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Why do so many people think Azusa is hot? She's a sadistic, sociopathic tomboy.
>Wears always pink clothes with ribbons
>Every time she appears she is wearing very girly clothes
Azusa is just a self-centered, spoiled girl.
Not tomboy.
>steps all over the womanizing man
>said man who will stick his lips on anything with tits and a pulse acts like she is poison to him
>all her preciouses have French girl names
Most feminine girl in the cast.
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nah, she's just cute
I've never heard anyone say they find her hot.
Since they're censoring even the vaguest allusions to homosexuality (STILL MAD), reminder that you need to read the manga for this cute gag where Ranma's two best mob friends start to give him the supportive "coming out of the closet" talk because Shampoo's spell is making him act like a desperate cockslut.
Submissives into pet play
>the curve of Mikado's mouth line
That really was an open-mouthed kiss, huh.
I'll enjoy Azusa while it lasts. Having Aoi Yuki and Megumi Hayashibara in one episode isn't something to take for granted
Oyasuminasai Catherine! Antoinette, Oyasuminasai! Oyasuminasai Dietrich! Oyasuminasai Michelle! Oyasuminasai Felicia! Oyasuminasai George! Oyasuminasai Rosalie! Oyasuminasai Ariel! Oyasuminasai Angeline! Oyasuminasai Marianne! Oyasuminasai Jeanne! Oyasuminasai Delphine!

Ohayou Delphine! Ohayou Jeanne! Ohayou Marianne! Ohayou Angeline! Ohayou Ariel! Ohayou Rosalie! Ohayou Georges! Ohayou Felicia! Ohayou Michelle! Ohayou Dietrich! Ohayou Antoinette! Ohayou Robespierre!

Oyasuminasai Francoise!
Oyasuminasai Catherine! Antoinette! Oyasuminasai Dietrich! Oyasuminasai Michelle! Oyasuminasai Felicia! Oyasuminasai George! Oyasuminasai Rosalie! Oyasuminasai Ariel! Oyasuminasai Angeline! Oyasuminasai Marianne! Oyasuminasai Jeanne! Oyasuminasai Delphine! Oyasuminasai Juliette! Osayuminasai Oscar!
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You won't ever see her agai after that arc tho, the old anime gave her an anime original episode like 60 episodes after she showed up and 3 cameos (one in a recap episode, other in the movies and other in the OVAs), but she never showed up again in the manga just like most of the one off arc characters
>Since they're censoring even the vaguest allusions to homosexuality (STILL MAD),
Almost all of those lines were in you stupid fag. Only one of Nabiki's lines and a minor one at that too(that one about the kiss not counting).

Dumb cunt.
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Megumi was a big deal in the late 80s and 90s, but nowadays she barely shows up in anything, I doubt many nu anime fans care for her and those are the ones who mostly watch all these censored remakes
Who do they voice? Is Aoi Azusa?

Are two ice skaters being from Kolkhoz High School a reference to something? Their names are japanese, so probably not to soviet ice skaters.
Naoko Matsui was the original Azusa (and Yotaro (the kid obsessed with pandas)) VA in the old anime, a shame she got recasted
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Too bad the remake is heavily censored
>Akane has a flashback to Ranma at the skating rink telling Mikado that Akane is his fiancée. This has long confused fans due to the fact that this episode has not yet taken place. How can Akane remember something that has not happened yet? In the manga the Golden Pair chapters take place before Shampoo arrives (as indicated by the presence of this flashback). When the anime was made it originally followed this order as well, having Shampoo debut after the Golden Pair. However the Golden Pair episodes were delayed due to cultural sensitivities at the time. Serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki was on a rampage between August of 1988 until he was caught in July of 1989 (just a month before this episode aired). The Japanese media portrayed Miyazaki as an anime obsessive and a witch-hunt against anime and manga was in full effect at the time, the implication being that the content Miyazaki consumed shaped him into a serial killer. Because Miyazaki had kidnapped and raped children, any anime that hinted at abductions might be on thin ice. Consequently, Nettohen episode 7 "The Abduction of P-Chan" (which was planned to air before this episode) was a title that was imagined to be too provocative at the time. As a result the episodes were removed and shuffled later in the sequel series after things had calmed down in the media.
So political correctness already existed in 1989...
I don't care. I'm just glad she reprised a protagonist role in 2024. This won't happen ever again. Happy for her and Kappei Yamaguchi.
Why did she retire from anime after Slayers Try? She was only in her early 30s
No idea why they recasted Naoko Matsui, she ain't dead or anything
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Aoi yuki voices Azusa and Hayashibara voices female Ranma, zoomer.
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The bath house episode is going to look real silly in the remake assuming they just don't skip it entirely due to all the nudity it has
Why did Ranma take the time to transform before challenging Mikado?

a) Mikado was impressive in 100 Foes, wasn't sure if could mog him in girl form
b) needed time for the stream of tears of a defiled virgin to run its course ;_;
c) accurately deduced that Mikado's battle strategy against female opponents is kissing them, would prefer to throw punches in peace without getting molested fucking yet again
d) other ___
I like the dub better.
Why? Nobody likes the dub just like that since it's commonly known that sub is better than dub.
Voices fit better.
She got burnt out and makes money form vidya.
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If they skip it then it won't be so "faithful to the original manga"
I can kind of get censoring the funny commie outfit, but why remove CHINA from Ranma's clothes?
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In the manga Ranma usually turns into a male before any of the fights, Rumiko went out of their way to make female Ranma seem useless in the manga, the old anime version changed it so female Ranma won just as many fights as male Ranma, she even beat Cologne (Shampoo's grandma) and Pantyhose Taro using his female form in the old anime
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>it's just ran again
good character. 10/10
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Ran got plenty of focus in the manga and even moreso in the 80s anime, Asuza in the other hand just fucked off permanently after her arc
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Female Ranma sexo
You can't title this thread "Ranma 1/2" when it's about a different series entirely, unfit to use the name.
the state of animeonlies
So ppl really think Azusa is hot? I just find it amusing that a dainty little thing is such a menace.
True Ranma fans read the manga, watch the original anime and avoid remakeslop. That's why the remakeslop is a remakeflop.
Fuck off and die mad about it.
Well said. Stay here and remain happy and comfy :)
quads wasted on bot
You're the NPC regurgitating whatever opinions 4channel programmed you with.
The only intelligent person in this conversation. The Ranma remake is great aside from the absence of nipple dots. Decisive proof that nostalgianiggers will never be happy. Old will always be good and soulful, the present will always be bad.
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Loved Rankane moments this episode.
>Fuck off and die mad about it.
is the newfag programming
I'm not going to hate everything about the remake no matter how much you falseflaggers try
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Please just tell me what chapter/volume this crop is from
Based Rankane chad.
Based and checked.
124 in manga
Soap arc
Your post is obviously written to make people hate whatever you claim to like.
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I want to eat Nabiki's poop
Since you say so: Fuck off and die mad about it.
You're welcome.
Sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about. I watched the original anime 20 years ago and loved it. I also like the remake and am genuinely defending it.
>True Ranma fans
>watch the original anime

No true Ranma fan would tolerate so much filler and altered content. Fuck your flamingos.
Censored demake
thanks, ranko a cute
You're gross.
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So why did Ranma run away crying like a little girl as if he lost his virginity to the fag, jumps into the bath just to come back raging and pumped with testosterone and adrenaline? He actually feels girls emotions as a girl or what? Seems to me like two different characters.
Then please just say so and don't support shitposters who post like bots on socmed.
go back
Ranma 1/2 characters cry very easily for comedic effect. Why are you surprised? Have you not read the manga or watched the OG show?
The eternal "biology or socialization" debate about Ranma's different behavior in male and female forms
>inherent in the body itself
>feeling freer to express girlish emotions in female form
>trying to act like a proper girl because her ego won't let her be bad at anything

Yeah, I'm honestly curious too.
In the manga he stops crying once he's back into male form.
Because he cared about his first kiss being special
In the manga he keeps thinking about this
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what the hell are you talking about? did you even see the episode?
Ok but once he's male he stopped crying and was raging. If he was still crying in his male form I would have kept quiet.
Yes. Did you?
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>girls emotions
That happens in the anime too.
That's not the point.
>3dpd meme image on /a/
newfag stop
it is
What did you mean by this
Are you the fag who wrote this >>273444039 ?
If not then fuck off.
Was Akane's anti-homo attitude retained?
D) Combination of Ranma being too mad to think straight and wanting to wreck Mikado as hard as possible

>kicks Ryoga's ass as girl
>jobs to Mousse as girl
Yes. The retard didn't watch the episode.
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Why did they get an amateur to voice her? Should have gotten Aoi Yuuki, you know, someone with talent.
She was a lot crazier in the old anime
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I like the new adaptation, but I feel like the slapstick is better handled in the OG, but we'll see how it progresses over time, because when the original anime goes to 'Nettohen' the quality of the animation starts to go down the drain as the seasons go by,
>>all her preciouses have French girl names
They're actually references to the Rose of Versailles, a 60s or 70s manga about a French noblewoman whose dad brought her up as a boy so she could inherit his position as... was it General of France? I dunno.
I can hear this webm, why the remake can't do anything right...
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HAPPOSAI!? Is that a casket of water from the CURSED SPRINGS OF JUSENKYO? Anyone touched by it will become a HORNY SLUT? And you are pouring it on the beautiful Shampoo, sweet Akane and dear Nodoka while we can do nothing but HELPLESSLY WATCH as women of our lives DEGRADE to husks of themselves willing to FUCK ANYTHING!?! PLAYBOY PANTYHOSES!! There's more? You've tricked Pantyhose-Taro here to FUCK them and pump them full of his thick MONGREL CUM? And he's going to continue BREEDING them until they give birth to CURSED MONSTROSITIES while forcing us to watch this DEFILEMENT? YABBA-DABBA DOO, WE ARE SUCH A HAPPY KEKS!
The slapstick in certain scenes but the timing in newer anime is better in a lot of moments.
What's she doing from 26 to 30
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Fortunately trannies aren't seen as human in the world of Ranma½
Sure, because you sound so much more credible compared to those anons in that other thread who weren't seething.

Don't worry, I'll watch the episode once I get over it, but until then I'm not getting lulled into false hope, since at least one of you is lying.
oh oh, we need to talk about the problematic chapters
Krillin posting is a well of poison that keeps on giving.
Oh nice, I need to watch Rose of Versailles. But spoil me, who is Charlotte in RoV?
Kill yourself
Thankfully we aren't talking about crossdressing.
Proud map
Kys anti filth
Not every cross-dresser is a tranny but every tranny is a cross-dresser
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because he is a girl in that moment
Ranma is weaker in female form
her limbs are also smol
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you can tell ranma has been doggystyled
>pro censorship schizo gets enraged and starts fetish posting to derail discussion
It's just sad at this point. No, cartoon nipples =/= porn, man. You need to let it go.
Yes you ARE posting your fetish screen shots.
>Is in two threads trying to save face
Holy shit. Seek help.
Man, read your own posts before you send them. You've gone insane! You're so angry/upset you've started to think everyone disagreeing with you across multiple threads are the same person... do you know how crazy that sounds?! Relax and take a deep breath. Spamming your fetish scenarios to fight imaginary posters is not healthy or productive.
yeah desu nta but you gotta cool your shit dude. i know weebs arent known for being mentally healthy but i think you need a break. it's just anime.
>randomly uses exclimation points
>talks down to people like he's 'winning'
>uses 'fake fan' and 'real fan'
>'You need to calm down!! :)'
Yeah you're the fag who spammed a storytime thread and samefagged. Move along people. When they feel called out they coinslot the thread.
"nta" but in the very unlikely event you aren't shitposting, lurk 1000 years more and learn what board culture is.
>a minute apart from >>273448396
>nonsense post that says nothing
>schizo post
hey you're being called out in the other thread, schizo, can you go write another paragraph of derailment?
>felt called out
>schizo defensive babble
D'aaaaaw, it's mad.
>felt called out again
>MORE defensive schizo babble
You're gonna crack a tooth with how much you're clenching your jaw, anon.
Don't worry, it's pretty clear what he is by now.
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She does pet/doll play with her victims, and im into that!
coping and seething like the fat boomer retard you are! go buy some more ranma figgies to hug and kiss at night! LMAO
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>coping and seething like the fat boomer retard you are! go buy some more ranma figgies to hug and kiss at night! LMAO
Is it true he's an old man? And he still posts on /a/?
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Yay! The samefagging is starting!
yes, they say he's like 50 and a furry too... and thats the kind of person who shills the remake... yeah that's a no, not gonna watch, no matter how much he seethes!
Can they at least make Akane's hair a bit longer...?
I think the new adaptation is great, I liked old Ranma and now I get to have 2 cakes!
If they pulled a Spice and Wolf the threads wouldn't be about a missing nipple every 3 episode.
Based Azusa
She's sort of crying/whining but the animation makes it looks a bit weird since there aren't really tears
Sure sounds like projection in here. You jerk it to Cat Shampoo, don't you?
but i never watch....the original
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>cock goes here
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Ukyo /ss/
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I dunno, seems more like Kodachi /ss/ to me.
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good episode

Ranma a slut
Maps always fold no matter what, anon.
Wait, are you fuckers watching it as it comes out not waiting for the bluray for superior sound, video, corrected animated scenes and possibly less censored? Wtf dudes? I thought you all were anime fans.
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the Netflix version is the definite version

I don't need physical media as i plan to be subscribed to Netflix until the day i die
Faggot troll detected

>downloads the remake
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There's no way Ranma doesn't enjoy being a girl. Impossible.
>not waiting for a proper BD torrent release.
>subscribing to jewflix
>paying for media

I laugh heartily at retard zoomers/millennials.
I would rape her in a second
>Wtf dudes?
Go back.

No u zoomer ;p
she would crush your penis with her bare hands if she thought it was cute
He anon. Don't be retarded.
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damn she's fat as fuck in the older adaptation
Does Azusa kiss Ranma like in the manga?
She makes an *attempt* to kiss Ranma in the 89 anime, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't even do that in the manga. Seriously, the 89 manga added a lot of little details, like Azusa having a butler, Azusa having a cute little mallet with a ribbon on it, and Mikado having a life goal of kissing 1000 girls.
>Seriously, the 89 anime added a lot of little details
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No, it was censored. (Though to be pedantic, she was commenting on the assumption Ranma was anti-homo, not being anti-homo herself.)
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why is ranma such a damsel in distress sometimes.
he's a real woman
Are you guys sexualizing a 16yo?
>English dub has Ranma say it wasn't his first kiss
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No problem, good thing this misunderstanding has been cleared out.
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Shampoo's fifteen!
lol based
PTHC is best hardcore
I could put that childs tongue to use.
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The lack of nipples in the remake shows how prude and sexless we've gotten this century (when it comes to heterosexuality anyways)
It looks like you're gay
Cute curled toes
I wanted her to hit me
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this is how Azusa looks like in remake? large downgrade

No, I DONT want to fuck kids.
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And that's a good thing
Imagine what she must have looked like at nine!
Imagine what you must look like with daddy's cock up your ass.
Debatable. The new design is a hell of a lot more leggier. And she looks taller
I didn't know you were a homosexual anon.
Why are you over analyzing?

Ranma is ultra macho. If he wants to express emotion or do something that seems feminine, like eat sweets, he transforms into a girl and acts like the most stereotypical woman around (overemotional, uses her looks to her advantage). But he's still a male, so of course he's going to get mad if someone pulls a "you dropped your soap" on him
>discussing child sex
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ryoga is such a good bud
Pedophiles are inherently homosexual Tbh.
This was made in the 80s, so Soviet ice skating would fit.
>that sneaky ryoga hand on ranma's leg.

You got that backwards.

You can be a straight map though.
>do something that seems feminine, like eat sweets
that was animeonly, wasn't it?
What's with the spike in trolling today? Did Ranma getting lipped threaten their masculinity? Is it just our turn on some discord's target list? The OP isn't even bait.
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That's just further proof that the remake has been successful.
>paying Shillflix
I think we are getting to the point of true trans/map acceptance.
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Alright, watched for myself. So in regard to the being kissed by a man deal, Akane's line >>273413850 got changed >>273451218, Nabiki's line >>273424625 got cut, Ryoga's and Kasumi's lines were kept.

In other words, none of you were right. Can't trust any of you shitters.

Also, I really don't understand the thought process here. Out of all those lines Ryoga's is both the most homophobic on the part of the character and the most explicit reference to homosexuality, but Nabiki's line is the one that gets censored.
This is the price that must be paid for a Ranma thread every day, I suppose
My wife
Husband, more like.
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Ranma loves Akane.
I'm a fujo, idiot.
The other anon talking about a nine year old girl. KYS.
I didn't watch the episode, I just posted pages for comparison. Been so busy lately. So yeah, minor sensitivity changes. As expected given the ones we saw in UY and here.
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Next week, Akane...
She's been bad lately for some reason. Best roles have been Hibiki and Iris.
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No. Akane loves Ranma.
I'm gonna be honest: in the battle between orignalfags and seasonalfags, I'm going to put my money on the orignalfags
Seasonalfags get the rope
Mangafags get flayed alive
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Ranma unable to cope with his lady bits tingling? Delightful.
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No. They love each other.
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I'm finding seasons 6 more enjoyable than the rest, season 3-4-5 have been a blur in my mind.
>He actually feels girls emotions as a girl or what

I kind of think he does to some extent just because the female form's not an illusion/disguise/etc. (that is, it's not something you could call "fake"), but actually a legitimate biologically female body, and so with a female brain and hormones too. He probably doesn't have exactly the same mind and emotions he does as a guy, but like his own past experiences/self-concept are placed inside the female body's brain so that you can assume emotions/experiences might be felt a bit differently for each form.

>Seems to me like two different characters

Wouldn't go this far but there's def some sense of separation intended by Rumiko, since apparently the anime crew originally wanted Ranma played by a woman who could do both the guy and the girl voices, I guess to make the continuity between Ranma's forms even more pronounced. Rumiko insisted he have separate male and female VAs instead
Also wanted to say but forgot:

That's also probably why people feel pretty comfortable pairing the female Ranma with Ryoga or whoever and don't necessarily see this as "gay," because while Ranma is obviously originally male, he's also a legitimate girl when transformed.
God, it's so fucking HOT that Ranma's first kiss was with a boy...
Any of you waifu analysts still around and willing to analyze this poor confused anon's possibly Freudian complex about a Ranma ½ character? I'm drunk on sleep loss, feel like confessing, was held back by not wanting to blogshit but considering the state of the thread earlier there is no way I am the shittiest poster here.
what a cute frog
Post it
>Rumiko insisted he have separate male and female VAs instead

You have a source on that? I feel I read the opposite.
I want to eat Kasumi's stew.
I think I read it in an interview or article somewhere, but I can't guarantee it wasn't just wrong or that I didn't mix the details around myself. Trying to find a source now.
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I had my suspicions that Netflix was going to force their schedule into play in this series due to what it is and the attention it's getting, and I feel that this is confirmed now. The kiss, and Ranma's reaction to it are foreboding what's to come.
Thank you. I do remember something about her voice of VA, but maybe that was for Inuyasha or something.
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It is odd how you wrote Akane, op.

You think they'll skip the Fishing Road of Love?
Okay I found where I might've read it. The Wikipedia page for Ranma the character says

>Takahashi sat in on the voice actor auditions for the anime adaptation and, when both male and female Ranma were going to be voiced by the same actor, she insisted that they be voiced by different actors whose gender corresponded to that of the part.

There's a footnote following that linking to a Japanese article as the original source of that statement (https://natalie.mu/comic/pp/rumic35/page/2#contents2)-- didn't check it out yet but hopefully it's legit. Also I looked on Furinkan because I thought maybe I read it there, and while that wasn't mentioned explicitly one article did imply they anime crew were considering a few different things, like they were deciding between using 2 actors, a man doing a high voice for the girl form, or a woman doing a deep voice for the boy form. The two VAs of Ranma both mention that in their auditions they were told to also try to deliver their lines in as high/low of a voice as they could to see if it'd work for the opposite gender too
Uh in case you're referring to me, I don't think it's that deep bro, I've just been exposed to too much NTR shit
Of course I don't actually believe any character here is a whore canonically, that kinda character is just common in porn
Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing to eat that stuff as a guy?
>I can kind of get censoring the funny commie outfit

Care to inform those of us who don't?
The article cited the wrong page but the statement about the Ranma VAs is here https://natalie.mu/comic/pp/rumic35/page/5
when will happosai ENTER?
You have to go back.
Ah, thank you for finding that. Now we know for sure.
That's less /ss/ and more reverse arep.
Never. That character has been cancelled and will be removed from the series.
The remake is saved!!!!
You still here, anon? Sorry about the delay, I hesitated over this.
You misunderstand, I want to get my own 2deep degeneracy off my chest.
Yeah, I'm here. Interested in what you want to say
Please do reply with something (even to make fun of me, I'd actually enjoy that) even if you can't help me out, or I will feel like even more of a dumbass.

My deep dark secret is that there is a certain Ranma ½ character I find very attractive. This is a deep dark secret because it makes me feel ashamed. So ashamed that even though I am a Ranma ½ oldfag, it took years and years and years for me to even to realize it because I was repressing the very idea so hard.

Understand, I am no normalfag and none of the normalfag hangups about to attraction to certain arrangements of pixels affect me, thankfully. If I was horny for Ukyo /ss/ or Nabiki poop or Happosai or P-chan, I would accept it without batting an eye.

This character is literally the only fictional character who triggers whatever the fuck this complex is. Thinking this character is hot basically makes me feel like Ranma in this latest episode, sexually humiliated. Though in my case, it's because it feels like I have the most embarrassing, abominable, bottom-of-the-barrel misconception of attractiveness imaginable and I deserve to go down in the record books for "worst taste".

I guess I'm looking for an explanation. The best I can come up with is that I used to dislike this character, but I've long since changed my mind and even find him very relatable. Or maybe it's because he's not considered one of the top attractive characters by other people. Neither one seems to really explain it.

This post sounds ridiculous because my brain is ridiculous but I assure you I'm being honest. Just stupid and probably perverted on some level I can't comprehend.

You're probably wondering what character it is and I don't want to blueball you, but I am not shitting you when I say I chickened out of writing his name in this post, so here: it's P-chan's human form.
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Can't blame ya.
Wow, you really wrote all this shit out for the sake of a joke.
>a joke.
I wish. I momentarily hid the post above yours because I came down with embarrassment again. (But truthfully, thank you, >>273462258, appreciate the words of comfort.)
No no, really, it's genius, you force the recipient to read multiple paragraphs building yourself up to be a huge degenerate but then the punchline, literally the last fucking line in this giant wall of text, is something totally mundane and normal. Stellar.
If that's genuinely how you feel then you absolutely shouldn't feel bad, like I said it's a totally normal way to feel. I understand completely, he's hot
The fuck are you talking about? The kiss happened exactly like it did in the manga.
if you are the fujo it's normal to like ryoga, that's literally the few fujos in ranma like and stay for
I was expecting something much worse from the way you hyped it up. Think like Happosai or something lol

I don't think it's something to be ashamed of; he's a really popular character and I think a lot of people appreciate his more positive traits and how he actually develops across the story.

But I understand what you mean about how you can hate or dislike something and eventually come around to liking it. I don't know if I've felt this way about being attracted to someone before, but I've definitely had moments of hating certain people or pieces of media before slowly coming to realize I liked or at least respected them after all. I think sometimes certain things you reflexively dislike might hold up a mirror to something about yourself you don't appreciate or aren't prepared to confront yet, and that realizing this might change those initial emotions into something more positive once you've had more time to really think about it and sort them out. I'm not sure if that's the case with you, but you relating to this character now made me think of that.

Sorry if this isn't the reply you were expecting and maybe you're just joking anyway, but hey hope it helps. It's really not so weird since a huge portion of these threads are just thirsting over Ranma characters anyway
*literally the character
omission =/= censorship
this would seem to suggest that female crying is the equivalent of male fury in the rumiko's universe
>If that's genuinely how you feel
Yes it is, goddammit, at least give me some credit for spilling my most embarrassing guts where oh so sympathetic people like you can see them. I'm fully aware my brain is a joke but I managed to own up enough to confess on a public message board, so give me that. Don't you think I've been wondering myself how much of the shame is misguided over mundane shit and how much of it is justified?
>rest of spoiler
Ironically, the unspoilered part actually makes it easier for me to believe you actually mean that spoilered part. So, uh, thanks, I do feel better.
>I was expecting something much worse from the way you hyped it up. Think like Happosai or something lol

Hey, I already said in paragraph three that I'd be fine with me lusting for Happosai. Happosai doesn't do it for me personally, but I can see his potential as fap fuel. I guess that makes you less degenerate than me.

>But I understand what you mean about how you can hate or dislike something and eventually come around to liking it. I don't know if I've felt this way about being attracted to someone before, but I've definitely had moments of hating certain people or pieces of media before slowly coming to realize I liked or at least respected them after all. I think sometimes certain things you reflexively dislike might hold up a mirror to something about yourself you don't appreciate or aren't prepared to confront yet, and that realizing this might change those initial emotions into something more positive once you've had more time to really think about it and sort them out. I'm not sure if that's the case with you, but you relating to this character now made me think of that.

You mean that if I find myself repulsive (true), that may be the root of my shame at finding attraction in someone (even fictional) who displays some of the traits I find repulsive in myself? That seems like it could be the start of a viable explanation.

>Sorry if this isn't the reply you were expecting and maybe you're just joking anyway, but hey hope it helps. It's really not so weird since a huge portion of these threads are just thirsting over Ranma characters anyway
Uh well, when I write an unfiltered post vomiting my brain and two separate people suspect it's comedy, it's really not reassuring me that I don't have brain damage.
But yes, getting it off my chest and into the open and feedback from saner people does help, definitely. Thank you, anon, and I appreciate the long reply.
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Here, just fucking save this image.
OP here. I know he isn't considered ugly and is shipped with both Ranmas, but I thought it was more him being a convenient dick. He doesn't seem to have people here simp for him personally like Ranma, Shampoo, Akane, Ukyo or even Kuno do.
I simp for Ryoga. If I was Akane I would have given him a chance.
If anything Ranma got madder in the remake, the manga didn't have him literally on fire with rage.
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Upside down Ranma in Gym clothes.
For what it's worth, it's not that I thought the actual content of your post was weird enough to seem like trolling or anything. I just wondered before you started replying if maybe you were trying to bait weird responses from other anons.

I should have edited that part questioning if it was a joke out of my post once I saw you reply to the first anon, but just kept it in since I'd already taken long enough to reply.
>it's just benten
great character design
Anons, I'm trying to come up with some interesting teen characters for a hypothetical Ranma 1/2: The Next Generation fic, possibly crossing it over with Takahashi's other urban fantasy series like Urusei Yatsura and Inuyasha. Anyone interested in some brainstorming?

To do something a little different with this one, my base scenario is that Ranma didn't end up marrying Akane - thus alienating both the Tendos and his own parents - and instead hooked up with Shampoo. The two of them now live in a "hillbilly" esque cabin in the woods (albeit with things like stolen cable TV), raising livestock, training martial arts, and passing on Saotome Anything Goes to their ever-growing brood of kids. The protagonist of the fic is their eldest son, Rei Za ("Razor") Saotome, as he starts attending Kodenma High and gets into his own love dodecahedron.

Tentative character concepts...
>Son of Akane Tendo & Mousse (being near-blind and using love potions: not a smart plan), Razor's bitterest rival.
>Child of Ryoga and Azusa Shiratori (Mousse decided he was NOT going to put up with P-chan once he and Akane were married).
>Daughter of Ataru Moroboshi and Lum. One of fraternal decuplet sisters (Lum shouldn't have eaten those caramels of Ten's whilst she was pregnant!) Leaning towards basically being a female equivalent to her dad when he was a teen.
>Daughter of Ran and Rei. Spoiled sweet girly girl with a tomboy streak. Inherited her dad's monster shifting power (she becomes an ushi-oni; a cow-headed giant spider) and appetite, which she's ashamed of.
>Child of Ryuunosuke and Nagisa.
>Child of Shippo and Sōten, trying their best to pretend to be a normal human and not doing very well at it.

But, yeah, need to sit down and really hammer at this idea seed to make it workable...
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I'd just remake Ranma with less filler. Something like 24 episodes total with the last two being an after marriage epilogue.
Thanks for clarifying, anon.
For what it's worth, I don't think bait posts sound like me, since I can't remember reading any I could've related to, even ironically.
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No Ryoga is possibly the most loved male character in the show, even in Japanese fandoms, I'd wager he is even more liked than male Ranma.
ask the wapchan people for advice, they know rumic stuff
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Here is all of fanservice scene from Season 6.
Current about to watch Season 7 and I will be watching OVA after.

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The skater guy sexually assaulting Ranma is not funny.
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Captcha: KGAG
it's sexually arousing
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He's attractive so it's okay.
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season 6 is great
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I saved total of 12 and this was the 13th to make stitching image.
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And this was used for stitching.

I wish I were a big panda bear
Ranma certainly agreed.
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Anons, do you think this will be in next episode?
It's right after Skater's kiss to Ranma-chan.
Honestly, it looks cool. Pandas aren't even that big in real life. Rumiko didn't double check and hadn't seen them except on TV when she designed Genma.
maybe the panda who fell into the spring and drowned was just a tall, hefty boi.
god I hope, I'd like to see some Shambutt
No, that scene is from Shampoo's first episode when she returns to the series after getting cursed. It probably won't be until cour 2... then again, there's actually only one arc - the Neko-ken - between Shampoo's departure and return, so maybe it might get into this cour. Depends on how many episodes.
Psychoanalysis fag, in case you're still here, I think you really were onto something.

So I had an issue with the "mirror to yourself" - I have admired characters and even had a waifu with some of the same relatable-but-reflexively-dislikeable-in-me traits, but never felt the shame before. Then it came to me, those other characters were treated as antagonists, they had episodes of being mocked and shunned, and my waifu wound up in utter disgrace and literally begging. Maybe the in-story humiliations punished their too relatable traits, which opened the door to appreciate the character guilt-free.

I could be remembering wrong, but unlike those other characters, I don't think Ranma ½ canon lets Ryoga be genuinely destroyed very much. He fails and is the butt of the joke, but at the end of the day the other characters and the author treat him kindly and he's saved from becoming a shit-covered laughingstock. But if I let myself go back to hating this character and in my own mind shit on him for being a desperate simping imbecile (just like me!), I feel less ashamed about wanting to see his abs. (Look at me, I even managed to write his name!)

So I think you are probably right, and I'm just suffering from a deficit of you-know-who character bashing and humiliation porn.
i'm waiting for them to introduce best character
happosai is overrated, THIS is the most annoying character in the manga
he was trollface guy before it was even a 4chan meme
Honestly, if there's one recurring antagonist in the series I could get rid of, it'd be Gosunkugi. Happosai is at least an entertainingly despicable antagonist. Gosunkugi is just... boring and unimaginative.
Both the old and new anime did the kiss well, but the old anime went harder on the out of nowhere shock to Ranma (who got cut off midsentence by Mikado's lips) and the new anime made it a slower, more sexually charged predator snaring the prey (that dip and looming shadow, hot).
>Gosunkugi is just... boring and unimaginative.
Did you forget the tiger?
gosunkugi is just a shitty version of megane. like if you're gonna copy a character at least do it well
I'm not into that kind of fic but still wanted to thank you for doing your part to prevent fanfiction from becoming a uniform stew of 15-minute coffee shop fics written by AI.
Gosunkugi was hilarious. He acts like he can scheme like the rest of the cast, but instead he's just so obvious. It's a great gag.
Hardly anything special on Gosunkugi's part. Hell, Sasuke from the original anime could have set up that encounter with the tiger, and in fact he did. Outside of that one scene, Gosunkugi was just a generic pathetic nice guy wanna-be and stalker; people only remember him for his failed attempts at cursing Ranma, and he only does that two or three times in the manga.

Exactly! Hell, that's why I like Sasuke so much; Sasuke has a unique dynamic as Kuno's minion who is genuinely loyal to him, but who also tries to keep Kuno from falling victim to his own stupidity. He's a genuinely sympathetic little twerp in his own way, but at the same time, his loyalty to Kuno means you don't feel bad for him when Ranma beats his ass either.
>sexually assaulting Ranma
Imagine if
They kept the line because it leans more into mocking Ranma's masculinity.
I actually think they kept it because while he was obviously mocking Ranma, at least on the surface he wasn’t saying anything overtly ‘homophobic’.
While Nabiki was out-and-out stating that a kiss between two guys is not a real kiss.
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It should've been me!
Hope things are going well for you, anon. I'm glad my post might've been helpful
A lot of people love ryoga here
Because he's literally me.
How tf do you compress the entire story into 24 episodes or less? Even if you cut half of the manga that’s not happening

For example JJK, a much shorter and more condensed story, its anime is 47 episodes in, stopping currently at chapter 137. That’s effectively the halfway mark. Ranma’s got a little over 400 chapters. Even if you gut half of the manga just to make it to the Phoenix Mountain arc as quickly as possible you’re not getting 200 chapters worth of content in 24?episodes or less, you’re just not.

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