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From now on, it's a new world.
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hes so cool, i'm not ready to watch him inevitably lose
Where can I get that chair?
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"A world of eternal darkness"
what do they do ?
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Cute indeed
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Being cute.
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We're in the end game now.
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Ok, and the guy?
I hope they kept Askin freaking out over all this
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I don't care about guys.
didnt ask lukia
Renjibros...does this mean that Rukia doesn't see our guy as a man?
So we went from red to purple, huh? Wonder what cour 4's color will be.
You known what they say no Joystick, no Joy.
I thought it was a dream that you were showing me...
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Cute jobber
Why won't anyone care about bleach...
Riruka is the cutest girl in the series.
Her sister is cuter.
Please care about Bleach...
Bleach threads are going too fast. What happened?
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I-It's not like I care about Bleach or anything, baka, don't get the wrong idea
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Where is she?
Please, I beg you, don't care about Bleach...
Riruka won.
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Who knows?
I thought the next thing after this was the Bazz B Vs Jugram fight.
Rape dungeon
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*warps u*
He warped himself and died.
>green hair Nel
We're so back.
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Kubo also called Gigi a girl btw.
wasn't she feeding him onigiri in the manga panel ??
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>liltotto was also Gigi's woman
Kubo is making all the Bambies his harem, confirmed.

Gigi succeeds where pepe failed.
How does Pernida kneel?
Don't think about it.
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>Pepe failed
How? Gigi is Pepe's woman.
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>bootleg espada
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I'm coping, but the after-credits scene might still be this.
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>casual titty grab
So the Bambies have that kind of relationship, uh? no outsiders allowed.
Based Groomerpe.
Sorry buddy, but Kubo confirmed Gigi is a fag. but you already know this
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Bambietta is his first wife though.
Riruka's back and a lot of schizos are active.
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Pretty sure he didn't grope her like this in the manga.
>Replying to himself again
What is this mental illness?
That's a hug.
lil and gigi came explicitly to avenge the other 3
looks like their group wasnt just friends now
retcon or mentioned in cfyow?
Did Lillie one-shot her?

She stops showing up before we even get to Gerrard
You don't handle a female friend like that anon much less from behind it's too aggressive
How does that imply they weren't friends? If anything it confirms that.
Soifonbros... ;_;
>You don't hug a friend it's too aggressive
It reeks of them all being in a relationship
No. That's the mental illness you keep trying to gaslight the thread into.
Nta but Gigi's left hand is closed grabbing her breast.

The right one has the fingers caressing her underbelly.

Normal hug my ass
>>272867958 >>272868810
>>272869097 >>272869492
ok giselle might be bisexual but he's definitely not a homosexual man
Gigi's left hand is grabbing Liltotto's arm and a bit of her chest.
More like the hand is just placed there assuming is not in motion.
So they won't go fight Yuha in this version
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Kubo confirmed Giselle's taste is Toshiro. You know who else had the same taste?
Are the Quincy that aren’t members of the Sternritter pure bloods? I assume so, or else they would have died when Uryu’s mom did, right?
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Kubo just stopped drawing her after this page. The anime will probably show her doing something against Gerard...or they'll show Lille shooting her kek.
Every Sternritter bar Uryu is pure-blooded.
Probably. Just like Bazz B if it werent for Jugram.
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I mean the Soldat guys, the fodder who fought the Shinigami fodder in the war.
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They're too small. We need to think big.
Yes, they are pure-blooded too.
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My wife and mother of my twenty children...
What makes you say that? The whole reason they're there is to fight Yhwach.
If you wanna argue that as a degenerate what he really likes is to bust a nut fine, but if Giselle has a preference is man
That was clear just from his relationship with Bambie
Giselle should just steal some dead shinigami's breast meat
Bambie was asking for blood.
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looks like Gigi is stopping Liltotto in her tracks
I think that's just him being a creep, as always.
I think it's a little speech(character development) before they begin.
Yes, they are just not strong enough to be sternritters
>Uryu is a thousand times stronger than them
Not really if you really think about it.
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Ponder the orb.
Urahara is truly peak scruffy but handsome male.
Aizen mogs him to muken and back lets be real here
I wanna say gemischt, and weak ones at that. The Auswählen only kills instantaneously when you're trash and Echt are naturally stronger... Also taking into consideration the Ishida family structure, it would seem like Gemischt take a more servile role in quincy society which fits.
>I think it's a little speech(character development) before they job
Aizen isn't scruffy though.
Point still stands.
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Cool Dragon Ball, bro.
A hundred then?
No, as in, him being that much stronger shouldn't be a surprise.
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Shota Zaraki was the only male that could please her.
Sex with As Nodt.
She tried with Tenjiro but didn't work.
Imagine being flattened by her MeninASS.
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Auswahlen killed me.
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I don't need to
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My love...
Ichigo’s most crucial allies in the final battle against Yhwach are Uryu, Renji, Aizen, and Tsukishima. Each one represents Ichigo’s rival in an arc, and one of the major factions.
Uryu - Agent of Shinigami rival, represents Quincies
Renji - Soul Society rival, represents Shinigami
Aizen - Fake Karakura Town rival, represents transcendent beings
Tsukishima - Lost Substitute rival, represents Fullbringers

Now, doesn’t one thing break the pattern? That’s right, there is no representative for the Hollows, nor is there one for the Hueco Mundo arc. Is this an oversight by Kubo? I don’t think so - Grimmjow was clearly meant to join the final battle, but he ran out of time in the manga. I find it very likely that Kubo’s true vision will be realized in the anime with Grimmjow contributing to Yhwach’s defeat, possibly with a new Segunda Etapa form to top it off.
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need genki goat gf...
I just feel like arguing about some stupid shit right now, what should it be?
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>ywn be liltotto in this scene and look up
That girl is dead by now btw
Tatsuki could unironically beat Rukia
Nah, she'd tank.
Do any of the kenpachi have sexual or romantic desire? To me they all seem like they just love battle. I mean her whole relationship with zaraki is based around his battle with her a millenia ago and his sealed fighting prowess.
In a flat-chested battle?
...In a wasted potential contest!
Ichigo is the Hollow
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Think again.
Ew, cringe
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We know, Robert.
Can't wait for her to do nothing
Auswahlen spared me.
That's not true, Rukia is more skilled and equipped for battle than Tatsuki. Even if you gave Rukia handicaps like taking away her zanpakutou, Tatsuki has no counter for Rukia's kido skills, and even her basic hand to hand is simply too much for Tatsuki to handle.

However it's funny that you bring that up because Tatsuki literally, literally, beats Orihime if she misbehaves. It got me thinking that Orihime is still physically the same as she was at the beginning of the series, and that in a fight she would actually still lose to even Tatsuki. The series kind of goes out of its way to tell you the relationship between them was reversed in a strange way as the princess protects the dragon, shown in the little artworks when Orihime first got her powers. So actually yeah, not Rukia, but Tatsuki would unironically defeat Orihime in a fight if it came down to it.
his thinking dont get hard
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sexsa zangetsu
be pretty cool lille just taking out like 5 of them to start
None of these people are my heroes
>his thinking
hello sirs
Leave the phone posters alone, anon.
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oh a fellow brother how is you doing today, you know me just working in shop making good food
This person is my hero.
Trust the backstory plan. Young Yhwachpatriots in control.
We know, Masaki.
Sex with Hollows.
>make the villains hot
>everybody sides with them
it’s that easy.
how hot is jewgos uncle then??
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what are the chances we get some massive SK lore dump in cour 4
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Honestly I'm expecting more lore in the episode after the one of this saturday. they still havent showed the "the child could not see, could not hear" stuff. i think they'll probably add a lot more then in cour 4
This is Grimmcel level pathetic.
Based Grimmcel did this????
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Cour 4 is when the fun really begins.
we know what happens he gives up willingly gives hes body up for the three worlds, like a true saint
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cour 4 is either cour 3 or dark blue
will we see toshiro's true bankai this cour?
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What if you took all the hollows and fed them to another hollow to make her really big?
>Based Grimmcel
Probabaly not.
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>weight gain
Back to Deviantart with you.
Grimmjow did this
...in my Grimmcel fantasies.
big doubt, they would have to get though 3 big fights and quite a few other things in 8eps
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>Wan Piss
>endlessly expanding universe
>literally the same arc over and over again
Gee I wonder who made that pic.
Both are canon in Bleach, that's how you get Arrancar.
so are they saying naruto and one piece leads to nowhere
Who's she dancing for?
why did kubo make a character for the sole purpose of ryona scenes
Why does Soi-fon have the only Chinese sounding name? lol
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It's hot.
tbf your picrel is cringe and this image is over 10 years old
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There was Cang Du too.
Her bulls
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Cuz twintail crazy girls like Loly is the purest form of sex and for me I gonna breed her good.
Who are her bulls?
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Baraggan can beat Gerome Guizbat
Chad and Ganju
That's true, there's nothing to argue about.
Sex with Rukia.
Shinsui's name is also actually chinese iirc
>captcha: S0HWY
Sex with Ganju.
Will we see yandere Orihime or nah?
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This. Orihime is an energetic girl and needs contest release! Ichigo should be thankful his friends help him out.
Source? Ryona is my fetish.
I raped that.
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the future destroyer of the tripartite world was so cute.
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Are you ready for his Resurrección?
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>Gigi feels up all of their bodies at his pleasure
luckiest motherfucker
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Are they gonna expand Bazz-B vs Jewgo fight?
On Twitter? I couldn't find it on Pixiv.
I have 2 years to prepare.
>Loly was the Espadas' human toilet.
I fucked Jugo
>Bazz B
Isn't he like over a thousand year old? He is older than Byakuya and Yoruichi by a huge fucking degree
How many Espadas did she fuck?
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Ain't no way...
Zaraki confirmed dominate power bottom.
all of the male ones and the male fracciones
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*drops into your thread*
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Half of the poem is missing there. Volume 73 one is:
Fire, dripping from my fangs, does not disappear
But keeps the battlefield burning
Bringing the true face of a friend to light
> Jugo is Jugram Haschwalth
What was Yhwach thinking?
Who was Jewish in Bleach?
Barragan vs Aizen when
that means next ep is the askin fight?
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Why is she so pretty?
No, Bazz and Hash.
battlefield burning is the name of the asin fight tho
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Better quality
Is it ever elaborated how old the Quincies besides Yhwach?
I may be wrong, but I remember Askin's fight been after Bazz one, right?
Unless they are doing all simultaneously.
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So....how stronger was fullbring shikai/bankai Ichigo compared to him in SS/HM arcs? (aside vastolorde and dangai forms)
I would hate if they started doing fights simultaneously, I just checked out the chapters name and its the start of the askin fight so i am out a lost here, I guess out of all the fights it be a good starter
>found it
based, thank you.
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BATTLE FIELD BURNING is the title of volume 73. It doesn't refers to the title of any of the chapters of the volume, so if the title of the episode is indeed used for the next episode it will be something related to Renji. The Askin fight will come way later and will probably not be covered this cour.
that makes sense thanks anon I just looked up the name and chapter and it brought me here
also go to page 50 for a pretty butt
Ok, but what's Renji gonna do anyway?
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Ruki/a/ reigns
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The only thing he's good at, lose.
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Live feed of my brain
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>aside vastolorde
Tbh Vastolorde seems extremely mid compared to TYBW power level. Just destroy one of his horns and he's done
yukio sex
>has a stroke while typing
Pretty sure this was made when Bleach was doing the Arrancar Arc.

Besides that repetition, there isn't much else in Bleach that repeats.
Tsukishima will have his role expanded, I can feel it
So Renji's zanpakuto is really a fire type. The fangs are Zabimaru shikai seen in that drawing, and it drips fire from them.
She probably sucked Jushiro off a couple of times, gave him a hand job here and there too. You know Milf shit
wdym? he's already playing a major part in the story.
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Renji? More like Wonji. He won.
Omaeda was still with the group that was crushed by Gerard so she was probably there, Kubo just forgot.
Why does Kubo forget so much?
When new ep release
>cock goes here
2 hours
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Thanks, anon. It's a great butt, shame it's so far away to be seen clearly.
Possibly his fight with Gerard begins soon? I don't think he'll fight Uryu, but you never know.
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>be the seireitei's barrier
>tank the beam of light that emanated from the murder of the soul king and caused a crater
>tank the black reiatsu emanating from a Yhwach who is consuming the soul king and that could have finished the shinigami if not for Aizen
>tank Aizen's reiatsu that was gonna shoot down the royal palace. His reiatsu did not widen the hole left by Ichigo
Now there are two things that the barrier lost to:
1) Ichigo. The hole He left is still there.
2) Gremmy's meteor which blew the barrier the fuck off. Shinigami were even confident that the barrier would annihilate a meteor. that and these feats show that Gremmy's meteor wasn't an ordinary meteor.
no wonder Jugram was scared. Kenpachi and Gremmy are the strongest guys of their respective companies.
BASED and cunnypilled
>Straight shut
Kubo failed Kurumada
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We need a HERO.
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Bazz shouldn't have killed the Aizenbane
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FB shikai must be nearing his HM bankai level and his bankai not quite Aizen level but closer to it than regular captains. The way how he was beating VS Quilge with such ease and a day later he reacted to Tenjiro and broke his hand I think his FB bankai was RG Renji level or perhaps a little higher.
What did him was his own cero blowing up in his face. VL form was easily stronger than everybody else at the time and HoS is when EoS Ichigo finally reached that level again.
Was Unohana a chink in her previous life?
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Getting ready to come in for the clutch
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But that's your future vice-captain
Reminder fullbring Shikai Ichigo sword swings cause streams of energy that pass as Getsugas
Ichigo and his side girl
Reminder that Uryu was FTL during SS Arc
Omaeda? My hero.
What made you come to that conclusion?
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i seriously hope that over half of them die this next arc holy shit
urahara is up there but im afraid gintoki mogs him
shuhei is my favorite character
Yhwach will somehow split his soul and become young again and befriend kazui and ichika TRUST THE PLAN
kazui will protect him when ichigo tries to kill him TRVST THE PLVN
..and Orihime.
FB shikai is basically him at Grimmjow fight bankai tier. Fullbring bankai put him roughly on par with Ulquiorra's Etapa Segunda.

VL form was when he subconsciously bypassed Ywach completely and tapped entirel into his spiritual base. You can view Ulquiorra's commentary on Ichigo as being indicative of Ulquiorra also unable to sense his spiritual pressure, given that Ulquiorra repeatedly asks what he is and who he is. Which is very odd, given that Aizen championed Ulquiorra above all other Espada for his ability to sense differences in power. There's not a single Sternritter in Volstandig that can stand up to that. Dangai Ichigo basically combined that power and added onto everything that Ywach represented, and put it into a completely different echelon of it. EoS Ichigo doesn't come close to the form Dangai Ichigo levied against Aizen prior to Mugetsu. He literally slapped aside a six-layered cero, of which a single one, had the same damage potential of Ryujinjakka in shikai in full use.

Even Quilge remarked that Ichigo was effortlessly crushing him because he speed and power and hit basically meant that Quilge couldn't do anything more than block, and Ichigo in the moment literally wasn't giving a shit--which was true, as Ichigo wanted to wear him down to get answers. This is further exacerbated by the fact that Ichigo subconsciously holds back his power, a lot like Zaraki does, because his razor sharp fighting instinct inherently senses when he crosses blades with his opponents their power, and he scales to match so he can enjoy the violence more. FB bankai put him above Quilge to the degree that Ichigo could have easily dismantled him, but that wasn't his goal, so he didn't.

Let us also not forget that Ichigo managed to singe Ywach's arm, through his own blut, using his FB bankai, despite running on an empty tank after spending a full day spamming Getsuga Tenshou in a jail designed specifically to trap Shinigami
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If I was Ryuken I'd be personally on the hunt for Yhwach and all his Sternshitters for taking this away from me.
holy schizo fanfic
Reminder that Kubo confirmed Arrancars can get knocked up and have children and while Harribel's hole is in her womb meaning she can't have her own kids Nel's hole is in her heart meaning she can

but man, why this girl want shinigami cock so much?
Why does Riruka? she hasn't seen Ichigo in almost a year!
Ichigo is crazy fucking strong, but Ywach had reality alterting powers and therefore stood no real chance. EoS Ichigo falls short of Dangai Ichigo, because his damage potential is not landscape alterting and Ywach manages to easily swat him aside multiple times with his blut active even without tapping into The Almighty. With HoS and the Gran Ray Getsuga, he was able to injure Ywach but only to a similar degree to how Ichigo with his mask was able to injure Aizen when he was fusing with the Hogyouku. It's not nearly as an impressive of a feat as one would think.

Prove me wrong faggot.
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So is Isane going to stay behind?
That image of Bambi riding his cock with him about to cum so Candice throws a box of tissues at them is basically canon isn't it?
Cause Ichigo saved her. Red string of fate and all that. Also, hollows are inherently attracted to strong beings in order to either dominate or subordinate. It's obvious to Nel that Ichigo is significantly stronger than her, and unlike Nnoitra, Ichigo isn't weak. So she can't dominate him, as a result, she wants to subordinate to him. The rest is obvious.
Ryuken did that but more efficiently by forging the one and only thing that could depower Yhwach's Almighty so someone actually strong enough to kill him can do the job
I don’t think my heart could handle that
its time to admit fullbring bankai is as strong as dangai ichigo
>EoS Ichigo falls short of Dangai Ichigo
no lmao
can't, you are too incoherent with this esl wall text
>Gran Ray
>I have no counter-argument, because I'm a cock sucking faggot
counter-argument to what lol
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Fullbring bankai was stronger than the entire Gotei. He's Captain Aizen level at worst
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Imaginen being named Soi
>Fullbring bankai was stronger than the entire Gotei
minus Yamamoto, that's not really a high bar to cross. Most captains are pretty mid.
Nope, not taking the bait.
What a loss, damn you yubahabahaaaba
Made for overweight men
Specially Indonesian businessmen.
Weakest Quincy? Souken.
Even weaker than those fodder foot soldiers
Rukiafag is lucky
Reminder he literally has his sword connected to his hand like Dangai except better because he can let it go or use both hands on it despite the link
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Can't you cut an old man some slack?
wait for cour 4 anime orginal flashbacks
EoS Shikai Ichigo > Dangai Ichigo
the gotei believed in ichigo's ability to turn the tides more than they believed in yamamoto
peak souken low diffs aizen
Himecuck is lucky
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>Fullbring bankai was stronger than the entire Gotei
Even without true Bankai post TP Hitsugaya was strong to handle giant Gerard since FB arc. Sure, not strong enough to beat him at all, but royal training Lenji and Lukia got BTFO by the guy's breath, while icefag fought him fine.
He should've kept the fit.
>true Bankai > Dangai Bankai > true Shikai
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No, because Gigi is into men.
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rukihime is the real ship
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this faggot was top 5 in the Gotei 13 by the time this happened lmao
They already did that in the commercial bumpers.
Imagine them scissoring while yelling out Ichigo's name...
So cour 3 will mostly take place at night?
The pernida and askin fights in the opening seemed to have bright sunny skies
The madman can't be stopped kek
Now he's going for the lolis too
so will lili and gigi do something other than job? i feel like they should have inadvertently set up a piece leading to ywach's defeat
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souken' letz stil is canonically stronger than vollstandig and the gen z quincies are seething because of that
>keeps the uniform
Gigi broke him good
She needs to have her behavior corrected
Nothing about Quincies makes any damn sense since for 80% of the manga they were just normal humans who lived on earth who used their high spiritual power to make bows n' shit. There was nothing inherently different about them and being one was just a matter of being trained in the art. Basically if converting to Mormonism let you kill ghosts. Then the last arc comes out with a completely different origin and set of rules and nothing fucking makes sense anymore because the new and old stuff doesn't mesh at all.
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make it happen kubo
They don't even have their vollstandigs anymore, anon. They're finished.
That's my job
So why was Uryu called "The last quincy" again when this guy is still perfectly alive and healthy? Is Kubo senile?
It's a cool title
Can anyone post this answer in Japanese or point to the place where all the Q&A's are archived outside of Kubo's Fansite? I have a sneaking suspicion that Kubo actually said バズビー達.
I don't think Toshiro remembers.
CFYOW confirms the zombies forget everything after they come back.
he doesnt practice being a quincy
I love this angry femcel midget
Toshiro lowdiffs Unohana just by virtue of keeping up with Kenpachi who lowdiffed her in base form
Sure, Soken, sure.
Only captains can fight a Vasto Lorde
Uryu is the last (living) quincy.
I'd bet dollars to donuts course 4 will have some flashback during the whole suicide bomb plot that retcons that he was totally the biggest baddest Quincy there ever was other than Juha Bach. And that he was either suddenly depowered in the middle of the fight like Ichigo's mom was with Grand Fisher, or that the fodder Hollows that killed him were secretly actually "Super Arrancar God Super Arrancar" sent by Aizen to assassinate him (as part of Aizen's master plan to give Uryu a tragic backstory) and he still managed to kill them all before dying.
holy headcanon batman
Imagine being Kenpachi tier (not Zaraki, who wasn't the real deal unti the end of the series, but TRUE Kenpachi tier) and having to fight PSP boy
Yuhabaha is for…
Cock worship
did Yhwach see the future where i bought the Rukia body pillow?
It was established early that the quincy can manipulate reiryoku, which is basically what everything in the afterlife is made of. This is why their schrifts have these insane abilities.
Because before the last arc Quincy was just a tradition/skillset and not a race, so Uryu was the last because he was the only person left who practiced the tradition, his father was an "ex-quincy" who decided ghost hunting was for dweebs and got rich instead. The title doesn't make any sense with the retcon that Quincy are some kind of race with innate abilities that Homo sapiens don't possess.
psp boy is gremmy tier btw
quincy aren't a race they're a clan
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Because translators were retarded, not Yhwach.
Yhwach uses 生き残った to refer to those who survived the Auswahlen nine years ago. Yhwach was collecting those who survived. So what he meant there is that Uryuu was the last of the survivors to collect, not that he's the Last Quincy in the World.
And? If anything that's just another example of the retcons, since Uryu's whole thing was using gadgets and shit to manipulate the ambient energy into tools like bows, because as normal humans they couldn't just generate the gigawatts necessary to do what Hollows/Reapers do. Then in the final Arc they all just have Bankai and work under the same "Chi Level" logic everyone else does.
Would've been cool if they had some sort of "relic" that is their gadget that allow them to vollstanding, would be their gadget to allow them to do more stuff,an explanation with them being experimented on to be able to use more skills in secret could also be used together
>And? If anything that's just another example of the retcons, since Uryu's whole thing was using gadgets and shit
Bro Uryu's Vollstanding is basically arrow drones. He is still using his "gadgets"
You think you're being clever, but that's just their not!Zanpakto just like the Arrancar arc made Hollows work identical to Shinigami because Kubo forgot how to write other kinds of fights.
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Yes and he changed your future to the one where you buy Giselle's figurine and hotglue it.
Are any of you over 14
So what if its their not!zanpakto anon, your complaint was about retcon, an you elaborate on what you mean about the "write other kind of fights"?
Sounds like a bunch of headcanon
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Quincy were literally introduced as a once world-spread clan of people descended of magical hunters of hollow. It has never been just a faith, it was always something in your heritage.
of course
it takes a CULTURED man to buy Dakimakuras
A clan is not a race anon, especially in this context. It's something people join and leave.
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My hero
it literally says in the same pic that they were relatives to the magic hunters
>一族 ichizoku
>social group
>those who belong to the same family or clan
>all members of a family
You can join the "quincy clan" if you marry into them and your children are also quincy. It's still a blood thing, it's a race (or etnicity if you prefer calling it that) thing.
Uryu was a quincy because he descended from magical superhumans with the power to erradicate hollows, not because he joined the faith and learned something anyone else could also do with the same training.
Why did he look absolutely nothing like any of the other Arrancar in the series? He was still basically a big inhuman monster like normal hollows, but all the other ones that appeared later are just normal looking dudes with a hole and bone hat.
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This is profoundly incorrect. Quincy don't use tools to manipulate ambient energy, They possess their own Reiryoku (Spiritual Energy in this translation) and use it to manipulate ambient energy to form tools.
Also Uryuu used no tool to materialise Reiraku.
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She has to assist with the Soul Society Repopulation Project.
>social group
Besides this is like saying being a Blacksmith is a bloodline trait because parents usually pass down their professions to their kids.
You're posting a pic that proves me right.
most autogynephiles aren't
His newfound submissiveness is now sub consciously ingrained
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> Uryu's whole thing was using gadgets and shit to manipulate the ambient energy
> Picture shows that Uryu's thing was using his own internal Reiryoku to manipulate the ambient energy
How is this picture proving your point, exactly?
No his pic means that shinigamis use power of soul from within and quincies use the power of souls from outside, its the same type of power
Bleach has the best start in any animanga that I remember so I wonder why zoomers are so scared of it, the first episode even in the anime is so good
Bleach is zoomercore thoughbeit
>Released in 2001
Ok, how mentally are you?
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Giselle is though.
You keep mixing your headcanon with what the manga actually said. Uryu powers come from the fact he's a descendant of a magical hollow-killer being, not from a faith. Read the fucking manga.
Will you clap when Ichigo's bankai power is the power of bleach?
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That's his Shikai, anon. He literally bleaches his sword to go from shinigami (black) to hollow (white). His Bankai is both, black and white, combined.
it inspired every single zoomer manga that exists, it has everything a zoomer could want
thats why you see so many videos on youtube about how Ichigo was OPIUM or how he spun back on Aizen for the one finger block
His powers came the fact his grandfather trained him in the Quincy arts. Had his grandfather not trained him he would not be a Quincy. He was the "last Quincy" instead of the "second to last Quincy" because his father no longer counted as he did not practice those arts. Like a whole big deal with Uryu's characterization was him going on about "following the code" and shit.
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See >>272879690
>You keep mixing your headcanon with what the manga actually said.
Uryu has the power to destroy hollows because he descends from a magical hollow destroyer. Stop wasting my time.
It's crazy how much younger all the characters look in the first arc. They all look like little kids. By the end they're being drawn like they're in their twenties and all buff. But in-universe i'm not sure if even a whole year passed.
Honestly there should ve been a few years gone by since the start
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best girl
This doesn't change the fact that he had innate Reiryoku from his ancestry. He was able to see ghosts, and it was not through training. He was able to summon Reiraku (which is a captain-level technique, by the way, my mighty Successor) without any gadgets but through his Reiryoku.
Sure, there is code, there is Quincy ideology and so on. It's existence doesn't aoutomatically mean that Quincy has no innate powers, which they do and it's explicitly stated in the manga since the introduction of Quincies.
It's interesting how Bleach inspired most of the Nushonen series out of the big three.
Sucks that most waste their ideas that were quite good
How does this prove your point in any way? Nothing, zero, nada, in that text says anything about the ability to destroy hollows being innate, in fact it says "Specialized" as in "trained". Nor does it say what a "magic hunter" even is, other than heavily implying through the use of the faux medieval tapestry and drawing the guy like a priest it's a Inquisition/Witch Hunter kind of thing.
I can't wait for him to die
Don't be transphobic now.
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I love my hot-headed, electric, quincy wife.
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...got gangbanged by zombies.
Why would Candice oppose them? Doesn't she want nephews?
Did the other image you used to spam with got hash banned?
Renji is so lucky
Sternritter T won.
why is the almighty even called a shrift in the first place?
...that were created from the Bambies
I don't think she cares about the sex, they're just really loud and she wants them to shut the fuck up so she can chill out.
I love Bombergirl
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Candice knows she's the second weakest.
Condoms and pull-out are one thing. But once Gigi starts cumming inside Bambietta, she's next.
...'s gaylord friend, Giselle Gewelle.
>Replying to himself
wasnt he just a fishbone? all the humanoid ones were adjucha at least
That's cool.
I like the Thundergirl.
...using the bodies of Bambietta Basterbine, Liltotto Lamperd, Candice Catnipp, and Meninas McAllon.
>unironically the Bambies have full permission to each other bodies
turbo based
what about Hungergirl?
For me, it's the Zombiegirl.
She's chill, eating snacks is a cool vibe.
How do you feel about Big-girl?
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Lucky fuck, why isn't he going full gooner here anyway, I thought he was like Kon?

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