Anime hags deserve love too
Yeah, but they gotta pay for it!
Total hag love!
>they got married in the OVAMission fucking successful, lads.
>>273330348Does she have an alibi?
>>273330520For what? Why would she need an alibi?
>>273330348>watermark>no one says anythingThis board has truly fallen holy fuckNext I bet some autistic zoomer is going to yell at me defending this shit too, or some contrarian "le ebin troll" will do it for them FOR FREE
>>273330348man, that OVA was absolutely fantastic
>>273331110Are you fucking retarded
>hags deserve love tooSays who??
>>273331259a shoulder-hip ratio that mogs most of /fit/
>>273331233This speaks to me on a deeply personal and physical level, approximating the left C8 dermatome. Age and slipped discs come for us all, anon.
>>273330348Hag sex
>>273330553uhhhh? the murder?
>>273330348People here missing the point that the man is still the older one in the relationship
Are there any in this thread that's actually worth reading, or is it all just blueballing compilations until the final chapter?
>>273332643Just read porn if you want your dick wet, it really isn't that hard.
>>273332683What I meant is there a hag manga where the characters have actual progression in their relationship, or is it 100+ chapters of nothing happening until the ending where it randomly shows them getting married?
>>273332925see >>273331295 and >>273331259, these get it done REAL fucking quick, since they're short-ish.
>>273332925Shingeki no Eroko-san is what you want>>273332999Also this
>>273330348>streamingsuch posts can get deleted when reported for low quality
>>273333014>eroko-sanThat's a new one, and a random chapter I clicked on instantly got me. Any other recommendations while we're at it? I'm the "also this" guy for context.
>pure maiden hagsyes, strong gap moe>used goods hags no, disgusting and for women and trannies
>>273333396They're not called used bads
>>273333447yes, because that would make no sense you esl nigger
read more manga, all of you, including the people reading this from the catalogue
>>273330348thanks for reminding me of this shit anime where the side characters had a more compelling love story than the protagonists
>>273335219oh, and of course when I say "side characters", I mean BOTH fucking side couples (little bro + school friend, and coworkers). both were lightyears ahead of the shitfest the show chose to spend most of its time on
Total hag marriage!!!
I was made for lovin' you, hahag, you were made for lovin' meAnd I can't get enough of you, hahag, can you get enough of me?
>>273336519I wanna insert my tongue in her butthole
>>273336576What is it with old geezer and licking dirty ass... I get wanting to fuck it, but not the licking bit.
>>273330553uh, for being old?
>>273330371basedOP is a fag
so true!
>>273331233I love this cute hag so much.
>>273331374That's a cake. There are a lot of retards posting cake ITT.
>>273331130too bad the series cannot be consumed due to the blown out used goods female lead
>>273330348I'd marry that hag for her sexo voice alone desu
>>273339867Sawashiro is a goddess.
>>273335219it's very prevalent in anime/manga though, when there is side romance or even side characters most of the time they are more interesting, I guess because the author didn't have as much input in their relationship and just did quick and somewhat shallow.
>>273339926The guy she married is very blessed imo...imagine hearing that voice everyday in all kinds of settings, I'd be the happiest man on earth.
>>273331374this one is so good
>>273330348I remember her and her weird choice of nail color
>>273331374Picked the fuck up.