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Chapter 161
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>**ggers from overseas?!
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So that's the end of the manga. It was a nice story, but a shame that it got axed so suddenly.
Asahi's PEE
Asahi a best
Asahi will win
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Nice butt.
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Yae chapter next week
Yae episode this week!
Big brained move
No such thing
>Yuna getting a boob pillow
>You call it a date...
>But we're just advertising
Was he disappointed it wasn't an actual date?
Big sister pillow...
Cute legally married couple
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Speaking of pillows
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Asahi won, it's over. The favoritism is too powerful.
Will Yuna and Uryuu at least get to talk to each other before her arc ends?
Yae will get her dose of favoritism next week
Are cucks and Medaka on break this week?
I did ponder the a scenario in which all the girls move out, he becomes head priest , but doesn't marry anyone and has to continue working at the shrine anyway early on, but then we learned Yuna plans to be the head priest. This presents as with the possibility of Yuna moving away as well.
It's probably just prepping her a way out if she doesn't win.
>Sparkling eyes
It's coming home!!
>When did she get so good at English?!
I wonder what his chances to get into Kyoto U really are
Told you this has been the Asahi route all along after he fell down from the stairs in the Yae route.
The wsy these things usually go, the arranged marriage or forced relationship or whatever gets cancelled near the end so MC can make his decision freely, here Yuna will definitely get the head priest position which will cancel the engagement, then Uryuu will decide who he wants to marry regardless of the shrine
Yuna will avenge Itsuki
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The foreshadowing was there all along
Just get them pregnant and create more mikos for the shrine!
It's symbolic of how she's getting away from him and hiw he has to run after her, or something
>Worse at math than Yae
>Worse at english than Asahi
It's not looking good for him
I get Yuna's route ending the moment he blocked the accidental kiss but it's really unfair Yae's route ends because of an accident
>fell down from the stairs in the Yae route.
How did that mess things up?
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Yae route
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>It's not like I'm actually gonna marry any of you...
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falls through a tori and down the stairs
MC dying is usually the bad end in VNs
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Yae tries to catch him but the talisman breaks
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it triggers the sequence when he sees various future events all tied with the particular cord
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then he sees all the possible endings at once
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and wakes up as if nothing happened... but it did happen right?
Different route
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Next day Yae acts as if nothing significant happened.
so it didn't happen...
So the Yae bath scene will never happen?
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I'm joking that it's Asahi's route, but it clearly is a different route
Either it was just about her being at rhe onsen at Yomiko's shrine or they'll ignore the shorter hair and have it happen when they go back to Yomiko's during the final arc right before Asahi leaves
Yae needs to grow out her hair again for that
Whoever wins, Tuna loses. As it should be
nta but to me that feels more like the end of the prologue rather than the end of a route, the string of fate was cut so now his future is his own to choose
If anything the branching point could be when he votes for Asahi in the popularity poll or when he went out of his way to get a 2nd tanabata festival at the shrine, the final narration shows Asahi had pretty much given up but he keep pushing so she decided to give it a try after all
Asahi will avenge Kana
Even more new merch
>Grows hwr hair out just to cut it again
I thought only Nisio was capable of such evil
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You know, I am somewhat interested in this, but probably won't actually read it until is over. My problem is not that the girl I like loses, but rather these sort of harems seem to often follow a sequence of events whereas they feel more like a family or friends who sometimes has closer moment but never really intimate, so even if it ends with a marriage of three, most of the romanticism might end up condensed in one chapter.

I am not sure if I can properly represent my grievances with this genre of romcom.
The first part of the manga (the part the anime will cover) is a bit like that since the story needs all the girls to start liking mc, after that mc is becomes set on marrying into the family so the interactions are more openly romantic but of course there's plot reasons why mc can't start formally dating any of the girls yet so it never reached shoujo levels of over the top romance, most of the story is about the character dealing with their issues while falling in love
>Asahi from Medaka also played Basketball
Too bad that one isn't written by Negi's former assistant
My college pillow!
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Thanks to the based /e/ drawfag who drew my request
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There's also an uncensored version in the /e/ thread
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Remember to retweet to help Asahi on her race across japan, less than 100 retweets left for her to reach the next landmark
What if she never reaches her mark?
The manga gets axed
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That's all three arcs now
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The character songs album just came out

Yae's song - A line drawn in the night sky

The bond I started to make, my fingertips stretched out as if to confirm, definitely touched you

The scenery was completely different from before I realized it, and the colors I chose were a little paler than usual
God just laughed mischievously in the night
I'll start painting from scratch, a future beyond my imagination

In the midst of the days that pass by like they're drifting
I hope that someday you'll find me again

The lines that we connected, the canvas is vividly yearning
and dyed, it paints the end of the time that was about to end
The bond I started to make, my fingertips stretched out as if to confirm, definitely touched you

I get happy over the slightest event, the shape of the shadow
I'm no longer the only one

The ordinary things that pass by so quickly are happiness, I wish you were like that too
I take a peek at your profile

The dots that gather together form an imitation of the starry sky
A constellation that no one should miss, so beautiful
The line I drew in the night sky is the promise we wanted, I gave it a name

I'm a little scared of the new premonition But I'm sure I'll still reach out my hand
Every time I learn something new, I learn a new me

Find a signpost and go further and further, freely
You're smiling at the destination I chose

The lines I connected together, the canvas is vividly dyed with yearning
It paints the end of time that was about to end
The bond I've begun to form, my fingertips reaching out to confirm, have definitely touched you
The future I want to connect

Yuna's song - Evening Color Wish Path

I can hear that voice that heals my heart, the innocent self I promised, if it's a wish, if it's a dream, it must come true

One of the thousands of prayers wrapped in clasped palms

Softly, my thoughts are autumn leaves, coloring without my knowing, not changing... This place and I, for someone's wish, for my vow, let's trace the path of our wish to God, encountering miracles

So that we don't forget, so that we don't go wrong, let's offer it wholeheartedly, everyone is here, and I am, this beloved place, we must protect it

Just believing in it won't make it come true, because I know

Shiningly, my thoughts are sparks, sparkling unexpectedly, soon a big chrysanthemum fireworks lights up the future, it's more lively than I imagined, but let's paint the path of our wish from that day, a little selfishly

Fluttering, into the falling sunset colors, before we know it, our hearts are dyed

Softly, my thoughts are autumn leaves, coloring without my knowing, not changing... This place and I, for someone's wish, for my vow, step by step Let's walk together along this path of hope

Asahi's song - Asahi feels like a princess only in the morning

I want you to say "good morning" to me... because... because...

I close my sleepy eyes
In the morning, I can't wake up
I want to leave everything to you like a princess
Oh, keep smiling

Good morning. Your voice is the only thing
I don't know if it's real or a dream

Don't look dumbfounded, forgive my selfishness
I couldn't sleep last night
I've been thinking about you all this time
I can't tell you, Asahi only feels like a princess in the morning

Ah~Ah, before I knew it, it was already morning
I can hear your voice
Even in sleepless nights and dreams
Because you were always here

I'm embarrassed to look at your face for a moment
So please notice
I'm not good at putting it into words
But there are so many things I want to tell you
I always end up spinning my wheels
I'm not very good at being spoiled
Please, I want you to notice me properly someday

Good morning, our voices are all the only thing
I don't know if it's real or a dream

Don't look dumb, forgive my begging
It's your fault that I didn't wake up
I've been holding on to these feelings for so long
I can't tell you, Asahi only feels like a princess in the morning
and even now I feel like I'm in a dream
Don't take Pee Yuu away!
Yeah, I'm thinking Asahi won
When are we getting this treatment Yaebros?
Literally next week
I hope it's not just her being jealous
so what prevents Yae to just pin down Uryuu with her boobs and then make him hers? no one can resist that mass and she's big enough for Uryuu to have a hard time trying to fight back.
She always looked like the sub type to me,maybe she'll get more aggressive if she gets drunk eough
sounds like an idol song
sounds like an anime song
sounds like SEX
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>what's preventing yae from molesting someone
>Twintails Asahi
>Yae's song is about the freedom she gained after being adopted
>Yuna's song is about her wanting to inherit the shrine
>Asahi's song is all about her feelings for Uryuu

UUOOOHHH Asahi chapter in the middle of Yuna's arc. Based!
Thinking about it, Asahi is the hard mode route on this VN, Yae is the easiest one, once she recognizes MC as the kid she met in the past the route is already won, all it takes is to accept any of her advances
Yuna is the normal route, you have to be nice to her until she admits her feelings and that's it
For Asahi's route you also needs to be nice until se admits her own feelings but her default reaction is to assume she'd lost so you have to go with the over the top option of going full dogeza with the previous arc villain to get her wish granted just to keep the route from ending early, then you have to raise her affection enough so she doesn't give up again at the school festival and you can get that date event, then she starts pushing you away if you try to be to aggressive about helping her and she then drops the bombshell that she doesn't believe love can last and doesn't plan on getting married and soon after that she announces she's moving abroad and you get the premonition that things will go bad for her there, so now you have to restore her faith in love and figure out how to help her change her future and even after all of that there's still the problem of her leaving as the final event on her route
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Nice parallel to the anime this week
Man, Yae kind of fell off after the first few opening arcs.
She's fine, she just blew her load too early so here's not much the story can do with her
>she just blew her load too early
Many such cases
I guess, I just got to the body swap arc. I don't know how to feel about Tuna lusting after Uryu's lil sausage.
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Uryuu's becoming very aggressive lately
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I thought that was Shirahi...
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Shitahi's arc was awful and dragged on way too long.
It was based and should have turned her into an Amagami Sister.
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It wasn't her fault
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Basically pic related
I guess Yuna can't sing about anything else since we are just about to learn of her past.
Everything was her fault.
She was calling for the Gods when she should have been calling for the whambulance. It was 100% her own fault.
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I wonder if they're going to include the vol3 flashforward later on in the anime since it was supposed to happen at the end of this week's episode
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Apparently these acrylic stands will be turned into figures
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The g*ds took advantage of her
They'll probably move it to the end of the arc
There's also a good chance they move the cram school chapter with Shirahi to right after Uryuu goes to each girl's school since it kinda fits the theme
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>tfw you'll never wake up next to Asahi to spoil her in the morning
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My cute JC wife!
Imagine the smell...
I still believe in the harem end
Trips confirm
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It's not fair...
I hope they get the different backgrounds right in the anime, they drive the point that the futures are mutually exclusive
What about Shirahi's route?
And what about the doctors?
Not happening
They should do an Asahi ASMR, her voice's perfect for that
After getting kicked out of the shrine Uryuu decides to believe it was all a weird dream, he decides to to run after Asahi when he stumbled upon her and keep studying to become a doctor as Shirahi's BF, Shirahi keeps gaslighting him into accepting this new reality and she becomes addicted to making wishes at the shrine to keep her happy life going, the route ends with the foster home catching on fire and everyone inside dying
For her route Uryuu needs to confess his love for her each time he visits the foster home, eventually she says if Uryuu gets the top score in his entrance exams she'll date him, route ends with them running the foster home together and raising the orphans as their children
When visiting the Inugami shrine Uryuu let's his lust get the best of him and attacks the half naked Uzuki, Azuki finds them i the act and decides to join, Uryuu ends up as the pet of the twincest couple
why so evil
Shirahi's route only works if she's evil and evil routes always end in tragedy
Thank you for posting.
>shoving nearly every losing heroine flag on shirahi just to get it out of the way
You're already treating her as canon does, great job
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>Shirahi's route
There is no Shirahi route anymore
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>that feels more like the end of the prologue rather than the end of a route, the string of fate was cut so now his future is his own to choose
That's not how it works here
Cute and canon
Also, cute butt
Nino will avenge Asahi
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Yomiko wasn't telling them the whole truth there
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>There is no Shirahi route anymore
Good thing he avoided the bad ending
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based, here we go.

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