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This is Shy, Shy is as her name implies shy. Please stop having indecent thoughts about Shy! Can you possibly imagine what goes through a young maiden's head when she realizes that the people she is protecting are also imagining using her slim body as an outlet for their dirty lust? Imagine Tero imagining herself being held down by a scary adult and having unspeakable things done to her! How terrible!
Way to out yourself as a fake Shy fan
Why do you think im a fake fan instead of just of just calling me retarded?
But what if I want Teru to hold me down instead?
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I love Shy!
Shy has a little sister?
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I'm imagining right now.
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I just want to cook for Teru...
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The weird eyebrow ahoge thing looks kinda dumb
>Super shy she's super shy but wait a minute while I make you mine make you mine
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Shy got raped
>Teru rejected this
Shy is so cool when she actually gets to talk and then power up and fight and save people and the SoL Teru parts are equally as appealing.

Everything else in her series is fucking terrible. The enemies are shit, her fellow heroes all look terrible. I'm having trouble thinking of a better example of "deserves better".
Now she looks even dorkier than before. So cute.
this is why Teru needs a boyfriend
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How can Iko resist kissing this?
Why would he draw a 14 year old that sexy!? Pedophile ass creator
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the competition is fierce, if she's too forceful she'd be pushing Teru closer to the other contenders
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I love ninja girl's country hick accent!
I love my two superhero wives.
wtf? Shy is a girl?
I want Piltz to make me hers…
I want to lick her shoulders
Good night.
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She's into dorks
Think you can meet that requirement?
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These hands will protect Japan
Terushy is LITERALLY my hebewife
I need to give her a hug and kiss her forehead.
The art is neat too bad this shit is sleep inducing
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Is there anyway I can message the author and ask him or her to give teru a harem end?
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convincing Shy to wear the Revosexual outfit and hold hands raw(gloveless) with her
By David Bowie.
I want to go on a date with Revozexal (Shy) so I can hold hands with her all day.
You can be both
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Even while crying she's so beautiful
Even superheroes need hugs sometimes.
>scans STILL 2 years behind
The only option is now to wait the official release to catch up...
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whats with 14 year old girls..
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>The enemies are shit, her fellow heroes all look terrible.
Take that back.
Good thing I've got two arms to hug both of them at once.
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My hebewife Terushy got so many girlfriends...
Someday we will get translations of the recent chapters..........
Was this thread made by the same anon that suggested that Shy threads should be posted on Wednesdays?
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At the rate the official translation is releasing, it won't catch up until the series has ended. I think the Japanese volumes are coming out slightly faster.
and their erotic thighs
Massage my shrimp next, Shy!
>super hero slop
>C-can you rub my b-back?
This series just feels like a collection of adults being incredibly irresponsible with children. And I don't mean just the tragic edgy backstories. I mean every instance of literal kindergarten to elementary school kids being given superpowers as successors of established heroes. Shine, Shy, Lady Black, etc. what the fuck was Unilord thinking?
I’d love to!
Kun Kun
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Penetrated by her sister!

Well her imitator at least
she must be sweaty from the fever, I would lick it clean
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Is she's so shy she should stop dressing like a whore in public
The suffering never ends. This is a magical girl series after all…
>anon is unable to understand women
Is this the sweaty nerd erotic rp thread?
I like Shy's hair.
the gochisa thread is two pages down
Is that lap pillow free?
I want to fluff it.
How will she sell merchandise then?
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What's wrong with the bunny suit? She wears bunny ears normally.
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An anon in a previous thread said updates are on Wednesdays. Does anyone know if there's anything new?
I’d make that face too if I was that close to her thighs.
Who's sniffing who?
Maybe that's why I didn't like the first episode.
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This is now a clown thread.
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Was it a deliberate choice to put Iko and Ai's faces on Shy's thighs?
She needs urgent head pats.
It looks like we should be getting the next chapter translated any day now but I have no idea who's doing it.
i wish
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S-she's not going to molest her, isn't she???
Captcha: AMPYS.
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If only I was the author
Hey she's kinda cute-
Poor Shy. I’ll hang out with her.
Don’t worry. We have cute boys for you to enjoy instead.
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I want to pero pero Tero Tero.
I'm just happy Ai is finally relevant again.
Is he 18 years of age?
no (and that is a good thing)
Dumb lesbian
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He's a very cute 15 year old.
And now that her arc is over, she’s irrelevant again…
How is that a good thing? He can't even drive yet.
You’ll have to pick him up before your date.
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Don't worry, I'll only ask her to order a pizza.
Happy birthday!
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Shy's dead.
from too much sex with her husband, me
Kill yourself
you think her pubes also have the goofy hair horns during this part of the story?
Naughty clown needs tickle correction!
I'll order it for her.
making Teru order pizza while sitting on my face
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Oh No Shy is charmed and is going to try to rape you!
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Flat & pouty
That's a boy though
She can sit on mine while she eats the pizza as well.
this is a man
A very cute boy.
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I want her get destroyed
why ?
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Vodka nee-san and sociopathic David Bowie are great, fuck you.
How big..?
I WILL impregnate this boy
That might take a while.
Her butt is fairly large.
t. Doki
Are you unable to read things without having to fuck the characters?
He can drive MY stick shift if you catch my drift
Huh, she has the same birthday as me. Guess that series has to be next on my watch list now.
>Nov 14th
Happy Birthday anon, a day late but still
It's not rape if I want her to do it.
How can I make him smile?
Why the fuck is teru a model.
Because she's beautiful.
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Give him a plushie!
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So cute! If I made a teddy bear costume, I wonder if he would hold me…
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>Check the raws out of curiosity
>The last several chapters are just mind control NTR where Shy is one of the amarariruku's sex slaves
Why tho?
Strange. I guess the author is into that.
I love Shy’s mini milkers.
Does she really?
like a heifer yet to be brought to a bull(me)
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Dating at the beach with Teru!!!
H-Haha this sure is terrible who could this possibly appeal to?
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did kfufuanon die?
Who is kfufu anon?
the anon that always posted a lot of kfufu in these threads
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Silly clown needs to learn how to use a knife and fork.
I need a Piltz version of this
Remember all the blatant stump fetishism during the Piltz age regression & mindbreak arc?
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His dead like kfufu
I will not post it here or anywhere because I keep these things private, but this is one of only two characters I couldn't resist drawing lewds of, so over the past year I filled a large sketchbook with bondage drawings of her. She's literally made to get tied up and gently abused.
I don't even read the manga because it's not that good and Spirits doesn't molest her.
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Good. That dumb clown hat it coming.
>killed the clown
Jesus, is nobody getting a happy ending?
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It'll be like every other series that gets picked up after a drought now and the first page will be the "translator" telling you that it's an MTL because they don't speak Japanese and then you sigh because you know that means you're stuck with that shit because people will somehow still respect his claim instead of sniping his TL like they should.

She's literally in the most recent raw chapters teaming up with Iko.
I don't think anyone in Amarariruku is getting a happy ending. I still think Prayer's was the saddest though because she was just about to gain Century as her dad before being assassinated.
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Anime original barefoot Mian Long
Kfufu has been on a pretty long journey and came close to being rehabilitated. It sucks that none of them are being saved.
If she wasn't an alcoholic, I'd be all over her.
I think there's a very good chance Kfufu survives. From a storytelling perspective all her fakeout deaths would cheapen the eventual real thing, and from a story perspective Stigma harvesting the Amararirukus to become whole seems like it could be used on Kfufu instead.
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Check out my bro Mian Long's cool and handsome transformation. I bet you feel real silly for calling him a lewd buttslut now.
Have these two still not figured out who tops?
>not imagining drunk pepesha slamming teru against the wall in the locker room and aggressively making out with her as she hyperventilates
That's not a recent page, Doki's been dead for almost a hundred chapters.
Well in the raws it looked like she died for real. No clue how, it just randomly cut back to her and Spirit and she was dying.
That was a clone made with Mai's ring, the real Kfufu is still a prisoner in Neverland.
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shy is getting married
Cute feet
That should be me...
Shy's dinner...
Life isn't kufufu anymore...
Imagine the smell on the inside of her suit.
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What's the deal with Sekirara?

Was she faking her reform/defection just to get close to and capture Teru? Would be disappointing if she wasn't actually switching sides.

Reverse trap Shine in her backstory was nice though.
Teru butt.
So why is she Deku but colored white?
Who is this beautiful model?! She probably has girls swooning over her.
I’ll catch her!
That’s my wife.
>Her bed hair is this good
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Girls shouldn't get other girls pregnant.
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Doki WILL be revived in the end and have his cute plushie-themed wedding with Mian Long.
You are not the arbiter on that.
So smol...
erotic JC hands
>drinking Piltz's water
I need shy and piltz to become a couple NOW!!!
I can't decide if I want to brush it or leave it as it is.
Iko should try that with Shy next.
Swedish Miku...
Does she need help?
Yes, in rubbing her fake legs
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Why is he grabbing her there?
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Fire powers are cool but can Shy warm herself up just a little while I hold her?
The fuck, this got an anime?
i cum on shy she incinerate penis
Yes, we've got two seasons of fat superhero butt.
I have a strong urge to scoop her up like that and carry her around.
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That's a big burger for a small girl.
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Imagine kissing Teru's soft lips.
Unironically, Shy is the Deku/whatever shonen hero done correctly because you actually see her overcome her weaknesses and step up and the whole series is centered around trauma and forming connections with others so her eventually trying to talk her way through things works.
I love her crying face.
I want shy to slut around with the women in her life
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I think Mian Long should kiss all the cute girls and boys!
She's an aeries what's your point, this is a thread full of men we don't care about that nonsense like women do
Is it okay to kiss Mianlong's forehead? He's so cute and hugging might not be enough for me.
I love it but I don’t want her to cry.
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>red hiding hood
that's The Little Match girl you fucking Philistine
What's her hero name?
It's Shyday.
Heroes shouldn't have that fat butt...
The matches should have given it away, really. Although I’m pretty sure I’d never heard of that one before it was referenced in anime.
She looks hot. I should lick the sweat off.
Shy butt isn’t for spanking. It’s for holding and kissing.
The better question is did she put that on right after a full day of shying?
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Hell yeah
Shy sure cries a lot. Is it because she doesn’t have a boyfriend to keep her company?
yes, all women need boyfriends for this purpose
Kfufu needs a fatherhusband
This butt will protect my face
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Why are they blushing?
Thinking of making out
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with me
Kill yourself
Piltz belongs to me
I watched the anime, should I now go read the manga or will there be more for me to watch first?
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We probably won't get another season, so manga will be the only source of Terubutt from now on.
Two Shys??
what happens when 2 shys touch each other?
Tell me about Shy, why does she wear the eyemask?
>26 volumes
How much did the anime cover?
Only 9.
They'd be too shy to find out.
Should I trust her?
Drinking with Shy!!!
My hebewife Shy is a good girl who only drinks coffee (in moderation).
MY hebewife Terushy only drinks her husband's(me) cum
Don't forget to smile!
Shy’s smile is the cutest. Seeing it makes me happy.
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Was Revozexal a one-off thing or do we get to see her again?
How much do I need to donate for her to wear her cute bunny hood?
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I want to eat her meal everyday.
I can't tell the difference...
Teru smells lovely actually.
Does she get lonely up there?
Why does Iko not simply rape Teru?
Why would she need to? She could just ask.
No, she already has me (her husband).
Are you a shrimp?
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Can Iko save her girlhusband?
We will get another season. I just need to buy more figures...
Iko is literally a cuckquean
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I wish I was Tzveta.
Ive never been into ryona but her design looks perfect for it
Shy's got a cake too!
You're in luck then.
sorry but for me it's only teru
In more ways than one!
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You should see the one shot
One of the few things I can think of that hasn't come back yet. Even the reporter chick gets to be a major character in a future arc.
I didn't know this existed. Did it get translated?
Terus her hot wife
I like the clown
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Don't think so. I can only found the raw through google

>Mian Long
What long?
I'm constantly amazed how horny the official art is
cute shy tummy and pits
I would adopt them.
Why is Pepe's mom a loli?
I do have one shrimp, if you catch my drift.
Piltz ass.
She didn't fake it, getting closer to Teru just made her obsession even worse.
Only Doki and Pepesha know that.
I want it on my face while she lectures me about how stupid I am.
I will have more indecent thoughts about Shy
does no one question why her thighs get thicker when she transforms
It’s simple: Thick thighs save lives.
shy is hot
however i hate yuri and slice of life stuff
should i read this manga?
Teru's superpower is literally making people horny for her.
There's zero yuri, you're looking at people with their goggles on very tight.
Teru herself is as straight as an arrow.
The fire is just a side effect.
>and Pepesha
Mian Long is exclusively and only for Doki. And Pepesha is too busy being part of Teru's yuri harem.
No, Teru's superpower is that she's hot.
Why fire? She isn't the aggressive type anyway.
They need parents who can spend time with them, instead of needing to disappear to save the world every few days.
apparently Shy sells like shit in japan and the anime flopped, how can we make Teru more popular? not even the scanlators care about translating the chapters of the manga
There's not much slice of life at all. You'll have to endure the yuri then, but the story is great without it, too.
>how can we make Teru more popular?
Less clothing?
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Manga only barefoot Mian Long
I want to be that pillow.
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Peak EXISTER Grindset
>it's a Kufufu chapter
What a pleasant surprise.
I'm not really shocked because it's not embracing any FOTMs. It's just a straight superhero show.

I think Romance would go a long way for it, but I don't want to be the person to decide who Teru or anyone else should end up with.
Shy is a boy (female).
How well do Champion manga sell anyway? I never hear about any besides Iruma.
Teru should end up with at least two girls.
Baki, Iruma, Yowamushi Pedal, and Tougen Anki sell well, Shy sells less than 10k
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Mian Long is for older women whether he likes it or not
Spirit can have Doki too, so the cute boys can be together.
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>There's zero yuri, you're looking at people with their goggles on very tight.
/u/fags are delusional, but you are even more so. The current manga arc is literally about Iko being cucked from Teru by another woman.
You don't even have to go to the latest arc. Anything involving Aika is yuri.
Teru is completely straight, though. This is supposed to be comedic because she has zero feelings of the sort for either of them
>completely straight
She is a girl. All female humans are bisexual.
If Teru is straight, which boy does she like?
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He needs gentle foot rubs (from me)
The perfect amount of it.
Is existence worth it if I don't have a Kfufu daughter?
Who has to wash that leotard after it's stuck up her crack all day
The manga is dogshit with good art and the anime probably just dogshit but I love her costume and character so much. I've never felt like making a fancomic or something like that but I wish I could give her a better comic to live in
I also want to tie her up and spank her
Is this what having a waifu feels like?
Welcome to the Shy club.
Where we bemoan wasted potential between posting pictures of her butt.
>apparently Shy sells like shit in japan and the anime flopped, how can we make Teru more popular?
I want to buy her action figure but it's not worth 40 buckaroos, Bandai is a fucking travesty
If I find it on sale next year I'll buy it just to have a physical representation of her I can molest
The action figures are way too expensive, which sucks because I'd happily buy every figure they made if they were 20-30 each. I'll see if I have enough left over at the end of the year to grab at least a Shy.
>The action figures are way too expensive
it's not that they're expensive as much as the fact they're crappy. Figuarts are shoddy as fuck compared to Figma in my experience but GSC would never bother making a figure of her, so that's all there is.
I'll wash it with my mouth.
Now Teru is extra fluffy!
>New chapter is Iko playing the game of life with the lesbo over Teru
the yuri is always implied but not a real thing, it is literally just fanservice, you can ignore it because it practically does not exist, it is like saying hunter x hunter is yaoi because of hisoka
But board games are more fun with three...
I didn’t expect her hair to be pink. I thought it would be somewhere between blonde and white.
My tongue ;)
Because she’s a Shiny Girl or something.
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if you liked MHA so much that you'd read an extremely watered down version of it, you will enjoy this
Sadly the entire manga is carried by the MC being extremely lust inducing
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Shut up baby
>Shy sells like shit in japan

Anon there's like 27 volumes of this now, if it sold that shitty it would have been axed around a year ago.
It seems to be hitting whatever margins the magazine wants at least
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Iko-chan what're you doing...

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