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rip Serie we had a good run
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cute antisemitic elf
S2 trailer when?
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smol floof wife when?
Mofu mofu
Wirbel groomed her, btw.
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Quit after El Dorado arc
Should I keep reading, or was the best thing done already? I've been blackpilled by modern media where the first few episodes/arcs are the best then it goes noticeably worse and worse until a flaccid ending which sucks. I want to remember Frieren as something I enjoyed for a while.
Goddess Monument Arc is still very good.
Serie's Assassination Plot arc, at this moment, is too battle focused and isn't as good as the others, but it's still at the beginning, so who knows.
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what was all that effort for when all he had to do was wait for luck to go his way?
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Why don’t Himmel take Trump’s advice and grab her by the pussy
He got grandpa blessing before though
She unironically looks like melina in here
>throws pebbles

Am i the only one who thinks Ubel´s new design on the manga arc feels somewhat... odd. IDK exactly what it is but i think maybe she´s got a tad more muscular or mannish. Maybe not mannish, maybe least roundish?
We need more hair down Ubel.
this is still an evil women
Rank frieren arc
1. El dorado
2. Time travel
3. Tournament arc
4. Empire arc
5. Aura the Guillotine
6. Fighting Revolte
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But it already was yesterday
That's not what Himmel the Hero would have done.
No matter how badly he thought about it
1. El dorado
2. Time travel
3. Aura the Guillotine
4. Tournament arc
5. Empire arc
6. Fighting Revolte
>chapter 27 of the Shonen battle arc
Where are the small SoL moments and flashbacks with Himmel? I can't care less about 80% of the characters getting thrown into the new arc.
What is your favorite part of Frieren? The battle arcs? The romance? The slice-of-life? Personally I'm here for the yuri
Stop appreciating a malign female.
>Personally I'm here for the yuri
I don't think the Kanne x Lawine scenes are enough to justify watching it
Kanne x Lawine is nice too but I'm mainly here for Frieren x Fern
Agreed except for the Empire, I can't quite judge it yet, but nothing spectacular happened yet. The best chapter was unironocally the Glück one which is tangential to the whole plot. In general, except for Macht which is peak Frieren (despite Frieren not being the main character ironically), the series shines more in the shorter adventures than story arcs. The Sword Village, Blue Moon Weed hunt, Old Man Voll, Radaal, the ring, even Booshaft mean more to me than all the arcs aside from the Golden Land.
dead series
dead thread
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My fucking antagonists, the demons of course!
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Ah yes, the classic ship that never was and never will be
>no one cares about politic namek
no, how could this be...
Realistically speaking what can we expect after this arc? More SoL and travelling but at this point they would be pretty far north with not much but some demons and mosnters in the way?
Wirbel arc with the party joining the war. Stark will finally do something. Perhaps Rivale could be the enemy commander. Interestingly enough, all the First Class Mages sans Wirbel have come back to the story already so it will be hard to predict who gets involved from now on; some of them might return anew, but they do not have to. Also Tot arc has to happen at some point, could be Sein's focus arc as it's gonna be curse-based. Maybe Methode could show up again?SoL will still be there but perhaps even more limited since it's more and more of a warzone the closer to Ende we get. I expect Fern's 20th birthday to get a chapter. Frieren said she'll consider her a full adult at that point, so it might make for a touching story, perhaps she could start grappling with the fleeting life of her apprentice.
faggot addict trying to push his addiction on an anime girl
Timeskip to Ende.
That demon from the time travel arc should be almost finished casting her 100 year curse
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The only thing I'm addicted to is Himmel
Around 84 years ago, she was at 30%. She said she'd need around 100 years to finish it, so assuming linearity, it would be 0.7% point per year. So she sould be at roughly 89% now.
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Why are there 4 Frieren threads on /tv/...
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Guys, I have a theory, that this is his lost friend!
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his smile, GONE
live action macht looking great
Kumiko needs regular grooming.
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I'd lick every inch of her body
Please step on my face, Serie-sama.
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goukaku da
What would Frieren's feet smell like in great detail?
Like a rope.
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>What would Frieren's feet smell like in great detail?
It's been 4000 years of this
Me on the left
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give more frieren faces for the frieren folder
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Are we still on a biweekly schedule or are we finally back to weekly releases?
anon, I....
this time it's a three weeks break, the creators said they're taking some days off due to health reasons
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Macht Mikkelsen or Mads Machtelsen?
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stay strong...we still have S2 coming....
Is this supposed to be an image for ants?
It's over
the entire Machi arc in a nutshell but more over padding to hell.
what a homewrecker
So Frieren has the same cut spell as Ubel yes?just less sloppy and careless.
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Sure it's not a different spell with a similar outcome?
Could it be because she can imagine cutting demons but not any thing else
looks like wind blasts
ubel sex
I want Frieren to do this against the Shadow Warriors
Frieren's autism
Frieren and Ubel should
Frieren kissed Stark again.
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anyone got that bell curve image with frieren and ubel? sums it up nicely
Does that count as NTR/cuckoldry?
No it's just masturbation but with a Ubel-shaped onahole
Frieren would actually make a pretty good live-action adaptation. Just get rid of the typical live-action mistakes like colorful anime hair and cosplay-looking outfits and adapt it more like lotr while keeping the personalities of each character intact and It'll be pretty good. It's a pretty grounded series overall without much anime hijinks making it a good fit for live action
Frieren is a mage and adventurer, often traveling and undertaking quests. This means her feet could be subjected to long periods of walking, trekking through various environments—mountains, forests, dungeons, etc. She might not always have access to luxurious foot care, and as an adventurer, her feet might occasionally accumulate sweat, dirt, and the smell associated with long periods of travel. If we assume that Frieren, after a long day of walking and traveling, does not take any immediate steps to clean her feet, the smell could be mildly earthy or musky, much like someone who has walked for a long time in nature without access to fresh water. Given her personality, it’s also likely that she would be somewhat indifferent to this.
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don't forget to feed your Fern
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she will lash out otherwise
i fed my fern and she's still pissed. What do i do
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You keep going, for the good of all of us
Best grandma
I don't like that in the manga, Ubel keeps her mouth closed when talking.
she's a mumble rapper
fern drives my carnal desires wild
smol tits
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frieren right after being fertilized
She is a ventriloquist.
Yeah, but, like, you know, why the fuck would you even want to do it in the first place?
I like the way Fern says Furiiren-sama
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she needs praise
give me your smuggest Frieren
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can you feel the mmmph?
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Frierenbros we lost...demons are actually the good guys!
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Glad to see it getting the downvotes it deserves.
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He actually makes a good points, but you Frieren fanboys aren't ready.
Name two
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Bro got mad for being blasted on twitter and decided to make a video saying the most stupid things ever.
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what triggered her crying for 3+ days?
No Himmel dick.
How would you like an Ubel GF?
Is this NTR?
It would be if they were an actual couple.
Probably not letting her open another mimic chest?
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I would, but I would like a Frieren one much more.
Can't wait to hear her voice actor doing this.
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So comfy cozy...
>Quit after El Dorado arc
I hated this arc, it gets good again, until they go to the capital. I think I just hate urban fantasy.
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one of the best to ever snooze
Frieren is racist.
>demons are actually the good guys
He didn't say that.
Downvotes are irrelevant.
And a lot of people got butthurt over him.
Not him but Frieren has bad worldbuilding and the protagonist is a psycho.
I only skirmished through the video and his twitter posts but his argument is that a whole race of sentinent beings can't act the same. Which is kinda a... good point.
He makes actual good points. It is morally correct to kill demons that are actively trying to kill you, but trying to kill demons who do not show active hostility is immoral. Even if somewhere down the line, they MIGHT pose a danger doesn't mean you have to kill them right away.
It's immoral, yes, but it's about relative risk. Like letting a tiger roam around a human habitation. Yeah, it's not eating anyone yet, but are you really willing to take that risk?
>Even if somewhere down the line, they MIGHT pose a danger
They are posing a danger at all times. Their entire existence revolves around killing humans. Even them trying to understand humans better is all in service of killing them more efficiently.
Stark wives
>stark gets frieren and fern
His argument is actually
>if they are sentient, they shouldn't be pure evil
>if they are pure evil, they shouldn't be sentient
Which is bollocks.
They are not pure evil. They are evolved wild beasts. If a lion ate a villager you wouldn't call it evil.
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Frieren cute.
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Discuss Fern's poop
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The cutest
Is this real?
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hell yeah
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What did you think of the live action adaptation?
Is there a live-action anime adaptation that doesn't suck?
There's like 999 ways it would fail and maybe one in 1000 that would work.
I also don't see a girl that could look like Frieren
made for vigorous correction
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Why is there so much faggotry in this video comment section?

Usually normal people would call out how retarded this guys is?
Any comments with opposing views are deleted
Need solid evidence of that claim
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>simply misunderstood
>a whole race of sentinent beings can't act the same
They don't though. Demons have different personalities and interests. And many of the great demons we've seen have aberrations, like Macht or the DK desiring coexistence or Schlacht and Solitar actually caring about demonkind's survival as a whole.
>They are evolved wild beasts
I think this kind of thinking is fine as long as you also remember that humans are just evolved domesticated beasts.
This video was so fucking bad. Frieren has such a simple and obvious premise when it comes to demons. Sad to see coping morons desperately trying to turn it into some headcannon version of it and make up a "moral dilemma."
It's mostly a leftist circlejerk and you can see that on twitter as well.
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Stark could impregnate Fern and Fern will be like

"Stark-kun no baka, hmpf"
Frieren literally spells it out several times and people still miss the point.
With demons, it's not about good or evil, they are fundamentally incompatible with human survival.
Even the demon king, the aberrant demon who truly wishes for coexistence with humans end up being the worst demon there is, committing countless atrocities.

Demons might as well be Xenomorphs.
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10 kids later she's still gonna be like "ecchi"
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Who would you want to have as your magic teacher: Frieren, Sense, Serie, Methode, Fern or Übel?
>holding hands
I like how they didn't write her age
I like how right after Friren says it, so does Lugner, but despite the show stating it clearly they are beasts who imitate human speech, you still have some leftist people defending it.
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/u/bel is special
Depends what I'd want. Serie for pure power or Frieren for learning magic as a tool to change people's lives for the better. I'd go for the latter.

>Fern or Übel
a special kind of retard.
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being kinda retarded is the source of her strength
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her shitty version of wirbels spell always is amusing. being dumb in the world of imagination is too strong.
found it
Teacher ranking: Frieren, Serie, Sense, Methode, Fern, Übel
Babysitter ranking: Übel, Methode, Frieren, Sense, Serie, Fern
Nurse ranking: Methode, Sense, Fern, Frieren, Serie, Übel
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That Frieren x Halo guy has been putting out bangers for a while
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>White panties
is there anything in common between the two series?
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Not really. But they've been a hit on twitter and the guy has been prolific with churning them out
It should be common knowledge that demons are usually depict as pure evil and amoral. How did this people not realising it, is this an atheist thing?
Opinion on green color?
When you get a job.
this is an evil plushie
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No Country for Old Elves
10 of those are me
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Why do elven women keep kneeling to humans
good boy
Finally MadHouse found their Golden Mine.
The best studio shouldn't be without their own JJK tier hit.
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Why are they doing this

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>two awkward inexperienced ladies trying to be sexy
happy birthday, stark
vinne can be plenty sexy, idk what the deal is with the 80% iq looking fern though
I was talking about the characters not the cosplayers but i agree with you there. That fuckin fern face
I don't think there are literally any similarities between the two other than Frieren herself and Chief not being ones to talk a lot, and are also feared amongst demonkind/The Covenant.
Go play the first 3 Halo games if you haven't, they truly are fucking awesome
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did anyone try the hentai game
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>live action adaptation
Please tell me that's a joke.
threads are actually better since the new captcha and cooldown
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>Frieren-sama, it's been 500 seconds since we began the verification process
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i got brave browser just for 4chan because of this bullshit
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I would love to have this though.
Booba + Thighs + Shoulders + Short Skirt + Shoulder Blades is a lethal combination.
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*massive, loud, violently explosive, relentlessly forceful, torrential pooping, peeing, and farting continues nonstop for hours*
This is one of the greatest inventions humanity has ever come up with.
>screen-accurate fern titties
It's like Monday already...
>no homers
>steals all your spells and calls you megane-kun~
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Lore accurate comfy Frieren

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