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Chii is growing stronger with every episode, she will be the one to defeat Tsumugi Blanco in the end.
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It's Kanon's birthday today, say something nice about the manzai girl.
Tsumugi Blanco
What a shitty fucking sister.

Oh she's soooo important that she just has to middle-finger her entire family and never return home or even attempt to contact them. Not only that, she won't even fucking respond to COUNTLESS letters that her poor little sister keeps sending. So innocent and hopeful that big sis was "just busy", or worried that her letters aren't actually reaching her. Nope, turns out Chii's sister was just a giant self-important asshole.

Then one letter after all that time, and it can barely even be called a "letter", just a glorified postcard that said was "bee Urself, eve star ;-)"

Fuck that bitch. You don't need her, Chii.
Ghosts can’t send a return letter.
el grande chii yo te detendre
You forgot your rola avatar
10 years ago people cried for puri’s gold airy, today they cry for Chii.
Not sure I'd feel comfortable wearing an outfit that could interact with me.
The Gray Treefog is a frog that can change from green to white.
Himari's frog friend was green, so perhaps that's Tsumugi's species.
Now you understand why Aira is so ~gyafun.
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This episode had some serious implications on the previous one.
She's dead.
OG 104.
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She did say she'd be watching over her...
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obake has changed targets
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>Tsumugi Blanco has a 5 leaf clover instead of 4 like regular Tsumugi
>the Prism Stone insert slots on the original Pretty Rhythm arcade were a 5 leaf clover
the lore....
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>Kanon's birthday
tsumugi has evolved from 4channer to 5channer
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i bet mii was jealous
Mitsuki already knows what they smell like so it's okay.
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mugi blanco is growing on me now that the initial shock is wearing off, her hair is cute
I still think normal mugi is cuter
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>>272771869 (Ruu)
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you reposted it.....
>It funny how Aipri will have 2 good episodes and pretty series fans will take a complete 180 and call it good. We're 30 episodes in, 2 good eps vs 28 bad to mediocre ones does not equal a good series.

>Is it improving? Sure, but the balance is still lopsided towards not good.

fascinating opinions from the western crowd
Source please
Don't repost retarded takes here, the show has been great from episode 1 like the Japanese have been saying all along.
oh def agree with that, but im going from "i hate this" to "shes still kinda cute"
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Snow White Tsumugi the beautiful.
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it's cold
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I bet that the strangely popular green will do a duet with Laala at the Crossing Live.
That green sold me 10 bottles of miraculous water, but they don't work and she won't refund me.
Don't trust her!
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Serves him right, he trusted a GREEN.
marshmallow hair
literally in the image
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scary obake
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Exorcising the ghost is how she'll transform into Tsumugi Blanco.
I love Chii forma de mala
i hope they don't have tsumugi becoming less retarded when she turns blanco
Enough of the "Blanco" shit. Gohan fucking sucks.
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love mugi
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miitan can't complain about netorily now
wake up sakura
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god i love poyo
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Happy birthday to my lovely wife Rola.
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i like the roler a lot too i just never post her here for obvious reasons, glad shes still getting a ton of cute birthday art
ainon loves jobbers so much they’re a member of the job squad
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It's Sakuraba "Fastest Gun in the West" Rola's birthday today say something about her.
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something about her
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Where's her boyfriend?
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Shion love is alive and well.
does anyone still care about rola outside the one guy who posts about her?
I care.
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The birthday girls!
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Hahahaha, about time someone made this.
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2018 flashbacks...
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How did Chii even lose so much even though she has the best song?
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shes getting a large amount of birthday art still after all this time, so yeah people obviously do still care. even if a certain schizo has completely poisoned the well for rola here, that's no reason to assume she's unpopular among the japanese fandom or heck even in the non-/ai/ western fandom
The only people who think he has "poisoned the well" are the people who refuse to move on. I haven't see anyone using Rola in that matter for at least three years now.
Nobody cares about jobbers. Chii is the exception until Aipri ends.
There are some mornings I wake up and think it's 2017 for a split second until I realize it's 2024. I think it has to do with what the "cough" did to humanity's collective psyche.
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>Nobody cares about jobbers.
This, so much this. Rolafag is one of the best posters here since he cares about discussion rather than just regurgitating the same repetitive posts.
I’m glad someone else said it.
This but unironically without the "so much this".
Of course it’s unironic, we all think that.
I'm still having a hard time coping that the last episode of Aikatsu aired nearly 5 years ago...
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That show isn't even Aikatsu, and neither is the YT exclusive one. I want the old Aikatsu back...
The team working on Aikatsu split off. It's over, it's done, move on from it. Nothing lasts forever.
I was looking at the 2017 threads today, they’re so much better than the current ones. Probably because we were talking about good shows instead of Pretty Shit.
We were too harsh on Stars, we didn’t know how bad it was going to get.
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Yeah, they were great. Even post-exile, they still held up for a while when AiPare was airing.
you're not even trying
I miss aipla
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2020. You had to "be there" to really understand how many years it was building. In short: There used to be where we're at now, and then a succubus offshoot elsewhere. The succubus was forcibly exorcised, and the exiles found their way here.

I'd still take 2020 over this wasteland we have now. AiPri isn't even THAT bad. It really shows this place was mostly about Aikatsu and not Pretty Series.
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i liked some of the music too, i just didnt really care too much for the show itself. i actually rewatched it not that long ago and my opinion still didnt really change even on a rewatch. dont think it was terrible or anything but just not a fan really
Someone is missing.
Let’s be honest, AiPri is THAT bad, people only pretend to like it because Aikatsu is dead.
>rolafag’s retarded headcanon
You can stop talking to yourself now, no one is falling for it.
aikatsu is dogshit and it's good that people like you are mostly gone
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no one is missing
Stars had lots of fun episodes.
These filename memes (this one and the iine ones) feel like they're supposed to be referencing something but I've yet to figure out what.
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honestly i do take it for granted that the tiresome tribalism of yore is mostly gone here most days anymore, thread is hyper insufferable today
>thread is hyper insufferable today
Then fucking leave? I'm not restricting my celebrating of Rola's birthday because you dislike the character. She was an integral part of Aikatsu Stars, and she deserves her birthday like every other Aikatsu character.
Why did Stars feel so natural despite its product placement while AiPri feels like a low quality commercial that cannot stop shilling its products?
This. Thank you for saying it.
no one is falling for your samefagging
Please keep posting.
Stars had genuine passion put into it, while AiPri is just low effort garbage made for an audience with no standards.
We need more posters like you.
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Aikucks actively degrade the quality of threads and should be banished to /vt/ where they belong.
>brainless drones angry that people would rather discuss good shows instead of Pretty Shit
Yeah I like Pretty Series more than Pretty Cure too.
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>AiPri feels like a low quality commercial that cannot stop shilling its products?
it's a positive for the series.
True, low quality garbage is a step up from completely unwatchable like the rest of the series.
>he’s still going with this nonsense
let him talk alone lmao
I'm in heaven right now. Yesterday was too good so nothing can make me mad.
I'm glad AiPri is the best and I love Pretty for giving moments like that.
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i like aikatsu
i like pretty rhythm
i like jewelpet and mymelo
i like precure
i like toku
havent seen punirunes yet though so the jury is out on that
do you like koreans?
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i wasnt expecting a hard curveball from ainon so quickly.....
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ding dong
Pretty Series in 2017 was still good compared to what we have now.
Aikatsu Stars always generated good topics with my friends, even though they liked OGKatsu more.
I only had the energy to talk about the first 20 episodes of Aikatsu Friends and a few episodes of Kagayaki no Jewel. The series simply didn't have anything interesting to comment on.
Kiratto PriChan I had a lot of fun commenting on the second season. I admit that the first season didn't yield many interesting topics with my friends, but there were parts like the introduction of Mel and Aira that were really cool to comment on.
Pretty Series in 2024 is still great.
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oh noooo dont trick me haha
i saw some horseys wearing familiar outfits too
This is a common opinion.
I liked that we had a lot of news in 2024 for Pretty Series. But I must admit that AiPri's script is pretty weak.
MY KING (who isn't green)
Everyone thinks the script is weak.
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i love ainon
punirunes is good actually, i don't know why ainon always complains about it
The Japanese don’t, they haven’t stopped gushing about how interesting the writing is.
yeah i do really mean to check it out, but i keep putting it off since ive been distracted by other hobbies. the (p)unicorn girl is very cute though!
haven't even gotten to her yet, i'm still in s1. i'm just enjoying the punirunes.
>bro just leave while we bash on your shows with irrelevant shit that hasn't been airing for years now
Sorry I don't like eating my cereal while it's being pissed in, and I don't think your expired oatmeal is very good either. If you haven't noticed, the only Aikatsu stuff that currently exists is vtuber nonsense, if you'd rather talk about Aikatsu, maybe move to >>>/vt/. Otherwise, consider necking yourself.
pretty series in 2024 still holds up because we have king of prism dramatic prism 1
good /ai/ shows:
>pretty series
bad /ai/ shows:
>every other aikatsu
>precure (not even an /ai/ show)
I'm not complaining, it's just kind of weird that you'd shit on people for wanting to discuss the show that's currently airing. I liked Stars, but like half the posts about it today have also been a dig at AiPri, which I also like. I don't really get why you guys can't just enjoy both.
this is all zu's fault.
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>trash eater is confused on how people can have standards
Every time. The only people who still post here are genuinely low IQ, no wonder it’s so boring in this wasteland of a thread.
At this point I think you should just admit you don't really like kids anime. You sound just like all the other shounentards on this board to me, honestly.
miraculous ladybug should count as an /ai/ show
This. So much this.

It’s funny that this poster is so upset at the fact that most people expect their shows to be more than a low quality commercial.
I think you might be a braindead zoomer if you can't understand that AiPri is more than a low quality commercial. Are you sure you're old enough to post on 4chan?
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its probably huge in PriParis
i love ainon, even though he talks to himself sometimes
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love mugi
Tsumugi Blanco has that final boss aura.
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if aikatsu is so good where are the >boys
Mugi means wheat.
Wheat is yellow.
Wheat becomes flour, which is white.
This means Tsumugi Blanco is Mugi's flour form.
Case closed.
Kouji needs ti apologize to Mion for what he's done to her prism jump.
the lore...
good /ai/ shows:
decent /ai/ shows:
>every other aikatsu
bad /ai/ shows:
>pretty series
>precure (not even an /ai/ show)
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it had some boys in supporting roles, but it almost went out of the way to never let them become a focus (besides johnny stealing the show). i dont think thats necessarily a bad thing, but i do think that some more focus wouldve helped to flesh out some of the relationship drama it tried to approach in regards to M4 at least. i get that a lot of people do prefer to not have that kind of drama in their show so i do empathize with that
It's a script that's nothing new compared to the other series, and it's still done in a way that's not very memorable. Everything I saw in AiPri I saw in Aikatsu and in all the other Pretty series. I don't understand why it would be an interesting script if it's just a copypaste of that.
Is anyone going to watch the iRis concert stream today?
why are aikucks so unoriginal? is it because their show is uninspiring slop?
You are watching incorrectly if you think novelty is the only way for something to be interesting.
OGKatsu is masterpiece. AiStars is good. Friends and Planet is very meh. On Parade is shit.
I think everyone should stop fighting and be friends.
Pretty Rhythm and PriPara is good
that was supposed to have a big announcement, right? wonder what its gonna be
zu is leaving iris again
what about miraculous ladybug?
oshi no ko and one piece are /ai/
The first season of PriPara is good. I forgot to separate that part.
/ai/ threads have gotten incredibly boring since Aikatsu/Sanrio posting died off. Mostly due to unoriginal and unfunny Prretty posters.
everything is /ai/
except precure
The biggest problem is that besides not being anything new, everything he did seems like a downgrade from what Aikatsu and Pretty Series did before, so the impact is smaller. If it were a series improving on the elements of the other series, improving the script and its characters, it would be more interesting.
>one piece
Honorary /ai/ since Pretty had to use it to keep from flopping?
This contrarianism is worse than when Prichan was airing.
Rainbow Live and Aurora Dream is good too
>You are thinking incorrectly if you believe that anyone finds the writing to be interesting.
Someone is really desperate to troll the thread and shit on AiPri.
PriChan and Aikatsu Friends are just mediocre. The problem is that PriChan died when S3 started.
Yep, contrarianism.
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We need to bring Mewkledreamy back.
Prichan is a bootleg of PriPara. But Prichan's characters are more interesting than AiPri's characters.
Western audiences formed their opinion simultaneously, and generally found it to be bad. Prichan was only popular in Japan because PriPara existed.
Mewkledreamy requires a modicum of intelligence to appreciate, so there’s no reason to expect the posters here to be able to discuss it. After all, these braindead drones are STILL defending the absolute slop known as AiPri.
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why do pripara dicksuckers like to pretend every pretty that came after it is trying to rip it off? get over yourself
>muh stars
>muh shitkle
>hurr durr pretty series bad
you can stop talking to yourself now, the samefag trolling is obvious.
There's a good chance that contrarians are a large part of why Pretty is still alive today.
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Mewkledreamy is better than AiPri
Huh, I never thought about it like that.
reminds me of my youth
Prichan is influenced by PriPara, but it's still quite unique. The series itself has its ups and downs.
Primagi does not feel like a copy of PriPara, but rather a downgrade from Pretty Rhythm. However, its worldbuilding and system are quite unique compared to its predecessors.
AiPri feels like a mix between PriPara and PriChan, sometimes copying some tropes from Aikatsu Stars and Rainbow Live. Unfortunately, the anime doesn't have its own identity, the arcade seems more interesting in that aspect.
you guys should watch miraculous ladybug
Minna tomodachi, minna aidoru!!
While I do agree that PriChan has obvious pulls from what PriPara set up, I personally find it hardly worth mentioning. I think that "still quite unique" as a descriptor for PriChan is kind of just ignoring all that PriChan is. From s1 of PriChan immediately it presents itself as, at least in my opinion, the perfect marriage of PriPara's "minna tomodachi, minna aidoru" message to Japanese "yattemita" YouTube culture, and through doing this manages to be the most compelling kids anime from this standpoint I have seen, really most compelling kids show in general. I understand that if one only cares about idols, lolis, or shoujo drama that specifically s1 PriChan would be weaker, but I think it's unfair to critique kids anime from a perspective that ignores what kids anime *are* and what their purpose *is*. Furthermore, I personally consider Miracle Kiratts to be the greatest trio in terms of the "big sister" aspect, that is, in being shoujo main characters that the viewer, a young girl, shoudl be looking up to and learning from. I really don't understand what people are getting from these shows that they couldn't just get from something like Love Live or Idolm@ster if they only care about the idol and slice of life aspects, so ignoring it feels bizarre to me.
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>but I think it's unfair to critique kids anime from a perspective that ignores what kids anime *are* and what their purpose *is*

Which is the whole problem when you have a thread filled with adult men critiquing an anime designed for young Japanese girls. It's actually pretty fucking insane when you get out of the bubble and think about it.
>mfw someone watched Prichan correctly
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My favorite episodes on PriChan are about Nijinosaki's development.
When did you realize Chii-chan's oneechan is dead?
I was under the impression that grown adults would have the integrity to actually understand that they shouldn't be comparing these things based on "uniqueness" and "having their own identity" because that's not the point, they're not trying to be the next Lain or whatever, and you shouldn't judge them as if they are. If these ainons were tasked with writing a kids show I can only imagine it'd end up garbage.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this.
I like them too, but I think PriChan has much more to talk about than that. I was a bit annoyed when watching s1, because the consensus I've seen is "it's too slow and boring why isn't it crazy like PriPara???", which I think is just silly. People should just watch Jewelpet Kira Deco and Milky Holmes if they want PriPara's humor and the like.
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I admit that PriPara got me used to a frenetic pace. But I was still able to enjoy Prichan. Even when PriChan tried to "be closer to PriPara" in S3, it was the part I liked the least about PriChan. I honestly ended up liking that PriChan wasn't as crazy as PriPara.
For the record, on AiPri, I think it's fine. I do agree it somewhat lacks an identity of its own, but, again, this shouldn't be the focus. It makes sense that it's like this when not only is it a totally different staff but also it's after a long hiatus that occurred from what I know in part because Waccha was a bit of a flop. I think that it's fine that they're testing the waters and doing something more "by the books", and I think there's enough interesting dynamics in it to kind of tie it all together. For instance, the fact that Tsumugi has already been a part of the main unit for many episodes now despite her "secret" not being revealed yet, and everything regarding Chii, is fairly fresh to Pretty Series. I can't speak for Aikatsu as I've not yet watched any Aikatsu, but I think to say that AiPri does nothing interesting is kind of unfair.
I haven't finished s3 yet, but I definitely agree on this. If anything, s3 PriChan has made me realize that I'm not super keen on PriPara, I just favored it originally as it was my entry into these kinds of shows.
>when watching s1, because the consensus I've seen is "it's too slow and boring why isn't it crazy like PriPara???"
That was a western phenomenon and I doubt it was a consensus when it was liked enough here for us to make some shitty subs for it after jymmy bailed, nips and K*rean were already calling S1 a "kami anime" during that time.
Primagi wasn't a flop, from what's publicly available Tomy said it led their sales in the arcade market along side their Pokemon cabinet. However it was certainly hampered by the pandemic that a soft reset of the franchise was needed.
real schizo drivel hours
>thread is so dead on a normal day that the drone has forgotten what actual discussion looks like
So funny.
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>rolafag discovered the word drone and makes it his new buzzword to spam
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I did mean to say that I'm mostly referring to the western fans. I have seen a lot of praise and a lot of art of it from the Japanese audience. Not sure I've seen much from Koreans though.
>Primagi wasn't a flop
I see, I don't suspect I will like it very much, so that may have tainted my vision on it a bit. In any case, I am glad the Pretty Series is attempting to come back.
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Let's be friends, and talk about good things about Prichan!

I've been waiting for Crunchyroll to bring S2 and S3 of Prichan since 2020.

Let's encourage them!
Silk-chan was too kawaii for Maria.
It was consistently at the bottom when you sorted by popularity. Unless Tomy is paying Crunchyroll, why would they want the rites to the show?
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Why are they wearing leotards?
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Not sure why you want them to pick it up. The subs we have are fine enough, and I doubt many new watchers would come just due to it being on Crunchyroll. Most people into these kinds of anime are willing to torrent as it's the only way to find most of these shows.
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From my experience watching new fans marathon Aikatsu, Rola is consistently one of those characters that ends up becoming a favorite for newcomers.

I was happy to see everyone one last time before it came to a close. Shame we're nearly half a decade removed from that last season. Maybe one day when Bandai isn't bleeding money they'll greenlight another season.

I'd rather be stuck in a room forced to watch Punirunes forever.
>Maybe one day when Bandai isn't bleeding money
Source for this?
So excited for this.
What exactly is this?
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The latest advertisement, I assume.
I figured as such.
I'm talking about on a grander scale. Like, you know, what is being advertised?
You don't know? Takara Tomy's attempt at doing a Precure-like magical girl show "for the whole family": https://youtu.be/-rQucUhEtUY

It's airing in a family slot, and it has toy for little girls, but they also want an older audience to watch it.
Reverse image searching on Google shows something called "Prinsession Orchestra"
Sounds like a HeartCatch ripoff.
It's in their last couple of financial reports. Blue Protocol was an expensive project and plunged their gaming division into negative numbers.
>but they also want an older audience to watch it
So that's why you're here advertising to us? Shouldn't you be advertising it in the Precure thread? We discuss Aikatsu and AiPri here, not mahou shows.
This has always been a little girl anime thread, newfag.
I'd still like the see someone redo the first cour and a half of S2 instead of the mishmash of ainon/MTL/himefag subs, but yeah jymmy/crunchy/dedyai are good for the rest.
This looks very promising.
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>getting defensive when someone tells you to post your shit in the proper place
>say it's "a little girl anime thread" hile also saying "they want an older audience to watch it"
Wow, I didn’t know about this.
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i don't understand what's happening right now
Pretty much my reaction when we've gotten to the point of defending blatant off-topic advertisements.
Beyblade? /ai/
Duel Masters? Was /ai/
Go Rush? /ai/
Punirunes? /ai/
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Interesting. I’m certain it’ll generate more discussion than AiPri. I’m sure the bitter old posters here won’t want it posted here.
AiPri is great!
As an autist who likes numbers I identify with Rinrin. I hope she learns about relational databases next, she might like them.
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I'm scared anons. What if something bad happens today?
it will be fine, i'll protect you
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Please don't take the troll's spam seriously.
what happened to that guy who used to post Yokai Watch anyway
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mugi blanco (forma kuro) is actually really cute i think
isn't Pretty technically for older audiences
or at least not toddlers
there's no yokai watch show to watch, anon...
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This weeks koreamagi.
Depends on the season, the age range is 5-12 trending towards the lower middle on average.
Can't bother to find a source, but from what I remember AiPri is literally for like 3-6 year old girls. Same as PreCure.
The directors and writer said 5 year olds in their interviews.
They factor in the adults for the arcade machines now. The aipri and aipriverse machines are the first ones to run kinpri ads. I think the primagi machines were especially popular with adults.
how can toddlers even reach the controls to the pretty series arcade machines?
The cabs are like 2 feet tall and all the arcades have chairs.
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>Shouldn't you be advertising it in the Precure thread?
Fuck off, don't push that to us
get the fuck out of our thread
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>43 seconds
Way too fast to be a coincidence...
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>1 second off
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Not a coincidence.
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learning about math thanks to rinrin
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i miss when ainon was happy and we were singing and dancing under the moonlight
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>dont really know how that site works
>click the biggest number
>get centaur Non!
i dont know what i expected but it certainly wasnt that
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it's basically just like a really shitty forum/imageboard hybrid
yeah ive clicked through a bunch of them now, think ive got it mostly. theres some cute pics but also some strange ones although i guess our shenanigans over here appear just as strange to them so its all good
centaur Non!???
generally theyre nice
they find ainons funny and think we share a lot of opinions and other silly things
theres definitely a lot more unrestrained posting though
someone AI generated a few centaur nons yesterday or the day before (can't remember)
kind of funny
me at kindergarten
>heh, they don't know that a triangle has 3 sides
chii will win
It'd be funny if Chii just loses the next grand prix anyways
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snow white princess.
Because they also have subtitles for other countries besides English language.
The /ai/ topic is for anime for little girls that are not Precure. There are anime for little girls that are Mahou Shoujo and fit into /ai/ like Jewelpet, Mewkledreamy, Fairilu, Mirumo and Shugo Chara.
It's so much better with black hair, why did they have to make it white...
Still love mugi though
pre-pripara you could argue, but sure as hell not now
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We did it
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For me it's showa /ai/
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Saki the world’s most determined, green leader.
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mugi flour
thought I read something back when Primagi was first starting that said they were making that for older girls
mugi wheat...
mugi flour...
the next logical stage is mugi bread
mugipan, you could say
mugi goes right in the oven
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Maria and Miruki will sing a very kawaii song together.
damn that's a scary mii for sure
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I wonder how many of these we're getting.
kawaii ~de gozaru
What would the Showa /ai/ be?
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Someone please add some blood splatter to this collage.
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The new bonus goods they're giving out at the 4DX screenings of KinPri is an Over The Rainbow fanfic doujin by Hishida.
I'd say Minky Momo, Pierrot Mahou Shoujo, Toei Mahou Shoujo, Memole, and some other shoujo stuff
some bears eat up to 20,000 calories a day to prepare for hibernation
pictured: a bear mauling a poor burger
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Remember to listen to Section Rainbow.
middle schooler, daughter of an attorney and a prosecutor is humiliated by schizo elementary schooler in argument
love aroma
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Chii merch
Chii dies in magma!
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Obake senses the danger and knocks the knife out of Mii's right hand, then overpowers Mii with sheer force.
Mii will finally get to kill Obake, only for Obake to resurrect like a phoenix (and with white hair)
Of course.
Why is her hair becoming more yellow with each passing art
I think it's their way of trying to capture how high contrast bright her hair is.
Huh, I just noticed her bow loses a lot of color compared to regular Mugi's. Her green is also slightly different.
Also hadn't noticed that her AiPri Bracelet changes from green to light blue and the symbol from a clover to a crown
How will you react if we really get a Fallen KuroChii arc?
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That's the good stuff.
Chii will turn evil, but then everyone will join up against her and at the very end the ghost of her sister will appear to bring her back from the darkness
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mugi is so cute you guys
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i like the curly hair and braid combo
def captures that princess form vibe
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Little girls love the educational song.
Now they'll never forget how many minutes an hour has
What is that ugly creature doing to Shion?
>[Risky+Seigyoku] Kuromi's Pretty Journey S2 - 01-03 (WEB 1080p)
Did Zu bitch and complain about the Live today?
She didn't. I'm kind of surprised she didn't turn up like she did for Wasshoi considering she was promoting it. Probably just not close enough to justify it for her.
hmm, didnt the first series have official english subs included on youtube? seems odd they didnt do that again, wonder why
Or got too drunk again and slept through it.
Literally unstoppable!
live upload when
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the gamer egg tuber is leveling up
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Nana was robbed...
of her virginity
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It's Alice and Eve's birthday today, say something nice about the cat ladies.
I have no idea who they are.
i super love planetarium shell a lot
also it is funny that eve is an eggy idle too
anyways appreciate these dorks
I want to see them but I don't know how to use this site.
this is the one i saw yesterday but according to that ainon there might be a few more of them? im not quite sure

bonus, saw this bunny michiru while looking for that Non! right now, i think this one is actually kinda cute
Thank you ainon. This is enough. I am sated.
extremely dangerously kawaii duo
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typical coworker behavior
You’d be scared too if you had to work with bear.
That bear is about to maul the poor green to death!!
I think the red one is pretty creepy
ainon sex
I agree Miitan.
Posted this in another thread that died yesterday, but here's a tier list of all the Jewelpet human forms (That we currently have) based on how attractive they are. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion, but feel free to disagree if you want to.
She is so pretty...
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>Not Even Legal
King could murder you on sight, not the other way around
Also as a massive animal ears/tail fag it still saddens me that a lot of them don't have any or only shapes, I absolutely would a fluffy Garnet tail. I feel like it would make sense for Ruby to have them and have it as a magic fuck-up joke, at least.
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kawaii kuma
extremely fluffy rinrin. gotta hug.
Calm down Airi.
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Do you guys also think AiPri's OP 2 is better than OP 1?
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Someone is missing.
Need to hear it some more to judge, OP1 really grew on me by the end.
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An acceptable replacement.
Rinrin has a cute pose here too.
>birthday is December 25th
>has supernatural powers
>transfiguration to white
Is Tsumugi an allegory to Jesus?
Tsumugi died for our sins.
i love this so much
Crunchyroll should pick up Fairilu, the series is not fully subtitled and also several shows by Director Hishida are there.
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The meme is spreading.
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more ainons should watch punirunes imo
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Cute Satoko and Rika.
Who is the devil? who will be Judas?
Definitely, not that the first one was bad either. They should let pmaruchama voice an idle.
funny was gonna say the exact same guess thats the vibe
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Even on a site like this, I still have my standards. If Labra was legal she would instantly go up to the very top of the attractiveness tier list.

Also, nice quints.
Article on the dorks' live.
I swear Luea got human form
Thought Sakura only fan of aipri Mitsuki?

Does the movie got amazon link?

oh no no no no no
>Does the movie got amazon link?
There's a torrent for the raw.
>[] iRis the Movie Full Energy!! [1080p AMZN AVC E-AC3] [6BE1E9FD].mkv
someone is missing
Back then in May yt upload interview for the movie and they point their fav scenes. I got hyped for it and i think i want to amazon directly but i guess watching is safer.
Likely to buy regardless
I can't edge to aipri anymore
tamaki is the devil
I feel threatened by this tamaki
the green one might be loud and dumb but I still like her
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Oh God I'm so fat.
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green grandma
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This picture was taken in Sakura's room.
Why do we hate green idles? They're not all bad.
Green is the color of veggies. Nobody likes veggies.
It's an old industry joke that's been around forever, the green themed characters historically used to not sell as well as others. For example, Star Twinkle's staff made Lala a green as a challenge to the meme supposedly as I've never seen the interview source of it. The truth of it doesn't really hold up to scrutiny with the popularity of a lot of contemporary green characters, but it's still funny to joke about.
There's this one time Milky Holmes also made a joke about green characters.
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Waiting for that primagi season 2 announcement at crossing live.
>primagi season 2 announcement at crossing live
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Chii is a Non!
Chii is going to beat Tsumugi blanco at the end.
Chii will be devoured by a bughole and everyone will be jumping around and yelling except Himari who was distracted by a funny image in her phone.
Pretty sure that's the one in the second row in the middle.
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It'll probably be months until we get another Chii episode. It feels like aipri moves at literal glacial pace.
I feel like Chii needs a designated rival. The only characters in the cast that fit the bill are Himari and Tsumugi, but they don't really have rival mentality.
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The fat one and the kawaii one

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