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The cutest anime girl I have ever seen in my life!
too bad about her series though
what happened?
It's shit.
just go to africa bro
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you called?
>just go to africa bro


There is a reason why Epstein and Friends didn't like African cunny.
You know this how?
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It is in Epstein's black agenda and his wife also mentioned it.
Yamaga trying to be Anno and failing
>Actually a pale skin redhead in the manga
I enjoyed it
She is so fucking sexo, dear lord.
I felt sorry for her at the end because she's stuck with MC forever. If she ever tries to do something with his life, MC will retcon the world again
Pucci always wins
Brown retard. Not black
It's great
My god...
Please someone post her brown butt from the anime!
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No seriously this bitch is severely underrated
There isn't enough fan art of her, it is a bit surprising honestly.
based and Foucault-pilled
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You take that back ya fuckin cowbitch!
she was 12 back in 2002 when her show came out. Today she's 34. Still younger than me but well within the range....
He's who that quote comes from?
It's from an anime of 22 years ago. What did you expect? The coomers from that time are already married and with kids. Some of them probably even died with the vaxx.

Anime from the 90s and 00s is just too old.
>Today she's 34. Still younger than me

Leave this place, old man.
You know what that means, time for a remake!
Why? remakes are just killing modern animation in general. It's creativity bankruptcy but it's understandable because zoomers can't tell a story for shit.
>It's creativity bankruptcy but it's understandable because zoomers can't tell a story for shit.
All remakes are made by millennials. All modern anime is made by mostly millennials which is why it sucks so fucking much.
millennials can only do remakes, no creativity
Why doesn't she wear pantsu?
All millenials are in their late 30s early 40s. All the young people in media and entertainment are zoomers in their 20s and early 30s.

Zoomers suck!
shit colored
Ironically Abenobashi implies otakus have no creativity and all they can do is regurgitate the media they consumed.
Pp all the Gainax shit from the 90s and 00s is still being praised to this day, Asahina despite being one of their best designs is completely ignored and was also ignored even back in the day.
Reminder that this show's main plot line revolves around NTR
How did you read my mind
>All the young people in media and entertainment are zoomers in their 20s and early 30s.
No zoomer is in his 30s and 0 zoomers work as anime directors or workers. It's all millennials or gen x.
I thought it was about Yamaga's inferiority complex toward Anno
Now I want to see it.
It was funny when Sacchi's dad told his son how much he sucks. It was negated by the gainax ending but still

Nobody here watched anime unleashed back then so they dont know she existed.
I've already read that doujinshi though.
I've been fapping to this picture for the past 15 years.
Why the cropped version?
Lame brains couldn't handle all the shifts in genre, plus the ending being "You've got the power, use it." instead of "You have to accept the inevitable." ticks lots of people off.
>Still Younger than me

And she will be always younger than you, it's just a question of numbers
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Of age is fine too
>instead of "You have to accept the inevitable."
that is retarded. i can see the issue
It's the one I have
How hard this series dropped the ball is a crime against humanity.
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They were stolen in episode three.
And that is a good thing!
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I should hunt for a better scan.
>watch anime as a child
>watch second episode
>all about her beating the shit out of the MC
>think she's a bitch and don't like her for the rest of the series

You know how there are series you like as a kid but then question how you ever liked her as an adult? her character is the opposite of that
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that's a blast of nostalgia
that's just the backstory
it's actually a series written by Marche from FFTA
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>She's only 17 years old, 364 days old
Although I'm pretty sure she actually turned 18 right around when the series began, but still near jailbait
Imagine the taste
She obviously isn't prepubescent, so she's not underage.
Sasshi created a world the same as the real world but his grandma is alive. Marche wouldn't accept that.
I swear I'm racist, but...
For me is her adult version
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i need to drink her piss
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I'm a fan.
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Is this true?
"This study presents a comprehensive multimodal analytical study of an Egyptian ritual Bes-vase,
of the 2nd century BCE employing cutting-edge proteomics, metabolomics, genetics techniques,
and synchrotron radiation-based Fourier Transformed Infrared microSpectroscopy (SR μ-FTIR) to characterize organic residues of its content."
"Our analyses revealed traces of Peganum harmala, Nimphaea nouchali var. caerulea, and a plant of the Cleome genus, all of which are traditionally proven to have psychotropic and medicinal properties. Additionally, the identification of human fluids suggests their direct involvement in these rituals. Furthermore, metabolomics and SR μ-FTIR analyses also revealed the presence of fermented fruit-based liquid and other ingredients such as honey or royal jelly."
"... a deliberate addition of human fluids to the drink prepared for ritual purposes. This includes fluids like breast milk, mucous fluids (oral or vaginal), and blood."
Ancient people was weird.
Unironically love he dub with all the redneck voices and shit. Though I wondered why they gave them all southern accents, I believe it being because Osaka natives are supposedly the rednecks of Japan.
who knows
nice dubs
Pretty much, the accent in Osaka really stands out and the original dub doubled down on it.
Yes but not in a sexual way

Little brown girls are the best tho.
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Some of you well off bastards should comission some art of her.
Crazy that it doesn't seem to be a thing.
fair enough
It should be
The ending is only bad because everything leading up to it was shitting on characters who couldn't let go, but then I guess they were only bad because they weren't special enough to pull it off while the MC can for no reason at all.
god i hope so
huh... I was thinking about tapioca pearls/bubbles for a second and imagined little brown girls pissing out tiny black balls like a frog laying eggs
>no sex
>only ntr

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