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You matched with:
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Oh boy it's this faggot again
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Fuck Hayamin
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At full force!
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for fuck's sake
>panicked and let the girl walk away instead of saying anything
>didn't explain anything through text, just asked for another meetup, got stuck up, didn't send a message through the friend either
Yeah the girl's a drama queen, but Gonda gave up too easily. No balls.
this lmao
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Streaming sites took away fansubbers.
and now that streaming sites are fucking up constantly it's starting to feel like the old days lol

brb doing my reps
>called to go to office tomorrow since forever
>watch anime before i log off today
>no subs
great. how ominous.
am i retarded? where is the bot getting subs from?
what are the best raws for the ass?
What's wrong with it
Subs: https://files.catbox.moe/gj4g83.ass
You can still use SubsPlease or Erai, just override the subs
Wife material
honestly, Gonda would have been a better MC
>he hesitated therefore I can't date him
Woman moment
good episode
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She's so cute bros
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So they are done? That's the stupidest shit ever.
would you a single mother, anon?
yeah I didn't even think of that, oh well
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She's just so
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God yes
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She got her hopes up
>main characters confess
>don't talk for a week
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Oh, that gaze, what does it mean?
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So so pretty
They see your ______
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Her friend is cute too
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I wonder what she was thinking
>disgusting retarded whore with another man's spawn is presented as the ultimate prize
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You don't know if the husband was a piece of shit who wasn't good enough for her
>so uh... you free tonight?
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Her hands are pretty
The cute co-worker is the ultimate prize. What's bullshit is making the dumb whore look like a better pick than the schizo girl who sees ghosts.
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I was getting all happy for him, man. He's a good guy
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you sound buttfrustrated
Be honest anon. Would you?
which makes her a disgusting retarded whore for letting him fuck her, retard
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You don't know the whole story, retard
single mother nails erotic..
I can fix her
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I don't know. Right now I would say that I would never marry a single mother but you exactly can't control what you do or feel when you're in love
Barely no rock autist this week. I sleep.
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Hand... Pretty hand...
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give it to me straight bros.
is she being real here?
im fucking drunk af here
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I mean sure, loads of people meet on apps these days
Nothing to lose by trying, except some dignity I suppose
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Out of the five shows I watch on Thursdays, this is the one I look forward to the most
Why did she look surprised when the guy he met on a dating app wanted to date her? Is she retarded?
Oh, see, another whore.
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look how happy my bro is, doin some math
He's definitely more relatable.
My cousin is literally this. He's now in a relationship with a single mom and is living together with her daughter.
I heard my mom and her's talking about it one day. Her mom said that if he's happy about it, there's nothing we can do.

That conversation always been in the back of my mind then. idk why, but the way they spoke about it, it had a hint of dismay.
And this episode just made me remind of it.
Dating is one thing, proposing after 3 dates is another.
Classic schmosby
Absolutely based and true.
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hell yeah my dude!
check out this one - it's tons of fun!
Gonda has a pure and naive soul
I have a mate who had this. They really got along and the lil' kid liked him too.
But then at one point they talked about future and it turned out the girl had no plans to have any kids with HIM, so he immediately ended that.
Probably should've come up way earlier than that, they were together for like a year.
>introduces a second single mom that's also cute as fuck
Is this show trying to tell me something???
A lot of single moms in anime recently.
>turned out the girl had no plans to have any kids with HIM
that's like the first thing you have to tell a single mother. "I'll take care of your kid but I also want my own if we're getting married"
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Ye, I guess he wasn't serious about it at first though. You probably don't plan for that kinda shit if you just sleep around a lot.
>scans thread
>no tan girl

hey wait, is that for osananajimi? He walks her out at the end of last episode and no aftermath? what happened?
its romantic to think about it. but as a virgin, its like a trying to fight a xenoblade high level boss on an entry level area
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Fattie fumbled hard but this guy sucks honestly
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He wanted to date with the intent of marrying her, not marry her outright. The only other alternative was to date her as an excuse to fuck her, which is degenerate behavior, but probably closer to what she had in mind, being a degenerate single mother herself.
How could i forget the cute side pairing romance?
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Marry single mothers
Love single mothers
This guy is a fucking retard why would you ask her to marry you after a week?
Honestly, depends on how young her child is. I can't handle teenagers.
are you sure?
teens can still be reasoned with. but kids can be so annoying.
The manga had him carrying her out of the apartment, but then walking home alone. Presumably, he somehow figured out she lived there and just dropped her off. The scene where he piggybacks her is anime original, the same panel was him walking alone.
Kids can grow up thinking of you as real dad, teens likely won't ever.
For me, if a woman around my age has a teenager she would of had to been a teen mom and i'm asshole who would consider a single mom who had a child in her 20s but never one that had one as a teen.
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but anon, you're forgetting the real dad..
yeah but teenagers are going to be gone soon at least
She'd have to be young enough and willing to have at least two more kids with me, and she'd have to be well worth the extra financial burden that raising another man's child would represent. Her previous child would also have to be very young, and forget it if there's two of them.

Even then, it would depend on the circumstances of how she got to be a single mother, which is the biggest hurdle of all. Widows are the obvious morally acceptable choice, but you'd always be a replacement in that scenario. Men are easy to figure out, so having a child with the kind of man that wouldn't take responsibility shows very poor judgment, which doesn't bode well for a life partner. Becoming a single mom after an early divorce is an even worse red flag, because you're likely to end up the same as the previous guy.
dealing with teens especially when you're not the real father is basically asking for drama and headache
I knew it the second I saw subs in the OP. What the fuck are they doing?
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>You're going to pay for my irresponsiblity
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Single mother with a little girl or single mother with a little boy?
The circumstances around bio-dad are probably my biggest considerations. It's obviously a complete no if it's divorced/joint custody of the child, cause that just leads to a lot of messy situations for everyone involved. If it's a clean break, like if he was abusive and is completely out of her life, or if he passed away and she's a widower, that is easier to handle. If it was a one-night stand or sleeping around that got her pregnant, this is more questionable and I'd probably date her a bit to see whether or not she's still about that lifestyle.
I've heard Hinge is pretty good. Anyways, dating apps are only for people who are willing to pay for a subscription. No matter how many matches i make i can't chat cause i need to pay and i refuse to do that shit
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>little girl
Man, I couldn't care less about that fatfuck Gonda. Just fucking solve that stupid confession drama already.
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>The last we ever see of tan osananajimi
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You'd have 0 say on the kid's upbringing if it's a girl. You're not related to her and you're of the opposite sex so you don't know much about her, not adding how weird it would be to society if you were to bathe or change her clothes. With a boy you can throw in your experience as a male on how to raise one and connect with him.
is it really? shame
The key point here is that she's not just a single mother, she's a single mother with all the exact same interests as you. If you're a fat fuck idolfag like Gonda, you will never find another girl like this ever again.
Nah, she should show up again next episode.
Eeewww, no. She still has to introduce Rika into the world of glass-making.
>Oh, that gaze, what does it mean?
They've seen it before
The guy's attitude changes the moment taro-kun makes an appearance.
They say it's fine but bail shortly.
And there's no way Mr Idol geek is emotionally mature to handle this so she thinks she needs to move on
>You'd have 0 say on the kid's upbringing if it's a girl
Why? What if the mother is okay with it?
>not adding how weird it would be to society if you were to bathe or change her clothes
Who's going to know besides the mother and you?
It's easy once you find right girl for yourself. Nothing change except that you have some tax benefits and stuff like that.
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This is not the kind of face someone ready to raise another man's child would make. Gonda is an ugly fatfuck in his 30s and thinks he can have his cake and eat it too. When you are in Gonda's situation, you gotta make compromises. One of such compromises is the possibility of having to raise another man's child.
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>Why? What if the mother is okay with it?
Who's gonna have the upper hand when your opinions diverge? The biological mother of the girl or the man who was basically a stranger to them both a year ago?
>Who's going to know besides the mother and you?
The fact that you'd need to hide it like you're committing a crime is all the reasons you need.
>Who's going to know besides the mother and you?
Kek this guy is seriously asking this. Fucking troll.
>in his 30s
I thought he was in his early 20s, he kept mentioning youth was the only thing he had
>Who's gonna have the upper hand when your opinions diverge? The biological mother of the girl or the man who was basically a stranger to them both a year ago?
You're right, didn't think of that
Enlighten me, I'm ignorant. Is the kid or the mother going to be divulging it?
sure, but it's one hell of a curve ball. I don't think the thought of marrying a single mother ever crossed this fat fucks mind
>Is the kid or the mother going to be divulging it?
It can and will be used against you eventually.
There's rule that if you managed to get a girl go out with you once then you can do it again and again. Dude is totally fine and should just go for that coworker now. And you can just continue hanging out with a girl who rejected you, not a big deal.
Sex? Why not. Anything beyond that? No.
Same thing happened to a relative. Except she is around 50 and her new husband wanted a kid with her but she said no (She has three children from her previous marriages). Anyway he cheated on her
You really think Gonda is gonna be able to wow his coworker with his idolfagging?
>she is around 50
Wouldn't she have already hit menopause at that age?
Single mother got the ick from Gonda not because he pussied out of his proposal, but because he didn't dick her down before asking. They met through a dating app for fuck's sake, that's proper etiquette.
Genuinely why would you accept a fuck fuck like this?
It's so tiring
Why not? If girl finds you interesting then you can talk literally about anything, just make sure that it's fun for you and you still pay attention to a girl. And if she doesn't then there's literally no way to do anything about it.
The coworker is too good for that fatfuck
If it's a little kid i can still shape him to my liking
She was burnt so we threw her out.
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This feels like an attack at me.
Only if im around 40 and still single. Otherwise i would keep trying my luck
Not an attack if it's true.
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Looking forward to more office romance kino next season
>The guy's attitude changes the moment taro-kun makes an appearance.
>be on dating app
>dont give any hint you have a child
>"btw follow me"
>suddenly introduce child
>be understandably shocked
>"aha gotchu you don't want to date me now"
when you're around 40 and still single there are no single moms even
don't ask how I know this
wow I expected a bad ending but not as bad as this
Begone Hingeshill.
She never had intention to date anybody. Just to spend some time with other idol otaku. Single mothers don't have that much free time for themselves.
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Don't abandon those who have done their duty.
Is the nekoshain a shitstirrer? She looks like a shirtstirrer.
I hope they won't behave as high schoolers.
holy shit I will now watch this show
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You wouldn't spend just shy of 400 bucks in a dating app, right?
Nah, she isn't really relevant
She should have disclosed that in her dating app profile. This shit is all on her for not setting boundaries and expectations.
No. All good things in the world are free, especially dating.
Nah, i only spend that kind of many in card game gachas
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>five shows
bro there's like 14 shows on Thursdays
>Sixty thousand
Doing fucking WHAT
rolling for dates
Boosts, extra matches, seeing who likes you and who knows what else.
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Well, I'm only watching five
400 bucks would get you a good blowjob and maybe 1 hour with an 7/10 escort or masseuse. He should try to score before thinking about marriage, really.
Matching boosts. In dating apps, there's usually paid tiers in which you get more and better matches. Also, you can see who checked your profile even if they swipe left.
>t. have friends to have gone the app route to get easy lays
People use dating apps in different ways in different parts of the world. It might not be used only for hookups like in US. And he meet her through idol otaku group and they just hanged out.
>Out of the five shows I watch on Thursdays
Jesus that's too much. Im only watching this show this season and speedwatching another two
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get out
>He doesnt watch 30-40 or even more shows a season
Its only a pain like this time last year or winter this year where theres too many good shows on several days. Thursdays and Saturdays are packed this season whilst fridays are dead unless youre watching 583893 sequels.
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This retard is serious btw.
>putting himsel at the same level as fucking Gonda
Low self-esteem is one hell of a ride.
That first really isn't the big deal people make it out to be
It really all does just come down to "be attractive"
This dude IS attractive. Yes, he's an oddball, but once he gets the ball rolling, there's no stopping him. He handles kids well and was able to serve as a guide to a beautiful foreign princess without stuttering. He's nothing like Gonda.
Girl that he like just stonewalled him. It will hit your self-esteem for some time.
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It's not a competition for me
This single episode of Kaori and Gon was more interesting than the 7 episodes of the MC couple.
no one asked you, ledouche
>People use dating apps in different ways in different parts of the world
It's less localized than you think. people do that all over the world. Only brainlets fail to understand this.
Does Gonda get the girl in the manga?
>It really all does just come down to "be attractive"
Not even that, my friends are far from attractive and make less than their girlfriends yet they like them. Believe it or not is all about personality.
>she isn't really relevant
suddenly no longer interested
after everyone else has her
kek this is not real
I don't think she was wrong for springing it on him becasue spring the whole marriage thing on her out of nowhere.
Well, she read him like an open book. He was too naive and paid the price for his folly.
I agree he was being retarded, but relationships aren't really about one-upping your partner. Instead of explaining anything about having a kid or slowing him down, it feels childish to just be like "you want to marry me? well check THIS"
Just think of the poor kid, he's suddenly got this strange man coming with his mom to pick him up? What would even be going through his mind at that point?
They reconcile and then in the epilogue, it's mentioned that they're getting married next.
She said they're friends from daycare, so she's a single mom too
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>60000 yen ≈ 388 burgers ≈ 370 yuros
what the FUCK
people spend that much on a crummy dating app?!
i thought at first it was 6000 because i wasn't paying attention and even then it's too much
but now i'm losing it
what the shit
I was disgusted earlier today learning that you can spend $400 to have a porn star pretend to be your girlfriend via phone for a week.
He shouldn't have dropped the M word on their 4th time talking to each other. The woman was showing Gonda he had no idea what he was proposing. The situation might've gone a lot differently if they had gotten to know each other slower over the months
>The situation might've gone a lot differently if they had gotten to know each other slower over the months
Haha, sorry Gon-chan, I met somebody else!
It's what happened to me.
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I know that feeling
That's rough anon. At least it was over quick. I've been stuck with a woman who cannot have kids for the last 8 years.
Only if she's cute, and only has one child.
Damn, what an absolute chad
I miss her, but this was still a good episode. Like the last episode, the mood is surprisingly dark shit for what first seemed a very light-hearted anime, but I don't find that to be negative. Ohara-kun better take the lessons he's seen to heart when dealing with his own relationship
Only if she has a cute daughter
I hate technology
So many hags
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What a terribly worded post. I apologize anons I need to sleep
Only if she is the woman of my dreams and has a cute 0-6 year old son
Huh, i don't think that's how you are supposed to wear a face mask
>Couldn't even get his foot in the door with a single mother.
This man is the anon who tried to go for 3D. Remember anons, never bother, you're better off alone with your 2D waifu to dream about.
Desperation plus dating apps would prefer to keep you single if you don't pay.
holy fucking shit how sad can people get!? i'm with you mate that's disgusting
My biggest fear is losing my youth. I may look 21 years younger now but who can say what will happen in 10 years
I didn't know women were also fan of female idols. I wonder if it is the same for men and male idols.
If you were going to spend $400 for an imaginary girlfriend, why the fuck would you want her to be a porn star??
I really don't understand the world
>My biggest fear is losing my youth
I got bad news for you anon - it's going to happen whether you like it or not
So stop fearing it and start embracing it.
Fuck you can't end it there
>Anime in chapter 33 out of 110
No way they finish the whole series with only 4 episodes left. Season 2 happening?
I hope i don't make it past 35
better come to terms with it as soon as possible anon, you don't wanna be the guy having midlife crisis
all these posts about single mothers being whores. like sure, i agree the strict definition of the term fits but hatred just oozes from the posts
>60000 yen ≈ 388 burgers
jesus fuck I thought the yen maxed at 150¥/$ I need to get japan again and buy more shit because the entire country's on sale
That's exactly what I thought too
Eh, when you get older this stuff comes up early and that's not a bad thing. You're trying to figure out if someone is wasting your limited time or not. The young can waste their time in bad or pointless relationships because they have time to waste
I would date the hypno girl, imagine pretending to get hypno by her.
this, it's either they bounce back with you or not, near your 30's you don't even with women pretending to be at their 18's.
As a single father this episode was real as fuck and people thinking either side was just retarded handling it have not lived long enough to understand any of it.
I spent 9 with a woman only to realize that I couldn't see her as a mother and I didn't want to marry her
I like to think is trolling
I think the really ironic thing if you're an american millenial is that single mothers are kind of rare. The majority of millenial women have never given birth and probably never will. It's actually never been easier to meet a childless older woman. It's got to be 100x worse in japan and europe
Who's her VA?
did this faggot really not go for the eccentric gal with the hypnosis? fucking really?

>waaahhh I can't find a woman
>no not that woman, I want a different one

90's born kids are some one of the most strange demographics i've lived, because they spectrum of people you can find might be too NPC or too unique for their own good, but if something i can see about my generation is that 90's women are among the worst patners you can find, there are exceptions like always but holy fucking shit some of them are just going to die alone, or without a kid. Even in their early 30's they're still going strong about keeping their youthful image like their life depends of it.
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>tfw 32
coal do be burnin though
Nah, pump and dump only.
there's a bunch of homofags on /vt/
so, I guess that answers your question
Why are there so many single moms? Where are the husbands?
they HAVE to
I need that sex scene to be adapted so we can hear erotic Hayamin breathing noises
He did not give her any time to tell him about the kid she was already late picking him up. If he didnt spring the marriage thing on her less than a week after meeting she could of told him is a less shocking way
If you knew the amount of female audience that follow idols or v-tubers, that's why there's so much drama shit going on
I find it hard to blame them, though. Our generation was fed a steady stream of anti-natalist propaganda along with AIDS hysteria being one of our formative experiences. That and we've spent our adult lives watching everything get progressively worse
He has some grown up to do but if he keep reflecting on himself then he can get better.
Product of the lost decades. The main factor that dooms marriages by far is financial hardship
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tfw when 32, balded early, and short
I wonder if that is going to be the push that our generation needs to fix thing up via autocratic ideas, i think millennials are becoming the new boomers while Gen X, specially late ones are just more retarded.
Wouldn't it be funny if you get together with a single mom, take care of her kids and also have more kids with her haha. You should give it a try /a/non.
Millenials are probably the last chance to right the ship since we're the last people to remember what life was like before the internet. Everyone raised in the panopticon will never be able to get out of the cave
holy jej I just finished the episode, this was so written by a woman it's painful
>written by a woman
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faggot unironically walked right past the better choice to go for perma-cuckland with the whore

>t. cuck
trannies can write manga too, fagass
sir this is /a/, not /v/
What about virgin birth like Mary?
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Literally me.
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Meanwhile brown osananajimi is living the dream

working a trade
blacking out in a new city and magically waking up in her own apartment with her hymen intact. JAPAN! WHAT A COUNTRY!
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If that straight trap Anime can get a sequel movie then this can too. But then again Hinamatsuri never got one so
isn't this the fatty from Franxx?
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>a single mother
Oh yeah that was a thing in this manga kek
Props to her for letting him know before they started dating (if they ever did)
Heavily depends on the kid. Probably not though.
When I was a kid online dating was first taking off. People unilaterally agreed in public it was pathetic. All these apps feel like the same pathetic shit with even worse women. I refuse to touch them, I'd rather die alone than be someones free dinner. Look it up anon, women will go on a date with no interest beyond free food.
Gonbro packed more development in one episode than some characters receive over years of using gf-renting apps. He's too powerful.
Do Japanese really?
Serious question.
Like Gonda I think young guys would have a hard time navigating a relationship like that especially if it's a first time relationship. Idk maybe single moms and single dads have an easier time dating each other knowing what they're getting into? It would be way too much for me personally
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