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>yuri can only be popular if it's implied
Do you still believe this falsehood?
No one believed that anymore after Yuru Yuri and Madoka
Name one (1)
Don't tell me, tell the retards who eat up garbage that will never commit like Lycoris Recoil.
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Yuri is best when its Christmas
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The alternate universe version of the series in OP is on its 7th reprint.
They keep pushing it in their other magazines too. Anime announcement next year.
Yuri is only good when it is ecchi.
yuri series are more popular when they opt for platonic friendship yuri, like madoka and symphogear. They would still be popular if they were lesbo-yuri but most series choose to maximize revenue
Not even Yabuki made it work
Gender bending isn't yuri.
Only bait is popular
The fact that this thread and /u/ being so dead proves your lie
True for Yuru Yuri.
Madoka isn't yuri.
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>the fact that this thread and /u/ being so dead proves your lie
Compared to other anime porn boards (including ones like /c/), /u/ is in third place behind /h/ and /d/.
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No. Here's the only yuri that managed to be as financially successful as battle shounen anime.
It's more so I feel the case that plot-based titles more often opt for that kind of stuff, or rather in reverse, that they more often have a big heavy plot to back it up because this close, pseudoromantic friendship thing just doesn't work without a further background plot.
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Yuru Yuri was successful.
Wait a second... could it be that...maybe people actually like watching naked girls making out with each other?
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You'll get to test your theory next year when Watanare comes out.
Ah just proving its dead.
Heterosexual anime porn sells at least 10 times as much as yuri. The fact that yuri only has about 3-4 times less discussion shows that it's disproportionally popular on 4chan compared to everywhere else.
I will only entertain Yuri during Christmas
When is the fucking scissoring?
They'd get pregnant, anon.
Subtletly and not being "on-your-face" is the perk for thinking men, that's why /a/ watch LycoReco while lesbian tranny on /co/mblr watch Arcane instead.
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Just wait for season 2.
>Hetcucks believe a series that has a love declaration and other which ends with a love confession are platonic friendship
No surprise shonen all became platonic friendship.
explicit gayness is still seen as icky so yuribait will always have more mass appeal because there's plausible deniability for the faggyness. actual yuri is sectioned off into it's own genre and relegated to niche status
More like
>Yuri doesn't sell so we don't make high production high marketing budget yuri anime
>Yuri doesn't get high productions high marketing budget anime so it doesn't sell
Meanwhile the so called "yuribait' does.
Azul fucking lost.
Most yuri having high production/marketting would only make it sell marginally better. The Yuru Yuri anime came out in 2011 with even less marketing (DogaKobo was still a no-name studio at the time) and in a far more competitive environment, yet became a hit whereas every other YH anime has failed to reach that level.

It's the content that makes yuri unpopular.
The thing is, since there are no high production high budget yuri anime you can't even back this argument, viral successes in fact exist, but even stuff like Bocchi had a marketing budget bigger than most everything and it's no coincidence it was so successful, it exists to potentiate what is already there, without it even shonen jump stuff would struggle.
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But there are examples of low-production/budget yuri anime being successful, even recently. See: MahoAko.

>Bocchi had a marketing budget bigger than most everything
By the time Bocchi aired in October of 2022, it had 34k followers on twitter and when Stardust Telepath aired a year later, it had 25k followers in contrast. And we can see that the biggest jump occurs between Janurary/December (near the end). BTR wasn't that much more popular than ST to begin with; it became popular because the content of girls in music bands is infinitely more popular than model rocket building and yuri.
Bocchi's rose to fame isn't that special when you considered that it was an Aniplex produce show, helmed at Cloverworks directed by industry current golden boy. The show is good and well directed, don't get me wrong, but I'm inclined to believed that an Aniplex produce show at Cloveworks was supposed to be this hidden gem of the season.
>Bocchi had a marketing budget bigger than most everything
Nigger, you must be joking right? Being an adaptation of 4koma manga from Kirara, Bocchi didn't had any hype in the beggining of the season and its initial popularity is only among the CGDCT crodws, even Aniplex didn't have any faith on it to become popular and they'd prefer to promoting Chainsaw Man that was airing the same season back then. That's it until Bocchi's popularity suddenly exploded from word of mouth in the middle of the season.
Lots of Aniplex works don't do that well. The fact that Kirara hasn't annouced a second season yet despite it's overwhelming success is more evidence that they weren't expecting it to do as well as it did.

>this hidden gem of the season.
Most other otaku don't even know what Kirara is.
Anons, Bocchi was produced by the biggest producer with one of the current most popular anime studios, meanwhile Stardust Telepath had a deal with DMM and it was the only place it aired, it didn't get a lot of viewers but made a lot more money due to the exclusivity deal. While it's true Mahoako did a lot better than expected, it's still a niche title that could have done a lot better if it had better production values and marketing.

They definitely didn't expect a explosive success, which is very different to say they didn't expect it to do well, far above everything else and in line with the money invested on it, most kirara titles don't get close to what Bocchi got.
Only if you believe it should be the Bosom Friends-kind of holding hands and hugging only, and openly kissing on-screen is too liberal.
And the reason Kirara went with an exclusivity deal was because they knew it wasn't going to get many sales in the first place. RPG Fudosan aired a few months before Bocchi and was animated by GodaKobo and nobody cared. Throwing money at marketing only gets people to buy something if people think the content is good. Which is why no one bought the Chainsaw Man BDs and it only had a marginal impact on manga sales despite Aniplex throwing tons of money at it.

It's the same for yuri series. More money would have made MahoAko sell more, yes, but the fact that it sold so much without any marketing shows that the greater contributor to success is the content.
Behind the screen staffs name don't translate to hype or initial popularity, promotion and marketing do.
Just be honest anon, did you even heard about any hype for Bocchi over Chensoman before the season even began back then? Do you even try to look up the names behind Bocchi anime before you dismiss it as another generic CGDCT show? No? You just started to look them up in the middle of the season to reasoning its memetic popularity later? Yeah, that's what I thought.
>And the reason Kirara went with an exclusivity deal was because they knew it wasn't going to get many sales in the first place.
Sure, but it also wasn't going to have the same marketing budget as bocchi did, so it did not have the same expectations.
>RPG Fudosan aired a few months before Bocchi and was animated by GodaKobo and nobody cared.
Sorry anon, I love the studio, but looking objectivelly oshit no ko was their first big project.
>Throwing money at marketing only gets people to buy something if people think the content is good.
Correct, though arguably the job of marketing it to sell the idea it will be good to begin with, people don't know what it good or bad before they see it.
>Which is why no one bought the Chainsaw Man BDs and it only had a marginal impact on manga sales despite Aniplex throwing tons of money at it.
Sorry anon but you are making some jumps here, the BD market is a very niche market, LL used to sell around 20k BDs and this number is very close to zero, it's what a low selling manga series sells, CSM is a very successful product, the studio was just dumb for dismissing a production comitee and banked all the costs, meanwhile shueshia which owns the manga and merchandise profited from it.

>It's the same for yuri series. More money would have made MahoAko sell more, yes, but the fact that it sold so much without any marketing shows that the greater contributor to success is the content.
I think you are making a false equivalency here, like I said marketing exists to bring something to it's full potential, Mahoako's sucess is like a drop in the ocean in comparison to something like Jujutsu Kaisen and that series would never had gone close to what it became without marketing.

I participated in the kirara threads so yes, but this is besides the point since the marketing really started strong when the anime was going to air, as it should be.
Not that anon, but for this kind of series, being picked up by Aniplex with Cloverworks/A-1 pictures was already a big deal, atleast for it's core fanbase. Cause at the very least, you can guarantee a consistent and stability thru out it's run.
>promotion and marketing do.
Funny when you say this considering Aniplex bread and butter is their sheer amount of marketing and hype capabilities they can generate.
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But it necessarily means romantically feelings, be it by lesbians, bisexuals or asexuals.
The BDs are just one unit of measurement success that we have the exact data on. Relative to how the series was doing before the anime was announced, the BTR anime was more successful in raising manga sales (percentage wise) than CSM.

>it's full potential
And the difference is I think most yuri series have abysmally low full potential regardless of how much money is spent on the production or marketting. People have already made up their mind that most yuri is bad.
Cause non of the big producers like Aniplex, TOHO etc. have touch or made a yuri since their inception. If Rainy Moon handed to a well know director, studio, production, people are going to fellate it to no ends. Though desu yuri as a genre is still relatively young compare to bl or atleast the bl/yaoi-bait exposure who has a significant footing in the industry in 70s
>none of the big producers like Aniplex, TOHO, etc. have touched or made a yuri since their inception
No one is ignoring yuri because no big name studio has ever made a yuri series. The average otaku or even casual anime/manga viewer who would read lesbian fiction knows what yuri is. The problem is that when those people think of yuri, they imagine something very similar to the most popular yuri works around Yuru Yuri or Citrus. And if they're not into either of those, they won't go out of their way to pick up yuri series that they think are similar.

>if Rainy Moon handed to a well know director, studio, production, people are going to fellate it to no ends
Even if it got all those things, it's unlikely to be popular. Even if it does become popular, I'm sure it will be from all the people who will deny that it's yuri (just like the non-yuri fans of MahoAko try to do).
> Relative to how the series was doing before the anime was announced, the BTR anime was more successful in raising manga sales (percentage wise) than CSM
Pointless metric, the industries works in absolute numbers and the more you have sold the closer you are of reaching your limit, CSM also was selling far more than Bocchi before, because after all it's published on a magazine with probably 50 to 100 times the circulations numbers of a kirara series which also includes shueshia marketing budget for those series.

>And the difference is I think most yuri series have abysmally low full potential regardless of how much money is spent on the production or marketting.
Maybe they do and you are right, but we just have no actual argument for this.
>People have already made up their mind that most yuri is bad.
Same, maybe you are right, but until we see it, it's basically circular logic, it doesn't sell because it's (perceived as) bad, it's bad because it doesn't sell.
The only yuri I've read is How Do We Relationship and I like it so far. It definitely isn't implied there. It is just about lesbians.
Like 99% of yuri isn't implied.
No industry completely works in absolute numbers; they work on profitably.

>it's bad because it doesn't sell.
People don't think yuri is bad because it doesn't sell. They think yuri is bad because they think its either all boring CGDCTs or retarded dramafests, which causes them to not be interested in them.
>No industry completely works in absolute numbers; they work on profitably.
Correct, but in the end of the day they still have to make money and that money only exists in an absolute manner, this is why your bocchi comparison is pointless, they can see how much money both franchises made and how bocchi's growth is not implying the franchise has more potential than CSM.

>People don't think yuri is bad because it doesn't sell.
Doesn't sell, it's not popular and whatever how you want to frame it, it's the same thing.

>They think yuri is bad because they think its either all boring CGDCTs or retarded dramafests, which causes them to not be interested in them.
This is just speculation, I would argue most people don't even know what the word yuri means.
Is this why yurifags would rather push lesbian shipping in any popular show instead of watching actual yuri series?
The BTR anime doesn't have more potential to be popular than CSM. It's just more profitable, which means it's a better investment for a company's money.

>I would argue most people don't even know what the word yuri means.
Even if this were true and people didn't know the exact definition of yuri or its assiocation with the flower, they know what lesbian romance is, and they have a (negative) perception of what it is like it in their minds.
>The BTR anime doesn't have more potential to be popular than CSM. It's just more profitable, which means it's a better investment for a company's money.
Yes, because the main product is music, not that CSM didn't try to sell music, it just wasn't the best environment for it.

>Even if this were true and people didn't know the exact definition of yuri or its assiocation with the flower, they know what lesbian romance is, and they have a (negative) perception of what it is like it in their minds.
Maybe they do, maybe they don't, in the end of the day it's marketing job to try to change this perception, however as we have pointed out, no one ever tried so far.
>it's marketing job to try to change this perception
Marketing in the form of advertisements can only do so much to change perceptions. And changing that perception is useless if they pick up the series and drop it anyway because it's not want they want. The actual content needs to change the audience's perception as well.
Sure anon what basically you are saying is that in the end it doesn't matter if the product is bad or just inherently has no appeal to the audience, but ultimately we can only know in one way
Even if your work is objectivity good, it doesn't matter if your potential audience thinks it's bad or not worth their time. And what I'm suggesting is far more likely to make a work more popular than appealing to fans of directors/studios which only a small sliver of the most hardcore of otaku care enough about to impact their decisions.
While i doubt it was much prelevant in Japan than in the west back then, westeners literally coined a romaji term known "shoujo-ai" to differentiate yuri. there's no helping it.
Like I said, at this point it's pure speculation about what people would watch or not and why, if the industry knew those questions we only would have successful works, a lot come into play. All I can say is that our discussion probably was done 15 or 20 years ago about the yuri manga industry if it would ever be more than it was.

It was inexistent as shoujo ai means something completely unrelated to yuri and they never made this nonsensical difference, the reason why the term died on the west is because popular yuri scanlations sites back in the day like dynasty were tagging pretty much half of the stuff as shoujo ai and 90% of it were just slow burn romances, meanwhile people were not reading shoujo ai because they thought it would go nowhere.
>if the industry knew those questions we only would have successful works
You believe that marketing is the major factor that decides if something will succeed and then say that advertisers don't know what they are doing?
It's a business, there is a risk factor involved after all, they are also not inside a bubble, they have competition too, advertisers mostly follow standard procedure, commercials, ads, outdoors, seyuus and so on.
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Is this
>they have competition too
Considering that infinie and Ichijinsha haven't had another yuru yuri/citrus type success in over ten years, I don't know if they are the best role model to follow for advertising yuri works.
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Corrected my mistake.
Competence aside they don't even have the money.
They had even less money when Yuru Yuri and Citrus came out.
Kodansha. even their flagship and best seller don't got a high quality adaptation compare to Shueisha. It's no surprised when their best looking show or atleast stable came from Kadokawa funding it(Yuru yuri and Wataten). YH as a magazine is in a much better position compare to being known a the Yryr magazine or the days when Saburouta was forced to do monthly schedule just to meet the demand.
They're just friends.
Satsukibros... Our response...?
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I like it when cute girls are with other cute girls, but I'm not interested in lesbian drama(unless it's batshit crazy like Happy Sugar Life or Kitakawa).
Based Tsurezure Biyori enjoyer.
Is Satsuki going to dethrone Tamao as the biggest yuri cuck of all time? Even her consolation prize doesn't like her.
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Satsuki will steal Renako when no one is looking.
>asked to be 3rd gf
>got denied by a girl that literally can't say no
What went wrong?
Satsuki belong to Hanatori, heck even her mom.
Yuri is never implied.
I don't mind light friction or drama if it's between two main characters and them only as a vehicle of growth into something beautiful. If it's drama derived from the the setting or the world like pedestal beatboxing, societal acceptance or third partying/third wheeling then it's hot garbage that belongs to a trash bin. I have to tolerate enough corporate drama and deal with retarded customers at work so I just want to restore health and sanity points.
>Explicitt gayness is seen as icky
China's favorite manga / novel is a gay romance starring two boys. This cope doesn't work anymore
Can someone explain to me where the "implied yuri" meme comes from? I don’t think Japanese anime fans have such a concept, it’s literally only in the west.
This literally never happens. Every time yurifags talk about "implied yuri" it’s to spout garbage they made up. Whenever there’s a gay couple in something it’s always extremely obvious and explicit about it.
China is even more alt-right than /a/, they don't support homoerotism and have banned manga before
I don't think a yuri manga with two gay boys front and center will make it very far.

It comes from a board full of SoL watchers that don't explore the genre any further and think it hasn't progressed past decade old Kirara cliches while being unable to rationalize there might be a great variety of other manga out there due to their terminal fear of drama or serious romance.
>SoL watchers
It doesn’t only happen with SoL. Madoka isn’t SoL and it gets shat up by yuri trannies a lot too.
Why is she so pathetic...
she's just like me!

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