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It's fight night this week on Strike it Rich
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Oshi no ko would have been better if Sara was the MC
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Fuck off Sandro, not everyone can be strong.
Sex with Yuzuha
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Why do they wear gloves
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Unlike Kengan, killing isn't allowed in these fights. So they have better safety.
Was she always this fit? Is this the first time seeing it without the stupid hoodie.
So he didn't train them? Then why the fuck does Hina has unfathomable levels of grappling and evasion skills.
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You've seen her butt naked before, anon
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is the ref related to our MC
Was Riku always this much of an analytic in her initial fight? Feels it was added post the first arc to differentiate her from her sister.
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When was the last time reach mattered in Kengan
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I mean by most humans they are.
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Hey neat an ankle pick
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And that's that. That says "Cutie Roll" if you can't tell from the text. We might have ourselves a real fight here everybody, until next time.
I hate the Tenma Style I hate the Tenma Style I hate the Tenma Style
thanks for the dump
ourgirl will cut all the ankles
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Thank ya OP! Fight is off to a very good start, and it's great seeing Riko and Yuzuha again after so long.
>already with the "Whoa she's strong!!"
>We might have ourselves a real fight
Nozomi Wins!
I wish I could get into this but I really can't. Seeing the nobodies fight would at least be interesting, means nothing to the narrative but the narrative is getting more what you'd expect as time goes on anyway.
I hate how they keep saying that the jobbers who get like 3 panels of screentime are actually really super strong.
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Bonus page
Wait so it's a Hana move? Where did she learn it, she went to the gym for like a freaking year
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This move looks retarded
hana the grappler is the real mvp of the series
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I once read a theory that gloves actually make fighting more dangerous. The idea is that if you really punch someone full-force, you'll probably end up breaking your hand. In order to prevent that, bare-knuckle punches subconsciously limit the power of the punch.

But when your hand is protected by a glove, those subconscious limiters are removed. So you unknowingly punch harder when gloved, and in fact punch so much harder that, even with the glove dulling the impact, you actually deal more damage when gloved.
All the girls in this manga are too cute. I don't want any of them to lose.
Wait I don't remember this.
She was pregnant?
My wife referee-chan
Yes, by me.
>This character who has done nothing but lose...IS LE STRONG!
>You were awesome, random jobber #46503956
Sandrovich is a fucking hack.
It's not a theory, but an objective fact. Your hand is built to be agile and precise, we had to trade some durability for that. Boxing gloves, for example, combined with wrapping hands to stabilize bones, will make em less likely to break.
Yep! She gave birth to triplets last week!
I'm not a footfag, so I wouldn't know, but: Do you guys consider this sort of shot erotic?
Fighting gloves are intended to allow the wearer to hit harder, yes. Despite what karate people will tell you the human hand isn't actually designed to punch stuff at all, it's filled with tiny fragile bones
What's an Imanari roll?
Congrats, Sarafags
Your waifu is into gangrapes
Since deciding the best way to hype up the fight was to make Natsumi another sadism loving gurner I couldn't care less. Next fight is gonna be expodump shite with a foregone conclussion too. Anyone else remember the early days when people said Sandro would really put effort in this time around?
Is it really rape when she wants It?
>posting an image during a dump
without gloves a fistfight is a clash of bones against bones with lots of cuts and internal bleeding
With gloves it becomes a contest of who'll rock the other's brain and guts the hardest
Obviously brain and organ injuries are much more dangerous than cuts and broken bones so it becomes deadlier in the long run
yeah i'd ask her out on a date
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!! I kinda liked Sara. It's nice to see her winning for once
I like the confidence
>Obviously brain and organ injuries are much more dangerous than cuts and broken bones so it becomes deadlier in the long run
Hence, the reason why certain celebs and athletes advocate for a complete ban of boxing gloves. Or to switch for lighter gloves to protect from cuts.
Simply put, you roll backwards, hook the opponent's ankle with your arm and lock your own legs around their thigh for a kneebar attempt.
It's a rare technique to witness, the but guy it was named after made a name for himself using it (he's still an active fighter).
>Massively huge woman
>171 cm
He trained Nozomi. There's several chapters displaying that.
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So did Hana come up with the nickname? Is Nozomi's Style full of moves like "Cutie Roll", "Princess Punch" and "Love-Love Arm Lock"?
>Don't worry; I'll protect my eye.
>First exchange in the fight is an immediate jab to her eye
>mary sue style: pull bullshit out of your ass
I think the MCs of Kengan and Strike SUCK
How is it possible that this fight had more hype than the long awaited rematch of Kanoh and Gaolang?
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Amazing... All girls are hot.
It doesn't. It has better art and that's about it.
>Cute girls
>Good art
>Only sandroschizos read Omega at this point
>People outside of the Omega cult read SIR
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>"Love-Love Arm Lock"
Maybe she weightlifts at Love-Love Gym?
Mitani and Riko go to Silverman Gym, after all. Ichiki probably goes to King-of-Monsters Gym.
Remember their first appearance
They were so different back then
It's named after a famous MMA fighter who used to perform it during his fights.
Agi vs Gao p2 was probably the worst fight in Kengan ever. Not a single part of it was even decent.
Thank you for dumping as always.
Poor quicksand keeps getting used to hype other fighters.
With her in the middle of a kick and in an unstable stance, that should be an immediate heel hook.
I love these two dorks
Thanks anon
Even Cosmo's teacher is fed up after having listened to that phrase over and over.
...This gets you guys erect?
no, this does >>273440641
>>273439813 just gives me a slight chub
More than that, it unleashes my primal desire. Sena Riko is for rape and competitive SEX
>that body type
yeah no lol, lmao even
somewhere, there is an armpitfag slobbering over those pits...
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Yes. I would have endless babymaking sessions with Riko.
>Tenma styke

Great, now everyone has an style named afther them
It's extremely high risk high reward, it gets you into a very strong attack without having to take the other guy down but if you get intercepted on the way in it's devastating to you and if your heelhook fails you're on the floor in a bad position with your opponent right over you.

Nozomi's been established as a grappler and this is a real life technique.
Strike it rich mogs Kengan so hard it's not even funny
I actually stop to appreciate the art instead of taking a screenshot of it to laugh at later
are they fuckin?
Turning Nozomi into another walking beefcake just feels like such a bizarre choice. It works for my wife Riku and her sister, but not for Nozomi.
I don't think butt cheeks work like that.
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Not so much... but pic related is erotic
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I need art of Nozomi doing the Vince McMahon walk into the ring, STAT!
She trained at his gym, but they weren't super close or anything. He's not like a hardcore mentor for her.
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jesus, will Tenma's embarrassing stage and move names become a running gag?
Yes but why the fuck is Hina so strong, shit apparently this roll nonsense is Hina's technique.
No, she is a striker, Hina is the grappler, she only uses grappling early on to avoid hits to her eyes.

Hell, the extra page shows Hina is probably teaching her the roll.
Love the weekly pacing on a biweekly manga.
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I mean something different than Kureishi's Dojo.
I mean a weightlifting gym.
Danberu has at least 3 established gym in "competition" with each other: Silverman Gym, King-of-Monsters Gym, and Love Love Gym. There's also a public Tokyo city gym as well.
The most rational "Sandroverse" explanation to Hina's powerlevel is that she's a sort of Gu Ritual child, like Kanoh Agito.
Oh she's perfect
Welcome back Natsuo Ishidō
Hana, not Hina. And it's very specifically "Tenma-style." Hana could have just named it.
Sandro should be banned from writing combat commentary that's anything less complicated than "This is the technical breakdown"
I do!
Mio my beloved jobber...
Do you mean Hana? Hina is the star child main character girl.
It's apparently a real technique going by what others have said, Hana just calls it 'Cutie roll' instead of 'Imanari roll', but going by Nozumi's reaction I'm pretty sure the joke is there's no difference.
Already a better MC than Koga
Nips can't into height and weight, please understand
Heterosexuality? In my homoerotic kengan fighter!?
Riku looks cuter all of the sudden
I think Crusher Pegasus is a cool epithet actually
Kureishi looks funny here
>opponent is portrayed as "evil"
>nozomi is making a comeback
there's no hype if we now 100% who's going get rolled
As long as there's a push and pull then there can be hype. You can't tell me you've never been hyped to see Heroes fighting Villains before.
I do like it, I'm just not trusting sandro to make it an even fight.
The fights would have way more stakes if the losers had to be impregnated
reincarnation coliseum if it was good
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wtf for a splitsecond I saw a chudjak behind this speech bubble lmao
Also you get 3-hour bare-knuckle fights that no one wants to watch, so it brings in no money.
Exactly. Morisaki was actually kind of interesting for all of 5 seconds until Sandro revealed she was an antagonist, then within the space of a single chapter she started tripping all the usual jobber flags the man has at once, signalling that you of course aren't supposed to like her more than Nozomi.
Meh. The favouritism is too fucking obvious and we all know Sandro won't leave lasting consequences for her. It's honestly a hype vacuum, zero investment.
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I don't remember Miko being this buffed
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Sandro’s such a jerk
>Cuts to Kureishi not even reacting because he knows "It's fine."
>We might have ourselves a real fight here everybody
LOL LMAO no we're getting a neg diff and that's final
We know Nozomi stopped underground fighting because she was having boring grappling matches and when she fought Hina seriously she went for a leglock as with here.

If she's not primarily a grappler she still knows her stuff.
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>LOL LMAO no we're getting a neg diff and that's final
Trust the fucking plan.
m-maybe the reason why The Champion Tournament in Omega sucked so hard was because Sandro was putting in all his effort to make Nozomi's fight really good, right?
Thank you for posting.
It reminds me of a Beyblade lol
Riku's THE cutest.
Worms soon
I miss Ohma
Sounds like a Saint Seiya name
How can I get a body like that?
Unfortunately, nothing short of hardcore shit does anything for me anymore
I'm sorry one of my top wheyfu lost her first match.
I genuinely wish Shen was a star child
Nozomi should pull out some Takemiya shit
I threw the grenade
I like to see people suffer
I am still green
The more I read Baki, the more I realize Baki is worse than Gon in terms of how unstable he is
what is this from?
if you can't trust wich, trust maam and the fact that these fights look a hell of a lot better than anything from Kengan in the last 2 years. at the very least it'll be a genuinely pleasant fight to look at, low stakes or not. plus these are 2 fighters who can hold their own against a star child, to varying degrees.
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wtf my jobber wife won
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Bless big girl
Who's going to join the Kenganvengers?
She'll job to a small DEX girl and you'll like it
Why is Sandro like this
That's Japanese writing for you. Sandro would probably protect his precious Kengan... Valkyrievengers, sorry.
Silly anon
Koga stopped being MC long ago
It has always been about Ouma
Her debut fight with Lee I thought was pretty good despite her loss though
She didn't truly job. It's like a reverse Waka vs Fei, she lost but she was dominating.
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We've seen her without hoodie several times now
I don't
Ohma ruined Omega
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>find a sena riko tag on r34
>ai-generated hyper futa shit
>poorly drawn foot fetish shit
>something I suspect is ai-generated but isn't tagged as ai-generated but is also poorly drawn yuri between sena and hina
Is Dex the most important stats in fighting?
I can’t imagine any instance where rolling on your head would be a viable fighting move
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Riko is natty.
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No\name (mind the backslash)
>something I suspect is ai-generated but isn't tagged as ai-generated but is also poorly drawn yuri between sena and hina
All hands and feet are right except Riko's left hand lacking a finger. He's probably imitating the horde of photoshop smut artists that feeded the AIs.
It can work >>273465326

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