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The winner and the loser.
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Anna character arc when?
Soon brother. I am still coping that it will be vol 8.
who's the winner here?
Nuk won the male category in the LN awards, Anna lost to Mahiru and got 2nd place in the female category.
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Is the reason for Anna's massive popularity because she DOESN'T immediately jump on the MC's cock? Does /a/ hate waifubait after all?
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This is a Kaju thread
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What do you think of Zombie Gal X Nukumizu?
It's the slowburn and the fact that Anna is a very fun character even with all her flaws.
I'm pretty indifferent to it
I really need to know her body temperature. Cool or hot snuggles?
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>Teases the fuck out of him in vol 1
>Fell for him hard the moment she became conscious of him
Anna does NOT deserve Nuk-kun
I like the Zombie a lot.
But, I wouldn't invest into her ship a whole lot purely because she's a senpai, and is in her graduating year
Anna is a fun character first and waifu/dickbait second. That's the key to success.
>the short chapter where /ourboy/ tries to give Anna her birthday gift
>after she just whimsically ends up at his parent's house one day
>after he cooks lunch for her
>after she ends up hanging out with him all afternoon
God DAMNIT just get married already!
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She probably went there expecting something from Nukumizu.
>successfully baited him into a sushi date
She's dangerous.
>Natural flirt and tease
>Very fun character
>Driving force of the story and pushes MC forward
>Small hints here and there about progress
>Takes over every scene she's in
>Insane chemistry with MC while also having enough romantic tension without overshadowing it.
The ultimate female character.
worst character in the novel
She's amusing and fun even in the novels. in the end we just want to be entertained. It's why some anons like Nino.
>Yanami is actually looking forward to hanging out with me? …What does this mean?
You would think with the number of times they have hung out with just the two of them he'd finally get a clue.
It's the other way, Nuk doesn't deserve her.
IMO they both have to mature a bit before we see them actually become an official item
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It's pretty one sided. He's gotten better in later volumes, but he's leagues more stunted than most of the other characters. The "immaturity" of Anna is always from the exception to the rule of her typical personality and interactions with other people. As in her comedic venting to Kaz when she's upset. It gets lost in the shuffle, but every once in a while there's a reminder that she's a social butterfly that presents herself well to her teachers, friends and peers and does decently academically.
Nuku likes to bully Yanami to make up for eating all his food.
>It's the other way, Nuk doesn't deserve her.

Yeah volume one covered this. You or anyone else don't get to tell Yanami who she can be friends with.
#2 heroine is the best spot. Go Yanami!
But he's already official with Kaju
Well then, the lover that conceives Kaju's future adopted children!
Kaju needs an incubator for Nuk-kuns children, since she doesn't want to give them incest retardation, so Anna will fill that role.
Me? It has to be Asagumo nee chan.
>Kaju was fine when a girl with a bf gets in real close and does Onee-chan roleplay
>Seethes at Riko because she joked about becoming Nuk's imouto
Oneesans aren't in the same market demographic as imouto. Also, Nuku doesn't read oneesan light novels nor hide them in the clubroom.
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Thighs alone aren't what kept Rikka being relevant for so many years. She really played hard to get.
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What is the earliest point in the light novels Nuku could have asked out Anna and received a yes?
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Vol 3.
Volume 5 I think when they were on their date.
She was stuck in a wedding dress at the end of volume 7 and he still didn't get it.

I do think episode 12 was critical, however, before any feelings on Yanami's part could be admitted.
Yanami: "I'll let you kiss me but don't think I won't reject you if you confess"
Ep 12 showed the reason why she was max jealous in vol 4 and why she would not shut up about "sneaking ahead".
Give me Bassori, or give me death!
basura my love
I just wish Nukumizu wasn't such a fucking faggot he's giving me haganai vibes
We don't have an Eh Nandatte moment yet.
true. gigastacy can find a better orbiter
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Other way around. Anna is one of Nukumizu's orbiters.
Can (You) deadlift Anna?
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>Anna's novel is just a diary where she vents about her failed crush and growing feelings for Nukumizu
>Komari's isekai villainess is a clever disguised fanfic between her and Nukumizu
>Lemon's ""poem"" is practically a love letter to Nukumizu
>Nuk's novel is an NTR story
Excuse me?
christmas at the very latest
from then on she would say yes for sure
Why is she like this?
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The NTR heroine...
What is the correct number of losing Heroines anyway?
Nukkun is a hack
Anna, Lemon, Komari, Shikiya, Gon-chan (Kaju's friend), Prez and Riko so far
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But that's too many, so what is the correct number?
Ideally, zero because they all deserve to be happy. But alas, the world is cruel.
Basori lost to Yaoi
Literature club went from an Isekai merchant to NTRfaggot. Sasuga.
Basori soon
Loser in love
Loser in politics
shit i could probably bench her
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The most annoying aspect of Nukkun is the date autism. What do you mean Anna inviting you out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate your bday doesn't count as a date because none of you confirmed it was?
That's what we don't like about you, Nukumizu-kun.
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Lemon should be the Prez.
What's the point of a president who never shows up to the club?
Just like the previous one then.
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What did they mean by this?
He should be embarrassed to be called the lit club prez after reading Riko's kino period novel
Basori volume when?
Vol 8
he's just writing it now?
>author mentioned writing scene for character
>omg must be HER arc !!
It's a joke anon. I do hope it is the stuco arc just so we can get that over with.
for most of these guys, light novels are a side job
The intermission chapters are the best. Like Yanami seething anytime she finds out Warm Water is alone with a girl that isn’t her . Or in volume 5 when she and Komari are talking about how they really don’t give a shit about kaju having a boyfriend or not
The reason is because she's a 3dpd who pins after gigachads and isn't above NTR, but despite of simply seeing MC as a friend, she can't accept the fact he has other options.
Anyways, MC is a total siscon and rather wants to keep his bloodline pure alongside Kaju.
>Nuk's novel is an NTR story
Worse... a siscon NTR
>tricked him into taking her to a trendy date spot out of town and spending all day with her while they doted on each other
Yanami should hurry up and get a boyfriend. Any guy would be lucky to be with her
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>S2 will have Nuk going to 5 dates with 4 different girls (2 with Anna, 1 each with Lemon, Shikiya, Bassori.)
Damn son.
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the enemy of women
>kaju’s short story submission
It’s pretty good for something she came up with on a whim and finished in the span of a few hours.
The Kaju bf scare and copium overdose really did a number on his mental health.
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I hope we get another Bento making arc.
Pic unrelated btw.
H-Hand yourself in to the police.
>Obese gluttonous otter resorts to eating her school bag
What a sad state to be in.
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>The police in question
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i love her bros
He also went on a date with a man.
Yeah, someone else's boyfriend
truly the enemy of women
>but muh bro date
It's a candlelit dinner on Christmas Eve
so romantic, Komari might have to shank him if she ever knew about it
>candlelit dinner on Christmas Eve
what the fuck
why would he do that with a dude
There was also the couple drink too.
>Yanami actually made normal chocolate for Nukumizu outside of the absurdly large round ball truffle
Should have seen it coming with all the red herrings. But it was pretty funny she was mad when he didn’t let her feed it to him and also said it tasted like chocolate
She was happy that Nukumizu asked for more, he even said it was addicting.
With the nature of the series Yanami probably added some secret Yanami sauce from the source to her chocolate
>There was also the couple drink too.

And drinking it was the most romantic thing Nuku has done.
Yanami secretly giving Nuku honmei choco so Nuku can also receive honmei choco from Kaju. She gets him so much.
Do you think Riko's boldness will force the other girls to go on the offensive and finally go after warm water or will the author wait until the third year for real relationship drama and development?
>Do you think Riko's boldness will force the other girls to go on the offensive
no, she'll just tease.
Him rejecting someone (Basori) will give them a reality check, too.
I think Kaju has a serious problem and needs to find a way to eliminate Riko. Even Kaju did not leave lewd photos in Nuku's room.
>I love Yanami
Is going to be so kino
I can't date you Riko because I confessed my friendship to Yanami.
It's funnier because the extra? chapter is the one that showed Karen came in clutch and almost called her a fat retard to her face because she didn't realize how hard Karen was trying to push her.
I always interpreted the chocolate thing to Nukumizu and Anna's relationship not being super exciting but at the same time addicting for Nuk.
He's probably gonna reject her with the 2-3 years thing so that Bassori can still think she's in the race and become a double Makeine.
reading too much into it annaschizo
>Remon invites him on his first honest to goodness date (in terms of what he recognizes as a romantic outing with him and one other girl)
>haha look at all of these little yanami's I'm feeding
>haha that's cute
>haha the God's of food and meals
>yanami would love this '
>ah eto...bleheh should I not talk about yanami right now
Lemonbros... she doesn't even come close to measuring up.
He's in full damage control mode right now
We had this thread yesterday, when anons put the one singular anon who cries about anna being the winner in his place. The same way everyone shits on the 3DPD retard who cries about Warm Water not being manly enough, or about his weird high school NTR fetish. It's just the way of the world.
It's funny how Annaschizo gets so angry about being called out
Interesting. Never crossed my mind before.
Are you gonna keep screeching buzzword everytime Anna is mentioned ?
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>schizo comes to derail the thread
It was nice while it lasted Makebros... Too bad we have to suffer garbage now.
He's seething because we mocked up every time he brought up his high school stories.
I think it's because she's relatably flawed while still being obviously out of your league. Combined that with her attitude, it makes it all the more satisfying to slowly tame her.
Total Komari victory
He never did it with other makeine for some reason. Say anything positive about Anna then he will come malding to the void.
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Komari bro...
Funnily enough there is quite a lot of Komari fanart now. Lemon still gets jack shit tho.
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It's the price they pay for being secondary and tertiary female characters.
The faster the better. 3rd year should be solely focused on 3 main girls duking it out, warring state style.
Stuco charas are tertiary.
Nuk is gonna hit Bassori with that Yanami-san special and give her a reality check.
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she was real all along
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Here are the official power rankings
too fat and retarded to make a move to the point that Karen is about to strangle her out of pure and righteous frustration
tactically nuked herself from orbit with her dumb as toast suggestion to quit their clubs
not even seen as a girl
Nukku is still unsure how to gauge when she's teasing him and when she's seriously flirting with him
completely cockblocked by anna
already won, he just doesn't realize to what extent
teased too much and too hard and fast for him to take her seriously
the 0.01% darkhorse. The prize is hers for the taking! Also into nee san roleplay like holy shit Mitsuki won so hard it's not even funny.
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Lmao. Old and busted.
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lol, lmao even
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Kek. Guess which one is socially acceptable as marriage partner ? Not the blood related one for sure.
This means that Anna already won by the way
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>muh real life
>muh inseki bad
>muh 3DPD standards have merit and consideration in this argument
You fool, imbecile, you absolute, my mother forgive me, dillweed. You're argument is just reinforcement of the superiority of 2D. And the intrinsic inarguable superiority of Kaju.
The official NukuYana art really just turned up the heat lmao. I wonder if that was a sneakpeek on how those two would act once they actually start dating, Anna being super clingy and Nuk acting like all embarrassed.
But isn't prez a troon?
Not even a month and Nukkun is willing to commit a crime for Riko.
Fuck off thread reader.
She'll win Sokke or either becomes a single cat lady who will never get over Sokke, because ber feelings will never change.
How can annaschizos believe she's gonna win the Kazubowl when she hasn't called and will never call him by his 1st name basis.
she's lying here
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The author doesn't care about your schizo rambling.
That's not going to hold up for long after she actively carried out a plan to erase what is heavily interpreted to be pictures of Anna that he bought and had under lock and digital key. Especially with her follow through being
>selfies of us(me)
will be a good enough replacement
>what is heavily interpreted to be pictures of Anna
proof or headcanon
most only assumed it's just another one of his porn stash
did they even take photos together in the LN?
NTA but it might be those confiscated creepshots of Anna from the birdwatch club.
NTA but he took a lot of her picture during their valentine's notdate. Plus Kaju secretly took their photo from distance which got shared through their cloud storage.
Who do you think was one of the 8 people buying photos of her from the bird watching club?
Blonde seething kek
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Fucking kek imagine if he really was one of them.
Nah, he's a good boy. He wouldn't do something like that.
Also the usb was hidden within the themed clock with a blue haired heroine.
All eight were him in a series of outlandish wigs
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C-chotto matte. Lies and slander! Y-Yamero!
Anna has many simps aside from Nukumizu, she's a gigastacy
screencap the lines
In the original Japanese
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>"How do you do fellow birdwatchers, I would like some more Anna pictures if you please"
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>"A-already bought the whole set? I don't know what you're talking about we've never met before!"
Friggin' amazing
This poor, poor bastard.
>Also the usb was hidden within the themed clock with a blue haired heroine.
Not, really, he's been into her since vol 1.
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This is upsetting
>Clock sounds like cock
>Which deep down is what BL is about
>So all of the pictures were actually of Koto
Checkmate atheists
Wow, I hate it.
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>it's better for me to drown, girl
>everyone is underestimating me
>I know at least this much that that I should just let myself be killed in a murder suicide
Koto the only CF that won so far. Thanks to Nuk no less lmao.
Yanami was the first friend Nuku ever had. Other than Kaju, no one else has a prior claim to him. Except the forgotten osananajimi
>Anna being super clingy and Nuk acting like all embarrassed.

Nuku-chan, I know you have an onigiri in your pocket... can I have it?
Nukumizu was all eight people BTW
I feel like I've read this before oh wait, this was like the birthday Yakisoba chapter.
that ponytail, bros...
I actually like the way Amamori developed Koto as a walking disaster of a person. From quickly falling out of their good graces as a senpai and the reveal that she’s incredibly impulsive and barely got into university. To the point of just going to the fallback of her fallback choice for university
Kaju has ever moment of Yanami and Nukimizu documented and backed up on the cloud.
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>Turbo jealous of other women since vol 4
>Still pushes Nukumizu to take charge and make the right moves to solve troublesome situations
>Often involves women
>Seethes when the inevitable happens as he unwittingly makes another girl look his way and added to growing list of enemies
A day in the life of Anna.
>sees Nuku sleeping alone---covers him with her jacket so he won't be cold
>puts on a wedding dress
>needs nuku's help to take if off
>won't admit to wearing a bra.
>always carries butter in her bag so it works out anyway

Well, almost works out since attempt at seduction failed.
>traps herself in the same autistic mentality of “we’re like half dating until we’re ready to make it official”
>same way she did with Sosuke
Meanwhile he’s the flavor of autism where he doesn’t question or challenge any of their motivations because obviously they should or would be upfront and tell him their intention if it was something he needed to be aware of
I really hope that she becomes more upfront in the next volumes
She’s the only girl that he’s developed such a complex over that thought of her ever being truly mad at him again sends him into depression. She won, she just doesn’t know it yet.
To Anna's credit, the reason the dress did not fit was because her tits were too big.
>Suffering from success.jpg
Karen is big
Anna is fat
There's a difference
>Komari used his parent’s bath out of necessity
>Remon helped herself to using the same bath after showing up at his house sweaty and gross
She’s falling behind.
Yeah, but I want her to actively win the competition instead of acting like "we're half dating".
Anna did slim down enough to almost match Riko but the tits were just too big.
she's getting too complacent like the first time
this is why she's a loser
nothing will change unless something pushes her
like someone confessing to him
Still better than Anna though
>keeps teasing Kaz about how they'll have chances to flirt later
>actually starts flirting with him
>it's a reward for all of your hard work
>Nukumizu/Lemon/Asagumo unanimously agree that Mitsuki never needs to find out about it
She's dangerous.
My thoughts exactly. My Lord Karen should slap some sense into her.
The whole intermission valentine's chapter was all about how Karen is at her wit's end with Anna and is holding herself back from telling her off.
She should lmao
only Basori confession will break her at this point
Riko, the absolute gremlin that she is, is still weak against the otter
There's gonna be a chapter where Karen knocks some sense into Anna while Sosuke does the same with Nukumizu.
as long as the writers give Karen more screentime
for Anna's so called "best friend", she still lacks it 7 volumes later
Takagi and Mari have contributed more in major arcs already
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Do not invoke the Goddesses name in vain
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you'll only regain my respect if you blindside Anna and do what you did to Koto
but for now
Komari would ride be a fellow cub rider
Komari is a terrible writer
God, the would be my oyster if
only I had a cub.
the lit club is just coasting on Lemon's literature to exist
Yeah, men deep down like the challenge.
She's not. She literally rejects him in ep4.
Let's see your writing anon
>Real schizo hours
She’s cute because we’re seeing the dork side of her that she doesn’t present to just everyone.
villainess isekai but the main couple is a spoiled girl and a turbo dyke
Post the link
You’re right, she flat out politely ignores him when he pulls the cliche double entendre confession
>"What are you saying Remon!? You want me to cum inside you all day!? You want us to drop our clubs to spend the rest of our school lives together copulating until you become a teen mom!? WHAT IN THE HOLY WARM WATER!? You just rejected a handsome senpai and dropped from this year's Sport festival just so I can tie you up head down in a bathroom to fuck you and make sure not a single drop of my cum gets anywhere other than your womb? You are willing to throw your future away if that means spending time with me because I make you feel special? And that means I can own you like a sextoy and do whatever I want with you!?"
>"W-what can I say other than Yab- oh, wait, Yanami San is calling me, she wants to go eat Soba together (as friends of course) sorry Yakishio."
>only Basori confession will break her at this point

That scarf was a low blow.
based water boy
If you’re going to shitpost at least put effort into it.
She countered it immediately. In the end he hasn’t worn it ever since she told him to stop
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Cheating not allowed
He wears it in bed whilst masturbating
True, he does get off to Anna being forceful with him. He probably thinks about her pulling on it and getting up close to him all the time
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>Yanami San is calling me, she wants to go eat Soba together (as friends of course) sorry Yakishio."
>Anons in this thread think Nuku acting as Anna's tard wrangler means her loves her, so that they can feel like their tard wrangler loves them
Uh oh the schizo is having a melty after his nap
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Cry some more Annaschizo
Anon is going to be so mad when we inevitably get the chapter that has the hook of
>that’s what I love about you Yanami
It’s just a wildly fringe stance to die alone on. When it’s been pretty clear he fell for her in vol 1
The continuing adventures of cope and seethe
Love at first sight doesn't exist
You need to be friends with someone for at least 5 years before you can consider going out with them
Sidegirlfags ignoring both the metanarrative and the actual narrative to pretend that they have a shot...
>It's an Annaschizo continues to self insert as Anna cope
Oh what joy
I need a second season of this. Now.
For how many years have been water and otter friends?
>>always carries butter in her bag so it works out anyway
Wait, what's the story behind butter?
1 year more or less
4 more years to go!
For Anna? She was going to eat it later? In the context of the stuck zipper? That’s actually a thing women do, with chapstick or Vaseline in case the zipper actually gets stuck
Im legitimately curious as to who the unhinged schizo actually has a chance of winning?
>who the unhinged schizo actually has a chance of winning?
That's easy Anna
Unpopular opinion:

Lemon > Anna
Canonically, Nuku doesn't want to know.
Lemon is a good girl. Anna is gonna win 2nd place though after Kaju
Third place after Kaju and Gon-chan
How would you respond to her?
At least we can all agree that Komari doesn't stand a chance
I like Lemon but she barely shows up at all if she isn't the main focus of the volume.
She really needs to spend a bit more time with the club.
"If this is what you call putting effort, I wonder how you look when you don't".
With is sad, but true.
You gay and that's the consensus opinion.
Lemon is too selfish in general. It was a background plot point that she can’t keep up academically to the point where it’s alluded that the school is pulling out all of the stops to help her pass, and then let her advance the next year even after failing again. And her response is
>nah, I quit
>Still buckbroken by bantz
Komaribros how do we keep winning like this?
>Be Karen
>Why is Yanami eating inari sushi while walking?
>You could be spending quality night time with your boyfriend but have to help make Yanami make chocolate after she ate the chocolate she bought
>Meet up with Nuku--find out Yanami didn't give him the chocolate
>Nuku says he won't let anyone else eat Yanami's club chocolate
>Nuku implies he needs to take responsibility for something he's been doing with Yanami for a while
Anna always wins second place.
Second place is first loser, so she can't get that QED
Komari is for anal
Lemon gives sweaty footjobs
Anna is for sloppy blowjob
Komari is for marriage and tender loving sex
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Anna is very happy to win 2nd place.
It’s natural for a wife to be proud of her husband
His wife is Kaju tho
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"I don't like gold, you should have painted them black"
>My feet ache
>I bet they don't know about the chlorine levels in the water
>I wonder what Kaju is up to
>black toenails
Neck yourself
Why does manga look so shit?
I know black toenails are for sluts but I just love them too much, bro...
Please wear socks.
why does anyone care about the manga at this point? didn't the anime already overtaken it?
Has there ever been a light novel manga adaptation that actually finished? They always get canceled...
Yep, currently is in mid-volume 2
they should end it in volume 3 then
there's no point for the manga to exist if the anime advertises the LN better
They shouldn’t even bother. It’s obviously the artist that’s the weak link. Just shitcan it
Why is Anna jumping at the begining of anime op?
Someone probably hung a candy bar from the ceiling.
She needs the exercise
One of Sousuke and Karen's used condoms was up there
What's with the jew hands.
I can OHP her
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it's a shame this is AIslop or I would be fapping to it right now
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She can't keep getting away with it.
Anna is the kind the girl what would clog your toilet and blame you.
I love chokers
Anna is the type of girl to get mad at you for respecting her boundaries
Anna is just retarded.
No, you're thinking of Lemon. Who really has no business being in the same school as them.
Remon is smart
Komari shouldn't be at school at all
>Anna is the type of girl to get mad at you for respecting her boundaries

That is why I don't like this part of you, Nukimizu-kun
IIRC she was failing out of school and they only let her stay in because of her athletic ability.
I hate how it fits.
Run, run, run.
I'm going insane
Absolutely disgusting.
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What Yanami is dreaming about in volume 7
This is all women
is warm water inside of that baguette?
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I reallj like the scene where she eats a candybar with a mask on
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I fugged up. Everything is ruined.
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Me too anon.
3dpd = good?
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Just waiting on that announcement.
for sone reason, i want to make an observation diary of her
Anyone know if the BDs had extra stories with them like most anime light novel BDs? And if so, if anyone is working on translating them?
You know it still surprises me this got such a good adaptation and people liked it enough for a thread that actually lasts on /a/. Would have never expected it to be honest.
None. They have seiyuu commentary for each episode tho. Including Lemon's VA gushing on how cute Nukkun is in BD vol 2.
Based Asagumo enjoyer. Besides Asagumo I'm also partial to Kaju.
>opossums posting in this thread
Guys I really like Asagumo. I normally don't say this, but if her BF isn't consistently railing her, then I'd be willing to NTR him.
she's not real, bro
NTA, That's what makes her superior. How new?
then he can't really NTR her from her bf
Fuck the police!
Not if I one day learn to how to draw.
What was deleted?
good luck with that, bro
So, can we agree that Chihaya > Lemon?
That's a different Anna, anon.
>Lewd photos
Elaborate. I haven't read it, but is this from when they wiped his drive?
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Of course, it's not even a question.
Nothing! Nothing you need to worry about!
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Could be better, all the girls should be crying and Aqua should have this pic >>273445009
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It's hardly groundbreaking, but the characters and overall story is entertaining. The fact that it intentionally is trying to emulate the well received series from the mid to late aughts and early tens doesn't hurt it either.
Nino turned to waifubait later on, though
Are LNs allowed on /a/? Were people allowed to talk about Makeine before it got a proper anime adaptation?

I post on /lit/ a lot and don't think I've ever noticed a light novel thread
>Meanwhile the photo Anna saved was just a selfie with a billion Instagram filters
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>Are LNs allowed on /a/
Is this a rhetorical question
yes though usually only ones that've gotten an adaption before at some point have enough population to have regular threads

my man /lit/ is like 40% christposting
Light novels are more of a jp thing.
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I don't like this image, it implies that someone caught Chihaya.
Kaju did outwit her though in volume 5.
I don't think too many people read light novels before the anime. For example, if the Chiramune anime is good, the officially translated back volumes of will probably go out of stock similar to how Gimai Seikatsu's and Alya's did.

English Makeine got lucky in that it got published around the same time as the anime coming out.
Kaju and Chihaya are teaming up in the epilogue of vol 7. Two rivals teaming up to take down the ultimate evil
The day that Ayano walks into Remon naked is the day he dumps Chihaya
The day he dumps Chihaya is the day that Chihaya fucks Nukumizu
The day she fucks Nukumizu is the day that Anna loses

She does seem to keep setting Nukumizu flags. I feel bad for Ayano.
I got the impression that she would have made a more clear concerted effort than any of the girls if her relationship with Mitsuki had fallen through. She seemed to have really enjoyed their sibling flirting and role play
She's the NTR heroine for a reason.
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I hope we get more Ponytail Anna. Kyon was right.
Ayano deserves nothing
Ok, so Lemon is dumb. but shes hottest and most run, so who cares.
t. Lemon herself
I'm still obsessed with her
The Drink and The Cup
Inferior to Zombie Gal x Me
Why is Chihaya such a slut?
It's Ayano's fault for studying all day instead of giving her the dick she needs.
Ayano just wants to get a better test score than she does.... ok look this relationship isn't going to work out long term but I would hate for Nuku to betray his friend and cheat.
Aside from the blue girl, which girl is the closest to the bowl?
Kaju wins by default if Nuku picks no one.
But Kraju id his sister??
Hi fellow ponytailchads
Yes, and? I fail to see a problem here, anon.
>"get out of here stalker"
Kaju doesn't have a problem with this. Nuku hides his little sister novels in the club rooom but Kaju is aware of this. Kaju also doesn't have a problem if Nuku marries anyone who isn't Shiratama. Kaju can raise their kid and that's just like being married to Nuku anyway.
Better title: The only interesting and fun character in this show, and her future husband.

Seriously, the gimmick of this series really ruins what could have been a great story.
Good morning.
Komari still a best.
That is all.
I pray that she gets a good resolution after she gets rejected
Bilet to the head would fix her problems forever.
>Komari hater is an ESL
Lemon is the dumbest but Anna is probably canonically second dumbest and not in a charming way
That came out of nowhere, I'm not even a gremlinfucker

Have you ever posted here before?
Yeah, I will take Lemon anyfay, for wsimply being fun and not a tease.

Is Remon how it's actually spelled originally? Do Japanese people really?
niponese does not have a LaLeLiLolu syllable equivalent in their language
And then there are fuckin weebs, who wish they were Japanese, so they copy it thinking it makes them cool.
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レモン is for the fruit but Lemon's name is using kanji which also means Remon (Lemon in English)
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Fall in love with your best friend (slowly).
Starter reading LN, and Nukun comes od as more jerkish.
Yeah his internal dialogue has more scathing comments here and there.
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Maybe she let herself get caught.
Flirting with Nukumizu probably comes natural to her since Nuka and Ayano are similar. Smart nerds who like reading.
This girl will do compensated dating one day
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Now available in high definition
Yeah a lot of MCs come across that way in LN versus anime. Nuku can definitely be a little dick (like when he knows Basori wants his line but won't give it to her).
Thank you anon.

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