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How many times should a cf betray in isekai?
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You guys are always talking about CF betrayal but what are some actual examples of this? Is it just when the CF doesn't stand up for the shoelacer when he gets kicked? Cause I don't think that's betrayal.
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Take your pick
Minus margary
>CF betrayed herself and cucked herself
The ultimate cuckquean
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Novem a worst, Shannon a best.
Imagine being a femcel like Novem
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Silly faces?
I will only forgive them betray me 3 times. Go over that they're STRIKE OUT
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Two or three times
Depends on the circumstances
Kaoru is more unlikeable than the literal betraying body horror modified to take huge cock whore Noriko and I mean it. Why is she so annoying?
>MC betrayed by CF, imouto and guild
>arrested and sentenced to death dungeon
>powers up, escapes, now time for my REVENGE on them all!
>but first finds a loli and becomes adventurer
the fuck
CF should only be forgiven if like kaoru they have giant rack and thick thighs, through rape
We need an isekai series where it starts with a reincarnator returning to Earth after slaying the Demon King, and it's just slice of life world hopping back and forth for the MC and their now Christmas cake childhood friend who they promised to marry, and the MC's isekai harem who want to meet his old family, his CF, and explore his homeworld and shit
Priorities. No self-respecting adventurer does the main quest before the side quests and obviously loli comes first.
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>Artist suddenly knows how to draw for only a single panel.
The bane of all yurifags
The most based villainess
Why are slave traders usually depicted as arab or pajeet?
>Tsundere regresses
>turns out to be secretly an extreme yandere
>extensively plans out a "fake" engagement to MC using her noble house as little more than a stage for him to shine on
>brainwashes her traitor uncle into attacking the MC as a false flag to force everyone to accept their engagement
i kneel...
name 3
CFs you want to see have a career ending, life altering, and potentially fatal injury.
I wonder how wet she'll be when she sees Butao's ikemen form and how quickly she'll drop him when he reverts back to being a piggy.
Really makes you think.
Because they are often *chattel* *sex* slave traders and orientalist media in the early 20th century created a relatively modern salacious depiction of *chattel* *sex* slave trade that lingers in the popular consciousness.

It's literally that simple.
>alter Olivia correcting her cocky shota elf slave
kaworu doesn't seem that bad in the manga
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Could you forgive a CF who betrayed by marrying you against your will?
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>crown price
>CF with heart shaped pupils
A disaster waiting to happen.
Magary is best girl. I'm usually a harem route guy, but with that story, I want Magary and only Magary to win.
Also, Noriko isn't that rage worthy because she got betrayed herself. I also think the part about killing his new love interest is manga only.
It already happened.
>MC’s CF saintess fiancee betrays him because of rumors by the hero
>MC sent to die as she gives her body to hero
>later learns MC was innocent
>hero calls her a stupid idiot for taking so long to realize, also no use turning him in because she’s an accomplice now
>CF shocked that she gave her body to this monster
>but from now on she will give her body to hero and do every gross thing he says as just punishment that she rightly deserves
what the fuck author fuck you
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She had extremely powerful magic, now has to be rescued from slime.
In fairness, slimes naturally counter casters. Can't chant if you can't breathe.
>isolating the MC from other girls
Why is this bad?
Choose your cuckquean
Cutting off contact from other people is abuse 101.
>Story runs on NTR logic
It prevents cheating on her though. It's the MC's fault for not being trustworthy.
Isn't choosing a cuckquean missing the point?

Also, Nonoka unfortunately isn't a cuckquean.
In isekailand where only relationship that exists are NTR and Harem, maybe. But gaslighting literary starts off with trying to get the victim to close off any possible escape route.
She wasn't concerned when she saw it. Magic not working was the problem.
What's her manga like? I remember reading everyone calling the MC bad so I didn't read it, even though I liked the author's other manga.
What's this? Ojisan x lolibaba isekai?
>isn't a cuckqeuan
Hime was forced to share her husband with other women.
>I was told that incompetent people were unnecessary and kicked out of the artisan guild, but in the depths of the dungeon, I awakened to my true power - I was told to go back because the work wasn't going well, but it was too late now, I'm going to live freely as an SSS-class adventurer
the thing with cuckqueans is you dont have to choose
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Are you talking about Ellis or Shirone?
faggot mc
Does MC gets to have his revenge? How do CF end up?
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>gets bullied and abused
>about to be banished
>abandons all hope
>abusive fiancee tries to mindbreak him further
>doesnt care anymore and tells her to fuck off
>cucks her with a goblin
>fAgGoT mC
Get that guy a shave
Beards are disgusting
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She was fighting, some magic went wrong in the process, then she ends up on a deserted island where he had been stranded. I think some more girls should show up later, but there's only one chapter so far.
Sauce me up. Lens doesn't work on your images.
Except no sharing has taken place because perpetual blue ball and both she and her "husband" have decried the harem and refuse to move forward with it, despite the rest of the chicks completely okay with a harem ending.

Interesting worldbuilding, good art and character designs, sorta cliched plot, MC and CF are insufferably cunts that refuse to just agree to a fucking harem despite the fact nobody else is insecure about it and it's literally fucking required to save the world.

It's not Hare Kon. tier stupid harem drama farming, but it's fucking close. If it actually has a harem ending, I'll recommend it, but if not, the entire premise is just needless frustrating bait that blue balls the reader for the entire plot.

I would strongly recommend waiting until the series is finished before starting it cause whether I give a soft yes or a hard no on a recommendation depends entirely on how that shit ends. Just look up spoilers for the ending before getting into it.
Out of all of these im kind of the most mad about Iinchou
It's probably too new for that. https://comic-walker.com/detail/KC_006067_S
NVM I found a summary of it on novel update review. Typical shoelacer stuff.
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>you are a great samurai and warlord
>got isekai'd as a little girl
what do?
inb4 masturbate
>A survival comedy about the strongest beautiful girls from another world and an old man who washed up on a deserted island!
I don't know about the the plural word "girls", but ojisan x loli (even if it's an elf) is a sexo combination. Hope she's the main heroine and she wins. Picked up.
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Some of the tags make me expect more.
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>Except no sharing has taken place because perpetual blue ball and both she and her "husband" have decried the harem and refuse to move forward with it, despite the rest of the chicks completely okay with a harem ending.
Literally why? If she weren't a cuckquean, I'm not even sure she could compete. She was still in "let's baby the MC" mode with the rest of the class when he first got laid, and once he did, they all actively participated in and enjoyed being cuckqueans, and Armor Rep basically uses their cuckqueanery as a method to both bond with them and train them for the harem.

Legitimately she'd have been left in the dust if she weren't a cuck.
These are indeed good tags... BUT
Together means nothing is going to happen for 500 chapters.
Not that one. This one.
Iinchou is the best and cutest out of all of the girls. And MC-kun was happy with only being with her until she forced other girls onto him.
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Beastraces in isekai need fur and snouts.
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>And MC-kun was happy with only being with her until she forced other girls onto him.
Is this some sort of anime/manga only thing? That's absolutely not how shit goes in the books. Several volumes in, the MC doesn't even realize she likes him and is busy banging Armor Rep every chance he gets while the entire class spies on them with their skills and shlicks with the vibration magic he taught them.
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I am really enjoying this so far.
>does MC gets to have his revenge
Sorta, not really?
Imouto who bad mouthed him to everyone causing him to get harsher treatment and sent to death was just massive tsun who is now happy being his slave.
Rapist cop who framed him for rape gets crucified and tortured to death over several days by the public before reincarnating as an undead superboss in superdungeon that MC powered up in. He thought it was due to his desire for revenge against MC but really he reincarnated as a monster due to the dungeon responding to MC’s months of wanting revenge in the dungeon. So MC tortures and restores him repeatedly until he finally begs for death then MC disintegrates him.
Hero gets replaced by two body doubles, then the kingdom shaves his head and scars him up then sends him to fight at the front lines against demons.
Saintess CF gets sent to a monastery, that’s it. When it’s her turn author has MC go no, revenge is pointless. Fuck this story.

>author note on last available chapter
> Personally, this was a chapter that I was extremely satisfied with as I was able to include the giant robot that I had always wanted to include
Protect isekai lolicons.
Kek mecha autism is unreal. So the CF is just causally writen out of the story? Novel update review also mentioned his mom being part of the initial traitor group, too.
Lolicon rights are human rights. Stay valid, king.
His mom is a gold digger who was busy chasing after a noble to fuck as a servant while he was being betrayed and didn’t know about it.
She quit noble’s house since he has two wives that she can’t deal with and after finding out what happened to MC helped kill rapist cop with the public.
Now she is farming fields to help orphanage where MC reunites with her and she stays to help feed them.
Gotta love how shoelacer double standards of killing off male traitors or making their life worse than living but somehow females are either turned into harem fooder or forgiven. in any case, stories like these are usually more enjoyable reading a summary of than actually reading 100 chapters of the same usual cliches.
Because noriko even though she deserved it went through suffering and regret while kaoru didnt
mommy issues fetish
>MC is content with his isekai slow life
>farming is peaceful
>maybe he’ll settle down with a nice girl, like the innkeeper’s daughter or catgirl shopkeeper
>hears local gossip that the Hero has defeated the demon lord, everyone rejoices
>oh no no no no
>this can’t be happening
>MC quickly packs a bag and runs off into the wild
>Hero is his battlemaniac gorilla girl CF who made him promise each other they’d get married once she finished her duties
>it was just a dumb promise between kids but she was about to break his arm and now she’s grown into a monster
Kaoru hasn't done that much wrong. She's just kind of an annoying cunt that switches what guy she likes every few weeks.
CF want snu snu
>doesn't endure through the pain with willpower
It was a silly promise, how was he supposed to know the gorilla woman would hold on to it for so many years?
Any isekai where both hero and villan are reincarnated person and they work together?
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>CF is clearly stronger than MC
>Still willing to let him take the lead and be docile because she loves him and don't want to hurt his pride.
>CF also losing on purpose to orcs and gets porked waiting for MC to save her
That is a bad one.
>Wing mem Orcs purposely play up the evil rapist angle to let MC be heroic and defeat them
Female Nobunaga huh
You should always keep your promises.
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>CF is stronger than MC
>he abandons her when he's kicked from the party without her knowledge because he thinks she can take care of herself
>CF going increasingly mental seaching for MC
>bawls her eyed out when she finds him
What are you, a twink?
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/isekai/, I think I want to betray and banish you...
Gotta love it when mobs underestimate the villainess
You just know they’re begging her to step on them
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Youjo Nobunaga no Isekai Touitsu
There's a yuri Chinese one that's sort of that. Two best friends die and reincarnate in an otome game. One becomes the character that will eventually awaken as the demon lord, the other becomes the bratty villainess rival character. They become friends without either knowing the other is the reincarnation of their best friend from their previous life.
Specifically said hero and villan because I don't want that.
She doesn't betray anyone, in the story that only happens after Souta messes up several times sexually harasses her.
She firstly admired Yuuma in the begining but that's only because he remineded her on how Souta used to be.
Second, she rejected the NTR Isekaijin two times and had no interest on him to begin with.
So far she had like 0 interest on romance and the real reason she's annoying is because despite wanting to sever ties with Souta in the begining she acts like she's his wife and keeps barragins him with questions like what's he's doing or who's he's going on with.
And recently it only made it worse with her trying to catch his tail and forcing him to tell her whatever he's hiding from her.
>cucks her with a goblin
Tell me more.
Just to add most of the time she's always in bad mood when speaking with him and to add insult to injury she still walks ahead of him like his presence makes her feel shame.
Still gets cucked by dragon?
>cf has been with MC since forever
>cf understands MC better than everyone
>cf have this presence on MC everytime and vice versa
>cf has possibly seen MC's weewee when they were kids
How can you compete against homewrecking childhood friends?
Prez is the worst and most annoying character though. Not one positive trait.
The fuck are you talking about? Hero and villain aren't gendered roles, retard.
>Argentinian in Another World ~The Blackest but is Actually the Whitest~
MC betray...
Honestly, I feel bad for her.
The MC was a dick for not making the slightest effort to contact her and leaving her with a party of backstabbing team killers.
He's betrayer her nearly as badly as the rest of the party betrayed him.
>So far she had like 0 interest on romance
I thought she liked Souta (forma esbelta)

All in all she just seems like an annoying character. She should be written out of the story since she really doesn't add anything.
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Yeah it's pretty good. I always like stories about having a ghost pal. I really like their dynamic where Connie is learning to stand up for herself and Scarlet is learning how to be less of a bitch.
I liked the political intrigue at first too, but some of the recent revelations about the conspiracy have just been really dumb. Specifically the kings actions, were extremely retarded. I wont spoil what he did, but he did it in an extremely roundabout way (and at great personal sacrifice), even though he could have just solved his problem with a simple royal decree. Its like he completely forgot that he was king or something.
Having a CF at all is a result of the MC failing. He needs to turn his heart to stone, his mind to steel, and reject any and all bonds. Bonds are a weakness, they weigh you down, are used to exploit you, they betray.

When the MC reincarnates he should be cold and detached, avoid everyone as much as possible until he has enough strength to survive alone, even just in the woods as a wild boy, then disappear. Then he can devote himself to training and meditation and remove himself from the evil of the world. No kingdoms, no demons, no CFs, just man and nature, united in paradise.
It is to everyone who doesn't care for Yuri villainess slop.
CFs are never home wreckers, the magical catgirl, fighter, the saintes etc are the home wreckers
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>How can you compete
Reincarnated into another world as a hero and your cf sage is also reincarnated but she's your mom
Reincarnated into another world but it's your favorite/most hated hentai doujin
So what you're saying is wincest is in play?
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Reincarnated into another world but
>underestimate the power of bond
Any good sci-fi/cyberpunk light novels? Doesn't have to be isekai.
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What about when CFs (female) betray each other and you're a victim stuck in the middle between them?
>Reincarnated into another world but it's your favorite/most hated hentai doujin
I feel like that would vary greatly in experience depending on whether you end up as main character/side character/mob.
I would imagine the appeal of mom wincest would also include liking MILFs/Hags so just having a CF around the same age as the MC but is also his former mom would not be much different from just a regular CF and would lose the whole appeal
Rebuild world
Is there any revengekino inspired or based on The Count of Monte Carlo?
Oh. I completely misread that. I thought the CF reincarnated into the MC's mother.
That would require those hack isekai writers to read that story
Do you think they’re the type to read that shit?
if the woman gets stolen by NTR: she was never worth it to begin with. you should be grateful that someone separated the wheat from the chaff for you.
>inb4 the woman comes crawling back after being pumped and dumped
lol. lmao.
I thought that as well at first but anon made his shitpost too confusing
She didnt get "stolen", they're both pretending because for some reason the blue haired convinced her CF that she should test her boyfriend the MC and the way she should do that is by pretending to get stolen and break up with him.
The only people really getting cucked are the two girls cucking each other and the MC stuck in the middle being gaslit.
>Reincarnated into another world but
it's hell
There's only ever been one good revenge story which is that one with the teacher.
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this one?
sensei should’ve impregnated Shiori instead of going on with his anti-bully crusade
But why?
If you're going to include non-isekai stories, then there is Gankutsuou which is literally anime The Count of Monte Cristo
Yeah that one
Something about she liked him first because they met once when they were kids or something and he was her first crush so she felt betrayed when the other girl introduced MC-kun as her boyfriend even though she didnt know that was the guy.
The whole story is pure dramaslop
It has a manga adaptation doesn't it?
So you're the saying the only redeeming qualities of this book are the atonishing racks?
isekai ice princesses
Pretty much
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meanwhile the mangaka is doing it again
I hope Aizawa made a cameo as a veteran anti-bully ranger
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What are you bringing with you to isekailand if you were limited to just things that would fit on said carpet?
Tainting the pure isekai world with earthnoid garbage is evil
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Stinky neet.
Why does he do it?
The first chapter starts off more fucked up than the other manga hes done.
I dont have high hopes after being disappointed with shounen A, he got lucky with the other sensei manga turning out good and i doubt he will be able to re-create the same success.
Maybe it can at least be some decent justiceporn like maria and saiko.
I felt really bad for her. I get that her dad is the villain and we're supposed to feel good about his life being ruined but he truly cared about her unlike her gold-digger mother who just treated her like a means to an end and now has full custody of her.
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Is there any certified CFkino?
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>defending that piece of shit
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Look all I'm saying is that as evil as he was he was still a better parent to her than her mother ever was and it sucks that she has to grow up with her.
Do you think CF's betray because they know they're destined to lose if they stay loyal?
Why are evil women / the villainess always the best girls?
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This is more extreme than his other manga
If your dad isn't a 10/10 stud that your friend might mistook as your boyfriend then he's not worth anything.
Villanesses are made to be redeemed through repeated impregnation and any story where that does not happen is not wirth reading.

>used goods
into the pit she goes
Its been scientifically proven that CFs in isekai either lose or become cuckqueans if they dont betray
CFs outside isekai have a better chance of not losing.
The girl getting gangbanged by old men is one of the bullies.
What's going on here?
How is Rufasu evil?
If harem are considered as CF loss then shouldn't every other girl in the harem be considered losers, too?
Girl wants to become an idol, sensei helped her make her debut.
As an AV idol.

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