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New raw chapter out, dumping it now.
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Mephisto was asked to put the rank-up on hold.
After all, the test was about creating a settlement to preserve the Many-Ears.
But their independence cannot be ignored by the DBP who aims to preserve peace in the Netherworld.
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Forgot the page.
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And here, Iruma is told the rank-up was deferred.
Mephisto looks absolutely terrifying here.
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The point of the Scala test is to judge whether an action if beneficial to the Netherworld. If so, there will be a rank-up.
The just made a farm and there's still no telling whether there is a clear effect on the Netherworld. So the results will take quite a while to come up.
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The only reason Iruma was given the rank 5.5 is he appointed a king.
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He went and made these badges, heh.
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Mephisto figured that if he were to bring the results to Iruma right away, he ought to come near them.
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So he brought his own house here.
The classic "I'll be your new neighbor from now on" trope.
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Ameri is the next person to hear the news.
Can't say he's doing it half heartedly
No favorism here no
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Losing screentime to this hussy!
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I'm debating whether I should leave the gap in or not.
Here's the version without the gap.
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And the version with the gap.
This manga is going to drag on for like 800 chapters huh
>try to rank up
>get some eccentric boomer parking his RV on your lawn instead
Soo what order you read here?
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same as always
This is my happy place manga. I don't have much aspirations for it besides it being good times for a long time so while I get the complaints about things dragging, I'm okay with it myself.
did I read correctly? the fourth season will be only 13 episodes
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Pls, Ali.
where did it say that?
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Bachiko and Berry also call him about it.
End of chapter.
Wonder what will be Iruma's next goal.
Having these two communicate so casually is such a breath of fresh air compared to all the gay MC's that fidget and freak out the second someone shows an ounce of interest in them. Especially the fact he actually called her to tell her instead of just waiting for the next time they ran into each other.
I'm not exactly complaining since I love this series but it's clear that Nishi is dragging it out at this point
When did Berry get his number?
This idiot just doesn't want Iruma to be upset...
All the better to groom him. Alice won't like having his job as top simp stolen.
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Heree's the cover for Volume 40 scheduled to release on December 6th.

On other news, I'm sure you guys are already aware that Season 4 was announced so I won't go over it here. We don't have any news yet beyond that, no air date, no episode count, no VA announcement, etc.
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This is bullshit, I'm sorry, I love this series but come on man this is dragging on
Never seen that expression before.
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>Season 4
No fucking way, source?
Rd the title of the chapter on the bottom right on the first panel which is under the iruma title.
rd the bottom right panel.
rd the bottom left panel here.
Rd the top right panel.
Only rd the top panel.
rd the middle panel.
Rd the middle panel, the right middle panel, and the panel of the the close up of Iruma on the phone.

I think that’s everything that’s needed for redrawing and if your here TSanon please make any corrections if you see anything.
desu ranking up should be difficult as fuck taking into consideration that rank 8 people are already rare and rank 6 and 7 are the ranks of people with important positions in the netherworld

is it really dragging on? I think Nishi handles the story at a perfect pace, it is taking the time it should take
He managed to woo over a primordial demon. I'd say that's better than any rank-up.
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>it's actually happening
We're going all the way boys!
it is in the official youtube channel for Iruma
I just figured it out
And I am fucking happy
I guess so, but I'd like to see this end in my lifetime
Wait rd the top panel here I don’t know how I missed that sorry must still be asleep. Kek
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My wife is so cute
the average demon in the netherworld is rank 2 or 3, the average babilys graduate is rank 4, the only reason everyone in the missfit class is rank 4 is because they are in the Royal One, the classroom of the former demon king, so they needed to at least be on the same level of the average babilys graduate, and that was done because they were meant to fail because ranking up is extremely difficult, ranking above rank 5 should be a completely different odyssey, being rank 6 means rank 7 is just around the corner which means Iruma would be only 1 rank below Kalego and 2 ranks below a 13 crown and Sullivan who is someone that easily could be demon king, it shouldn't be easy to keep ranking up after rank 5
>we get season 4
>but iruma lost on ranking up to 6
I’m conflicted.
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Nice to see you here early, CLNR!
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So it was less that Iruma failed and more that the project might be shuttered altogether because forces beyond him?

Still seems kinda BS, but hopefully he isn't stuck at 5.5 for too long.
I hope Iruma and Berry become friends.

Until it becomes clear that Berry's ideal demon world is incompatible with Iruma's, at which point they become enemies
Irumabros..can’t believe our boy failed..
That little heart... bros... I think he might be part of harem..
>39 volumes
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He didn't fail, he just hasn't fully succeeded yet. The full rank is pending.

Though that said, I bet Narnia isn't done with the settlement yet. He's not gonna stand for low ranked demons getting uppity.
Raspberry calling him -chan is cute
> He didn't fail, he just hasn't fully succeeded yet.
It’s okay to cope. M-Maybe next time!
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Bitch, he literally didn't fail. It's a pending result. If he failed, he'd need to get another scala recommendation and take a whole new test. Right now they are just waiting to see how much benefit the farm brings to the many ears. If they thrive, Iruma gets the rank up.
>Wonder what will be Iruma's next goal
Ali goal, forgotten...
And well, he wanted to be better at his batra to teach the new ones.
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What kinda monstrosity is Ali right now at 5.5 rank?
Oh you don’t worry Irumabro maybe he’ll got 5.6 even!
The rule was "do something benefit to the Netherworld". So while Iruma helped the Many-Ears tribe, the tribe independent might not seen as "beneficial" to other larger clans who are using the Many-ears to their benefit. That's actually an interesting idea, one person good thing doesn't mean it's another person good thing
Since Iruma failed to get a full rank up where do we go from here?
How long he spent crafting those???
Back to school I expect. Time for another project probably.

Well I guess midterms are actually next, then vacation, THEN we'd be at where harvest festival was.
Maybe last night.
Back to the status quo huh..
Yep. And I'm all for it. School shenanigans are my favorite part.
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But muh progress..
Muh 6..
Why is she so lewd?
Same. Kinda bullshit Iruma didn’t get that 6.
I would assume that Rank 5 is the best for the average demon since 6+ is filtered heavily by the requirement of a Scala, and good luck getting one, let alone passing one
>Mephisto was asked to put the rank-up on hold.
Damn it.
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We're long overdue for another Irumi-chan arc
I would assume we'll finally get some 2nd year examinations to at least make the other misfits rank up to 5.
Because we all know now that Iruma's rank up is all in the air
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>Chapter 180 will finally be animated
I hope we get a group project like the music fest to boost everyone up together.
They need to mate and produce at least 10 kids
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Imagine kids with this strength and Iruma's instant dodge ability
>Iruma's instant dodge
That's all skill. They wouldn't inherit it unless Iruma continued the cycle of abuse.
Shit you're right, what can they inherit besides his good looks?
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>Mephisto is a new member of the Iruma household
Oh I am laffing
his appetite and fat
Healing/power augmenting blood.
Ability to summon demons familiars combined with blatant nepotism.
Ability to be patient(to learn Barbatos techniques)
Ability to read Japanese
Ability to form connections based on trust instead of usefulness
The reason Iruma works is because you can sub him with any human with abilities that humans take for granted in the demon world. It's basically an HFY story.
We're getting attack magic this year. Hopefully more school is more SHIIDA
>You must be Rank 6 to see Shiida
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40 volumes already ? Ngl I never excepted it to go for this long when I started it a few years ago, but I'm happy it's still going strong. There is definitely some pacing problem, but man when it pick up it pick up strong. Hoping to see the spin-off published in my country too
You frogs are way ahead of us, I think Volume 11 or 12 will be out next month
if Iruma wanted to have 10 kids he would choose Clara for that task
>that's a skill
>he does not know
Iruma is heavily implied to not be a normal human, he grows demon wings ffs
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Yeah it started in 2020 and we are usually getting one volume every two months. I just collect them and read them in batch after each arc, it's nice to go back
Peak comfy
Sony owns this manga series now since the editorial is a subsidiary of kadokawa
The sale hasn't actually happened yet.
No he doesn't. That was just created through the mana in his ring. And they were purely cosmetic.
All those volumes..but stuck in a status quo loop.
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>ew he was a human? gross...
Shut uuuuuup
What’s next for Irumatio kun?
Clara would never abandon Iruma. She's ride or die.

I could see Azz abandoning him for a bit though. Though he would eventually feel just terrible about it.
back to the status quo.
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>Iruma is heavily implied to not be a normal human
He's prophesized to become the demon king. He represents Solomon in the ars goetia. He might have a relationship with Derkila in the background stewing. But as of right now, all signs point to him just being a biological human.
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sorry, im falling asleep here, Ill let someone else handle the rest (or illl do it if still needed by the time I wake up, sorry and thank you
it's okay thanks for the hard work, CLNR!
I mean, he has the fucking ring of Solomon which was supposed to control the djinn and he used that ring to force the djinn into building his kingdom, according the the abrahamic myth
Solomon is a long time descendant of Noah, and Noah is heavily implied to be a hybrid of human and fallen angels (demons) in the book of Enoch, obviously Solomon is a very long descendant of Noah and he is just a human but he carries his blood
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well help by whiting out the easy pages.
Noah is pre-diluvian, in other words before the bronze age civilizations existed, and Solomon is post bronze age collapse, in other words there are two thousand years between each other
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will pick this one.
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This shit is just getting tedious. What's next another arc just to get him to 6? We'll have to wait a decade for him to reach the final rank at this rate.
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Those are a lot more colorful than mine.
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made a highlight on what parts that are needed for redrawing.
hopefully pastebin anon comes with the translation script and redraws the last page.
wtf Kodansha publicates Iruma in america?
chapter 373 tl: https://pastebin.com/HsimUUEQ

is this the only page that still needs rd? I can take care of it real quick
Yes. Mine are imported because we don't print manga here so they cost like 18 euro a volume.
wtf Kodansha publicates manga in english????
>tfw 5.5 is iruma's height and Nishi thought it was funny
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missed it in the tl script but the sfx in the bottom left panel are bird screeches to the effect of *graaw* *graaw*
thanks for the hard work with the translation and the redraw save!
>Shax is smaller than Iruma
>Berry outright failed his scala
Guess fishman is the top candidate for king atm
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Huh what?
No, it's actually owned by Akita Shonen.
They just license it out to Kadokawa to deal with distribution over in Murica
what was his scarla?
Awww how cute she's playing (a little) hard to get
Stop being an annoying little shit for 5 minutes?
>Examined by Henri
oooof no wonder why he failed.
We don't know other than he failed
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shot right through the heart.
Opera got competition on their home turf as the adult(TM). Also that means his gf will join as the slutty nee-chan archetype, right?

I really want more and more people to hang around until Opera collapses under the workload of the sheer amount of "guests".

New Far Cry sounds good

Marriage is a way to erase political competition
6 vav is the friends that we meet along the way.
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Nishi's sick joke...
well at least we got another anime season to look forward to. I hope it comes next year and not waiting till 26..
oh, i see.
Opera is the mother. It's Alice that should worried since Mephisto is gunning for that 2nd spot.
>I could see Azz abandoning him for a bit though
I mean it happened in AU I can see it happened in the main series as well.
man English volumes are trash.
Your heart is in a weird place.
j- just pretend it’s trough the heart
That Clara is pure sexo
Can gremlins be sexo?
Whose marrying?
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you tell me
La Chupacabra…
wholesome with the only objective of reproduction sexo
Look’s naughty than wholesome.
What does Iruma have to to to get that 6th rank? And how long will Nishi drag the 5.5 for?
Imagine the increase of fanarts when S4 airs
Wait for now. The test hasn't done an immediate effect soo you can't say if it benefit the demon world or not. But Iruma made Nova the king thus the 0.5 rank increase.
It would have funnier if it was 5.7
If they announce it now then I would expect it by Fall 25 at the earliest.
The real question is how far they will go and will our beloves chap 180 get a glorious adaptation?
Demon world has to actually benefit from the crops. Demons are impatient motherfuckers.
The furthest would be the evidol arc beyond that is up in the air.
Anon the season could be 12 episodes for all we know
Wait for now can mean 10 chapters or fucking 104
why is nishi like this...
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not even.
its uncharted territory, NHK typically only does three seasons in the first place
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>we get seasons 5 and 6
Hell if I know, maybe she's dragging it out so that if Ichi implodes she can fall back on Iruma
Ichi biggest mistake ever now Iruma will get dragged on even more...
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I think Ichi is actually good and I hope it does well but it does raise the question of "Are you doing this because Iruma is going to end in a couple years?"
God I hope not and is just jump being desperate and handed Nishi the cash.
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Soon the evildol will get animated.
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I see what they did there.
why him?
>I think Volume 11 or 12 will be out next month
I'm glad that the original "one volume every three months" predictions weren't true.
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Man I wish we get more grandsons interaction... I miss them so much.
They were first introduced like the typical rivals that the audience are meant to hate, but no, they're complex and friendly enough to apologize to Iruma after mistaking him for a butler. I want the grandson trio to meet Azz and Clara
will need another crows arc for them reunite again.
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What is Razzberry's bloodline ability, and why is it all about penalty games?
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Is this BL?
What's BL?
No, this is Patrick
it's BisLuts
do you feel like gramps is just a plot device and not an actual character? I don't remember Iruma ever hanging out with him on day offs while with Opera we clearly do have many moments with.
Kinda, it feels he is only there for quick jokes about doting on Iruma or for whatever shady plot he has by bringing Iruma, I guess as the plot becomes more serious he will become more relevant, but how long will that take, we will see.
I honesty feel egg gramps and the real gramps are separate characters when the non eg gramps enters it usually means to advance the plot.
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I think I am piecing it together...
He has a plan, No way he just randomly picked Iruma, he is just being the Grandpa till plan goes in motion.
About hanging out with Iruma, well, he is basically the defacto head of the demon world + Chairman of Babyls, he is likely busy AF
I just want more down time moments with gramps and iruma to felsh out gramps character more.
No, it's NTR, see>>273335310
Banana Lambs
I want to suck on Leid's Banana..
wtf why does Kodansha has a western release but Shueisha doesn't? is viz owned by Shueisha? also does Kodansha publish other weekly shonen champion manga? do they publish baki in the west?
huh? what do you mean?
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>tfw best girl will finally get animated and voiced
Let's go.
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Irumabros...we were robbed.
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I believe
A lot of his affectionate grandpa role got swallowed up by Opera.
Who do you believe?
it's more of a mother role when regarding Opera.
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In them
believe them in what..
No I mean Nishi explained in something that Opera really just grew from a background character (might not have even been planned to talk) to taking up most of Sullivan's planned role.
in a parenting role you mean?
Hm, would like to see more of a father role from gamps, but as of now Nishi only really uses him to further the plot and nothing else.
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He implies whose heads would be rolling? The border patrol who opposes him?
so Herni and the border control in general is the reason why Iruma is a 5.5?
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fucking border border ruining everything.
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Lied you party pooper.
I wonder how long would it take....
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its cute how much he likes the design of his face used for the carrots branding
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that seductive wink captured Iruma's heart...
Iruma's relationship with most adults is that of mentors, I hope that eventually, maybe as the demon lord candidates plot advances, Gramps becomes the new mentor of Iruma to teach him about the politics and what not to Iruma, all in all, specially with the recent encounter with the board patrol, I feel Iruma is still quite ignorant of the demon world at large, in a sense that he doesnt seem to really understand how demon society works or its culture outside of school, so having some of that culture clash as he takes a more public role and his idealism while being taught by gramps could be a good development and also a way to show how gramps has handle basically being the closest thing to a successor demon lord after Delkira vanished and maybe where he feels he has failed as a ruler and putting his hopes that Iruma can fix that.
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Then this page has no text

He's head over heels for Iruma
I feel like that would be best like a field trip with Gramps to learn more about the demon world and it means being a demon king.
You can tell Opera doesn't not like that at all...
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Cat mama doesn't like uninvited guests near the castle.
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It'll take a while for them to get accustomed to his scent. I recommend keeping Mephisto in the bathroom where Opera can smell him but not attack him
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I used the cleaned version, so this one
hell yeah! thanks for the TL! you guys are gods
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Oooh she's gonna confess?
yeah once their of equal rank fugging happens.
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damn iruma needs to rank up and pass her up fast.
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Makes me wonder how did Leiji succeed to rank 6
Dumped and uploaded
Added the official announcement for s4
based tsanon thanks for the live typeset dump!
After he used it to claim that he was involved in the issue he probably took a liking to it, especially since it is the first thing that he could say connects him to Iruma after he decided to raise him as a king.
I wonder if the legs are a style choice or if they work
it'd be funny if/when civil war breaks out, the face decal is a prominent feature of the Iruma Faction flag
I just noticed we have mechs now in the demon world?
>Moves his whole house just to be there to properly announce the results of his long term evaluation
Man, this guy will become worse than Azz with how infatuated he is for Iruma, I guess Delkira rejecting him really hurt him more than just his ego.
actually, as the magic tools battler, Iruma et al will probably be building stuff like that in the future
Fucking coward
>Civil war
>Mephisto sides with Iruma
>As they form their troops, Iruma raises flags for each ally and their forces
>Iruma specifically used that logo for the Mephisto legion
>He is both mortified and touched after Iruma says he used that since it is the symbol of the first time Mephisto helped him and as a reminder of what they are fighting for.
I love Opera so much
So Iruma passed, but for "security" reasons, the proper rank up was put on hold.

Meanwhile Berryl flopped.

So I expect Fish Boy to have fully passed.

Speaking of, you know what we need, School Exchanges.
Thanks anon, a little surprised by Razberry calling Iruma there.
School exchanges would be crazy, should it be just among the 3 candidates or a small group? Iruma going to a new school for a short while with someone lied Lied could be fun
That rendering of masculine chest is sexo..
>Meanwhile Berryl flopped

No, he didn't. He said he tackled the exam, but couldn't pass due to unknown reason.
Sullivan is just letting a 13 crown live next door to him. Also Mephisto is just saying fuck it I'm balling.
If Azz doesnt flip at the aggressive invasion of Iruma's life, then Gramps will when Mephisto is the one doting on Iruma more than him or Opera.
Fish boy is rank 6 already. But he's also a year older iirc
Given he just moved his house at the end, they probably work

Getting some moving castle vibes honestly.
>but couldn't pass due to unknown reason.
Unless he has "MC Syndrome" and massive external forces on the level of 13 Crown and Civil unrest got involved, NOT PASSING means flop.
By your logic, Iruma flops as well. Berryl is still a grandson of three great ones. He'll have to eventually get same rank as Iruma in future arcs.
Holy shit it's a romantic comedy..
I doubt Azz will do anything since Mephisto is a 13 crown.
I think Mephisto won't be doting on Iruma right away, but will want to when he sees how Opera and Sullivan act towards Iruma.
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Berry is always so flirty towards him
Beryl is already rank 6, he failed to get promoted to rank 7
Fish boy is 6, Berry is 5.
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I hope next chapter is a afterparty with Bachiko and Razberry. Would be more fun if Bachiko was the one seeing over Berrys SCALA.
Well, at least I want to have about 10 children with her, so I'll have to have a lot of sex to achieve that.
I think Mephisto is going to be a bad influence on Azz and start giving Azz new ideas on how to be more involved with Iruma's life. When will Ameria show up to assert dominance?
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I hope we spend a long time at school from hereon out. They touched on the kids learning advanced spells but so far all they've learned is the chantless version of the gravity spell.
>Opera just told him that he wanted Iruma to rely on him
>A fucking 13 crowns move next door just to help Iruma

I've just got up to date with the manga.
Ended up liking the bunny people arc more than I thought, but maybe it's because I binged it, getting it 1 chapter at a time could have been more painful.

Really enjoying Mephisto too, I thought he was going to be another background character but they gave him a nice backstory and are making him ride Iruma harder than Azz.
Putting it in perspective Delkira was kinda of an asshole
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I want Ali x Mephisto
>wants Mephisto to get with the man that callously threw him away
Iruma informed Ameri before Bachiko, let that sink in.
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Yeah, no shit you tell your wife news before you tell your mentor.
Yes please. Not for marriage of course.
I would use it too if they made something like that for me
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I think he's just reminding Henri that he's way older than him
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Too slow..... Bachiko.... Too slow....
I see it not so much reminding him of his age as that he is in fact "from a different time" and that time was dead motherfucker o'clock.
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I can see why.
Was he a many ears?
Tonari no Mephi-kun.
History repeats itself...
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Many think, but I don't. Looks like multiple horns for me.
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Did they make Iruma taller than he used to be? I can't tell.
This honestly makes me worried, I feel he is aiming for Iruma for whatever reason and I doubt those reasons are friendly, maybe he is already part of the return to origin group?
Maybe both. He geniunely likes Iruma, but he is also part of the return to origin group. A milder and not yandere version of Kirio.
Delkira was not a nice person for what we know, he was really impulsive and just did shit when he was pleased, for all of Sullivan tardwrangling, he didnt take his responsibilities seriously, right now my impression of him is kind of a mad artist king, all the great things he did and why he is loved, were all done because he was interested on those things and just happen to be good things for others but once he did what he wanted or got bored, he just move on, left it to whoever to take charge, it seems he didnt do much administration since Sullivan was the one doing it while he goof off and we know he went around insulting other people if he consider them too stiff, there is also Poro and how much he could have been leading him off just for fun.
When was the last time we saw this cyclops?
is mephisto gay ?

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