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ungood unpacing
I believe this chapter hold the record on the number of spreads UU has done in a single chapter, but I didn't bother to count the others

Apparently this is the last chapter of volume 26, so we possibly have at least a volume left. Seems like we haven't gotten any "Undead Unluck will end in X chapter" announcement in the actual magazine
Ok, that was good.
Soul eternally BTFO.

He probably wishes the manga had gotten axed even faster so the bit about him being absorbed by Sun was the last thing we'd see of him
I've been trying to figure out what kind of gamer Soul is for a while, and now I finally have my answer. He's DSP
Eat shit soul
Thanks for dumping
The only thing that can make it worse is if Negator UNSOUL shows up and personally delivers the killing blow
Rip says he's the only one who gets a menage a trois
shut the fuck up Soul you cheated 5 min ago with the time skip
It wasn't a bug, it was a feature
Twitter bonus?
>Bill facing the wrong way, again
>Gina smacking Sean with her severed stub
>Phil carrying Enjin and Kururu like sacks
haven't had a lot of good things to say about this series the last few chapters, but this one was really nice.
Confirmation the old Juiz is back, everyone gets to show up for a bit, victor's getting a happy end after all in a way that makes sense
only real complaint i have is that soul's actual ability as an UMA is still ambiguous, the only thing he's really done is shoot beams and control apocalypse somehow
>>Bill facing the wrong way, again
He's just giving a thumb up to Tatiana.He presumably got his sight back since Unfair now work on respect and if he didn't respect Andy before he certainly does after Remember was used, so he got a lesser Undead to fix his eyes.
rip, our madlad you did it
Mm, you right. Would be nice to get hard confirmation that Billy got Undead back though
wasnt this loops unfair tied to being envious of someones ability or did i somehow made this up?
>A whole other volume
Weird. What do they do with all that time? I think we'd only need like 1-2 chapters of epilogue, which would leave 7-8 chapters for this final fight?
Maybe we really are going to get some shit hits the fan type stuff with the other Sols arrive leading to everyone holding them back while Andy and Fuuko go do a 1v1 with Luna.

They don't have time for UNLUCK SEX though, unless they get real freaky and it turns out Luna's into that.
you mean dps?
Maybe it'll be like AssClass, there's only 3 or 4 chapter left and the rest of the volume are going to be extras.
prediction for how the series will end:
>the union can't finish god off without the artifacts
>fuuko's personalized unluck (remember she has that ability? she hasn't used it in like 150 chapters but it exists) summons the artifacts
>unruin appears and steal the artifact that can damage god
>remember made him realize god has been using him this whole time, turns on god
>unruin sacrifices himself to kill god
>as sun is dying, luna comes down and combines with his body, returning them to being one god
>one last big fight with the whole union, victor might sacrifice himself?
>after luna dies, the gang realizes their negator abilities are gone when sean blinks without going invisible
>one epilogue chapter at the most
>also turns out the heart artifact was literally the human heart, as in it was connections between people (the power of friendship) that allowed them to kill god, that's why they could never find it
Is Unruin gonna tell Fuuko
>Yeah... sorry
And then be forgiven for everything?
no big bang no buy
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This week's bonus.
>Fuuko: We're gonna have a color page next time!!
She's talking about this issue btw.
>F: What should I pose!! I think doing the finger gun again would be repetitive...
>Andy: Then how about taking off your gloves to show off something like "Bad luck is coming!!"? Remove the glove with your mouth too.
>F: I see!! I could try that!!
>A: Try making a more serious face.
>Chikara: Look over here!!
>F: Huh... Here goes!!
Where's the globe biting though
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The page in question.
At least in this loop the worst thing he did was blind Chikara.
Oh yeah, I'm dumb, I forgot about the cover
No, DSP. Finding a highlight reel of him is pretty easy
Yeah. My fault there. Should've said cover instead color. Got distracted by the actual color pages.
DSP is a youtuber who plays video games and complains a lot about how unfair they are (due to bugs or bad game designs) in order to deflect the fact that he's just bad at them

I never watched his stuff, I just hang out too much on /v/
>Entire union with the moon in the background
You're next, cunt
Unhealthy bros...
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Fuuko's ass looking rather plump here
>Stuck in wall
Why does Fuuko keep experimenting with self-targeting unluck?
>Feng can now fully stand on Kinto'un without sinking halfway through
>Still won't face the camera in the group photo

What a tsUNdere
oh no she's retarded
She will solo Luna inshallah
I predict the most soulless ending ever.
nah they won't kill Soul, just beat him up
Remember when Soul had an actual personality instead of being just another obstacle for the good guys to overcome?
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Thank you for dumping.
His rule is already baked in reality. They don't need him to live
YES! I was worried Victor would be gone forever
To be fair if this was not rushed as fuck those chapters would be pretty epic. I dont know what is it with Jump and fucking up series they allowed to go in their own pace for such a long time. Could've as well let author finish, its not like journal is full of new blockbusters.
Unriun might get his flashback but it would be almost out of place. Guess it would be tied to whole Sol/Luna reveal (remember its obvious for the reader but didnt happen in the story yet.)
Imagine the threesomes
This is someone's fetish
Time to kill God.
Fuuko and Juiz are so lucky...
Soul being a salty gamer NEET the moment his friendly mask slips off is really funny.
Sean and Chikara my himbo beloveds.
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Holy shit Rip finally did something.
Soulbros, our status? W-We can still win, right?
Thanks for the dump. Also I think the chapter with the most spreads was the Undead vs Undead one.
Thanks OP. Watching Soul seethe has been great.
I was promised SEX on chapter 1 and by god I'll see them get some or go to japan and do it myself
...and Kururu... and Rip.
Hey now, Rip pulled his weight this chapter
I guess it's just me but these scenes in UU always fall flat for me.
Get off the internet, Gina
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>Everyone is here!
Where is my boy Unruin? Poor guy has been in orbit for monthes now
And L*tla
Stop whining, it got axed so theyre doing what they can.
>initially searched for Rip as a way to die
>here at the end they need him to help the 2 Undeads live

I dont know if it was intentional but thats a nice way to circle that around
Soul's personality is that of a control freak. He acted all cool when things felt into control, and now that nothing is going his way, he's just constantly seething.
In fairness I don't think he ever had that much personality
To be honest now that I'm thinking about it he was kind of always a jobber once we saw Andy stalemate him while rolling over the other 9. Maybe in a better timeline he could have been cooler but it is what it is
>there were people a few weeks ago that legitimately thought the series wasn't rushing to its end
>>there were people a few weeks ago that legitimately thought the series wasn't rushing to its end
Define "Rushing". Assuming the "Rushing" starting point was "Speedrun. that was 10 chapters ago, and counting.
You might not agree with it, but an all out battle is better than a padded "King of the Hill" like they did with Sukuna in JJK
Why is Soul still here? At this point he's just undermining Sun as the final villain.
A few weeks ago people were expecting the manga in 2-3 chapters, turn out we got closer to 20. It's a win in my book given where we started
I'm more wondering if seal will show up
He got bodied by indirect use of the soul by Unhealthy of all people, no way he can do anything now
Soul still isn't phase 3 btw
He'll turn things around for mommy, you'll see
Victor went from being a mystery to just a dude.
Remember people calling him Victhor in the beginning because he was maybe gonna be part of God or something? Yeah that didn't really shake out in the end
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>Remember people calling him Victhor in the beginning because he was maybe gonna be part of God or something?
I mean he deny that the very next panel
Yeah but that must have come from somewhere, but that entire plot point was kinda dropped immediately and never came back
Ok ok thats clever
Early chapters of manga tend to be weird like that
Thank you for posting.

I assume that was just him being alive for so long that people made myths around him
I think the idea is he was the inspiration for Thor, but yeah it was never followed up on.
Ultimate mega cope
This is just a fake Ragnarok and it's just Soul getting beaten
Did it actually get cancelled or are people just doomposting?
People thought it was cancelled last time we had a "final fight" too. They've said "final loop" a lot though so people are a bit 50/50 on there being another reset or not
I feel like the next volume will be the next. Even for UU these past few chapters have felt way too rushed with all of the master rules getting defeated in like two pages each. I'm just glad it lasted long enough to reach an ending, even if it's a somewhat rushed one.
File deleted.
pic related is what reading the manga as it comes out is like
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is her hat meant to look like a go/othello piece?
It was without a shadow of a doubt forced to rush its final arc
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>Yusai is the Baiken expy
>Gina is the one that ends without one arm and eye
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Rip is the entire reason Soul is eating shit this chapter tho
We saw hints of Soul's real nature the instant Fuuko first met him and he immediately dropped the pleasantries to threaten her murder. He's always been like this - he just hid it well since he was assured he and the Master Rules were going to win this last loop. Now that his entire plan has gone to shit at the very end of the game, he's just stuck in a neverending state of gamer rage.
It was pretty clear he was actually like this when he told the other rules right away that none of them could even hope to scratch him so they had better calm down. He's under pressure, he's already on the endgame final boss he had no plan for because Luna messed up with them (Soul goes to Luna and asks why she isn't giving them a fighting chance at all)
Beloved granny
>Chikara taking the picture
AssClass had a whole final volume that was like 1 or 2 chapters and the rest were extras/side stories. I’m for some bonus content to make up for the rushed ending.
You made this up, his Unfair now activates when he respects someone. Last loop it activated if someone perceived him as a threat.
He needs to be older first.
>i’m sick..
>silly guy. You are not Sick, you are Soul
For a bad joke like this one i would deserve the ragnarok
>necrosex scene
>luna is smiling behind their back
Artfag! I beg you,make an edit of this with the last page of snk’s chapter 138!
The only good way for that shitty chapter to be redeemed
It might not have been outright axed but he definitely was told to hurry the fuck up. Everything post Ruin feels insanely rushed and all the master rules got taken out unceremoniously in like one panel.
Foursome anon.
I can't tell what happens in most of the fights.
Lucky Julia...
I'm happy they both got their love happy ending even if Juiz's sudden importance to the plot was weird.
I hope we get a whole other conflict starting once this one is resolved. I don't think the whole Sun or Moon thing need to be the end.
ah right right, thanks anon
So, is Julia still considered a child or is she now fair game for victor?
Honestly the author could also easily pull a lot of 'Post-Loop' stories and threats, especially by bullshitting stuff outside of Sun and Moon once those two are defeated.
Not hard to say 'Yeah, now that they're gone, you have a lot of threats that they kept at bay trying to take over their turf'.
Nah, it has run its course.
It would be extremely funny, I admit it
I don't think it's axed, I just think the author doesn't care much for that part of the plotline anymore.
>Sir, we are under attack by planet fucking jupiter

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