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Why the do they keep doing this???
Who the fuck is this for?
For normies. It's that simple dumbass.
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>you want a bikini scene?
>got you senpai
they went out of their way to find an ugly skank
so you want them to find an asian with big tits who looks exactly like her but also happens to be a good actress? not happening
Her body and skin are attractive, too bad about the face.
Couldn't they look for a younger actress? I don't know if it's because of the quality of the image or the light, but that Marin looks more like a 32 or 36 year old woman
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Under ninja chad
We are winning, HARD
I know we are complaining about the actress but holy shit that Gojo is awful.
For the actress it's only the face that is ugly... That guy has no musculature, shitty hair and no chin.
>why the do they
>vietnamese text
Man, even the porn parody has a prettier Marin than the actress they chose for the official live-action
Where is that live action where the characters in the anime were three ugly high school girls but they casted three super good looking actresses?
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Sorry anon this is the youngest random they could find on the street
Are they adapting a young Marin or a Marin almost in her 40s trying to fulfill her frustrated dreams of cosplayer?
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She looks like a washed out AV actress what the fuck?
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Jap entertainment industry is all about nepotism. They could've easily hired Akase Akari to be Marin but they want their own people to get the role. Their media is no different to Hollywood.
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Anon its a budget live action with jap actors and asians arent a facially pretty race.

If you watch anything with them you are going to see a lot of instances where their makeup fails to really cover how bad their features really are. It just comes with the territory and why I dont like asians. Anime/manga when coverted to live action is made to be portrayed by foreign races and even japanese protagonists who grew up in Japan are also the most accurately portrayed by foreigners.

Which this does not have the budget for.
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This. Turns out there are Japanese people who don't like anime but will watch something if it's live-action. Same reason they made a Nisekoi live-action, FMA live-action, Ouran live-action.
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Tits way too small. They couldve at least given her fake boobs to wear. They can look pretty seamless and cosplayers have also gotten into the habit of using them so why not an actor?
At least hire young good looking actresses then???
Guess I'll be the one to point out that the image picks out scenes where Marin is depicted without makeup.
For me, its AKB-061
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>memes in some jungle ape language
This board doesn't even pretend to not be taken over by third worlders.
There are plenty of normies in japan. Even the ones that hate anime... but they are usually women.
Looks like the same bitch just more makeup really to me.
Give me the AV actress anyday
Why do you guys care this much, this is not the first and not the last live action that's like this. Barely any of them even attempt to even wear wigs to emulate the characters they're supposed to be, they often completely rewrite everything but the names of characters.
Asians are unattractive and age worse than milk. There's a reason their biggest industry is plastic surgery.
That plastic thing is korea only
They are a different breed of asians
>looks like a retired AV actress
No she doesn't.

Trust me, I've watched JAVs for years.

Even the 40~50 years old milfy actual JAV actresses look way hotter even with average faces because they all have the lust swag.

No idea how old Tsubaki Katou is (I'd guess 35?) but she would be an awesome fit, or Shibuya Kaho. To play Marin.

They should hace gotten a LEGIT JAV actress.

Or even better - some, seiyuu/Jpop adjacent celebrity like Miya from Sangatsu no Phantasia, Daoko, Asmi, Reol. Rena Nounen.

Those girls could pull it off on the acting part.

Like, Japan DOES have cute popular sexy girls but when it comes to live action adaptations, they always get the most mid literal whos.

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Japanese VA is where all the talent goes. Japanese cinema outside of indie productions isn't very serious stuff in terms of effort put into it.
Yeah that one.
Weren't the girls in the anime all ugly? Why did they cast cute girls?
I always imagined those girls were 16 or younger
Why the fuck do they look 35?
this bitch looks 40+
Two of them are canonically weird looking, but the other is a model. And the reason is simple: nobody wants to watch ugly people on TV. I only saw a bit of the live action and it wasn’t truly awful but it wasn’t very good either.
Aimi Yoshikawa, Shibuya Kaho, they got big breasts
>nobody wants to watch ugly people on TV
Explain America
Actually if you watch more JAVs, Japanese women with medium to large breasts (like Marin) aren't even that rare really
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I mean when the anime was released, they literally got a J Pop celebrity - the singer Akari Akase - to release a video of her signing the opening and cosplaying as Marin.

Akari Akase is a perfect fit and she literally already played the role, why not just hire her again???

>signing the opening
*ending I meant but whatever, my point still stands
>why not just hire her again???

Because she is not part of the talent agency that the producers favored. It's all about nepotism which is why Jap media has stagnated.
they wanted to make it look more american.
You should go back to Twitter then
Ah fuck, I might actually watch this, will be a first for me with this crappy live actions.
>Akari Akase is a perfect fit and she literally already played the role, why not just hire her again??
Because she isn't an actress.
I’d cum on their faces yeah
Daoko isn't an actress either but they got her for the XXXholix movie, ano isn't an actress either but they got her for Oshi no Ko.

It's been 2 years since the Sono Bisque Doll anime debut, they could have arranged everything. And I doubt that this nu-Marin has more nepo clout than Akase, a literal J pop singer.

I'm pretty sure that Akari Akase would have instajumped on the Marin cosplay clout opportunity especially since she canonically can do the whole kyunkyun voice and mannerisms and nobody is asking for more in this sorta role. A 1 year crash course of acting and there you have an awesome opportunity for a live action breakout. Akari Akase not having acting experience means that her agency wouldn't have asked for TOO much budget subsidies for her salary
SEA must go back.
She'd probably look younger if not for those retarded puffy bags under her eyes (and better makeup)
Dumb Japs with their TikTok trends
Besides, from what I see, all Japanese media women are very flexible in this media field.

Like Shibuya Kaho does JAV but also Youtubing, same for Shuri Atomi

Aimi Yoshikawa does JAV and regular roles, the singers can be seiyuus or the seiyuus can be singers it's all part of one universal "media woman" profession the way I observe it
>supposed to be a tall chad diamond in the rough
>is a lanky chinlet
>implying you need good acting for a live action adaptation
>And the reason is simple: nobody wants to watch ugly people on TV.
It ruins the immersion when weird outcasts look attractive.
Keep forgetting how naturally dark nips are since they constantly make themselves look paler in photos
But how do the producers financially benefit from getting random whos instead of established media girls?

Surely Akari Akase as Marin would have got them way more media exposure and therefore profit??? Especially since they don't need to do much promotion, the Sono Bisque ED video from Akase is already a huge media promotion.

What is the point, I don't get it. Nepotism usually is done in the name of benefit, like when Japan gatekeeps its media for only Japanese actors and seiyuus, I get it and I agree. And that's a rational thing, every country with a huge media does the same.

But here they're gatekeeping a cool juicy suitable role from a JAPANESE girl who already has reputation as Marin and evidently has some connections to the producers (otherwise how'd they get her to sing the ending and make a whole music video)

This sort of internal nepotism makes no sense, I don't understand it
You are thinking about south Asia
Some are literally white tier pale though, but yeah on the average they're more like Italian-esque naturally tanned, a sort of lust evoking golden skin tone. I wouldn't really call them dark per se
I'd watch this
I liked the anime
You are thinking of east asians
Check out their trailer
Pretty good shit
Reminder that nips hate live actions as well
I wonder if they'll cast actual russian for the russian guy in the first part
That's because it's impossible to find a single man in Japan who isn't a baby-faced twink.
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What happened bros? She is supposed to be the chosen darling
Akari san wore it best, look at the accuracy of her hair to Marin's
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Imagine being this wrong
Normie nips don't.
It's the same with the One Piece live action.
>This sort of internal nepotism makes no sense, I don't understand it

Because people at the top of Jap industries don't really care. For them they are just fulfilling the obligations to their partners and shareholders. This is the reason why Jap media has stagnated. They are slow to market changes and trends.
Imagine thinking that's not a baby-faced twink LOL
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Show me your non baby face then faggot
Like it or not, this is how Marin would look if she was real, your waifu is ugly, deal with it.
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Why? So you can goon to it, you little queer?
That’s one thing I don’t like at all though. I can’t stand the normalization of pornography in other media.
>normalization of pornography
Have you lived under a rock the past 30 years?
It's normal everywhere.
>Why? So you can goon over my pox marked face, my double chin, unshaved neck line, unkempt beard, my lazy eye, bumpy nose and yellow teeth?
Gross, this is you until you prove otherwise
Yeah, and I don’t think that’s a good thing but that’s not what I’m talking about. Making pornography and pornographers mainstays in traditional and new media is crossing a boundary between human decency and vice that I’m not comfortable with and that I think will have a largely negative effect on young people.

Pornography is not good for you. Whether you partake or not, as a consenting adult mind you, is completely up to you and I have no problem with that. I don’t think pornography should be banned like I don’t think alcohol should be banned. But I don’t think that children and everyday people should be subject to it in nearly every facet of their lives.
>the dude has smaller nose than the "female"
in anime he is a fridge, they couldn't find a jap who looks like a fridge?
After thinking for like 15 seconds, it's kinda obvious
>we need to cast ugly woman to improve birthrates
jap media is all about this kind of propaganda now
its probably much cheaper to hire a literal who than someone that will ask for more than a bowl of rice
especially since i dont think they will make any money from LA
That's your fetish until proven otherwise, gay boy
She cute though. Very pinchable cheeks.
Live action adaptation can be good if they actually care and want to put effort into them.
I just watched Rohan's live action and I am honestly surprised how well done it is.
It manage to capture the horror element of JoJo which the anime adaptation couldn't successfuly portray due to limitation of its medium (seriously, you just can't do horror in 2D animation).
>character's traits are big eyes, big boobs and blonde hair

>get a japanese woman

doomed from the start.
>They should have gotten a LEGIT JAV actress.
but the meme potential...
Who controls hollywood?
>The faggot looks better in the live action.
I suppose it's hard to find actors that look as bland.
>that pencilneck
The Coomer of Cali
the only thing i need to see is the cat on the motorcycle. they cannot make it look worse than the anime
>under ninja chads
having losing hard with the anime being dogshit and this probably is too.
immersion is for losers who want to make everything fat, ugly and gay.
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Some live actions are good.
Pic related.
They really couldn't find anyone better looking, and instead did a Netflix adaptation?
She's not that bad. She actually looks like a discount Veronica leal.
Forgot pic
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America is going through a moment of madness. For 99% of its history American media has been famous for a completely opposite approach (in live action media).
Wtf is this shit. A hag and a faggot stick arms for gogo? I didn't have to know this. My days is ruined.
>Who the fuck is this for?
Normalfags? It's just a cheap promotion material just like anime, except aimed at much broader audience.
Go back into your shitty manga, Kaburagi.
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>The only good manga adaptation
>Is made by Koreans
What does this imply?
That you are a gook faggot who basically can't hold your mouth for a second without saying the same old "Japan bad Korea good" rhetoric.
Now prease go back
Is this a porno? Feels like it should have goro in it
>Japan bad Korea good
unironically this in terms of live action adaptations
They picked some HAGGMAXXED 30 year old bitch to play her? Fucking disgusting. Live-action is a faggot meme for dumb cunts and needs to die forever.
Acting requires a bit of skill, thebfavt that she's not doing it means that she sucks. If she had any talent for it at all she'd have productions crawling all over her. You can't fix that with a class
You posted one example. The one clear standout in the sea of shit that is Korean film and television mind you.
call me fag all you want, but Veronica Leal is pretty bad(in a bad way desu). She looks like pallete swap of Emily Blunt
No, you're not wrong to feel that way. She's ugly and gross, like most women her age are. Disgusting, filthy fucking hags. They need to be kept away from anime.
Pre culture wars America could pull this off fine, so why would it be difficult for Japan? Do they not have blond wigs?

Now if she needs to look like a muscle fag and act good, that is a different story.
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Frieren live action was better
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i remember there's a female cosplayer that was able to reach the Kanamori look without being ugly almost 1:1 (i can't find the pic anymore), so it's definitely possible.
imo Kanamori isn't even ugly, she's nerdy but not ugly.
>Crackhead Japan :0
it all starts with j
Wtf? They already had the perfect Marin.
She wasn't an actress, she is actually a cosplayer, that also sings.
>it's some 25+ year old disgusting fucking slag who shits and pisses and vomits and has probably seen as many dicks as she's taken with a 1:1 ratio
What the fuck is wrong with you?
...who hurt you?
As he said, perfect Marin.
Nobody. But someone should hurt you.
You're a roastie enjoyer. You sicken me.
She's wretched and makes me sick, unlike Marin. So you're wrong.
>You're a roastie enjoyer.
What does that mean?
>She's wretched and makes me sick, unlike Marin. So you're wrong.
Ok but why, she looks like a normal girl.
>implying the nu-Marin actress isn't a roastie

Dude it's Japanese show business they're all "roasties" there. That does not concern me in the slightest.

What I do care about is peak otaku performance and only Akari Akase could do the character true justice in live action considering her previous involvement
she who fucks the producers, gets the roles
The majority of Bisquefags are retarded. No reason to put actual effort when they will just consume slop as usual.
Wise Anon, name for me some good JAV. Please. Thank you.
>she who fucks the producers, gets the roles
...couldn't the producer fuck something better?
It means you're just as disgusting as they are.
"Normal girl", let's talk about that. Every normal girl nowadays is a disgusting slut with a high body count. Disgusting. And they hit the wall hard at 25 and become ugly forever, why would you ever expose yourself to something so miserable? A used-up, wrinkly old sack of other mens' cum. Disgusting. Fucking disgusting. You may as well feel romantic attraction to a used condom, because that's what the average girl is nowadays.
Not just the nu-Marin, but the old as well. They're both roasties. And they're hags. Disgusting.

Man I'm sad thinking that this actress is probably young but they just fucked up with the quality of her make up
Nigga. I'm straight but that pic is making me bicurious. Are you just joking?
Nah. The cosplayer just looks better.
This but unironically
Live action looks better than the ugly 2dpd weabshit
>show about highschool outcasts
>cast 30+ hag idols
Fuck the entire idea of making a live action adaptation about a love letter to ANIMATION and CONCEPT ART in the first place.
Too dumb for comprehension.
And japs can't act to save their lives.
If you saw her without makeup your stomach would turn.
She has to try her best to look like Marin and is still uglier even fully dressed up.
And then there's the fact that she's a walking, talking used condom, which is unfathomably disgusting beyond measure.
How could you possibly be attracted to something so vile?
What the fuck are you talking about?
It looks like complete ass
>Furee rental manko
>If you saw her without makeup your stomach would turn.
Show us

I got no idea what that negative nancy is on about

RAW Akase Akari looks peak kawaii, trve Jomon Yayoi Yamato Nadeshiko bishoujo, would positively marry
Obviously I do not have pictures of this specific person because she's never posted them, and would never because she knows the truth.
But there are MANY examples you can easily find online. Don't be so willfully ignorant and mentally cuck yourself into believing that slag is still young and beautiful.
Don't be a used condom enjoyer.
looks like a shitty porn parody with a ran through actress that needed to retire 10 years ago
I can already tell that the much older woman on the left has small breasts and is thus mogged in stature by 2D
Finally, another sane person.
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You ain't no otaku, pal

You're basic
No one has cable anymore for a reason
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JP media and entertainment industry, and I think the worst Koreen industry is too, is weird. It all seems to be built around obsessing over an individual or a group of people, like the whole idol thing. They craft and market an image of a person and expect, and actually get, people to be obsessed over it; you see it in manga too where girls will obsess and idolize a 'prince' girl in school, forming fanclubs and shit. I wonder how true to life this is? After all 'stanning' and idol, whatever the terminology is, isn't much different.

In the west normalfags love to gossip about celebrities but there isn't the same normalized obsession. The closest it gets is the stereotype of teenage girls obsessing over some boyband; but at least in my day they treated that fan obsession as a happy byproduct whereas the jpop idols and koreen kpop fags are all created and managed specifically to garner obsession.
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Pic related is (you).
And if you are the alternative I would rather be basic until death. Also,
I never claimed to be this. I just don't like disgusting, filthy used-up haggmaxxed old bitches.
I'm sorry that you're so disgusting.
Where is her ass?
>muh otaku
>liking 3dpd
real otakus are anti 3d, you poser.
That you are a coping Korean subhuman who is
desperately trying to hide the fact that you once fucked up a beloved series here
anons learning that Japenese women are the ugliest out of all East AND South East Asia(no Papua is not included)
im confused as to why this series has like the most adaptions in every language
That's because these examples have the mongol shit genes.
The ugly round face and slit eyes? all of that comes from the mongol subset, the han of old did not have these features.
I didn't know Vietnameses used 4chan. I thought you're all about Facebook and Tiktok.
>age worse than milk.
The mutt delusion is real
I've actually thought about this and I don't really think this holds up..

What you're essentially saying is that anime &manga should be enjoyed in complete isolation from the concepts of real life Japan.

I beg to differ.

If you wanna experience otaku culture to a peak extent, you gotta learn some stuff about Japan itself as it manifests in reality:
Japanese language
Japanese music
Japanese culture
Japanese history
Japanese cuisine
And the sixth and most important,
The Japanese people themselves.

This should not "alter" your perception of otaku media but rather enrich and deepen it so you can immerse into the Japanese otaku psyche to a 100%, to see, what lies beyond the abstract of the world of otaku.

Japanese women are to be respected and admired, both in the otaku form and i the form they assume in reality.

It's a dichotomy

One does not exist without the other.

Open your heart for loving Japanese women for who they truly are. And you will discover a new world of The Otaku Truth
That explains why Oldboy got shilled so much and the manga version got demonized as if it's the worst thing ever. It's a one big Korean cope
Imagine thinking celebrity business in muttland isn't optimised for obsession
The last good Japanese movie I saw was Perfect Days
>It was made by a westerner
Why did japs forget the art of film making? They used to be big. What in the shit happened?
No, they want you to obsess over a series or movie or something. Not the actors in it, at least not to the same degree as how they try to manage a Japanese idol group. Name one western record label who promotes and manages a band like they do.
Ok but is her acting good? That's all that matters.
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What's that? Shitty Huntel?
the japanese film industry was rather notoriously in the toilet during the 70's and 80's and never really recovered. that's why the best works known internationally are either anime or from the straight-to-video market
absolute state of this board
Yeah, but why are they still just making gigaslop to this day?
And I don't mean in the sense that they fail to make something great - It's like they refuse to TRY to make anything decent.
With the tools available today, it should be comparatively easy and cheap to make the kind of stuff Kurosawa did. They just have to actually TRY to act and TRY to direct.
Why isn't there even an indie scene for people who actually make attempts?
This is why India is better
is /a/ seamonkey board now?
Nah, Akari Akase captures the Marin Kitagawa image way way better
You are brown. Kekarrooooo funnyroooooo
Yes this place is reddit seaniggers pagpagshithole 2.0
Japan makes awesome music videos, both animated and live action.
Are you joking?
I love how quirky and weird they all look.
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ESPer Dayo!/The Virgin Psychics is adaptation filled with nothing but nonstop fanservice with hot girls. Pretty sad to see all this censorship in anime while it was perfectly fine in live adaptations before. Anyway
How does /a/ do it? Even with all its flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
Godzilla Minus One? Kaibutsu? Anything by Kore-eda really.
Just stop
>How does /a/ do it? Even with all its flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
I don't get this. Did a seething Election Tourist shit astronomical amounts of AIDS-infested blood upon seeing this sentence so he decided to spam it on bait threads as a form of get-back?
Not even the best Daoko vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5bIdqZHEOo
>J-just stop
i find it funny how a Jap oriented board is the only board that completely chimp out and shit on Japanese cinema everytime it gets mentioned. I mean /tv/ or heck, even sometimes /v/ could give you a bunch of post 80's Japanese films recommendation just fine without going "muh Japanese acting" for 100+ posts
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this was ok
Why are you still trying to gaslight
i hate to tell you this anon but 99% of consumers don't care at all about the quality of a movie or tv show, they're just looking to be entertained
>only good manga adaptation
Blue Blazes
You must be violently autistic to not notice how shit the acting in Godzilla Minus One is.
I always knew that Shogun would trigger some retards but i didn't know that it would be THIS bad
Kamiki was really bad yeah, but Hamabe and Ando make up for it.
And acting was never really a focal point in any Godzilla movie ever (Japanese or not), except for the first one (maybe).
Alright i'll bite, name your 10 favourites Japanese films
Watch Bayside Shakedown
I don't get it either, /tv/ should theoretically be the normie oriented board who hates Japshit but they are way more chill with Nip films than fucking /a/ of all places
Tv is 3dpd board
/a/ has been strictly 2D for more or less
/a/ has seen their precious anime/manga get raped time and again by shitty LA adaptations
NTA but I can't see anything special about Japanese women that makes them deserve to be praised over western women. The only thing I see is that they are good at selling you a fake personality and pretending they are not sluts, but it is very easy to see that they are no different from the rest if you are not a retard or a deluded person who wants to fool yourself.
they don't weigh 500 pounds
I like Shinya Tsukamoto and Kiyoshi Kurosawa's films
Not an excuse
>they are good at selling you a fake personality
You already answered it yourself
Either it's a "/v/ hates videogame" situation, someone really hate the Japs for some reason or that Mauritanian anon is ultimately right about /a/nons not expanding their knowledge beyond manga/anime
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/a/ is mostly just new gen kids and shitposters trying hard to fit. You know kinda
>"This is /a/ - Anime & Manga so I must hate everything except anime and manga to be part of epic subculture!"
>*spams buzzwords full house*
Even mentioning VN, LN, japanese video games or any "otaku media" will attract negative attention here now.
Its a explanation.
Its been like that for a long time, sadly.
Psychic fingerbanging?
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Ajin? I found a torrent and it never downloaded
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Wtf? Did she do JAV? she looks like pic related.
>Live action has covered up cleavage
oh no no no no no
fuck u saars
Nip women who dye their hair look so uncanny. Why are they so desperate to look white?
>Bad anime gets bad live action
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is there really no sydney sweeney equivalent in japan?
Most whites aren't blonde.
But japanese hair is quite horrible in ways that a dye can't fix. It's so thin and straight, and the texture is different from normal hair. But on the flipside they have very aesthetic pubic hair.
If this divergence in evolution is caused simply by sexual selection, Japan must be extremely horny country to somehow manage to ignore heads in favor of cunts to this degree.
half the images itt have nothing to do with anime nor manga are just random women
Gone too soon....
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>posts a baby-faced twink
Did someone post the shot where her dad catches them?
that's disgusting
this is someone's grandma
how dare they
I imagine Japan is being way WAY harder on her than us for having a 50 year old play a highschooler
>black hair Hori
>w-what do you mean that the gyaru looks like a cheap whore....
lmao even
As seen in this thread, there are cosplayers who are spot on, and don't look like 40 yeard old pretending to be 15.
>don't look like 40 yeard old pretending to be 15
the actress looks 60
And? irl gyarus do look like cheap whores.
>Why the do they keep doing this???
It's easy money.
i am VOMIT
Looks like a homeless junkie
It's fiction, I don't need them to look like in real life people.
What is this 40 year old crackwhore doing, playing our sweet gyaru goddess Marin-chan?
How the FUCK is this thread still up?
actress name?
She looks 40, this is practically MILF porn.
I don't know, but when I was talking about it earlier and anons were arguing with me I got so angry I punched a hole in my door, and now my mom and dad want me to move out again. This board truly is shit from a butt.
she looks like a crack-addict
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Jomon are rarer and rarer, but there are some. Pic very much related.
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I wish they'd stop doing those retarded hand signs.
"V" is already stupid, adding an extra finger and making it a 3... the fuck is the point? Do they think it's cute? Man.
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Certainly it is a secret order of magicians
Fair, Ken Watanabe also has a masculine look.
First, there's never been a good live action anime adaptation. Second, gyaru are in fact ugly skanks IRL. Third, English only.
Not anime but the recent Queen of Villains series on Netflix had two gorgeous actresses playing Chigusa Nagayo and Lioness Asuka who have always looked like butch dykes IRL. That's because a lot of Japanese entertainment is all about idols who are just living marketing machines vs. casting anyone for their actual talent or how well they match who they're cast as.
>That plastic thing is korea only
There's shitloads of plastic surgery. Look at even undergroud idols and you'll see it. They just go for more minor shit and not the full on Dr. Kim look that Koreans get.
>ano isn't an actress either
She spent years as idol ripping of Fukase Kojima right down to copying her general look so I'd say that requires some acting. ano wasn't literally living in her own garbage and getting punched out on stream by her boyfriend like Fukase and she dropped 99% of the act the moment she left You'll Melt More!.
That's a man
>/a/ - 3DPD
What do you recommend from Kiyoshi Kurosawa? I watched Penance and found it long and uninteresting, but I'm open for movies since TV series are always a different game for most directors.
Japanese women were a mistake.
Imagine being able to cum inside Akase Akari while she is cosplaying as Marin.
I have no hope for the meeting Juju scene. Besides live action Juju is not even pink or smol
>Jackie Chan Hunter
There's also a faggy french edition of that.
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PROTIP: there is no good live action anime.
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>japanese """acting"""
actually decent.

Death Note's nippon LiveAction, and GTO's were still the best LiveActions IMO NGL, my dudetachies.
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Why the race swap

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