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Why do girls have 0 interest in gender bending? 99% of GB series are male->female instead of female->male.
Living as a female is easy life. They don't need to dream about becoming men.
Albeit... I've talked to plenty of ugly women and most told me they wish they were born male.
Seems to be very correlated to a person's attractivess.
>Ugly men wants to be cute girls
>Ugly women wants to be masculine chads
Why would anyone want to be a man?
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They're... not, you just don't read any stories for girls because it doesn't interest you I guess.
Only faggot men like GB.
Crossdressing isn't gender bending. There are lots of examples of the former.
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>to be cute girls
As for me, I don't want to be a woman, I like the idea of forcing a TGgirl (former guy) into womanhood. It's like a girlfication of a tomboy but much better.
Why would women fantasize about their lives becoming way harder and less fun?
Why the fuck would you ever want to be a man???
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Mito actually changes to a boy, twice, in the story.

Also, there's this really common trope right now as in being reincarnated into being a boyband member or something similar. I've seen this like repeated five times in the last year alone or something that the protagonist just ends up being a boyband member for some reason though one time it was just crossdressing, the other four it was a legitimate genderswap.
>Why do girls have 0 interest in gender bending?
But they do, as lots of gender bend manga are shoujo? Its just that they rather do female->male, as that makes it so the protagonist is a cute girl. Also, its spiritually BL if they get with their best friend/brother and that's super hot to them.
>its spiritually BL
Unless you live in a third world shithole, being a young woman is an upgrade over being a man. the sides flip after like 35 but good fucking luck finding ANY fiction about that Then there's the fact that genderbend victim will usually stay as their new sex at the end of the series.
So FtM GB is a story about someone getting an inevitable and permanent downgrade in their life. No one wants to read that, that's not a compelling pitch.
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Anon so much of that “I just got reincarnated as a boyband member” shit exists.

And yeah, it's obviously wish fullfilment and an upgrade. You go from a groupie of your favorite boyband to being a member of it all of the sudden.

See picrel, the character on the phone is what the protagonist, a lonely shutin loser reincarnates as. Obviously an upgrade though it's not permanent and at the end the protagonist goes back to his original body but remains friends with the band anyway.
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>Why do girls have 0 interest in gender bending?
Why then is this >>273341276 TS shoujo manga in the top 1 on the Ciao+ website (shoujo manga online platform).
Anon obviously means female-to-male genderswap.

That being said, there is far more female-to-male than male-to-female running in those magazines. This is in fact the only currently ongoing male-to-female that I can think of but there might be more while I can list multiple ongoing on recent female-to-males.

Well, there's also an ongoing male-to-female where it's the love interest, not the protagonist.

Oh wait, no I take it back, I can think of another male-to-female I guess but he constantly keeps switching back and forth.
Are you sure that wasn't just a dansou band? Those are a real thing.
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Bertie is so cute
Yeah that's the nyotaika genre of GB which is fairly big and is pretty much BL but one of them is a girl now, I've read a few of those were they go back to being a boy at the end and having fallen in love with their best friend's penis are now gay.
No one wants to be a smelly man.
There are things called showers and deoderant.
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