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Episode 7
Ha ha! Time for nerfs!
Fuck, now I'm 3 episodes behind.
>9 year age gap
Why did Shuu not mention this when she was shilling the anime in Sydney?
Does this convince you to get of your arse and start watching the greatest thing in a long time?
Sure. I just didn't have time between shitposting and work.
>written by a woman
Why are they like this?
>the greatest thing in a long time
Damn, people here have really low standards.
Wow it's actually true.
Better not deadname him.
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is she having prophetic dreams now
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>look heika, a faggot!
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jill is so cute and small
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>literally kneeling before this shrimpy lizard
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>jill's new pet
why did she call him THAT
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what the fuck
i've been lusting after man instead of a cool tomboyish aneki type this entire time!?
what the FUCK
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Beats me, might just be a joke.
The entire thing seems quite cryptic about what exactly it means.
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>tfw no loli grug wife who would break your enemies spines in half to keep you safe
Loli butt
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>get jumped by assassins as soon as they arrive the capital
>no problem though because jill is fucking hardcore
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>jill and heika have had their magic sealed
so what they're just be gunna useless from now on? that didn't last long...
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so the next plot arc will be about dealing with traitors (again) i guess
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wait, you can just cut a magic circle with a knife?? that changes everything
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>the noble house of Neutrahl
>they're on the border, and neutral
the author has amazing naming sense
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Up the arse.
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>gotta wait around for six MONTHS in a dingy cabin for the seal to wear off (maybe)
what are jill and hadis gunna do in there with all that free time i wonder...
God I wish that were me.
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>jill is going off to work to make money and connections to plan on retaking the capital
>her househusband hadis will be left behind at the cottage to farm vegetables and cook
ah, domestic bliss
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kawaii shiri furi dansu
>ywn sleep with your brutish loli wife
Where do I acquire a pet Hadis. I want it.
He's adorable.
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jill is so cool
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what did he tell her?
>my ancestors :)
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hag sexo
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Jill is such a funny femc
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>thieves killed my teddy bear :(
>How about I bend you over the table each night, pull your hair and fuck you up the arse
With an extremely sexy sinister voice.
Why is Jill so fucking FAT
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>gives jill a teddy with a custom cape and crown and tells her to think of it as him when she's alone
suave, just what every little girl adores
God I wish I could....
gotta eat big to get big
gotta build up MUSCLES to fight off assassins
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>those nose
What did they mean by this?
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I wouldn't mind you dying. In fact, I'd welcome it. A particularly painful end would be most joyous.
Is she raising a fucking combat chicken steed?
Extremely based opinion.
I respect it.

So when was the point that Jill's mind stared to regress to a 10 year old or is that just what love does to a mofo?
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Rear skirt shots deserve panservice
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Made some stitches.
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She's wearing pants
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10 kids, maybe more
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Was this in the episode? I don't remember.
God I wish that were me though.
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>She's wearing pants-
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>he missed the post credits sex scene
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Last stitch.
Peak female fantasy
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Dont' forget, nor forgive.

This show is sadly anti-lolicon. They censored the kiss, a wholesome kiss...I'm dropping it just to give a message.
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I will lay claim to those eggs.
Imagine Jill wearing that hat with a sundress.
Why jill don't like the comfy slow life?
>Virgin tier imagination
Imagine Jill being railed up the arsehole by Hadis making ahegao faces instead.

I can see the resemblance.
She wants her rapechad husband back
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Did I miss an episode. Where did the pet chic come from
Animate it, anon.
It deserves it.

Extremely based opinion.
>Animate it, anon.
>It deserves it.
I want the 愛妻弁当 with it.
>he didn't watch the offscreen episode
I'm shocked they didn't get Hikasa Youko for her.
The production is really falling off a cliff, how many more episodes do you think we'll get before it gets indefinitely delayed?
Wow, they REALLY didn't want to animate them riding on cel-shaded dragons.
She's a woman. She wants adrenaline and intense emotions.
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The bear is the strongest party member right now btw
this episode was so fucking lazy
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/Our Emperor/
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Looked better in the manga, of course.
so, does the bear have a dragon dildo or something?
Kurenai-tier "I see a pedo!".
I need to impregnate Jill
get in line
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>woman moment: the character
it's all maths.
>dahliya's angled shadow
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She was hungry
Time for aother episode of the adventures of hadis possibly the most blessed man in fantasy anime
I wish we could get more MCs like Hadis
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>one less download on nyaa
That will show em!
>put it on the teddy
she's gonna ride a dragon tonight, if you know what i mean
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Based, virgins don't deserve human rights.

I'm better at spotting who's serious and who isn't than you give me credit for.
>Circumcised the dragon god to make clothes for a stuffed bear
What did he mean by this?
No but it could probably beat Rave in a fight.
>Ha ha! Time for nerfs!
These nerfs are ridiculous, they'd (partially) last until season 3 if it ever gets one.
wasn't it a female actress? ....
It should have been obvious to you when Hadis did not knock out or kill Camille for being a woman who could potentially be possessed by the Goddess.
looks and talks like a girl, with a female voice, holy troll.
either the author had it planned or they didn't mind that names with -a are overwhelmingly female in latin culture.
His real,, erm I mean “deadname” is “Camilo” by the way

Not sure what's up though. It's either just a running gag that the character is so masculine or there's actually something going on.
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>His real,, erm I mean “deadname”
i would not have been able to guess what a deadname is, so have another you
Smartest ESLs.
You need to watch more anime if a male character having a female VA is new to you.
Apparently a translation actually translated “本名”, which just means “real name” to “deadname”.
Momoka uoh..
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for shotas, for shotas it happens every day (except if it's murase ayumu, he can do shota), but for grown men it's more rare.
i just don't follow mutt gender/lgbt slang. i never need it.
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Ruins the character for me.
The animators had to put the English in the video to prevent subtitles from making gender-affirming edits.
What was up in general with all the English in the animation itself, did Japanese people also just get that or was that just a translation edited in by Crunchy or whatever?
It's canon.
Don't you see the girl is called "Jill"?
Jill needs correction
it's all like that in the raws. persona-esque introductions, caps like in picrel, voiced "emperor" this ep. camila actually calls the interim duchess "sphere" while the rest of the cast pronounces it "sufia".
Only retards thought that Camila was a woman.
It's not even about lgbt, Camila/Camilo is a common stereotype in Japan. It was obvious from the first introduction, especially with what Sieg told him.
She is a cute and valid woman you hecking bigo-
Why am I doing this?
Why am I typing this shit?
I should know that "ironic shitposting" is just "shitposting".
What has my life come to?
Vol 3, Jill recovers half of her magic power, vol 4 to 6, Jill still hasn't fully recovered (Hadis has recovered a lot more than Jill. This is the plot device made by the writer to put some stakes in the story. Also it serves to show how stupid Jill is in vol 4
So like just like Jill's different family name, are these the official names in the book or something or what?

I think the official English translation uses “Zeke” for picrel but the official French one uses “Sieg”. It was obviously meant to be “Sieg” though because Grischa says something like: “This child shall lead us to victory, so we shall name him Sieg” when he was born.

“Sieg” is just a weirdly common name in Japanese fiction even though it's not an actual German name as far as I know.
Ok I want everyone to put on their big boy pants and stop acting like mentally ill retards for a second.
Is this actually a guy? I'm genuinely surprised, the beauty mark and VA made me assume it's a girl but I did just realise that they weren't evacuated like all the other women last episode, so it's actually just a really feminine looking dude?
Manga and LN used different translations for their names.
LN = Cross Infinite World: Zeke. Cervel
Manga =Yenpress: Sieg. Savelle.
Not just a femenine looking guy. He changed his name as Camila, wants to be called onee-san and gets excited from seeing males.
I said stop acting like a mentally ill retard but I guess that's beyond anyone here
I still can't believe that anons here really thought that Camila was a woman.
>implying we're acting
This is why violence is bad. Innocent teddy bears become the victims.
>fantasy for men

Cities look like video game garbage.

>fantasy for women

Cities look great.

Someone explain this shit to me???
Women can't imagine life with developed urban infrastructure.
Women are shit.
Video game garbage and cyberpunk æsthetic for the win.
They should've just made it anachronistic and merged magic with steampunk digital technology like in Mortal Engines. It's pretty awesome how they have cyborgs and primitive displays while cities roll around on coal engines there.
what do they eat? I don't see any farms

Dragons are vegetarian. You can't feed fish to dragons.
they order take out
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>another thread shit up by innitschizo
Camila is an okama you absolute retards
If only you weren't a virgin, then you wouldn't mind.
fuck off and die, tourist
... You realise you don't build farms inside your city walls right?
The seal only last for 1 year iirc
Don't try to use Jill as the standard of that fantasy world.
Most walled cities don't have farms inside the walls.
You protect the food inside the walls, but the farmers can die since they are replaceable-
I don't see any farms outside
Maybe the land around Hadis safehouse has a lot of farms. It's close enough to go to work in the city and return before sun sets.
You can see about 3 feet from the city gates
Did they fuck?
For some reason the anime removed the introduction where you find out he's a man from the beginning. Maybe for fun, who knows.
Sieg and Camilla?
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Just imagine being Sieg and being absolutely railed up the arse by Camila's monster dick while he's mocking you for having such a small peepee in comparison.
You hate him, you can't get along with him at all, but at night, in the bedroom, you're completely his bitch as he destroys your prostate.
She is tired of all those slowlife series.
This is Jill with most of her magic sealed.
This brute can fight on par with a dragon when most of her powers are sealed.
>>fantasy for men
>Cities look like video game garbage.
Fantasy anime cities usually look worse than vidya shit
Why did that fucktard cut his dick off ?
He didn't want to cut his own dragon dick off to put in on the bear, so he used Rave's.
He is a god, it will grow eventually.
Besides all the shit around Hadis is because Rave refused to dick the yandere goddess.
What did they actually intend to convey with this? What did Hadis put in the bear?
Hadis soaked a thread with Rave's blood to give the bear and his accessories divine powers. In this way, it won't be destroyed by Jill's brute force again.
He just needed Rave's blood
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No speedwatcher, remember she was a battle jk before she was speared.
Oh, that's actually very cute.
The action is cute, the result is far from cute If you tug at the bear cape, it fires laser from its eye and it also has an auto battle function that activates when it receives an impact, punching and firing lasers to any living thing in its sight and it can only be deactivated by tugging at its cape twice. Of course, Jill absolutely loves those features.
Ok, but why from his pp?
>a weirdly common name
if only Kircheis was here, on a national scale
>should've just made it anachronistic
this town is very multiculti if you look closely. shouldn't take a history fag to tell you that.
they may well be a woodwork specialized town and importing grain by river, exporting logs, charcoal, paper, furniture, gunpowder, stocks for rifles, carriage axles whatever.
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In the manga, it was the ass.
wrong thread anon
>I'm dropping it just to give a message.
Oh no a fat loser who hasn't left the basement in years isn't going to watch a show, how will the committee ever recover.
the acro trip thread is one tab down
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Rave's been gelded...
He can't run in the classics now...
Nerfs to what?
Oh no, my main characters are so strong that only the final boss can defeat them!
Solution: Nerf them for no good reason.
Kuma Kajin!
She's a warrior
And coincidentally peak male fantasy. Funny how that works, eh?
men and women only want one thing and it's to be in a happy loving relationship
with a huge age gap.
the gap was like what, 2 years? 3?
I knew what it was before I even hovered. This place has ruined me.
is there a word in the English language that describes the feeling this gave me? It's simultaneously cute because she's just a little girl wanting a teddy bear, but also awkward because Hadis is gifting his wife a teddy bear because she's a little girl, but also sad because she had her previous teddy bear stolen. It was a highly unique cocktail of emotions.
it's 9
I meant destroyed. Whatever, you get the point.
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What do they eat?
There are a lot of "adorable" moments in this anime for me, but this one I have to say is one of the first that felt truly heartwarming. "Precious" is an astute description.
ah so it's 3 got it
I guess they import all their food from Beliburg and other cities.
>goddess of war gets stuck inside the Farm Saga arc
There are flying snakes around. They make do.
Confused heart boner.
they hunt mountain orcs for meat.
>What a man ? miserable pile of secrets....
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>Does this convince you to get of your arse and start watching the greatest thing in a long time?

I'd rather see the duck lips blond shorty than this shorty. And this episode is particularly annoying because it really shoved plot protection harder than usual in my face.

Criminals being sought by their version of the police force with wanted posters and names and descriptions posted all over.

So, let's go out and wander around and openly use names. Even shout a name out of someone that is wanted.

Why not make some money being employed in their version of the police force? We're just wanted people anyways. The police force pays good.

Let's shout some names in front of the police force too.
Out of ten.
Nobody knows Jill's name nor Sieg's and Camilla's name. They also don't know their faces. Jill social debut was when she was going to get propossed by Gerald while Sieg and Camilla are some nobody soldiers.
They enter the dragon knights to get more information, not only for money (they don't need money anyways).
Between waiting while letting George to expand his strenght and search force, is better to know what the army is doing.
ook eek
I wish I had a loli gorilla wife
That scene shows Jill didn't enjoy cute things in her first life because Gerald is a shitty boyfriend.
Jill always acts like a little kid when cute things or food is involved. Mostly food. Food is what makes her the happiest in the world and luckily for her, Hadis is the best chef in the world.
Ahahahaha, I see.
The usual “Muh manga readers think they're sourcefags” for reading another adaptation.


“Sieg” is far more based though. Germans should actually start naming their little Germans “Sieg”.
I expected this to be a one trick pony with the pedobait and that I'd be done with it after 3 episodes but it surprisingly has a really good story
Yeah, I was expecting something like Uzamaid or something and nothing more. Not something with this much action and plot and both Hadis and Jill actually being this adorable about their little age gap relationship.
If Jill knew this was going to happen why did she think it was a good idea to crash head on into the castle?
Adorable stupid musclebrain loli with an 愛妻弁当.
Jill falsely assumed the Beilburg incident is what led to the coup against Hadis. It turns out George don't need an excuse to call Hadis a fake emperor.
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>Jill will never be your reliable wife
Existence is pain.
the words reliable and wife have never been together in this world, only in fantasy
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Jill wouldn't like you, because you're a gross loser rather than Chadis.

Come back when you're a master cook, adorkably silly, competent emperor who rules by fear, insanely overpowered, have dragons kneel in front of your imperial majesty and give surprise kisses without asking.
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1 out of 6, I'm sooo close!
Why did Hadis cut Rave's dick off? Did he use his foreskin to make the bear's cape?
Hadis-sama has completely conquered jill’s heart
It's cute right?
Jill dancing over the 愛妻弁当 was cute.
I wish there'd still remain parts where Jill thinks he's a creep though. No need to throw that away.

I love this dynamic. Hadis is 80% of the time adorable child, 20% of the time awesome and intimidating, with Jill it's the opposite.

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