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Who asked for this?
The Annedroids have been begging for this for decades now.
the capitalists
I honestly expected they'd do a whole World Masterpiece Theater remake at some point.
When the fuck am I going to get my Noozles or Littl Bits reboot.

Hell even a Eurekas Castle, or Fred Penner adaptation would be great.

I keep emailing Kyoani but the fuckers never responded.
You'd think there are enough classic Western children's books to adapt a few new ones, and enough of a market to fund it without too much risk.
Especially now that most of the material that fits the bill is in the public domain and neither kids nor their parents read anymore, so it's all new to them.
Anne anal
Two weeks later, Anon died of syphilis.
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They're not gonna be able to top the art direction of the original.
>cropped screenshot
Not even the "remaster" topped the art direction of the original
there's no way they're keeping the long cuts of the scenery with just the music playing either
Probably won't be as good as the prior anime but I'm sure it'll still be plenty enjoyable and worth a watch.
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It looks like its gonna be a pretty standard bland remake.
why is her hair so fucking bright
netflix probably
I hate to be one of those people, but something like this really could only justifiably be made by a studio like Kyoani. Someone that'd at least try matching Takahata's ambition.
Overcompensating after Ranma's hair came out pink.
So why DID this obscure Canadian book series become so popular in Japan? Loli power?
loli power
This industry is so cooked.
Why? The old one is already perfect.
PEI tourism board gonna be eating good with this one.
This is nothing like my anime.
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Are there any fight scenes in this? My favorite genre is battle shonen.
It comes with limited edition event tickets where Anne smashes your skull with her suitcase.
Shoujo Cosette soon
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I've long held the opinion Anne of Green Gables is the best of the classic World Masterpiece Theater entries. At least when Takahata is doing what he does best: nothing.
>NHK is doing it
That's pretty fucking gay even though I'm sure they're justifying it by saying it's a new original adaptation and not a remake.
NHK spitting on Takahata's grave is not what I expected to finish off this rotten shitty year.
Cute little redhead girl.
i'll be sure to tell my friend that's 60
uh yeah
>that random anime original dog changing the entire story by being a fuarking HERO
That's Diana? Why did they change her cute old haircut?
that anime was pure suffering for like 30 episodes, something similar happens in nadja
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my annes are ready
"Never ever" I guess?
i fail to see the problem here
What will they change to make it appealing to the modern audiences?
Rap soundtrack
gib theme song by queen bee plox
i like that homosexual singer
I've seen Heidi, Dog of Flanders, Marco, Perrine, Anne and Sara. All real masterpieces in their own ways, but for my taste Anne was the least interesting one.
Why not just adapt a real book like War and Peace?
Anne and Diana will be lez out
fucking why
jesus zoomer remake slop is terrible
just read the fucking book
read it in japanese if you want to be a fucking weeb
There's no reason to read a book when an anime exists.
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Loli ecchi
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My second thought was they're too pussy to do Heidi because Miyazaki is a little too alive to say something about it.
It's infuriating isn't it.
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Look what they did to my girl
>NHK spitting on Takahata's grave i
It's just an anime, what are you talking about?
I wish I could find the dub of the original. I refuse to watch adaptations not in the language of the original
did you type anne of greene gables anime dub into youtube to get the entire series for free
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Well, Naoko Yamada will be directing, so it's almost like kyoani, but good
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Just wait for prillya level fanservice with those foreheads.
I went to the actual place as a kid with my parents and didn't appreciate it at all. I forgot it all. Sad.

You had your prequel, we dont need this.

Take all the beautiful artwork and music out of it and leave you a bland product full of characters that look like melted plastic.
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>so cooked
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Where does it say that? Would be interesting if true. All I found was this post about possible storyboards

There is a dub?
>some guy likes watching anime
>walking garbage reaction image
you probably didn't even watch the original newfag
asians fucking love Anne of green gables

Please not this pretentious cunt.
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The dub is indeed on YouTube and torrent sites like Nyaa, yes. It's a charming dub imo.

When was it dubbed? Pretty sure it wasnt back when i first watched it.
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Boy I can't wait for shitty modern colors, boring backgrounds and bland characters!
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Quite awhile ago. It was dubbed by Leephy Studios around the 90s. You may have watched it before this dub was uploaded to YouTube.
More likely she's just doing an OP or ED.
It makes sense why my uploads on archive got dmca'd, i thought it was because wmt anniversary is next year but now i see its because a shitty remake was coming.

I never saw this dubbed, i saw it back in the early 2000s when fansubbers were scrounging for clean episodes to put together a complete subbed series of it out.
The dub may as well have been lost media for most others for awhile so that's not surprising
This is made for westerners, we all got to watch the first anime on tv when we were young so now they are trying to milk the nostalgiafags.
so will it have blacks?
Who wanted this?
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I’d prefer the real one on blu ray.
That's not a forehead; it's a tumor.

I am sick of boring anime and want the Classics

You can watch the classics they dont need to remake them for that.
>hey remember this beloved classic known for how gorgeous it was?
>here it is again but ugly and boring
why do they keep doing this over and over again
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nothin beats those classics bros
I loved that show, although thinking back, fanfictioning the fuck out of Javert at the end was kind of retarded
Same reason as Heidi and Alice in Wonderland.
Loli power.
Fuck you, I did
Are we going to have another era of busloads of japanese tourists demolishing every seafood buffet in PEI? They literally ruined them in the 90s

It was one of the first western novels released in Japan post-WW2. They're so autistic about this that NHK made a drama about the life of the woman who translated it:

Because Anne is the best
Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author of these books, died over 20 years before the leaf flag was introduced.
The dub wasn't given any sort of wide release in the west for decades. It only aired in South Africa, South East Asia and maybe a handful of other markets. There was little documentation of it until it was dumped onto YouTube by a Belgian studio. They inherited the rights to a bunch of old anime adaptations of western novels.

I'm not sure Anne of Green Gables was in the public domain by the time the anime came out. There was a popular Canadian live-action adaptation in the '80s and the producer behind that cranked out related projects until 2008. So they might've been able to prevent any competing adaptations from getting distribution. To make matters worse, the dub was produced in South Africa during apartheid, so there might've even been sanctions against that.

Neat, didnt know this.
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It's been 15 years...
Can't. Only slop now. People need to be able to scroll tiktok while watching their shows. Also LNs aren't gonna sell themselves.
"They" didn't change it to be exact, that was Nippon Animation's design.
It's impossible to even get close to such a level of soul, they should just remaster it.
AND anne was so popular it lead to candy candy which was inspired from it.
No you fucking retards adapt the fucking sequels god damn it!
Anne of Green Gables has an HD remaster. So does Heidi.
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>no Ingleside adaptation that starts off pure and idyllic like the original but then eventually descends to hell in 1914
It would be so kino.
Candy Candy pretty much did just that
Shows for little girls were insane back then
I havent read rainbow valley or rilla of ingleside yet because i havent found them but hopefully that will be corrected at christmas. The book i really wanted to see adapted is windy poplars.
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Windy Poplars is another one that would be good to adapt because it's fairly cut off from everything else and lends itself to a simple episodic format.
Keep this hack with a twitter cult away from the classics.
Ever since she lost the structural support of the Kyoto Animation team she has made nothing but garbage. I doubt you've seen has latest movie. You wouldn't be wishing such a horrible fate to Anne if you did.
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One of Anne's sons became a pilot so there'd be an excuse for some dog-fighting.
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Matthew is me.
He is literally me.
Every time Anne goes on long tangents I can't help but be enamored
Don't die anon.
If I could die knowing a girl like Anne cared for me then I wouldn't mind it.
Why not adopt a new classic?
Like what?
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Doubt they can top this OP
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Miyazaki worked on Anne of Green Gables too you know. For the first 15 episodes anyway.
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Wtf I was just gonna post that
Yoshifumi Kondou the main star of making Anne
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He apparently said the final series was rushed and he had mixed feelings on it
If he didn't die I bet he would've made the remake himself
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>how I met your mother
>best part was made with miyazaki
damn, i didnt even know.
He was also the character designer of Little Women.
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Nobody here's seen Little Women
She could still get raked while she was still alive.
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I have!
Is this yuri?
They're just bosom friends.
Damn brat...
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>hana kimi
>ROV film
>magic knight rayearth remake
>anne of green gables remake
>nana IP allegedly being filed by shueisha
shojo renaissance is real
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Brazilians from d*scord are on suicide watch.
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old IS good
Miko Iino’s favorite
If they did it in the style of the Bluebird movie, that would be nice
>Brazilians from d*scord
>Candy Candy pretty much did just that
>Windy Poplars
This reminds me... wasn't cannibalism in one of those books?
>One of Anne's sons became a pilot so there'd be an excuse for some dog-fighting.
One if the people responsible for adapting that book are morons. The drama of that books is from the point of view from the families back home. The pain and drama is all about not knowing what is actually happening, f their children are in danger or even already dead. Whoever animates this CAN'T show Europe for even a second.
Nice, an updated version of "How i met your father" the Anime
I did! And them I read the books.
She was groomed!
>New Anne anime
>it's a demake
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Look what they did to my boy
Funny because just some days ago an anon brought this up in a "old good new bad" thread and said something like that would never be made again.
Wonder if they will do it justice. Wasn't the old series already perfect? It watched it as little kid so I doubt my opinion is objective.
Agree with >>273304849 though
This is something I HATE about new anime. They cannot linger on a scene anymore and leave room for impressions and emotions. They even rush through death scenes.
Bait and loses like always
You're so unique.
looks like he struck a nerve
Hideaki Anno
takahata is rolling in his grave
randomly spammed isekai with a weak fanbase can't become a classic like this? say it ain't so
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>The drama of that books is from the point of view from the families back home.
You're absolutely right about this and that an adaption should never lose its focus from the home front. It's just that adaptions naturally have to "broaden" the source material to meet the runtime and that would be an opportunity to depict the perspectives of the other children. I know its RILLA of Ingleside and she should stay the heroine but I would like there to be something about the daily lives of the other Blythes and Merediths instead of next to nothing at all like in the book. You're right there should be an aversion to showing Europe but I think at least Walter should be shown writing his letters there.
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Anne of Green Gables is the greatest story told in human history.
Also it's LM Montgomery's 150th birthday on November 30th
It's really funny how much Amy won at life in the second part while Jo practically became a NEET.
as someone who only watched it sparingly on TV as a kid, is it actually kino? should I give it a watch? I don't remember anything about it
What is this even about? I never watched it as a kid, maybe a few episodes but I preferred series with drama and male MCs back then and I was like 5-7 when this was airing on tv anyway. It looked like slice of life to me.
How woke will it be?

Considering how much he borrowed from it he should be stuck paying for it.
Little orphan girl who had to look after three sets of twins (yes THREE) moves to paradise
>wasn't cannibalism in one of those books
I don't exactly remember but there's two scenes where old women go over the gruesome ways people they knew died and some of these descriptions were so gorey that they were censored in North America.
He fell in love with her strength
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Collect your commemorative loonie fellow leafs.
Yes it's comfy kino, the characters and setting are very charming.

> They even rush through death scenes.

she had a hot doujin where she got raped by the master of the orphanage.
pretty sure there is only one anne of green gables doujin out there anyway lol
I will collect, and immediately spend them.
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>shit eating grin
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Watch out, we got a rebel here!
>Considering how much he borrowed from it
Did he?
Dub Anne is pure English adorableness, who can fault Lewis Carroll when there were millions of girls that once talked like that?
I'm glad this new adaptation will bring some amount of attention to this dub. It should be talked about more.
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I dont know if its because of exposer to the original first but i prefered mathews slower speech to the one in this dub.
He sounds too sharp.
Not shitting on it just saying.
Why was it so much more common to have poor MCs or orphans in old series? Even if it wasn't based on some 100 year old book it was so much more likely and honestly so much better as a starting point for a character.
Nowadays every MC in the west is some shitty rich fag, a journalist, popular novel writer or something and in anime are full of upper middleclass fags, idols or rich and many of those who aren't will die and be reborn as princess or king in an isekai world, I hate it.
clean slate character, not parents means not bound to a "normal" life so you can do whatever you want with them without people asking why the fuck are they doing this and where are their parents. lazy writing.
>rich fag
same reason. being rich means you're not bound to normal life and can do whatever you want, but now it's more about wish fulfillment. notice how even here parents are almost never involved
>novel writer
literally author self insert, probably knows fuck all about anything in life so his only POV is his own.
it all stems from lazy writing
Absolutely, it's one the best dubs ever made. There's also an Alice in Wonderland dub with many of the same cast that's equally good.
I don't disparage the original by any means, it had a full house of excellent voice actors but it's such a rare thing for a dub to be on par with the original that its what I op for. Though if I could name one thing dub > sub it would be the removal of the bagpipes.
I'll share these old stitches for any curious anons. The original link for them was taken down some time ago.

I knew Wonderland had a dub but I never watched it, so I didn't know it had many of the same cast. That's really cool.
so fucking this.
just watch the original, it is great>>273307867
70s anime biplanes immediately trigger my PTSD of this opening.
That's a gold mine

Thanks for Sharing Anon!

> outta nowhere for literally no reason gets a bomb dropped on them
> sad scene
> cheerful music starts playing
The best part is that it plays every single episode.
The only time I've ever wished Canada was real.
Anna dai capelli rossi
I never bothered watching the prequel and I won't bother watching this, nothing needs to be added or changed from the first adaptation.
Reboots are a sign of a dying industry.
I remember watching this when i was a wee lad
it bored me to death but is it actually bad or it's just my stupid kid impression
Remakes and reboots have been a thing in anime for a very long time. Hell, Kitarou literally gets a reboot every single decade ever since the 60s.
That's so crazy. I really want to watch it at some point. The other dax pro shows from 79 got subs and they were great stuff.
Matsumoto and Tezuka series used to various reboots in the previous decades, although that seems to have died off by the 10s. Unless you count Yamato for Matsumoto, but his company doesn't own it.
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Jeanie is the closest thing we'll ever get to a Gone with the Wind adaptation. The only anime where Robert E Lee appears I believe.
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how long until they ruin perrine
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I think Sara is more likely to receive the remake treatment if this succeeds. 40th anniversary next year btw.
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Rate my dinner gear
Sell me on this series. I usually don't pick up Anime with Fem MC
Anne probably never saw a pair of chopsticks in her entire life.
It's not for you, move along.
I personally want Cuore and Romeo's Blue Skies for peak italian comfiness
Watch Daddy's long legs
Now that I think about it why is she already wearing her Green Gables clothes at the train station? I'll assume it's just a promotional thing.
Romeo's WMT adaptation is fairly recent, it was 1995.
I couldn't bring myself to watch something that was required schoolboy reading.
Think I passed over every single WMT (and adjacent) adaptation that I was forced to read as a kid.

Needs the plate desu.
If they don't use their IPs they lose them. So the execs probably.

What is this from, an artbook?
My laserdiscs came with inserts with some stuff on it.
I'm sure I'll watch it. No idea who really wanted it though.
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I wish I was forced to read Little Women as a kid.
I wish they made us ream more of these old books but modern school is gay and you end up reading like two page excerpts of all these old things.
Which is your favorite WMT? Mine is Mary and the Secret Garden.
Anne is my favorite WMT, Remi is my favorite pseudo WMT (not girl Remi)
I know I've seen various versions of this adapted from live action and now realized, I did see this one as well.
Before Green Gables was fine but a remake isn't really necessary for Anne.
If they touch my daughter I swear I'll find some way to get it canceled!
Sara is MY daughter! MINE!
I do really like Remi (and to a lesser extent Takarajima) because I'm gay for its art director.
Apparently pic related is the first animated background in the true sense of the word (and exceedingly rare). As in it's not cels.
Though this guy went on to paint many a cel as a background artist.
Will they draw her naked?
The Treasure Island anime adaptation is an absolute masterpiece.
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I forgot my image.
As opposed to other anime that are made because they're "necessary"?
All remakes are not necessary, but this one is especially.
it will be a yuri show.
All anime is not necessary.
You did
That's just patently false.
Name one necessary anime then.
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For fuck's sake
my gf missed the first anime when it aired, guess the news will make her really happy
Pink haired Gilbert is a choice
In what way is that anime necessary? I've never even seen it and I've suffered no ill consequence as a result. From my perspective that anime seems completely unnecessary.
Anne of Green Gables is in the public domain.
Dog of Flanders
Boku no pico.
Dude was a legend and died recently.
>As in it's not cels
I don't understand.
I can see where Victory Gundam got its looks from.
So in old anime what's considered Background was determined by 'is this a job for the art department (painters) or is this a job for the animators'. If a part of the composition went to the art department it was BG.
So you could have a watercolor paining that was BG. You could also have painted cels, done by the art department, that were BG. But you could also have things that were background in the sense you or I might think 'hey it's in the back of the composition' but those backgrounds were drawn on paper by the animators. That wouldn't be BG in the anime Jargon sense of the word.

So the waves from Takarajima aren't cel animation. They're sequentially filmed paintings. Story goes they asked this guy if he could animate it and he said yes not knowing how so he reinvented the wheel.

Akage no anne, duh.
Ah... PEI.
Interesting, thank you for the explanation.
But why? The first anime is already basically perfect, it's genuinely one of the best anime I've ever seen. It blows every other adaptation of Anne of Green Gables out of the water too.
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Is that some Rank and Bass animation?
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I'd prefer another Maya.
The CGI series was such a baby-slop let down.
>fork, spoon, and chopsticks
>no knife
That is some fucking jank.
Such a soulful flag. Same with the old national anthem The Maple Leaf Forever
Sadly that treasonous faggot Lester Pearson changed both, without public referendum, because colonialism references are bad.
Now you get a fucking Peruvian flag with a leaf on it and OH CANADA! WE'RE SUCH FUCKING FAGS!!!
Fuck this disgrace of a country.
>t. leaf
>giving Anne an English accent instead of a more Irish-Canadian backcountry accent
So fucking jarring.
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Yamada handled only the OP and ED.
Hiroshi Kawamata is directing the show.
>pure English
South Africa
Of the anime made by World Masterpiece Theatre, I've only watched:
Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette
Trapp Ikka Monogatari

and the others on my backlog are
Perrine Monogatari
Akage no Anne
Ai no Wakakusa Monogatari

Which one should I watch next?
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Honestly throw a dart. All 3 are good. There isn't a bad WMT series. Peter Pan is the only one that I wasn't very interested in no idea why.
Translation when?
I didn't like Peter Pan either.
why are its legs so long
Anne is Scotch not Irish and she’s not a hick either.
Don’t look up where Tolkien was born.
Ugly designs, the kids are annoying for an episodic anime and Disney made the better version without lagging too much, quite a shame because it's one of the best WMT in terms of animation (as expected of having someone who worked on Akira on board), Wendy was cute.
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Jackie a CUTE! It'd be nice if someone edited the VHS recordings of the dub onto higher quality video, but alas. I should really get back to finishing that show.
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Pico to Chico
I hope Carol Anne Daye voices Anne in the new adaptation.
It's Rankin-Bass, you uncultured swine. Also, no.
I'll Rank your Bass
It's very good, if you dont mind the slow pace of older anime (though anne is a lot worse in terms of pace) then it's worth your time.
>"Anne returned no answer. It was asking too much of flesh and blood to expect her to tell before the whole school that she had been called ‘carrots."
You watch Akage no Anne ofcourse then you can be upset with the rest of us.
holy shit this show looks cute. should i watch it?
What if they had been trapped in TV hell, making shows well into old age like Dezaki and Tomino? Maybe even forced to direct an OVA or two, animating Nausicaä as a series, etc? What's that timeline like?
If there’s a Haunted Wood episode that will justify its existence. That and this being an actually finished production.
>Slow pace
I didn't think the pace was slow at all. It was very quick at only 26 episodes.
a victory for canada

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