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It's that time!

tracking numbers are starting to come in, and we've relayed tracking numbers to several of you.
If any of you still have questions for your giftee, or logistic issues please reach out!

if you're shipping out your gift or whitelist cards please remember to get tracking for them.
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Today I finished card #11. Only two more cards and I'll be free.
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Where’s my initials?
Where’s my initials?
Where’s my initials?
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32 days
BW from the UK your card was sent today!
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I ate them. Sorry.
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2011 - 2024 /ss/ photo albums of cards and gifts


2017 - 2024 /ss/ thread archives


Previous thread:
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inb4 half the thread is just people complaining about Canada

I live here and I completely agree. Get me out of this godforsaken hellhole.
MS from IL
Do you have a favorite 2hu?
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How's the strike going?
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Check the deadlines for shipping dates for the USPS:


Canada Post is still on strike and isn't processing, sending or delivering the mail. Delays are expected even after the service resumes.
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BH of CA
all your stuff came in so I'll be shipping your gift pretty soon once I get everything wrapped and pick out your snacks

SH of NY
LI of CO
SH of AZ
C of NY
MP of NY
HB of NC
CP of VA
NC of CA
your cards are all 90% done and your secret items have come in, I'll likely have your cards sent out tomorrow or Sunday

MB from MA
CW of CA
still working on both of yours but will likely be shipped out before thanksgiving you have something special coming too

>whitelist cards
JM of MD
S of PA
KS of CA
putting the finishing touches on your cards, should be mailed out this weekend with with some goodies
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I used zenmarket to buy presents, they bought all the things I wanted except for a pack of sweets which was marked as awaiting approval, I waited 3 days and then changed it for some different set. This time they bought it within few hours, but it hasn't been delivered to their warehouse for another 3 days now and I still can't ship my shit from Japan just because I wanted to give my anon some dagashi
I can't believe November is almost over
gentlemen I will be coloring my cards tonight.
please share Christmas music from your favorite voice actresses for me to listen to
>card from Brazil
hue,I mean holy shit
reminder to start your cards
SH of AZ
I'll be shipping out your whitelist card soon
There's a big convoluted rabbit hole surrounding that. Basically still nothing, though business groups are calling on the government to implement back-to-work legislation. The problem is that the government is now essentially in lockdown because the Liberals are embroiled in a multi-layered series of corruption scandals and cannot advance legislation unless they comply with evidence gathering requests, which they're refusing to do. So political intervention is basically completely logjammed.
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JM of US
SL of Finland
WK of Poland
JD of HK
ARP of Spain
JM of US Whitelists;
JB of Czech Republic
JH of US
CD of US
I have posted your cards out! You should expect them... you should expect them! I sent the Santa's the tracking, albiet a bit later than I said I would!

LMK from UK I've got your gifts, I just need to wrap them and make your card
S of UK Gonna make your card and have it send 1st class by the 1st of December
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DS from SC, most of your gifts are here, waiting for the last few to arrive then I'll wrap and mail them.

M from CA, BN from Mexico, JH from OK, GP from VA, WH from TX, KZ from Canada, JK from OH, ID from CA, and AM from FL, your cards are mailed out as of 2 days ago and will get there when they get there. KM from GA your card is finished but not mailed yet.
NC from CA, I was working on your card literally right 5 minutes ago until my computer froze and I had to restart it, completely losing all progress I made on your art so I'm starting from scratch... DO from NY and KN from Canada, you both are next.

BR from CA, TM from CA, and both MK from Canada: I haven't started yet :^)
IB from Italy
ADoG from Spain
RL from VA
JS from MO
N from NY

Your cards are all done and ready to mail out but unfortunately they might be late due to Canada Post shenanigans. I looked into other shipping alternatives like Fedex and UPS and mailing out just letters was estimated to cost me around 30$ each to the USA and over 100$ for each international. Apologies but I can't justify spending that much so I'll be waiting for the mail to resume, whenever that might be. Your cards are most likely going to be late, again, I apologize. It's frustrating for me as well since I put a lot of time on your cards but I have no idea on what else to do.
In Toronto?
Post my initials PLEASE
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MK of AB
I've ordered your stuff. I'm very excited to have you as my secret santa, I recognize you and your posts each year. I've got some things I'm really excited to do for you this year. Prepare to be spoiled!
Also, sorry for making you wait until now to post your initials in the thread. I've been bogged down by some group projects from hell. Thank god the semester is over in two weeks

Your cards have been shipped out and have gone through customs. Expect to get them soon.
I have made spoiler mistakes too so I'm not going to point and laugh, but consider using 4chanX or something similar to make it easier. I hope your anons like your cards!
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Get ready for lots of chocolate! and waiting.
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WA of MD
Your gift will be sent out tomorrow I had to fix something on it real quick. Apologies for the slight delay.

AB of SC
Ellis of UK
OvN of The Netherlands
NB of CA
MS of Poland
CY of Australia
BP of IN
AC of IN
MP of Canada

Whitelist Cards
DMD of Germany
LMK of Scotland
RZ of NJ of Japan

All of your cards were posted this morning and should be arriving to you soon hopefully!
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If my anons handmade gift uses a Li-po battery but I am unable to ship one due to shipping regulations, should I contact them through the Santa's and tell them to purchase one? I'm worried it would spoil too much of the gift and also it is fully functional from usb power
In a case like this, it would probably be okay to order one off amazon and ship it directly to anon's house. Include a gift message explaining the situation and try to sync up the delivery dates if possible.
just put some money in the gift and tell them to buy one with it
My money will be useless in their country anon
I'm too dumb to navigate different language amazon
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Kurisumasu bump
My cards are done but I'm not shipping them until the first week of December.
>Page 10
Everyone must be busy working on their cards!
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I have no motivation.
This time last year, I was almost done.
I haven't even completed a single card yet.
I deserved to get grinched.
Santa is not real.
If I'm one of your card anons and I don't get a card from you I'm going to be really upset.
I will never forgive myself for the pain I caused you today and 4 weeks from now.
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Reimu and Remilia are my favorites. Could also consider their companions Marisa and Flan if you wanted more options.
Or if you find those boring and you're feeling adventurous you could select your choice of any PC-98hu.
Still waiting on card materials from japan...
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Another year of killing my hand over and done with. I wonder where they're all going, though? :^)

Seriously I have no idea, nothing is budging with this strike so far
Just go to walmart or joahnn's fabrics what the fuck
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>DO of NY
That’s me! Merry Christmas anon!
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ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᵍᵃʰ
Are you the Aisha clan clan anon? I got a card from you one year and really liked it.
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I finished all the character art so coloring those are next and then I'll finally be able to construct cards. Should be sending out postcards before the end of the month so my anons know they won't be getting grinched and cards/gift will be arriving before Xmas!!
my worst fear is that I goof and ship all my cards to the addresses of other cards and mess up who they were supposed to go to
I'm always paranoid about that and recheck the cards multiple times before I seal them.
BG of United Kingdom
E of Germany
Just finished both your cards. Going to deposit them in the post box within the next few hours.
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You know, I forgot that I'm leaving the country for a week at the beginning of December, and I am now starting to feel the pressure of all my cards. I'll get them finished, don't get me wrong, but man is it a lot..... I believe the last of my shipments is coming in the end of November, so I believe I should still be game to get everything out before I leave.
I finished 12 cards in 2 weeks by sacrificing my sleep schedule you can do it anon
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JH of GA, I'm still waiting on what is to be to be shipped to me.
VM of the Czech Republic, I mailed your mail to you this past week.

And my homo MK of Canada, I also sent your mail this past week. So even with a strike, I imagine it'll get to you before Kurismasu,
No tracking yet
I've surely been grinched
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I've got all of the sketches done, and I've inked 8 of the drawings so far. I've only got 6 more to go for drawing, then it's just a matter of getting the rest of my paper done and writing all th cards. We are not yet in "it's not gonna work out" territory, so I think we're still doing alright
zachar of ?? please check your email, your address is incomplete
DS of SC
AC of IN
FC of CA
I was going to spend my upcoming week off doing all of your cards. Regrettably I'm going to lose almost that entire week traveling across the country for a funeral. I'm bringing all my supplies in the hopes I can get some work done, but I might not be able to start until I get back home at the end of the month.
Anon I hope it's ok I'm reading the Mount Hua webtoon instead of trying that MTL scamsite that has the novel. It's just awkward because of course they romanise all the names differently and it'll take me 50 chapters before I realise I've been staring at the guys you mentioned this whole time.
I feel like you've been posting this for weeks. Just fuck him at this point. If he's your gift anon contact the Santa's
I've been half way done with my cards for a while now but haven't felt compelled to properly finish them ever since I found out about the postal service strike...
I'm hand delivering yours. I'll share my location on google maps so you know how close I am.
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You are already tracked.
>JH of GA
Thanks for the update. Still in a similar situation for my anon too.
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>Santas sent me a tracking number
To whoever's sending a gift to Australia from Japan, I'm eagerly anticipating your gift.
BoR of NY still waiting on some stuff, but should hopefully get your stuff sent out sometime next week.
You didn't respond here or to the Santas, so hopefully you're not getting any dupes.
That's me
It's a box full of funko pops
You have no idea how hard those things are to get in Japan
I had fun with your card in particular. Please post it when you get it. You'll know it's mine because it'll be a party.
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Are they at least the good funkos?
Probably not dude I just got the cheapest shit I could find
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You're an absolute monster, anon, but I respect the hustle.
Can't say I've ever gotten a card before Thanksgiving. I wait until Christmas to open mine, but of course I'll post it. Glad that you had fun making it!
>one part of the gift hasn't been shipped yet
At what point can I start worrying?
MARM from Mexico, your gift has been shipped.
I forgot to talk about this show goddamnit
>good funkos
I did it. I finally finished 1 (one) card. It doesn't even look bad. The hands even look good (I drew them myself.)
There actually are a few that are genuinely good since the soulless blank eyes work with them. There was a Mimikyu one released a little bit ago that they did right.
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I mailed some cards this week, but frankly I don't think you lot deserve any initials. They should arrive before Christmas, though. Except the one going to Canada. I'm sorry, I have no idea when it's going to arrive
So USPS/Fedex/UPS/Any Given Courier service is fine to ship with? In Asheville we have UPS still treating us like a disaster area but Fedex and USPS aren't
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>anon's gift
Would it be in bad taste to include reindeer meat with the gift?
If it were me I'd be fine with it, but you might want to ask if they have allergies/dietary restrictions/objections to eating certain kinds of animals.
send the rudolph meat
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I'll be waiting for your card!
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BN of Mexico
AC of IN
I mailed your cards yesterday.
And now that the card work is all done, we wait for something to happen.
but saar it's the dalits ruining canada, sikhs are bro tier
Can't wait to see your card anon. Ctrl+S next time my friend.
>haven't started either of my cards
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I shall expect the card
This year I made sure to write he message one at a time, and when done, seal the envelope as soon as I was done
I will stop procrastinating that one last card today.
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So we probably get handful of cards posted this weekend, and then a deluge next week, right? I believe Anons are smart enough to not procrastinate that much, right?
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Start right now you lazy motherfucker.
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NTA, but I sent you a card the other day. Can't guarantee it'll arrive before Christmas, but it is coming, one day. I usually don't do card initials but I figured I should at least let you know, considering the situation
There does seem to be a drought of cards this year. I was looking through my pics from last year and saw that I had already sent a card and had it posted by now.
>and then a deluge next week
Probably. It's always around the first week of December when cards start being posted more frequently. God I hope my anons won't hate my cards.
I don't post cards until kurisumasu
That's annoying and inconsiderate for everyone involved. The thread will already be full of people opening gifts.
I wait to open cards until December 7th
I will never open the cards because Anons always bully me. I just keep the sealed envelopes
I will open the cards but I won't post them.
I will not accept cards before Christmas
I won't open the cards, but I will post them.
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But I would never bully anyone.
If only Kircheis was here to open cards with us.
All of the gifts for my anon have arrived now but I had to collect them from my building's office since someone needed to sign for them. This might be a problem since JD isn't my real name but I should be able to explain stuff with a tracking number. If you've not sent it yet, it might be better to address it to 'the occupant'
Cards probably won't be an issue because signed for letters have shown up in my pigeon hole before and I'm pretty sure they just go off the room number.

Thank you, anon. I eagerly await it! I'll try my best to get yours out before the last posting date. I've still got a couple of cards left to draw before I get them printed.
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I don't know what this is about but am in.Is Greece included?
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holy shit. anon posted my initials.im very exited!
Oh I meant like stickers and shit for the card from anon's wishlist
Looks nice!
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Thank you, I can't wait to see what you chose!
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Alright works with me. I have three more cards to do. So I'm planning to ship all the cards the Monday after Thanksgiving.
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Anyone else checking tracking every 10 minutes despite knowing perfectly well that nothing will change for at least a few days?
At least you won't have a national holiday in few weeks that stops mail
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Doin work! I'm thankful for all the streams today that made working on this so enjoyable!
Oh my god he's naked
Wtf anon this is a blue board!
But it's a gift spoiler if I put her clothes and hair on!!
Foolish anon, the eyes are enough of a hint. I'm going to check right now if any of the characters that I mentioned has purple eyes.
dont forget green hair too
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None of the characters on my list fit that description. Oh well.
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I'd love a Yotsuba fumo
VH of UK
I have finally retrieved the goods after a long expedition to the shipping warehouse. i will most likely ship it within a week or two.
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MC of France, one of your gifts has arrived and I’m waiting on the last few things to reach me.

RZ of NJ, your card has been mailed to you, I included some sweets but if you’re allergic to them, discard them it’s ok. I tried researching and got alot of mixed answers. I hope you like the card!
>that spoiler
I shouldn't have clicked it, but I did. Please marry me! I thought they made me remove all mentions of vtubers I'll eat your snacks even if I die!
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ZM from Ireland. I have a very important question for you, and I promise it's relevant for your card. What's your favorite music genre?
aye ta be sure it be traditional gaelic folk songs and battle hymns of the real IRA
Come out ye black and tans
You guys are giving me dangerous ideas.
I feel like theres a bunch more nuanced and better songs than that!
stuff like The Dying Rebel by The Young Wolfe Tones or The Foggy Dew by the Chieftans (or anything else by them.)
I feel like people get stuck in the same trap like with Fortunate Son and the Vietnam war that makes people only associate a single song with an entire multi century conflict like the troubles.
Strikes aside, how does shipping from the US to Canada (and vice versa) work? Is it much different from shipping domestically from coast to coast? Asking as a curious yuro.
post catholic anime girls
Or they just like the song
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At risk of being cliche, I listen to a lot of different genres, everything from anime music to rock to rap to pop. I would say I listen to anime adjacent music the most, followed by rock. Link related is my current jam, which I've listened to multiple times a day since it released.

Also I am a bit embarrassed to admit that this anon>>273405802 is less wrong than he was probably expecting to be

Ganbatte, anon.
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The sign up period is over. Better luck next year.
But if you're on time, you can sign up from all over the globe.
Did you guys fix that economy yet
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Suruga-ya had their free shipping going on last week so I picked up a few more trinkets for anon.
But for some reason Suruga-ya-chan just shoved a bunch of black plastic brackets into the box?! It's just a bunch of weird looking tripods that don't fit together and I didn't order any garage kits.
Is this a message? Are they finally getting back at westerner's for bankrupting them via economic arbitrage and DHL fees?
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Thanks for your answer. I'll start working on your card today and then send it sometime next week.
They've raised prices to make up for the "free" shipping, anyway.
The tripods might have been for stability, maybe? Last thing I ordered from them was just a box shrinkwrapped to a piece of cardboard which was put into a larger box, never had these before.
Oh, I noticed. But I feel I got a decent haul for what it was.
I'd have though that too, but they were just loose, rolling around. Maybe they were just stressed and made a whoopsie.
IB here
don't worry about it
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MY INITIALS thank you anon for your journey, I’m very excited
I eat venison by the cartload send me some
I would love that
Thank you for keeping me posted, I am waiting with bated breath good sir.
One question before I forget, do you eat pork (or meat in general)? And are there any sweets you either dislike or are allergic to?
I think this will be the last year i doodle in my cards. It's a real pain for my hand. No I'm not being lazy, I have a birth defect in my hand that makes it painful to do detailed control work.
>said I'd take it easier this year
>still draw too much
>still overcomplicate almost everything
>torment myself by drawing hands
Aikatsu anons, you better appreciate Ichigo's hands in your cards
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Thanks for your effort anon, I'll appreciate your beautiful hands.
Apparently customs are very angry at me for labeling an acrylic stand as "yummy chocolate treats"
Why don't you do it with your other hand, then?
>just spent nearly $60 on snacks and candy for my whitelist cards and gift

I may have gotten a bit carried away
Holy shit, the main character of France?

Same, I told myself no ornaments, do one chibi on the front and a chibi inside, instead I've got multiple full characters on fronts, more inside, ornaments too. I've turned into anxious insomnia mess about colouring though. Need to get into it and stop worrying about fuck ups.
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I signed up for 13 cards. For the first card I had a really stupid idea that required two different drawings. That was a lot of work so I told to myself "let's not do this for every single card".
Guess what happened next. I'm so tired.
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>was going to kill myself
>signed up for /ss/
>need to at least ensure anon's Christmas is merry and full of cheer before doing so
You better post your gift or otherwise let me know when you get it, anon.
Will customs know what an acrylic stand is, or will they go
>oi, what's this? Send it back!
Wow, no pressure, huh? Hope you're doing better now, anon.
I'm doing worse.
ARP of Spain
ER of UK
E of Germany

Your cards went out on Tuesday. They will arrive ??? but hopefully before Christmas.
It seems like I'm getting a lot of cards from Canada this year.
you're not getting anything from canada, mate.
Oh no, I'm from the US. I've just never sent an international card before so it's a mystery.
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Oh, I see. In that case don't worry, if you sent it already it should be here way before Christmas.
Intl cards sent before Thanksgiving usually arrive between the 5th and 15th of December. At least, that's the earliest I see my intl cards posted here. One time it was just 1 week which was crazy.
remember that advent means 'a time of waiting', so you should mail everything before and spend december waiting for cards
How many of those domestic forever stamps would I need to use to ship a card internationally?
reminder to take pictures of your cards before you mail them just in case they get lost or your anon doesn't post them
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Too late, I've already sent four without taking pictures.
the poor little flat rate box I got is getting stuffed and violated with how much stuff I fit in it. had to tape it so it didn't burst open
somebody tell me IRL hex code for skin color
My head is full of peachy marmelade lemon and watery persimon wood
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>the poor little flat is getting violated
I eat meat yes, I don’t like sweets that are typical sweets/sickly stuff unfortunately but I like anything mint flavoured! I’m not allergic to anything either
My initials have not been posted in a month and I signed up for 17 cards. Anons... Please ...
Hmph, card slut must learn patience
Yours? #000000
yes, that's me, but what about them anime girls? and tomboys from okinawa?
Why don't you just steal that info? You should be used to that
I don't believe you.
I don't get it
steal what?
and why?
are you jewish?
I'm christian, we don't steal.
but it's just a number. where do you check those?
and am I being a fag for sending links to tracking from my postal service? I make sure it's always in english.
Look at the hex code and connect the dots. You really must be #000000 given your low IQ
what's your hex code?
of course you're too scare to admit it.
nobody cares here, you can tell us your true hex code.
AP of Italy I plan on shipping your card next week so hopefully it arrives in the time frame between end of November to a few days before Christmas. So I will probably mail it to your Romania address. Just wanted to let you know.
>where do you check those?
I use Global Package Tracking.
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You'll need to look at the pricing tables on the USPS website since it differs between different zones, but it is usually around 3-4 since forever stamps are around 70c these days while international letters are $2+
I signed up for 17 cards too, I'll post initials once everything is mostly done and sent since I don't want to jinx it.
Hang in there anon, high chance you're one of my matches.
At least where I live, the tracking number starts working on local post office website as soon as it arrives to country.
Anon I also have him as my cardanon but just put his address in google, he's from West Virginia I believe. Sorry zachar if it seems like I gave too much information.
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surely, my gift santa didn't post my initials because he wants to surprise me
If it makes you feel better, I never post initials until I send out, and I don't send out until December because November is too early for Christmas joy.
I send my cards out around thanksgiving and gifts right after usually. That way both the cards and gifts are guaranteed for the most part to arrive in december, just before christmas at the latest. I would recommend all anons do this, especially if mailing internationally.
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>Sorry zachar if it seems like I gave too much information.
too late, I'm tracking down his address RIGHT NOW
Some of my cards arrived but they havent been posted yet, we'll probably get a big wave of card posting in December
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Same here homubro. I don't care for initials too much as I also never post before shipping, but getting in touch with your giftee for clarifications is usually a good sign.
anon, why did you just send me your anilist with many hundred manga read and anime watched. What am I supposed to do with that? sure I can draw something, but what am I gonna write on your card?
>but what am I gonna write on your card?
Maybe something about all those anime he watched and manga he's read?
Just pick the one that you're more familiar with and talk about it.
When I get an anon that lists 10+ things he likes that I haven't seen or at worst haven't heard of, I tell them which ones look interesting, and if i haven't heard of any of them, I'll tell anon what I think they're about just by looking at an image. I did the latter 1 time this year becuase his list was all recent netflix anime I've never heard of.
waku waku!
Sort by his highest rated, look for one you don't like and explain why he's wrong
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AB from SC
ID from CA
VA from France
SA from Austria
RM from FL
JTA from NC
I am finishing your cards and it should be shipped this monday

JH from TN
I am still waiting on the gifts and I will shipped them to you asap
shipping a bunch of cards at once feels very satisfying.
Any time I get a MAL or Anilist for my recipients, it only has a few hundred on it, which leads me to believe most participants are complete normalfags
I'm 95% sure he's WV too, but he's ghosted for 4 weeks
I added a MAL to my list and it only has like 300 shows on it, but to be fair I haven't updated it since like 2015 and I never will again because charting and cataloging and rating every fucking series you've ever watched grew to be a chore and turbo autistic. I only include mine as a reference to "here's other things I liked"
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oh shit that's the first time I've seen my initials posted
WG from Poland I forwarded to the Santa team the tracking for your card. Cheers
Please report for participating in 11 months
Please wait warmly
I signed up for seven cards but I forgot to ever post the initials...now I started making and posting them so I will only post initials whenever I go to the post office. You might be one of mine.
literally me
"you can't just draw ONE thing, come on, you know you want to do a chibi too"
I spent a lot of time on the sketches,I'll keep the coloring simpler because the clock is ticking
I'm so drunk I'm so alone I'm going to drink mkre I'll soak my next card in red wine i just want a gf i need more alcohol
Anons like this are why I would use an alias if I were a woman.
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Hey anon, hope you are not allergic to semen, if so you may not want to not eat my cookies
adog from Spain. I got you, sorry for not pinging before
id be allergic, but i dont think thats very common so im sure most anons would be very happy
XAM of CA do you have a waifu/husbando/favorite character at all? I just got an idea for one more gift.
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SA from Austria
DMD from Germany
LM from Scotland
Just sent out your cards this morning, h-hopefully I put the right things in the right envelopes. I got nervous at the counter and I dont feel very confident about it gomenasorry
I'm like the Morrissey of /a/ secret santa but twice as talented
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VV from France Progress on your gift is progressing slowly but it is progressing. I got about 2 weeks to finish and send it for it to arrive safely on time
I'm a tad confused, why are there already some cards for the 2024 photo album?
I thought we're suppose to wait until Christmas to open and post about our cards?
Depends on where you live but a lot of countries (most?) it's tradition to open and display cards early, they are treated more like a Christmas decoration to display through the month of December.
I personally wouldn't open one before December though
Though if your gift anon sends a card along with the gift, I wouldn't open it unless they say you can as it may include gift spoilers
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I don't understand why so many people think this. Have you never received a holiday/congratulatory card before? You open them when you receive them and display them in the related festive period. I mean, say you get a Christmas card from your grandma. It will be in a standard envelope addressed to you (no alias). How would you even know that it's not regular mail and to thus not open it?
Cards are meant to be displayed throughout December.
Also if you wait until Christmas week to open and post it, its going to get drowned out by all the gift posts and your anon may miss you posting it.
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Don't forget to wrap your gifts.
>I thought we're suppose to wait until Christmas to open and post about our cards?
There's no rule that says this as far as I'm aware and a select number of anons have gotten their cards already and posted them.
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>Have you never received a holiday/congratulatory card before?
Yeah and I wait until the special day in question to open them. That's how it's always been done in my family
>How would you even know that it's not regular mail and to thus not open it?
Because there would be a sticker on it saying "do not open until Christmas" or "Happy Birthday" or whatever. That's what I was gonna do for my anons, draw a quick doodle of a girl in a santa hat on the envelope alongside "For Christmas" or something.
I will say, opening the cards and having them as decorations on the Christmas Tree does sound compelling and >>273420098 might be an issue. So maybe I'll go that route, I dunno.
It is nice having them on display on a shelf or hanging on a bit of string, really brings out the christmas spirit and anons best attempt at drawing your waifu adds some soul to the rest of your christmas decorations
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DC from UK, your gift will be sent off soon. I've got something very nice for you and I'm finding some local goodies for you to enjoy too.
AC from IN and BR from CA, your laser-cut cards will also be sent soon! I'll be sending a bit extra in each because you both have good taste in animu/mango.
Oh ok that makes sense, I think the santa crew would've said something to him about his address when he sent it in, I'm pretty sure they also think his address is in WV as well.
just got confirmation from santa, it's WV
Are clear files commonly liked?
I don't really use them, but I would be happy to receive one of my favorite characters.
I also mailed you a card this morning. I made sure it was the first one I finished so maybe you will get it before Christmas.
I don't personally care for them, and I think I even mentioned that in my wishlist. Not sure what other anons think though.
Maybe if your anon is the type to know how to use clear files for decoration purposes.
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Nice. I'm working slowly too, let's do our best!
I sure hope anon likes cat midriffs
Someone post the Rei 3D printed severed head again
Where are the other Toronto anons
In my bed
Question. If me, and my card assignment are from the same country, and we're not English-speaking one, should I write the message in English, or our native language?
>can't draw
>can't cut
>can't trace
>can't print
The fuck do I do for my cards?
All four.
your best
Put your paper on your monitor/tablet/phone/whatever you use and trace that.
>can't draw
Doodle some stick figures who nobody cares. I literally got a some anon's pencil scribbles on white cardstock and I still smiled like an idiot when i got it because he tried to the best of his ability.
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DC here, I'm looking forward to it!
>sign up for cards knowing you have to make cards
>cry about how you can't make cards
I hope you get grinched.
>received an email from recipient asking if I would be okay with him hand delivering the gift
U-Uh... Should I let him?
I thought I could do it
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Make sure to wear your best underwear
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You can do it! You will do it! You will have fun! Anon will love it!
GODDAMN robots are so much harder to draw than humans. You better be grateful anon.
Only if it's a cute guy delivering my gift
All anons are cute in their own way!
I like them, they are basically waterproof poster
Why did I sign up for so many cards?
so you could be jolly.
I did the same, it was a dumb move but I did it, and I'm a retard. So you can do it too Anon.
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That's enough posting time to let thread die for the weekend
>AC of IN
looking forward to it!
take all the time you need anon. hope everything is okay
Pain is temporary, festive celebration is eternal.
I'd personally just write it in your own native language, as long as one of you can translate it back into English for us to see how you verbally shit on them.
holy fuck I can't draw hands or eyes.
>SH of NY
>LI of CO
>SH of AZ
>C of NY
>MP of NY
>HB of NC
>CP of VA
>NC of CA
your cards have all been shipped! you should have tracking coming your way soon
haha anon you forgot my initials lol
I miss participating in this, last time I did was around 2018. Also lost access to the old e-mail I used for this so don't have the names or addresses of /a/nons I've sent cards. Wonder if they're alright. Hope you guys all have fun and be nice to each other.
do you mean the spoiler? I copy pasted it from above so it looks like it got messed up
you should try it again next year! I think if you still know what the address is the santas can verify you with a new email
If the last time you participated was 2018, those anons probably all stopped browsing this board.
Thanks, I just got the tracking number.
I coloured something at last! It's 5am but I coloured a tiny thing! I didn't have any of the colours necessary so it looks bizarre but I coloured it! And then it turned out my glitter gel pens are too dried out and only silver glitter comes out of them even after warming them betwixt my thighs. ;__; Oh well, at least it's something to go to the shop for.
god I hope usps doesn't squish the treats I put in my packages again this year
Speak for yourself. I recognize 10+ initials and aliases that have been around since then or longer
SH of AZ. Your gifts have arrived. I'm still working on everyone else's cards and yours, so I'll be shipping it out the first week of December.
Balderdash. I can't believe I've been doing this for six fucking years
If you can spring it, packaging material isn't that expensive. Hell, you can probably repurpose the material from any gifts you bought. You can get away with a lot if you pack things snugly, but not under pressure.
You drawing gay robots too?
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its so over for me anons I submitted my signup sheet on the 14th because i forgot the deadline... i havent gotten a reply from the email yet, it might be too late for me to participate...
I put it between my thighs for longer and it worked! Praise be to intercrural!
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fuck i found out deadlines were on the 30th of october...i procrastinated too hard, i guess ill see you all next year then...
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I joined /SS/ back in 2016 and I'm still here.
>Captcha: STAAYY
Next year is my 10th. Someone please kill me already
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This is mine. This tradition is the only thing I have to look forward to.
A few threads ago, an anon said he only still visits /a/ for /ss/ and little else. Are you like that too?
Not as much as I used to, but I still come here at least once a day
You can write, can you? Then write
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Everyone can trace. Third graders can trace. Try a little
I have been doing the same style of cards for 4 years in a row, I kinda what to do something else but I'm scared of ruining it... I still remember the time I tried doing cutouts it went badly
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got it! can't wait!, y-you might be my first one this year.
Thanks, anon!
They'd wind up looking worse. It would be my nondomenate hand.
How many did you sign up for?
>3 whitelist
>5 otherlist
I don't know if I'll ever try something different for my cards. I'm too old to learn new tricks.
>I haven't started yet :^)
Keep doing the same style for most of the cards but do something else for like 1 of them. At least then you're taking less risks but still trying something new.
Someone add a santa hat
There you go.
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Thank you, I'm looking forward to them!
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>went to a doujin market today to find gifts for my anons
>too shy to talk to any of the people selling stuff and returned home with nothing
>didn't take any pictures for the anon that asked for pictures
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You tried.
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>made order from Solaris Japan last Monday
>still no shipping info
It's not going to arrive in time, isn't it?
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AP from Poland, just in case. Any allergies?
What kind of card do I get for my anons?
Lewd one
I mean like the literal card stock, do I just buy a blank one from a grocery store and go creative on it?
Get lewd stock from the lewd store.
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Yes! Apologies for the late reply and hopefully you're still itt, but it's Nemo Hina from watamote! Gril on the right in pic related
I woke up one afternoon and found card stock under the pillow
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Just go to your local art and crafts store and buy some drawing paper. And remember, choose the one with the highest quality. You don't want to use dirty cheap paper for your cards.
I wanted to try making a tiny plush for my anon but it turns out making tiny clothes fucking sucks.
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Leave the tiny plush naked and send it anyway.
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>made a card with one character receiving merch of other anime girl from anon's list
>I know remembered it's out of character because she doesn't like anime
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Why would an anime character not like anime?
I don't know but I remembered a scene where she says to an otaku guy she doesn't care about anime
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Good news anon. You're getting cute socks for Christmas. And something else. Hopefully.
I like getting cards from anons who come into their own signature style. It's endearing to see these cards posted year after year, and then one year you finally receive a card from them and you recognize it right away. Every year after that, you see other people posts the cards they receive from them, and you're like "That's my anon!"
I got my anon ahegao socks
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>and you're like "That's my anon!"
I wonder if the first person who got a card from me is still here, thinking that every time one of my cards is posted.
Every day I live in fear of my anon's MFC updating with the thing I bought him
Do it and take a picture but block out your faces with animegirl.jpg It will be posted for years to come
I'm the same way! I actually felt really guilty that I changed my signature style this year. In the past I had done crayon/colored pencil drawings, this year I moved to MS paint art which I enjoy more, think looks higher quality, but still has that goofy style of mine. There was actually an inner turmoil where I considered sticking with crayon etc because I thought people were counting on me, but then I realized nobody fucking cared.
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I'm counting on you, anon!
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For years I tried something different every year, sometimes with very minor differences, but this year I did almost exact same ones as last year
Noooooo my grey marker just died on me. Now I can't finish coloring anon's favorite character unless I make another trip to the art supplies store...
Thank you. I hope you like my ms paint artworks. I will post them if my anons dont post their cards. Please look forward to it.
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great, thank you!
maybe I'll start working on my cards now as well lmao
>spent an hour drawing a card last night
>go to ink the lines today
>realise I didn't have the card in the right orientation
>The drawing is now sideways
I don't have time to redo the thing god fucking dammit
Cut the card along the fold, turn it the right orientation, trim the sides a bit, paste it onto the front of another card with something to make a border and bob's your uncle.
Just send it, anon will love it anyways
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Perfect, thanks anon! I think you'll like what I have in mind if I can pull it off with my limited skills.
Working on cards while watching the Santa Claus Parade livestream is comfy.
i might've been too ambitious with handmade gifts for my cards but I can't stop halfway through and let some anons feel like i hate them
ganbatte! I'm anxiously awaiting your handcrafted gifts!
>not putting a clock with the hands at 3 AM
Honestly pathetic.
If anyone posted themselves meeting with another anon, it would most likely be reported and bashed until it was deleted
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>behind on cards
>finally the weekend is here, time to crunch
>sudden promotion to fever developer
>team lead on throat deconstruction project
>no cards worked on
Why does it always go after my throat. I already got mono twice in the past and every fever zooms in on my throat, this is hell.
He's probably a zoomer and zoomers cannot read analog clocks. Don't blame him, blame his parents and the education system.
Its okay /a/non it's not your fault. I'm going to teach you the secret right here right now. So on an analog clock, there's an hour hand (the small one) and a minute hand (the long one) The hour hand points to what hour it is and the minute hand points to one of the numbers that are segmented by 5 minutes. In this example clock, the minutes are shown on the outside edge but no real clocks have this, it's just 1-12. So in this image, it is 11:05. If the hour hand (red) was pointing at 8 and the minute hand (blue) was pointing at 10 it would be 8:50.
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Forgot to add that some clocks have a second hand too, which is the long thin one in this picture. So if you've been paying attention, do you know what time is shown in this picture here? If you guessed 1:25 congrats! You can now read an analog clock!
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>the hands at 3 AM
>the hands
>on a clock
Have you never used an analog clock in your life?
Have you ?
Many analog clocks allow you to set a simple switch for AM or PM that changes every 12 hours.
I guarantee this is going to help at least 1 anon reading this thread at the very least. Crazy world.
I have never in my life seen a non wristwatch clock with an AM/PM indicator. Why would it even need one
To indicate it's AM or PM, obviously.
We don't all have the luxury of not living on an Antarctic research base
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Is time wizard AM or PM
Garbage is what he is
Just wait until I turn my baby dragon into thousand year dragon!
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Nope. Thank you!
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I made some progress on my cards this weekend. But it wasn't because I wanted to protect your smile or anything, stupid.
I want to let you guys now that this whole conversation inspired me and now there's an analog clock in the background of a card that I'm drawing right now.
eurobros, how long does it take for a card to reach USA or Canada?
USA: 2.5 days
Canada: 4-8 months
>4-8 months
Very optimistic.
The cheapest snail mail takes about 16 working days, priority mail 8 days and the fastest one less than a week
Just finished card #12, only one more card and I'll be freeeeee. I'm very proud of all the cards that I'm making this year, can't wait for my anons to see them.
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>forgot to work on my cards again
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Between two weeks and a month, depending on how lucky you are
Fuck it
I'm gonna work on my card, take a photo of it, ship it to Canada and if it doesnt get there by Christmas i'm gonna post it in these threads.
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Noted. I don't have everything ready quite yet, but you should still get your stuff before Christmas unless something goes terribly wrong. Also sorry to keep bothering you, I just don't want to disappoint
Alright. Gonna give my last card of two the finishing touches and I'm done
You mean you were lazy?
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GANBARE o((>ω< ))o
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Dont worry at all! I was actually a bit sad last threads to not see my initials posted here, it's nice to know my anon is working on it, keeps my xmas spirit hyped.
Just throw anything you think I will like inside the box, add some piece of used clothing with your smell on it so I can wear and smell it. Your address so I can write you back, anything is fine!
I've only seen them in government office buildings and hospitals, I imagine workplaces buy them when they expect to not know what day of the week it is at the end of shifts.

What time is it showing?
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MK of Canada, so haha….do you want me to chance it and send your card or wait till the post sorts itself out.
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Let's not make this weird now. It's strictly Christmas-related
the real grinch all along was the canadian postal service workers
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I've been worried about if my Canadian anons would receive my cards on time or not, and I just realized I don't have any Canadian anons.
Fate is trying to protect you from filthy canadians and you dare look down upon it's efforts with contempt? Some people are beyond salvation.
Doesn't that just mean that they definitely won't receive your cards?
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Hey, ADoG. I don't know if you're still lurking around here, but I'm sending your card tomorrow. Same country and even same region, so you'll probably see it before Friday. I guess.
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You may as well mail it out now. It's going to be delayed no matter what and deliveries will resume in order of what was received so it'll just take longer overall if you wait for the strike to end.
Couldn't you just say you've been grinched when you haven't, and receive two presents?
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>initials STILL not posted
This user has something in common with Onyaankopon from Attack on Titan, Carole from Carole and Tuesday, Afro Samurai from Afro Samurai, and Simon from Durarara.
Go ahead and try it, then we won't have to worry about you signing up next year.
I'd never do that because I'm an honest guy and is why my life is in shambles, but just saying, the more dishonest people could do that
I made a plush for anon that looks good and clothes for the plush that look bad. I'm sending both and he can strip it if he wants.
>ah yes, I'll give my address to a bunch of anti-social autists (or pay $30+ for a P.O. box) and then scam them openly in my three month scheme to obtain a random assortment of plastic figurines
It would be easier and less risky to just porch pirate, if you want free shit
Tracking numbers prevent this
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Is it worth shipping stuff to canada right now??? Im in the US with a card bro in Canada, I made a great card but i dont wanna ship it if its gonna never make it there.....
No, your only option is to hand deliver it. Make sure to notify your anon via santas that you're coming, and wear clean underwear.
I had a huge epiphany after I panic bought more stuff to make up for it and came to the conclusion I can just make a santa dress and hat for her instead of trying to make a bunch of clothing.
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It is done.
Gift: S from the UK, I am currently wrapping your present and will take it to the post office tomorrow.
Card: VM from Czech Republic, your card is finished and will be mailed tomorrow. I'll have you know I'm giving you my card virginity. Expect a card made with lots of love, but little skill.
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>card virginity
You do know that you should be making a card for your gift anon too, right?
Of course, I made two (see pic). But that's the one I finished first.
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what were the stats of last year? ive seen many germans, americans, mexicans but very few argies, spanish or french
What kind of card are you working on right now? I'm doing a TTGL card
I can't tell you, because I don't think but one or two anons has this series on their list.
I'm so happy you're working on my samurai flamenco card! I can't wait to see it.
Some kinda trout in a Santa hat.
Sorry anon, wrong Oricorio form!
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haven't started yet. maybe when i check my anon's wishlist next weekend i'll feel a rush of inspiration
Signing up for cards and then not doing them should be bannable. All cards should be whitelist cards. The amount of people in every thread every year not taking it seriously drives me into despair!
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Finally done with cards, think that was my best year yet. Time to get drunk and make cookie dough
It shouldn't be a bannable offense to be a chronic procrastinator as long as they get there. But I get what you mean. I don't know how someone can get through almost the entire month of November and NOT do anything
>got to do my cards
>work is stressing me out
>life shit is stressing me out and need to sort it
>medical issues
>shit piling on top of other shit
>cards get left until i finally have a spare 2 hours
I thought drawing was supposed to alleviate stress
hahahahahaha no. It is in fact the opposite. Drawing can be cathartic, but when it is a project for somebody, on a time schedule, it is work and it is not cathartic.
Ok time to finish 4 cards before Thanksgiving
One Piece x Haruhi
take the voyage pill and detail your journey here. Be cautious, leafland is no laughing matter
Got some ideas for a Lupin related card for my assignment and I've practiced drawing some of it, but still not sure exactly what I want to do.
Still waiting on part of the gift anyways, so I'm not in too much of a hurry yet.
Really regret signing up for cards bros...
I'm hanging myself if I wake up to an email that my card anon has to pay 300 dollars in taxes and fees at customs for my box full of sand i buried the card in
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I didn't realize papercut cards would be such a pain. Sorry to my anons for how pitiful these will look!!
You will love it when you finish your cards and send them out. You're going to see the anons post your cards and say how much they love them, and then you're going to get X cards in the mail too. I go through the same thought process every year, and every single time I'm glad I did cards. It's hell month making the cards, but it's bliss month after that, and the joy alone from seeing my anons love my card is worth it, not to mention the incredible cards I end up getting from others. GANBATTE.
At this point I would not be shocked if this is real.
I had the same problem. Mine are ass, but I saw some pretty good-looking ones.
How do people do it? Hobby knives?
Most people use xacto knives or equivalents. The really fancy ones are made on cutter machines.
Is it normal for the postal service to ask you what's inside your package? I'm worried I'll have another case of what happened last year. When asked what was in the box I told them plushes and candy and the woman essentially laughed me out the building.
Fill the customs form out yourself and they won't ask
>what's in the box
>tell them what's in the box
>they laugh
Either this didn't happen or America is extremely autistic
99% of USPS employees are black women if that shines any light on the situation
Since I photoshop the shit of my cards sometimes I pondered if I could volunteer to making pdf ones for grinched anons but most likely won't have time. Maybe next year.

Yeah that's very likely. It's just that there's this dread about how they might even be gone by now with pandemics and shit. Sending the cards makes you establish this little connection to the anons and I sincerely hope they're fine. Even though I've been here since 2008 who knows they might still be lurking
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>character normally has head piece
>try to draw her without it but it looks like shit
>try to add a christmas head band but it still looks like shit
>keep adding things to the head band to try to make up for my lack of drawing skills
>hair is full of trinkets and looks like shit
>already spent hours on it and unsure if i should continue or give up
My philosophy was I already drew it and I ain't drawing it again. Soldier on.
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My job is sending me to Southeast Asia for a month over Christmas & New Years. If my cards or gifts don't arrive before I leave, how am I supposed to confirm I received them and love them?
make sure you try pagpag
you can always just post your initials and just let your anons know that you'll be gone. or reach out via the santa's to thank whoever sent your stuff
Post your initials letting your anons know you'll be out of the country, then send send them thank you cards when you get back. Make sure to post them next year.
And that's why she isn't getting plushies and candy.
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Yes. go slow and change out the blade if it starts to dull or the tip breaks. Use cardstock since it cuts smooth and wont wrinkle.
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I cut by hand. are you saying I'm not fancy?
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Yours are made with wuv. Do not worry.
Please anon, try pagpag and let us know how it is. I really want to know since the SEA anon got bullied out of sending it.
Kill yourself now.
>recognising a vtuber
You both need to fuck off
/ss/ participants alone are like 60% vtuber watchers
C',mon anon, there's at least 4 /vt/ tabs open in that picture. The conclusion should be obvious.
You guys don't REALLY watch vtubers right? Like I can understand recognizing gawr gura because she's so popular in the weeb sphere it's impossible to not know who she is but nobody here actually watches and follows vtubers right?
I know at least three anons who have put vtumours on their list.
If my anon asked for anything vtuber related I'd mail them coal. Touhou gets a pass though.
I had, emphasis on HAD, a friend that was so obsessed with Suisei the vtuber he stopped hanging out with us and spent all his money on merch
The only suisei I know is Suiseiseki and she's great desu
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I unironically can't fathom anything more boring than watching somebody else playing a video game I could otherwise be playing myself.
>213 people
at least 1 was grinched
Actually, three anons were grinched last year. But that's of course, a very small percentage.
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Got a mail from the santas from a mystery international whitelist anon. I'll try to reach out here in order for this to possibly be seen faster and to not add to the squad's workload, give me a heads up if you see it and add the first letter of the 3rd line of my wishlist so I know it's you, else I'll just email the santas to make sure it reaches you after the thread dies. My full name is on the top of my address and I don't think you actually need my full first name. I usually enter my own phone # when asked for one, but it's more of a formality as they never use it. Let me know if your post remains rigid on needing full info, so I can make the necessary arrangements.
I'll update in the thread next weekend - the santas have a lot of work. I like the thank you card idea, though, I'll be sure to save their addresses
I don't think I'm in the right part of SEA for pagpag but I'll ask around. If it makes me sick I'll let the company know they can bill /a/non for the hospitalization
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It was me, I was the grinched.
i am incredibly sorry, it seems my entire application got fucked up this year. santas should be getting with you. on the address fix and i just havent had time to be in the threads due to family stuff.
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I'm so sorry anon, I hope you have a better experience this year.
I got the same mail I think, it's probably because I mentioned he's gonna need my phone number if he's using a private courier
So apparently DHL cargo plane crashed somewhere in Europe. Surely none of the yuuros did any last minute shopping and then used DHL?
Huh, really? Do you have a link to the news article?
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I need the coordinates for treasure hunting purposes.
I bet the pilot was Canadian. They just can't stop ruining Christmas for everyone.
let me take a wild guess - it was a Boeing
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I nearly panicked since there were two letters in my mailbox, but it was only customs telling me to pay up, and one non-/ss/ thing I ordered
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It's ALWAYS a Boeing.
Meant for >>273469013

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