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This is a Melt thread.
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Why thread so early?
didn't this series end already? why do you need a thread?
Ruby won
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Melt melts Ruby's pussy
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Ruby rabu Melt's cock
Ruby's pits
it did, but incestfags can't cope with being baited and losing to the blue girl so we're stuck with those retards
Ackaneputa lost.
Her virginity to Ojisanputo
Ruby's mouth melts Melt's cock like a popsicle
90% of the last threads had some variation of “Akane won” in the OP
agreed, Aqua's cock was too strong
And all those threads would die if >>273322282 >>273322361 didn't necrobump them to fulfill his daily existence tax quota of seething and hating Akane.
So strong she became a lesbian afterwards and got with Kana
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Akane only likes stiff cocks
Kanawank ain't romance
from old men especially
Most of these threads are made by fags seething over Ruby.
>posts a picture of Akane groping Kana
What did anon mean by this
nobody gives a shit about ruby you autistic retards spend more time shitposting akane than pretend to care about her, quite literally you're trying to make akane your new kana in terms of hating her and even kanafags got so grossed out they left or became akanefags
it means that Akane felt Aqua's stiff cock and cannot stop acknowledging stiff things
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Wooby loves Aqua so much!
>nobody gives a shit about ruby
Actually you seethe every single time people talk about Ruby just like in the previous thread. You are obsessed with other people acknowledging your “win”. The only times Akane gets brought up by people other than her schizos is to make fun of you fags when you show up to shit on the threads.
akaneputa lost though
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Wooby made Aqua happy. And vice versa!
What did crow loli mean by this?
>Actually you
I'm a kanafag tired that this series legacy has become incestfags unable to move on and let go of what other girlfags think instead of waging a lost battle from the start that just makes ruby and her fags look like the most hypocritical retards in the world.
You went from hating the ending and trashing everyone that accepted it to now already turning around and forcefully living it down just so you can shitpost akane. fucking schizos.
Retarded falseflagger scroll up, this very thread was made to shit on Ruby you are pathetic liars who chronically project
You aren’t a real kaninibro…
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She’s mad cause she went to the trouble of reincarnating them closest to each other and he didn’t even smash Ruby
That's because they were siblings, if he is reincarnated again he might marry her.
I accepted Kana lost and moved on, I'd rather not have kana linked to this schizophrenia and just conceded to akanefags since I never liked rubyfags and how they treated kana and because factually akane had the sole presence of a romance in this story
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Imagine saying this and having it be part of the promo materials for the movie and then it also happens to Aqua. Poor Kana.
Kana is sexually pleasing Akane's lonely vagina.
Well, Aqua is the person who shanked himself…
Akane’s vagina got used to Aqua’s cock, it cannot be pleased by anything else.
Are inbreds mentally ill fags in need of religion but instead of becoming Muslims or Christians cling to a side merch called Spica which they treat as a holy book? They constantly bring it up even though it's irrelevant.
Akane sonzoned Aqua btw.
Right, she had a child from Aqua, they had sex and dated each other. Glad an inbred like you gets it.
Akane is eating out Kana's cunny for breakfast.
He is mad again bros.
Stating Aqua and Akane dated and had sex is part of the manga.
Please pardon the attention whore.
I love Ruby
Akane is eating out Kana's cunny for lunch.
We love Ruby here
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I care about Ruby.

Hoshino Melt
Best friends :)
Akane's diet consists entirely of Aqua's spem.
she's full
Melt won
Memcho won
Ruby lost
Very simple.
Akane is eating out Kana's cunny for dinner.
Ruby is insanely tight
Who was supposed to be the 3rd B-Komachi member if MEM only became important because Aka liked her design?
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Cute girlfriends.
Akane is eating ojisan dick cheese for breakfast
Aqua is ojisan
Aqua is dead
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My very beautiful wife Ruby
melt deserves the collective effort of multiple people and lives as his wife
glorious narushima ruby
nobody gives a shit about meltputa and akaneputa.
Fat old ugly bastards in all her nasty used up holes.
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Ruby found Aqua's reincarnation
He is correct.
Melt deserves better than that cum dumpster for nasty old men though.
But enough about Ackaneputa, ilk.
Ratby twerking her nasty dark colored pussy to fat otaku....
What do you think Akane’s life is like now after the Dome concert?
Lots of sex with old producers and big boars
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coming home to her children
What would Akane name her children?
Turquoise Kurokawa
Eye Kurokawa
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that's one ugly kane
Why was Akane such a cuckquean?
>Aqua stayed loyal to her and only her
>Kana remained a virgin for her
Nah, she ain't a cuckquean.
women cannot be cucks, it's literally biologically impossible
But she wanted the man she loved to fuck another woman…
I’m Akane. Jealous?
I pity you
Aqua and Ruby
Papa love
>the man she loved
As a son, she wanted him to have a normal relationship instead of becoming an incestuous freak
She didn't want that, she just used Kana because Aqua was protecting Akane
Marry me
nah she's just ojisansexual
>She didn't want that
How? She literally said all that matters is Aqua’s happiness, and then she tried to set him up with Kanini.
Which was a strategic mistake because Aqua would never chose to live for Kana over dying for Ruby.

It's a shame Akane didn't understand the level of devotion Aqua had to Sarina/Ruby until he had already killed himself.
>It's a shame Akane didn't understand the level of devotion Aqua had to Sarina/Ruby until he had already killed himself
I doubt she even could grasp off a fraction of it even after the ending
What could Akane have done to save Aqua?
Akane could have saved Aqua by bringing back Mem's eggs and bringing Ai back to life.
>by bringing back Mem's eggs
What good would that do?
All of this could have been avoided if Akane had seduced Kamiki and fixed him with her experienced pussy.
Realistically? She couldn't do nothing
Idealistically? She discovered Aqua and Ruby's secret and how much Ruby actually means to Aqua, and somehow understand how much Aqua was closing off from Ruby, then force him to actually talk to her and resolve their issues
Mengo magic to revive Ai.
I already explained it to you. Aqua loved Akane but he couldn't date her in order to protect her.
Then Akane used 2nd best thing- Kana
if she had gotten herself pregnant, aqua would drop everything for her and the kids. he'll just tell ruby to drop being an idol, sabotage her career and that would keep her safe. then arrange an accident for kamiki, not to kill him but keep him defanged for a while.
Would Aqua really sabotage his sister’s career when he knew that was her dream in her previous life and that she loved doing it?
>"Thank you, Aqua, for dying so we can fuck Ruby every day!"
Of course. He already sabotaged it before. She was just a stupid child who needed to grow up and realize there was more in life that shake her ass to otaku on stage.
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The sooner she realized being an idol sucked, the best.
Look what happened for not realizing this sooner. It was her punishment for being so fucking stupid to be dead inside forever as ojiisan's sex toy.
She could have become a real singer instead of trying to be an "idol" if she wanted to dance and sing.
Can't wait for Aka-sensei's interview.

Hope he will address more direct questions about Kana and ruby being bait.
I wonder if Kaguya's final arc is supposed to be like Oshi no Ko (More drama-edgy) and have a bittersweet ending?

- Prez failed to save the woman he swore to protect
- Miko never gets to confess her love to Ishigami
- Chika is smiling outside, but broken inside.
>Kana and ruby being bait.
Kana is a side heroine and Ruby is the main Heroine, so I don't get what your saying
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>still new thread every day
immortal piece of literature indeed
It's just a bunch of zombie threads,
because Akanefags refuse to move on and trying to manipulate the narrative post-mortem
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>”muh Akanefags how dare they… like the series? Why aren’t they as salty as me while drowning with my crackship?!”
Pick best girl next time.
They're treating these threads like a waiting room for the additional chapter released with the volume in December.
Case in point >273335859
Ruby's smooth tight innie pussy
Bullcrap inbred/rat
Ruby's pussy belongs to Ojisan producers and otaku.
>She discovered Aqua and Ruby's secret and how much Ruby actually means to Aqua, and somehow understand how much Aqua was closing off from Ruby, then force him to actually talk to her and resolve their issues

Honestly Akane locking those two in a room for a month until they sort everything out would not have been a bad idea.
>The sooner she realized being an idol sucked, the best.

Everyone--including Aqua--told Ruby that being an idol sucked. But no one told her she'd have to lose Aqua forever to be an idol. :(
>if she wanted to dance and sing

That's what idols do? They wear cute clothes, sing, and dance. Don't blame celebrities if the fans form weird parasocial relationships around them.
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Or a very terrible one...
>that Akanefag that shitposting in the mayonaka thread
They are scum and the sad part is that nobody buys their bullshit.
Inbreds lost and eternally seethe cause of this. What a bunch of sore losers.
Akane won the cuckcrown.
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>I wonder if Kaguya's final arc is supposed to be like Oshi no Ko (More drama-edgy) and have a bittersweet ending?

I mean.
When is Aka new manga release?
Another bait victim. Kek
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I'm sure that this time Akasaka will learn from his mistakes and make good on the plot lines he sets up.
He obviously won't. Still buckbroken by cucking and divorce. Stupid anons will still read his slop and then rage that they got baited at the end.
>Still buckbroken by cucking and divorce.
Kaguya-sama wants to be divorced - marriage is suck.
Kaguya will cuck prez with a tanned Chad while prez us working hard. Really hammer it home. Kek
I's will be a trainwreck of course but I want to know how much edgy he gonna pull.
I won't read his next manga but I'll come to the general to shitpost.
Same, maybe lurk a little to see how much it sucks, like with renai
Real singers and idols aren't the same. Singers have a long careers, and can have any romantic life they want. Idols have weird purity culture parasocial stuff and aren't supposed to be high profile artists.
>Named Aquamarine
>Dies by drowning
Could Kana have saved Aqua? If she had more knowledge?
No. She can't even save herself.
She did save herself.
Wrong. Aqua saved her everytime.
Pregnant Ruby...
Rubyfags, what I'd the unthinkable happens and the extra chapters are about Memcho's name and Ruby is not with Aqua and has moved on. What then?
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Nonsense as aqua saved her from scandal. Talk is talk. Actions matter and in actions, kana is useless.
>kekanefags still post the friendship panel
>pic implies to be friends
onesided crush are so pathetic lmao
Ruby lost. Inbreds lost.
Akane won. Cope and seethe.
Melt is for Frill.
Memcho is for Frill
Melt is for Frill
Taiki is for Frill
She's a big girl and needs a lot of sex
Taiki likes Kana, not Frill. Too bad he will have to compete with Akane for her affection…
Taiki and Kana will never happen. Kana will die a femcel.
Taiki is for Frill.
This is why she is pregnant with Aqua's child btw.
What about Akane and Ruby?
>Aqua dumped me...
Akane said this.
Ruby belongs to otaku and Akane will move on and find some Chad in the future.
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Akane did not approve of anyone but herself as Aqua's girlfriend thoughbeit.
Kill yourself rat tranny
Would Akane have approved of incest?
Akane will fall in love and marry in the future, having a happy family and a peaceful life

Ruby will just live to be an Idol
Akane stopped viewing Aqua as a lover and only views him as a son now
you see this and still think akane aka the biggest piece of garbage is a good character? lmao
not only she manipulated kana but the piece of shit think she think she has authory over aqua
Aka is deranged but KEKANE apologist are much worse , almost psychopath behavior
Ruby was just an excuse to justify his suicide to himself. All she can accomplish is pushing him further towards suicide.
>she knows his favorite clothes, makeup, situations
>he still looks like he's totally uninterested in her
Why does Akane get to move and date and marry, but Kana has to be a femcel? >:(
She didn't need saving. She was ready to face the consequences.
Aqua helped her becuse he wanted.
Seething rat
Did Akane ever say she loved Aqua?
So he saved her and she couldn't save herself. Thanks for admitting to it.
As a mother, yeah.
Akane x Taiki
Ruby x Melt
Memcho x Pieyon
kana x rat poison
Happy ending for everyone
Karma for being a vile cunt.
She saved herself from a mistake and she was ready to face the consequences, she didn't need saving.
Melt is for Frill nigger.
I don't understand the Kana hate. Are you guys new to tsunderes?
Nah. She never confessed her feelings to him.
Ruby won.
Subconsciously she knows Aqua likes everything about her, but consciously she refuses to accept it.
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I love tsunderes, Kana is just a terrible and boring one
She didn't save herself. The director is a good guy who respects women and will help her regardless of no sex. Saving her again by an outside force.
And just accepting the consequences means you have accepted defeat as you can't do anything but aqua saved her again. That's what she has been doing the entire manga, crying and moping and other people save her out of pity.
Ruby is for fat sweaty otaku.
>You have to like kana, you just have to.
I don't have to do shit, nigger subhuman. Kill yourself rat tranny.
This but Ackane
Nice try but it's kana x the floor after she throws herself off a building
Personally, I don't like the amount of focus she got and it's made worse with her being irrelevant and pity-bait. Now, look at how much her character amounted to now that the manga is finished.
>wake up
>inbreds seething akane won + schizo schizoing
>wake down
>inbreds still seething akane won + schizo schizoing
I can only wonder what'd have happened if you had actually won and I'm glad such a world doesn't exist
Kana has fucking nothing to do with the story yet the story revolves around her. Her entire character is a paradox of being the ultimate actress yet also being fucking shit. Aqua has an absurd OOC love for her that surpasses his love for Ai with zero explanation. Her ‘rivalry’ with Akane is one-sided boring shit where she’s a massive cunt but is never called out for it while her main detractor, Akane, turns out to be one of her biggest fucking simps. She nearly whores herself out like a fucking retard which nearly destroys her fucking idol group, like the selfish cunt she is, yet is never called out for this or punished. Aqua leaks their entire history to cover up her being a stupid fucking cunt. Why the FUCK is she even with Memcho and Ruby? Why do either of them fucking care about her? They never spend time together, how the fuck am I meant to think they’re friends? Everything about Kana revolves around her wanting Aqua’s cock and nothing fucking else.
And yeah Kana IS a cunt and she never faces goddamn consequences for it. She acts like a victim because she lost jobs and went into obscurity before the start of the main story but that’s all because she acted like a cunt to other people. And she clearly never grew the fuck up given she still acts like a massive cunt towards Akane for no fucking reason and every single one of her internal monologues or actions are selfish. When she realises her sleeping at a director’s house will be all over the news she goes “I’m used to being a stupid cunt! So I’ll be fine!” while the fucking idol group she’s part of would have its reputation ruined and she never thinks of that.
In short Kana is a total waste of space that constantly derails the story to be wanked and for her garbage D-grade ‘romance’ with Aqua. She near single-handedly ruins any and all potential this manga could have had.
Listen to a kanarat saying it best: https://streamable.com/lzceil
All I know is that SHARTkane lost. Bigly.
See, another case in point >273339516
Nah she won and you'll be stuck here for years seething about it ojisanschizo
>Was in this thread for 4 hours straight
>Accuses others of keeping it alive as a zombie
Schizo, buy a mirror please this is embarassing
All I know is that shitna and dumby lost. Bigly.
>Kept spamming that the ending is shit and don't want to do anything with Aka
>Still linger in the threads because accepting Akane won is more important to them than the faux seethe they had at the last chapter
KEEEEEEEEEEEEK who do you want to kid again? you don't give a shit about how it ended, you're just a sore loser
created specifically to be cucked by the narrative
What a pathetic existence kana arima is
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Why did Aka do it?
Only inbreds and rats hate the ending and previous chapters. They are non stop seething that Akane won.
That's pretty much the point here. If they hate the ending, the series and aka why the fuck do they care akanefags like it and won? The answer is obvious.
The shitposting over how bad the ending is died fast to be replaced by this coping mechanism from inbreds
Bait for cucks like you.
ruby? the one that won the part of Ai in the movie?
But I’m not a kanafag…
That fucking where Aqua with clown hair says "I won because you killed me" makes me laugh every time
Nepotism won that for Ruby. But it's irrelevant cause movie is pointless.
The idea that Aqua didn't fuck Akane or Ruby is ludicrous, he dated Akane for so long and they were clearly intimate, enough to discuss that they both had sexual urges for each other.
And Aqua spent his last days with Ruby whom he loves and spoils, Miyako even was weirded out by their sudden closeness, you really think Ruby didn't sneak to his room at night and Aqua just let her do what she wants? They clearly had sex and so did Aqua and Akane in the past.
The only loser here was the rat.
You posted kana pitybait. Fuck off rat.
Aqua never had sex as Aqua.
Aqua wouldn't have sex, is as simple as that

Not Akane, Not Ruby or anyone
KEKane conceded btw.
Yes, cause nepotism was helping Ruby. But the entire movie is irrelevant anyway.
>why the fuck do they care akanefags like it and won?
Akanefags don't actually like it, nor did they "won"
They’re also spreading their “Akane won” autism to non-onk threads.
I struggle to think why would anyone like Akane behind her sexo body
Read and weep inbreds
>She has her oshi Kana (who no longer bristles but happily seems to join her side in the concert).
>She has a very nice grief procession with her observing the events, ending at the place he saved her expressing her desire to live by keeping his memory and remembering him.
>She won by overcoming her shyness and becoming more confident with herself, winning best upcoming actress award, without sacrificing her arc as happened to Ruby (aka did her dirty by turning her in Ai 2.0 after he set up she woldn't be).
>She won by helping to take down Kamiki's network and exposing him for the victims' families that are not just the Hoshinos. A true heroine.
>Aqua was going to die anyway (this is a screencap of the movie which was in production for years). But she's the only one of the girls who actually had a romantic relationship with him, and they were happy that year.
>She came on top of the game. Akane started her arc as a girl who nearly kills herself. She absolutely won the most in how she ended.
>Ruby and Melt marry and have a son
>Son grows to resemble Aqua, but he isn't him
>Ruby grooms and eventually rapes him in his teens
>tfw Kamiki 2.0
Thanks for proving my point, you know akanefags like the ending and won and yet while claiming you hate it you linger here seething because deep down you don't give a shit about the ending itself.
You only care that you lost and cannot accept that fact.
>I in fact LIKE garbage
Thank you for enlightening us
>Its garbage because ruby lost
That's your argument, and to me that's a plus
Akane didn’t win though
>[headcanon] is your argument, and to me that's a plus
Akane won, and that's why you're still here seething thinking you can change anyone's mind
>It's not my argument, I'm just here waiting for an extra chapter because I believe it'll magically save the ending -by making ruby win-
Oh why yes you're totally not obvious on how fake your critics are KEK
It's really 1(one) schizophrenic SEA talking to himself all thread
Nuke this threads off the board plz
Those who legitimately see the ending as being shit for non-shipping reasons have long since moved on. It's all seething inbreds now. Still spamming their spica cope book as if it's a holy book.
yes, Akane is morally grey and doesn't care about societal standards. if she knew Aqua was the person Ruby was talking about she'd support them.
>movie is pointless
so is kekane lmao
Yup and the schizo who necrobumps threads and talks to himself
Taiki could have saved Aqua.
Lol nope. Read inbred >>273339990
Akane did everything of note.
Osaragi won ishigami bowl.
Nah. With how aka is now, Ishigami is more likely to kill himself.
she stopped being a character after the stairs chapter
if she died that issue nothing would change
Nice ignoring that Akane did everything. Ruby would be dead if Akane died cause aqua would be too busy eating chips with kana and dreaming of her straight gaze.
>Nah. With how aka is now, Ishigami is more likely to kill himself.
I'm not surprised if Kaguya Original Plan is making Ishigami Suicide With Oko to save his beloved Senpai.
If ruby did what akane did you'd be wanking and praising her to high heavens since it's all you wanted for your own girl, your critics as if you care are pointless.
As said above, the fact you believe 1 chapter can change your perception of the ending makes all your whining and opinions worthless. you only care about winning.
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I just asked Aka and Kana won.
>several minutes between posts
/OnK/ fell off
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Can't believe Aka makes it worse than this.
manga's over. go touch grass.
He then promptly suicided despite knitting this.
This manga is retarded
Did OnK surpass the helicopter?

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