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Muh muh muh
Get me my weed.
Melody is going to kill this little bitch btw.
>no mention of Morena and Borksen making out
It’s over…
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Shikaku status: jobbed to Halk
Vict status: jobbed to Halk
Balsamico status: jobbed to Halk
Benjmain status: jobbing to Halk
>The chapter focuses again on Morena and Borksen; the entire chapter revolves around the game. Bork chooses the Objective cards, and Morena dives into the Text vs. Text. It seems some of her past is revealed, showing her as a younger version of herself. The first card Bork loses is Joker. Then Bork chooses the Power card. More Text vs. Text follows. Bork loses the Yes card. Then Bork asks for the NO? card, and Bork loses the X card. When only the NO and R cards remain, it is announced that the Special Martial Law has been activated, and this is not a drill. End
>top right morena
So if martial law happened, shit went down at the funeral?
We probably won’t know for another 4 chapters kek
>MARTIAL LAW has been activated
I literally can't imagine Benjamin losing
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If Togashi let's me down with him I riot
Why did everyone get moefied this chapter?
Unless we get a flashback of Halk confronting Benjamin then Benjamin can't die yet in this scenario since we still don't know what his Guardian Spirit Beast does
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We're all so used to expectations getting subverted that the most likely to win the succession war actually winning would be pretty unexpected.
Why do Bork and Morena look like Shoujo characters
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410,757,864,530 DEAD MAFIACELS
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How did Morena go from this to that???
no fucking way is that blushing morena not an edit
Either this is a man or Morena literally has no fucking boobs and is a flat chested fuck
Bork WON....her heart
"Y-you want to know about my power? How lewd..."
>Morena blush
Togashi is NOT killing her anytime soon
is Morena blushing because Bork picked learning her ability?
Well that one anon that wanted tragic romance might get it
Wow she looks so angry
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Is the card game ending this chapter?
If it’s my guess no one major is dying this batch . I think Halks plan fails because of something but he managed to get himself into another perosn without anybody noticing. Benjamin starts marital law. Luzurs assassination attempt fails. Phinks and Feitan don’t get to Morena.
why does a royal kakin bastard have bruises and looks homeless?
they’re all rich
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What do you guys think activated our glorious martial law? My money is on le weed man biting it.
child Morena ToT
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Kakin rape factory
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>Another chapter of nothing but stupid card game
Bork is going to win by seducing Morena. The game will remain unfinished but Morena will not remain unfucked.
they picked Tse over her and sent her to fuck off
What will the clown do now?
why is she so FLAT
Non-recognized children get branded that's why all the bosses have scares.
Kill Chrollo and
Lynch died...
Martial law chads won
She was ugly
Morena 100% got Mukuroed. Can’t wait to see the fat old bastard that got her.
can't you see? she grew up starving
Card game.
it was Tse
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Morena was raped by Tserriednich or by the same people who raped-killed Sarasa, I'm calling it
The rapist? Me.
She’s literally just Sensui+Mukuro
Togashi is a hack
>halken was caught by benjamin
>halken took control of benjamin
>luzurus assassination attempt
Maybe one of the three
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Bork is going to join Heil-Ly just so Morena can french kiss her with Contagion, I can feel it
Chrollo is literally just Sensui + le Poor garbage people
Togashi has always done this, now is a weird time to be pissed about it.
HxH was literally made because Togashi got tired of editors/publishers telling him what he could and couldn't do with YYH so he started a new manga from scratch to redo all the archetypes, themes, and tropes in YYH but this time with the conviction to tell editors and publisher to go fuck themselves.
I hope that one guy who predicted Benjamin's beast ACTIVATING when Martial Law is declared was right
Because it would be funny as shit
Can someone explain why Luzurus getting assassinated would initiate Martial Law but Momoze, Salé-Salé and Kacho's death didn't? I know that Salé-Salé was killed by one of Benjamin's men but couldn't he have used that excuse to activate it anyway? There were so many opportunities.
MARTIAL LAW will be a city wide tier STRONG NEN ability.
This nigga returns next chapter
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I'm worst possible outcome pilled. Halkenburg failed to kill Ben and Ben declares martial law in response. Justice bureau has rigged martial law in their favor not Ben's and turns it on him. Kaiser turns on Melody's gang halfway through the assassination and Luzurus, Nencho, and Fuu die leaving the justice bureau with Melody. Everybody but the government spooks lose.
>bonds with borksen over card game
>explains that tserri is an evil rape loving monster
That would be the way she hoped one of tserri’s solider would willingly join them
>She's literally just Sensui+Mukuro
I don't see her as Sensui
I see… the only route to making Morena a lovable villain is the yuri route. The answer was right in front of us the whole time.
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You forgot Level E too. Chimera ant arc, Tserriendich, greed island, certain DC element prototypes are in that manga
If Luzurus is attending the funeral then a prince's death at it would probably do it over an isolated incident in their rooms.
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I would like to say that idolshit took over Togashi's brain but he was doing moe shit long before HxH. This is just a return to form.
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>Spiderbros it's over isn't it?
>Tserriendich prototype
Doesn't Halk die if he misses a shot when using his ability?
Who is the Itsuki of HxH?
Pariston or Hisoka
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>Phinks and Feitan don’t get to Morena
Das rite.
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We don’t actually know for sure. We’re told that he stakes his life on each shot, but I don’t recall the ability stating that outright.
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fuck Illumi
>Sensui's pussy
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This guy. There’s theories scattered on the internet and how his and the mermaids story is the prototype Kurapika/Kurta and tseiirencih but I’m too lazy to look them up.
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Hiei of HxH will fuck her.
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I haven't idea
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Where's are the rest milord?
that piece of meat is obviously a vagina, right?
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could this be a visual metaphor for rape?
>Hisoka is still searching for his Sensui
Possibly. I thought about it but I wonder if it’s more explicitly explained or Togashi expects his readers to pick it up.
Are those tattoos or scars?
oh boy can't wait for the meltdown over nothing happens again!
Why don’t they just drop all the pages? Dont get it…
Halksissies how we feeling?
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There's an arab oil prince who wants to be the first to read the translated chapter.
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I want to vomit my fellow Halkensister
>Who is the Itsuki of HxH?
Pariston is in love with Ging
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Knowing the leakers they’ve probably dropped the most scoring pages already…
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>yap x yap
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So if Morena is the Mukuro of HxH, are she and Feitan gonna link up like Hiei and Mukuro did?
Another nothingburger chapter? How much longer will this card game take?
Longer than your miserable life.
Kakin rape factory produces nen users?
the bubble on top of bork's face looks like shit
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unless she has a history with the troupe, most likely not.
post the full page
Yes, probably because she has to kiss people for her power to activate
Phinx and Feitan are ready for the mass rape
>mfw Martial Law
“morena will die soon” Chads assemble! Why else would we immediately get her backstory before shit hits the fan
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She finally got her stupid smile wiped off her face...
Halkenburg looks fucking ripped there anon
I figured out why nothing happens but talking in recent chapters. Naoko is drawing characters so Togashi can't ask her too much movement and characters.
Martial law announcement or phinks and feitan entering their hideout?
Phinks enters and inform everyone that Martial Law has been activated.
>Vagina slit with a bloody 'knife' looming over it
>next we see a bruised Morena with obvious rope marks on her skin
Creative writing 101 level symbolism, I don't think there's really any need to argue the implication here.
They grew shoujou eyes
Bork is looking extremely shojo
>shojo eyes
Did togashi just make his wife draw this chapter for him?
Stupid sexy Borksen
Is this better than Togashi just showing us the old dirty bastard holding a naked child Morena akin Mukuro
HxH is literally shoujou manga I dunno why you guys are all surprised
That would explain why Morena is suddenly looking moe. Togashi never used this style before.
Also the panel of Bork looking sad. The profile panel of Morena probably has her saying something like 'When I was 13 I was raped by the previous head of this family :3'
Yep. The writing of Mereum and Komugi bond is literally textbook Shoujo.
Martial law will the be Dragon Dive of the boat
>Awaking nen via rape trauma
Did anyone have this on their bingo card?
curse you Sandnigger Hui Guo Rou I want to see the entire page!
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>Togashi never used this style before.
You should look at some of his earlier works
Morena got raped?
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>Tsendnicher Hui Guo Ro
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and then Feitan tells them they're all going to die
This reminds me of another manga where a character suddenly having a kawaii uguu face became a meme but I can't quite remember it.
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I wish we would see more of the Kakin traditional clothes
yeah, in the sweltering summer of 1992
>lets his wife draws for a chapter for fun because its pretty much just text
pretty cute ngl
Ko-enhanced dick baptism.
Nasubi had wives he didn't like put up against a firing wall and executed
Kakin is not a good place
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when was that stated?
Is she a beyond rape baby?
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we finally see more of this nigga
Oito's introduction
Togashi can't draw anymore so Naoko and assistants are drawing sitting whores instead.
if she was a beyond baby that wouldn't make any sense since it means she wouldn't be an illegitimate child
10/10 chapter bravo togashi
One piece face Netero in the upper left panel :D
>Recycled Beyond panels
yeah Togashi didn't even get out of bed for this chapter lol
Damn no wan piss this week either! Hate that for you wan piss fags. :(
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nen wheel
damn Borkman is huge
She's literally making a new stupid face in every panel she's in
Morena's face is really weird this chapter. It looks completely different in each shot.
My Villain dogman
Dogman bros we're back!
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So he's an actually pretty popular pro wrestler?
why is everyone taking classes in this fucking arc
Damn she's ugly
looks similar to the Kurta clothes
>people gathered and yelling DOGMAN
He has fans.
'fraid so
Cute bottom panel :)
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>It looks completely different in each shot.
First time? Halkenburg changed his face like 4 times in chapter 404.
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Togashi's drawing skills are just regressing because of his fucked up back.
I honestly don’t think Togashi gives a shit of character drawing consistency as long as the design is still in the same ballpark. Just look at Chrollo’s looks over the years, or even just Illumi’s in singekbchsiters of the election arc. Probably saves him tie. Just drawing faces out of memory.
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>Dogman saw Chrollo from distance
Dogman is so cool.
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Early halken
Upper right is Manipulation. That means middle up is Specialization.
Well he was looking for a specialist lol
I think she’s saying Dogman is looking for a specialist
>when you smell some fucked up turbulent specialist strong nen
Because this arc's theme is people studying and abusing the mechanics of a shonen power system. Lots of post-death/counter/ability-granting meta tryhard bullshit everywhere.
>strong nen?
Dawg, we get Togashi draws faces differently depending on how he's feeling. You do not need to point this out in every single thread.
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This is my favorite halk face
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What does upper right chart means? Percentage of each nen types?
Honestly it's a shame Chrollo doesn't give a fuck about Hei-Ly or he could probably farm a few abilities from the nenlets.
Is dogman a member of bullet club or nWo?
Does he even know about them?
does he look like a pencil necked geek to you? nWo
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>Chrollo on page 12
>Bork: you're going to put your dick in my mouth?
>Morena: ...
I NEED to see Dogman lariat and suplex some fools
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>instantly smells your nen type
yeah I can't imagine dogman losing.
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theme: https://youtu.be/-HLNhEf15qw?si=S3VfWVTaK7V_XOcp
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The weak should fear the Strong
Cute Morena.
She looks like how my gf looked like when we were in high school.
Doesn't eat much, very vain, works out as well.
Not unhealthy enough to be eating disorder but thin.

Its easily solvable. Just put a baby or two in her and she will develop a nice motherly figure.
how the fuck do you go from duazul to droisille
Is borksen safe now that YES card is taken?
No? If No card is the last card then Morena will kill Borksen.
Looks like Morena spoke too much it said something she shouldn't have.
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All these leaks worthless without text
Orarge getting more screentime
All the military academy soldiers are ostensibly adults, but Bork looks like a young teenager here. Hope she manages to survive.
So she has 2 cards left and no Yes or No card?
Depends on what happens if she chooses No.
Borksen chose the No explain card here.
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Is Morena really playing this card game without cheating? how is she this fucking excited
She is saying "Oops you picked Joker and Yes, so it means you won't be our nakama unless your last card is R and you choose to revive Yes card."
Bottom panel look like a dozen different Yugioh cards.
what does those background means?
>matrix background
lol wtf
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Bottom row faces are all within the same two chapters. I don't know what Togashi was smoking when drawing Halk this batch
"If No is your last card I will fucking kill you"
2 cards which are No and R card
Did Togashi get bored and swap genres again? What the hell is this chapter?
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why is togashi making them so cute?
uh oh. skull means death
His wife helped him draw this chapter.
aside from most of the top row and bottom row all of these look pretty much the same
No / R / X
3 cards.
>skull means death
>Bork with shoujo eyes
Togashi, stop! I already like her bobcut hairstyle! Stop it!
>That bottom panel Morena
Good lord what the fuck
Bottom right halk a cute
Togashi must really like Yugioh. We had an entire arc devoted to collecting cards and playing a card game against other people, one of Benjamin's men had a Yugioh card ability, and now we have yet another card game.
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>one more chapter
rejoice yu gi oh bros
>You think you're special...
martial law
We already know final page it gets interrupted by martial law
>Marshal Raw
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So Borksen isn't the one Morena looking for. Dogman still on his mission.
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So is he's looking for Chrollo?
>Togashi moves to nobunga talking to temp worker recruiters in tier 4
>Bully not so smug after being MARTIAL LAWED
>Run Dogman, Run
Next week hiatus
No, he's looking for a specialist and he just stumbled into chrollo.
I can already see
>409 Benjamin POV from hours before and we find out why the Martial Law happened
>410 has Kurapika POV as Martial Law is declared
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I always trust the plan
we know, Oda
>nothing happens (2)
Dogman is looking for Specialist and he smells Chrollo but realized who he is sniffing.
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what does R mean?
Revival. It revives a card in graveyard.
possibly since 411 is confirmed as a kurapika chapter
Retard they clearly say they are looking for someone who can't use nen but is specialist or else they can't abduct them.
>kurapika chapter
More Tubeppa screen time I hope
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I think we have about 60 chapters left max. Chrollo heading to tier 1 to get Kakin ritual treasures, Phinks Feitan heading up, martial law started, real Hisoka finally appeared, Morena’s “beginning of the End”
this shit will end at 500
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Game over cardbros...
At least it's over now
So the game was meaningless and just a way for Morena to loredump but less boring
>You can ask almost anything with Question A and B cards!
>Don't pick those cards
It'd be a waste of effort, Bork's in mortal danger now and needs to know why Morena wants her to join and what her ability is, then find a way to secure her escape. She can't ask about her goals or ability with QA or QB.
She can ask a way to secure her escape.
Alright, place your bets on who was the retard(s) that caused martial law to activate
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>60 chapters left max
>"Why, just choose the X card, silly! :)"
My first question would be the same.
Borksen doesn’t know jack about nen, knowledge is key to survival in this case
Nobody. It was a false announcement and thebcard game resumes.
Halken fucked up or luzurus assassination attempt
Luzurus assassination is Wendsday night and this is still noon. It must be related to Halk's plan.
Aim and Power are the two most instantly useful cards in play, especially since Bork doesn't understand Nen in general. And now if Bork is able to escape, she'll be able to convey vital knowledge to her squad.
Something happened at the funeral, maybe Hei-ly killing civilists or the move that Halkenburg made as Balsamico.
So I guess the martial law announcement will probably prompt them to leave the room for some reason which means phinks and feitan will likely miss them. Morena is way too important to randomly die to the troupe. Or some of her lackeys will defend her while ensuring her escape. I don't want the go back girl to die.
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Odds on a name reveal for Goback chan this chapter?
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Benjamin has a secret codeword with his bros and Halkenburg fumbled
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Benjamin survived Halkenburg's assassination attempt thanks to the nen beast.
Dogman might attack him
>Balsamilk, how do you eat cereal?
>...with milk?
This is probably the most likely outcome, as far as we know Halkenburgs ability doesn't actually bestow the knowledge of the possessed person.
I can easily see that Balsamico and Benjamin implemented a protocol after Shikakus death to prevent anybody in their team being compromised.
someone tried stealing the royal treasures
>So I guess the martial law announcement will probably prompt them to leave the room for some reason
Why? The Heil-Ly are the only mafia family aboard who are probably fine with martial law. They're registered as civilians while the other two families are gonna get squeezed since they're registered as mafia passengers. This is a bigger reveal for Bork as a member of the army than it is for Morena
This shit is so ass
Bring back relevant characters like Hisoka, Chrollo and Ging
Nobody cares about these literal who's
Gaming is....... so very interesting.
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Lots of cute Borks this chapter
King Nasubi's legs are in the 413 tweet from today so maybe
>Togashi wouldn't have built up Halkenburg just to job immediately
>Benjamin can't lose unitl we know what his GSB does
Which will prevail?
Halk will job.
Zhangcoing crashed
Halk will fuck up and improvise a new plan
Shoujo x Shoujo
The story doesn't allow that. He's been set up to get tied in the eventual tserri plotline.
Benjamin has wayyyy too much potential than to job this early.
We don't know about his GSB yet and we haven't seen him use the ability he got from Vict yet.
Benji will be one of the last ones to die.
Probably Halksamico trying and failing to kill Benjamin. I don't think it has to do with the funeral and Halk's supporters being unified by his death since we haven't felt a rumbling.
We already know everything about halk, he is going to job
Halk's arrow will miss
>Togashi wouldn't have built up Halkenburg just to job immediately
This sounds like cope so Halk
>Togashi wasting a panel on a dude shuffling

come on now
Who is Martial Law? Is he related to Officer Kakin?
Some of you really are dumb. Them shuffling the deck is how the game plays and is what they agreed to last chapter. Togashi showing that happening is only natural.

Seriously, if you think Togashi is gonna rush his story you are reading the wrong manga. Getting tired of all this bitching.
Or they're keeping Dogman out to find out other potential candidates. In case this recruitment attempt with Borksen doesn't work.
They just need someone with a specific nen type and capability to develop the nen ability they need. Doesn't necessarily have to be Borksen. She just got found first.
>troupetards when their leader gets nabbed by dogman in the middle of his sperg out

where is that webm...this is literally that
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My hail mary prediction is Hinrigh caused martial law, his mafia family is fucked if his predictions were correct and he pivoted to assistance from the military after seeing some Hei Ly plan start to go into motion
>we really needed the 100th explanation on nen just this arc
>we really needed more morena backstory

the game isn't filler but most of this chapter is
Yes to both of these, especially Morena, she's a key character to this arc.
you needed to see the nen chart again?
Help what does the text says?
Considering that Halk perfectly acted the part of Balsamico and, if I remember right, knew details of the assignment, he should gain access to the memories of the one he possesses.
kuroro should notice he's being mistakenly scoped out, right based on york knew?
How fucking slow are Phinks and Feitan? Most likely Halk already either succeeded or failed Abe martial law got announced and they’re still walking
what if the explanation adds something to narrow people down like Hisoka's personality test?
You know, I thought the reason Togashi gave Dogman the mask was so that he could have him out in the crowd maskless and dressed like a normal person. And then surprise us when Dogman reveals himself to kidnap the target, or get in conflict with Chrollo. Or some shit like that.
But nope. The nutjob is just out there at a funeral dressed like a crazy person, sniffing people without being covert at all. Lmfao.
>I feel like something big will happen in the next 2 chapters
He's a luchador-like wrestler (apparently famous) the mask isn't coming off even if he's a part of a terrorist organization.
>new nen chart
What do we make of their eyes getting shoujo-fied?
Uhuh ya the hair is ALL OVER THE PLACE this time
yeah DOGMAN is getting more based by the chapter
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