4.
>changed 'town square' to 'village center' at 07:55
Any particular reason for this? I've always seen 広場 translated as 'square' (or sometimes 'plaza'). Though admittedly we don't see anything like a town so 'village square' might be more appropriate.
Are there fixed subs for episode 3 like mentioned earlier in the thread? Preferably with yeller subs for the contrast.
Interesting. I have no clue what would cause that issue, but I'll keep it in mind when making future updates.
>Any particular reason for this?
You kind of landed on it, but "town square" tends to imply a much greater degree of urbanization and would typically see the hustle and bustle of commerce. The demons are consistently described elsewhere as "villagers from the area", and it makes more sense that their village would be physically centered on the altar, rather than it being the focus of their economic lives. Though I'm a filthy English-and-French-only, so I'll readily admit that my editorial tweaks have been more focused on English grammar and connotations, rather than accuracy to the source lines.
>I'm sorry, is his ROTATING minigun covered in drapes?
I'm pretty sure that's just his robe being blown back by an epic wind. while the safety of a billowy robe is questionable, that's also just kinda how clothes work for puppets
Watching S3. So, uh…..why….were TWO good-aligned female characters BLINDED?
And also…what ARE demons anyway? At first I thought they were the typical fantasy evil-aligned magic beings — but they can literally have children with humans? So are they humans with a magical curse or something?
Why do you type like a youtube clickbait title?
>At first I thought they were the typical fantasy evil-aligned magic beings — but they can literally have children with humans?
That’s not exactly uncommon in the fantasy canon. Merlin comes to mind.
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He played me like a damn fiddle. I knew they wouldn't do my man Ken Sanun dirty like that.
Bard's mom is at best natural
Powerfull image
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I know two things about her that are natural
>Bard's mom
Kill yourself
>mommy issues
duck's pipe is pretty broken in itself
>makes illusions
>can block 7bd
>hooks things
>looks cool as fuck
>gets you high, presumably
Humans having children with fantasy beings pretty much the default. Goes all the way back to ancient myths of demigods, fairy-children, and even half-animals. It persists today in the form of humans interbreeding with sexy immortal demons and elves.
>Bard's mom can't see her son so becomes an hero when she doesn't recognize the sound of his voice.
>Bard's crush can't see his new demonic visage so she'll recognize his voice and still love him.
Trust the plan.
A 'center' is something which cities and larger towns have. Usually they develop when a village or small town grows, so the 'square' expands onto surrounding streets. I've been in bumfuck rural villages which have a 'square' even if it's round, unpaved, or the only place for miles where two roads meet. Meanwhile there is nothing the locals would call a 'center', maybe this is a regional difference.
ep 4 out tomorrow or is it small wait for it to release today?
Could well be a regional difference, but I’ll stand by “town” implying a greater degree of infrastructure than “village”, and we really don’t see anything of the sort. At the end of the day, though, which civic term sounds more out of place is just a question of dueling autism.
Also shoots fire.
it also regens itself somehow
Episode airs tomorrow so unless you got time travel I think we're gonna have it tomorrow
Basically yes, when asked about his backstory, Urobuchi said watch the mainline Pili series. Plus his rejected designs make it pretty obvious, dunno why they went with the tanned one though.
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Said designs.
>dunno why they went with the tanned one though
Because it’s hot
CR subs will be out tomorrow, all four episodes :-)
unlimited pipe works?
Don’t toy with me like this, anon.
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I wonder who could be behind this post
did you forget that it also becomes a sword
or it's a magic sword that becomes a pipe
Just caught up with the 3 eps. My boy Redbard gave in really quickly...
If you think about it another way, he went a couple of decades before giving in.
He did basically just get mindraped all last season
>smoking a sword to get high
That's so vapor duck.
Pink could be a good look on Shou if he ever becomes a saint or an immortal but I appreciate that they went with the lewdest most bishonen design.
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Joke's on you, I prefer watching anons' subs!
You're gonna watch yellow /a/nonsubs with chink subs behind them and you're going to enjoy them.
The people that cuck him proceed to die immediately. Duck is a saviorfag and seeing someone walk happily into their own doom instead of acknowledge that they acted wrongfully makes him seethe tremendously.
The main flaw of TBF is that the villains are consistently more likeable than the heroes.
On one hand you get enjoyable villains, but on the other it becomes a series about the fun police crashing one party after another.
Anons is it finally back?
I need my puppetkino
Season 4 is currently airing, yes. But you only get fansubs of it.
it's seriously fucked up how CR just dropped them like this when the team were straight up promoting crunchyroll back at ACEN
They're still subs, aren't they? I'll only notice if they're poorly made.
Can't be any more poor than CR subs.
Exactly. The idea of official subs is still new to me desu
Counterpoint: Shou Fu Kan is my fucking HERO
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>i'm a pro fujoshi
sorry i am a guy who enjoys this cause it's cool like DMC

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