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Beyond the pressure is love.
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Happy Green
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>Chii's glassy eyes find Mitsuki's
>"The mermaid got me, Mitsuki..."
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Mitsuki really is Mirai if Mirai actually gave a shit about her childhood friend.
Mirai loves:
Pushing buttons
Heavy Metal
Design Pallete
Her childhood friend (that isn't Nijinosaki)
That’s right Momoyama!
why is mii so GODDAMN in this GODDAMN
She has hips perfect for her favorite hobby.
Tsumugi's face is just the right amount of strange.
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Komachi MyCharas
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This will be himari's last day with tsumugi.
And first with Tsumugi Blanco.
>still golf
is my stream late again...
kosumo ~
sekiyuu ~
The LORE of PriUsa
who are you obake...
dancing with a plushie is fine when you're a child...
hearing voices from the plushie, not so much...
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that witch? chii.
and what did they do to priusa
Himari got into Zucchan's bar.....
by (mii)
i blame fashionable witches
himari starts to hallucinate
losing the balance of her feet
looking at sidles
she's clearly unwell again
might be time to isolate her in a desert island
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chii notices himari is unwell
she should be quarantined
mii is such a cute friend
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Himari's schizophrenia is getting worse.
guys i'm starting to think that tsumugi might not be the frog
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she could be a danger to people around her
what if the plushie starts giving her orders
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is himari's rare and dangerous contagious disease making a comeback?
aipri is such a dark show...
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I'm starting to think people are using private paid streams that are three minutes ahead of all the public ones for the sole purpose of "being first".
Please tell me I'm being paranoid.
I told you that was mitsuki
My stream pauses all the time because my connection sucks
It's the stream ainon gave me a few weeks ago
You're not paranoid. Some of us are.
the lore....
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himari's disease made her hallucinate and develop schizofrenia
as soon as her family noticed they took her away from the desert island
but the effects never truly disappeared...
Himitsu no Aipri Character Ultra Encyclopedia

Mugi-chan's voice has more emotion than Tsumugi's, I think they aren't the same creature.
himari wants to enter royalty
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obake shines as bright as the sun...
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Tsumugi Blanco still talks like a retard.
I'm so happy you guys.
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>exact same frame
you might paint a retard in gold and king's robes, but they'll still be a retard
I am slightly worried about Himari's health
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>a hivemind in 2020 + 4
>tsumugi-chan wa mugi-chan
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how is himari supposed to win now?
tsumugi blanco's is so broken the card just skipped himari
first, start by not being sick
then a slight mental breakdown
and she'll be ready to tackle anything
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next grand prix tsumugi blanco will destroy quartet star by herself
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In the world of AiPri, plushies might suddenly gain conscience and follow you into digital spaces where they'll remind you of the promises you made to them.
This is somewhat scary.
>Let's all become Princesses
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>ending not updated to show her white hair
So will she revert to black hair at some point? Or are they just being lazy?
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I KNEW they'd make Mii wear an Alice costume at some point.
Is next episode a recap/clip show?
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They just used two episodes of budget modeling Tsumugi's new 3D model, please understand.
looks like recap yeah
I wonder what >>265089223 and >>265474318 are feeling right now.
has tsumugi ever mentioned her surname?
i don't remember it happening.
i wonder were she got it from.
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kek, Tomy tweeted out an add for princess mode right after the episode.
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Tsumugi (forma de princesa)
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Probably pretty happy. I just found the card for it, and it looks super cute!
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There's also a Cinderella one which also looks really good.
Sakura knows her final defeat is at hand.
i think the last cour will be focused on tsumugi, so i'm happy.
they didn't address her DDoSing everyone
or that weird triangle attack stuff
or how she keeps redoing the exact same performance
or how the fuck a plush gained consciousness and uploaded itself to the cyberspace
and then there's the true idol princess stuff and the legendary coord
I literally thought "new merchandise just dropped" the second I saw Tsumugi's new merchandise. Not surprised in the slightest.
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>or that weird triangle attack stuff
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>Tsumugi blanco episode
>on Chii's birthday
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I laughed even though I shouldn't have.
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>they could have just slightly switched the ordering of the episodes to make it work
>they didn't
Sakura will unleash her sealed lovely type form and win it 3:0!
>tsumugi blanco performs
>wins automatically before himari's turn and before the judges can even say anything
Tsumugi Blanco is Aipri's Exodia.
>mfw the Punirunes guy who won't stop talking about Punirunes sees this
>that 777 in the picture
Whoa, even this thing in the anime was a reference to AiPri's merchandise?
Is there anything in AiPri that ISN'T a reference to merchandise?!
somehow feels like more of a surprise to me than the oshi no ko collab even though it really shouldnt be surprising
this is a great excuse to watch punirunes
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I thought you were lying but instead of yelling at you I looked it up and it turns out you're not lying and now I'm questioning Takara Tomy's sanity.
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the double suzu.
this is a great excuse to watch oshi no ko
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Aipri bluray box 2 comes with a coord.
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>999 BP
mugi (princess ver) is so cute you guys
Wrong Muse
Only Chii calvo can defeat Tsumugi blanco now.
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Does this mean no one will be stronger than Tsumugi Blanco?
Or will they go above 999 eventually?
Aipri power scaling...
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This can't be real.
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I don't see why anyone would play as anyone else if they want to win. Tsumug is way too overpowered now.
Just like my irl children's card games.
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Mii in Wonderland is just too cute
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im going to mii
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The strongest non-Tsumugi card is all of Quartet Star together and also Peter Pan Airi for some reason.
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A shame most of these Mii outfits will never show up in the anime.
dangerously cute bear
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great. now mugi will have more love.
i only caught aipri so i gotta catch up on the other stuff but it was good i was kinda worried how theyd do mugi blanco buts it turned out fine
i wonder if they'll release tsumugi's himitsu my song now or if it'll take a few more episodes.
really curious to see what she says.
how does it feel being right?
This is incredible.
unironically good prediction ainon
I can’t believe you were right.
Holy shit.
>samefag spam
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This price is ridiculous.
himari needs to chill.
Does it at least tell time? What does it actually do?
I'm pretty sure Tsumugi will be only one doing it, but it certainly would be funny if princess change becomes the new gimmick and Chii is the last one to get it again so she keeps losing to whoever has it.
I want to Mii!
This is impressive.
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No, meta isn't fun and without fun there's no reason to play.
t. PSY-Frame player
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I blame fashionable witches.
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I wonder when aipri is going to bring back summer maid coord.
The summer maid coord sucks.
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tsumugi has shown that aipri is highly exploitable, you just have to ddos your competition
korean usernames are crazy.
Season 2 of aipri hires zu.
aipri devs are incompetent and airi's daddy only cares about the money
They already did.
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>misery is building
tsumugi the yellow. is no more.
now i am. tsumugi the white. himari-chan.
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If aipri can have a crossover with oshi no ko, then it can also have a crossover with polpri.
they are really stepping up the background game
While we're scraping the bottom of the barrel, why not revive Garugaku and have a crossover with that? Or heck, why not have a crossover with Wonderful Precure?

There is no low Takara Tomy won't stoop to, apparently.
I would point out the blatant 666 imagery, but considering we have demon Tamaki, it's safe to say they know.
Early subs hype!
They'll announce that at the upcoming PolPri live.
i hope we aren't getting a kimetsu no yaiba collab next
polprichan is more likely.
They are rubbing their asses on Yuka's face. Literally who can enjoy that?
Given that the AiPri staff clearly has no qualms about delivering a minimally viable product, I’m surprised it took this long for them to realize they can just do cheap crossovers to fleece their cult of unintelligent drones.
Not impossible since miracle rats are in high school now. I think think the polpris are also highschoolers, except Mio.
pole sisters
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give that aipri yatterman crossover.
do little girls actually watch oshi no ko or do they just like the designs and that's it?
>why not revive Garugaku
Their careers died after it came out that they were molested by the black guy of the show.
And nothing of value was lost.
>Time Bokan 24

I miss that show.
Are we talking kindergardeners or elementary schoolers? If the latter, JS1-2, 3-4 or 5-6?
Basically, there's the whole range.
The KuroChii will defeat Tsumugi Blanco with the help of fashionable witches.
I did it last night with my lover!
We could hear, Mitsuki.
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celestial idles
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Normal Big Friend things.
kawaii kirakira lady
Always the best.
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can someone post the 9/11 edit
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why is the big red dork like this
kinda relatable
Of course ainon relates to her, she is a Non! after all.
Which one
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snow white the princess
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overpowered idles
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is she into blondes or blue haired guys?
Which one of you EOP autist spams egg
in aikatsu academy stream
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still looking for indonesian aikatsu cab ainon
i know someone who wants to talk about it and may be able to help
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very cute ghost
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/ai/ will make Tsumugi Blanco become widespread
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forgot to comment im glad this artist finished a drawing for the first time since july they seem to be one of those ultimate perfectionist artists, i love how soft their style is they draw such a cute sion face and their tweets are funny
pota__dress btw
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Tournaments always go awry when a Prism Messenger is involved.
TsumuChii is a fun pair.

Did they just completely forget how the evil yellow triangle fucking swallowed Mitsuki whole?
No one cares about Mitsuki
Rewatch Miichannel
Meganee got some moves.
what the FUCK it's all triangles now................
she literally just said "aipriverse trouble" and nothing else. no explanation whatsoever
They didn't close any open plot points (and opened a few more if anything), so I guess there will be many more Tsumugi episodes in the last cour.
Tsumugi is the main character.
>himitsu no aipri
>secret idol princess
>tsumugi is an idol and a princess
>she also has many secrets
Definitely the main character.
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It's a shame that Patano and Amane's Primagi Musical didn't get a music video unlike Buzz Puzzle Pi-Pi-Piece, Change Up Trigger and Crystal Illusion. The song is good.
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I'm on episode 26 of AiPri and nothing interesting has happened. I don't really care about the AiPri Grand Prix. How are the current episodes?
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Dumb Green forgot her coord.
Boss mode activated
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as expected of a green
complete loser
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Imagine going to Pripara with Pinon on a date. Having fun, singing songs, getting to enjoy each other's company. Then when you leave with her, you get arrested and spend 240 years in the rice gulag.
Which Aikatsu has the squishiest tummy?
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The Tragedy of ainon.
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fatberry quite obviously i think
>with Pinon
Why though?
Well, whatever turns you on, I guess...
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ninpo: ainon attraction jutsu
Ninja Non!
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There's a joke about certain statistic there somewhere.
big red dork
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Ghost Princess
the oshi no ko collab went forward because aipri already has two ghosts, so it wouldn't be a problem to add one more
What about the new Demikatsu idle
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What about idle Taimu?
She spade.
There is wa~y too many blue/purple spades.
I didn't want to do it, but I had to scold the yellow one
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>puripritickets coming in the mail have sion on them also
i will have to execute the disposal of them carefully
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Just 10 more years until we get a pripara remake!
hope not
I played one of those random youtube music playlists for AiPri while I do other stuff, and eventually I just got stuck in happy happy birthday hell.
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zucchan christmas party tickets on sale.
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It will never leave your head now.
Puripritickets is old and busted.
Do you happen to have any desuwakiratickets? There needs to be a Judgement Day for oujo crimes against Tricks.
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when will they exploit the pripara whales for more content like prichan
its morally acceptable to AI a dorth voice at this point
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i do not but you are right tricks deserve better
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It's not very fair to say this, poyo.
Even if she rips off whales, Zu is also the reason we got Dressing Ready Show...
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1 point in zu's favour and i do genuinely like her but the scales are tipping and it's not looking good for zu i honestly think she's not interested in returning to voice work im rooting for her but she fucked around for so long it's ridiculous
I feel like if Zu wasn't interested at all in returning to the voice work, she'd retire or would be forcefully retired instead of going on hiatus.
But yeah, it's been around a year already. I feel like even seiyuu on maternity leave aren't taking breaks that long.
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and shes going to have to take even more break after this because of dental work
you're right about the forcibly retire thing but she's indecisive enough to just say "indefinite hiatus" otherwise
i think my opinion on her is just soured so maybe the better wording in the first post is "did" like her
i dont have much faith in her but there is part of me rooting for her (futile)
>sitting in the discord call where your friends are discussing their meetup in a place you cant get to thinking about how you have no job cant find a job no money overbearing parents who think you are about 20 years younger than you are and years of building anxiety meaning you cant go anywhere and manage to nervously get out "hey.. hey do you want to go to (shitty town) i know we said we werent going to go there again but i want to go to a specific shop haha" and get the return reply of "oh if you get a bus/train/whatever" and the reply fades out because you realise you can only manage to get on the bus for one specific 5 minute route on your own and it feels like you will never break this cycle to do something as basic as meet a friend and then you realise your friend is going to bring someone else so you'll be the third wheel so really what's the point in trying anymore and while you were typing your miserable post on 4chan anime general for baby shows they started discussing the other things you miss out on and you try to desperately crack a joke at a comment when the subject changes and you continue to be filled with the dread that you were invited to a group with preestablished lore and relationships and you will never fit in and your only solace is knowing people will see at bare minimum "there is a huge paragraph with a sion picture attached" and Know even if they dont care or hate you but at least its better than complaining to people you directly know because ainons are ainons it's better than complaining because then you have to deal with knowing you made someone feel bad from venting but you can just close the /ai/ tab at any time and pretend nothing happened
I think it's funny because I can't think of a single situation like this in the industry, where a seiyuu just drops off the face of the earth. Normally the only times a seiyuu ever gets replaced is if they die. I don't think it matters as much for zu since she's not involved in any big roles for long term or ongoing projects except pripara. What I personally want to know is what her relationship with the production company is like. She's still officially a part of 81produce, but I wonder if it's a situation where they've given up on her and are trying to get her to quit, or if she's actually just turning down work voluntarily because she doesn't want to do voice acting.
I feel like a part of that might be your mood affecting your judgement.
Take care of yourself, okay?
it is zu we're talking about i didn't entirely give up on her but if she doesn't come back within a reasonable timeframe after dental treatment (not sure what it would be because the way she worded it in her insta story makes me think there was more going on than the double teeth) while still saying "hiatus" ill just give up for real and accept we live in a world where they rewrote the lyrics to change my world and left saki and yuki to fumble it at a live
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tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu twintails
>Sudden double vision
Head cancer?
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>I think it's funny because I can't think of a single situation like this in the industry, where a seiyuu just drops off the face of the earth.
Uh, the Bocchi from a show with Non as the other lead.
Uhh, the Bocchi from a show with Non, that isn't WUG.
...or so I wanted to say, but Japanese wikipedia says that she voiced a random mobage character this year, so, err, bunny Ran the STAR ANIS quitter?
>Normally the only times a seiyuu ever gets replaced is if they die.
That's not exactly true. There are also remakes, adaptation to a different media, change in production company and other cases where they could change the seiyuu.
Hell, first Rizumu's VA was Kanae Ito.
But yeah, often seiyuu continue reprising their old roles even after retirement. So, Zu doesn't have to be a part of 81pro or even be an active voice actor to continue voicing her past characters.
>What I personally want to know is what her relationship with the production company is like.
From what I know, she had a lot of good will. Now, that might be a thing of the past, but it explains the leeway she got.
One thing you can say about her for certain is that she got a great people skill.
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i know its concerned mirai for the meme but you made me realise i would feel bad if i made ainons feel bad and abandoned them though. sorry about that part
You shouldn't assume that on your own.
Both that it's just a meme or that ainons can't handle what you write.
Just get a shitty part time job somewhere. Food service and grocery stores will literally take anyone.
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concerned mirai is always memes and i just like to be a bit more considerate i think dumping in threads like this and then saying i can just ignore other people is a bit rude even if its 4chan
im trying which is just making me more miserable when i cant get one
>concerned mirai is always memes
I'm glad ainons actually universally approve of my lewd Reona and Non posts.
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living my entire /ai/ life thinking this
I don't Miraipost a lot nowadays (not enough pics on this PC and my old phone died and I haven't transferred the data), but concerned/worried/blank face Mirai isn't always a meme.
Also, you can ignore other people just fine, just like they can ignore you if they don't like your posts. Engaging with a post is a choice, so as long as you won't spam the thread in an obnoxious way it's fine.
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i think the thought process by itself is kind of mean even if it doesn't apply in practice
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>sitting in the discord call where your friends are discussing their meetup in a place you cant get to
>and it feels like you will never break this cycle to do something as basic as meet a friend and then you realise your friend is going to bring someone else so you'll be the third wheel so really what's the point in trying anymore
I can relate. Kind of.
cuuute maid bear i want to hire her to clean my kitchen but she might steal all my honey or any item with repeating digits on the nutritional info
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ive been forgetting to attach the picture a lot recently...
kawaii kuma
one day, the green was checking out her bank account balance, when the bear looked over by accident, and was extremely delighted by the number: 777,777,777 yen.
that was the day they became friends. not because airi is rich, but simply because the bear liked the numbers.
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cute & canon
Is that Boueibu reference?
mii would think this
Miichan wants to take advantage of her mentally ill childhood friend.
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love these two
cute retarded friends
punirunes kino.....
season 2 chii and tsumugi will form a duo, but chii will forbid her from becoming tsumugi blanco, because tsumugi blanco is too overpowered and chii wants to win on her own merit
Chii is such a good girl.
I just now realized that the reason why Tsumugi looks like the girl from the Priusa story is because that girl was her only reference for human appearance besides Himari, so she made her virtual human form based on it.
the lore...
Chii has a (merited) fear of mermaids after dark.
chii still has nightmares of mermaids and fashionable witches
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loathsome creatures...
>fashionable witches
Chii really doesn't have any luck with supernatural encounters.
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anxiety and other feelings like it are miserable i hope you don't relate too much
Don't worry. For better or for worse I feel no anxiety or existential dread.
I'm just ronery and sometimes sad.
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well im glad about the lack of anxiety, for all i complain about being lonely and stuff with friends i do have some pretty good ones both in closeness and quality of friendship but it gets difficult to not feel lonely when people can meet up in person. hard to step back and appreciate what you have. i haven't seen my closest friend since august and probably won't be able to until february and it's probably why im particularly bitter right now
I've always thought that the autistic one was never friend material
why is every time I go to /ai/ there is attention fags using avatars posting all the time now?
There's no need to be rude to Lemon, Miruki.
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I haven't seen my closest friend since 2015
Mmm... Sexy Aoi!
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the halloween ghost is always watching chii
What even ARE those things?
They don't have as much presence as the previous mascots.
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The just dipped her in bleach
Makes you feel pretty
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the double suzukaze to be precise.
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