>hey kid, you ever been to the big city? Nah course not, you don't seem the type
>>273333588Nazeem-ass bitch
>>273333588Do you get to the cloud district very often?
you’ve caught me with my pants down…
big shitty
Heh, I WORKED ON the Shinkansen little girlie.
I would invite her to a free right right on top with my Shinkasen.
>>273333816I'll have you know that there's no KANIIIIIIIII
I want shinkansen to patronize me
Literally what was her problem?
>>273337999not enough correction
>>273337999Being a debiru.
>>273333588for that im going to eat your jaffit card
>>273338559weak should fear the stong
>>273333588>you ever been to the big city?Thankfully never for longer than 24hrsAbsolute degenerate, faggoty, dirty shitholes.
>>273333588I bet Hikage would be a crypto scammer today.
>>273333588I bet she would love it here in California
>>273339365No she's a good girl.
>>273338398>>273341043My wife.
Big cities deserve nuclear hellfiret. born and raised in one
Shinkansen?? Yawn.
>>273341238Hikage is also a bad girl.