Anya will find out what are those sounds that mom and dad make when she is sleeping.
she regularly reads other peoples minds and men think about sex all the time
>>273461459>Anya walking down a busy street>all the men are going SEXOOOOOO inside their heads
>>273461147>mom and dadSo, snoring?
>>273462383Very loud snoring. They should probably get checked for sleep apnea.
>>273461459I dont, I also think about food
>>273462931im sorry about your impotence
>>273463261Im sorry about your anorectic sex addiction
>>273462931Yeah, it's more like 80% sex 20% food
>>273461459As a later chapter illustrates, she doesn't comprehend people thinking about sex and just perceives it as wingdings and blurry shapes. You would know this if you read the manga, you filthy secondary.
>>273464202yeah ofc its excused like that because the publisher doesnt want a kid character be seein visions of endless womens anuses being penetrated each day
Anya will be a very hormonal teenager
>>273464247They only do it in the butt in Ostania?
>>273461459Woman spotted. Show tits
>>273461147They’re just holding each other naked and farting.You’ll understand when you’re older, Anya.
>>273464728Anya can't wait, Anya knows that farting doesn't make their bed creak as they make those sounds so so she will learn the truth behind them
>>273461147based. keep us posted
>>273461459Also the Roman Empire