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>she replies to your confession
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Not a she, but sounds like something a woman would say
Your body, my choice
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Why is Regulus so weak to Emilia's charm? he literally killed dozens of his wives yet his knees wobble in front of Emilia
It's the pointy ears.
Humans are extremely weak to elven women.
Lolimancer always wins!
How can Regulus have sex with so many women?
Anon, I....
What a fucking slut.
But I love Rem
Aww she thinks she has a choice.
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100% true and incredibly redpilled
According to the author's tweet about it, it's because nobody has seriously talked back to him for around a century, so he's shocked.
Could have been worse
>You will be my woman?
does pricsilla show up in arc 7 or 8 i need some motivation to actually start reading them
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>argue with her
>grab and kiss her (with consent)
>having procreative kiss session on the tomb of a genocidal socialpathic witch
Just don't be an incel bro.
He can't, that's the fun part. He doesn't like the concept of sex. He just wants pretty faced trophies
Funniest part is she accepted getting pregnant with Subaru's kid instantly
>"Your body, my choice."
I mean, this is to make him less threatening, let's face it.
People would scream NTR if he fucked Emilia
I want to have sex with her voice
It adds to his personality. Losing his virginity is an infringement on his rights
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incel author has no balls with rapist chad antagonist
Wheres Rem?
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Not really, she was about to get exploded
anyone voiced by the Rieri has this power
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Subaru just that much of a chad
Emilia is so shit this is actually a good answer to hear if someone ever unintentionally confessed to her by accident.
t. Regulus
I really wonder if she has that inherent attraction to Subaru as he does to Satella
I love him.so much.. regulus is literally perfect
I don’t. I think she just barely tolerates him until she needs saving again.
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Too many layers of plot armor with this bitch
She'd not readily be okay with getting pregnant with his baby then
That's a good point. He's greed, so he wants everything, including his own virginity.
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>Y-yea, I thought y-you might say that
I never understood the point of marriage, anyway. If you love someone, then you're with that someone of your own will, that's it. Why make a number of it? Turning love into some kind of trade contract with rigid terms isn't one bit romantic. An oath of loyalty? You know, the harder a person assures you they will never betray you, the more probable it starts to seem that they will. The true essence and value of loyalty isn't shown in bearing chains, but in always having the option to leave, but always choosing not to. But I guess that's asking too much of humans.
>I never understood the point of marriage
There’s a number of benefits to being married. But surprise surprise they mostly involve sharing money. You can have an easier time becoming a citizen in the US apparently and my grandmother collects a better social security payout after her husband passed because he worked longer than her.
For someone who supposedly hates materialism, you're sure focusing only on that one aspect of marriage.
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Of course, governments set up every carrot they can think of to get people to marry, because it leads to producing more taxpayers, but I was thinking about it more from personal angle.
I'm not a cuck like that yurifag in the making Regulus so i don't leave her a choice.
No, it's coherent with his insane troll logic
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From a personal angle, I wouldn’t want to marry Emilia in any capacity.
>no one talked back to me before
>you're so... interesting
>you’ll be my woman instead

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