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No chapter this week, catduck is ill and overworked (KGB cover next issue). But we get a mini filler chapter (11 pages) instead. Guess who's back?
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So does that mean...

Sojo won.
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>text fucking covered
why even bother posting this garbage
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You should've seen the JJK "LIT" leaks
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That fucking leaker is attention whore, but he says he'll translate it in a few hours. Probably he will put it on his AIDS ridden website.
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so a shitty ESL translation later and no raw text?
even worse
>No chapter this week, catduck is ill and overworked (KGB cover next issue). But we get a mini filler chapter (11 pages) instead
why not give him a fucking break instead???
do authors need to reach the 100 chapter mark first before being able to request for one?
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since we don't know the raws, might as well call it a fanfic/rewrite
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End of Sojo's story. Do you find his friendship with the Onsen granny cute?
He's been on break before but that was when the whole magazine went on break for Golden Week so who knows
granny was just terrified of him and tried not to anger him
Considering Hokazono's confidence and his record of no breaks, I'm guessing he doesn't want to break that streak.
>Her name is Tae
>She's 78
you lot will get World Trigger'd
Yeah she also had to clean the bath every time Sojo killed someone lol
But knowing Sojo, he probably pays a lot of money just to bath there
It would sure be nice if the faggot leaker didn't remove all the fucking texts. Good to know we have full confirmation Sojo's back tattoo really is Magatsumi butterfly though.
panel reuse
probably sudden due to cover+volume extras and this was supposed to be bonus from the volume
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flatass sojo
nobody likes that
he's thinking of rubbing one out with cloud whore's hilt while thinking about rokuhira
That fucking pissed me off so much. Goddamn, I was salty about that for a month.
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Has no ass.
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>vol4 cover 23k likes
>vol5 cover currently at 14k
can volume 5 overtake volume 4 cover?
>when the whole magazine went on break for Golden Week
and later for obon
>Coffee milk, shampoo that cools the scalp, Tae the onsen granny
What a comfy ass chapter to throw at us after PTSD-the-Chapter last week. Hahaha
We're getting Yuto Suzuki'd huh
>Sojo is a polite, society obeying citizen who recycles his bottles properly unlike Hiruhiko
Most important lore
His ass is too flat
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4 > 5 desu
Rest in piss war criminal.
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It's Sojo thread, not for this dead faggot.
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he's sitting down!
he has ass!
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Context is that JJK leakers got into autism battles and tried cucking each other out of being the first to leak chapters
That led to this one esoteric leak drop where the fucking pages were released like this
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you just KNOW takeru loves drawing sojo and just makes excuses to draw him again. say what you want about the el hermano theory but i think its entirely possible merely due to the fact that its clear takeru loves sojo a lot and would find a way to include him back into the story
Doesn't his tattoo kind of resemble Mukade?
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>takes off hat
good riddance
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sojo ass erasure..............bros...
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Ironic since Oshi no Ko is probably the most ass manga ending since SnK
hakuri has one (obviously, thanks to his oniichan)
but man, i hope takeru will give chihiro some ass.
Feels good to be a Sojo fan. This chapter is just bait so Takeru can feast on fan art of his fav
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You will never know one way or the other, Chihiro will only get naked on the wedding night for his one true partner.
we're never seeing chihiro's chest, let alone his ass
is kunishige reading his diary? lmao
He's reading volume 2.
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>since SnK
really? its even worse then mha? what happened?
Mc killed himself... for no reason, really.
No one got a romantic conclusion.
His little sister (reincarnated dead cancer patient who had been crushing on him for the past 20 years) was left mindbroken with an empty life but "she must keep bringing happiness to people as an idol" (their lifespan in the industry is like five years)
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guess this is an early night/day for us bros
see you next time for the cover+lcp
have a very bachi week everybody
>shilling shampoo
Are they paying him or is he copying American movie product placement for the keks?
>is he copying American movie product placement for the keks?
i want to believe
Tako's comment for the week
>I'm sorry! I had to take a break this week. Drawing a Sojo side chapter healed me
>sojo side chapter healed me
oh my god
I demand one for Souya, Yura & Hiroko and his gang as well
I wonder if Sojo's tattoo is modeled after Magatsumi's insect manifestations. The front is reminiscent of a centipede motif, while the back kind of looks like the bottoms of butterfly wings.
Takeru should make an entire side book of just SoL it would sell Takeru. Do it Takeru.
Honestly just making a bunch on the side and putting em out whenever he needs a break would probably be a pretty good idea
>Sojo skipping in joy
Hokazono makes his men act too cute, it's unbelievable
How is making an 11 pages side chapter THAT different from an 11 pages main chapter? I guess no money shot double spread? Or was this already half done beforehand and scrapped, so it was easier to just finish it?
>chapter is mostly backgrounds
>have your assistants do them all
>rest of the chapter consists of super basic poses
>you are basically drawing like three-four pages worth of content tops
It's easier.
It's easier to write
No brainpower because no story, 2/3rds regular amount of pages, all poses and everything happening very simple and basic artistically, also he likes drawing Sojo so it's effortess
Still amazing he didn't bring back mecha/zombie sojo controlled by the hishaku.
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When is it located?
does the art of this get better or am i stuck looking at really shitty drawings and hard to read action scenes
he loves sojo too much to dishonor his corpse like that
do you mean
>when does it take place?
We will see him again eventually, either in a flashback arc or when Sword Saint becomes a major character
Is that your regular soapland or communal bathhouse?
No, now stop reading and go away
ok, thank god i told my friends to stop reading as well
It's a shame that next chapter should be low on action unless chihiro goes ragetard mode and samura schools him.
Thread for no text at all chapter is pretty retarded
you could wait for the indian to leak the chapter instead of this spanish retard.
Thats Tamagawa no Yu - Kingyoyu. In English, that name translates to The Bath of Tamagawa - Goldfish Bath.
Its an onsen place in Muromachi over in Tochigi city.
Here's the website: http://tochigi.k-o-i.jp/koten/tamagawanoyu/
It's not like you need dialogue for this.
Considering how much the fanbase has grown in the past couple of months in nipland, I hope they spam sojo fanart to make up for the lost time during the first couple volumes.
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>murders people in the bathhouse
>takes care not to litter
fucking love this guy
Takeru is gonna get the Bachi onsen collab before Isayama gets to open his
Japanese readers are going to open the chapter to Sojo this week and be so fucking confused
Holy shit I want to fuck sojo so bad
First page is him saying that the main story is on break so it's fine.
Honestly, I'd take three normal chapter and a filler comedy one every month (but actually relevant to the stuff in question).
Imagine a Uruha and Samura talking about random shit the chapter after getting murdered.
Takeru lives in Tochigi?
>Honestly, I'd take three normal chapter and a filler comedy one every month
Pls. One of my main issues with Kagurabachi is the hard lack of just characters interacting out of battle, especially when everytime we've gotten something like that it's been great.
Next one should be chihiro and hakuri's canon cohabitation.
>It is popular because you can see goldfish from the bathtub.
actual goldfish in the bathtub?
I dunno where he lives now, but his wiki page says he was born in Osaka city.
Also, I'm just saying where that onsen in the photograph is from. Its not the same looking as the one from this chapter at all. I dunno why that anon even posted the photo of that onsen.
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>actual goldfish in the bathtub?
lol no
There's a tank in the wall, with the goldfish faffing about.
>where he lives now
You need to live in Tokyo to work in WSJ
They will, falling to Hokazono's plan
explain this to me
why the fuck did Hakuri summon Samura's blade and not Uruha's?
>can fight with a normal sword
>was engaged in fight making it near impossible to register him for summoning, how the fuck did Hakuri even manage that
>can't fight with a normal blade
>is freely available
What the actual ruck, Hakuri even said he wants another person to join the fight, obviously Samura was already fighting so the only extra person i. this situation was Uruha, it doesn't make any sense
>samura is the one who wants to fight
>has the desire to protect his friends
>is willing to die for them instead of regretting it
>hakuri answers to his conviction and gives him tobimune
It was a really shonen moment.
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Uruha comes off as an unreliable shitter who keeps talking down about himself, saying Samura is so much better, Samura can protect everyone. The swords are extremely powerful there is no need to have a basic sword not so strong Samura + whatever Uruha can do (especially since he wasn't even gunning to fight but wanted to run away)
This chapter really gives me hope we'll get to see more of him, thank you Takeru. I'm really happy with this chapter though I think response will be mixed, best to just consider it a break.
>was engaged in fight making it near impossible to register him for summoning, how the fuck did Hakuri even manage that
Retardbro... did you even read the chapter
I mean, I doubt people mind its existence considering he's ill.
Also explains the last couple chapters if he's been ill for a while.
Sojo looks weird with the current art style.
>before work, it's important to warm the body up
of all the characters to canonically take daily baths i was not expecting it to be sojo
This >>273343101
is after
This >>273343065 instead
And so our lost hero drifts into the sunset, will we ever see him again? Probably. But will we ever see that ass again? Probably not.
>he's concerned the small granny bathhouse would lose against big corpo bathhouse
>while he kills people inside granny's bathhouse which might lower its rating
Fucking retard
>dude was taking a bath to go pick up kuregumo right after
He's so cute.
Why is Sojo so moe?
why does it look like he's skipping away
Because he is.
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>Today is a day to be tolerant
>"I'll forgive you, because it's the day dreams come true"
I miss him SO MUCH bros
Why are modern shonenshit authors so fucking weak
>wait for me, kuregumo!
Peak nerd.
3 covers in only a few issues is pretty intense, I can't blame him. Gege did the same around the time JJK anime released and it fucked him up too.

Sojou: Before I head out on an important task.. I always make sure to warm up my body first.

Extra Chapter: Genichi Sojou in search of a bath!

(The main story will be on break this week)

Editor's note: This week, a special chapter! You remember that one guy who blew up to smithereens?


Volume 5 on sale December 4th, please enjoy it!
Only in Weekly Shonen Jump, can you read the beloved work of Hokazono Takeru-sensei, one who has proclaimed great appreciation for the comedy duo Shimofuri Myojo and the highly-praised director Quentin Tarantino!

Sojou: Today I visited this spot: near the Tokyo Tosouya Line: the Kurushio-station. A mere 5 minute walk that leads you to an old, tucked away in a residential neighbourhood, a place called the Kurushio-bath house. Small in its size, yet holding in it a sauna! This old lady, named "Tae" is the keeper of the whole thing.

(Tae: Age, 78)

Sojou: A towel-set
Tae: Mhm.


Sojou: There's a massive resort with both a bath and a sauna that was recently built somewhere around the corner from here, and most of its customers have come to love it. I held interest too.. but I couldn't enter, because of my tattoos.

What does Chihiro see in the midst of his spiraling killing intent?!Kagurabachi Volume 5 on sale just after a cover and a lead-color page! December 2nd, look forward to it!


Sojou is staring at the roof-window

Sojou: A sky.. I'll leave once its dark outside.
Sojou (thinking): Today's job is to go and pick up THAT.. The Enchanted Blade, Cloud Gouger. THE ENCHANTED BLADE, CLOUD. GOUGER. Rokuhira Kunishige's... ROKUHIRA KUNISHIGE'S CRAFTED SWORD, My DREAM.
>anniversary cover
>popularity/tsugimanga cover
>vol 5 (and circulation update) cover
That said, it's FINALLY gotten a proper volume promotion cover that should have happened by vol 3 instead (thanks nak)
I wouldn't be surprised if this chapter got a ton of pity votes wishing him well.

Sojou (thinking): But work is work after all. Overwhelming excitement's off the table. That's why it's crucial that I relax my mind and body, fine-tune my condition here.. An essential part of hot-water indulgence.

Sojou rises from the bath as outside gets darker
He walks over to the Sauna

"Undergoing fixes"


Sojou is washing his hair

The shampoo reads: ("Cold shampoo, like a cold breeze..)

Sojou (thinking): It's one of them cold ones..


Yakuza: Sorry to bust in on your relaxation time Sojou. I've gotta admit, those weapons we got from you the other day.. Not really of the quality I expected from you. The boss demands a 40% refund.
Sojou: Looks to me like you just dont know how to handle it. I'll give you the ropes of it, we made the deal with mutual consent after all.
Yakuza: Such a plead won't calm the boss' anger. I'm sorry about this but ---


Sojou: ..Yo hag, you don't have any fruit milk?
Tae: Oh my, looks like we ran out didn't we?


Sojou: God f-

As he hands over Coffee Milk instead.

Sojou: That shampoo.. The one that gives you a cold-breeze like feeling..
Tae: Don't like it?
Sojou: I do, its just that its more like a summer-type thing. We're already in October. Also, if the Sauna didn't work why didn't you just say so?
Tae: Oh my, how careless of me. I apologize for that.
Sojou: Practices like these will never make you compete with that gigantic resort .. Honestly.

Sojou (thinking): Things never go as planned with my "hot-water indulgences"... But strangely..

Sojou: Oh well..


Sojou: I'll forgive you. Because today's the day my dream comes true.
Sojou (thinking): I'm feeling okay about it..
Tae: Huh..

Sojou drinks the coffee milk
>Editor's note: This week, a special chapter! You remember that one guy who blew up to smithereens?
There are at least 5 who ended this way Imamura-kun...

Sojou recycles both the bottle and the lid

He walks out:

Sojou (thinking): Wait for me, Cloud Gouger!

Editor's note: Next week, a cover and the lead-color page! Returning to the main story, what is the fate awaiting..?!

--- End of extra. Next issue, Chihiro confronts Samura, the man who killed Uruha and ..?!
Sojo is such an upstanding citizen, won't go into the bathhouse because it doesn't allow tattoos and makes sure to properly recycle his drink!
How do extra chapters get implemented in anime adaptations? Soul like this cant be skipped over
Post credits extra that is barely animated.
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Jujutsu Scroll, maybe? A lot of anime have animated extras nowadays
This chapter will trend quite high ironically
Thank kimetsu for making them popular again in jump anime.
Taisho koso koso banashi were pretty soul.
Add it as a flashback Sojo has after he fights Chihiro for the first time
>see sojo again
>hokazono pity points
>hype for the cover next week
I wonder if we'll ever see Misaka? The original wielder of Kuregumo, before Sojo killed her.
Misaka was a surname, probably a dude because this series is a sausagefest.
100% whenever we go back to the seitei war
>seitei war flashback is from misaka's perspective until their death
That said, I want a mini flashback next chapter to whatever the fuck samura was talking about, a single panel is enough, really.
more relieved that disappointed for some reason, i get distracted as fuck at work when we get good chapters. its nice to see sojo again since takeru leveled up at drawing faces, he looks good. get well soon ctrl+vatduck, see you next week bros
I'd rather get sojo doing sojo stuff than a full break.
Maybe jump will stop dumping so much work on him from here on, or he's been legitimately ill for a couple weeks (could happen).
I think it'd be fun if takeru did like the biggest plottwist in the series and then the next chapter was Souya playing whack-a-mole with Hakuri (as the mallet)
Weirdly, this got me more excited than any of the more recent chapters.
Are you Sojofag?
Replace them with samura and uruha's corpse and deal.
Since the magazine releases on monday in two week's time and the volume comes out on tuesday, predict the cirulation update
>1.3 million (safe one)
>1.4 million (more likely)
>1.5 million (trusting saito)
>over that (saito the madman)
sojo is such a cool character to have been killed off so early, i really believe takeru was just fleeing the axe with his rushed introduction and execution, i hope he finds a way to retcon him into the story with flashbacks to the war and the assassination of misaka. it seems sojo was built to have a more influential role
I think the part where he WASN'T a hishaku showed he had a limited role.
Even in early interviews he was always "the first villain of the manga". I fully believe he always intended to kill him and that's why char's backstory is
>child torture
>but somehow worse
He's dead but he's still affecting the story and we're still learning more about him, he really doesn't have to be and shouldn't be brought back to life.
>>1.5 million (trusting saito)
I think this is it, 300k print for vol 5 to avoid the monthly reprint and 50k to avoid it for the other volumes
I could see them go over it in the 1 in a million chance the anime is announced
well that's not what i meant by retcon, i prefer dead characters to stay dead, but that we may get to see him in greater depth through use of reflective storytelling, like maybe some expansion on his witnessing the magatsumi or extras like these. i agree that it wouldnt be necessary at this point but he is a cool character and i am happy to see him again, like uruhafags war flashback cope.
>like uruhafags war flashback cope.
It has to happen, it would make everyone happy
>people who ship kunishige with one of the above
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I read the most recent chapters back to back and I gotta say seeing Hakuri getting desperate for Chihiro was ass clenching, I get it was important, but because of Hakuri Chihiro let the Blondiefag escape when he was in a position of advantage over him who just recently had gotten the blade. Samura likely told the Hishaku where Rokuhira lived too. The Hishaku likely accounted for these events. Samura will likely let Chihiro live out of pity if I had to guess.
>Samura will likely let Chihiro live out of pity if I had to guess.
Chihiro only kills evil people, samura would have no reason to beef with him
>when he was in a position of advantage over him who just recently had gotten the blade
Chihiro's brain isn't even working right at that moment due to blood loss.
Hiruhiko had a good chance of murdering him there.
Samura is insane
He has a set of beliefs and is murdering people because of it.
Chihiro doesn't enter his murder list.
Idk I could see Samura reconsider the idea that Chihiro is a bad person for following on his footsteps when he told him not to.
seems you have a good comprehension of events up to date but i have to call you a retard for referring to pinkshit as blondiefag
I think it'll be interesting to see how samura reacts
He's been portrayed as completely blind in all aspects, i don't think he's even entertained anyone else's ideas about anything the entire time he's been in the series
He's going to make chihiro cry.
Still hoping he DIDN'T tell the hishaku where kunishige was and it was a different kamunabi mole, because damn.
I want a "why did you kill our best friend moment" from Shiba and Azami before they wombo combo samura anyway
Kinda wish next chapter culminated on a Shiba ENTER looking extremely murderous.
chihiro so far has only killed people who were directly executing orders from the sazanami crime family or the hishaku, so in spite of being soaked in blood, i'm not sure if that marks him for samura's punishment, especially since chihiro is killing for the lie and would be another young person dying for that lie if samura merks him. i dont think samura's gonna be pleased that his shota eyepokefu has grown into a killer but i dont think he's gonna kill chihiro with intent
>samura and chihiro being relevant
Will probably be the darkest cp since chapter 23.
He's just an extreme chihiro. He'll hurt his feelings. Nothing like a little Char kissu could fix
>Crow and fish themed

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