GetBackers Volume 37 Chapters 317-320Previous chapter 316 >>273163167
>>273194909>>273194945>>273194982>>273195004These are included at the end of each chapter but I have removed them since they are exact duplicates.
Removed them from further chapters in today's batch, rather.
I'm reading.
>>273194315That’s one hell of a clock.
>>273194315Angel spotted
>>273194604>the concept of love between a man and a woman makes no sense to meHeterosexual line in this heterosexual manga
>>273195184ENTER discount Aizen
>>273195614I like how Akabane's coat has slowly evolved into a ballroom gown
>>273194854>the flash master...ew.
>>273195934Scar girl's a cutie
>>273195935Gotta look good for the endgame.
>>273196601I can't believe we're here already
See you tomorrow!
>>273196893Thanks OP So Ban and Ginji are getting stigma'd by the end, right?
>>273196922it's not gay until the stigma touch
How to tell when you are a STIGMA MALE (very rare)
>>273196893Thanks, OP.>>273196922I don’t think so. They seem to be an anomaly to the system, and probably the ultimate Ogre Battle candidates, which would suck hard.
>>273199821i certainly can believe GB not needing the powers of the stigma to fight those who do have it unlike other series.